The Correct Wrist Set Simplifies The Golf Swing

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all right guys in today’s video I’m going to show you something I did with a recent student of mine on how to hinge the club and set the club properly during the golf swing that will make things very simple for you there’s three key checkpoints and one really big key that you must do that I’m going to show you in today’s video is going to really help you simplify your golf swing let’s Dive Right In all right guys so I had a recent student come in asking me about hinging the wrist during the golf swing who had some misconceptions and credit to Mike Alaska um he had watched Mike’s video Mike did a great video on wrist setting that I just wanted to give um a couple things here for you guys that I gave my student and basically when it comes to hinging the wrist and doing the back swing I sort of have one of two ways that I can go that I see with students that come in I can hinge the club correctly during the back swing in an easy way that makes the rest of the Swing really simple or I can do some things as I go back in various ways to hinge the club that makes things very difficult both of those options can work but doing it the way that I’m going to show you will make it much likely higher likelihood that it works and much more simple throughout the swing now there’s three key checkpoints and one really really important factor that we’ll talk about the three things I want to make sure you do and then we’ll go through each one during the back swing we have to learn how to get the left wrist from being CED or bent here at setup to flat that’s a big one we need to be able to hinge the club vertically to about 90 to 100 degrees by this left arm parallel and we need to be able to hinge the club relatively on plane which means the butt of the club points right at or just inside this ball Target line all three of those left wrist needs to go from cup to Flat I need to hinge the club vertically about 90 to 100 degrees and I need to have the club basically on an angle that’s on plane if I can do all three of those I’m going to have a really easy time for the rest of my swing but any one of those that’s off means more work later on and the drill that I showed my student was really to help clarify that one trick right the the one piece that’s so important and what makes this hard is when you take your setup position and you hold it with your lead hand depends a little bit on your grip style but we’re going to have some amount of angle or Cup in my wrist that’s set up from the face on angle while from the down the line angle the club is relatively unhinged so we’ll pull Adam Scott as a model let’s say 140 to 145 degrees okay now when I make my back swing I need to add vertical hinge to my wrist to the point where this shaft gets to about a 90 Dee angle by left arm parallel but when you do this and I want you to do this with your left hand hinge your left wrist up towards your face and what happens to that angle in your wrist for most of us that angle is going to get even bigger even bigger meaning this cup that I had at set up gets even more cued the more I hinge my wrist up the more cued the wrist gets now that’s a problem when I make a swing with some forearm rotation because the club face is always going to be too open okay so just to give you a visual when my left wrist stays too cued with arm rotation during the back swing which we all have when I hinge my wrist it cups more when I do that on the way back with arm rotation the face is always going to be open okay so if I bring that down you see the toe is too far behind the heel that means a lot more work later on so from this position while we hinge that wrist up we need to be able to flatten out that lead wrist angle that’s the trick of it that’s what keeps the club face Square during the back swing now why do we need to hinge the club vertically at all is really for two reasons one’s for power okay so if I had this 140° angle during the takeaway not a ton of hinging he’s adding a little bit of hinging okay by the time he gets to left arm parallel he’s at that 90 and as he finishes his turn he gets to about 75 but the reason I need to be able to hinge that up on the way back is so that I can unhinge it on the way down and that’s a power source imagine I make a golf swing where I keep this 140° angle the whole time okay I can still hit a ball like this but there’s very little power like if I try and literally keep that wrist hinge the same the whole way I hit a full swing seven iron there probably 120 yards when I add my wrist hinge and I go up and down and try and do the same thing that seven iron now goes like 180 yards so the wrist has to hinge up and down for Speed purposes the other reason it needs to hinge is what goes up must come down meaning that first ball I hit I don’t know if you noticed it was very thin the second ball I hit was very solid because the ball’s on a ground with an iron I need the club head to travel some amount down to hit the ball ball first ground second for me to get my wrist to hinge down to hit the ball they had to have gone where up so I add wrist hinge for power and to be able hit the ball solid but again if you hold it with your left hand that cup increases and that’s where the trail hand really comes in now you can feel with either one but what I really want you to feel during the swing and this is the drill is I want you to be able to take your left hand and hinge the club up towards your face and hinge it down and hit the mat this is what my did with my student I’ll back up from the ball here so up towards you to about 90 degrees hit the ground two three that’s about how much hinge I’m looking for if I want to get to that 75 like Adam Scott I’ll go just past parallel up and down feel what your left wrist is doing your left wrist is controlling the up and down motion now if that’s true when I go back I can feel that same motion where I go just straight up but how do I flatten it out that’s where the right hand comes in so I want you to do three with this left hand up down up down up down now take your right hand now you’re going to feel no up and down with your right hand I just want you to feel back back means your knuckles towards the back of your form so the hand just going straight back this way with your right hand and I’m doing that from about setup to left arm parallel okay so right hand goes back now notice as I’m doing that where is the club here it’s about what 90 Dees to my arm and where’s the butt of the club Point basically right at the ball Target line so there’s an angle I’m trying to hinge on right we want let’s pull that list back up we want the left wrist flat we want the club about 90 hinged and we want it on plane so what I’m going to do and we’ll work through this drill here and how I want you to practice this is I want you to feel the left hand going up and down and I want you to feel the right hand going back and forth separate and then we’re going to retain those feels together so if you can do this pause the video come back and watch it or just kind of feel this with me let’s go up and down with the left wrist just just beyond 90s fine up down one two three thud the mat don’t be afraid of that that’s the piece that’s going to help you hit the ground during the down swing if you’re not taking enough divot or you’re a unable to hit the ground you need to do that piece more so up and down three times right wrist goes back no up motion at all just back back so I’m kind of feeling like my palm is facing towards the camera the back of my Knuckles are going towards the back of my forearm and it feels a little bit like the club face is more pointed towards the camera certainly the toes in front of the heel so we’ll do that three times one two three always hinging to 90 degrees always on plane now once I do three of each individually I’m going to put my hands together and feel the same thing feel the left wrist go up and the right wrist back now when I’m pulling my right wrist back what is that doing this cup in my lead wrist it’s flattening it so you flatten your left wrist by pulling back your right wrist you want to feel like your right wrist about almost as bent back as you can get it left wrist goes up right wrist goes back left wrist goes up right wrist goes back hinging the club about to 90 degrees and right on plane just inside this ball Target line just so you can see that and we’ll put some models on the screen if I was doing that here left wrist goes up right wrist goes back that’s going to point right at or just inside the ball line okay so what I want you to do is hit some shots where you feel that three just left hand three just right hand three together hit a ball like whoa that’s nine practice swings and one hit yeah that’d be like a good good 10 ball practice set now when I hit I’m going to feel the same thing left wrist goes up right wrist goes back and in terms of amounts and there’s a nice high seven iron draw in terms of mounts I kind of want that itam Scot model you know roughly 90 to 100° by left arm parallel and then from that spot say well how what do I do from there really you just keep turning technically speaking from here like my student said what do I do from here I said well just finish your turn and it’ll naturally continue hinging a little it’ll go from let’s say 90 degrees to 75 and there’ll be a little bit of folding of your Trail arm but a lot of that will happen by itself the simplified version is just complete your swing the more complicated is keep turning keep fold hold your Trail arm a little bit right but you want to focus on those same pieces left wrist up and down right wrist back this is taking care of the club face part flattening the left wrist always hinging it where the butt of the club’s on or inside the ball line then I’m going to feel the same thing left wrist up right wrist back together and that gives me both right that gives me why am I hinging the club I need to hinge the club for power and to be able to hit the ball in ground to take a divot hit the ground get the club to go down what goes up must come down why is my right wrist bending back to close the club face right I need to close the club face to be able to hit the ball reasonably at the Target also low to Loft on up and it it went in down to I wouldn’t mind you overdoing a couple like a lot of people I work with who can’t hit the ground once you do this like this is how you hit the ground like a hammer three right wrist back right wrist back right wrist back and I’ve I’ve had a lot of different drills if you search our older videos with wrist hinging with um variations of drills that are great this is just a simplified kind of quick version here for you guys left wrist up right wrist back and those are all very solid you would do this with all Club Sand Wedge seven iron driver now the timing he asked about I kind of mentioned which is you know some players will do it earlier some players will do it later all things equal I would say the better players probably tend to do it a little bit more later all things equal there’s more power there but maybe a little bit less control if you do want to hinge them a little bit earlier I’m okay with that probably a little more control maybe a little less power depending upon what you’re seeking but the neutral level is like hey I’m doing it progressively the whole time kind of like Adam Scott he goes from 140 to like mid 130 he doesn’t hinge a whole ton he’s not going like this you can okay but he’s kind of neutral here a lot of body motion am I doing just the hinge with no body no of course there’s a good amount of body motion but I’m getting to about 90 and then 75 the left wrist is flattening the club’s on plane but this is always a really nice way to do it the left wrist goes up we get rid of that cup by feeling the right wrist back now if you don’t love the right wrist back and you want to feel like you’re curling those left wrist you know curling the glove logo away from you or curling the fingers under to flatten it out perfectly okay with that but I like and my student like left wrist up right wrist back hit those three check points that are on the screen and that’s how I can get the solid contact and the straight shots you know a little micro piece in with that my student I did talk about towards the end he’s like hey what parts of the hands and wrists are controlling this should I feel more left should I feel more right either end or both depending upon what you need more of if you need to square the face more feel the right wrist bending back more left wrist curling more if you need more vertical hinging you can feel more of the left wrist up part now one other little caveat with that or guess two if I were feeling specific parts of my hands it’s mainly in the bottom three fingers of my left hand and making sure my heel pad is on top it’s hard to hinge the club if the club’s in your palm okay so you want to make sure the grip’s a little more in your fingers it’s the base of the three hands you should be able to hinge the club up if you take your index finger and your thumb off that’s how you know your heel pad’s on top just a little caveat with that so if anything the bottom three of the left hand and if anything the the right hand I sort of feel the middle two fingers and a little bit of my index finger that’s pulling back really the two middle fingers on my right hand and the three on my left some players will say hey should I push down on my left you can you can if that helps I like to just feel like I’m going up but if you want to feel push down totally fine one more time up and down up and down up and down three times back back back combine those let’s put that list on the screen one more time the three checkpoints are left wrist flat right clubs hinged to 90 and it’s on plane and if you’re one of the players that I see that comes in and you go way too long with your swing and you way way way over hinge and you want to feel less hinge the more I hinge vertical with my left wrist what does it do it cups it cups if that’s true that means the more I bow my wrist or bend my right wrist back that will make me hinge less which means if you hinge too much your left wrist is almost for sure too cued so if you feel like you bow your left wrist get your knuckles away from your forearm or bend your right wrist back more that’ll help you hinge less if you need more hinge you might feel like the you know the wrist H that cups a little bit so this a little grip dependent okay but if you want less hinge you’d feel more bow the left wrist more Bend back of the right wrist kind of like a John ROM you would see he would hinge the least if you want more hinge you know maybe like a Roy mroy you can add a little more extension to your left wrist but you got to have a grip to go along with it stronger grip you can have a little bit more cup weaker grip you want to be a little bit more flat but those three big ones one more I’ll let you guys go those three keys that’s how you practice all those that’s kind of hinging simplified the point of this video is that if you get you hit those three checkpoints get the club on playe left wrist flat 90° hinge and just complete your turn from there it should set you up for Success the easiest drill that I know is that left wrist up three times right wrist back combine them use video to confirm if you want someone to look at your swing and you want to really improve like we were able to make massive improvements because I was able to see that gentleman swing whether it be in person or online go find a great coach to work with or send your swings into kornog so we could look at them for a fraction of the price you get world class coaching and all the other stuff on the site but hey these are the priorities these are the fs these are the drills this is what to expect get great results there would love to see you there at gorog


  1. Steve Stricker seems to have quiet wrist in his iron play. How is able to achieve competitive distances without the 90 degrees wrist set?

  2. What a great video. Literally commented on one of the socials asking for something like this so perfect timing. Going to try hitting some balls without my trail arm index finger/thumb along with everything you said and see what happens.

  3. Sort of related, but where are you focusing when you "hit the ground"? I just get rid of my flip. I have tried everything

  4. Would you consider the best lead hand grip for a person to be one in which that up down hinging motion you make in front of you the most fluid feeling?

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