Golf Players

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for let’s go with our first question here and let’s see what he has to ask you hi Rory this is CMAC ARA from copertino I’m a big fan and I have been struggling to get my hip rotation correctly to both save my hip and also improve my distance so if you have any drills that can help me with my hip rotation or movement I would very much appreciate it thank you very much uh hip rotation talk to us about you you I mean you are famous with fast hips in your down yeah I fortunately it’s not something I’ve really had to work on it’s something that’s came quite naturally to me but yeah let me I’ll go grab a driver here and we can we can talk about it so I guess it’s something that should happen naturally I think your hips are at least on the way back you know there you know you’re trying to get into your right hip and you’re trying to make a full turn so then on the way on and you’re just trying to you know I mean you don’t need to have your hips wide open at impact but you know you just need them to sequence properly so that they you know your upper body and your lower body are sort of coming through coming through the ball at the same time um as as far as a drill I think trying to just keep connected I always like I’m a very feel like a right sided player so I feel on the way down having my right arm and right elbow hip knee sort of moving together through the shot you know that’ll automatically just get your hips sort of going in the right direction and and sort of matching everything up is sort of what I would try to feel well let’s see you hit one with that if you would please see if you can uh see if your first drive could match the style of your drive to the club today that would be very nice wouldn’t that be nice would be all right so I’m just thinking about trying to get everything coming through together so from here right elbow right hip right knee everything together well that one will work no doubt about it now you said your predominant Ely a right sided player has that been from you know way back in Northern Ireland at Hollywood have you always been right sided player Orie I’ve always been sort of very right side um right-handed right footed you know throw a ball kick a you know everything’s been very right-sided for me so I think my feels are very much that way anytime someone’s tried to give me a left-sided feel I it’s it’s been harder for me to grasp so anything that sort of is a right side feel for me is uh is much easier to try to um Implement I guess now um our Golf Pass member also asked about hip mobility something you probably don’t have a lot of trouble with but when you play in the prams you play in and you play with people who are a bit older like me and I’ve got not exactly the best hip mobility in the world what might you suggest I mean your dad he’s a very good player but he’s uh you know he’s getting up there a little bit now and I think I think as well there’s a lot of people that I play with in prams that are have off jobs or sit at a desk the entire time and and sitting is is not really any good for your hips um it sort of tightens everything up so I mean there’s some hip mobility exercises that that I certainly do and so when you’re playing in a tournament wherever it might be the Masters the PGA the the Open Championship would you be stretching before every round yeah so I’d certainly be dynamically stretching before every R I think that you know there’s different ways to stretch and different ways to mobilize your body I would certainly say that before a r you don’t want to be doing passive stretching or anything that’s like yoga or anything like that I think that turns muscles off it doesn’t get you ready to play that’s that’s more for after the r as more of a recovery tool but before the r dynamically stretching dynamically moving your body in different motions even something like swinging a heavy Club you’re still stretching you’re still working on Mobility you know even something like that is a is a good thing to do very good I think that more than answers uh the the the question how about hitting one more to just show us your hip mobility okay for [Music] and then we’re just going to bring our right leg forward so we’re into basically a lunge position and then from here we’re just going to drop our left hand side our left hip towards the ground we’re going to twist into that right leg so we’re going to get a nice stretch over the hip flexor but we’re also going to be twisting into this one so the stretch is going to come a little bit up the side of the body as well I’m just going to hold this position so supported with the hands going to drop our legs to the right hand side so we have extal rotation and inal rotation and then swap sides the idea here is to try and keep the chest facing forward and let the hips do the work so front leg goes directly out in front of the body knee bents and ° back leg comes out at 90° knee Bend 90° if this is a challenging position for you to sit in we’re just going to raise that hip to a point in which we can sit and the Torso remains nice and upright and straight we don’t want to be leaning too much over to the side here we’re going to just lean forward into this front leg create a glute stretch on this leg we’re going to do a couple of wraps of PNF so we’re going to try and press this knee into the ground actively so we’re going to feel the glute working press it into the ground hold for 5 seconds 4 3 2 and one and then we’re going to sink deeper into that stretch do the same thing so we’re going to press down into the ground two 3 4 5 sink a little bit deeper and going do one last one press down 5 4 3 2 1 and sink that a little bit more we’re just going to hold this position for 10 seconds here CL doors your [Music]

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