Golf Players

Jeremiah Sirles, Skyler Pierce on Sports Nightly: Monday, June 24th, 2024

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e good evening I’m Camden con and our Sports ticker is brought to you by the 1890 initiative over the weekend several Husker volleyball players were named to Team USA volleyball teams for competitions this week Lexi Rodriguez Meritt B and Taylor landfair were three of the 14 players selected to the nceca women’s final six Pan-American cup in the Dominican Republic the US will open play against Mexico Wednesday at 4 then play Canada on Friday at 2 the semi-finals would be Saturday and metal games would take place on Sunday Andy Jackson and ber and Riley will represent Team USA on the US u21 national team at the u21 Continental championships Jackson and Riley were two of the 12 players named to that roster the tournament will take place in Toronto and also begins play this week for more information visit it’s another big day for former Husker baseball players as three former players are starting in Major League Baseball games today Kade Povich and the Orioles are hosting the Guardians currently the Guardians and the Orioles are tied at one in the top of the second at 6:45 Spencer schwellenbach and the Braves visit the Cardinals and later tonight at 8:40 Matt Waldren and the Padres host the Nationals and finally sticking with baseball the college baseball season comes to a close tonight as game three of the College World Series championship series is about to start as Texas A&M takes on Tennessee in a winner take all championship game that game can be seen on ESPN our Sports ticker is sponsored by the 1890 initiative do you want to support Husker student athletes through name image and likeness if so visit 1890 hour one of sports nightly is up next right here on the Huskers radio network coming to you live from Memorial Stadium it’s Sports nightly all the Huskers all the time Sports nightly is presented to you by the n do Highway Safety Office who remind you to buckle up and put the phone down here come the Razer backs bumping over the left Gill and she stopped big Allen Block number 11 for the team 16 their body bumping in linol Dylan turns hands it off to Dowell left side bounces to the outside 40 30 25 20 15 10 5 touchdown Dante Dowell Chile throws down low marowski kicks it out to J gas knocked Away by Marshall seven to shoot six to shoot Shelly for three bet you Huskers take their first lead of the game with 30 seconds left here’s the two two pitch called strike three breaking ball outside corner making an even 10 for mcah and the hooers leave two more here in the top of the seventh now the 3-2 and Bradwell swings and hammers it deep center field she’s gone home run Eva Bradwell and a two to nothing lead for the Corn Huskers toy kna with nine eight seven starts down the right side goes to the right Sid line four second step back 30-footer got it [Applause] unbelievable I don’t believe what I just saw told me n knocks at home here are your hosts Greg sharp and Jessica cudy on the Huskers radio network actually Full House for you tonight I this is this is stuff that people should pay for tonight but my goodness we’re going to give it to you for free we got the big dog in house as well what a night for sports you’ve got the national championship game going on in Omaha we’ll keep an eye on that with Tennessee and A&M you’ve got game seven of the Stanley Cup finals tonight Edmonton and Florida that’s going to be a blast tonight and thank goodness CU we need something to take our mind off this heat Jeremiah I know you’re a huge fan I’m not I I know you’re enjoying today but uh brother this is too hot for me what in the world oh my gosh a huge fan I don’t know who you’re talking to I melt right I mean I’m glad the AC’s cranked in the studio here or else I would had to bring a change of clothes for the second hour sweating through you walk outside it’s like sitting in a sauna Greg listen we pulled up and we parking at the same time and I wanted to chat with him and he said uhuh it’s too hot it was like making a beine he was not even going to wait for me to walk into the studio she’s like hey what’s going on I was like I’ll see you inside I’m not I’m not staying out here a second longer than I have to the big dog it’s not like being hot th this brings up that age- old debate would you rather have a 100 degree day or a zero degree day and I I tell you what the older I get I think I’m trending more to the zero absolutely it’s always you can always put more clothes on you can always have more layers but when you just hot outside it’s just miserable like and I can’t take my kids outside so they’re inside just ransacking the house like no I I’ll I’ll bundle them up throw them in the snow go have fun but this heat this heat Can it can go somewhere else I’m still at the 100° day I’m still of this of course you are but I might change the more I get used to the cold weather I might I might continue to change my mind on that but right now I still I don’t I do not like being cold it it’s dangerous today I mean you got a heat index is over 110 it’s dangerous and so hopefully everybody going to Omaha tonight takes care of themselves and and with the night game it’ll get cooler as they go on I don’t think it’ll have a huge all right who we who we pick them before they get this thing started I got Tennessee winning tonight after they’re come from behind yesterday who who do we like I think I’m going to go Tennessee as well just because I do not want Texas A&M to win yeah you got to you guys have motives against A&M what’s the deal yes yes I’m a petty person Greg I am going for Tennessee strictly so that the fighting Alberts don’t win all right so you one a little Rocky Top playing T night in Omaha whoever wins it’s going be a big party because neither one has won a baseball National Championship so it’ll be a big party tonight I kind of have started to like Tennessee’s head coach I I think he’s been pretty pretty cool story to follow throughout the the baseball playoffs the the subplot with that is the Texas job opened today and both of those guys Schlagel at A&M and vatello from Tennessee appear to be the candidates to take over at UT wow so that’s kind of the maybe the winner tonight gets the Texas job is that is that a is that a win I don’t know that’s who’s the real questions who’s winning the shot challenge have have we gotten an update on I need Tennessee’s ahead are they yeah they went ahead okay okay I think someone Cole was that you did you have them no Camden got it yeah I went with Kentucky I think I think we’re out I think you and I both took Kentucky and they’re out I think I took Texas A&M Trader cam to do it do some research on that see who’s wonning the shot challenge I’m sure there’s an hourly update but I think I I just found it so as of today now this was June 24th at 5:25 so that’s today about an hour ago Tennessee was 35,000 332 Texas A&M was 31,700 yes should be some big numbers for that that’s been an unbelievable series Florida won the first three Edmonton has won the last three and they’ve been dominating should be a great game seven and I love game sevens in any sport I’ll be watching later tonight for that uh Jess you played some golf this week your dad was in town how’d that go did you survive your round yes I did I hadn’t played all year but um you know by the last hole I had a true par I had a good drive a good second shot a good chip and a decent putt so you know they always say that’s what keeps you coming back right by like whole four I was like I hate this game I’m never playing it again but then I work through some things and uh the luckily the last hole I had a couple good shots oh yeah golf’s like the drug dealer model they do just a little bit enough to come back right just enough I mean it’s I did the same thing right you go through and you’re like this is terrible why do I do this to myself then you have that one good hole and you’re like I’m so back I’m so back and then you triple bogey the next hole like ah maybe not yeah so but I we played it homes because you know we had had a lot of suggestions great suggestions from listeners about where to play but a lot of the courses around here don’t let you sign up just two golfers you had to have three or four in your party so um went to homes my dad liked it a lot there there was an eagle nest a bald eagle’s nest and they had roped it off to where you couldn’t if you hit a ball in that area you’re you’re you’re out of lock but you drive around it they had carved off a a like a cart makeshift cart path around it but you could see the nest and both the mom and the dad were there we heard the baby’s chirpings that was pretty cool yeah we actually golfed there uh last Monday a week a week ago and the the baby bald eagle has fallen out of the tree and so the baby’s hurt um actually and so they they call someone out like there was someone there walk cuz it was on the cart path when we were golfing there and so they’re trying to figure out if it fell out the nest too early or what but my neighbor Mark cic is a groundskeeper guy there and so he always gives us updates I’m always like how’s the Eagles and he’s like they’re back they’re back the baby’s okay the baby’s doing okay as of right now so we’ll keep an update was there just one baby or I think there’s two and one of them fell out right so baby eagle watch is in full effect wow we need to you know there’s a live stream for a couple of different Eagles nests we need one on on homes homes let’s do it yeah yeah Jeremiah were you busy Friday could you not help Phil Jessica’s force him out or no I was actually so last week I went on a huge recruiting road trip for uh the agency I went from here I stayed in Iowa City and then I went Normal Illinois Madison Wisconsin Minneapolis Minnesota and then I had a client that had a football camp in Harvey North Dakota which is in the middle of nowhere I was an hour from the border was there for 2 days and then drove back home yesterday so I did 36 37 hours in the car 2200 miles in Six States in six days so no miss the foresome but I will catch the next one all right very good uh I do want to publicly congratulate you Jeremiah on winning the our US Open little in-house draft you you obviously picked golf better than you do football so congratulations on that yes thank you it’s a it’s a it’s a foreshadowing of things to come for the fall Greg make no mistake comeback season is well on its way he’s calling a shot Jessica he made sure to uh say to Camden Cole hey boys the champ is in he he made sure to let him know that you know I said we we gave you your your props on the air the day after on the Monday doesn’t count if I’m not in person I need to see it congratulations here well you you’re not used to winning the pick thems around here so you got to take them when you can easy we’re doing that again for the open in a couple weeks so we’re going to do that for that did you guys see the the climate protest at the 18th green yesterday that thing was wild at the end of The Travelers Championship where those folks came out and were spray painting and dropping I don’t know canisters of smoke and stuff that was wild and really scary I would think for particularly the golfers that were on the green at the time yeah it was nuts my wife and I were watching it and I was like what the heck is happening like okay I was like oh there’s one guy in the sand pit and then you saw things raining down and I was like what is that right and all I could think about it’s like you know that poor groundskeeper was like no no please don’t let this be happening right now and then he was like please don’t make this putt and go to a playoff like moving the hole and I mean Scotty Sheffer is probably having PT TSD from the cops running out there like I didn’t do anything right but that was absolutely nuts but man that was it makes you wonder how much more security is going to start getting beefed up around those events now right I mean they’re doing it a lot of different places and does that really help a cause though or does that just make people mad I I think it would do be the opposite of that I don’t know I would agree with you you know they get people gluing themselves to the court or whatever it does is like is that really doing the messes that you want like there’s got to be better ways to do this than interrupting like you’re just going to make people like you said that want to be against your cause even if they didn’t even know what it was what were they even protesting it was I think climate change I think yeah the shirt said no golf on a dying Planet I was like is that is that really the hill you’re wanting to die on like the shirt golf hurts the climate no it just said no golf on a dying planet right so they’re saying like we shouldn’t be playing golf when the planet is dying right like I don’t know it doesn’t make any sense but neither does running on the 18th gree and throwing canisters so they’re not on this planet people the thing about it is like most golf courses to have trees so that’s good for that’s good for the coures take care of they take care of the grounds they do their but they use fertilizer and you know they use that kind of stuff which those people deserve really against I guess I guess so all right uh big show tonight we my uh coach rur had a a press conference on Thursday hit on so many different topics and I don’t know that what little I heard of JB hosting Thursday night I don’t know that he touched on some of these but there were some really interesting things that we’re going to get into with Jeremiah here in the next hour about roster sizes about adding more people that can do some onfield coaching which I think are good things for college football so we’re going to get into some of those topics with Jeremiah coming up this hour if you’re trying to watch our YouTube stream tonight we we we’re going through a a transition in the studio right now so we don’t have our cameras operable tonight so we’re not videoing we are streaming the audio down the line so the folks in the chat room you can still have a good time talking about heck I’m not sure what even they’re talking about tonight but I still do some of the Gilligan’s Island looks like they’re talking about Gilligan’s Island so I’m I’m not sure why but uh so that’s why we don’t have the video stream up tonight we hopefully have that ready to go by tomorrow or later on in the week so we’re going to talk about that also Skyler Pierce one of the new Husker volleyball players Jessica had a chance to catch up with her she will be on with h we’ll hear that conversation coming up an hour number two of the program here tonight and I just love being around my friends both Jessica and Jeremiah for the next hour this could be fun absolutely cannot wait I look for I I missed it last week you know I got in the groove the week before and I was like ah I know have sports nightly this week so I was glad to be back and we always have some fun when it’s the three of us oh of Greg allows for the the kitties to get into it he he he kind of pokes the bear a little bit and allows us to now see I don’t think I do that I told that I do that I don’t know that’s true I’m pretty sure he just heard us talking about hot dogs for an hour last week and was like I can’t let these two run the show again like I have to I can’t let these two just run around have to take some control of this thing or else it’s just going to be about Nathan’s Hot Dogs all all show again AB absolutely well folks hiy they are the great hiy Perks program is up get signed up for totally free hiy perks enjoy their perks pricing on hundreds of items in store and online score big savings today at perks hiy the official grocer partner of husar Athletics they are your OneStop shop for making your life easier healthier and happier visit your local I today we’re back talk some hosker football can’t wait we’ll do that next hi I’m a 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every field Full House Tonight Greg sharp Jessica Cy Jeremiah Sirles going to talk about everybody’s favorite topic around here that’s hoscar football here for the next 3540 minutes Matt rur had a just a terrific press conference on Thursday went about 33 minutes covered a wide variety of topics and one that I really wanted to dive into with YouTube tonight was about a topic that’s come up and I don’t really know where it came from but it seems like it’s on a kind of a frontplate issue with the big 10 right now and that is roster sizes and maybe limiting roster sizes or putting a cap on roster sizes the Oscars do have the biggest roster in the Big 10 not by a lot but by a few by a few handful of players here’s the coach talking about his thoughts about roster limits I don’t know what I’m thinking you know to be honest with you I think I don’t think I don’t think we’re really looking for people I think um I think the one thing that we try really hard to do is we want to try to outwork you know outwork the work and so you know if we throw camps and people show up you know we’re not going to look away from those things and so um you know we’re at a time now where there is no roster limit there’s a Title Nine roster limit but there is no roster limit so um if we can add players who can help us then so be it um so you know it’s not like we’re sitting out there saying hey go find this go find that you know I think my my thinking about the portal you know it continues to evolve daily I think the one thing I if I could summarize it it’s I don’t necessarily want to utilize the portal to get rid of players you know a lot of coaches are calling their roster through the portal I don’t want to if a player comes to play for me I don’t want to tell him he has to leave sometimes if a player wants to play he might have to leave but I don’t not telling him he has to leave but I will look in the portal I’ll look at another play and so if someone’s available and they can help us we’re going to do our best and do our due diligence and you know it’ll create a lot of competition here and I think the one thing I see that this group is such a great group and that they love competition so um you know we’ll we’ll be recruiting all the way up until probably July 31st for this year’s class and you know there’s a couple kids on campus that have popped up come kids Kids on Campus have come to the portal camps and uh they’ve reached out to us and you know there’s there’s a guy that’s working out with us right now that’s you know that was just a student last year so you we’ll look we’ll look at all places to find players so there was more to that clip about talking about that we have the biggest roster size everybody’s trying Troy’s involved in meetings with a big 10an about this moving forward I Jeremiah I guess I don’t I don’t get it I don’t know why we want to get away from 85 and whatever you want to do with Walk-Ons should be your own prerogative I I guess I don’t understand that yeah you know the big thing I think is what’s happening you know I I dabble in this world a little bit in my profession it’s it’s more of a fairness thing than anything right what’s happened with nil specifically is over the course of the last year or two teams have figured out a way around the scholarship limit with grad transfers right he’s talking about the portal where if you have a guy that’s going to transfer in that’s only got one year left of Eligibility or maybe two years left you say listen we’re going to bring you in as a walk-on but we’re going to have a very specific nil deal that pays for your entire schooling as well as a stien so it’s going to be like your on scholarship but you’re just getting the money from somewhere else and when you do that yeah it’s good but I think it just goes more of the fairness side where the bigger schools that have the money and the funding for that will be able to get into it but you know you start talking about at schools like Northwestern Illinois Purdue that maybe don’t have the funding from the outside world of the nil they can’t do that so I’m sure the big 10 the NCAA and all the other conferences are looking at it more from a fairness perspective than it is from the Walk-Ons I hate it because it’s going to cut players that are going to have a chance to come play college football even if they want to pay their own way yeah I there’s so many things that I don’t like about it and when when people have the argument well football rosters do it well also football Rost they’re able to go get free agents all the time and the current like colleges they’re not going to be able to just go tap into the portal at any point during the season you so you have injuries they’re inevitable you say that all the time and how many times you see guys that maybe were Walk-Ons get an opportunity that some of those guys that maybe were not the initial 85 that had to get pulled up you know and and had to be a part of contributing to a roster not to mention going into the bull season how many players opt out and people are having a hard hard enough time building a roster as it is so I there’s just so many things that I do not do not like about not providing the kinds of opportunities to some players that might not otherwise get a chance um you know I the practice part of it being able to stay healthy there’s so many issues with it I I and and I don’t know I just am not a fan of it at all and I I don’t understand what even the benefit is even if you’re saying oh we’re going to try to make it fair for everybody and I I’ve read a couple articles where the SEC coaches have come in and all of them have said well we we’ll take a pay cut to our uh salary to be able to to have these Walk-Ons come on and play I I don’t really think that this is going to fly the 85 I don’t I don’t know how they’re going to be with so so much push back from so many college coaches well I mean one other piece of it is listen I was in the NFL when you have 90 men on a roster right and that’s hard to get through practice right just 90 guys you’re talking about five even less guys and you’re talking about guys that are still being developed in freshmen that aren’t ready to play or aren’t physically ready to play and if you’re going to say hey we need to just fill out I mean if you do the quick math if you coach rule wants to have multiple practices right you’re talking about okay there’s even just two groups going that’s 44 guys going at once you add one more now you’re 60 66 guys if you have three groups going that’s not enough guys to go through practice you’re 10 injuries away from being a complete meltdown it I don’t think it makes any sense I would agree with you I think that this gets shot down or there’ll be some rules put involved with it Jeremiah did you feel like when you were playing here that there were too many guys out there on game day yes right I felt like I felt like our sideline was super crowded to crowded yeah like just too much around like and I know a lot of schools are like the practice squad or practice squad the young players that weren’t dressing the to deep would sit in the stands right and I think that’s good but I mean as far as having practice and guys around I never felt like it was too many guys I mean our facilities were plenty big the lock rooms plenty big right like that never felt like too crowded it was really just for game day for me now I will say the the part of this rule that is good is that it’s it’s taking off the scholarship caps for other sports so so some of the other sports can have full rosters of of students on scholarships so softball baseball you lose that cap so there is a a positive to that but I don’t think limiting football to 85 is a good thing and really for any school and I don’t I don’t know even the some of the smaller programs if they are even okay with with capping it at 85 I mean you can take 105 to Camp right that’s that’s the number so if you’re going to roster cap it at least roster cap it at 105 and say you can only bring 20 Walk-Ons right I mean you still have to have some sort of walk-on yeah I think it’s been 110 the last couple years for camp but you know he mentioned the title 9 component and that that certainly is part of this and I you know I think it’s been talked about for a long time take football away from that I I just there’s no equivalent sport on the female side that comes anywhere close to these kind of numbers I think if you went tight a line numbers with everything else you do besides football I think you would eliminate some of these issues now maybe that maybe you can’t separate the two I I don’t know yeah I’m not I’m not sure you can separate the two but with the salary cap coming next year I think a separation is inevitable I I you know I just it’s so hard and you know you’re right I mean and he even mentioned Matt in one of his comments he talked about it would be great for Ronda Rell to not have to have student athletes leave after competing for Nebraska with debt because they were not on scholarship and you only get so many for the ball bat Sports and so so many of them had get partials I think that would be great if we can push that out so that guys and gals aren’t leaving College having competed for the N or whatever school they’re at that they’ve got debt next to their name because they were a student athlete that doesn’t seem right to me I just wonder too in terms of the title 9 stuff if that’s going to be something that’s continuing to be explored just because of when you you talk about the revenue share that’s an issue either way you slice it if you if you do cut it 50-50 with title n this is the argument that a lot of people are having then you know maybe some of those football and basketball players are oh we’re not getting our fair share be but if you know you you you add the title 9 element to it so there’s still a lot to figure out with this new model and and the title 9 thing it might it might look different moving forward I I don’t know but it’s hard to just slice it the way that it has been I don’t know how they’re going to be able to continue to do that I mean I think I think there’s going to be a big lawsuit eventually coming forward with Title 9 I mean if you start talking about the I mean projecting in 13 months 14 months the salary cap it’s like well we’re going to allocate 85% of that 21 million to go to the football team and then here’s the other rest for the rest of you it it’s not going to work out that way it’s going to be I just hope the NCAA tries to do something infrastructure wise before they just roll it out like they did with nil J Jeremiah let me you’re let me make you a head coach today you’re head coach of the Huskers what number do you want what number would be comfortable do you think to be able to manage give you enough depth uh and enough opportunities for young guys is it 120 I mean I think you were closer to the 150 bark when you were playing yeah I think I think 120 to 125 is a perfect number I think that’s a really good number you have your 85 scholarships and you have the walk-on program that’s going to it’s going to roll over right the guys that walk on every year don’t stick around for all four years most likely but I think that’s the other piece of this you know we talk about hey The Freshman walk-on class is always enormous right it’s always very large and then eventually by the time you get to your senior year there’s like maybe eight of them left right and so you’re bringing guys in but guess what those eight guys can become starters right we’re talking about Spencer Spencer Long they wanted to sign Jake Long right so Jake Long Spencer Long two twins out of elorn Nebraska to my best friends in the world they wanted Jake Long they that was who they wanted and they’re like we’ll bring bring Spencer he can walk on too dude ended up becoming an All-American all big 10 guard and drafted in the third round like how many stories of those guys won’t happen anymore if you just eliminate the walk-on program totally well and especially because this coaching staff has talked a lot about from the start that this is a developmental program and there’s a lot of those guys that they bring in that they’re able to get their hands on that might not be ready to play and but you’re you’re if you limit that then some of those guys that do grow into to be great players and it happens every year and not just one player not just two player there are multiple players and even throughout the course of last season we saw that happen because of how many injuries there were to the offensive side of the ball look at the wide receiver room how many guys that they had to pull off a scout team that ended up being heck of players that are now going into this year some of those wide receivers that had that opportunity that I mean this team had to had to have they would not have had a wide receiver to put out there if if there was a limit to those those guys yeah you know and kind of like the last thing I’ll think of I mean as far as the Walk-Ons when you get here as an out of state kid right like I’m from Colorado I kind of knew about the tradition of Nebraska right but when you get here from Texas or Florida or California those Walk-Ons the ones you spend a lot of time with as freshmen really help you understand what this place is all about like they’ve lived here the majority of them are from this area grew up living Husker football going to the games on Saturdays understanding what that means to this state to this group of people that call themselves Husker fans and that was a very eye- openening thing even for me coming from Colorado of just understanding what this place is all about and that came a lot from a lot of those Walk-Ons that are from the state is there a way to I don’t know I mean how I don’t know how you can monitor this but where you are and you can’t take away their an their name image and likeness opportunities because that’s a that’s a law but is there a way to maybe Monitor and I don’t know where you you have the 85 cap but then is there a way to Ian there’s no way to there’s no way to cap it unless it becomes a governing body that overrules all nil for all the schools but I don’t see that happening either yeah there’s no way to to limit who gets what for nil opportunities it’s going to be a battle and I think you’ve got different players at the table in the Big 10 conference that have different agendas it’ll be interesting how this thing plays itself out and Matt ryal certainly is an interested party in all of that Woodhouse Auto family is your trusted Auto partner with 20 Brands 20 convenient Sales and Service locations we’re making car buying on your terms visit us online at we’ll continue our football discussion the next part that I want to get into coach World talked about allowing more analysts and graduate assistant to come out and do some actual coaching during practice that’s being talked about right now at the CA level we’ll get us thoughts on that get the crew thoughts on that next dear roads trails and rivers you ready for some SUV action Toyota SUVs can roll their sleeves up for tight turns and twisty Trails dress up for a night out on the town or head to the Great Outdoors take your family adventure game to a whole new level with the roomy Highlander make a serious Splash with the rugged revved up ra four and Tow all your toys in the spacious new Sequoia don’t forget the trail tman 4Runner and the Sleek vinza hybrid all Toyota SUVs feature a whole Suite of Creature Comforts to keep you and yours cozy in the cabin check out this legendary lineup at Toyota Let’s Go Places see your Omaha Metro and Lincoln Toyota dealers Corwin Toyota of bellw Village Point Toyota of Omaha back Toyota of lav Vista or bter Toyota of Lincoln if spring allergies keep you trapped inside then you need nage 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warranty this visit Woodhouse today 24 months 12,000 m per year with approved credits tax title and license extra $999 down plus first payment and $299 doc fee do at signing stock h24 0775 offer expires 7124 see dealer for details interested in working in Memorial Stadium on Husker game days will join us for our in-person hiring event it’s staff draft on July the 10th and 11th we’re hiring ticket takers ushers parking staff much more to Memorial Stadium and join the Husker event staff for more information and a pre-register go visit events staff Greg sharp Jessica K CTI Jeremiah surles the house is full tonight full of love and compassion and love of Husker football so I don’t know where I was going with that it did it kind of fell flat I did not I was looking at Jessica I’ve always wanted one of those yellow jackets of the event staff people you can go anywhere you put a yellow you put a yellow jacket on you are you are Untouchable you can go anywhere you can yell at anyone you want like I want a yellow jacket on game day yeah you could be a a dual kind of enforcer but you’re also nice and jolly too so you you kind of we both hat give away with the kid and be like get behind the line right like I’m all about it with great power comes great responsibility well we’re kind of recapping some things that Matt rur talked about last Thursday at his press conference the other part is something that’s currently in discussion and maybe even voted on here soon by the NCAA and that is to allow more graduate assistants analyst types to do some onfield coaching here’s the coach talking about his thoughts on this and I think we’re going to wait and see what happened with the analysts I don’t want to go out and hire a bunch of like you know $300,000 former coaches what I what I think is if I have one offensive line coach to coach 23 players he can’t coach all the is pretty darn close Koop has 30 guys in the DB room so if I can give coup an assistant who by rules allowed to talk now coup can focus on 15 and these other 15 that are maybe down the depth chart they have somebody coaching them day in and day out and pouring into them so I I love having young coaches like that and if as as we have success some of our coaches will leave the goal here is to promote from within it’s to raise our own coaches and raise our own operation staff and recruiting staff so you we have all that we need I’d always love to hire a dynamic recruiter I think that helps and then sort of this when when this analyst role passes if it does maybe maybe it’s in the winter maybe it’s like adding a couple young coaches or one or maybe promoting a ga again I I don’t know what’s wrong with I don’t know what’s wrong with having someone like anybody here have kids play little league right like there’s a team with 10 you love it when the coach takes your kid aside and shows them how to swing the bat a little bit better you know I’m watching my girls at basketball camp and you know Alexa marow is over there and she’s showing my daughters how to do something like our kids learn from one-on-one interaction so I want as many people pouring into the players as possible or a developmental program you develop by coaching really well he’s exactly right for so so many reasons I mean you start talking about how do you develop players you coach them and there’s only so many hours in the day and there’s only so many minutes at practice and there’s only so much time you’re allowed with them based off all these rules you have to maximize that time with the player and and really the only way you can do that is by having more coaches and no I don’t think anyone would be against that I don’t know why I mean he he mentioned the like cons room and talk cuz that’s what can happen now they can sit there but they can’t even speak like they can just look at you and like give you a nod like yes good or no bad like but that’s it and when you get into the season especially right that’s where the the main coaches are focused on not just coaching your players but game planning watching tape getting the Run game put in getting your coverages put in like the individual development in Seasons where players make the most strides those players that are developmental need to have eyes on them every single day even if they’re just running the scout team again not sure why that was a restriction in the first place you know but absolutely I I can’t make an argument for them not to so I we’re going to we’re not going to debate on this at all and I I just I also liked what he said about finding young coaches and promoting from within if he didn’t take a chance on a young coach like Terence knon who is uh we have said it all year long the proof is in the pudding how good of a def defensive line go he is but he was a young coach at one point Rob dorek started as a student assistant when his playing career ended and so some of these guys that you you get a chance there’s not a lot of coaching opportunities you have to start out somewhere so to have this opportunity where you can actually coach and start your career you never know when you’re going to discover the next Terence KN and next Rob dorek and uh again promote them from within because there’s going to be a chance that you you might have some turnover at some point that’s that’s the goal is to breed success Within These coaches and have them go on and and then you find the next one and and they’re able to step right in and and continue to help grow your program and Jess I know you talked to Evan Cooper last week isn’t that amazing 30 guys in his room I mean that’s it’s that’s that’s that’s not a number you can deal with on a daily basis that’s crazy to make one guy oversee that many yeah and he said it is it’s a lot he it takes a lot of time and also too every player is different and have different needs they don’t you don’t coach them all the same and so there there might be different needs needs that you have to dive into you might have to do more film work with one guy you might have to be more one-on-one on the field with another guy I mean there’s just different needs for different players and it’s it’s hard to really tailor that which he as as good as anybody at trying to manage that you know he’s a guy that like coach R doesn’t sleep enough probably but still it definitely to have a guy that is his right-hand man that he knows he can trust to go do the things that are needed with certain individual players that’s a lot 28 guys or 30 guys in one room it’s unbelievable even 15’s a lot I mean especially when you’re talking about 15 right if you have 15 guys in the NFL everyone’s at a pretty much the same level of knowledge and skill of the game right but when you’re talking about 30 guys on the spectrum of I just came from class C High School football from Kansas versus the guy who’s played four years and it’s going into his fourth year starting how how are you supposed to like try and blanket statement hey we’re coaching this today when this guy still crawling when this guy’s sprinting ahead that just makes it really hard on the coach to again maximize that time so if you can say hey these 10 guys are your babies right show me what you can do show me how you can coach show me how you’ve grown and then Matt rules nailed it we want to promote from within you want to raise coordinators that go become head coaches because that means they were extremely successful well how nice would it be to just pick from your own feeder system right who’s next instead of going okay who do I want to bring in and change my terminology change my verbiage change how they run the room right you just bring someone in seamlessly I love that model and it also understands the culture of of what coach rol wants and and have bought into that and can continue to implement the things that are important to this program as opposed to getting somebody from the outside and keep players that love their coaches instead of hitting the portal yeah right like hey I I played for that coach it’s like well no no well we’re just bringing the guy that’s been in your room in this whole time he’s the next guy oh I’ll stay I don’t need to transfer right that’s another big piece the the two topics we’ve hit on tonight may have the same kind of bottom line problem is that some schools don’t want to Fork over more money to pay staff and so you Purdue may go we’re fine with 30 guys on our staff where Nebraska’s like we want to have 40 helping our coaches out so I think the two issues are a little bit different but maybe connected because of different viewpoints by different schools and where they want to go with their budgets I think the argument can be made though if Purdue wants to be that be like well what what are you against players getting better right like the you can argue the one of that’s an unfair Advantage CU you’re able to bring players in but trying to argue of I’m trying to develop young players that’s a lot harder Hill to die on right that’s a lot harder to plant your flag and be like I don’t want to coach young players like well then why are you in this business right I think that has a that has more legs of an argument to be able to be on the positive side versus the unfairness side but at the end of the day the bean counters make the decision and who’s counting all the money and most of the these programs have those gas and those quality control guys in in place already it’s just a matter they can’t coach so right yeah I think there’s also a comfort level and and Matt referred to this a couple times in the press conference with Troy Dannon I have a feeling that this the he and Trev may not have been on the same page about roster size and these type of things and we Jess you and I sat in a couple of staff meetings at trb where we talked about trying to get some numbers down a little bit so I think there’s I think there’s some really good feeling right now for Matt rur toward Troy Dan that they’re kind of in they’re kind of in step on some of these type of issues yeah and I I think Troy Dan has said it from the start and wanting to work with krol and believing in him and they having that pre previous relationship and then also Troy dannon’s connections across college football he’s sat in those big committee meetings he he has the connections he knows and so he’s a an important voice and he’s going to he’s going to take the take the nod from his head coach and what what the head coach believes is right for his program and and absolutely Troy Dan’s going to go in those rooms and and fight for his head coach which you want is your ad right as as a coach you always want your ad to have your back and you know always want them to support your agenda but it’s also important to be on the same page and so you know coming in with what Dan has been able to do and how rule them and be able to click and go like that just speaks volumes for the future of this football program hopefully results and victories come this fall that’s what the bottom line of that all right uh still a few minutes left on the program I see you Cole we’re going to take a break what Auto fam is your trusted Auto partner 20 Brands 20 convenience Sales and Service locations we’re making car buying on your terms visit us online at back to wrap up hour one next at groundworks we take great pride in helping our Nebraska neighbors keep their homes healthy from repairing foundations to waterproofing basements to fixing crawl spaces or lifting concrete driveways we’d like to think our customers choose us because of our attention to detail or the fact that we’re the nation’s leading Foundation Solutions provider what gives our customers the most Comfort is we’re right here in Nebraska visit groundworks tocom for a free estimate groundworks Foundation Solutions crafted with pride the official Foundation company of the Huskers for Farmers productivity isn’t an option it’s 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highway safety office Husker fans Springtime in sarpi County means Sports and Outdoor activities catch an Omaha stormchasers baseball game or a Union Omaha Pro soccer match at wner Park visit fontel Forest where you can enjoy tree Rush Adventures or hike and bike on one of the many trails play around of golf or experience great fishing relax refresh and ReDiscover yourself with a springtime trip plan your adventure at our Huskers radio network broadcast Center sponsored by Acres the Midwest Premier John Deer dealer supplying the equipment and service to advance Agriculture and much more Acres solutions for every field Greg sharp Jessica Cy Jer s’s with you here hour one of our Monday edition of sports H Tennessee leads A&M one nothing they’re in the third inning up in Omaha winner take all tonight for a baseball National Championship the coach on Thursday also had a couple of of U injury updates Demetrius Bell looks like he’s out for the year did say good news on Turner corkran Jeremiah looks like he’s full going back and should add some depth I don’t know that it’s a dead S Turner is going to be a starter but it’s it’s going to be nice having him healthy and ready for Camp yeah you know when you miss all of spring and you’re coming off an injury it’s a hard thing to think that you’ll come back out there and go but at the same time Teddy Braska has not finished an entire season so having a guy that can go in there that’s played a lot of meaningful snaps and I think that he could also back up the guard position and Center he could be the Sixth Man of the of the offensive line if he doesn’t find himself a starter and also potentially moving him maybe to guard which you you think that’s I’ve been asking for for three years he’s he’s versatile enough to do all that which is a nice thing to have right and Coach Rola told me too he’s also been working at cerome which you also like as well yeah he’s a super athlete I mean the guy’s a very good athlete he’s struggled with power rushes and once you show that on film you’re going to get a heavy dose of it the rest of the year and unfortunately being able to anchor down on a power Rush is not something you can fix in season that’s fixed out of season with strength and mobility and technique so you know I feel like that was the thing where side of guard with his athletic ability I think he could be a little more successful can we talk just a minute about the the progress that Donovan riola has been able to make with Bryce benhardt I I I thought benhardt took amazing strides forward last fall and part of it is you know he’s played a lot of football now at this level but that that young man’s really developed and I I credit coach Rola for a lot of that yeah no I thought he played his best football of his career last year not even close he was the best offensive lineman most consistent we had which is High Praise um when you comeing from um you know talking about offensive line play consistency is the biggest thing you want to hear so yeah I agree coach Ra’s done a great job with him you know you bring in Ben Scott as a new center and he seems in and now he’s in his second year everything is lined up very well for the time and the the hours that rola’s spent with this group for them to come out and have success this year how much do of it in the final minute is confidence and belief too with with benart yeah you just have to know you can do it I mean confidence going out there like can do this even if I have short arms I can do this like he crushes it right and he’s gone out there and he knows his limitations at some and he’s been able to really hone into his technique work and getting off the ball and finding his spot and throwing his hands like all those things play such a huge role when you have to be a confident tackle in this league it’s going to be fun to see that group compete in August because I think there’s a couple of spots that aren’t locked in yet uh so that’ll be fun I you can probably say that about multiple positions on this football team but I think that offensive line will be fun to watch in August to see how that thing flushes out wow what a fast hour fun hour to talk some football with Jeremiah and Jessica we have more of the same coming up on the other side we’ll keep you posted on oh A&M I think just tied it up up in Omaha with with Tennessee we’ll keep an eye on that we’re going to hear from Skylar Pierce one of the new volleyball players for John Cook all that an hour two come on back [Music] hit us up on the text line text 402 413 2400 with your Husker thoughts dear roads trails and rivers you ready for some SUV action Toyota SUVs can roll their sleeves up for tight turns and twisty trails dress up for a night out on the town or head to the Great Outdoors take your family adventure game to a whole new level with the roomy Highlander make a serious Splash with the rugged revved up Rav 4 and Tow all your toys in the spacious new Sequoia 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now receive 2.9% APR for 72 months on the 2024 Lincoln Navigator or save up to $2,000 off MSRP with retail customer cash on the 2024 Lincoln Navigator with approved credit $299 doe do it signing offer expires July 8224 see dealer for details e e e e e e e good evening I’m cam Den con and our Sports ticker is brought to you by the 1890 initiative over the weekend several Husker volleyball players were named A Team USA volleyball teams for competitions this week Lexi Rodriguez Merritt B and Taylor landfair were three of the 14 players selected to the n o r CE CA women’s final six Pan-American cup in the Dominican Republic the US will open play against Mexico Wednesday at 4: then play Canada on Friday at 2 the semi-finals would be Saturday and metal games would take place Sunday Andy Jackson and Bergen Riley will represent Team USA on the US u21 national team at the u21 Continental championships Jackson and Riley were two of the 12 players named to the roster the tournament will take place in Toronto and also begins play this week for more information visit it’s another big day for former Husker baseball players as three former players are starting in Major League Baseball games today Kade Povich and the Orioles are hosting the Guardians currently ly the Guardians and the Orioles are tied at two in the bottom of the fifth and just underway in St Louis where Spencer schwellenbach and the Braves are taking on the Cardinals their scoreless in the top of the second and later tonight at 8:40 Matt Waldren and the Padres host the Nationals and finally sticking with baseball the college baseball season comes to a close tonight as game three of the College World Series championship series is underway Texas A&M and Tennessee are tied at one in the top of the third our Sports ticker is sponsored by the 189 initiative do you want to support Husker student athletes through name image and likeness if so visit 1890 hour two of sports nightly is up next right here on the Huskers radio network coming to you live from Memorial Stadium it’s Sports nightly all the Huskers all the time Sports nightly is presented to you by the ndot highway safety office who remind you to buckle up and put the phone down here comes the Razer backs bumping over the left Gillan she stopped bck alen block number 11 for the team 16 their body pumping in Lincoln Dylan turns hands it off to Dowell left side bounces to the outside 40 30 25 20 15 10 five touchdown Dante Dowell shile throws down low marowski kicks it out to Jazz knocked Away by Marshall seven to shoot six to shoot Shelly for three beta husers KCK their first lead of the game with 30 seconds left here’s the two two pitch called strike three breaking ball outside corner Mak it an even 10 for MCC and the hooers leave two more here in the top of the seventh now the 3-2 and Bradwell swings and hammers it deep center field she’s gone home run Eva Bradwell and a two to nothing lead for the cor Huskers Tomy kna with nine eight seven starts down the right side go to the right sideline 4 second step back 30-footer got it [Applause] unbelievable I don’t believe what I just saw to me n knocking home here are your hosts Greg sharp and Jessica cudy on the Huskers radio network joined by Jeremiah s the big dog in the house with us tonight we’ve been talking a lot of Husker football for the last hour here on the program uh CA Camden was giving us some alphabet soup some of those teams that the Huskers are playing on we’re just a couple weeks away from the Olympics you guys fired up to watch some of that can’t wait I’m so EXC I love watching the sprinters because I’m not fast and it’s always fun to watch be like gosh what would it be like to be so fast just be able to run and jump and do all the fun things I love watching the track events I’ve been watching the trials both for swimming and track and field I’m yeah I’m I like the Summer Olympics much better than the Winter Olympics Bryson being left off the Olympic team is a TR travesty he should 100% be on the Olympic team y yep he should again that you got the divide in golf right now which is which is a bizarre thing we were talking in hour one about the heat the the people that are putting on the Paris Olympics are not going to supply air conditioning in the athlete Village uh they’re trying to save energy and consume the environment now Team USA has said they’re going to take their own portable units for their athletes what what are we doing wait we’re g to make these athletes uncomfortable in the village what what what is going on that’s ridiculous you might as well not even you might as well not even give them water either cuz plastic plastic bottles are bad you have to give these These are worldclass athletes that are competing at the highest possible stage and you’re going to let something like air conditioning be an environmental factor that may play a factor in the difference between gold silver bronze or not making a finals I mean you talk about the difference between a tenth of a second sometimes these things the difference in in the world and that might be because you didn’t recover you didn’t sleep well because you were sweating all night you’re dehydrated so you have a hammy tweak like it makes zero amounts of sense that they’re doing that I mean this is the Olympics what are we doing good for the US Olympic Committee they’re like no we’re going to take our own units and I guess some of the other countries are saying the same thing but I I I don’t get that that’s just crazy to me Jess I know you’ve been watching some of the track and field I believe and candy can double check me on this usually in the summer games s swimming kind of dominates week one and then his track and field I think they flipped it this year I think track’s going to be week one swimming is going to be week two I’m good with that I think that’s great yeah I’m glad they split them up though because that is what a lot of people tune into that in the gymnastics you know so huge they they split up those where you can make sure and watch what’s the time difference though because remember last year last seven hours ahead of us so we’ll be watching I guess early in the day well it just I mean with social media spoilers are such a real thing now right if you’re not following it in real time like you’re going to wake up be like oh I really want to watch that event you’re going to open your Twitter feed and you’re going to be like oh my goodness I I didn’t want to know that I wanted to watch it like that’s the only thing that’s hard about watching the Olympics speaking of Greg Darius left just Advanced past his heat in 11 10 meter hurdles at the Olympic trials fantastic he has had himself quite a month right I mean man what he did at the NCA wining that championship and and able now to move on I think would that be the quarters or the I don’t know if the quarters or the sem so many athletes I think I don’t know how many Heats there are that or how many rounds there are I think is there three so that’s sounds right and then he go to the second round and then the last round is where you would qualify so but looks like he he there’s a guy that ran away with the first the heat that he was in but hey he uh he got there he qualified moving on that’s that’s always good fantastic well hope there’s a handful of Huskers that’ll be over there I think we’ll have a couple on the volleyball team that’ll be competing but um so yeah hope you have some track and field athletes that’d be fantastic and continue the legacy of Coach Sinclair that keeps going up and up and up he’s doing a great job with that but yeah that air conditioning story I saw that I’m like are you kidding me this is just crazy I I it’s got to be hot in Paris this time of year I would think but yeah seven hour 7 hour time difference between here and there also there is some news that came out on Friday while we were golfing that the 2028 La the Los Angeles Olympics softball and then the canoe slom or slom or something is going to be in Oklahoma City so uh Hey You Never Jordy ball might be on Team USA by then playing in Oklahoma City could why would Oklahoma City have a canoeing slalom course so listen and I don’t even know that I don’t even know you had to get her started terminology of what the sport is but they have built this Olympic the Olympic trials are there too but they have this River for for the all the water sports they built the Olympic trials and and the regulation to be able this world-renowned facility for for all of that to be held in Oklahoma City so they instead of La building their own infrastructure for that they’re going to just move it to Oklahoma City same thing with softball instead of building a new um facility for it they’re just going to have it in Oklahoma City being and they said that Oklahoma City is shown that they could hold and the World Championships a lot of times for softballs there in Oklahoma City too so they’ve had them there in the past so they have shown that they can do it so that’ll be cool and and driving distance from here that if you want to go watch the Olympics in 2028 you’re going be able to do that that made sense the the canoe slot them thing I was I was caught off guard by that to be be quite honest with you uh I I did confirm today that the hoscar will be moving into the dorms again for football practice here at the end of the month I think report date is July the 30th first practice will be the 31st of July Jem I rank for me your uh Camp experiences in the NFL I mean you were with a couple of different organizations what were the differences similarities what were your some of your likes yeah I mean my favorite was Mano State at Minnesota the Vikes the Vikes I mean we got to go to the college in Mano State and it was so much fun it was like a giant sleep over with all your buddies but you were 28 and you know the city rallied around behind you we had family night in the stadium there and we all would rent bikes to ride around cuz like food was in the cafeteria and the meetings were in this room and our dorms were here in the practice so it literally was a bunch of NFL football players riding around on bikes locking them up at the bike lock and if you didn’t like your B lock your bike up the one of the Vets would steal it and then you’d see the rookies walking around without their bike like that was a ton of fun the worst the worst camp and I mean by it’s not even Clos was with Carolina and Spartan ber South Carolina the hottest place on Earth and you cannot convince me otherwise I mean it was like today in Nebraska but nonstop for like a month you just you couldn’t escape it like and we at least had air conditioning but you know it was you woke up you started sweating and you never stop sweating you just you just never stop that’s not good coming from a sweater no it was terrible I used to have to bring an extra pair of shoes to practice and then when we’d blow the horn in the middle for break I’d have to change shoes cuz they’d be just soaking wet it was awful here’s a question though cuz I remember going back to last year with some of the bigger guys that the dorm beds were not quite long enough yeah they’re not big they’re not big I to I mean when I lived in Harper Ram Smith I had to buy a futon cuz I did not fit on the dorm bed it was too short see I mean Bryce benhart not fitting Tedy perasa not a chance well I wonder what about the bills where where did the Bills Train uh the bills did it so they built their new facility they went up to Rochester um gosh what’s the small College up there uh whatever the college is in Rochester very similar to man um but it was just not it wasn’t as nice like man they really relied on that revenue and so they did it up nice for us and they had the whole the tents and the whole bit the bills were kind of just like H we’re going to come here but I don’t think they’re going there anymore because they just put a ton of money into that new facility and then they’re getting their new stadium soon as well yeah were you in did you play in US Bank with the Vikes yeah I did actually my first first year in 2015 I was there we played in the goer Stadium right and then we made the move into the bank and that was the year in the goer Stadium we played Seattle in that minus 22 windchill game in January but yeah the bank is the bank up in Minneapolis is a top three stadium in the NFL I mean I haven’t been to the new Sofi you know I haven’t been to the new I’ve been to the new Vaders Raiders place I haven’t been there for a game but US Bank when that place is rocking it’s it’s one of the coolest venues in in the NFL the locker room I’ve been in it it’s sweet yes it’s super cool super big tons of space lots of room for everyone to go on like yeah the whole they did it right you know they did it right they modeled it after a little bit after Jerry World which I liked you know a little bit of that kind of like the inground sweets all around and yeah they did a great Jobing but now it’s just the arms race in the NFL for who can build the coolest looking spaceship looking Stadium anymore I guess did they uh do do you walk through like a club Lounge to get to the field from the locker room for John game days you walk in through like a bar restaurant like in Jerry world no in in Minnesota like in Minnesota so you walk through there in pregame to walk out and then at halftime you walk in through at the end of the game but you do like intros through the big tunnel but I mean I can remember one time there was someone in there super sloppy drunk and was like come on like spilling beer everywhere and the security was like get this guy out of here like these guys are trying to play a game you’re spilling beer all over him we had one of our D Lin got he’s like dude I smell like CO’s light like it was like halftime he’s like I literally smell like CO’s light at Jerry world you have to do that too you have to walk through the club area as well Atlanta Atlanta built one in like that too I mean I think again the bean counters upstairs how do I make more money how do I charge more tickets it’s like well you want to watch these big giant animals run through and go play a football game and person well yeah sign me up here’s $10,000 what’s crazy about the the Suites down in uh cow stadium is you can’t even see the field you’re just watching the big screen basically so it’s just the experience of saying we’re on the field terrible seats yeah all right Shane in the chat room wants to know how many times did you ring the emergency Bell in the elevator in Harper shrim uh more times than I’d like to admit guilty we definitely we definitely hit it a couple times is usually coming home after a few pops so that that was a fun time in life Welly I can’t believe we got him to admit that J I know I know I mean Harper HSS was great where we started our career in celic not great that was not where you wanted to be and I mean we said to spend our whole summer there not not where you want to be that’s great fantastic Oscar fans go check out the allnew Hivey Perks program sign up for the totally free Hivey Perks program and enjoy exclusive perks pricing on hundreds of items that are in store and online score big savings today at perksy the official grocer partner of husar Athletics and your OneStop shop for making your life easy easier healthier and happier visit your local Hive today we’re back to hear from Skylar Pierce one of John Cook’s new freshman players we’ll do that next dear roads trails and rivers you ready for some SUV action Toyota SUVs can roll their sleeves up for tight turns and twisty Trails dress up for a night out on the town or head to the Great Outdoors take your family adventure game to a whole new level with the roomy Highlander make a serious Splash with the rugged revved up Rav 4 and Tow all your toys in the spacious new Sequoia 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for John Cook’s volleyball team we continue our newcomer series as we introduce you to the new Huskers here on campus this summer and another volleyball newcomer although she’s been here on campus went through spring volleyball Skyler Pierce The Freshman outside hitter out of Kansas thank you so much for being here yeah thank you for having me how’s your summer been super busy but a lot of fun so far yeah you you got here in January you were early and rolly and went through everything basically um already so probably don’t even feel like a freshman anymore but how helpful was that to go through everything throughout the last six months oh really helpful definitely I’m glad that I decided to graduate early from high school just because going into the fall season I can’t imagine not having the relationships I have being more introduced like how coach runs things the workout lift everything just how everything’s kind of run here so I’m very happy that I decided to come early and just build that production now absolutely okay well let’s go back to just your recruiting process you’re obviously one of the top volleyball players in the country but you know working through that decision and the recruiting process what landed you on Nebraska one of my favorite things about Nebraska was just one how close it was to my family I wanted to make sure my family was able to come and support me whenever they wanted to need to get home for anything but also just the coaching staff the players that they were recruiting they were all people that I knew I wanted to be in the future rather that not just playing on the court but off the court too so I knew Nebraska was the place that was going to make me into that woman one day so I knew it was definitely top of my list and one of the places I wanted to end up in the end you know I read somewhere that you had talked about the competition and and wanting to be a part of that and practice in the gym every day what makes you I guess not scared of that embracing that that challenge every single day uh I’ve definitely been a very competitive person forever I have two older brothers so they’ve pushed me to be competitive whether I liked it or not so that definitely took me out of my show and made me want to be competitive no matter where I was so I knew coming into this gym being around these girls that they were top athletes in their grade when they first got there I knew that they had become amazing athletes already so knowing that I was going to be facing against that every day it made me more excited than nervous for sure I love that well you said you had two older brothers that you competed but how didd you get into volleyball what what I guess Drew you to that Sport and falling in love with volleyball Kind of a Funny Story I’ve played basketball basketball was like my family’s like sport honestly and we all thought that like basketball is where all my siblings to go into but then one of my soccer teammates introduced me to volleyball and asked me to come join our club team and then after that I just fell in love with it in in instantly just after the first few practices I was like yeah this is a sport I definitely want to keep going with and then it was back and forth between basketball volley basketball volleyball for college but in the end I knew volleyball was not just going to take me the farther but I enjoyed it more so what did your family think when you you said it’s volleyball not basketball um they were excited honestly just because they knew that volleyball was like new for them too so they were excited to learned a new sport and knew that I loved it as much as I loved basketball and choosing that sport was hard to choose but they were excited for me who were some of your uh Role Models or female athlete role models that you looked up to growing up uh definitely Jordan LaRon even just like knowing that she’s one of our coaches now just being surrounded around her it’s really surreal moment knowing that I like looked up to her for the longest time but now it’s like now she’s my coach and now I get to learn for her from her like firsthand but also like MADD Skinner we play in the same position just been watching her over the years and practically everyone who’s played in my position just watching them and trying to learn as much as I can from them what about basketball oh goodness basketball-wise I would probably say especially now like Angel re Caitlyn Clark Paige Becker just all of them just what they’ve done for women’s sports and where Women’s B basketball is going for sure it’s just really inspiring especially knowing that Nebraska volleyball has taken a big steps for women’s sports too and knowing that I’m part of of a team that’s doing that too it’s just like really cool to see the progression yeah I was actually going to ask you about that cuz you’re a freshman in high school and and you’re committed to Nebraska but what was like watching all that unfold throughout the last year both volleyball and and into women’s basketball I was at the Memorial Stadium game so that was really cool just to see that and like feel the emotions behind it everybody who went out and supported them like it just meant so much not just for Nebraska volleyball but just the women’s sport in general just knowing that there are this many people just in even the say of Lincoln that wanted to come out and support them was just crazy to see and crazy feeling but just seeing how that pushed women’s sports so much further and seeing people really invested in women’s volleyball and then women’s basketball is building up too after the last basketball season just seeing how impactful women sports can really be in people’s lives love that okay so let’s let’s start from when you first got here and you uh get into the beach season you actually set the program record for wins in a beach season right uh how much did you enjoy that how much fun was that playing beach beach was so much fun I played beach in KC a little bit so I played for a club and went to nashal a couple of times for beach but like coming into this Beach season I didn’t know exactly what to expect but it was so much fun I had like three different teammates throughout the season so it was fun just playing with different people and having different roles throughout all of it and then obviously going to Hawaii and Cali and just playing playing at these fun places that you usually probably wouldn’t play especially a Lincoln Nebraska volleyball team at Beach season like you never expect to go there but it was so much fun just being in that environment and it being kind of like a Icebreaker to get to know the girls too cuz it was just easy way to build relationships throughout Beach season what do you think um makes you I guess your your game translates to beach where it is a little bit more difficult it’s just you and another partner so why do you think it made you so why do you think you are so good on the beach I think it is that aspect that it’s just you two like you have to contribute whether you like it or not so it’s like even if you’re having a bad game or ABC is not going right you know that no matter where you’re going to touch the ball throughout the play so just being involved always and it was just a lot of fun just to bring me out of my shell made you learn all the skills from you have to be able to serve hit set all the things so just makes you more adaptable and more I guess ready to go back into indoor season too absolutely okay so when you get here and you arrived the team had just come off the uh national championship match appearance and I I know they were obviously disappointed they were hurt but I mean was a magical season last year but how was it for you guys as freshman coming into it and and joining this team that is coming off that season and and setting new goals and and being a part of that what what was that process like for you guys I think me and live both knew going in that this team was coming off a harsh loss but knowing that they had a trip on their shoulder and knew they wanted to come in every practice and prove not only just what they did last season how amazing they did but also prove themselves that they can still compete at that level and still are the great team that they are so we I think we both knew coming in the team that we were going to have to contribute to that and bring as much energy so we having that chip on our shoulder and having that confidence in ourselves that we were meant to be on this team too love that so when you start practicing and and all throughout spring uh coach Cook talked about you you were a highlight you guys really added a spark to the gym but what was your approach to that to be able to come in and and be able to stand out and compete and I guess um hey I’m here and I want to provide an impact as a true freshman yeah I think that was one of my big goals just like working on my mindset since probably junior year just knowing that I was going to come into this program that has all this success and have these great players too and knowing that coach recruited me for a reason and that I going to be someone that’s going to come and compete hard so just knowing that I had that confidence in myself I knew that whatever Mark I left I knew I wanted to be positive and was going to leave a challenge for people so I knew that coming to the spring season that I went to just leave that spark and leave that Mark on people so what was it like then the first time when you run out for the spring match in Carney oh my gosh that feeling was crazy even just pulling in and like seeing everybody lined up like for us to walk in was just a such a crazy feeling cuz I remember being those people staying on the sideline like cheering them on but now like being that person walking into the gym it was just very a full circle moment and just it made little me feel very proud of myself for sure speaking of Full Circle you’re also now uh working camps that you were very much a part of before how’s that been now and being because the camps were so important to this program and now to be the one on the other side of it uh helping put those camps on oh it feels great just seeing how excited the girls get even just seeing like my teammates walk in or even me like walk in like they just get so excited to see us and we leave such a impactful presence onto them and they get so excited to see us us giving them little encouragement like all that kind of stuff just makes their day every time we do it so it’s just so fulfilling honestly to be able to be a part of that this program I mean especially over the last year as you we’ve talked about every go to get recognized and there’s so many little girls that look up to them you know as an athlete that you were started there and now you’re here um you know how do you approach that just knowing the the kind of eyes that are going to be on you now that you’re in that Nebraska uniform yeah I feel I got a glimpse of it like throughout High School season just committing to Nebraska and having girls kind of look at me as that role model but now especially off my first semester here I’ve definitely seen how impactful what we do is to people and how just the little bit little things that we do can leave such an impact on little girls Little Athletes all honestly volleyball community in general so knowing that joining this program is going to help me leave that impact on people just a little bit more and being that person for people is a great feeling that’s great okay so your your fellow freshman Olivia she’s with Team USA now but what’s the relationship like between YouTube being that it’s just you two coming in as a true freshman and uh it seems like you guys have a really special bond yeah I love live work we’re roommates so it’s really fun it’s just us two so we just we’ve gotten to know each other a little bit over the years just going to USA Stu or being in Nebraska camps she played up so we didn’t ever get to play against each other throughout Club but just building that relationship early on and then coming here and being roommates together just buil that relationship and it’s nice having someone to lean on throughout this whole process and having someone to talk to absolutely okay and then um you know being the outside hitter and and getting to know the Setters here uh what’s that been like working with Bergen with Kennedy and and building that relationship with with the Setters um so far really good just getting our timing right working on that is definitely a faster game going to college so having to pick up my fee be a little faster but also just building that connection with the setter and feeling confident and comfortable with myself to like tell them hey can we try this can we try this so just having that relationship built already has made building our connection a lot easier how excited are you to to work with s like Bergen Riley oh so excited I got to do USA with her in oh gosh a while ago but we did USA together and I got to be set by her a little bit and that was so much fun just being off her Tempo and being surrounded with someone like her so knowing that I’m going to have her as my cter the next three years is really exciting so your major is H graphic design tell us about that why you wanted to get into that uh I got introduced at my freshman year at high school our high schools have little programs in them so one of my programs at my school was graft design and I just kind of got introduced to it and since then I kind of just fell in love with it the software behind it I’m a pretty crafty person so I like arts and craft and that’s kind of like my balance between volleyball arts and craft and like school and everything else so I just love having that Arty side that I can just kind of explode myself into whenever I need to so what did you think then of the the schedule release I know it’s a little bit different right you’re You’re Building clay but when you guys were all sitting there trying to to build the mascots of the opposing teams with the schedule release oh it was really fun it was definitely a very creative idea by Izzy it was fun to see everyone’s like crafty side come out cuz I know I’m really crafty but seeing like the other girls figure out how to use clay and molding colors to make this this and this but it was super fun just to see what people came up with and honestly the all turned out really good and it was a great job who is the number one clay Master on the team I want to say myself but I don’t want to say myself uh oh gosh I think Macy’s little duck for Iowa was really cute I thought the horn frog was good by yes the horn frog was really good Lindsay’s Turtle for Maryland was really good like all all of them were great you speaking of of Meritt and Lexi and they you know were team captains last year but the leadership and and how they are leaders for this team what’s your perspective of that coming in as a freshman um even not even just coming in as a freshman like I saw it when I was watching games on like the sideline just seeing their presence on the court and how they conduct themselves and Lead this team is something I was very excited to be introduced to and have and Mary and Lexi have done a great job getting me and live like more connected and building that relationship with them so we feel comfortable with them and with the team so it’s definitely really excited to see their leadership and it makes me want to become that leader the future too very cool what else do Husker fans need to know about you oh gosh anything else anything uh we people might not know but you want them to know no I think we covered it all I think we did too yeah okay last thing I got for you just what goes into you know the this next few weeks the summer uh before you take the the court for the preseason to be able to to continue and build off what you did in the spring and and provide an impact for this team as a true freshman yeah right now we’re in lift in the mornings then we have open gymm so just continue to work on my building muscle and working on my training in that sense but also working on the stuff that coach has me working on in the gym and making sure I’m taking every moment I can in the gym and using it fully absolutely great stuff uh Skyler Pierce thank you so much for being here and we’re excited to have you here in Lincoln thanks me too another special young talent for John Cook’s group and I go back to what Lauren cook West said following the spring match after watching her just she doesn’t move like a freshman just the way that she can move side to side and take sets that weren’t perfect and and make something special happen out of them but just uh and coach Cook really bragged on both her and Olivia and the spark that they brought to the gym this spring and she’s not afraid to compete either Greg so uh look out she she’s also going to be very much in the conversation to to get out there red outside hitter the embarrassment of riches really for that program and I know that that volleyball picked up a couple commits even over the weekend for future classes but what a really fun gal to talk to just kind of bright there’s a there’s kind of a light about her that I really liked yeah absolutely they’re just also also impressive and yeah the going back to the conversations I had last year there’s just something different about these athletes and and certainly it takes a special kind of freshman to come in and be a part of this and to step in early and it didn’t seem like her or Olivia either one missed a beat um coming in and and joining this group that’s coming off a year where they made the national championship match and have all these expectations and I couldn’t I couldn’t imagine you know going into that and I would be so overwhelmed but it seems like they’re just taking it in stride and and have been able to come right in and find their roles and and we’ll see how it continues to how it how the competition continues to unfold going into pre-season and then into the season but um I don’t think either one of them are going to make it easy on coach Cook and uh they’re going to find it seems like they’re going to do everything they can to have him find their ways onto the court during the season yeah yeah find some some reps out on the court uh where are we at on the the name of the horse is that they closed nominations coach Cook made an announcement uh recently um let me see I I think it’s still in the process but let me see got to I think they’ve got to have closed by now submitting names I would think yes he okay so he he made an announcement on June 21st so one week ago name 415 started over 10,000 names were submitted we are blown away with how creative Husker fans are the goal is by Monday to have the final four so I I haven’t seen the final four but um sounds like they’re going to try to narrow it down pretty quickly I wouldn’t want any part of having to do that that many names to go through that’s crazy yeah over 10,000 yeah man man good stuff hey what else Auto family there are your trusted Auto partner 20 Brands 20 convenience Sales and Service locations we’re making carbine on your terms visit us online at all right if you have a text we’re not going to open up the lines tonight but if you have a text you want to be a part of the program 402 413 2400 more the show coming up eliminate carbon and varnish deposits with Lucas Fuel Treatment at O’Reilly Auto Parts simply add it to your tank at your next fill up a clean clean fuel system can increase performance and fuel economy right now get two bottles of Lucas fuel treatment for just $9 and get two times o rewards points in store only at O’Reilly Auto Parts oil Auto Parts if there’s one thing we like it’s choices find yours with Ford F-150 gas 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money there is a way out help us free and confidential for Nebraskans and their families there’s no judgment just help visit life after Greg sharp Jessica Cy back with you we’ve we’ve released the Hound so the big dog has uh left the premises for the rest of the night but great to have him in here talking some football last hour with us Tennessee up 3-1 top of the F fifth against A&M in the national championship game in Omaha the the stars are out in Omaha tonight saw pton Manning and Morgan Wallen country music star kind of sitting together I think Eric Church was there last night he’s a big volunteer fan uh Edmonton Florida 1-1 getting late first period in game seven of the Stanley Cup finals uh tonight as well so we’ll keep you a breast of that as we make our way through the end of the program here tonight interesting weekend Jessica one of the local news channels and and by the way let me just wish start by wishing Keith Zimmer happy birthday Keith has been the head of life skills for years for Nebraska does an amazing job also oversees a couple of sports including women’s basketball and softball that he oversees but happy birthday Keith what a what a tremendous human being and great asset to Husker Athletics he is yes happy birthday Keith Zimmer and one of the things that the life skills does big event that they do coming up the Nebraska football Road Race will be here before you know it we’re going to talk more about that coming up in the next coming weeks but I don’t know I feel like are we going to get Camden and Cole in on that deal this year love to love to get those guys involved even if they walk it make them go out there and do that uh one of the the football team this weekend I saw it was on one of the local news channels they went out for a a Habitat for Humanity home and we’re doing some painting this weekend so a bunch of the football guys are out doing that that’s a life skills event put together by Keith and his crew to go do that this is a time of year a lot of the athletes I know men’s basketball has been out and has done a couple things in recent weeks I’m sure some of the other sports have as well but it’s just one of the really cool things that kind of sets nebras Athletics apart I’m not saying other athletic departments don’t do that but it’s pretty cool when they go out and the athletes kind of give back to a community here around here and Keith simmer whose birthday is today is the head the head of all of that well I saw the University of Oklahoma put out a nice message couple hours ago they’re counting down the days to becoming an SE C member that will happen in mere days what a change huh for that school and for Texas to both go SEC yeah still going to be uh crazy as I talked about even like the big 10 teams coming in but um yeah I saw too they put out that they’re painting the SEC logo on the grass I think they had a big recruiting weekend so they’re on the on the football field they’re paint first time painting the secc logo on that my dad you know was up here over the weekend and still listens to all the sports talk radio down there and all of that and um I asked him I said are are ou fans going to start doing the SEC SEC chant all the time and he said um they better not um and apparently a lot of the local sports media people like Barry traml was one of those said that they’re going to Hammer U fans if they get in on that train being that they hated on it for so long we we’ll see how long it takes for them to conform to that they’ll do it I think they’ll do it uh interesting thing over the weekend for them and I I sent you I I texted you this over the weekend they they extended Brent Venable’s contract which was to me a little odd he’s had two pretty mundane years for Oklahoma football and that they’ve extended his contract out so maybe a statement that that’s their guy they want to back him going into their new league but just seemed a little little rush to me to to extend Brent after one really poor year and then one that was okay but just only okay by Oklahoma standards yeah I I know that a lot of fans are not happy at certain points throughout the you know the the last couple of Seasons but I don’t know if it was a hey we’re because they also made a big nil announcement as well you know going into the SEC and having these big recruiting pushes of hey look we’re investing this money in in football before we go into the SEC we we’re locking down our guy I don’t know but I it is it’s a little bit odd timing it’s not typically when you see I guess contract extensions for football coaches but um I again maybe it’s the the now moving into the SEC all the new announcements making trying to make waves going into the SEC yeah could be you’re right July 1 is the is the the flip switch you flip the switch those four West Coast Schools become big 10 teams you’ve got Oklahoma Texas going to the SEC the Big 12 will have a new batch of members come September the 1st even the ACC will add some some teams including odley Stanford and Cal that will now be members of the ACC I just cannot imagine the travel budgets for Stanford and Cal that have to fly clear cross country and really for UCLA UCLA uh USC Oregon and Washington coming in the Big 10 how their travel budgets are just got to explode all the flights are going to have to be taken across country to start competing in uh in athletics and in games Woodhouse Auto family they are 20 Brands 20 locations they are your trusted Auto partner we’re making carbine easy and doing it on your terms go visit us online at all right Full House in your tonight Full House of weekend winners we’ll back to do that next Husker fans Springtime in sarpi County means Sports and Outdoor activities catch an Omaha stormchasers baseball game or a Union Omaha pro soccer match at Warner Park visit fontel Forest where you can enjoy tree Rush Adventures or hike and bike on one of the many trails play a round of golf or experience great 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was casay tominaga for signing with curry brand um I’m going to go with casay again um he’s playing for Japan but that’s not the reason I’m going with him um so he signed with the curry brand um but he just hosted his own basketball skills camp for young athletes in Japan so he’s giving back to the Japanese community in his City there so I think that’s awesome for him to be able to influence the next generation of basketball players there did you catch some of the highlights of him and some of those International duels that they’ve been having I mean he just is going crazy again yeah he scored what 14 uh on Saturday and um is a member of Team Japan going into the Olympics so he’s he is such a huge star there so very cool that he’s already given back and I know he is doing the Steph Curry celebration and and dropping knocking down three-pointers so doing casay things casay doing casay all right Jess why don’t you go next I am going to give it up to Lucas Oil Stadium in USA swimming and and what a production that they put on for the US trials the Olympic trials it was unbelievable didn’t know how it was going to pull it off but that’s it we were sitting there watching it like how in the world did they make that happen but it was such a cool production and and Michael Phelps was on there talking about how he just was overwhelmed by and and had just chills taking it all in and and how far the sport has come and you know having it in a in a football stadium and having a record setting crowd I know it was awesome to have it an Omaha a lot of people around here were loved having it here but it just was cool to see that they pulled it off and I know the swimmers thought it was really really awesome as well yeah it’s pretty spectacular I saw somebody did a a kind of a behind the scenes look how they built that pool on top of the field they actually had it elevated from the turf by about 6 feet you could actually walk underneath it but pretty amazing how they were able to do that’s what that kind of engineering just fascinates me to no end I can’t believe how they do those kind of things that’s cool Mr Cole what do you have I’m going to have my winner as a a viewer of our show Carla who had sent us these very very nice Nebraska public play golf course maps to the studio and we just uh got them this afternoon they’re beautiful and they’re wellmade and they have a lot of information about a lot of good courses in Nebraska you’ve been looking at them all show I trying to figure out and Sirles took one I think he’s looking at them too but yeah awesome they’re great Great Well Done Carla thank you appreciate you being able to do that we have one for you to Greg all right save one for me hold it back my winner I’m going the city of Omaha I mean my goodness you get a game three of the College World Series it’s always such a great PR thing for two weeks you’re kind of dominating the headlines and all the scenic shots they show of the city I can’t imagine after yesterday’s Day game and pushing it to tonight how much um lemonade sales were around the city last night it had to just be gigantic it looked like the both fan bases really came and drove to Omaha to support the agies and the volunteers so massive wind for the city of Omaha the last two weeks I’m glad I’m not sitting down in that heat tonight though oh man you said you saw a little picture of a little baby that’s kind of cruel right to do that yeah goodness they had a fan on it so on the baby hopefully 3-1 volunteers top of the six to 1-1 Edmonton Florida almost at the end of one in the Stanley Cup race well we’re here all week the big dog’s going to join us for a couple of these shows during the week here uh we’re fast approaching the 4th of July we’re going to go kind of dark next week we’re going to run some best ofs we got some games some best of interviews we’re going to play during the week of the Fourth of July with it being kind of in the middle of the week we thought ah what a nice chance for us to kind of unplug a little bit here on the network so we’ll have a couple more shows this week and then we’ll take a break and catch our breath get ready for the fall Sports season Seasons which aren’t far away at all thanks to cam Nicole and we’ll do it again tomorrow night have yourself a great night enjoy the rest of the night’s games good [Music] night hit us up on the text line text 42413 2400 with your Husker thoughts hi I’m a baseball umpire my job can get pretty stressful I have to keep my eyes open at all times and if I don’t make right call people boo me so to relax I visit a Nebraska Lottery retailer like this one and buy some scratch tickets it always calms me down hey you cut in line I did not all right you’re out of here hey he didn’t cut all right you’re out of here I feel better already the Nebraska Lottery top prize odds vary by game hi this is Husker national champion and Super Bowl champ Tony vand throughout my football career Chiropractic Care 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