Golf Players

I Made The Ultimate Slip And Slide Out Of Sandpaper!

In this episode of Bro Labs, I Made The Ultimate Slip and Slide Made Out Of Sandpaper! Thats right this isn’t your ordinary slip and slide. I Put my body to the test to see how much I can really take from a slippery, soapy, sand paper ride. Sadly YouTube doesn’t approve of this experiment but sometimes that’s the price I must pay for my hard hitting science.


This video is intended for educational purposes and is provided for informational and illustrative purposes only. The activities demonstrated in this video may involve practices that are beyond the scope of a typical home environment and may require specialized knowledge, equipment, and safety measures.

Under no circumstances should you attempt to replicate or carry out any of the activities shown in this video.



that would compliment I smell better cuz I’m covered in dish soap scabbing in open wounds on pretty much every part of my body that made contact with the [Music] Sandpaper Houston I hate to be that guy but care to explain what you’re wearing it’s an American Eagle Speedo and why are you wearing an American Eagle Speedo because it’s summer which means it’s time to have fun in the sun do I have to censor the American Eagle Speedo feel like that would be against everything democracy stands for yeah you’re right I’ll zoom in thank you when I was a kid one of my favorite activities was using a slip and slide a toy in which you slip and then you guessed it slide what did you slide and then you know slip from the sliding action slide and slip that doesn’t sound nearly as good as slip and slide but it makes more sense I veto it I’ll allow it now that I’m an adult I’m curious to know what would happen if I put sandpaper on this beloved children’s toy will it replace all the slippery fun with skin peeling pain well there’s only one way to find out but please do not try this at home or your kids’s birthday party or their friends birthday party I’m going to go do it though here’s how this experiment is going to go I have created three different siing slides with sandpaper the first one has 80 grit sandpaper on it in the strip format slightly spaced out so I can keep slipping and sliding across all of it the next one big old squares but 60 grit now notice both of these were children’s slipping slides very short not a lot of time to speed up and not a lot of time to stop which is why for the grand finale I got this jumbo 40t tarp and on this 40ft tarp I put 40 grit s sandpaper for some reason with sandpaper you always got to put in a little more effort I do I actually got to like glue and do things when we do weapons I just buy it and then we hit me so much more prep for this but it’s worth it it’s worth it I hope it’s worth it I hope this doesn’t all peel off as soon as I slide across it cuz that would suck yeah that would we would have to scrap it don’t say that that’s like a you’re jinxing me oh sorry it’s not like we haven’t scrapped a sandpaper video before shut up I don’t remember it okay I blacked it out let’s get slided so these are kind of like a proof of concept you know I didn’t glue these nearly as well the grit isn’t as bad but if I lose some skin it’ll prove to me that this one over here will work very well you’ll be raw by then good there’s nothing more that I like than being raw that’s how you like your meat right like my personal meat or the meat I eat both no the meat I eat I like medium rare my personal meat we cannot talk about but I like it you might be wondering Houston why did you wear the speedo obviously so I have the most skin contact on the Sandpaper unlike Mark who said he’s too uncomfortable to wear a Speedo on camera I haven’t been to the gym in a minute listen I’m not judging you it’s like you know if uh you were a hot woman and I was a fat woman they would want to wear aiky you’d be wearing a shirt yeah you know size women aren’t ashamed too yeah they’re loud and proud too loud F my first slide is going to be on my knees watch and learn kids adults here that totally backfired I was going to do a separate one on my uh I got a double whammy there on your foot every dang I got everything has been peeled like an onion I’m assuming I just touched don’t feel my too much going to try it on my feet this time I’m sure nothing will go wrong ah that wasn’t too bad other than falling on my scrape let’s move on to the the 60 grit I taste blood my blood’s salty I think that means you’re hydrated hope so well next one we have the 60 grit ready to go I’m going to slide on my belly cuz that seems like a smart decision that I won’t regret immediately after let’s see what happens also if my Speedo gets ripped off I guess we’ll post it but you’re going to have to be really creative with your sensoring you told me to enlarge it well yeah but you didn’t need to say that we’re going to talk later we’re we’re going to talk oh me there’s so much more sandpaper here that’s probably the worst one okay tell me when Mark three two one didn’t make it all you’re right one more I stopped myself I chickened out like a little chicken [ __ ] I’ll do one more I’ll make it all the way I’ll grab Mark by the loins got my foot a little bit more too but you know they say second time is the charm I don’t know how this is going to be more Charming but I think I’ll maybe could feel better about myself so that’s important for me beautiful well done it definitely stops you ah got me yeah this is like you’re hitting the brakes you accelerate and then you hit the brakes and you accelerate just a tad more and then you hit the brakes really hard you know what it is I think you’re just not getting enough speed I ran in that but you bring up a good point which is why I got the 40ft tarp here and I’m going to lube my body up and run across it and thankfully there’s one part of my body that hasn’t been touched yet and that’s my back oh your been pretty abused I’ll just roll into an egg it’s like a little ball going down yeah that’s a good idea that’s not a good idea what am I doing we’re on the 40ft tarp with the 40 grit first slide will be a back slide I don’t really know how I’m going to pull it off but I assume I’ll figure it out as I do it kind how I do most of the stuff I do I never know what anything’s going to do then I just do it it’s probably not a good way to do things huh well it’s maybe this far huh yeah [Music] [Music] you made it to the end not by choice should have just started with this right how’s it feel awful I’m covered in soap all right turn over let’s see the che the the scars Jesus oh yeah that shoulder oh yeah this just going get F best here part you want to wrestle in the soap I bet you don’t can you see anything you got a good shoulder blade yeah I think I can do a stomach one I think the soap Lubes me up a bit I slide a little bit better smell better that was really mean Jesus wow I can’t even believe you would say such a thing I don’t even smell for the first thing a compliment I’m a compliment I smell better cuz I’m covered in dish soap that hardly even sound like a compliment it sounds like an insult and we got some elbow skinning there I got it like like on my cheeks a bit does my back even get anything oh my God you mark you oh I can’t believe I bought that for you spray me off with the water cuz this kills kills oh my [Applause] f you put this [ __ ] thing down put it down this is my only defense I’m not going to hurt you put it down your I’m going to hurt you if you keep it your voice is kind I’m going to hurt you if you keep it we going to lower our voices I’m going to hurt you if you keep it all right that hurt really bad and you know I consciously bought that for Mark to hose me down after this video be a little too early got a little excited anyways uh my elbow and then I think my back somehow came out unscathed yeah I don’t really feel it not bad maybe I should do another back run or should I be on my stomach what do you guys think stomach make sure to look at the slow-mo camera the whole time yeah I’ll remember that [Laughter] I didn’t remember it oh you ripped one up kind I got chap in my eye I got you no no no my eyeball Mark you got a mic there oh okay thank you was worse than the back yeah it was got my forearms my knee really good again my stomach didn’t really get ripped open but I felt it there this one with the soap isn’t too bad looks a little nicer yeah so maybe you do the 80 grit without soap no you said this oh now you want to do this one yeah just let me hose it off really good hold on we got to at least Lube me up once so what are we thinking uh the KY Jelly or the we’ll go half and half we’ll go KY this side p that’s fair So the plan now is we’re going to lube up my backside half Vaseline half jelly um personal lubricant and we’re going to see what happens one more back run then Mark’s going to go across this beautiful slipp see how excited he is he’s so excited I’m excited to be done go oh no you mother what do you mean no yeah damn I’m happy we have that on camera cuz I got half my ass on that oh I farted it just came out at me I’m sitting on sandpaper come at me you want to [ __ ] grapple with this I’m not ready oh my god oh I got such a wedgie too oh all right I’m primmed up it’s your turn you mother when you pushed me I fell on one of those circles really got me on this cheek Mark is up on the 40 grit slip and slide just soap we’ll see what happens I feel like that hit your legs yeah I left my chest up not bad you know what I feel like I got to do one more run you feeling good I say you do a back go yeah we need a full body [Laughter] that was nice spin around recommended straighten it up yeah it’s been a fun day in the sun wouldn’t you say yeah that’s what Summer’s all about you know summer’s just starting boys just get out there with your boys slide on the slip and slide put some sandpaper on it anyways uh I pretty much got uh destroyed from my toes my feet ankles legs say your mom your mom got destroyed more last night that was a bad idea and my back full package Mark you got it pretty mincy you got a little bit on your elbows little bit on your back yep right there nice like my sick tats wow Inked Up just she so harder now dude you’re so strong stronger I did it for my wife that just sounds like pure pressure anyways uh I’ll check back in in two days and let you know what I think about the sand paper slip and slide we’ll be there it’s time for the Sandpaper slip and slide data review 3 days after the experiment I had scabbing and open wounds on pretty much every part of my body that made contact with the Sandpaper which includes my elbows Stomach back butt quads shins and feet surprisingly I think I received the most damage from my first slide on the 80 grit sandpaper unsurprisingly though I think the recovery from this experiment has been exponentially more painful than the act of sliding on sandpaper for the past few days it’s been extremely painful to walk sleep and especially sit on the toilet I’ve had some painful poops and I’m not afraid to admit it well the poop itself wasn’t painful it was just like the act of sitting on the toilet but yeah maybe too much information so if we’ve learned anything from this experiment it’s that you should never put sandpaper on a slip and slide unless you like having a fullbody road rash which I personally don’t so I would assume most of you don’t either it’ be kind of weird if you did but those are just my thoughts and I to know what you all think down in the comments also be sure to check out my patreon by clicking the link in the description to see deleted scenes from my videos thanks for watching and always remember keep your fun in the sun sandpaper free and you can thank me later [Music]


  1. 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  2. This made me think up something really stupid after you saying "not enough speed"… Have a really fast acceleration car (like a Nissan GTR or Tesla Model S Plaid) do pull with a rope attached to the slip and slide (this is very important, not to your own body) to make it pull the slip and slide with sandpaper from under you! It would be the ultimate skin rub… I think… 🤣

  3. "You told me to enlarge it!" 🤣
    fell off a pretty fast skateboard once…roadrashed my whole left leg, ankle to hip…that was no fun at all for about 5 weeks

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