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Transfers | Aston Villa Sign Lewis Dobbin From Everton | Guest: Matt Jones, The Blue Room

Aston Villa have signed versatile Everton forward Lewis Dobbin from Everton for an undisclosed fee.

Villa have also sold Tim Iroegbunam to The Toffees for a reported £9 million.

We find out more about Dobbin and the PSR controversy surrounding the move from Matt Jones, who is from the Blue Room podcast and Liverpool Echo newspaper.



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[Music] welcome to all Villa no filler remember to subscribe to the show follow us on Spotify Apple YouTube and wherever you get your podcasts Aston Villa has signed 21y old Everton Ford Lewis Dobbin while Tim ER robam has joined the tofes for a reported 9 million to talk about that I’m joined by Matt Jones from the Blue Room podast and Liverpool Echo newspaper Matt good to speak with you what can you tell us about Lewis Dobbin yeah thanks for having me on first and foremost looking forward to talking about these uh deals that are in no way suspect or clearly very separate I think we can uh we can say as the clubs have been Keen to stress but yeah yeah it’s a it’s it’s a surprise this one to to be honest um he’s had an interesting career at Everton I think if you go back two or three years ago when he was first coming through um there was a lot of talk about maybe going to Russy Dortmund or or one of the the big German clubs and every really Keen to get him tied down to a new contract and for a while it looked like he wasn’t going to sign it in the end he did and everyone was was very happy but it’s just He’s just never quite been able to to fully kick on from there and he went out on loan to Derby and and showed a little bits in pieces while he was there and missed the penalty at anfield and a penalty shoot out as any on loan Everton player would be obliged to do of course in that situation um and yet he he came back I think at the start of of last season and was not really expected to be a factor in in the squad at all uh last year and scored a good goal in preseason Behind Closed Doors game against Monza the sort of made everyone kind of sit up a little bit and go oh God you remember him we were desperate to keep him a few years ago he’s still knocking around and and then obviously last year he was he was around the the first team squad without ever really nailing down on a a first team place so so for Viller who in the Champions League and have got some amazing forward players to to go out and get him as as coming by surprise a little bit but he is allow who who’s got ability um you could see him potentially filling in as a backup option in the wide areas he’s Speedy he’s versatile he works hard um but if someone had said to me at the start of the summer that he was going to go to to Aston Villa I would have been very very surprised to be honest yeah I’m quite surprised roin him going to Evon fils quite similar as well um you know you mentioned his versatility uh where can he function across the Ford line I think he’s looked at his best on on the left hand side when he has been given a rare chance I think he actually came on at Villa Park in in a game that everon got absolutely hammered in at the start last season and had a few little bright moments in um a 4-nil defeat um but but he’s he feels very much as a Winger um I think there have been times where he’s just looked like he’s a lad who needs more more top level football and he played he got a start actually out in the season against wolves and he was up against Tomo even know is not an amazing Defender I think he’s round more for getting forward but he didn’t really give any problems that day um and his best moments for us have been just kind of fits and starts off the bench um but even when he has come off the bench at treverton last season it always felt like d was very reluctant to turn to him even being brutally honest it felt like Everton had to to be in a very desperate situation in terms of players being really tired or or players being injured for him to to come on like I’m the goal which I’m sure you’ve all saw against Chelsea last season when he came off the bench remember being in the ground that day and and Jack harison who he was just you know earlier on today agreed to sign for everon again it was really struggling for for fitness and form that day and it became a case of you know this lad needs to come off what warm body have we got on the bench you can come on and replace him and and you know maybe that’s being a bit harsh on Dobbin to be fair but you always felt like when he when he got a chance on the dice it was a sort of last role of the dice or or he was forced to to do it but um but I think there is clearly a sealing there with him you know there have been moments in ever sh where he’s got the ball he’s taken people on he’s had a strike from goal from distance and and you can see that if there is something there that that maybe a top coach like emry could mold but um I think that’s got to only going to come with playing regular games he’s only going to come playing regular games in his best position and I just look at Villa and the quality they’ve got wonder where that’s going to come from yeah I did wonder that you know you sort of hinted at it there like is there a potential that maybe I don’t know sha D’s approach maybe Dobbin just wasn’t really a player that was that well suited to it and as I say maybe going into Aston Villa with an Nuno Emy maybe that is you know maybe the style of football will just suit him better than perhaps what Everton are currently playing under D yeah potentially that’s that that that could be something um but I think I think as well with these young players certainly at Everton you know you get a chance very early on in the season I think a lot of times in these caraval Cup games don’t need have to make an impression and then typically because we’re not that good we go out early and those chances dry up as the season goes on whereas I think you know teams high up the lead they can give young player a chance in a game they might not necessarily play very well but you get through you’ve got another round and then another round you can have a proper look at them um you know and Doin dobin played earlier in the in the season I think he was it was a donc cast through a bot the football league at that time and he really struggled on one of the worst Everton performances I’ve ever seen really um and he and he got dragged off and Everton eventually won the game 2-1 but that was kind of him for a while then so I think that game sort of s dice lose a lot of trust in him but you know being brutally honest about Shawn D I think what he wants from his Wingers is is players who are going to run up and down who are going to cover the fullbacks and who were goingon to be happy to sit into a shape and you know when I’m looking at Lewis doin as a footballer is covering the fullback one of his best attributes probably not is staying in shape one of his best attributes probably not he is someone who probably will benefit from a little bit more freedom who can come off that line and maybe doesn’t have to run back all the time and cover his fallback so with that bit more positional Freedom with you know certainly the way the way Villa play as well and you I think we spoke about this last season it always feels like under emry Villa have played with like a Winger who sort of half plays as a center forward like I could see him being good in that position you know just having that free to come off the line and support a AK so definitely I think looking at his attributes and what he’s got um you’d say that an mry blueprints was definitely more suited to him than than a dce blueprint right yeah um it’s quite interesting because you know we saw Morgan Rogers back in January I think it was about eight million pounds um with add-ons and um came in from Middlesboro and it was a little bit of one of the I think a lot of people quite surprised by it and you know he didn’t necessarily catch on straight away but then just after about five or six games suddenly really started to fit into Villa very very well and started to score some brilliant goals and suddenly now looks like an absolute potentially Elite Premier League player and he’s just 22 and you know so um yeah I mean I’m just sort of selfishly hoping you know that Villa have sort of seen something with that they saw in Morgan rogers’s own data that they might have seen with Lis Dobbin as well said said actually there might be something we can mold into here maybe the system we have and the style of play we have might actually just suit his profile more than it currently does at Everton you know Harrison and Dwight McNeil I think you’re two main Wingers they they’re quite physical players right they they sort of get back and forth and dobbin’s not really that profile yeah I suppose from Villa’s point of view what I would say is that you know like like I mentioned the start like this was a lot three years ago who really top sides in in Europe were being linked with so you know it could be one of them really thought you know this this is a chance to get someone in for for a pretty modest fee and obviously vill have been in conversations over over other players as well um it it feels like one of those like especially the position you guys in I know PSR is is obviously tight for for both of our clubs at the moment but the position that you’re in where you’ve got such a a good squad you’ve got such a strong manager and you building really well and it is really settled you know a player like him who has got clear ability who’s I imagine will count um quite well towards your Champions League Squad as well in terms of taking off some of the the Home Grown quoes and stuff like that it feels like one of them where where it might be worth a flyer but it’s it’s been quite hard to get sort of gauge on Dobbin because he’s his First Tee appearances have been so fleeting he’s not really done amazingly out on loan he he’s tend to always If Shawn bright in those under 21 games but you know what the the level is stepping up for that so like if someone had said to me that at the start of the summer like he’s going to go and play for the best team in the league well next season like I would have like that would have felt fine but also like if Bournemouth had signed him would that also would have felt fine if you get what I mean like it feels like one of them ways his career is at a point still where he could still go either way he feels like he a lad with a lot of talent um but a lot of flaws to IR out as well but we don’t know whether he’s going to be able to do that I don’t think of vill because I can’t see him getting a lot of games okay so and his main his main attributes I guess are kind of he’s low censor gravity skillful good at beat you know capable of beating a man and is is that sort of what he’s best yeah he he’s really quick really direct um I think the goal he scored for I’m sure you can you can find it on Twitter the goal he scored for R against mono in preseason last year was was exceptional I think he beats three players cut inside and and bends it in the far Corner um but like again he’s one of those players and I’m sure you’ve had them Milla down the years that when they’re scoring goals in the other 21s it’s you know when you when you have tough times you s to go you know we need to get this lad team a little bit more and it’s never quite he’s never been a to quite translate that for him from that level up until up until the Premier League and I think even when he was in League one there were there were signs that he you know struggle for consistency and struggle with the physicality sometimes but um like I said with with more with better players around them in a more settled system maybe being drip fed minutes at the start of the Season here and there and then given a few other opportunities um it feels like one that he could be a useful option for the Villa definitely okay and uh well you know it’s quite interesting that Dobbins come to Aston Villa and Tim robam has gone to Everton um so the deals between Everton and ason Villa and Villa and Chelsea involving another few of the players uh it’s caused somewhat a bit of a firestorm online um few people talking about it uh Chris say these moves are solely PSR related um what do you make of it all not too bother to be honest it’s it’s one of them where I think this is just a natural conclusion of what we saw last season where I think these rules were consider to be quite tooth people thought they were going to be quite toothless for a while weren’t they and obviously everon got stung with it twice and Forest got stung of it as well you’ve got the subsequent appeals from both clubs although Everton obviously dropped theirs and I think what you started to see last season with Everton’s responses and Forest responses sort of the establishment of some kind of precedent and I think now these are getting taken more seriously and with them still being in the relative infancy I think you always try and find ways around them don’t you you always try and find loopholes you look what Chelsea have done with the demonetization over those long contracts and and this is just the natural consequence I think of a lot of teams being in a tough position and and kind of getting together so I mean it seems sensible doesn’t it I’m sure you know from our point of view both of our football club’s point of view you know it’s nice to see Everton being smart in the transfer window and and finding ways to get around these because it’s not been off at all over the last few years um so it’s good to see there’s you know even with with in the midst of this takeover and you know not really having a board and no real leadership of the football club there is some smart people in the room it seems um know I’m sure that some people will you know won’t won’t quite like it but this sort of thing is going on all over the placees you know look at look at Chelsea a few months ago selling themselves two hotels to try and get around this um and I’m I’m not entirely sure if there’s any way if you’re the Premier League and you want you want to punish this sort of thing how can you say that Everton paying 9 million for an England you International midfielder is is not a sincere transfer how can you punish Aston Villa for for doing the same again a young you know tons of player for the similar sort of fear I don’t think you can so I think unless the rules are tweaked it’s it’s it’s going to carry on but um but like I said it’s just nice to see Everton being seemingly sensible with the tradeing for a change um and you know from what I’ve read about Rabon him as well he seems like a a good player obviously not quite good enough for for that that really good Villa Midfield but from our point I’m sure he could come in and and and do a good job he seems like a talented lad so um you know people will raise their eyebrows at it for sure but um what I think as long as these rules stay in place and and as long as they’re stringent and as ridiculous as as they are in my opinion to a certain degree then then we’re going to get more of this sort of stuff yeah absolutely I’m intrigued to see how robam does it Everton I think there are there’s a lot of good physical attributes to him and um he’s I think in preseason last year there were moments where you saw him beat a man um um sort of just sort of gliding past them and I think this season he’s been injured a lot and then it’s been difficult for him to get into you know High performing Villa team but I think you know if he gets more opportunities under um under Shawn D you know again his physical profile might really actually suit Shan D style of play and um yeah I really really hope he does well at Everton so um just not too well against Aston Ville any course but but M it’s been great to chat you thank you very much for coming on um where can we find you and your work online yeah people want to listen to our podcast um it’s at the blfc on Twitter and of course the Liverpool Echo well I’m are over there but we’ve got um a lot of great writers doing really good stuff around Everton uh and certainly around the PSR stuff if people want to read any more on that but but listen I’m sure the way it’s going I’m sure we’ll be speaking again before Thursday the keep maybe we can do a car L Watkins swap or see yeah well I wouldn’t mind Anana I think I sawana playing in Midfield the other day you know what I think a lot of our supporters will be happy to see as long as it’s not BR for I think a lot of our fans wouldn’t wouldn’t mind any of our players going all pford but uh but yeah the way it’s going I’m sure we’ve got a few more Reserve team players you can trade the end of the week [Music]


  1. Welcome to creative accounting FC! Time will tell who is the winner! The future is strange IMHO UTV

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