Golf Players

Nelly Korda And Rickie Fowler’s Shot Making Clinic | TaylorMade Golf

Team TaylorMade’s Nelly Korda and Rickie Fowler are two world class ball strikers and today, they’re grabbing their TP5x golf balls and putting on a show. They’re in the fairway staring down a green with a left pin at 172 yards, a back pin at 192 yards, and a right pin at 170 yards. They take turns talking through how they’d get balls close to each pin, go through different scenarios such as coming down 18 to win a tournament and more.

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[Music] oh nice great [Music] flight there you [Music] go I’m Chris Trout from Team tailor made this is more than just a number and to demonstrate how versatile some of the best players in the world are we’ve called in Ricky Fowler and Nelly quarter they’re going to go through the paces three different flags three different clubs three different golf shots to each flag let’s see where this goes Nelly I believe that you shot the laser at the targets for us how far did you get I did the right flag is 179 the left front flag is 182 and then the back flag in the middle is 193 like a true professional you got a cover number as well didn’t you yes but that bunker that you see right in front of there that’s like 40 yards in front of the green but it is like I would say like 168 over the bunker on the left would she get the job cading for you with this amount of information is this good enough winds off your left yeah yeah we’re good to go good we’re good to go I like it tell us what you’re going to do and which flag you want to start at and the shot that you’d like to hit in there you go you you’re up uh can I pick can I pick a flag pick a flag we can we can do you pick flags for him and vice Versa a back flag at 193 wins off your left probably not helping I’m going to go since it’s a back flag I’m going to go seven I feel like it might get a touch of help yeah you’re right it’s kind of going this way I’m going to try and hit a hard seven and basically take long out of play okay just putt up the hill that’s the other thing at 190 getting down in three shots is good you’re not trying to make birdie from here unless you have a good club oh nice great flight oh we draw to a left to right wind not getting the help probably hurt it a little with the drawn to the left to right wind you want to another the crack at that or you guys want to switch it up yeah I’ll go here I’ll hit one with six just okay that was the safe play that’s the put take a 30f footer up the hill get out of here call it a day kind of no risk middle the green and’s see if we can make birdie oh I fatted it catch a piece oh oh I got a bad kick chip in from yeah exactly chip in so the thing that pulls you guys together we’ve got one bag of golf balls on the floor there both playing a tp5x what do you like with that when it comes to hitting shots shaping shots obviously we’ve seen two different clubs there into a flag the six being the more aggressive one if you pick a Target here is there anything you get from the ball or what are the reasons that both of you are doing this and like the ball so much I’ll let you answer since you just with it yeah we have probably some two different answers but some s for me I feel like it’s I still get the spin that I want um but at the same time it’s it’s strong um when I talk about strong into the wind and being able to flight it um doesn’t get moved around too much um so those are the two big things for me is is one being able to stop the ball with spin um but also controlling flight and feeling like it’s not getting you know hitting it out there and it’s just getting thrown around so Spin and strength and flight yeah I I would agree for sure with not it not getting hit by the wind because when do we rarely ever play a golf tournament that the weather’s perfect all four days right so you want a ball that performs the best in every condition um and for me I think it’s the control around the greens too I mean like if like he said he’s going to chip that in uh I feel like I just have the best control around the greens and with long irons into the greens I do like to flight my shots a lot I rarely ever hit a shot that’s like high and 100% % because I feel like I just for me I just get a too much spin on that and I’m a very aggressive player so I always just shoot at the pin and um I don’t want it to release a lot and I feel like the X does that doesn’t do that for me maybe show us something here into what are you thinking Ricky flag wise and golf shot wise we’ll start somewhat we’ll go front right because I feel like it’s the most inviting we can see the ball react yeah we’ll get a view from it from here okay I said it was 179 n one yard off it’s okay I shot it from up there you shot 78 and a half okay okay me in the middle what club have you got here okay I have a six iron six iron what shape are we looking at um I’m probably going to hit probably a 90% six iron just my stock controlled kind of lower flighted shot into this left to right wind okay go for it um like I usually with the left to right wind I I always hit a draw so it’ll I probably will aim just just left of the pin and kind of let it ride it okay good shot so yeah probably turned it a little more than you wanted to but probably but it’s fine from this distance I’ll take it I have an opportunity for birdie you’ll never hit Fades at all no I like to hit a draw and I like to stick to one shot because Under Pressure I know that I can always go to that shot okay I may overdraw it but I know that I have one typically one miss yeah yeah yeah and where’s your head at with that with shapes and I like I like kind of being able to I play my best when I can do whatever with the ball I would say my stock when it comes to irons I like stock swing to be a little draw I feel like when I’m able to turn the ball over it’s I can hold it off from there when I’m struggling to turn it obviously I can cut it but making the ball move right to left um that’s that’s usually when I’m not playing my best so I like to be able to hit it all so let’s see something to that flag we’ve got a drone up there so we’ll see how the ball reacts um and then yeah if you can show us one of each way Rick that would be impressive were it that was 80ish yeah it was 182 I think and it was like one it was high 60s over the bunker hopefully that doesn’t come into play no if we’re 15 yards off figure something else out uh draw or cut first play cut cut okay yeah be ride the wind getting cute to the left pin would you okay if you actually saw that pin and that was in deter what would what would your shot shape be to that pin specifically if I was playing here and not having seen the golf course okay I would probably hit a pretty straight one at it yeah and if it moved with the wind fine uhhuh now if say we had a book or I knew that you know there was 10 yards of green left of it yeah cuz right now I have no idea um but if if there was more room than it looked then maybe I would start it left to let the breeze hold it or it allows you to be more aggressive if if there is more room okay another option is you’re you’re coming down 18 you’re at 17 under the leaders at 18 you have to make a birdie what do you what chot shapes yeah you’re trying to I think you’re trying to stuff it okay so do that but I think that would be depending on how I was swinging if I was you know drawing it kind of normal or well that day it’ just be straight out go at it even with this wind off the left yeah because it should just kind of yeah cross each other out but and it’ll stop if let’s say that to me doesn’t look like there’s a ton of room I guess there is but there’s a down Bank like how what about stopping this ball in this short space if you’re hitting draw again you’re not concerned I feel like there’s I when I shot it it was the top of the bunker was 169 and the pin is let’s say 182 I mean’s yard there’s room there should be room so what if we got here seven or eight this is seven okay so the first one you said cut are we going for the let’s go for the tournament winner yeah tournament winner okay so straight at it holding a draw up into the wind maybe a little height in it s that looks good though it’s good gol that looks nice definitely give yourself a chance yep I don’t know as far as distance but yeah and then let’s see the fade then in there okay cuz I feel like that was a bit of a draw into that wind I for it held a little bit we’ve got it’s not blowing too hard but no there’s enough to move it all right so I mean for me I don’t know about you Nelly but I like picking out targets somewhere in front of yeah in immediate targets yeah um so a lot of times I’m back here getting like we have a sprinkler head that’s a little or I don’t know if those are divots but something to reference off of yeah and usually once I’m over the ball I may glance up but I’m not really worried about out there I’ve I’ve got everything here and it’s more about okay I’m hitting a cut it’s starting here so in the past you’ve played picks and obviously today we’re hitting the standard ball with the pick what was the reasoning behind picks for full shots would that ever come into your alignment on full shots no no um Pi was more putting and short game especially yeah like chipping and doing stuff around range you can get some feedback awesome okay little cut okay back to it all right please cut did cut a little too much shot as well just started a little right two good shots though hope you guys know that that is actually what we say over the ball is we pick aan we’re like please draw well and a lot of times you really there may be like one mechanic or swing thought that you’re you’re kind of going with or making sure you stay on top of but a lot of times for me if you’re just thinking draw or thinking cut you know how to do it your body’s going to do it the the times where you think like okay I really got to you know release it a lot of times end up doing too much yeah cuz you’re already thinking about draw and you’ve practiced so much you know how to hit a draw you’re going to release it yeah start line isn’t it a lot of it which is why I liked your point about that so let’s have a bit of fun with this we’ve moved we’ve got done left to rights obviously right to left Nelly as well which has been good demonstrations let’s go back flag and if you can both hit tell us how you’d hit like a low one and then a high one and even if you want to really challenge yourselves and go with tons of club and you know really cut one and you tell us like if you were practicing creativity and you did have a golf ball that you really want to see the what can go on let’s get see if we can get something up on the ledge back there 190 okay I’m going to hit a controlled five iron in the back so control is going to be still the drawer correct yeah there’s no Cuts in that b pushing that button I’m not getting if I if I cut it that means that I’ve hit it heal and it’s coming up short so but I’m sure if she’s behind a tree she can cut it yeah okay I yes I can but again I tend to stick to what I’m most comfortable with and what I’m most confident with Under Pressure yeah 100% okay yeah that’s same if I have a good number and I’m swinging well I’m not just going to all of a sudden go to a cut like you know I like when I swing well release it there’s a little draw like yeah consistency yeah yeah there you go it’s good that chase it so that would run up yeah to the back yep perfect great shot you go ahead Rick you play as a high one back into that so what would you do tournament wise trying to get all the way back there would you land it short or would you just be trying to fly it or you’d probably want to know the long number as well right they carry the long how much room you have um you know are the greens firm were they receptive you know if they’re on the firmer side it it gets a little risky trying to fly it up there yeah um you know you bring long into play really quickly but if it’s something that’s receptive then it kind of takes the run out up you have to you know if you’re going to try and get it close you have to fly it up there um I guess we can go up since do it yeah went on the downside I’ll always pick the low shot over the high shot 93 so I got to try and kill it uh holding it up into it a little bit six might be a little much with the feels like a fraction of help but see if we can hold it up in it so good yeah that’s very nice be the right number oh great Golf Shop Nice Shot Great Golf Shop I wish I could just if I had that shot I could do that every time though I mean you’ve hit some good ones already so tell us then with this golf ball and the choices you make as players what would you advise people maybe watching this everyone hears about the control demonstrating on the flight now we know there’s one shape one miss short game’s important but how do people who are maybe watching this and wanting to choose a golf ball from Taylor Made what should they do in order to make the right choice for them like how does your process work for the right choice for you to get into this ball start at the green and move back or start at the tea and move forward I I would say it’s going to be more that direction to the green and I think you talked about control that’s something we talked about a lot whether that’s around the greens you know with irons uh obviously you want it to work throughout everything but I think the around the greens and irons the more control you have there and the belief and Trust I would say that’s kind of the the main spot on cherry on top you can figure out the the driver and t-balls after that so you can get fit for that you different shafts lower spin shafts if you’re spinning it too much with what you currently have but as Ricky said I think the most important thing is figuring it it out around the greens and having yeah are you able to hit your number know how far it’s going run it up fly it up top yeah exactly have control around the greens yeah you heard the guys and it was a great demonstration go out get your mil grind forward start there and then generally move all the way back to that t- ball that’s the team tailor made crew this is the tp5 X golf ball there is a tp5 as well be sure to get fitted for it and check out more information at tailor right [Music] oh my God oh my God


  1. Getting these Pros in front of a camera and outside of tournaments really makes me appreciate them even more

  2. missed opportunity to have Scottie and Nelly do this. The two number ones in the world would've been better imo. Also a bit strange considering Rickie has an all Cobra bag

  3. Nice to see Brands creating content together with Ricky being Cobra and Nelly using Taylormade, Nelly telling us the truths – "Please Draw, Please Cut" lol

  4. Rickie is by far my favorite PGA guy – humble, talented and a guy with just a kind heart.

    Nelly is an incredible talent – simply incredible. From seeing her in several YT videos – as beautiful as she is on the outside, its not hard to imagine this person is even better inside.

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