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Mike Epps Reveals Why Richard Pryor Biopic Fell Through | Full Episode Tomorrow 3/7 | ALL THE SMOKE

On the upcoming ALL THE SMOKE episode, comedian Mike Epps discusses the state of comedy and share the truth behind why the Richard Pryor biopic fell through.

Watch the FULL tell-all interview with Mike Epps tomorrow!

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you were inoss talks to play Eddie Murphy excuse me uh Richard Pryor right yeah I was going to play Richard Pryor man and then uh his wife I didn’t I didn’t screw his wife his ex-wife and she got mad you’re not going to play Richard you didn’t spank this ass I said nope I ain’t playing Rich PR here oh [ __ ] oh she going to f me for this you’re going to People’s Court [ __ ] People’s Court People’s Court today today yeah man but but I you know what it was I I went to Richard prize funeral man and none of his friends got up there and talked about him Paul Mooney none of them people people went up there to talk about him bro Mo’Nique went up there on the stage she didn’t know him and George Lopez went on the stage he didn’t KN him he wasn’t even in the casket the casket was shut we all in there crying she didn’t burnt them up somewhere this the [ __ ] that we was going through Dana Ross just stood up right in the middle of the prayer and just start I swear to God I’m not Bor hey I can’t tell you a lie she just starts singing like she had a big ass hat with a net on her [Laughter] [ __ ] hey you know and guess what [ __ ] I get on the stage right I’m on the stage I’m coming down cuz I’ve been on coke for two three nights they think I’m crying for Richard but I’m crying cuz I’m been high all night his kids is sitting there crying man so his so when I seen his kids crying I start crying cuz it just made I’m like damn that’s they dad let me tell you something bro the lady told me that night you’re not ready to play Richard I said [ __ ] you [ __ ] I’m going to kiss my [ __ ] ass I sit up here but you know what I told him though you know what I told her no I’mma tell you some real [ __ ] I’mma tell you what I told her Steve and mat I told her look here Stephen I love Richard PR I love him to death but my kids don’t know who he is but the little [ __ ] know me mhm so I’m the [ __ ] I’m the as good as Richard Pry was he was a bad [ __ ] these kids they know who the hell Mike EPS is and I that’s my OG I love him but the time is moved on so if you go see a Richard Pry movie with me in it you going to see Mike F play Richard Pry right now for all the old heads that know Richard Pry they’re going to be coming in there like yeah [ __ ] you better come on with that mud bone [ __ ] you better do that [ __ ] yeah yeah you know what I’m saying but my age and the kids the kids younger than me they don’t know who they said Mike playing a comedian on there I’m going to see this [ __ ] that’s how that’s that’s yeah that’s where we at they gonna say DayDay too they gonna kill me with day day day day current state of uh comedy right now um what you think about it with the council culture and everybody being so sensitive to jokes and things like that what’s your opinion on it well you know I think as a comedian you really gota you got to weigh your odds you know you got you got one level of it that makes sense every level of it makes sense but you got a group of guys over here that are you think about Dave Chappelle you think about Cat Williams you think about guys like Corey hoko these dudes are fearless man these dudes ain’t they ain’t thinking like I’m thinking see I’m over there they over there saying everything I want to say but I can’t mess my money up because I got a different I know how to act in a movie different Lane I know how to yeah I know how to do TV I know how to produce so I’m over there looking and trying to protect that right that don’t have nothing to do with that now if I take that Lane right there it might yeah cut that off right cuz you don’t see none of them dudes like real crossing over and yeah yeah yeah not that they can’t do it right they just not it’s not but they got a heart of a lion when it come to this game mhm you know them guys are I’m telling you they Fearless man they go up there and say you know I say some crazy stuff but Lord Jesus they go hard and I just sit back my popcorn I’m like boy they got a whole lot of heart man and it works for them they sell like a absolutely has has the has the genre suffered because of this because of everybody being so sensitive oh yeah oh yeah that’s that’s uh you know when you think about Richard Pryor and uh red fox and Bernie Mack and them kind of guys man they wouldn’t have made it in this time you know they would have probably just walked away from the game because it’s a damn shame that you’re allowed to do it in a different area and you’re not allowed to do it in the area that is really you supposed to be doing it at are supposed to be able to say whatever we want to say and crack a joke I mean to to in to a respect you know what I’m saying you ain’t got nobody to talking about no kids and certain stuff you can’t say period even with a joke it’ll get you up out of here like some comedian he was just talking about George Floyd I don’t know who it was um David F he he called he apologized and all that that could have got an ass whoop that came with a ass whooping and a you know he got no phone calls he didn’t apologize just because he wanted to yeah you know that but see you going for the laugh you going for the shock and you going for the laugh


  1. Dude is just plain disrespectful. It ain't funny either. Fact is his ass was TOO OLD to play a young Richard Pryor and he knows that. Mike Epps is a piece of dog dookie for all this. Disrespect everybody for some cheap laughs.


  3. Now. Not all but alot of youngstas know who Richard Pryor is at least have heard of him. Man I would hope so. Cuz without Richard probably wouldn't be no mike apps and so on. Rip true king of comedy Richard Pryor!!

  4. 😂😂😂 he speaking all facts I was gonna watch the movie just because it was him! No disrespect to the og prior

  5. Fellas you have to stop marrying these women that don't love you they marry you in your later stages of life for wealth. They gonna do your kids and family wrong every time.

  6. Lee Daniels bought the rights to make the biopic about Pryor and he named it "Is It Something I Said" but my title would have been "That Niggers Crazy" because of his use of drugs.

  7. I can't believe that she did that to Mike after she revealed that Richard had an affair with Marlin Brando , she messed up his name ,Okay Jen whatever.

  8. I'm glad i got to grow up and watch Richard Pryor while he was still on this Earth. Even though he's gone, he'll always be my favorite comedian. Eddie Murphy is my second favorite. I'm sure some may disagree with me but thats just me. Harlem Nights just hit differently back in the day.

  9. They gone kill me wit day day hell yea you started strong with that role 😂😂😂 it made you a household name

  10. Lets be clear. The reason we are not getting a Richard Pryor movie is because a white woman fucked it up.

  11. What i LOVE is, u see MB looking at MJ like, is it ok to laugh at this shit? Then ME hurt dem ngs😂😂😂

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