Golf Players

Barnzy & Barnzy^2 for this one!

Chris & Ryan talk pba50, pwba us open, and upcoming tour plans!

the beef and barnesy show brought to you by trusted by Bowlers around the world since 2004 by lightning strikes Bowl home of Bowlers Mar Pro Shop by plattinum Ford Drive the difference by firelake Bowling Center 24 state-of-the-art Lanes by TR grit conings drive on our Passion by ro to gret King of the mall by 900 Global striking worldwide good morning and welcome back to beef and Bary uh we are going to uh I don’t know we’re gonna we’re gonna have a special show today and I’m going to be joined by Ryan here soon enough once we get uh once we get him up and running so uh Sor right get all that done there and uh yeah it’s been a few days since we’ve had a show and Stu is still on vacation so it is just me there he is one of my teammates from the Nationals which uh team went well I guess that’s about all we could say about that uh I just got back from the senior Masters uh and the senior US Open um out in Colorado the last couple of days so uh just got back late last night so we’re just playing catchup here studos up in the Northeast and uh so um yeah uh much appreciated Adam appreciate you guys G wait a few minutes and let guys get in here and uh including Boy Wonder see if we can get him up and running but uh ah got in late last night so uh you know we’re all a little bit tired on the stuff over the weekend I guess there’s there was a few things going on here there was a h a sasba in in Long View Ryan bold with Jim Stevens and uh uh where are you throwing the Sublime on the show uh I was playing about 13 to5 actually the best reaction I had the whole time so uh yeah Nevin I saw you up in Colorado I appreciate you it’s always fun to see a beef and barie show while we’re out on the road got to see a few of them last week David Tolson another guy who’s a regular Highland Park Lanes wow what a nice Center of this place is uh you know it’s an hour north of Denver uh super clean in the front and apparently the same in the back they said uh it really is and and they go above and beyond a host it’s uh it’s kind of become a I don’t miss uh can’t miss stop uh aside from the fact it’s US Open now but even if it wasn’t I think guys would uh uh guys would want to uh want to get there so uh if you were asking why was I throwing the Sublime on the show well I had a ring 10 and a stone n for 259 so I’d say because it struck the most but uh hey Chris wow I’m sure you’re driving somewhere today so uh uh drive safe keep it between the lines all those things and wow lucky he is this is barnesy joined by the uh o imitated squared how are you good good I could get my sound to work so I’m wearing my headset all right wellow y there you go best laid plans uh the science well it works but when it works it it basically just it’s so bright it just blows out the color on everything I can get I can do that for you I think that’s low and then we have the sun just yeah so we just we just keep it there uh oh okay Adam says I wasn’t asking why I was asking if I was yes it was a Sublime it had some surface on it uh so Chris Lawson yeah I crossed with him at the US Open he uh he was grinding through looked like for a while he was going to make Kanan at uh at cash and for sure and maybe uh maybe making the finals but didn’t happen and then uh the great one Tom Adcock part of the RVs and wab group that we have on on tour the youngest 60y old on the planet I know he might be older than that it’s like reverse Cuban he says he’s 61 he’s actually like you know 38 it’s not fair so uh good morning from gloomy San Diego I don’t think you get to say that very often that’s crazy morning hey Tony what’s going on morning Vegas uh how’s ion Pro compared to Optimum Ison exponent those are two very very different balls but it it uh uh certainly cleaner than an idol uh probably a little bit cleaner even than an exponent uh but a little more directional down Lane would be my take so far yeah hey Kenny yeah Tom he knows he’s been lying about his age it’s not even fair so uh cheater yeah yeah have I ever bow the Peterson I have I shot 1520 and called it pretty much good uh yeah a little controversy there I guess they’re letting them shoot racks without 10 pins in them which was uh a new crazy yeah I mean it’s kind of supposed to be a carnival that’s part of that’s part of its H charm but uh yeah not having 10 pins stand up doesn’t really work so ion is a step down from the attention star for sure uh way less core than attention star cleaner not as forward but balls are looking good in team at USBC uh something fairly big for me early uh you guys threw youran thing from like 15 yeah they they started at 10 and just kind of kept moving left and it looked good for a long time and then the last game I guess you you went around the whole thing tried to but they actually you guys hooked you’re a thing you did not play it was not so uh and and B fairly well uh kind of yeah we used very little urethane but played we were playing 12 or so early and then kind of chased left we did lose one lane along the way got a little too deep and uh couldn’t really push it across so Mr Snee speaking of semi Bowl pretty good at Nationals and liked him a lot as I really hooked was able to throw a clone from the right so Mr Nolan he’s back apparently he’s now he’s now a barbecue expert oh yeah yeah we had the before picture and there was no after so I guess guess was good well I mean that’s what we need we need somebody like that to be better at more things you know he already won life but no if he could actually get good at all all the stuff in between just needs needs some versatility you know yeah seems to be lacking yeah speaking of the urethane there’s some fresh purple drama I don’t know how it how fresh it is it just somebody said it out loud uh and it’s very it’s a little different in Europe because it’s not really a two-sided issue and so it gets focused on the purple Ball but it’s the same issue it’s just it’s urethane balls and they’re too soft and they create a ton of opposite transition from reactive and the people who aren’t great with it you know they’re just they’re stuck and it’s not uh doesn’t feel particularly Fair uh and I think the rules have made sense a long time before all the other data came out but once you know that uh that urethane balls do get softer despite what a couple of people on the Internet seem to keep throwing out there that they don’t uh I I don’t know how much more data you want to ignore uh and the whole thing well they lubricate the needle there if only there was testing procedures to eliminate that oh yeah they did that’s not how they test so yeah they do they are too soft they hook miles more than balls that are of legal hardness and there’s a reason why there’s legal hardness and it goes all the way back to mun and couple of guys with MEK back in the day and uh you know if 71.8 matters then 68 also matters that’s my take and I’m not so sure we shouldn’t just go to all urethane but I think actually a better choice would actually be going into all 78 hardness get him out of here yeah been leaving the doors open while we’re gone huh uh Adam says the three balls he’s looking to get is harsh reality Sublime and exponent Pearl saw a little bit all three of those last week uh Billy Langford from Oklahoma what would you do differently if you’re bowling Nationals again tomorrow for doubles and singles I definitely would have stayed to the right somehow anyhow well however you have to do it stay over there yeah if you have to throw your throw your thing and stretch it uh if you can throw reactive but whatever it is Jason left early is uh not good you can move a little left but basically I haven’t seen too many people p real good from left to 15 and and Billy’s R raate is a little you know in my range I guess and so yeah I don’t think moving left was I got stuck over there they never did find hold so uh well speaking of your thing got to see Ryan at 78u at the RC yesterday interesting layout super tall pin is that just trying to maximize diff that seems like a super chat kind of no I’m kidding I’m kidding um yeah basically just trying to Mak the diff more so it flares more so do the stand up as fast yeah it is something common pretty much now that they’re trying to do with with a lot of those urethan and you guys two handers can do can get them a little further up there yep star thanks for the Super Chat wasn’t there tour editions in the90s that were urethane such as urethane danger zone [Music] no there was tour editions but they were lower flare balls almost all those tour editions were uh so those did get thrown quite a bit especially with the guys that were a little medium higher rev rates uh storm kind of made tour balls per se uh popular with the IQ tour and some of those uh and had more balls like lightning and thunder and uh balls that that just in general meteors and Sun storms that didn’t flare as much anyway uh but most of BRX balls at the times were pretty high flare and so they had tour Edition x zones and tour Edition danger zones that had different colored pins that just had smaller weight blocks in some cases a little bit less uh less aggressive color covers and other companies just made balls that look like the ball on the market and just didn’t flare but kind of the same idea because a lot of the the the common balls hooked too much for tour at the time especially when we bowled all day long there was there wasn’t enough low end options and so uh what did you do last weekend talked about it just a little bit before you came on here what did I do last weekend I bow a sasba and Long View Jim Stevens that’s normally a pretty good partner both good so yeah we both get on the first day and we kind of struggled the second day got 11th 11th that’s a little lower than expected yeah sure but happens yeah uh um see well we had the US Open uh we had a Pete sighting for the first time in in well this year on the pba50 that was fairly random uh what’s that the Pete sighting yeah well he’s been here for but uh has really struggled this year and uh this week he didn’t he made a he made a charge U what’s that nothing here just Celsius for Ryan a joke H well thanks for the Super Chat anyway yeah yeah that huh yeah ah um yeah you know he was up in the lead for a while he had fallen out uh it uh he had a bit of a melt down on the stepladder show so if you uh you know if you haven’t seen that you can you can tune in and see what that looked like uh I sto watching after you L I bowled Angelo in the first round in the first match and uh uh I don’t know how would you describe that um I don’t know throw it better hit the pocket 10 times had a rep 10 and a nine pin not together so you lost tough break yeah I lost 267 I believe to but I mean 259 yeah I had the front three ring 10 strike n pin she and he went front five two pin one five that’s right one five uh hit the right side of the three pin and left something he could make and then I made him double in the 10th finished last and he went uh uh 10 straight back first shot was fantastic uh second shot not not really so much he rolled the two- pin forward to win and uh then uh then the next match I think JJ made him strike out again to Tai uh at 260 67 or 69 and uh he got the first one again and the second one yeah was 69 I believe yeah he uh he scouted the 10 out but left the seven the next time so it didn’t it didn’t uh didn’t work out great so maybe he just uh you know sent me home before I was going to get sent home anyway but uh I kind have I kind of had the berries yeah put surus on that Sublime thow a little stronger little four and a half by seven by uh two by seven yeah CG left gotta and uh uh then hit it with a thousand and it picked up in all the right places it would have been interesting to uh to see after a pretty ugly afternoon went ugly afternoons I’ve had in a long time went 0 and six to end up in fourth SE the fourth seed and uh yeah it’s disgusting but uh silly yeah Tom and Pete had an interesting position round match and Tom was kind of hooping it up a little bit took the lead kind of set a little bit sideways and then Pete bow janowitz in the step ladder and left a couple of ring tens and uh kind of lost it I didn’t see it yeah I mean tell I want to hear in the chat what are your thoughts on that you know when a guy’s he’s super demonstrative he threw his money clipped down the ground and stuff kind of went everywhere and he rolled around a little bit after he finally stru and he was chatting it up pretty good is it is it does that make it much watch TV or is that way is is it just too much and uh you know and I’ve been on both sides of this too so maybe I’m asking for me as much as I’m asking you know uh I can see both sides sometimes as a competitor it gets it gets pretty uh it gets to be a lot uh but is that the only reason people are watching so that they can see something like that so uh people don’t watch basketball at people don’t watch basketball they watch Lucas scam at the ref well there’s somebody cross next to him last week yeah it was a bit much oh good Stu is here it depends it depends well well uh here we go it would be too much if everyone was doing it one guy can doing it can be fun and gets fired up all right uh Buddy says I don’t mind drama attitude but throwing stuff was too much uh four straight tens on the same line will set anyone off true that but he didn’t wait till the fourth one uh yeah c yeah no doubt he was he had plenty of reason to be not pleased uh and it really I don’t know from the from at least some of the players point I don’t think that it had it wasn’t because it was just then it was because it was all week um there you go I watch hockey for the fights some people watch Nascar for the right turns uh yeah it was on Bold TV so not sure all right uh that’s what made the PBA want that’s what the PBA wanted from they got it I got to see it up close for three days at The Villages yeah I mean that was that was Steve Miller and that was 20 years ago too so uh yeah yeah Charlie you can share your experience at The Villages but uh I mean I heard some versions I wasn’t on the same Squad there but yeah I don’t think that went particularly well either uh actually think he went home and recollected himself for a few for a few weeks after that but uh yeah I don’t know it it gets tough and I you struggle with not being able form at at a previous level is certainly not an easy thing um yeah so um go through it myself on the regular tour pretty regularly but uh yeah I guess uh yeah Tom was purposely Hamming it up and uh certainly in the in the position around Pete had he had a tough game he shot 170 I think it was and Tom shot 240 and flipped him for the top seed and it seemed like Tom was giving him a little bit of the business which no way yeah but I think that’s kind of fun to watch to some no yeah it absolutely is you know versus you know one guy walking back the other guy giving it a and that’s all you have now if everybody was like that it would be an absolute mess yeah the right person has to be doing it yeah so uh I don’t know did we even talk about the Masters last week I guess I don’t know if Stu did or not but John rowski congratulations to him uh he’s having a really good year he was in the top five of the US Open too for a long time fell out on the last day but uh he’s been getting after it and uh so uh you know kind of a straighter player likes to keep his angles in front of him little bit old School uh you know gets a little rotation through it too so he doesn’t he ball doesn’t really hook early a lot pretty quiet guy but he’s uh he’s kind of coming into his own and and becoming uh kind of a week in week out guy out there so as usual there’s bunch of guys fighting through some injuries and uh you know it’s a six seven weeks in a row of a playing we’ll we’ll get to some of the guys but uh our buddy Dan is seems to be healing up so Tom pushing someone’s buttons never NE Nal says it’s the reason that Sim keeps everyone’s attention despite his talent well I think his talent keeps everybody’s attention too I’m not sure he’s a guy that really has to as well but uh Regina says felt more like a child throwing a tantrum not a good look uh Charlie says it’s uh it was sad to see so um playing up during TV is one thing during team squad at the Ozarks is another all right h and I’ve learned that emotional roller coaster is too tough to ride getting pumped up too much for me at least means I can’t repeat shots these guys yeah I don’t some guys can manage it and pizza guy that’s used anger to to bowl better for a long long long long time it’s been a go-to thing on TV shows that’s what the picking somebody out of the crowd thing is it’s just it’s just a way to fire him up and it’s worked for a long time it just doesn’t seem to work very well anymore and so then it really comes off uh poorly you know he gets mad for a little bit gets focused up throws a five bagger and then he’s just you know then it’s super then it becomes intensity because it’s not demonstrative necessarily or or celebration of of throwing good shots but when it uh it’s just a shame people have never gotten a break in 40 years yeah you either yeah yeah yeah exactly the always love the theory Pete always looks for someone to get him angry so he bowls better yeah I’m start doing that yeah just gonna be at you Tommy does it too yeah yeah it’s just way lower key and he picks his opponent a lots you know he gets it wired into his mind this guy’s lucky or his guy’s something else or this or that and uh you know it gets him focused up feel like he’s he’s supposed to win and something good supposed to happen yeah so it used to be fun when to watch when Pete was younger but now I guess I’m used to it so it’s just got a bit annoying yeah well moving on thoughts on the ladies US Open how much of that did you catch um I watched some of it most of it and you saw more than I did because I was pulling but uh I I mean I caught up on it later uh one of my favorite phisical games on tour Varity Crawley she made the step ladder but one and done yeah clemer made a a great run up the ladder really good games and uh we we have a tendency in the US to assume that if it didn’t happen here it didn’t matter didn’t happen uh wles is is declared Jillian Martin as the you know the best player on in the world which I don’t think does her any favors I think she’s certainly capable of it but I think it’s a little like uh declaring Caitlyn Clark the best player in the world well at the same time Dron Booker run the Masters too and he wasn’t declared the best bowler in the world so yeah and jilan has a little more behinder with than that obviously the eyeball test she’s young super talented and she does do some things that no one else does it’s a lot like Caitlyn C from that standpoint but uh sley Jane has been uh one of the top players in the world for a while it’s crazy she does it over there all the time she comes over here in very limited action and this is one of the first times they in a while they’ve been able to bowl every week and it shows yeah you know Shaina gets a lot of the attention from Singapore uh it’s a much tougher thing for for Jane to pull it off uh doesn’t have the same type of support from from her Federation uh zaz zule comes over and you know had some of the same fights and and struggles to get over here to play basically had to step away from their team to do it uh it wasn’t nearly as easy but uh congratulations to her in an era that really power is being rewarded uh tremendously uh through a variety of factors but it’s and not that it shouldn’t be I think power’s always power with most accuracy is always a big thing but it’s a tough it’s a tough world to be a straighter player and and win regularly and be at the top regularly like she’s doing and uh you know that says a lot about how how good a player she is and uh um yeah I don’t know what else did you see on the show that’s really all I can comment on it um I was kind of watching I was gaming and watching so uh yeah I she both good she both fantastic it was crazy she puts a lot of shots online that’s what I’ve seen consistently every time I watch the ball yeah you know it’s it’s a different version of of Carolyn uh of of Stephanie Johnson uh of Linda players who you know Liz Johnson players that can just put a ton of shots online and uh and they’re good on a lot of things and the harder they get it seems like the better they are [Music] uh AB thanks for the Super Chat can only take four balls C’s have harsh reality phase two Zen Gold Label IQ Ruby and spare ball which one to leave out H well the numbers of the phase 2 and the Zen gold are very similar I not sure medium speed I don’t know that you’re really going to need a ruby that would probably be my take even though the Zen Gold Label in phase two were similar numbers the covers are different enough to give you some Gap there they hook as as long as you’re okay with moving in on team event uh now that being said I guess depending on how much rotation you have to stay straight you might have to ball down a little bit uh in doubles and singles um it’s probably a tough call but uh I think you need the harsh rally for at least a little while uh not assuming you have some rotation to go with with what you have there um I could see going phase two with IQ Ruby as well in the end it’s going to come down to pretty much how much you like those two balls assuming that the uh the Gold Label is shiny as well it’s a bigger core but it’s it’s probably one of the cleaner covers uh of the bunch as well so um yeah follow up a little bit let me know a little bit more about but it’s going to come down which one you like the best between those two S I think any thoughts um yeah for for that I would probably just leave out the Ruby probably be my thoughts but yeah it’s a lower flare ball I know uh uh Linda had one it never saw daylight um it didn’t really need it but uh I I get one to be covered down there I don’t think it’ll hook in doubles and singles probably just be phase twos in Gold yeah those are probably the best ones to go off of I could see that for sure you know as long as you like your Zen Gold Label a lot and the surface hasn’t been compromised too much you still still has some polish on it that’ll leave you plenty of gap between the phase two and that yeah uh shocks by Hammer says I have a question about pv50 I’ll email you just paying in advance for your reply please well well no problem I appreciate it and I’ll make sure I do that uh yeah Diana had a record on day one yeah they had a pattern where you got to play The Gutter and she obliterated them crazy yeah 200 pins in front of the field which is uh 130 over at the US Open how do you do that you know every once in a while it can happen on the left there’s so more you know fewer guys like some Woodland is crazy but that’s wild it is I’m not a huge fan of the US Open being basically a World Series they did have one two to two I mean they let the get her hook and she got on top of it and uh just abused it yeah I mean fantastic bowling yeah it’s you know it’s at that point she’s got to be terribly disappointed that that’s not the fourth pattern that she gets to Bow 30 games on you know or 24 games on perhaps I’m not sure which version of it they bow on but yeah um yeah I but the women don’t really have a World Series I don’t believe like that where they Bowl on you know the one like we have it just becomes a second World Series kind of for us except it’s just one one title instead of four that week uh I personally like the little better when is one pattern and I get maybe that’s not ideal either maybe two patterns is more of a of a better test I get what they’re going for though it’s hard when you don’t do when you have re oils to create three different zones and three different things like a b and c do so I get the point of it and sometimes I think they do a better job than others it it is a pretty big Vantage whoever can figure out that last pattern is going to going to have the Lions share of the advantage and so uh in this case Jane was the one that that figured out the match play pattern the best and she ran up uh ran it right up in the first uh hulie took your advice took my absolute power for team worked great 1912 all events with a 130 game in doubles yikes who 1913 with with uh that’s a pretty good basically 2,000 for the rest you know over for the rest of the other eight it’s pretty good bowling at the Nationals congratulations good but here’s an opposite take from what you hear most of the time I got a break since my Center put in certified strings I haven’t seen any BS string carry except that I made a 410 split thanks to the string saving a clean game that’s a break yeah it’s not bad yeah there’s still some anomaly stuff I mean we see pins bounce out of the back and do that too so it’s a in a freef fall Center so there’s always going to be some some things but uh yeah I don’t it doesn’t seem to be crazy you’re 10 minutes behind on comments come on you what you’re 10 minutes behind on the comments oh yeah I’m a little bit Hagrid how’s it going so somebody hoping uh uh K could have made the show yeah it’s uh she’s back to bowling good again seems to be confident which is probably the bigger thing uh what I think about the trio format in Jonesboro I guess we’ll see how it plays out but uh all three the the the the women and the seniors are all going to bowl qualifying and then after that they’re going to pair up one with one with one and they’re going to drop all the pins that part I’m not super stoked about not when you’re gonna have 30 pins of bonus in only 16 games uh whoever wins matches is going to have a monstrous uh Advantage it’s a bad beats plays too much of a play in that case I think it’s probably time for us to look into 20 pins of bonus for for for those kind of things uh given that the formats are a lot shorter than they used to be when that was put into play but I think it’s I think it’s pretty cool uh they pushed very hard to to have this format there uh I don’t think it was an easy sell uh so far the seniors have filled their side uh which I didn’t think would happen because they’re up in Michigan the week before and uh the women and the men are have a little way to go which I thought would be the easier part because they’re in at Lucy a couple of days before that so I imagine it will fill up I think it’ll be a pretty full field and uh it’ll be interesting to see you know the best players from all three tours all in the same place so um H question for Ryan it’s been a minute do you have any videos in the works for your channel I have an ion pro ball review I’m going to post it tomorrow seeing as the ball comes out tomorrow oh well there you go all right Cal Jerry says uh hello ryol team in Nationals why bold uh doubl and singles how do you all feel about folks asking for photos in that environment I didn’t want to intrude to interrupt your time um as long as it’s not during bowling or during an opponent important moment think it’s fine just be a polite and ask yeah uh sometimes it’s a little tricky while you’re bowling yeah and if you’re doing it with flash that’s a that’s a nogo seeing dots is is little rough during a competition but uh you do sometimes have to uh to watch it all right you have to to uh uh kind of read the room a little bit somebody’s struggling that’s you know you’re not as likely to get a good answer as when you’re not so uh Team trials and Reno next year announced will that result in a smaller adult field essentially creating a Junior Gold West it’s already what it is yeah I mean it’s in Vegas it’s been in Vegas for the last been at Gold Coast for five six eight years 10 years now it was in Orleans before that so I don’t see it being any different as a matter of fact it’s could be bigger because you have because uh the stadium is bigger than uh than either one of those two centers so you could actually increase the field not not actually go smaller two 710s were picked up in the US Women’s Open and one was by cool yeah she turned around did you see it yeah she turned around she threw it kind of slow it like bounced out perfectly wow roll out across no kidding just did the in the corner trapped it right out of there uh nein yeah um somebody Ryan knows as well but Steve Anderson he you stood at our wedding 30 years ago and uh well not quite 30 but he’s I’ve known him for over 30 years through Team USA originally we used to train in Colorado Springs and uh bll an exhibition with caros springs Allstar and that’s where I met him and uh and Pierce competitor uh later on that same year I bow him at the Masters in Huntsville and he beat me there too on his way to uh being undefeated being the leader on the show she eventually lost to Steve Fair uh but uh so yeah uh it was uh cathartic I guess I got up and spoke a little bit uh I didn’t really plan to but did and so you know cried and simple through a short couple of short stories and and but it was great to see a bunch of his friends it was great to see how many people showed up and how many people he affected and uhh and share some of those those good memories so uh said to see him go fiveyear battle with mesop they gave him three months and he made five years so no lack of fight with him for sure Steve Anderson was guy I’m gonna miss for a long time so and on to more news uh is the thumb on your spare ball any different uh I have a little bit more reverse in my thumb of my spare Ball but my spare ball is also fingertip versus semi fingertip for my strike ball so helps it clear a little easier so uh how important is a player to manipulate their axis tilt go ahead not important that the Tilt um is one of the variables you want to stay away from manipulating because it changes your P which changes your PIN distance which also changes how your ball rolls so unless you’re a genius and can do that I would recommend staying away from that but what about rotation rotation is perfect you want to M the rotation I have a couple tricks tools rotation be able to control that and yeah yeah you need to have different rotations but you can’t move tilt without rotation anyway and you have to move rotation a ton to really move tilt Mo for the most part might be a little easier to do with two hands or with than one but yeah um camon Cameron H is one of those guys that could change his tilt on command really and he could yeah could do whatever he wanted and uh he actually Dred some balls for the different ways he wanted to throw it was kind of sick but yeah um I mean that’s next level but it’s just too many variables it’s it adds too much right no fly coming around and not liking random bonus pins no I like bonus bins because I understand that we’re in entertainment but we can we can keep it back within reason yeah D at one point I did ask I I had to ask some of the old guys because I didn’t really know how it came about and uh so I asked Barry Asher I said so how did 30 bonus pins come to be a thing he says because it used to be 50 oh go really he goes oh yeah he started tell me stories about Dick Weber and Harry Harry the tiger Smith and these guys would lead tournaments by by so far that the only the only chance anybody had to catch them was was to uh put in these big monstrous bonus spins for matches and uh uh yeah that’s crazy yeah right like so then 30 sounds pretty good when you put it in that in that perspective but you know 252 I I I mean I’d like to come up with a way if we have any mathematicians out there that can come out with a way that you can bowl uh you know we can make a cut to say 28 that 28 is that right no yeah 28 I think it is 20 and uh and both seven games versus three guys each game 10 pins for each person you beat Bowl everyone in the field and bowl once on each of the uh the seven pairs eight pairs sorry eight pairs It’s Tricky I don’t know I don’t yeah I think you can do one with 15 and you could Bowl seven games you bowl the other 14 players once but you’re going to hit multiple Pairs and there’s some things I’m not sure it’s a better version but it’d be a way to when you have 24 guys and uh the bottom eight have you know very little chance of of uh making the show or or up in the top 10 even at times with eight games to go I’m not sure that’s a win on either side K Andrew any recommends for Nationals team event uh some guys are throwing urethane but it travels anyway I think you play it like a 37 foot 36 kind kind of almost like cheetah steep angles throw it over towards the gutter and uh you know see what make sure in practice you find out how much how much it hooks to the right figure out if if two is the gutter or five is the gutter and and because you can get it over there way further than you really think and if you can do that then the lane gets can break down and can get fairly easy got to survive the first game they’re not easy the first game yeah they’re not easy but an angle is really the only hold you have for they develop though PR it does travel urethane or not so long drop brush if I was to Guess that and by that I mean the actual applied oil is probably fairly close to the actual length of the pattern in that 36 37 foot range whereas doubles and singles it’s a longer pattern but I imagine the actual applied oil is probably even less quite a bit less 3 to four feet if I was to guess and so moving left on the longer pattern actually ends up being harder to do than it is on the shorter pattern little backwards little trickery by Mr hogland so uh I actually don’t know why jilen withdrew uh I I that a funeral yesterday I drove all day I didn’t I just didn’t get to see it so I don’t know I don’t know if you heard anything or not I have not heard anything okay so if you know in the chat let me know uh what do you think about the T star ion Pro uh I’ve been throwing the ion Pro all the time um it’s kind of my Benchmark below my my bigger Benchmark balls like the idle and the absolute um it’s pretty quick but I can roll it and still does the right things and contrs Lane well so yeah attention star I don’t like it wasn’t my favorite piece I know people like it a lot um kind of stood up for me a little bit so I didn’t I kind of stay away from it yeah that’s what I would say if you have quite a bit of access rotation or you’re a little bit speed dominant uh I think the attention start can be a really really good ball I’ve seen it strike a ton H H Ms them with that thing right Pete Pete B really good with it last week at different times too uh the guys are a little more forward a little more end overend or a little more uh rev dominant I think it it tends to stand up and go forward and what I mean almost like roll out it just it doesn’t have that long continuous motion and that’s that’s what you’re looking for when you have a window like that you can Bull good on a bunch of different patterns for a long time so uh so uh David Tolson Bo said well the bear last night so much easier than last week the unit open well when you put it over the house shop for the first time uh it’ll play a little bit softer for sure uh practice day it looked pretty soft too and then it did look very soft after that I’m not a fan of bear yeah H uh found a Brunswick Black Beauty in my parents face we would it be illegal ball for tournaments yes you have to get it approved show a tournament director on the national tour for sure uh but rubber balls basically are allowed provided you hey this is actually a black beauty Black Diamond whatever yeah whatever it is it’s the the rule is really about urethane and uh and so all urethanes have to be after August 1 2022 so 50 is insane that made me laugh I listen to the show and realize how little I know about bowling great he’s such a liar he’s so lowkeys everything he knows so much more about life and everything else including bowling this guy was a world class fast pitch softball pitcher he’s a Marine he can beat us at everything it’s crazy uh maybe have half the field get bonus not a match play win loss yeah you could probably do something like that too there’s some things especially in The Eliminator format where maybe maybe just do dog eat dog you get you get five pins for every guy you beat that’s not what you want to do top guy still wins H the top guy will still win yeah it’s the trickiest part of it because you want I mean we all want to be golf we just want to play best score wins and if you have enough money you seem to be able to get away with it but uh and maybe it doesn’t change anything but I do feel like haven’t watched enough tournaments over the last 30 years that having match play having having swings in the format and having guys be able to to make big moves I think I think changes the intensity and the atmosphere in the bowling center and uh makes it a more enjoyable thing how was bowl with Greg sne at Nationals oh God I mean it’s painful guys just pain yeah never stops talking never stops smiling just stop super demonstrative really anger issues all kinds of things he won he won the sasba this weekend even even with his thumb tearing apart just just spinning the Clone up 12 or up the gut still throwing that clone yeah dude he did in Nationals too somebody in the chat I saw and we got behind so I skipped over it I apologize but uh Greg he did throw a clone he threw it from the right and just kept getting firmer and firmer and kind of stayed there and uh I mean my my personal success with the Clone means he should have gotten an extra 15 pins a game just for throwing it but uh he he whacks him with that thing uh silly yeah he’s he’s actually the ultimate good uh you know great Nationals teammate because he puts a ton of shots online he doesn’t hook it a ton so he’s never going to make the lane worse and he makes about everything he looks at from a spare standpoint and so one way the other the years when they were really really hard he found a way to shoot 620 you know with no ball reaction and uh and in the good years he’s you know he’s finding ways to shoot 680 690 700 and give you a chance give your team a chance to to win and so uh yeah it pains me to say something nice uh but uh Craig’s been Greg’s been great uh last three years he’s uh he’s done he’s done well uh by the way you have a video that’s going a little bit getting around H uh they said Jillian fell on a spare attempt in face Planet oh yeah speaking of the video yours that’s going around yeah from the players back in J that was actually back in January or January early February one of the two too yeah yeah so uh yeah I guess you can explain what happened real quick uh well it was snowing out there was water all over the Concourse went up to talk to one of my friends didn’t realize it stepped in anything thought it was dry and uh ate it my foot didn’t even try and slide it was that was that was a fun one the fact you made the spare is actually pretty crazy I think I threw the next one in the gutter or something but or no I don’t know I tried to save the game yeah turns out those pins mattered yeah came down to literally a shot or two at the end so uh 38 feet is the shortest OES of used in dual patterns team scoring Pace similar 2019 15 19 were all 38t 15 to 19 were flatter or lower scoring than this this year that’s probably a pretty accurate take from what I’ve seen so uh the real question is what rank is is Ryan on Siege oh you know this season bronze just started though like plat nothing crazy pretty pretty mid bad aim uh thoughts of USBC Nationals went to fourman teams instead of fiveman teams uh yeah yeah not a fan no the scores would be too close together not enough it’s good that’s an interesting take and then you’ll get really stacked teams with four people I think probably both true it’s something people don’t think about it is easier to put together four band teams for double singles then basically any four can go and yeah they kind of do it all um it does make some sense though yeah from a scheduling standpoint it’s it’s easier it does throw away a lot of years of records and those kind of things so uh well nton First Choice barbecue become a sponsor of the beef and barn show I think that’s probably a good good question that we may have fairly immediately after the show uh thanks for the idea Chris I just wonder if last week’s senior year open was the best telev show You’ ever been on the best Final 5 you have been a whether PB or pb50 oh no no I mean I love those guys and and it was it was uh very close to the probably the local guy at the center picked Five Guys for them to watch and he got four of the five right the guy he didn’t pick was Pete actually because Pete was was having a really tough year uh rosi was the fifth guy because he just won the Masters but uh I’ve been on shows with Walter Norm Parker and so I mean there’s 120 titles we had Pete at 40 and I had 19 or whatever it is uh you know Angela has one uh Tom has you know W National Title JJ and bull on tour uh so it was a great as far as who is bowling best right now it was it was pretty close uh Pete was actually the anomaly oddly enough uh of making that show but uh uh the rest was was pretty much it rosi stayed in the top five that would have been the five guys that were probably I haven’t looked a little bit but probably in top of the point right now uh so uh when is tour trials and will they be streaming it I’m sure they will be streaming it and yes I actually I know they’re streaming it because they have like two teams moving it because it’s it’s August 20th 20th for four days 20th 23rd and it’s in four centers in the Chicago area and they will be streaming all of it sne is the perfect teamate speaking of another guy that just talks too much super super negative energy all the by the way if you have any printing needs that’s your guy Paul Henderson’s taking over this business he worked at it he’s bought it uh he’s the guy Paul puts his link down at the bottom we’ll share it out there but uh uh what do we got uh the military championships use six person teams that’s an interesting way to go H that would take forever if you did one team on air take a minute but then you just go team trios and singles I guess you can still do doubles too then you have four events two doubles I don’t I don’t think you did Tri us if you like over brisket uh you know what we can we can help carry your brand on this show until you really dial in uh dial in your process but see as how you did in the glass B I have a I have a feeling you’ll figure it out how many more events we still have several one two three four five six seven events left and the World Series is one of them three Majors including the World Series so there’s really like 10 titles left this year one team on a pair there you go well that goes that would I like that six-man teams one team on a pair that’s actually really that’s actually really interesting you could have Team trios doubles singles one team on a pair squads would be a little tighter you’re not having to you don’t need a companion team you don’t have to worry about anybody else huh and he wins in that thing all the time so he probably likes that one so yeah I mean it could be First Choice jerky you know inad of barbecue if you uh uh GTO this year has changed their format to four person teams so all the locals could B yeah yeah that term it’s basically almost killed itself when you won’t let people come in and Bowl because the locals have taken up all the spots I think you’ve cut your nose off to spite your face so ters make a lot of money off brackets but locals come in and capitalize all the spots and you can’t even can’t get in the tournament it’s a little bit crazy uh talk about the players championship for just a minute and then we’ll wrap things up here shortly Players Championship uh um it was fast A lot happened really quickly it was really fun it’s cool to see all the people there supporting me especially from the wiah area um yeah it was a lot of fun I don’t know I was just living in the moment trying to well you did a pretty good job front Eight’s good front eight front nine right front eight that’s a good way to start quitter H replacement for Zen Gold Label that’s tricky one right now waiting yeah I mean right now we’re kind of using the an ion Pro in that slot a different way different way to accomplish it but it’s ball under phase two and above you know smoother than uh than like a bbo or something like that so Adam you already know I’m bowling every tournament not so but uh uh yeah definitely be in Jackson Michigan for the World Series well everything I can get to so uh what’s coming up this weekend Regional and Edmond uh sasba four member at Forum this weekend uh probably a weekend off for me feel like I’ve been on the road since January and yeah it was a emotional week so uh uh good and good and bad so uh uh just for fun would you think of a black PR hook I don’t think a black PR hook would hook anymore uh to be honest but I had one of those for a long time back in the 90s that was my spare ball SL dry Lane ball and was pretty uh pretty useful back then but these days lot more oil in the lane thicker HS a little sooner but that down Lane oil is a little tricky so uh I don’t think the 78 hardness brick like that the no hook would be the right call unless you’re using it for for spares Maybe the beginning of Team maybe I don’t know I think it get away from you pretty fast but anything else you got I got nothing go to the itrc and practice on the regional pattern there you go all right well uh check back in with us Tuesday I believe we will have another show steu should be back off vacation and uh thank goodness yeah no more have to put up with you right sure yeah you’ll be replacing me on the show soon enough what that’s F so between now and then thanks everybody for showing up today I appreciate the chat and until next time please support the sponsors that support us storm Rog grip n Global coolwick Bowlers SM fire likee Bowling Center lightning strikes and platinum Ford till next time stay safe stay healthy God bless


  1. I'm no mathematician, but what if there was a bonus pin increase per win on match play. Almost like a multiplier? 1st win is 10 pins and wins in a row increase in a fair increment. Not 10, 20, 30, but maybe 10, 16, 22, and cap at 28? Just a guess. 🤘. Has to be wins in a row though to be clear and a loss makes next win +10. Would that work? Or be too hard to police?

  2. I think Petes tantrums are kinda outlandish and childish. He gets so angry so easily. Its always everyones fault but his. He didn't change angle to pocket nor did he change balls

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