Golf Babe

I Spent $500 on Amazon’s Weirdest Golf Products

Amazon Products:

Arm swing aid thing:
Balance thing:
Swing Trainer:
Score Counter:
Phone holder:
Seat Blanket:
Golf tat:
Impact Spray:
Misting fan:
Golf grip spray:
Club Scrub Pro:
Towel Clip:
Scrub Brush:
Cooling hoodie:
Golf erasers:

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I spent $500 on the weirdest Amazon golf products you can find today I’m going to be playing Seven holes of golf each hole adding an item we’ll see if I go low dude this is weird I like this I’ve seen this one before I would never use that product are you kidding me I actually like this SP all right we’re back you guys heard it in the intro we’ve done this video once before but Ryder scoured the internet the other night Ryder scoured the internet the other night and he found the weirdest the craziest golf items that you could find on Amazon today Jackson’s going to be handing them to me I don’t know what they are it proved to kind of help my golf game I I vividly remember shooting pretty well when I had these items last time you through six I was 200 through six so today we’re trying to beat that record with different Amazon products we’re trying to shoot three under through six holes all right before the round starts you’re usually a little tight so we’re on the range today to start off uh we got something that doesn’t need balls but this one does this is going to help your balance and Mobility and I’m not going to lie this is kind of hard to stand on what is it it’s literally so that you stay balanced like your feet stay balanced is this a golf product yes this is a golf product what you’re going to do is lay it here and your feet are going to go right here and you got to stay balanced and you hit balls yep it’s so you don’t get on that back foot and I don’t mind it I feel like it’s pretty good product actually I’ve seen ones that portray that exact same thing okay so product number one it’s a balance beam literally a balance beam and I don’t mind it actually yeah I think this is probably pretty pretty useful 100% it’s useful I actually like that one I like that one it’s it’s not a bad product o wait I like this I’ve seen this one before yeah I’ve seen this one before uh blur it out SE no free promo if you guys want to pay let me know so do you put it past the elbows right yeah just pass the elow like that ooh wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on I this actually helps me so much for my swing change right now so I’m trying to get more extension this is actually a nice product for me that was pure now you got to stand on this so with right here with this extension thing it’s allowing me to stay connected I’m trying to on the back swing feel more extension and through impact feel more extension and this is like lowkey kind of what I need right now so I’m not going to lie your swing looks great with that on yeah dude wait wait I’m keeping this not any free promo to this brand but shout out you guys you know your product yeah I see a GG there W that’s sick what is this what do we got going on here this is for if you don’t have balls at the range like today technically the range is closed but they’re kind of enough to let us come out and hit a little bit can you get this in it won’t go in oh don’t want to step oh yeah see that’s what I’m saying hold on oh never I’m an idiot oh you got to unscrew it yeah I’m an idiot are you being for real that you didn’t notice that I I didn’t I’m going to be that’s bad this is actually perfect if your range is closed like ours is currently closed because they’re okay I don’t want to stab myself in the penis you know what this is actually good for too if you’re in your backyard and can’t smoke balls yeah nice that was kind of tough to get in the ground other than that great product we’re use this with the three-wood since we’ve already hit some irons and weap yeah I I’d like to see a three-wood here and this is actually going to tell you if you hit a hook slice or if you hit it straight the ball is going to portray a different way wait actually yeah so that you see how it’s spinning so if it goes dead straight it’s straight that was a little bit to the left that was a little bit of a hook it kind of felt like a little hook who needs a trackman yeah who needs a trackman when you got what is this called who needs a trackman when you got a ball on a rod and a plastic ball see like that one was more straight okay I like that I would never use that product okay sure I’m I’m going to give complete honest reviews I think that’s a dumb product personally sorry they’re not paying me you got to you got to rate them rate the products what would you rate this this is a a seven out of 10 the the other one for me I literally put it in my back so that’s how you know that’s like nine out of 10 and then that one that one’s that one’s I don’t should I just throw it in the trash over might as well let’s get rid of that okay all right do we have any more for pre round no more pre- round no more pre- round perfect well I guess we technically have one so this one’s a little multi-dimensional we can use today this is a smash bag it’s an impact and strength trainer I’ve seen these before let me go grab my balls why is he running like that this can also be used as you’ll see later as an angry oh no rer it’s like a punching bag oh no no we need stuff to put in it no no wait wait what do we have to put in it sand you have there’s fills easy with towels clothes or blankets oh shoot so you guys got the first part of it here let’s try it let’s try and use it real quick okay all right I think that that was a one out of 10 yeah that’s on us you’re supposed to put towels and stuff in here that was the last thing for the range right now I’m be honest I’ve never understood this thing we got a tea off in 60 seconds I’m excited for the rest of the products so far skills bag one out of 10 balance beam 7 out of 10 the ones that keep my arm straight nine out of 10 what was the other one metal swing Gro zero out of 10 okay [Music] that bang bag or whatever is it called bang bag I don’t know what it’s called not a bang bag though I think Steve needs that for like angle problems so oh yeah instead of him throwing a club on the course whenever he gets mad we just throw in the bag and he starts beating the of it 100% that would be hilarious oh I want to go low today it’s a different course than last time but the goal is three under through six I feel loose too out of the last products other other than like the ball marking one and maybe like a club cleaner one I wasn’t going to really use any but this armband one I’m going to I’m going to actually use all right hole one par four try and put one in the Fairway start off with a birdie good ball so the first product we’re going to use uh this is for someone that has trouble keeping count of their Strokes so I’ll do it for you as your caddy today you just hit a bowl that’s stroke one y wait how do you reset it it it Go just goes to nine so if you make over a nine we got an issue I don’t think you will wait so that’s just a stroke count per hole yeah dude I feel like he should put it on like his uh oh yeah do you want to put it on put on there there’s two two them i o I got it there we go tough pin location back right 79 yards oh hold on make sure we’re at the okay we’re at got we’re at one stroke for the whole um I just need to check real quick 79 Ys trying to fly this a little short of the pin one hop and stop it’s all right uphill pot kind of scared of going along there which just felt nice though recently stroke number two oh wait make sure you click that thing I know it’s hard to keep count yeah I almost lost track oh that’s huge yeah dude you know when you think about it like when you break down golf to the N degree mhm golf’s a very it’s a simple thing it is like what is golf you want to get it in the hole with the least amount of Strokes possible yeah the person who finishes the quickest is the winner it’s kind of a weird thing like it’s weird concept but it’s so simple yet it’s so hard all right so far the stroke counter I rate I rate like a 7 out of 10 it’s pretty solid like it’s convenient if I for some reason lose track of my Strokes once you go over nine though you’re screwed so good luck there mother father wait you didn’t did you count your last stroke oh you don’t want to lose track it’s a good point all right we’re at three good par thanks hit a second is it reset after well oh just four how do you have to Res how do you reset you just oh you go all the way to nine go all the way to n back that drops it that drops the product it was a seven for me I’m putting it back to a six life is about convenience nowadays you got Uber Eats and television and like stuff on your phone having this this just not very convenient having to press it all the way to nine but I’ll give it a six out of 10 what’s that I’m not going to lie it’s a little muggy it is a little are you a little hot it’s hot it’s so hot do you have butt sweats sometimes uh sometimes I I would say I’m getting close to that point okay well this is the perfect product for us then this is actually like kind of a mat you sit on go go ahead stand back up stand back up big fell stand back up wait hold on this actually might this you guys might have done you guys might have you might have cooked here basically what this what dude that is the worst feeling don’t drop your phone hold on hey did you just drop your phone I did you got you got hold on you got to hold on to this hold on this is not staged actually this is not stage we actually quite indeed have a phone holder no yeah dude you guys have something for everything what we’re going to do is it’s kind of like a rang finder this is the desert fox golf phone holder this has velcro that you have to velcro around so that’s kind of inconvenient I guess yeah they need to make one of these with a magnet maybe we’ll come out with that product good good coming soon I like this so far o okay but you know this is also good for people that maybe lose their phones you just stick it up right there there we go honestly pretty janky yeah this one’s not great I I would like to see a better phone holder product but okay so let’s get back to this real quick yeah riddle me this one so we’re supposed to put it on you’re supposed to put it around the seats so there’s a little did you put it already around so that that is supposed to go under I assume right here and boom we’ve got ourselves a no butt sweat is it a cooler thing it says it cools on the box but I’m not sure we’ll see we’ll test it doesn’t feel bad I feel like I don’t know I feel like this is something it’s kind of like hard to notice right now if it’s going to make a difference but at least you know you won’t be like rubbing around in your own butt sweat yeah 100% this is not that’s not safe that’s not safe I think my phone’s going to fall out of that your phone could quite possibly fall out I think I’m better off holding that phone yeah I’m going to give the phone holder three out of 10 the sides we didn’t like I didn’t feel like they were holding my phone safe this is actually nice I like this I think this is a really good product especially with those little pockets the phone holder I’m going to give it a 3 out of 10 not a huge fan I don’t think i’ would ever use it even though I do need to have something to hold my phone that seat cover I’m going like8 out of 10 really I really like that product I did this yesterday I mean we know it’s in the clear it’s just we’re going to have to find that ball out of stroke oh no we might lose track on this hole I like this pin location tell you that little spinny back I don’t like this these weeds are way more thick than they seem okay okay okay you guys see where it went in no I did I didn’t bring my range finer but it looks about 100 yards right yeah got the 60° I was struck really well out of that be good come on be good is it short no it’s long I thought it was going to come off the slope I’m just happy we got a birdie look again we need to get to three under or even through two actually is this our second hole yep and we’re going to add a stroke real quick oh I forgot to do it on my first t-sh want to Garrett’s Favorite Things is Cheez itss on the course so we got him a box of cheit so we’re going to show him that hey are you getting a little hungry uh actually yeah that coffee’s running through me it’s asking I’m like actually I kind of need to eat okay cool I I was just I was just wondering I know that’s good to know funny thing is I think we got the whole week ones on accident dude he’s going to hate it he’s going to no difference I just need like a snack right now that’s all what’s your favorite encour snack I feel like everyone knows this but it’s Chee itss probably Chee itss and then like a Nature Valley bar if I’m trying to get protein but just like the Casual snack for the Birdie down the hill dude Garrett you’re such a d wow I’ll tap this in for four real quick it’s not the start we wanted that’s a four I’m not going to lie this next product will be your favorite really yeah you think so no I know so that’s tough to beat the the armband one yeah yeah you want to open it honestly I think you already opened it yeah but you can reopen it we already had a couple actually yeah really yeah Jesus yeah are you kidding me what n this is some sort of sick joke I never I didn’t do it it was him that you did you do this on purpose no nope damn that’s tough that’s tough I can’t even lie Li to you I hate these like I’ll tell you straight up I hate the whole grain ones sry to Chee it I’ll be honest I saw cheit I clicked purchased didn’t realize they were the whole grain ones hey they’re healthy I that’s who what’s the difference that’s I just got blue ball hard gosh and I didn’t even see it I was actually really excited for that when he said Cheez itss it’s so sounded stage he was like I love Cheez itss well I mean I’ve said that on camera a lot it’s just that’s my favorite but I’ll tell you right now I do not like those maybe I’m completely wrong on this and maybe that’s an unpopular opinion but let me know in the comments whole grain cheit are they good or are they not personally no hey one more thing before you tea off notice you’re not using the good ball yeah you’re actually using a Callaway ball that’s like a lot of people are going to use that right yeah you once lost your ball last hole so we don’t want anyone to take it so we have what is called the ball tat and quite literally what you do is your ball is now tatted what does that logo mean saying stop don’t grab it yes I kind of like that I don’t I’m not a big like you don’t like marking your ball no I just don’t like the color pink very much the products have been you guys have been losing me the last two holes I’m not going to lie the whole grain that was a big L sorry the whole grains that that that’s tough that’ll be okay yeah that’s a good spot the cheese that’s man that’s tough that’s I don’t think I’ve ever had a whole grain did you try them you guys hadn’t tried them no I’m telling you like I tried them uh the other day cuz for some reason Grace got him maybe on accident as well it’s just not it yeah so sorry to Chee it not trying to like talk on you guys or anything but it’s just a personal preference you know everyone has preferences oh good Bowl Fair away so this is the xack pro magic impact spray last time we had tape that actually went on there and it was really hard to put on so we went ahead and got some some spray further away probably no that made it worse but well have fun hitting that my Lord you guys put enough spray on there jeez here give it to me show show me how it’s done there you go that’s going to be that’s going to be good okay you know how to do it you don’t need that much on there I was a little bit too close draw you stupid ball just be short that Hub toe toey I normally tow this club was I aiming there you were that’s the problem I could feel it I was just scared of going left but I hit that so perfect alignment did you guys get me alignment Rod by chance yeah right here yeah there’s these right here you know yeah the ones that I already have in my bag oh yeah thank you poor decision making from you should have pulled me off the ball but damn I hit that pure huh you did is there going to be a second date at any point I I want there to be a second date I’m really trying to find my love really yeah and thanks to you for giving me that platform man yeah I you know I’m trying you know we we got to set up more dates for this man over here if you guys like that first date ladies hit me up we’ll set it up we got to make it a surprise for him he can’t know who’s coming and once you guys come it’ll be great it was it was the right Club yeah just little pulley dead straight you were just aimed wrong all right well balls in the bunker it’s all good okay here I can grab your cloes thank you do you need to like wash that off or wipe that off yeah all well you pick it up if you want there’s a magnet right there actually no no no no don’t bend over don’t save that back save that back man boom damn who hold on that’s a great product paired with a great towel that you can find at ooh I I don’t clean my clubs very often this is kind of cool the towel is great but what do you think about the magnet um this is something you could also put on the cart yeah I don’t mind it I think it’s solid the convenience I would yeah okay say it’s a 7 out of 10 okay what a shot kid yeah no I actually like this thing that’s nice leave it on the ground pick it up with you wedge don’t need to bend over nope not a bigan fan of bending over you just never know what can to happen to your back have you been keeping counting your Strokes oh I forgot what am I at you’re at three right now so that’s your birdie putt right there that’s huge forgot that was honestly a really impressive bunker shot appreciate it that’s what happens when you have a clean Club yeah when a clean club and a and a fresh back yeah but it looks like these grooves are a little that I do sometimes I my back does get bad so like genuinely whenever my back is not feeling good you’ll see me sometimes I’ve bend down like this and I think that’s a very convenient product so I’ll bump it up to an 8 out of 10 great birdie thanks that’s what we needed right there one under through three three holes Remain the goal again shoot three under the product so far they’ve been helping we got a good one for the next hole I’m getting a little hot to be honest dude same I actually got something that’s really going to help really yeah I thought we already had this yeah but we got more [Music] brother it’s an 8 in missing fan with a clip um I really hope this is USB Rider it’s an actual fan oh no way yeah there’s no way you actually got this in the golf section right uh I looked up golf fan yeah this it’s yeah it was marketed like you clip it onto this thing it’s USBC yeah and on the back you see it okay I I think I really like this one already this one’s it actually seems pretty well made so I’m actually this would be like solid if you’re in Florida yes and you’re just struggling to breathe cuz the air is so thick yeah this would be nice and also in Texas when we’re in the middle of the summer yeah it’s going to bust 100% I only see one downside what’s that I think it’s made to go right here in front not on the side let me see just making sure let me Mount this let me do my let me let me cook let you use your own product I got you no it’s definitely meant to go down low yeah really I don’t think it’s supposed to go anywhere on the cart that going to fall that’s going to fall look at they marketed it like you could put it on a golf thing I can’t lie guys yall need to do a better job cuz this thing is not going to stay but what are we doing here we’re adding water to it cuz it’s actually a mister so no way yeah I like that it’ll be nice yeah that that thing a not staying that wait that phone holder might have helped a little bit it’s like picking up some slack for the fan hold on you see you got to buy them together yeah wait it’s a good combo let’s see if it works oh yeah ooh I hear some spray oh it’s actually spraying oh hold on if this thing had a better clip I would give it like a 10 out of 10 but it’s the clip’s not good enough so I’m giving it five out of 10 cuz I think it’s going to fall on our first try but we’ll see like can you actually tell that it’s working though all right here POV I wish it missed it a little bit more yeah you can’t really feel the Mist yeah you got to be like right here to feel the Mist you hit that last one off the toe let’s see what you do this time throw it catch it nice check it out money we’ve been learning to shape the ball recently where’s that hit I don’t know I must I don’t think I don’t think I sprayed it enough no it’s okay product just dropped I felt like I should I think I sprayed enough I saw white on the yeah that looked like you sprayed enough you just hit the paint off of it I know I think that’s what it was yeah you want to put this back up n yeah oh can you yeah it’s dripping a little bit the water is done I’m tell you oh it’s it’s spraying me a little bit let’s see if this thing Falls all right we’re going to go full speed do you think this thing holds uh if you stay on the cart path maybe if you go off the cart path when you do it might fall oh I can see it losing oh it’s it’s it’s trying to stay it’s trying it’s trying to stay yo you can’t hit any BMS oh there there’s a good chance that this Falls hold on oh yeah it’s coming oh it’s going no hold on is literally off it’s hanging on my [Music] yo that’s tough that’s tough yeah all right four out of 10 at at the highest you got you guys got to design the clip better that’s that’s all I suggest like that is not enough for a rail why is it still spraying oh it’s charger chargy oh okay it’s a portable one wait hold on I’m going to set this by my ball and blow my face it’s just the clip man I wonder where you’re supposed to put it like like if I’m like just a weekend golfer and I go out in Florida every weekend and I’m in the heat I’m just holding this everywhere I’m driving I love it bro I swear it’s this no oh I told you wait wait I knew it wait this product just went up a notd yes it just went up a notd wait now oh my gosh dude the cord broke oh no we don’t have much longer oh well before this thing’s out of battery that is definitely better but it’s only that’s going on the side of your face this is our product you know I’m a caddy I want to do what’s best for him yep all right this thing might work little nip kept it under the hole scared of going long it’s not bad okay this product just got up it just it was what what did I say it was like a four out of 10 I’m going to put it out of seven if it gets through these bumps if it gets through these bumps I’m going seven oh this is a big one right here okay not bad we’re going s out of 10 yeah it’s blowing on my face I like the way that feels you’re big on convenience yeah and you said sometimes when you your back hurts you kind of Bend without moving the back this is a product that’s going to make you pick the ball out of the hole with your clo see if it’ll huh okay uh by the way Lefty Loosey righty tidy in case you forgot yeah uh I didn’t forget but you want to see if you can get it in I think it’s supposed to be made for Putters that don’t already have like a how are we feeling on the product uh uh what product what product what product man go ahead and hit your putt I thought you guys had something for me no okay goes in the hole please Dirty Dog hey before you grab it this is supposed to be the product you’re using actually um it’s supposed to go on the end of your putter didn’t fit so oh dude that screw is way too big yeah so why don’t you pick that ball out of there wait hold on though this thing’s kind of nice it’s good uh zero out of 10 that’s it’s tough dude the fan oh this works on like a wedge almost I feel like most so it’s built it it’s built to just Jam in there to go into the rubber yeah that’s what it is yeah so that was we have a fancy putter so yeah we have a fancy putter um oh it’s because there’s a weight in the bottom of mine yeah yeah you can’t really blame them for that yeah you can’t I I’m not going to blame you guys for that I think the product is a really good concept yeah it just didn’t fit my [Music] hole I will say this thing is being upgraded by the second every second I speak this thing is getting upgraded does it actually make a difference yes okay it makes like the left side of my face feels cooler than the right side of my face but it’s great like I like the little fresh Breeze blowing on me constantly can you even feel the Mist I I can’t really feel the Mist cuz there’s no mist coming right now as far as the breeze goes it’s nice yeah so it it went from 4 6 to I’m going to rate it an eight I think it’s just going to keep going up cuz the hotter I get the better it feels I normally don’t do pre- promo but if you guys want to get these products we’ll link them in the description down below we bought a lot of products and we spent 500 bucks on them which is in my opinion pretty crazy to get everything that we got so all right I’m one under I need to Birdie the last two to beat the last Amazon video part three here 109 are you going no glove no okay well it is a little muggy your hands might be a little bit sweaty so let’s throw some of this on here [Music] on my hands or Club on your hands or Club let’s get this right see danger it’s got a danger sign let’s let’s read this for flammable eyeon skin irritant o I’m going to say maybe I’m a fan of the product you spray on Glo clubs or golfing gloves so you can spray it on golf club or glove I don’t want my hand or my skin that just went in my eyes it’s probably not good probably not oh my whoa whoa whoa that is sticky really yeah I honestly might keep this if that’s okay yeah all right it also is a little hot so we got you a a hood brother huh you know this is supposed to it’s good for being hot you can put water on it or it is also good if it’s a sunny day unlike today it won’t get you sunburn put this on your hood take your hat off look at it Dwayne Wade approved yeah Dwayne Wade approved cool like a Wayne Wade play golf yeah dwade and you just throw it in the inside of your shirt you tuck it in that you can do that little Mish you know what I’m saying does it kind of look like a mish a little bit shout out my Mish people out there if you guys are watching this oh wait that’s crazy sorry I feel like if you get that a little wet too yeah that’s what it’s for it’s like a a frog tog you literally look like Little Red Riding Hood oh something else no sunburns today just so scared of the sun today to be honest cuz it’s so Sunny um that’s why I’m wearing this but great shot I wish these greens spun more yeah I think it’s cuz they were air rated recently Bermuda also just doesn’t really spin but I’m a fan this is solid so far I got to say dude this is weird this is so so weird can I be honest I feel very uncomfortable right now can I be honest with you you pull it off really it’s just really baggy in the back and it kind of looks stupid from a side angle let me see oh hold on see you’re cooking it actually fits my outfit perfectly I know oh hold on you guys might have cooked here you like it I like it I like dude this might be my new thing let me know in the comments guys what do you guys feel about this I just I’m just telling you it feels weird I like it’s it’s weird I just feel uncomfortable right now I don’t mind it I feel like when the sun’s out it’s basically like a crazier form of a bucket hat that’s the way I would kind of relate it too hit it Sally that’s tough that’s a tough give it can you give it back unfortunate par did you guys buy me a mulligan on Amazon not this time not this time we thought you’d be better are you sure you didn’t oh I did I did buy one actually here hold on he’s going to make one oh look at this Mulligan we bought for him it’s crazy good how are you look I got you a mulligan oh really yeah see this from Amazon you got to cash it in so does this mean I’m to under right now yeah you’re twoo under right now all right sick we made birdie that’s a great great Mulligan Rider bot Mulan M I was trying to type it or write it so [Music] fast dude you know what’s crazy about the car cam it’s not even picking that up here something else that’s the thing about this product that bumps it down is like if I’m wanting to drive and get it to come in my face it’s not going to work at the same time cuz it’s literally it’s hitting right here and if I want it straight on no way can’t you can’t multitask like that I wish I was that talented next product we got this is the t-bot tea enhancer I think is the t-bot 4,000 t-bot 4000 what you do is you adjust it to what length you want and that’s the link the thing we go in every time yeah not a fan it does have a ball marker too I mean that’s the right height yeah I just feel like I kind of played golf enough to know but yeah I can see like if someone needs to know that that’s great it would honestly be really cool if it was also a divot fixture like Allin one but wow get drawing get drawing get drawing should be okay right quit drawing yeah this is a weird hole cuz you just you kind of have to look up the right side and try and hit a swoop or if you miss it right you’re fine not a big fan of that huh I think it’s fine it’s just like not something that makes my golf life easier yeah yeah if anything it takes more time mhm this would be for more of an amateur yeah I’m an amateur but I just still think I’ve played golf long enough to know how I like it I know what the right length is yeah and obviously I just don’t need anybody or anything to tell me what’s the right amount you know 100% I got to go over this Ridge though were I just going to run up to the hill and fill my shot just in case it gets close 60° in hand we found my ball one thing first cuz is this the last hole yeah this the last hole let’s get some extra spin out of there hey guess what why do we give me this on the last hole it’s just to make you mad probably could have used this it also comes with a brush on the other side you guys you should have know let’s be honest you haven’t used wedged a lot today I quite literally used it on every appro shot all right hey I like this products I wish I had it sooner I’m a fan I give that n to nine out of 10 but because he gave it to me on the last hole four out of 10 Perfect all right all right let’s see what we do little right let’s clean that off though all right and yeah we should have cleaned your yeah this is the club scow Club scrub Pro basically you put fill water with it it’s got some like velcro things in there and you just put your Club in there and yeah yeah close it yeah kind of like this you’re mad we didn’t give it to you earlier that’s a great product hey that’s a great product by the way nice it is that is an unbelievable product am I pissed that I didn’t get it to the last hole yes but it’s a great product hey sorry about that yeah that’s on you guys yeah that’s crazy you give it to me on the last hle the last shot quite literally insane out of you guys we still have two products left too so oh shoot let’s play another hole in okay dude your butt is already so wet from that thing it’s all right that’s that butt sweat we were talking about good thing we got that seat cushion yeah this isn’t sweat this is water this is the Tie the six hole record of the Amazon challenges we will play the next hole cuz I guess we got more items you dirty dog good putt putting putting putting sometimes the putter just doesn’t want to work but my butt hle is [Music] wet I like this product a lot over here I’m a fan of the fan n out of 10 the the fan has went up it’s a 9 out of 10 I got to piss though oh just the thing I’m kidding I’m kidding I just pissed on my driver you got anything for that I actually do we got something for that we literally have something for that but I was looking for my ball so I don’t know what you’re talking about this is the 12 pack of golf erasers sad water it is literally a sponge it is like a Scrub Daddy I’ll I’ll do this okay yeah hey well I’ll do this part for you though let’s save that one without piss on it no no I know there we have 12 of them put your put here all right yeah all right hold on this is the before this take a look this is before little dirty is this for shoes yeah it’s for everything wow I’m cleaning your feet first I was preheating your oven now I’m cleaning your shoes I’m going to use the use the backside now yeah yeah it’s kind of like a Scrub Daddy I think less is more do like kind of softer you just kind of here you got to get the back you got the front the front looks great okay yeah yeah oh yeah look at that wow wow night and day almost wow can you clean my shoes too oh sure sure sure sure sure just seeing how far we can push them to clean for us literally you just keep adding accessories I know dude imagine you walk up to your like local course and you get paired with a random guy and this is what he’s wearing what are you doing I’m I’m not playing with him I’ll tell you that all right I keep forgetting to count my score so I’m at zero zero I mean that’s got to be enough right I thought the last time it was enough but see it’s fading it’s fading you have to hit it kind of quick bu that was ped yeah that was smoked I like just a hair on the toe I don’t mind that that’s I don’t mind that at all it’s a great swing let me clean it off real quick dude that thing is nice this thing is this thing is great all right let’s see got to finish with a birdie shoot 200 under through seven 111 I don’t know my phone kind of seems to be in the way but it’s all right okay beenin high so I think we got to the diminishing returns part yeah I think we we went too far with it but overall challenge feels good here we go final boss activated got to work on balance for your putting it’s key kind of using it as an alignment Rod too little right to left if we make this putt it is confirmed that all this stuff helps hold it you can pick that up solid round with all the stuff today I can’t lie yeah I think until we started like adding everything three holes ago I I genuinely I think it might have been helping but then obviously it got to the point where it diminishing returns and it’s too much thank you guys for watching this this is the second edition of and probably the last cuz there’s only some items you can buy on Amazon but the second edition of I try every golf product we can find on Amazon we’ll see you guys in the next one peace [Music]


  1. “Shout out my Amish people out there, if you guys are watching this…oh wait”🤣🤣🤣former Amish person here watching it😅

  2. I have that phone holder. Mine says “make golf great again”. You didn’t use it correctly. Been using mine for 2 years and it never moves

  3. is it just me or is Garrett trying to emulate Bryson's stance/swing? Not a bad person to copy but it doesn't look natural on him.

  4. 9:30 I own that desert Fox phone holder, you didnt put it on right at all, once securely strapped, it literally never moves!! Great for keeping phone from bouncing around and if your using a range finder app!

  5. Another +1 for the phone holder. I don’t personally own one, but my boy does and I drove the cart too close to a tree and a branch jousted the holder – didn’t fall off and phone stayed in 👍🏼

  6. The phone holder is great…if you move the windscreen to have the velcro strap tight. I've been using it for a couple years and have played some rough courses in those times. Phone has never budged.

    Another option is a magnetic case, Rokform makes a great one that has double magnet option that stays on the cart as well. I'm not as big of a fan of this route as the cases tend to be more bulky than I care for.

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