Golf Babe

Golf Galaxy employee excited for PGA Tour debut | Golf Today | Golf Channel

Golf Galaxy employee Nick Bienz chats with the Golf Today crew ahead of his first PGA Tour event after qualifying for the Rocket Mortgage Classic.#GolfChannel #pgatour #nickbienz

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Golf Galaxy employee excited for PGA Tour debut | Golf Today | Golf Channel

us now out there in Detroit and uh Nick obvious first question I mean it’s been a whirlwind what have the last few days been like for you it’s been unlike anything I can even imagine if you would have told me everything that’s happened in the last 25ish hours I never would have believed you um going from just a normal guy working at at at a golf store trying to play as much golf as I can on the side to turning into what it has I mean I’ve had guys that play on the toour consistently come up to me on the Range and say hey we were glued to our phones during the during the playoff in the caddy lounge and and that’s just so cool to see um and that’ll never get old and it’s something that I hope I hope I can take with me forever you mentioned you normally work in a golf store ni what does a typical week look like for you because this clearly is not your typical week no definitely not um typical week for me is I’m usually there in the summer anywhere from 2 3 or four days a week um this time of year when I start doing like Monday qualifiers I have to pre-qualify um so usually I would work basically Monday tues or Tuesday Wednesday Thursday try to pre-qualify Friday go back to work Saturday and then go for a practice round Sunday and then do the Monday qualifier Monday and then if I get through that’s never happened before so we’ve never had to worry about that until now um but if I didn’t get through then I would go back to work on Tuesday like I was supposed to uh yesterday so Nick one beer becomes two becomes three would a fourth beer would that have been dangerous I mean would we not have been in this position have we had a fourth um it definitely we were riding a fine line as it was for sure so I tried to keep it on the right side of things and not not take it too far uh who’s to say it might have been the playoff might have been over earlier it might have been over for different reasons I might have made a quick Bogey and been out of there so uh three would seem to be the magic number and we’ll we’ll stick with that uh it’s pretty cool you know you’ve heard from some pretty special people some people big names in the golf world I’m curious who’s been the most out of the woodwork popup name that’s reach out to you we’ve obviously seen the tweet from Kevin kizner but was it a random X was it an old classmate was it an old neighbor who’d you hear from where you’re like wow they even heard about this probably when I was in player or caddy dining yesterday and I got a phone call from Pat mie that was probably the the most wild Time of My Life um you know someone who loves the show and being from indianapol listen it being right up the street from me um it’s it’s just crazy to get a phone call and just know instantly that voice it’s it’s iconic so I knew exactly who I was talking to before he even introduced himself well you you are at heart still a golfer and you’re in a competition now and you obviously want to prove something this week you’ve proved something already what are your expectations now heading into this week is it just to try to soak up as much of the experience as you can or are you very much results driven this week I think it’s fair to say it’ll it’ll probably be a little bit of both but probably 75% of the first and 25 the latter um I think everyone that I’ve talked to whether it’s guys on tour or it’s it’s people that have that have been in the shoes before or people in the media everyone’s pretty much just unanimously said just go out and enjoy the moment um you never know especially someone in my shoes this this may never happen again um so just try to enjoy it as much as I can um obviously I’ll try to play as well as I can but I got here having as little expectations as possible so hopefully we can uh keep that going forward and and maybe play well obviously if I if I play Bad um and I miss the cut it was it’s still going to be a week to remember but ideally I play well and and can make the cut and and we’ll take it from there I I got to know Nick is this PTO are we taking days off how has Golf Galaxy your employer been through this whirl Whirlwind run of yours oh man um they’ve been really good I actually have not called off for yesterday or today yet I think they know um so my boss has been very supportive I’ve had uh text messages and phone calls from people in from the corporate structure everyone from my store has been super uh super excited for me um but it’s it’s been it’s been unlike anything I could ever experience I mean I and I think they’re going through it as well at Golf Galaxy I I I don’t think this has ever happened for them either so they’re kind of in the same world I am or no one really knows what to do and I guess we see how the rest of the week plays out as to whether or not you show up for work next Tuesday as well you might actually have a gig somewhere else True by then when you out there on the Range Nick and you’re surrounded by all these great players has there been one moment where you’ve just sort of someone’s walked up to you or you’ve seen somebody hitting balls beside you where you think you’re pinching yourself you can’t believe you’re actually doing this yeah that actually happened about two hours ago um I had to introduce myself to Wesley Bryan because he’s I love watch watching his videos um so I was like I got to go up and say hello to him and when I left the range my caddy was still there in my spot and while I was talking to Wesley I see Jimmy Walker set his bag to my right and Ricky Fowler set his bag to my left and it took everything in me to try not to go back to that spot I even tried calling my caddy I’m like we’re not hitting balls there anymore this is done we’re not going over there and Wesley was actually the one that was like no no you’re going over there and you’re doing it so he actually made the introduction and both those guys were super super friendly um obviously both those guys have have done so many great things in the game so it the nerves were definitely there the first few shots after getting back to the bag and trying to hit some range Balls next to those guys Nick it’s such a unique story some of the stuff you read you don’t know what’s true and what’s not I see that financially a lot of fans are getting behind you sending money your way to kind of support uh what’s been a wild few days that as you nod your head that seems to be accurate what’s the tally at right now I I actually don’t even know um I do know that my I I’ve gotten probably seven venmo notifications on my email that people have been trying to log in login attempted but thank goodness for multifactor authentification because otherwise who knows where that money would be going but yeah everyone’s been great um and it hasn’t even been like one or two massive amounts it’s just been everyone seems to be pitching in five 10 20 bucks whatever it is it just the the amount of support and I try to read all the comments that go along with it and not just not just take the money from it I try to read everything and basically you know understand where the money is coming from why it’s getting to me and I try to be app as appreciative of that as I can be this is one of the great Everyman hero golf stories of the season so far what are the chances you’re going to have a beer sponsor out of this event man I don’t know um it would be definitely something I would consider uh if it was the right one I wouldn’t wouldn’t just do any of them but certainly there have been some that have reached out but someone who doesn’t do this ever I don’t know the logistics behind it on how I get logos on shirts I don’t know how I mean I just got a care package from Travis Matthews you can see but other than that I don’t know how I would get a company logo on my shirt in 24 hours in time for me to Tea off tomorrow so I I I try not to take anything without knowing I’m going to use it so I I basically just kind of let everything slide and if I play well then hopefully I can take advantage of those opportunities some other time down the road Nick you go off at 222 tomorrow I I don’t know if you’re a superstitious guy but as I get to know you more and more I’m a massive fan uh with that I’m curious do we have three beers before we go off tomorrow I doubt it I I really do I think that was probably just a one- time thing and really what’s what’s crazy is that we’re probably not standing here having this conversation if it’s not for those three beers which is really interesting to say um but I guess it’s something that a lot of people relate to I may have one with with lunch if if I’m really feeling anxious but it’s a slippery slope to try to cure anxiety with alcohol that I have no desire of going down that road um but if I do feel it I may may have one beard but it’s it’s not on the on the plans as of now Summer Shandy What were what was the uh the beer choice you nailed it right on the head how did yeah that exactly inl guy I mean I I I’m around a bunch of them man I have a butler brother so I know how it goes oh yeah you know exactly what it’s like well Nick an incredible story you seem so calm cool and collected through it all which is probably what got you here man everybody’s behind you rooting forward uh rooting for you moving forward thanks for joining us yeah I’m glad I put put on a good face cuz inside it is not calm cool and collected so I’m happy I can put that out there but thank you guys so much for having me I really appreciate it really is one of the best stories of the year so far Nick has plenty of time to rest for tomorrow got the last tea time of the day 2:22 p.m. Eastern alongside Raphael campost and Anders Albertson

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