Golf Players

2024 Preserve Championship | MPO FINALF9 | Klein, Robinson, Wysocki, Buhr | Jomez Disc Golf

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Thank you for watching JomezPro Disc Golf tournament coverage of the MPO lead cards final round at the 2024 Preserve Championship.

Card: Kyle Klein, Isaac Robinson, Ricky Wysocki, Gannnon Buhr
Course: The Preserve – Black Bear | Clearwater, MN
BigBarri Commentary: Jeremy “Big Jerm” Koling & Paul “Uli” Ulibarri

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Front 9 Chapters
00:00 Start
03:29 HOLE 1
08:40 HOLE 2
11:57 HOLE 3
16:01 HOLE 4
21:17 HOLE 5
24:03 HOLE 6
30:08 HOLE 7
33:58 HOLE 8
39:23 HOLE 9

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[Music] everyone on the league card has the skill to win and they’re all Proven [Music] Winners oh it’s going to be fireworks to win this thing I think you’re going to have to shoot hot round I think the hot round will come from the league card or from whoever ends up winning this [Music] tournament you know at this point he’s won from coming from behind he’s one in every single way that you’d like to have someone show that they are dominant that they are a Natural Born Killer on the course I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if genon takes it down [Music] tomorrow I mean it’s hard to bet against the guy especially with how well he’s been playing lately he’s been poting him a bunch having a lot of chances and if you listen to any of his interviews he’s like I’m getting chances I’m eventually going to come through being patient Isaac has been struggling a little bit this year from his previous dominant performance at the major championships especially I like his chances in this tournament because he always plays the unassuming role as well and he kind of sneaks under and people are waiting for him to mess up and he’s a guy that never messes up when he wins that’s scary only thing that’s going to hold Kyle back from winning this tournament with the lead is Kyle he’s so pure off the te he’s got the options He’s Got The Touch backand he’s got the power forehand shot shaping he knows how to play in the wind he can play in the calm Kyle’s got the tools to take it down it just really comes down to meeting his preparation with execution I think it’s going to be one of the tighter races that we see it’s going to be a lot of birdies if you take a bogey you might take yourself out of the running [Music] [Applause] hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the third and final round here in Clearwater Minnesota for the 2024 preserved Championship connected by Microsoft teams I’m Jeremy coing joined by Paul ulber big berry commentary bringing you this awesome Finish Line race this is going to be Sprint 18 holes yeah without a doubt these guys are going to have to get on the horse and ride but some adverse conditions today winds are up mhm which is going to make this place way harder that’s I’ve talked to kale before and he said I want to see these guys play it in the wind mhm he’s like that’s where the teeth come out well the sunnies are out because it’s a Sunday with sunny weather and that has been eluding us thus far in this event Isaac Robinson man what a round yesterday was obviously marred by a few blemished spit outs and that was it it bogey free aside from those putts that just didn’t stay in Ricky Yaki like you said he’s been patient he’s been on so many League cards he’s finished in the podium so many times this season but has not won an Elite Series event this year and he is currently sitting on a 13-year streak tied with Paul MC Beth for the most consecutive Elite Series or major wins in consecutive years so can Ricky get to 14 can he hold off Ganon Burr we’ll find out whole one par 4 708 throw it as far as you can just make sure you don’t go left these guys I’m guessing aren’t going to go left they’re playing really well this week they’re going to set themsel up with a short shot into this green the only thing that’s tricky is try to miss the trees slide it up there you see a lot of people who do miss their lines especially with the wind today end up around Circle Edge and that’s going to be the tough part today is the pomey you know these guys are going to give themselves looks but when the winds are up like this on the Mounds that kill has out here makes it pretty tough yeah that’ll do nicely for Kyle much better than yesterday next up let’s hear it for Isaac Robinson 11 under yesterday was really impressive following up his 14 under first round especially with the out- of- bounds bogey drive that he took a whole three really played solid after that Isaac gets this turned over it’ll find the Short Grass though that’s a smart play bend it over around that P tree and let her drift back in the short stuff Champion Ricky wasaki two time preserved Champion Ricky Yaki always a scary player to have on the league card brings such intensity to every final round he plays on o this actually has a little juice if it gets a flare skip could be close to the left side doesn’t though that’s a great place to be shortest approach you can give yourself for gon first does Ganon have the magic once again man he has come from behind he’s done it from the top he has won every single type of way you can imagine so far this season and last season see you longest drive of the group yeah that’s just perfect that is just so far and perfect oh Ricky actually the first to throw all four drives really connected even though he’s the first to throw he has a wide open route and you see him just absolutely dial that into the Bull’s Eye beautiful really great spot to land mhm yeah Isaac has a little bit more cabbage in the way got to get past that at that just like round two coming so close to that tree I saw some on my card James Conrad sorry to call you out but he hit that tree and it rolled out of bounds same same thing happened to Zack Nash on my card happens a lot it’s uh there’s a hillside right there hopefully Kyle can avoid that oh just pass it almost a bullseye not quite buddy keep working at it I think he’ll be just fine with that again just a little half shot and he’s going to be the farthest away at 15 ft oh no Isaac what happened got away from me a little and we’re going to see a nice little star frame here on the first hole which we always like to see give a little money to our friends over there at Edge most birdied hole on the course today was hole one I think partly due to the Tailwind off the tea perhaps people were getting longer drives set themselves up for easier approaches perhaps but League group contributing to that success of the field had today 60% of the field with birdies on one we’re going to be checking in quite a bit today with other people and here’s one of those guys right here Matt Oram on hole three doesn’t get this one turned over matches the hillside kind of nice get the flare skip y he’s going to have a 45 footer give us a little play by play here JM oh just a little frog jump coming up here outside the circle you know it’s coming Bo Riv it just love to see it [Music] I’m actually really excited to see what genon does on hold two since I heard that it was well was it nine in a row oh yeah I don’t know about uhuh yeah he’s definitely on a little drought here on h 2 little double mandatory off the te quite a few trees on both sides of the Gap keeping you honest down the middle the play that probably suits the Fairway best is a slightly overstable mid-range speed that you force from left to right and have it F back at the end there is OB left if this can fight its way back it does not H yeah that is just oh okay at least it’s Circle back coming in there hot oh my goodness that does not miss the mandatory but it may as well it’s kicked left Rick’s going to have to burn a shot just to get back to the Gap bogey at best coming for Yaki and ganon’s streak is going to continue and does it get worse does it go out of bounds I think that’s a good tree there okay cuz it would have gone out of bounds wow it’s just so surprising to see Ganon have such trouble with a shot like this it’s just right up his wheelhouse can you believe that he has to go with the Horseshoe yeah just to get into position and this is a Mimi this is important though just to to give one back he’s going to be two back of Isaac yeah he’ll lose two to Isaac more than likely but at least Ganon and Kyle have also hit trees and so you don’t want to give to many strokes to Isaac Robinson nice approach kind of a tricky one from that close you’d typically see him try to putt it in any way that he can to get it over there obviously was handcuffed a lot of people beating up this OTB disc block what do you call that Riser Riser a thud maker yeah block maker Ricky in for the bogey Bogies early are certainly much more uh stomachal I feel like they’re wor here cuz you’re just thinking birdie one for sure and then you want to get on that early streak and and the bogy on 2 erases the birdie on one and it’s like I don’t know to me personally I don’t know what these guys are feeling like a whole different scenario it’s different for Ricky yeah you know this is different for Ricky and we’ve talked about it many many times Ricky experiences an early bogey it usually ends up in a nice little streak for him so see if it fires him up see if it defeats him obviously we’ll find out but the late Bogies can hurt you a lot more especially when it’s a tight race sure and you are right you they get him mad you don’t want want a mad with Sak I just he might even go putter here he’s so mad 48 ft uphill guessing he’s going to keep throwing that Fairway driver this guy’s just been shap and shock and when I mean shaping shots they’re in one shape that shape all the way to the hole there you go I just want to know what it feels like out of the hand so I can try it sometime you know what it feels like when you just pure every Firebird sidearm that’s what it feels like with his backand but on all shots yeah it feels good it does it’s a good feeling I bet it feels good feels so easy Kyle scary little well not scary little putt but definitely that iffy range you know sure 31 FTS not a Gimme no to anyone tester I guess tester would have been the best sure G’s going to have that same froggy hot putt that Mio had just a few moments ago you see how Mio caught the Hillside and slowed him down a little bit Yeah genon catches the top and gets that extra roll out and that bogey did not seem to phase Ricky this is looking really nice okay 25 26 [Applause] ft look good for a long time 2 in mhm big statement putt right here from Kyle yes it is one inch and there’s the bounce back his putts been looking so good over the last few tournaments I mean vintage Ricky wasaki which is we’ve seen some LS over the years and it’s you know we we’re just so accustomed to him making so many putts from 50 60 ft that when he misses them it it just feels like does he still have it y this season I think he’s been showing that he still has it oh yeah back to Mato this is a great drive here on four I like how his dis match matches his uh collar there it’s pretty sporty oh the inside route for Mato and this one skips long into the high grass for fortunately for Mio he has that high release Putt and that high jump is he frog range no not quite don’t need it don’t grab those two I’d grab it with the left hand with those stinging nettles I don’t think those are stinging there that’s what they that’s how they get you see fair enough well Isaac’s perfect start is now put him in first place all alone at 27 under par watch [Music] [Music] out get your homing pigeon disc finder today because a disc in the hand is worth two in the bush [Music] whole four power 4 746 ft left to right breaking huge anheiser holds the turn trying to get on the other side of these trees if you can somewhere near the sidewalk would be terrific but it’s so difficult to get there from there it is a tunnel shot but most players end up stalling out and leaving themselves somewhere in the 350 range you like to get somewhere around the 275 to 300 mark always a very rewarding birdie to get that is a good angle good height right by the trees that right there my friends is 306 ft away struggling with this t- shot a little bit yeah that’s got that extra distance that’s going to give him in that blocked off Hiser range and I believe you are able to take the ropes down mhm for your throw so Ricky will not be obstructed by that super high as Kyle’s drive and look at it holding nice turn it’s very nice nothing to with our commentary but what I like to do with the fans with the ropes is run into them backwards and act like I’m a wrestler and then go after a couple of kids you’re absolutely right this has nothing to do with disc golf but thank you for sharing isn’t that fun though it is fun what would your wrestler name be I don’t know okay something Loco Ganon goes a little too far there as well see if Ricky has he has a stand still he needs needs to keep it low and that’s inside yeah pretty good from back there didn’t that look inside yeah I mean it just barely gets around the corner that’s fine but that’s probably back edge of C2 maybe inside 55t or so this is really far and he just w wow and a Little Help from the tree I think that was going to continue going in that High Grass behind the basket great shot for ganet better result heavy on the higher he’s going to beat a bunch of trees and he these guys are just getting through there this round that’s why they’re really they are find a way oh what on the face of the Earth did that hit that was on a perfect line that’s all he throws that was I that was headed to Bullseye yes I’m telling you the only time this guy misses is when oh no oh no no Paul shut up dude right now be quiet I’m sorry I don’t want to say that but be quiet I’ll tell myself to shut up Ricky yeah right there in front of his foot’s the C2 yeah right on Q Ricky Yaki from Deep [Music] [Applause] so much height that is so good that’s a backyard putt that just knowing your disc so well and that’s like walking out in your flipflops and throwing one just way out wide just to try to swing it in PA see if it goes in every time oh yeah it does still still got it yeah I’m going back to bed Kyle beautiful especially after Miss on three good correct good correct yeah taking advantage of what I think’s a nice little break to get through that early side too jeez this just this hole does not net 75% birdies on a card should have had all birdies Isaac’s the one that threw the best I agree both the shots were the best I feel all right everyone come on let’s hold hands are you kidding they this baset just are you are you are you kidding me nothing will S surprise me now are you I’m numb to the fact mtio pop it on a little Heiser yeah follow through like this sit down this sit down on it mtio there is nobody more entertaining than this guy there is nobody the mannerisms are are truly unique they’re unreal they’re Matos and only Matos if someone ever starts playing like Mio you’re a fraud you’re a fraud dude Robinson is not going out and buying Paul mol’s baseball card anytime soon I just can guarantee you that right now it’s not happening Kyle Klein jumps back on top with Isaac bogy and Kyle’s nice putt for birdie yep whole five par three 275 you saw Maddie pop it with a little Heiser make sure you hold that follow through it’s going to help you in dis golf period I promise you that you’re going to see a couple sidearm turnovers possibly maybe from Ricky and maybe from Kyle yeah he was doing that yesterday yeah but you could just see all buttery little heisers with the putter Rick’s going with the turny Ricky likes the forehands at this this is at this range with that speed o well he leaves that one kind of in the same distance it’s right there at the 50 to 55 Mark Kyle threw just a gorgeous one yesterday this is the Miss you’re going to hit the initial Gap typically but if you get scared of that inside tree you push it straight gon’s pushing it oh does he find he finds the inside Gap what a lucky break there I know we saw him just barely miss that on the inside I said that’s a little bit of a miss this was worse of a Miss yeah same result Isaac going high through the Gap but let me tell you something there’s nobody who pushes a higher in the world that pushes the ceiling higher than Isaac mhm and it it’ll bite you sometime you saw that on the last hole is Ricky still feel it come on man come on what is that 110 ft of putts in the last two holes look at this gosh that oh that is amazing absolutely amazing not impressed either look at that that’s just let me go get that out of the basket so you guys can try to make yours yeah business as usual oh that looked pretty good yeah that was a good effort Canon Ricky over there talking about long are you don’t stop doing that Isaac stop why is it his putt of all putts yeah like miss it a little bit on the right side I quit throwing it in that same spot oh I mean that’s the sign of a good player I uh grabbed a disc pushed it into the middle of the basket let stopped let go of it and it pushed it out just so you know so it’s not bouncing as a test yeah yeah yeah yeah like I I held it there uhhuh I let go of the Putter and the change pushed it out of the entire basket so it’s not him hitting the pole of course not no it’s it’s something that anyways whole six par 4 J what do we got 695 ft what what are they trying to do keep it on that road if you can get anywhere near that teapad right there you’ve just broken the record for coolest dve in hole six ever most people are not going to get there though and they’re going to come up short and have to break their turnover backhand appro Ro down that left side Corridor and just try to fight the anheiser back to Flat it’s the best way to shape this hole t- shots tricky one and Ricky has found himself in bogeyville It’s a Small Town North Minnesota y all you have to do is make a left turn about 50 ft far short of that one and you’ll find though y it’s a long road I mean yeah it’s just it just keeps doing the Angles and the release perfect stuff what I like about it is his grip and his arms spe as we watch Kyle turn this a little too much too much yeah and the Big Time punishment for but it looks like Isaac’s throwing fast every time and it comes out slow can Ricky get back to the spot yeah that’s that’s really good from back there and it’s right there on the teapad I believe right maybe even a better angle if he wants to throw a sidearm in there that was a great recovery shot for Rick Kyle gonna need to do something similar this might be even harder to get to the safe par oh he’s throwing it at Ricky what the that’s an interesting Play Just jam it take out another player make it seem like it was intentional tournament shot oops my bad wow what a shot from Kyle from back there I mean he’s still back edge of C2 but that was a really tough angle to get that much forward Advance see even with a great drive this is what you’re left with I mean I don’t think he’s going to have a shot at the bird if he gets all the way through he could get like 70 ft so he’s one of the guys that could scare it but sure I mean he didn’t and now he’s going to be scrambling for par Isaac a good opportunity here with Kyle threatening to take bogy there’s that ceiling gets him again yep throw it a little lower oh is that a turtle walking down the path I didn’t see it and that’s got to be a I saw a turtle I hope to see it here where is he yep there’s a little turtle down there really Ricky that was tricky yeah okay they’ll take those he’s going to throw putt this yeah I like this little throw putty has it’s a jump threat there’s another jump threat gon might be the best jump threater there ever was he can release that thing 250 ft on Q this would be special swing so it will be a drop shot for Kyle and what a save this would be for Ricky really sends it in there takes advantage of the good kick that’s three quality putts in a row two of them you could sell for a lot of money to your competitors I didn’t even go back to the p on 3 I mean it was inside the circle but it just came after the bogey yep got things going for him just like we talked about after the bog on 2o you know watch out you know Ricky tends to bounce back with some Fierce fierceness yo why are you doing that you’re goofy man this such a good drive too you really can’t put it in a much better happen now follow through yes sir oh my gosh how good is that that’s disgusting that man is just sometimes on on another he’s on another planet when he plays this off here we go how good that is who cares who cares what you do before and after you throw the disc who even cares oh my gosh look at the streak he’s on right now five in a row oh my gosh could you imagine never playing dis golf before and then like you’re just on his card at League you’re like oh so you have to extra extra his reputation proceeds him everywhere he goes absolutely if dis golf is your game make got to go got to throw your Disc Golf Warehouse with a huge selection of discs bags baskets carts and more everything you need for the game you love online or at our Minnesota store got to go your Disc Golf Warehouse oh my gosh that’s the happiest I’ve genuinely been in a very long time we have to have more check-ins coming up I hope so man whole seven 390 ft just throw and sit down on your drive I mean that’s really all you got to do get yourself a birdie I like how he the last old last thing about it and then he just took off right peered it just ran right like he’s going to see something over there what’s over there man why did he run right oh Ricky can he get another good kick he’s going to need it yeah I don’t like the play of going anything get that can flip right here yeah you need to be throwing your most stable like I don’t think that can turn you know what I mean like it’s going to fight out of it is that just a mid for G overstable mid-range this is an M1 also overstable just pops just snaps it onto Line I I genuinely think he could throw it down the hallway way that’s two discs wide yes all he has to do is hit the Gap yeah I see yeah then it just rattles back and forth those are some good drives Rick’s over here in the Nettles he’s stuck somebody help this man again I don’t think these are Nettles but at the same time I remember what you said on the last time I said that and you said that’s what I you might be right who knows they could be tricking us once again looks like uh oh okay well then I have to earn it again you’ll probably be first to throw okay Ganon first test range sends it in there with authority I mean if you’re not at home practicing as putting as hard as you can this next generation is going to have some after like let’s say the 10 to 15 year old right now they’re going to have some speed on their butt and if they don’t they’re being silly because we’re going to keep innovating new baskets I think they catch a little better I’m hoping and uh that’s ganon’s the best Ricky hits it hard I I’ve said it a bunch you need speed I I know that this has been the okay well maybe we’ll talk about this later on sh no I don’t it’s like is it planned I don’t think that’s just him it’s just it’s just what he’s doing that’s what he does [Applause] is he’s on fire awesome this is awesome to watch right now on the heck of a streak I I think that for for this commentator I like to think that I don’t really care about the speed in our sport we’re not rolling a ball on the ground into a hole we are throwing a disc through the air we have to deal with wind and so sometimes we have to increase the speed of our putt to fight the wind and so for that reason I like to think that it doesn’t matter about the pace as much I’m not thinking about golf here at all I’m thinking about disc golf it’s a completely different sport and so if we’ve got to send these things through the air I want a basket that catches regardless of speed I want if it’s Center if it’s in the middle of the basket I don’t care rip it I’m with you and I mean I’m not saying that you can just obious obviously you’re going to take a chance of it hitting the pole and coming back out right now with what the baskets that we have yes I’m just saying the Next Generation they need to be practicing send hard I’m with you and I think the future of the sport is also more made putts from longer range yes this is pushing the scary bits you go out of bounds there it’s an instant bogey I don’t think the future of the sport is a bunch of people laying up their 40-footers no no no I think the future of the sport is the continuously evolving and progressing with us making big putts yeah we’re on the same page buddy Isaac turned around immediately that’s either because he knows it’s out of bounds he does oh my gosh half [Music] inch oh brutal brutal yeah it’s a big mistake in this moment see the width there for Kyle that at no point are you worried about it was a great Drive good distance good power but also safe Beauty and Ricky can just power up with something flatlined with the big gosh that’s a huge drive and don’t just because Josh backed up on his feet doesn’t mean that he didn’t get turned around that he he he was backing up on his feet that’s the same thing is getting turned it’s yes it is it’s embarrassing be a professional look at this get in front okay he’s fine smart shot not getting there from there no reason to come anywhere near the out of bounds yeah oh no it’s you just I I was suggesting that I think that this hole should have a 500t drop zone not a 660t drop zone bring a decision into play great shot from Kyle hitting the pole what do you think about that well 500 foot drops on on this one just so the audience knows Paul is shaking his head he agrees with me I would like if you miss and you throw it into this Lake and you have uh from here to the next town over inbounds and you throw it in there you should not be able to get up down well the 500 foot shot brings a scary water into place still you can take a billion over okay so scary Ricky was such a big drive you got such an advantage to just go higher into the green definitely playing that on the safe side but the way he’s putting that basket should be in danger I love this hole Fantastical oh oh I just don’t like that there’s no there’s no decision to be made from the 660 Drop Zone from the fpot there’s no decision you just throw it forward and then you’re just taking your bogey at the 500 something Mark you have to do a scary shot if you want to try to save it but more than likely people are going to be playing the safe shot and still taking their bogey so you like the uh you’re the one of those I like the 45 foot death putt I don’t like the 45t death putt I I want the part 3es to be more P anyway just golf Ricky Yaki big pot oh what did you think he was going to do that’s what he’s been doing this whole tournament right in the center genon if he misses this he might be on the other side oh my gosh the putt that he missed on hold 13 yesterday ramping off the top Isaac does save the bogey and Kyle with just a little dime that was actually round one wasn’t it it might have been yeah yeah it was round one we didn’t see genon on our lead card yesterday oh my gosh it continues Matty o on fire a b a babyak a baby follow through [Applause] leading the world number one in the world this is a true fact in disc golf football references in one round every round he plays medo currently in second place tied with Ricky and Isaac one back K Klein and only one hole ahead that’s important so they’re all close he’s a factor Big Time factor for sure hold 9 3 46 ft we have a giant right to left crosswind right here probably blowing about 20 25 mil hour I would guess so these guys are going to want to put it wide swing it in saw a lot of people miss this one left and some people land short cuz the wind kind of grabbed them and poofed them up a little bit it was a right to left yeah it looks like the right to left is continuing so do you go the line drive or no he’s trying the oh buddy so close that was almost it let’s watch how close this actually comes what was it 5T short or something maybe less okay he’s a little low great shot doesn’t like the action that happened afterwards I’m sure not no knowing if he got stopped back there or not Kyle wider and this is where it can get a little dangerous wider but also higher yeah yeah and oh great reaction that was going way in the woods correct little bit lower line for Ricky yeah you see him pointing left he’s hoping that wind activates and it doesn’t and Rick’s going to have a tough [Applause] putt tough wind to gauge and Isaac man this must be really overstable he pretty good break yep we’re going to see some putts here normally this hold is a lot of Park jobs but this time players are going to have to earn it this would be an incredible putt I don’t think he had much there not a hole you feel good walking away with par Kyle has a real tricky one here yeah you’re not going to win that battle with that tree might win the limbs but that’s like the they go back so fast it’s like useless there it [Applause] is can he take advantage yes he does and that will tie Isaac at the top now G has moved into that tie at 27 wow nine holes to go we’ve got a full barn burner on our hands yeah we got a lot of people in the mix J yeah we sure do we got mtio obviously just n seven down on the front nine missing the first two Chase card he is definitely a big time Factor but we also have gon Burr obviously Ricky Waki Luke Taylor’s a little bit back right now but he is also I believe on Chase cards so if he puts together a hot back nine we could see but man there are a ton of people likely a winner on our league card if it’s not Mato who taking this thing down absolutely well that’s going to do it come back for the back n so we can see how this plays out sounds good let’s St [Music] I want I do [Music] go I [Music]


  1. i think the future of the sport needs to have smaller baskets, meant for discs not frisbees

  2. You gents need to do your next Jomez practice video with Matty O. One of you is going to have to be stretchered off the course in an ambulance because you laughed soooo hard you literally split your sides!

  3. Constructive criticism: The check-ins are being used inconsistently. At least 1 of them came on the same hole the main card played – right after they played it. Followed by another hole after that. It would be nice to see the check-ins occur after the drone flight on the hole that's being played, so you can fully appreciate what chase card did when they played it, before the main card does. As it stands the check-in could come 2-3 holes ahead or even on the same hole after the main card.

  4. Hole 2 – OTB base or 'pedestal' maybe? Wait, first Jerm is animorphizing the baskets, now Uli is doing it with the stinging nettle plants? Neither baskets nor plants are 'out to get you', at any point. Now, the Bogey Monster, completely REAL! When logic gives way to instinct, you have 'BigBarri commentary'.

  5. People watching disc golf for entertainment care what people do before and after the throw! Matty-O is fun to watch!

  6. As a ball golfer and disc golfer, JK's comment about wind not affecting a ball golf putt is invalid. PGA tournaments have been delayed due to wind affect. The inconsistency of baskets not catching is egregious. A ball golf hole will react the same no matter what. Disc golf baskets are not consistent and catch differently.

  7. I will not be buying a homing pigeon purely out of spite due to the fact that I invented that years ago but am too stupid to do the science to make it a reality. If you need me I will be in the tall grass looking for my discs with no money in my pockets 🙁

  8. "Go Matty 'O he's so fun to watch & root for also Go ohn Scoggins she is the fun one to watch & root for over from the fpo side!🐢✝️🥏

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