Golf Players

Lexus of Townsville 2024 Suncity Open. D Squad qualifying, lanes 5 to 8.

on one and two we had Cameron Johnston Bernie grao Jr Blake Walsh Gordon LS three and four we have Jason Walsh and Zeb Holk Adam Hayes and T pedigree five and six has Alicia Melton and Shan the man rosberg we have Shane Melton and tamaron Christensen Troy galid and Hayden Miller on Lane number seven Conor Reigns and Liam bowater on Lane eight Lane nine has Beck whing and Marissa rosberg Lane 10 has Beck Martin and Conor Bishop Lane 11 Jared Langford and George mccahill Lane 12 has Luke Doyle and Brian Alon as I said this squad we do have a number of NTS members we have have state followers what have I done e all righty interesting to see how the uh have the leftand is play ball is are now finishing up the 10 minutes warm up resp all righty the uh Bowlers are just finishing up their 10 minutes warm up they will be kicking off all the action very soon out there easy look like a walk in the park for the backat and 130 for the front seat I’m getting a couple table broke and I’m getting a couple more ordered I’m just going to start switching to the GoPro and I know how to do that a lot better A lot better Artic VI coming in well I don’t I don’t stock the other switch grips anymore they’re not worth it yeah yeah let me know let’s go and see what the big dogs are doing you see some of the uh some of the best Bowlers in the Country bowling in this sad start flake watch St the nine pin tring goes a little high all righty the Bowers have been asked to hold up we will get the final qualifying Squad underway in about 30 seconds from now than ladies and gentlemen on the play can up L good luck and good good luck Billy I know not wa I need all the luck I can get this afternoon good luck Adam Hayes flushes the first one great shot break goes a little high leaves a three pin so gay opens up with a strike thr some Walsh smokes the pocket nice spare there from Blake Cameron Johnson with a spare spare there for T make pedigree Brock Gordon goes wide Le it’s 210 said HT with an open fr Ernie Grasso with st Shane rber with a Brooklyn strike Adam haes flushes the second one as well he seems to have a nice rhythm going at the moment great Walsh once again pulls up a little short loser 3610 business too big Mr rosberg Nice Brooklyn to start I see you set the tempo iig I on CH so so you’ve G the splatter Theory just splatter Theory ala Melton with two spares to open up Miller Light with a 2410 Liam boow Water with two spares Conor reigns with a double what are you doing a bishop with a with a strike n thereare Beck whing with a double Beck Martin with a strike seven SC Rosie with a Brooklyn double B Martin with a flat 10 Jared lfi with a double Luke doy with an open third FR Jared lford playing straight up the five all right so we’ll go down and run that theory by him May Hayden hey Shane Hayden Johansson just sent me a message saying that if you go gutter Miss spair at any stage today dinner tonight’s a hangover py oh yeah I’m sure that’s just the toilet Missy rosberg with a strike Conor Bishop lining up for three in a row Beck Martin solid through the first three there got a bit adventurous with that one Los a one 124 Jared lford with the front three Jordan in the third frame Liam boow waterer with a four pin Cameron Christ goes a little wide loser two pin Conner Bishop with a seven SP slow with that 10 Shane rosberg with a front three Luke Doyle trips a four is that no G black hammer or a new one oh God love it be Martin will get strik in the fourth frame be whing with a 10 pin Conor Bishop looking to get back in the pocket for a strike Ryan olon with an 810 out of the hole Conor is back in the pocket with a strike back W in I was gonna say that’s a handy pair isn’t that that’s a really strong lead all right to you know what you gotta do that’s what happens when you get eight ribs between them no that’s not H that’s between them Bron well at time if he catches it what are you piing to do now Missy rosberg with an no l go conqu kicked the T there it goes light for the MS be whing in the pocket for a strike Luke Dole with a nine Miss well the in all fairness the first two were Brooklyn I missed the third one the fourth one looked pretty flush but his theory was he’s just got the dullest thing he can find he’s throwing it straight through 20 and his theory is he’s going to strike on the left or the right so he’s hedging his bet and he doesn’t care he got I’ll let him throw one more and I’ll go give it to him good St no there well you go theyve left a 710 between them now a oh Conor Bishop trips are four never in doubt are they playing different to what you practiced on yesterday a little but a different on the I don’t know like different enough that my game plan really changed yeah the sad this morning there still seemed to be that little bit of adab about six but it feels like that deep open first Squad seem to open up about halfway through game five the middle seemed to hold a lot better Beck Martin with three in a row be whings with a double Missy rosberg with a 67 nearly 79 it for me the extra 500 pretty much oh roll B Conor reigns with a five stairs Jordan Mill give a six count Troy gay with a St Hayden Miller with a 910 be Martin looking for four in a row I stay there by of Bishop Liam bow water with a five pin bit early to be spitting your dummy over a five pin four frames into game one keep that crap up it’s a long day back witing with three in a row Jan rosberg front 49 spare Willam B with a n Shane rosberg with an eight count K Johnson with a seven spare what’s balake doing Conor reigns with a Str Troy with a doublin B rosberg with an night1 c a bishop with a stries tamon with an eight spare L bow waterer with a Brooklyn strike Bernie Grasso with an orang whing with four in a row Bary with a spare said Holt with the first got a ball of game one Conor reigns with a dou melon with a stair Missy rosberg with a 2410 Lake Walsh with a strike rberg with a 361 will bow water finally hits the pth a bishop with a dou some W with a solid t BR Gordon with a strike Adam hazes with a pocket 7 10 BR Gro with a strike Miller Light with a seven pin be Martin with a seven pin lford with three oh back riding nice spash Hayden Miller with a SP Seb Hol with a three pin Blake wal streets ATT temp Shane Melton caves in the 710 Missy rosberg Flats to I’m ring with stri oh the lifted what’s he ala mton with a 1247 Adam Hayes with a strike will bow water with a four pin Shane Melton with a strike that gives him a double burn Grasso with a six spare Martin with a St Mite with a strike luk doy with a full pin that’s L the strong TR to make the pedigree with a shark white W for the start G of with the N with a strike shorty gay with a strike nine count for Jared L five count for Shane Ros Brock Gordon with a solid 10 pin oh C Martin with a three Church to finish for 223 244 for Beck whing Conor reigns with a possible 209 GRA with a start Alicia melt with a start she can b a possible 184 Adam Hayes with a solid 10 train M with three 155 for Troy gaylard 174 for Luke doy 157 for Brian olon pocket 710 for bason wsh they’ll finish with a 194 possible 177 for Adam haes Miller to the double b b water goes High Lo a 347 2181 the Conor Bishop do in to 223 for Jared lanord Adam Hayes with a 176 Bernie Gro with a double 211 for black life 149 Z that’s the pr attitude nothing wrong with Easy’s attitude I like that all righty so that concludes game one we’ll go over and steal Janet’s fourth meal of the day love you Janet about you’re my favorite how many lots of Ro what are we not do have you um have you had a chat with Sam yet not as yet he’s in the middle of eating only person over the card he’s um yeah he was talking to his partner and then he’s eating so yeah they look different oh yeah I’m going to ignore the T that’s the highest pair the scoring anyway I’m sure what happened down there 197 low uh sorry [Music] one 157 for Brock Gordon’s low score down on 1 and two Adam Hayes was low score on three and four with a buck 67 y 180 low score on five and six but it seems to be the ease that they’re scoring at they not jaming Corners like they were no Adam left a pocket 710 ball went in behind the headpin just a fraction y probably should have kicked the seven the 10 was always going to stay yep but yeah they’re just I don’t know the middle of the lane just seems to have a lot more hold I’ll give it seven game if you remember in the first block it appeared to be that everyone started slow and then the second game was better so this might just flip maybe might just be a fraction fraction on the on the actual fresh so everyone’s com in scoring a million and then shit’ll just yeah I mean also had 10 full games to watch area I know Billy just did it and there’s a lot of people in this club that are clever enough to look at the first go oh I need to start up out here with this ball which what right there scoring but the the guys I thought scored a million did not H what you gonna say what did you stuff that on yeah it’s like I know I know Jason’s another fan Jason will use four games get a feel for what’s happened and then just go boom here I am yeah but he doesn’t look anywhere near as comfortable oh thumb someone’s thumb slug come out Hayden uh who Hayden Miller yeah I just like Sam you could see was building up for that four game burst yeah Jason doesn’t look anywhere near that comfortable and it’s weird because Jason is normally that guy like I’m saying that he’s allel to throw 300 now but you know what I mean like he he doesn’t seem to have that Jason wol Rhythm that he always had maybe he just Saed himself up for four week or maybe he’s gonna sit out of those games ATC well the comment was made that he was the weakest link in that team and that’s a pretty big statement for arguably one of the Great competitors in the game didn’t come from this as I said he’s one BL that I would hate having running me down what’s your assessment of this squad Frank well come on splinters you got to have some form of input yeah I don’t know like I said they just like Alicia Melton was just saying to shamee that she thought they were burning up seven frames into game one I thought if that’s your opinion no offense but you have big big issues with nine games to go I mean watching the two back watching the two backs is it’s the female equivalent of watching SC they’re just I don’t know they just have this happy Knack of being able to pick stuff apart fairly quick oh yeah I mean Chloe used to do it Chloe had watch watch boom as I said we know more in about 3 hours when there’s some people reaching for razor blades and some people reaching for a beer because it’s the best they bow in 10 games for ages so but hazy knocked it on the head earlier he said he would much rather Bowl on this an average of 180 and have to think for 10 games yeah and throw 230 and now all he’s got to do is throw the ball water of 20 y so what’s he done Brandon you know the secret don’t use the spear ball thing yeah yeah that’s why I’ve started Aral Di and them in Jared langford’s off with four Again Luke Doyle started with four Missy rosberg three in a row nine spar what’s happening there this part of the world you honestly have your slippers oners scream slippers Monday afternoon why didn’t you tell me I would have gone and F like I did last time what’s happening what’s doing Brock Gordon with a double Blake Walsh with an uncharacteristic N Miss 28 10 there for young Bal we have a we got no a a Ron d d nice it’s definitely uh definitely seems to be playing a little different for this morning let’s go and have a let’s go and have a chat to Shane rosberg and see how he scatter theor is working it’s not man scatter theory is no longer working scatter theory is good as long as here can SP put the ball in the right area SP how do you okay oh or aside how do you find the confidence sparing here though confidence by sparing no in Just a Spare shot in general because this morning we were watching people throw some cracking shots and 3 foot from the pin the ball just Ducks left or just doesn’t move at all so how does that affect your confidence trying to does you can put it in the right area but you don’t have’s going to do what you want that’s why you need plastic first right so yeah but even even the guys that were throwing dead straight for spares this morning were having dramas because it had either hit the out of bounds and kick right or they’d miss a board left and it would just pick up and roll three foot past the arrows it was just yeah I mean I’ve I’ve bowled a lot of games I’ve commentated a lot of games and I’ve never seen a patent dictate a spare shot as bad like literally half a board was the difference between whiff and a 10 and sparing it it was I mean don’t get me wrong I like the fact that it is brutal like you have to be ultra accurate but it’s just I can imagine from an athletes point of view it’s got to play with your head well well I take my hat off to Adam because I I talked to him earlier and he said that he would much rather average a buck 87 and have to think for 10 games than average 230 standing left throwing right and closing his eyes and that’s the shot I’m talking about but literally that was one board right where you throw every 10 pin and you’re in the gutter a foot before the 10 pinit oh Bernie grao 349 Adam Hayes with a solid 10 pin Hayden Miller with a nine stair there just as I said I’ve never seen a pat so Ultra Ultra accurate like I mean it’s good help skill if you learn from it there’s a lot of people that are going to walk away from this and just go the condition was bad I should have done this I should have done that like no you B on a condition that’s overinflated your average 30 sticks now you’ve actually got a think and play how about you go and get better correct hopefully anyway cor Bishop with five in a row after a nine St this is wild it’s funny the one guy that’s got the most consistent shot in this place is Cameron johnst he’s got seriously he’s got the most consistent reaction so far oh Blake Walsh pulls out a very nice SP Conor Bishop with six in a row Conor re with a nin Miss said H with a gut ball I don’t know why guys are disappointed throwing it in the right hand gutter if you get it right of six4 you are either a three count or a gutter there is no questioning that it’s been like that for three days go with a 71 Bernie Grasso gets the cave in Shane rosberg with a 36 Cameron Christensen with a Brooklyn strike Jason Walsh kicks the 10 Adam he sweet as C Wen with a 47 Brian Aon with a strike Abraham Lincoln’s back Shane rosberg the great cherry picker Alicia Milton with a four pin oh T pedigree nearly with an 810 Blake Walsh with a 72 Shane mton with a [Music] 3691 Zeb Holt with a nine spare let’s see what’s happening up the far end of the world hay Miller we won’t talk about how he’s Bing Connor reigns with a strike Liam boow waterer looking for a strike Eli Bowman I’m going to walk away every time I’ve walked up and Conor’s B he right Missy rosberg with a bit of local knowledge I would like to claim credit for that but I cannot Jared Langford with a seven split Liam bowater with an eight count king of the north with a 220 five l o with a 230 bow water with an 81 Tam Christenson with an night Miss be Martin Rings the T there it is the pocket 710 what was that look for Shan you can’t be dropping the C Ball Rocky put your stinky gooey p on me back Martin with an orange spear he I saw that Adam haes with three in a row Alicia Milton with a 71 oh Missy rosberg with a double because I’m standing down all right I’ll stand here until you miss Hayden Miller with an eight spare Brian olon with a 204 Jordan Mill 193 press a button swear to God don’t cuz he’s watching oh Troy gaylard with a double make Mar likes a look at that carries nicely she can finish with 212 Conor reigns with 72 finishes with 151 what post to put up on it kind of say what are you trying to say h so what are you saying I leave so what are you saying I’ll leave you speechless when I go into the bathroom and take my clothes off I know I’m sex well you heard about the you heard about the Roman Emperor he was an emperor for 25 years but he never saw 20 because he was Emperor Constantine Emperor Constantin so he never saw 20 he was always in his teenage constant team you know like 17 18 a uh killing me ell until he 25 is that what you said yeah but he never saw the age of 20 Emperor constant yeah but you know what constant me right so he was always in his teenage years he never saw 20 oh no missy I’m gonna let you explain that he never saw he was Emperor for 25 years but never saw the age of 20 cuz he was Emperor constant team it’s not a joke because I don’t get it it doesn’t make sense to get I get it how like what did he get is 20 is 20 a team are you a te oh like his name was Constantine yes oh my brain is hurting now you know what I’m going to I’m going to stick to the commentary because making a 140 game is a sound exciting is a lot easier than explaining a dadjo to you no no no no I said because he was Emperor constant oh dear lord9 what’s going on big Jared yep it’s one of those hurry up and wait situations how are you Miss Beck I’m good how are you no more issues no awesome did they ever find out hang on Alicia Mountain 157 Shane mton 161 tamon christensen4 we won’t tell everybody but in the general scheme of things that’s not as bad as you would think Adam Hayes with a 194 Jason Walsh with a 195 139 for Cameron Johnston 171 for Zeb Holt 141 for Shane mton 168 for Blake wall that concludes the first block while the bowlers are making their Lane change we’ll give a massive shout out to our amazing sponsors Delta cleaners and laundry qmn 10 pin results CLS constructions hodg consent accounting BNN glass and aluminium of course magnificent M bir tempin bow and of course the fabulous people at Lexus of town Ville if you do enjoy the sport and you enjoy the commentary and everything that your uh seeing please jump onto the socials of those businesses again Delta cleaners and laundry CLS constructions hodgkinson accounting BNN glass and aluminium like and share without your support these companies can’t continue to grow if they don’t grow we lose our our sponsorship and support so please jump online help them out like and share trip Michelle har a triple threat same weekend as ver mcf yeah but you said you were going to push it back two weeks we g go two week there two weeks later just back one I move it if we fly down on the Thursday night we can fish all day Friday B Saturday Sunday go and catch yellow chuna that Tomy you better than what I C off the table Que oh wow well and yes that was live yes well done what were you doing yeah tell everybody what’s going [Music] on Express tastes like dirty e e e e yeah well I don’t really think so because I up there yesterday threw one shot with your gear and threw a strike it wasn’t that hard he puller than C mate cooler than C hey it’s real simple real simple two and a half th000 views two and a half million views that’s all I’m going to say all right what’s happening down this end of the world anybody averaging two fish yet not quite who’s that Jared oh there you go Jared Langford with a double Conor Bishop with a nine Miss Beck Martin with a n St Bernie Grasso with a strike Liam boow Water with a strike GE M hill with a spare You Bing normal or back up Burnie well are you bowling like a normal two-handed or you bowling reverse hook two-handed he no I I was just wondering cuz I saw you warming up down on one and two and you threw a couple down the edge and I’m thinking I wonder if he’s going to play him at their own game I must admit the way you bowl the way you bowl reverse hook two-handed looks so smooth like you see a lot of twoand is do it it’s a little clunky good and for they lanord with three Adam Hayes does a little long leaves a two four1 Shane mton with a two pin Bernie with a nine Miss C whing with six Spar playing Melton with a nine spare Adam Hay takes the four pin off the 2410 L Doyle with a nine Spar Brian Austin with a strike Blake Walsh with three in a row after an noste Brock Gordon with a 72 Luke Doyle trips a 79 Hayden Miller with with a nine spin Jason Walsh goes High leaves a 6910 Lua Milton with a seven pin ban Olson with a doubles Mara rosberg with a stri to pedigree with a 72 seven spare for Jason wal BR Gordon with attention high are 3610 31 down there for Shane Melton two pin for Beck whing bar lanord with the front four Shane rosberg can’t even carry his favorite Brooklyn spe there for Brock seven spare for Adam H guys some W for the St o with a five pin the way he spars I’d almost put me hand up for this what up what up we’ve been asked for a j quellin j qu A J Quin there a J quellin in the house hey Aon D nice that’s how it all started go down and see what bake is doing nice bad is there a b yeah yes matter what doesn’t matter what what you’re on so basically the the videos are set up for four lane blocks so if they want to watch say for argent’s sake somebody’s off their rocker and they want to watch rosberg Bowl but they want to hear that langford’s got front five they can still watch him Ball but know that Jared’s going to try and shoot 300 yes yeah so spare there by Shane Roser Brock flen with a solid spare Jason Walsh winds up for do those Brooklyn trips a six not ideal but I’m sure he’ll take that break and try and build on it Luke Goyle goes High can’t kick the six out BL Walsh five in a row after a nine SP a pedigree with an Noy spe whing with a double lford after the front for nine Spar Beck Martin solid 35 Franks Z HT with a 19 FL with a St no Toon’s coming Brian olon with a nine spare after his three in a r no’s clear there for Marissa R BL Doyle goes Brooklyn for another six pin Adam Hayes with a six count Los a 36 n Shane rosberg with a five count duson Walsh with an eight count Luke Doyle makes his nin SP Beck Martin goes high for a 36 three in a row for Be wiing Where rber was aome with the F Camp make the pedigree with a St both looking for six in a row J Langford th at that old with a seven St Ze halt with a stri like Walsh hated that one so three Shane rosberg five spare Brian Olson with a 53 Shane Melton Rings the 10 wall Luke Doyle three Pinson leaves 7 P Adam Hayes with a 28 n spare for Blake K Ros looking for a strike 59 for Brian olon Shane rosberg with a 310 go Ranford River stri Brock Gordon would like to say with a solid spare but a there Brian olon with an eight stairs be whing puts all 10 pins in the pit of range with five in a row Adam Hayes with a strike Luke Doyle with a strike Alicia mton with a stri Trey gayen with a strike Missy rberg also with a stri fourin there for Blake wal good Mill with a spare Brian Olson with a nine pin Shane rosberg with a seven split young Sam how’ you find him this morning okay just blindly throw everyone it looked I don’t know the first four games it was like you were sort of setting up for that middle four I see exactly where you can and can’t get the ball to read and then that middle four 9 10 seven and eight you just sort of went this is what I need to do always be so different I just had to make sure who I was F I don’t know what yeah I don’t know what the deal was with that that slow play down here and there was a few people that I know were saying like why doesn’t he throw that one shot and it’s like well why would you like save that one shot go to the next pair Happy Day by the way I just down sit there for minutes way I my do you did you think that they played as difficult as people making it look I think this one I think they saw we were jump too fair enough I mean it is a bit different because obviously this is your job but do you think like you just said do you think part of what good they saw you guys doing and what most of them only saw the end of the squad they didn’t see what led to that five board jump left do you think without sounding derogatory do you think Australians have a natural tendency to do that it’s it’s like 12 five he put it very he put he said bers are just copy yeah use it l that’s that’s it works but when they do it too soon makes it but again this is where I guess education in the game plays a big part right you can’t just look at the end result and say this is where I need to F you’ve got to you’ve got to what what led to that negoti and this is well not trying to blow Sunshine up your ass but this is what I was saying throughout your squad was watch the process of what’s happening don’t worry about the end result the end result was always going to happen but what’s the process of how that end result happen and I think like you just said a lot of it is people see the end result go I need to be playing 25 from the start well no you don’t that may be where you’re going to end up yeah they’re already middle that then only way to find oil is to keep going and if you get it you get it the other side of where we started so the last half the game you jumped even further left and started I guess semi lofting the was that was that set up as a just in case for tomorrow or was that a genuine I need to be playing this was just in case tomorrow turn into it gave me an idea the first game the second game I appr ball it was small big on the last 180s yeah well you want to be safe in six so you don’t have to bow this afternoon yeah I like to think could be safe in the six I would say you are 100% safe in the six I mean well you’re the only one over the car so far and I think the next you average 223 the next one for you is like 195 so I finish like 2168 and I think Ryan was Ryan was 195 so the whole yeah and he a like 196 yeah yeah I think I think it’s we need to have that are not challeng what they put many many events where aage to 40 okay you learn how to strike in that doesn’t happen with correct with all on hard and keep up with the well that’s what I mean Tyson with our Q2 tournaments Tyson tries to set down the tougher patterns yeah for that exact reason find out what your deficiencies are go back to your home center work on it come back and try again you don’t learn when you a well exactly right you you 240 and finish second all you is stri up and look I would dare say probably the top half dozen dozen Bowlers in this country have thrown tournaments where you’ve averaged 240 and gone yeah that was a great 180 yeah last A5 A50 tell me that he struck yes like that so hey Billy how are you Mr Graham yeah I must admit I and look talking to Ryan throughout the day he’s of the same opinion but when it’s good every I yeah it it’s good to see that we’ve got an active participant on the board also well yeah but there’s got to be that happy there’s got to be that happy meeting I don’t I don’t think I think someone that doesn’t understand one of the worst you how long have we had a professional board rather than well we’ve had people that are professional board members they’re just on every board to say um so Sol this on yeah I think Ryan’s got his work cut out for him I really do he has said he’s got a lot of but I think he’s gone in with the right attitude I think he’s given himself 12 months to assess and plan and then make whatever changes are necessary having the resources not having the funding we can’t practice every day over this yeah we have and we still we still T yep the girls still what that oh God it’s a recreational hob this is not because but a lot of that is the I guess the the commercial the commercial coverage by swimming is always on TV netball tennis golf it’s always being pumped through your main TV stream bowling back in the 60s and 70s used to be so where did we go wrong well we backing is one of the only it’s like in America like like was the first sign a million doll cont very first one that million doll yeah but how do we Lobby the sports commission to take this seriously I I think we need to get Z but they refuse to keep their C decent this one does it down as I said I just I think there’s got to be a way there’s got to be a way to move the sport forward and I think with the ideas and this is where I think Ryan is moving forward in the right way he’s talking to invested parties like he’s talking to guys like Tyson he’s he values your feedback things like that so he’s talking to the people that are genuinely concerned in moving the sport forward not just being there for the hell being there so we just need to get a decent training facility cuz that that Sunshine Coast facility really I mean we were down there we were down there for junor Nationals and when you’re salvaging par from one machine to feed another machine and you’re supposed to be the high performance center and you’re having 400 500 600 trouble calls a tournament they they probably could have looked at that like if you’re going to keep it strictly they should have that you don’t have train 12y old to push yeah well for tring Sal that that would make sense right find anybody well these days it’s all computer programmed anyway and the new kegels are all Bluetooth you can sit behind a counter go do it send it to the machine and as long as you got someone that’ll lay it down or drop it it’ll do itself the way it needs to go because nobody’s training nobody’s training to be in bing C like that’s just that’s a job that’s GNA well it’s basically just usually it’s the junior Bowlers coming through that want to learn a bit more about the what’s or they’ve left school and they don’t know what they want to do for a job so they do a 12 months or two years down the back of a bowl and I don’t know anybody at the top of the tree that hasn’t worked in a bowl at some stage but yeah it’s got a I think for the game to move forward we have to stop thinking of it as a hobby and start treating it as a sport and I think it I don’t know talking to a few of the Bowers I think a bit of the culture is starting to change like I spoke to Adam earlier and he said that basically the patent looked tough he said I’d much prefer to struggle through an average mid buuck 80 than and stand left throw right and average 240 so stuff like this you have to you have to think you you can’t just blindly throw like this one shot this one shot yeah anywhere right anywhere right a 20 year chance little bit play a good shot like here to shot like that you should see it you rotate one you should see it yep or should your dick EAS shots do this anything you want is because to keep participants we’ve got to away inl OS they don’t do anything about restricting it or Banning it because they see it okay 10 years time what’s the next thing the conversation last week that’s license for those two out of Budd and they’re us that’s like that’s much that’s why I was just like try to find on eBay getting like I said they’ll be here Thursday for me from Ace Mitchell cost me 94 bucks shs it’s like 3334 for the two B that’s 170 170 bucks a bag that’s about what you’d pay anyway that’s why getting like everything well for me for me as a pro shop operator to sell a three ball storm bag roller is minimum 275 double bags are like 150 155 depending what you get that’s why when we went to the states in 2019 I just loaded up I bought an extra 60 kilos of luggage with the ticket and just loaded it up bought back a heap of shoes and bags and all sorts of bit so what you is it is itm really tell me you didn’t see that coming I I thought it might have just been a bit of a joke I mean I’m sorry but who gets the world’s number one B e e e coming to the end of game number four Z HT with a double after his nine sped Brock Gordon goes a little high leaves the 3610 s yep Adam Hayes with a strike be Martin with an eight Miss Conor Bishop with a double Conor’s on fire oh really every time I walked down he BS work oh wellow B grass ling up for a 10 pin he covers that 10 pin easily good mle what’s matter J do he that’s cuz she carried the field M oh Shane mton with the doubles hayen Miller with a double Beck whings going inside for double Blake Walsh with a nine Speare Lea Milton for an eight spare hamron with a four pin Luke Doyle with a strike Adam ha with a d this is a little bit hard how you finding them BL yeah all right first game was pretty good second game I just kind of lost my yeah where is this at oh here just tell them whatever you want they’ll generally cook it for you tell them whatever you want they’ll generally cook it for you the chicken bites are amazing who’s who’s still on if chicken bites yeah if kir is still here K so yeah she does the best hot dog you’ll ever eat in a ball in Center Luke do with a strike in the ninth Jason Walt with a 36 710 he takes the 610 off Ben him Like Beckham Hayden Miller like with a three bagger J Walsh with a 159 top score going pin there for Tam and christon Shane rosberg punches a pocket first a strike D you good thing the white M Adam Hayes has gone outside playing the out of bounds but playing straight down even I’ve come I’m trying to play anywhere between 10 and 15 somewhere around there I was just talking to Sam he reckons this whole squad has started way too far left yeah looks like because the middle of the lane burnt real quick yeah but everybody come in saw where he finished not how he got to there Jason Walsh with a 36 I just had a good chat to Sam Actually on like on the recording and he yeah goes unfortunately Bowers instead of sheep they see where you finish up and go I need to throw that ball this part of the lane they don’t look at the process of how you got to that part of the line for the first four games when you can’t find the same reaction twice you got to wait for the lane to blend then make an assumption of where you’re going to Bow oh go big dog messenger Bo got it that one didn’t work for Australia post it actually delivered oh Luke do with a Shane rosberg shot 188 where’s your pin Johnny pins Russa rosberg with a strike Tamron with a nine spare 222 for Shane Melton Beck wiing with a 79 out of the hole on the bonus shot 223 is the best grass over the St Jared lanord making it look too easy seven count for Tamron Missy rosburg with a double Conor Reigns 239 we in Bow water with a sorry she can finish with 188 Jared lford with a 260 BL easy on the left I changed I changed every in my bag you and mat I was only bringing three volum I was going to bring a cobra pitch black and my my I watch you guys bow and I’m like okay I want my DNA which is it’s going to slow down enough I want my strong black and I want my attentions is that what you call oh wow shut through the H the that’s that’s a bit brutal like trying to sell sabotage he’s trying to get liquid on my CH he’s like he’s Bing too well we got SL there that’s old you know we got to do something wait old age and treachery will over always overcome Youth and skill so that coming to the end of game number four only five and a half hours of bowling to go today oh home time yet one 148 for Grayson Walsh 188 for Luke do BR Gordon with an open frame ficia mton with a possible two 12 Place Walsh with a possible 217 Adam Hayes with a 218 Hayden Miller fake W with a 479 Luci should help with a strike me sorry Bud Miller with the 2011 BL W with 206 Lea Milton with three in a row you want my 187 my motor hold 1847 will be 24th all right we’ll be back in a couple of minutes with games five and six e e so the bowlers have just finished game number four P Bish finishes with 184 e e e e e e e all right so Jared Langford with a five four open frame Blake Walsh and Brock Gordon opening up with a strike cam Johnson’s open the first frame Shane mton with a nine Spar tamaron Christensen with a strike William bowaters opened up with a St Bernie Gro is still bowling normal at the moment but as I said I reckon about halfway through this game he’s going to flip around he’s going to start thring purple Hammer reverse hook up five surely can’t be silly enough to see the Jared’s averaging 230 playing up the corner but he does it naturally he he’s so fluent balling reverse hook it’s ridiculous and he’s a pretty smart kid so the one that shocked me is Jason Walsh I thought Jason may have adapted to this pattern a little quicker yeah I mean maybe maybe the top end of the house will suit him a little better yeah and he does finish on the two higher scoring pairs in the house 9 10 seven and eight I think today 9 and 10 is averaging I think about 211 what are you going to show me Ellie guaranteed this was posted by his mom guarantee it was not because my mom has been dead for 5 years I would actually reply to that comment I guarantee it was and she’s been dead five years yeah I don’t know Jas see Jason’s ball speed would kill him on this though CU Jason for a rev player plays fairly slow ball speeding I don’t know what I could change and make it better release point you release point you were coming off the front of the ball a lot J blade Billy Bob yeah 100% what ask him if he knows who KT cabain is what would be the best best ball to use the ball with like a lot of surf I well we glassed a couple of bits up for Janet yesterday just to minimiz that that hoppy stick and she threw the the glassed up gem to start then polished it yeah yeah just so she had something that was going to not hockey stick the back end something was just going to roll off the pattern proba actually go long for me who P sensitive me the which just way too yeah but you also bowled a squad that had five bow six Bowlers in it like there was [Music] no there was no real traffic no so you’ll find this afternoon when you bowl when there’s 18 of you out there it’ll play I would say probably completely different for the simple fact the patent’s going to be sitting a lot longer between shots and between games there’s only going to be three lefties out there hey hey hey I still I’m saying You Frank and Graham Jared will make the six what other lefties out there four I’m still the yeah I still reckon he’s going double nine spare strike open open open right open yeah four game he started to get that in the FR yeah but he’s just come off 260 pumping a pumping urethane up the corner he moving one one pair same as you guys yeah to get boths so he’ll drop well he’ll die in the ass when he hits one and two because there is no hold on one and two at all but and as much as it kills me to say this is where he’s actually played smart he’s gone out into the out of bounds and playing straight down yeah but if he does that on the end not going to hold up well nobody else has gone out there so it’s almost like he’s got a clean shot at it jar just I don’t know Jared just seems to be playing [Music] so so underwhelming like after for it was like he he just thought I just going to turn up so next six and those first three shots were just so underwhelming it wasn’t funny I said the the only person in this squad that’s got a consistent reaction is Cameron Johnson exactly right but it’s consistent everybody else at some stage has suffered unders and overs the two handers are fine and they’ve got to either move a mile left or throw the ball like a lightning bolt to keep it anywhere right of the head pin wal she’s gone super polished and even he’s moved further left he’s going to run out of Lane soon and after throwing Buck 38 he’s got to pull something out started this game double double n spare double but he’s just is likely to go 71 7171 like surprised Bernie’s not actually going back up thing that’s exactly what I just said that he’s Ze Holtz what were we talking about sh shine Melton telephone number so see what I mean he’s playing the burn well he’s playing the out of bounds out of he’s not throwing fast as he normally does yeah well see if you throw it too fast down the out of bounds you’re a $25 gut ball unless you he’s two yeah but he Kan on the left espe with what did smart move Conor reigns with a 6710 he’s throwing the ball well what I don’t understand with these two the younger two handers Blake’s a Blake’s a little different he thinks outside the box but the rest of these two handers they just get so fixated on I’ve got to play this part of the lane well why why can’t you play up the corner why can’t you play like up 10 whyde you have to hook the whole Lane Luke’s great if he’s got a little bit of bleed right if Luke has to really tighten it up in Jammer shot he starts getting real jittery but he’s he’s consistent with what he does he’s just not I don’t know he’s just is not real solid if he’s only got a board or two no Dina only started one game today with a strike I don’t actually I don’t think I don’t think you missed the pocket on a first shot in 10 games one game started with a [Music] St I never seen a person punch a pocket on a first shot like on the first frame of a game so clean and not ter it was gold it was old she was down on one and two I think it was game game seven we started with a strike on one and two I said I’ll come back in seven frames when you’ve got the front eight and Ellie Bowman’s like what I said I’ll guarantee she’ll throw at least the front eight and she’s gone three in a row nine spare double I said what was the nine she goes you’re not going to believe this she said it was you saw I in the middle of that run a short your head Dan Wilson was the funniest three in a row 49 three in a row 49 strike 49 what game was that that’s four game it was on nine and 10 y yeah three in a row 49 out of the hole three in a row 49 out of the hole strike 49 out of the hole beautiful game best 300 he’s never thrown it’s what I mean like and I say it every time we have a tournament here and on this pattern is more and more prevalent if you can accept the fact you’re going to throw at least one 130 game and at least one pocket 710 a day you’ll you’ll Bowl well in this place because you’ve already got your mindset that that is going to happen unfortunately there’s a lot of people yeah unfortunately there’s a lot of people that just don’t they see the 130 and go now I got a throw 260 no you don’t you throwing Buck 30 have a look the tournament average is going to be about Buck 90 you’ve got to throw 204 for the next 10 games and you’re back to 190 average sick and tired of seeing all these clowns ball 150 I got to throw 250 next game why you just threw 150 what makes you think you’re going to throw 250 next game unless you’ve gone pocket 710 pocket 710 pocket 710 yeah just the way Bowlers think just does my heading sometimes does that mean you get up there and throw 250 and go next game I got to throw 150 no it doesn’t sparkling water lemon lime sparkling water good girl see see you’re rehydrating responsibly apparently the more you drink the better you feel so it must be now it’s coming back to reality yeah as I said I and honestly don’t know why because I can’t see that the left hand side of every pair is so chronically different t pin in the gutter on eight maybe they’re not working no they’re there he’s going to come and Bash me they got us are we getting pants like that Hayden Miller’s got three in a row oh Jordan mck Hills Chang balls I thought he only had two balls that green thing in that Bloody spare ball of here Tameron Christensen with a star Bernie grass five in a row look at that oh don’t you need it anymore this is actually the warmest seat in the bowl I think so oh it’s falling off this jacket’s coming in everybody’s worn it but me Jason solid through nine frames actually I think if he bags out he 100 cobs himself who that Jason Jason Walsh because his last game was only 13 48 I don’t think he made Buck 40 I thought it was 138 well if it’s 148 he’s got a he’s got a punch out and he’ll exactly 100 Club in Jared’s not having a good time on seven and8 at all and I think think judging by the looks behind he and his coach could be having words at the end of this game 148 148 oh there you go as I said I’m surprised because Jason when I was bowling Jason was the one blow who did not want coming after you because M he would chase you like a freight train and he would destroy you and he was always good on the burn that’s why I can’t well yeah he’s bowling well now but his first four games are absolute for him yeah very unusual yeah well that’s what I mean like I like everybody’s picked at all the big dogs are in their squad like you got Blake Jason Adam Hayes Jared and yeah I mean they they’re very formidable names but this pattern is a real real ego it’s an ego killer like I had a chat to I had a chat to say and even he said he goes mate he said I I worked it out after four games I smashed it for four games he said and it was just damage control for the last two and this is coming from a guy that does this for a living so if he finds it challenging and like you said he goes yeah average 26 he said I probably should have averaged 190 didn’t he 300 yeah know what you’re you’re three three in a row 49 three in a row 49 on 9 and 10 best 300 I’ve never seen thr and the worst thing was I come down to him and I said mate you’re three frames into a 300 game that is not part of the script here people there’s no extra money up for a 300 game I don’t care if you bowl 100 of them well I’ll come down and CH is on for the back three L 228 for Jason Walsh yeah but I mean the way he’s throw the ball he’s like well he’s liable to come back and throw 170 you know what I mean Beck wiing is thr on the ball so good Beck Martin threw it well the first block the second block she just seemed a little un Adam haes with a nine spear Liam bowater strikes the first ball of the 10 P of Reigns balls 167 Jordan mccahill with a 72 f a bishop with a SP Shane Melton with a seven split so he’ll throw one 93 oh Blake what are you doing bud 195 for be whing s h with a 610 oh excuse me big four for Luke Doyle ceron Johnson with the night count Adam Hayes with a strike D ball possible 20 uh 212 Missy Roso with a nine count you reckon you’re going to oh yeah yeah oh eight 5 10 out of the pocket oh if my son’s gone fish and he sending me a photo I’m going to stab him in the eyeball with a stick Dean I got two sons I got a Dean was that Dean the tall skinny one yeah that’s Dean hello Frank how are you Bernie grassa chicken burger [Music] the only ones that would have done that would would have been um Conor Conor Bishop to pedig and cimal yes yes last night she was in hospital last night she sought treatment they said she should be good for 48 hours she came out and bowled nine games this morning and then went straight to the hospital don’t know don’t know but her back was extremely sore so it’s not good hopefully she’s all right she probably won’t B for while yeah now she was in a world of hurt and she decided it would be better not to not to put not really if pinfall carried over and she was top qualifier I’d go you know what maybe you put two for so so Luke Doyle what did he finish with oh he’s de started 214 for Miller Light 210 for Adam Hayes 160 for Jordan 167 to pedigree Jason Walsh with a 53 Jared L said with the 157 there some of Annoying this but I just been telling you I’m telling you oh what I mean M I’ll get that hot that even we could be M we could be in Antarctica I put a jacket on for 5 10 minutes and then I got to take it off pull back down the kids loved it when we were in Hobart we went to the snow and it was minus 20 and I had I had my hoodie on and my Cutters jacket and a couple of the girls were freezing I took me M’s jacked it off put it on and they’re like oh my God it’s like an oven in here so yeah I going to steal a frog yeah Conor reigns with a double Liam Bo waterer with a strike Zeb HT with a strike Jason Walsh with a 28 thank you wake Walsh with a double Brock Gordon with a double Mr hofan what’s going on I’m glad you said that oh unlucky good shot eight SP for Jason Walling right he leaves a 28 bur with a start split h no you’re not nope hell are you did you get the chicken bits Blake with an open Gord looking for three in a row Ken Miller with a 28 Marissa rosberg with a wash out 12410 block goes wide a one 12 eight Shane Roser goes through the nose L A 3610 pyen Miller with a 28 Adam Hayes with a 46 sp there for Missy Ros Conor Bishop with an eight St what’s happening M olon nothing good nothing good two n spares right like or you throw last game yeah but we were talking about that earlier if you go into the if you go into this weekend on this pattern expecting a 150 expecting a popet 710 but then go you know what I expected that now let’s bow you’ll do all right but the minute you dwell on the buck 50 been a world of hurt Dan Wilson shot 139 so did you get all your bids from TBA yet yes I did oh come down to see something special wait when I want to see something special you’re my go-to guy what’s he going to do I get to Hope ah come on now kanane Rosell lik a look at that those a little high lose a 467 I come down and watch the good rossberg H what was well for stars it’s a strike so it doesn’t really matter as I say to everybody if it was for a million dollar and a title would you give either one of them back no you wouldn’t I don’t know what’s going on he the the guys that I thought would kill this have struggle but then again we were we were talking earlier and we reckon this pattern is an absolute ego killer true boy no matter how good you throw on the ball you’ve got to expect the 130 and you’ve got to expect the 17 if you can if you can deal with that you’ll be sweet but there’s a lot of dudes there’s a lot of guys try bu 30 Buck 40 that are just like what is going on lucky there for both Brian Alon goes long leaves a 1210 Missy rosberg was a 124 Jordan Mill thises his tension don’t very what I need you to do is when you go on LAN Bernie Grasso with anoy Conor reigns with a double limb bow water with a 71 Jason Walsh rolls one up into the pocket for a strike J mton goes high for a three pin Conor Reigns can’t quite kick the 10 out Adam Hayes rolls one up off the corner for an eight no four and a half games to go I think say game six yeah well there you go got to wait another like two hours of rain with an Noy SP because I’m smart Laing he doesn’t want to get talked about on his on his stream by Frank wait I will right I will happily can myself because it doesn’t look easy out there I should have just committed to a move and I didn’t what is that how is that how riveting the bowling is you’re platting bobbie’s hair Missy rosberg with a 467 Brian Aon with a seven spare Hayden Miller with a double then throws the Greek chair all right Hayden spare it up TR Milton goes High Martin with a big four Lucia mton Stones a 10 Jared Langford with three in a row Bo throw it like you mean it woman no don’t do that use to steal one oh f whing pretty as a pitcher Nice Shot B grass oh Blake walz is there any better you sound like you’re pushing one out man you know what you talk a big game Jason Walsh with a doubl B water with a n got Gordon with a 310 cor a bishop with a St heit e gry grass with a Double J aod with a spare bake with a spare thir HT with a strike I like that idea what do you reckon Blake tomorrow for the top 12 men and women if you throw a first ball gutter it cost you 25 bucks all the money go to cancer coun 20 25 20 bucks get more people involved well not that you I mean you’re playing too deep to throw one in the gut a first shot anyway I didn’t actually 70 yeah but you wouldn’t have been throwing this line um probably not what still a Barbie doll very good yep put it up oh man why you going to stand in my wife Shane mton with a Brooklyn strike lny Grasso with a three in a row Jason msh a 10 pin no spin bared with a St in all fairness though under arour shoes are super comfortable I went to America in January I walked straight into the under arour store credit card in hand and thought how much can I carry in two hands yes you can and I and I came back exactly one kilo under my baggage limit yep yep exactly right might if I’ll tell you what if under arm made bowling shoes I’d come back to bowling yeah I’d come back to balling yeah back the throwing that he’s doing oh looke o four in a row let me go down and put pay to that H me and my left here just they got be our pants actually ISAT yes yes soon as I walk down he Stones a nine we love you luke what are you doing putting the mockers on all the other lefties just everyone game all right you tell me who needs to throw off and I’ll go talk to that person because I got that I am surprised I am surprised that Jason W well not on the microphone dude 151 for Jason Walsh 160 186 for Conor Reigns I love when you go into like an IHOP in America and you ask for a short stack and it comes out like a 4ft footo with about 8 L of maple syrup on it and about 3 kilos of whipped butter and ice cream I said i’ ha to see a big MEK so what’s a lar as I said that the woman’s just pointed and there was a guy I kid you not would make Hayden Miller look like a giant sitting down to a stack of pancakes about two foot high I’m like if that kid eats that I will pay for his meal I’d eat that yeah I have a cracker that in Vegas you got to go to the Heart Attack Cafe right all the all the people no all the people are dressed in dock like the waiters are addressed in doctors and nurses the smallest Burger they have is a double bypass burger right it’s 14 Ines high it’s three patties that are probably that round and about that thick and you will not find anything that resembled a salad vegetable anywhere on it yeah well there you get slices of cheese and then they have a cheese sauce which is like someone’s got molten lava thrown the cheese pot in it yeah they just ladle it yeah although when we went in January they introduced me to um cheese whip like cheese in a can that is next level good that is a amazing I mean it’s probably two ingredients off plastic but it doesn’t matter and it goes amazingly well with vegim Mite cuz I took vegim Mite over for them what’s that H certain places you can but yeah spray cheese and V my I tried to they wouldn’t let me bring it through because it’s a pressurized fan they wouldn’t let me bring it through customs I made it all the way back to Australia and custom sned it Bernie Grasso’s on fire down there B gon with a 157 195 for glake Walsh 24 for Beck whing 158 Marissa rosov Bernie with two four five seven in a row with a strike Tre gay 169 Luke Doyle 221 Bernie Gro 267 he no that’s the second one so that’s six four to go with four games to go give a massive shout out to our amazing sponsors qmn manufacturing 10 pin result BNN glass and aluminium hod Center County of course Delta cleaners and laundry a fantastic veric and bow for holding the event and of course our naming sponsors Lexus of Townsville if you are on social media please jump onto their Facebook pages like and share our fantastic sponsors without your support these companies can’t survive we don’t expect you if you don’t live in the area to be able to frequent the areas but just a like and a share on social media shows your support for their support for our fantastic game so oh pocket 710 for Connor Bishop that’s what the kitties come to see not Jared lford with a nine spare he can r a possible 206 Shane rosberg with his nine spear doesn’t have to table dance now he should be able to shoot 100 from there Ain nobody need to see that hey rosberg you better stay behind the fou line buddy I do not want to see you up on that table dancing e be Martin with a nine St for 191 Lea Melton rolls one up for a double in the 10th chicken ball possible 2011 oh here we go they’re saying $100 in a nudie run if rosberg doesn’t make a 100 from here all right let me run that byy him and see what he says Hey Sho they’re saying if you don’t make 100 from here it’s 100 Bo and the nudie run hello Mr Wilson all right for everybody tuning in at home on one and two Shane rosberg needs four pins in two shots to not table dance or possibly do the run of Shame yeah he needs he needs four four pins in two shots he’s liable to throw one in the right gutter like I’m hoping not but ah safe as houses mate safe as houses yes Conor Bishop finishes with 190 no you’re do just push me out the way I’ll move other Dan rosow with seven SP people show you support well poor bloke struggling in the back office are you sure that’s all acrost I am sure oh yes big finish sha all righty that completes game number six the bowlers will make another Lane change and they will get back into it what e e e e game number seven is under why TR gide with a strike right there there’s a knot right you got a knot in that shoulder I know I can get rid of it for you but’ll h Missy rosberg with a strike look out one strike into a 300 game go you good thing Corner Bishop pushes the 10 back Brian ALS with a seven spare Luke Doyle with a strike Blake Walsh with a 24810 Luke doy with a roll out double Adam Hayes with a 210 Jason Walsh with a double wh sorry Z sorry what’s happening down this end of the world Shane Melton with a 62 Alicia with a nine spear chane rosberg with a strike Shan I’m cheering you mate tournament’s over Billy no it’s not there was a tournament over you’ve had one bad game 23 30 all right so it’s challenging from here look taman’s positive tamron’s upbeat she’s like look she’s even smiling she said happening she never smiles and she’s smiling oh look Lea is making it look easy ah tamaron see all you need to do was smiled I have no what are you going to do never been so left in my life left is Right sometimes standing on that’s fine it’s working so who cares where you standing Jason wal with three in a row he’s three three strikes into a 300 game oh Rossy go Brad I’ve heard you like to take it all day Bernie grao after 266 has opened up with a double pretty sure he’s been down the Unicorn Farm they’re right he hasn’t gone back up yet oh as we say that he’s going a little high leaves a 36 oh sorry 3160 Blood Angles are shocking from here need to cut those ball returns down so you can at least see part of it here we go K rosberg carry three in a row oh n went too hard manate oh Shane missed a mile left don’t know what he thought that was going to hold on to was in the middle of the line to makeer with a solid five pin spare like ball dripping for a double oh really done enough to go step nice say what sh no um nice Adam Hayes with a six pin Jason Walsh looking for four in a robe Brock Gordon goes a little light leaves a 48 Shane mton Jason Walsh rings of 10 hopefully she makes a step lat went to the boys ball oh okay yeah um are far the three how far out of the top three though yeah but how many pens oh Jesus Jesus s h with a two4 out I how the boys were’re doing Brock with a solid 10 pin Luke Doyle with a 4610 Conor Bishop with a front four Bernie Gro with a pocket 71 J lford with a pocket 10 pocket 7even be whing with a six pin Liam bow water with a strife Olson with a four pin Shane Melton with a 610 Blake Walsh looking for four in a row break with a four pin R rosberg goes light leaves a 245 Zeb Holt with a 13 nine spare for Brian a corner Bishop with a six pin oh way slow on that one rigns in the pocket for a strike nura rberg with a seven Spar M Walsh with a nine Spar Seb HT with an eight Miss Troy gay with a St bless you Conor Bishop with an iron Spar friend with a strong getting the flu Jared lford with a stride oh be Martin with a power shot go muscles go muscles oh L with a four seven 10 Beck whings in playing the big boy part of the Lan well this tournament’s had it all women playing deep left-handers actually having to move but half the lefties in this field wouldn’t know that there was anything on the right hand side of 20 board on the approach I said half of them I didn’t say all of them said most of Mor’s reckon he made more moves yesterday than he did in the last 12 months not up I said what is that every tournament combined he goes yes probably knows the the big one after that Sur and speed well I think he runs by the George fingos philosophy with Reser c a ball if it’s not white it’s not right I tried the George bingos now I was like that’s too much St Jas wal for the nine Miss Missy rosberg with a solid spare why for you laugh with a four pin L and bow water with an 81 go lanord goes High Lo a six pin Hayden Miller spars his four pin b b whing playing the big boy part of the lane she’s on fire oh Beck Martin THS the bucket R out of run out of I just said to back I said this tournament’s had at all the chicks playing the big boy part of the lane left-handers having to move well got it all St there for Jared Langford Troy gay with three in a row Conor reigns with three in a row leam boater looking to cover up his 81 Jason Walsh with a pocket seven and 10 will bowater kicks the seven out of the 710 Missy rosow chries the six off the 10 Walsh with a double rep on Center no bullying here mate so sorry unlucky being bullied made a genuine comment and he laughed in my face what comment was that don’t love it when practice paid off you that’s because he wouldn’t know what practice was correct ding ding ding we have a winner that’s we as my Max people say you’re going to come back to Bow I say I do three games a year Wonder four one can’t be bothered two way too unfair and pillar of I mean if that pillar is a pillar in the Coliseum you’re an athlete wait they say you ruins but still cooler than C Bernie making it look easy man hey M I want to know what your secret is on the right hand side Adam with a double Shane rosberg with a double somebody must have bought his second one for him Tran Melton with a double oh that’s got to be close oh sign him up what is that bow that Cameron Johnson’s using Orange County Chopper oh tomato with a seven Miss BR Gordon with a got it’s another $20 shot D rosberg with a three pin Missy rosberg misses a 10 pin solid 10 pin for Bernie what if I could come back as a two Ander I’ll go down to Baler and get Blake to coach me a solid St Jason wol with a solid temping alici Melton with a strike first call of a 10th Adam Hayes with an eight spare Cameron Johnson with a five pin Lua Melton with a 467 Hayden Miller with a 36 Jord mccahill with a 63 Shane mton with a solid 10 W that is pretty to watch for two-hander he is pretty to watch oh unlucky there by Cameron he’s just shrugging it off sh mton with a 133 he seems stoked by that outcome Shane rosberg showing him it’s done go Shane Blake Walsh with a possible 232 my your husband’s coming home with a wet sale he’s he’s hooking in z h with the six misss BL W with an eight spare and two Thin two oh that sounded angry from joson Adam haes with a strike e b a possible 2011 like there from Brock Gordon that Miss spare was a bit of a wasted first shot Bernie Grasso let’s rip it’s like starting a lawn mower watching Bernie b he just grabs that cable and rips the guts out of it don’t whether to walk up and give him high five or a leader of petrol they to make need to make a bowl with a sand effect only with a 221 Brian Olson with a strike Adam Hayes with a 191 can we get a full set on 11 one is three for Brock 221 Bernie 168 for Luke go 171 Jared Lon 191 be Whiting one what y want so gay with a double Conor reigns with a nine oh he M 166 for Marissa Roser 67 for Beck Martin nine spare there for Conor Bishop he a ball a possible 214 got Gordon’s in with a strike K Luke I’m feeling big game for you this game Bernie Grasso with a strike the Bernie m Langford with a strike Jason Walsh with a strike and this car always happen with on is he a local player where’s he from con reigns with a strike Lu goes light for 278 Troy gayl with three in a row what oh up on L BL Walsh two strikes into his 300 game do you want me to call this score now or do you want me to wait a few more frames 261 261 what s of score is thaty think it be funny that’s his that’s his FR 10 Miss have a look at all my set guys very set Stuart Sanderson yeah ENT yeah front 10 six and front 10 six Miss 282 we get a full set on eight Jason’s two strikes into a 300 as well could be a race to the Finish oh Bernie with a double M we got more strikes than a redhead matches Factory down in this is on fire what we got down there Conor Bishop’s got a strike F Martin’s got a stri right Cameron’s just talking to himself he needs a little bit more hand position on the release Adam Hayes jams attend Alicia Melton rolls one up for a solid seven pin if Beck wh if Beck whing was any further left she’d be a j Biden supporter Blake Walsh with three in a row Alicia Melton misses her seven pin Adam Hayes covers his 10 pin who thought that oh Brock’s not letting Blake get away could be a Chase to the end I reckon Jason could have something to say in this little three-way argument as well Shane Shane rosberg’s trying to double Brooklyn and it’s been light Brooklyn at best be Martin’s got a double Bernie’s wobbled a seven pin cam [Music] Johnson Alicia mton with a strike dep 7:30 Department oh Cameron Johnson with a 63 Adam Hay is ringing another 10 Shane rosberg with a 36 tamon christon with a 37 Jason Walsh with three in a row gate if you’re paying attention oh BL bl’s got a little skinny on that one nine spare there for Adam Hayes double there for Shane Melton sane rosberg with an eight spin B slap the pocket for a start Beck Martin for right spare as well good halt with a seven Miss Marissa rosberg with a 27 Oh Brock Gordon goes High leaves a six pin it’s all down to Jason Walsh for the 300 this game Alicia mton with an eight spe Luke Doyle hasn’t made a spare this game Adam Hayes goes white leaves a 25 Blake Walsh checks up high for six he what he’s being brutal I’ve been quite calm today just cuz I said he looks like he’s starting his lawnmower dogs coming home but I’m telling you now unless it’s five frames into game 10 and he’s 100 sticks out of the 24 on backing him in oh Brian olon spars the 210 oh unlucky break there for Cameron Johnson 710 C HT lead the six pin oh that’s a bit Savage looked at your face and thought they needed a oh that is the call of the day right there oh to with a seven stair Jared with an eight spare what’ you did what’ you did I did nothing okay Cameron with a stri what moving out of the bloody way oh Bernie with a four pin Jordy with a six pin L got a spare oh Luke D made his first spare of game eight go Luke I Shar I Shar Conor Bishop is just trying to strike with a square Alicia Melton goes slightly high for six pin strike there for Tama Blake Walsh back in the pocket off the sheet for 278 68 68 61 oh Jason rings are 10 what if you get to the last one you’re going to throw a three count I want to see him do a Roser get to the last one 69 out of the 69ine out of the day Adam Hayes with a double he Ze you want to not pull the center apart mate thank you for Jason ask then mate bles made a bit of a significant move to the left t with a 3610 oh all day so my name who’ be calling for you Frank yeah Conor Bishop with a nine Miss that’s Barton working on a seven spare strike there for Marissa rber Deb Holt with an eight Spar T Milton with annoying Jared lford with an eight count Bon Walsh back in the pocket 279 Pace 279 might be enough to jump him up to make the last block interesting start drive I’m driving my car Adam Hayes with three in a row Luke Doyle with a nine stare Jeb Hol with an eight count are you in with a Chance of the 24 the ball I don’t even know who’s got my jacket Oh I thought you I’ll have my one chip for the year what word not the first time it’s been said on this I guarantee I know who it was yeah every time I walk past him that’s all he kept saying gaylard with a possible 211 Connor reigns with a possible 188 oh be M what a parous of a shot Beck whing with a spare Liam bow water with a seven count G Langford with a strike what do you need hide that is just you know I picked you’re going to go off the sheet for 227 all right Beck Martin with a 410 what’s going on over here we got the the four local Legends Luke Doyle with a stri Jared Langford Rings a s Adam H’s with five in a row W Brian olon solid as a rock eight spare there for Shane rosow H Bishop goes High leaves a 310 with a 36 Bernie Grasso with the doubl JY with an 81 Shane with an eight count me the pedigree with an open Fame Conor Bishop with an open Fame gared Langford warns one up off the corner 137 for Hayden Miller 179 for Liam boow Water 224 for mil Adam haes with six in the row Jason wal four in a row still throwing 279 Pace J lford throwing 214 Pace Blake Walsh throwing 247 Pace Conor Bishop throwing 170 Pace be wi the trying one 163 Pace Adam Hayes at possible 257 Pace as I say that Jon throws a big four 265 pace Missy Ros with a four pin Bernie with a 10 pin 245 so Blake wall 263 J seven count for Ze Hol shorty with a seven stare [Music] they’re quing with a double ban Olson 168 draws with Jordy mccahill that me be luk D with the low game on five and six of 160 you owned him all righty the bowlers will make their final Lane change for qualifying they will Bowl two more games I know she still got a shot so B four games on might have a chance I just want to sit down for five minutes my KNE is telling me I was there four games ago I get I try and play fuing did I get it right did you get a Shane H did you throw 400 scary thing is 180 average could T well 180 average could be the top 24 oh top 24 I picked one I picked 193. 193 I’ll have a look at what it is after this 12 at the moment is 190 but there is 190 at the moment what’s the what’s 24th at the moment 18 I’m there with a Chance 195 for Marissa rosberg 159 for Conor Bishop final Lane Chang is being made massive shout out to our amazing sponsors Delta cleaners and laundry qn manufacturing 10 pin result CLS construction hodskin Center counting BNN glass and aluminium of course the amazing Beric and ball for hosting the event and Lexus of Townsville if you are looking for The Ultimate Driving Experience go and chat the Sam in the again at Lexus of Townsville they have the new RX the lc500 all your driving needs and abilities will be catered For from Lexus of Townsville e e e e e e all right games N9 and 10 are underway I told you what the padd will be offers on Miller Light that could be a chance hey I’m sure Frank’s open a negotiation he’s a businessman Beck wiing with a n spare seven spare Marissa rosberg’s one strike into a 300 game Shane Melton is a dou into a 300 guy the 160 not a0 160 so this kid up you got right you got right it’s only one game dudes Luke Doyle with a strike Blake Walsh has let me down for 300 again might Jason MOS with a double L Milton with a nine count Luke Doyle with a St be mountain with a night 10 quing with a n Spin tman with a six count Jared’s going for an all spare game Gord Mill with a wash out Mr rosberg with a six pin Liam boat goes high for a 3610 we going for an all spare game or what why not can’t win it from first Reserve oh you can’t that’s right but then you’re not first Reserve are you well technically you’re still our first no you’re not you’re in the final you’re not a first li bow water misses by a long set train Melton with a big four Conor reigns with a 10 pin Conor Bishop with a 28 be whing with a nine Speare one job Jared one job they’re going to double check those scores yeah it is they’re playing different to the first one but this seem to start really deep they all saw where Sam was playing and thought that’s where I’ve got to start they didn’t look at the process to get there yeah but I mean where s plays doesn’t overly affect what you do I just I just the move that I made game have been Jordan kahill with an eight Miss Brian olon with a seven spare Jared lford trips to S you might as well go off the sheet Now train Melton trips a n Brooklyn BR Gordon with a trip seven Beck whings in the pocket for a start who gr had a stone seven pins pins into the wall mate between him and Blake Walsh they’ve had some absolute Corker carries as I said there’s been some weird rubbish today Dan Wilson’s had the unluckiest game I’ve seen thrown three a row 49 three in a row 49 I think that almost beat the strike S1 strike six so rail with yeah strike not correct B Bishop with an 81 and B after three in a row with a four pin Lua Milton SPS the three 4 67 10 wow didn’t that happen in a m see [Music] oh you see where Beck whing standing she playing a big boy part of the Lan she’s GNA be in front of the bll return next shot what you know that’s a this tournament’s had everything Beck’s playing the big boy part of the lane left-handers have actually had to make a move more than a board right been awesome other than Jared all the other lefties in the field didn’t realize there was anything past the right hand side of the middle dot you very oh did you hear that sorry Missy rosberg sparing machine excuse me Beck Martin just rolling through his staring repertoire at the moment I mean look at the end of the day you’ve only got to throw another 15 shots so cuz tomorrow we yeah one guy one girl one go one go one girl per Lane there well there is but for these guys are is game n game n see if I was that far in front with with two games to go like if I knew I was a short of the six I would get urethane just to play with people dirty well depends what urethane you throw Brock Gordon four in a row Luke Doyles turned up eight games too late Luke Doyle’s turned up eight games too late we’re going to start calling you three L Coke mate you turn up late but you’re a crowd pleaser ban olon with a 3610 Shane rosberg takes a 10 out of his Greek Church Aiden Miller’s on a double Adam Hayes withy there Mr rosberg what’s happening reflection reflection or Def flection said H with a solid 10 pin Blake Walsh dances half a deck around the seven pin hello this is gam wow you got right he Blake Walsh with a nine spear Alicia Milton with a nine spare Bernie Grasso is still trying to Loft the first 30 ft of the lane but that’s all right y the Bernie lawn M every time I sit down this end it smells like something’s burning yeah too little too late does he though got to throw a bit more than 400 he’s already in the I thought you said it I thought you said if he B if he stays clean he’ll make as in like he’ll jump into the 24 mate I got more faith than George Michael Adam Hayes with a double make pedigree trips a 10 Hayden Miller with four in a row Brian olon with a seven spear think there’s a whole lot of pins between 12th and 24th either just like going to work isn’t it wow oh Miller Light with five in a row st’s making it look easy Jason’s making a big run up the top 24 154 carry no oh into stage two it do but not into tomorrow that’s what I’m saying I don’t think there’s whole lot of scks between 12th and 24th [Music] Jared Lanford with a great chck what the hell is wrong with you would for 39 be whing with a solid 10 pin going to throw 224 reigns with a 142 56 minutes in oh good lord Mur that’ll end up 60 plus Shane mton a 193 Willam Bater got his W Cameron Christian say is not having a good time of it down there on one and two c awesome with annoy there Missy rber on eight count 155 for Liam Bater 121 for tamaron Christensen 142 for Conor Reigns there some Walsh winds up for three in a row he’s still balling 231 Pace Adam Hayes with a 161 Jared Lanford Stones is s to St game 10 six count for Luke Doyle for 235 236 for Adam hes okay e e e e so Blake Ross 213 Adam Hayes is into his 10th game he’s opened up with a 47 Hayden Miller with a 457 Shane Ross with a 1555 155 220 for Jason Walton 235 for Luke strike first ball of the K ton Christensen with a strike nine spare Jason Walsh one strike into a 300 game duck Martin with a n SP Cameron Johnson with a 16 over the six six Jared lford with a f down wol with a solid 10 hter reigns with a wash out back whing after an open frame she’s left the six pin Shane Melton wobbles the seven can’t quite get it to fall Martin finishes with 181 Jordan MC hill with a 10 pin oh Adam Hayes got a little sloppy with that a 4610 Troy gaylard with a39 Conor Bishop 6710 Gordon makes his nine score Cameron Johnson finishes at 163 Liam Bater can’t buy a spare at the moment 129 for Conor Bishop Jason Walsh with a nin Bernie Gros in front of the ball return let’s see what the uh the Bernie lawn mower can do I don’t know why he’s LOF him that far that high Jared Lanford is in all sorts Shane Milton trips a 10 down there on lane two Conor reigns with a nine square Brian olon with a light Brooklyn six counts N St for Bernie he can ball 225 Jared lford takes the two pin off his ugly five count well it’s not a pretty f five is it not often but I got 12 Lanes I got to try and do like come on oh here we go wait you are so lucky this is wired up or I would tell you right now e e what am I going to do with that man I do apologize for the language just anding it was not great Jared langford’s throwing more fives this game than a game of snap he’s on fire with the five cams what’s that oh yeah yes it’s live on YouTube yes it’s all broadcasting live welcome to the club and do I give a not at all if you can’t no you don’t all picks up that picks up yeah that picks up Ambient sound front of the um because we’ve had it a couple of times I’ve been down there and somebody’s dropped a clanger down the other end and they’ve gone by the way the microphones are on yeah so what’s happening Brock Gordon’s got a double s e Bernie Grasso with a strike Shane Melton with a double Adam haes with a nine Spar sorry Shane mil with a nine Spar Jared LAN with a n Adam Hayes with a 467 Jon Walsh with a d what was that good shot Jason the big dog eight SP for Beck Martin got fris with a seven pin like Walsh is trying for a Dutch 200 100 p a bishop with a 10 pin Liam bowar with a four pin on a bishop with a n spare Jason Walsh with a 49 see go f the bad juju you putting on them seven spare there for Blake Walsh solid 10 pin for Beck Martin Shane mton with three in a row tamon Johnston with a nine count 81 for Jason w ban Olson with a St what’s P Waring doing down there staring night be Martin with an orange Jo HT with a seven count Cameron Johnson with the no here make a pedigree with an well with a nine SP Missy rosberg with a stone try halt with a 172 FL turn for Bernie something looked like it come off his ball when it landed wanted just spend the reflection off the L but Jason got one out into no man’s land for one2 47 blue soil with a d off Adam Hayes opened another well Jason Walsh chops the 247 off Brian Alon with a 310 CH Christenson with a 39 gr Gordon spares his six turn what’s that hurry up and bow you Tim FR and come back B Melton with a St I can’t Theona Bishop don’t know what’s going on with Adam’s St game this game I mean he’s had a couple of swits but he’s off of seven2 flush that one oh Conor Bishop cherries a six off the 10 jar lanford’s least back in the pocket no more silly five counts D Walsh with a solid 10 still going freeze that’s 200 go some more an eight spoon oh Brian Alon trips the four Aiden Miller with a solo 10 Joy H with a 310 oh good break there back Martin put us a six out leaves just a seven this rosberg goes wide nine spare for Gordon drains the par Tre either 210 eight St there for Missy rurs Bernie’s made a ball change oh Jason W he’s like a fly of barbecue he’s just not going away Conor reigns with a strike too little too late D Lanford with a spear Conor Bishop with a 63 K mton finishes with 191 192 for Beck whing 199 for Marissa rosberg 194 for tamaron Christian 165 for Jared Lin 177 for Conor R Luke Doyle with four in a row bloody two Anders Adam ring Buck 78 if he spares and Strikes 199 William bowater will finish with a 134 nine spare for Cameron Johnson 155 for Troy L 178 if he short 178 who was behind him 76 in front of so stay in front of might I need 17777 what do Jason need to jump him yeah 20 more than me so he needs 196 or so to to pass me need 200 well he’s just dou so do tonight B needs an next hit h b needs an next hit other he stay there he needs next hit to jump in not out should bur you with a Str gets that one out watchs the look of it goes light two pin that’s just cost him to six 194 tops 199 to passs yeah I got him yeah back sign her up you like one of those little good luck tiies just sitting behind there Cameron Johnston for the old Orange County Special 58 out of the pocket Luke oy flushes onea notton with a 72 B some R for the 194 a bishop with an our whoops that one in 221 but if he needed 222 to pass you and he throws 221 don’t draw for six one game player High see smoke and just head to the Smoke oh sign her up how Tre motion like a little W like like a little wind up toy Just Wind you up a you guys you wind up Let You Go said 222 to beat you by one oh well luk you suck better luck yeah you need a 222 to draw with him they gave you the wrong information mate I would got one yeah yeah yeah an nor spay what are you [Music] doing not yet oh yeah look I’m sure she she’s all across that he yeah take a one count got a got two by one got a one count yes it’s not a change 121 for Cameron Johnston yeah [Music] wow it’s like it’s like a hand of God Bernie style he’s got a loft one and just turn his back on it n Bernie you you’ve got a lost one and then just turn around hands have got it you’re still not cool cooler than Kirk but you’ll do well you had one job double gutter one job could you imagine if she double gutted you never live that down see you off the an off the ankle off the ankle with the first one still don’t agree with it so oh jenet how’ your 160 average go today did you yesterday i’ average 185 and you corrected me and was like that’ll be me CS no you said I’m going to average 160 and I said that will still put you midcut no I said I’m not going to average 185 tomorrow and then say I practiced on the Pat the night before so now I don’t want to practice and you said you’re not going average 185 that’ll that’ll lead the field why that will playing yesterday you need to just put your thumb in the ball man how many two and is in that top six Conor Bishop finished with 191 that concludes our qualifying please check back in in about 10 minutes we will have the top six up on live scores we’re going to wash and re Oil we’re going to get this back on the show on the road another six games sort out the six Bowlers to make up the men’s field e e for

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