Golf Players

10-Box Baseball Value Mixer!! 2024 Bowman/ Topps Chrome Platinum Anniversary/ Topps Series 1 & More

hopefully I think so um so hopefully you all are doing super duper well excited to get into this break here on Thursday night big Tech 12 what is going on John how are you doing hopefully you’re doing well I’m excited for this one there’s a lot of fun stuff in this break so I’m pretty pretty stoked for this one um hopefully you guys enjoy it see we’re going to give it a minute here till everything gets loading I know there’s a couple of seconds of delay so we’ll wait a couple of minutes here we’ll get going with our randomizer um and get into tonight’s break so should be a lot of fun if you’re watching this the recording um really appreciate you guys watching that as well um always a lot of fun to sit here and open up some product and hang out with you guys I really appreciate you all jumping into this one again next week we’re going to have Series 2 baseball coming out we’re going to be doing some breaks with that we have hobby boxes we have jumbos we’ve got pretty much everything so um we have a ton of that stuff to open in the next week what’s going on Connor how are you open so should be a lot of fun there um let’s go ahead and get going with our randomizer here so real quick for the products tonight we have four of these Bowman megas we have two Platinum anniversaries two Bowman hobbies that are in the background and two series one hobby boxes so bunch of fun stuff let’s go ahead and start with the old dice roll there are um all teams are going to be in this one tonight so there’s no combos or anything it’s just straight up and we’re going to randomize everything eight times so here we go with our names good luck everybody going eight times here once twice three times four times five six 7 and eight Brian s up top down to Jacob M all the way at the bottom let paste it over here all right and for teams good luck everybody on these ones once twice three times four times what’s up Ryan five six seven and good luck eight Brewers up top down to the Rangers at the bottom that paste in here make it so that way you can read it all right here we go we’ve got Bryant s with the Brewers Steven D with the Pirates Matthew K with the Dodgers Ryan what’s up logical I’m good how are you Ryan L with the Astros Ron f with the Reds Christopher R with the twins Arie C with the angels Ron f with the Athletics John H with the Cubs Bren t with the Phillies Jason S with the Yankees George TT with the Rockies Brian s with the Mets Ryan L with the Padres Connor B with the white socks warren p with the Blue Jays Nicole M with the Mariners evangelist Peter t with the Royals Ron f with the Cardinals David V with the Marlins Jake B with the Oriol Robert H with the Red Sox Robert H with the Nationals back to- back spots there Nicholas B with the Tigers Travis T with the Diamondbacks Jacob J with the Guardians Mark L with the Braves Mark CL with the Giants Christopher R with the Rays and Jacob M with the Rangers so that does it for the team tonight what’s going on Great Lakes breaks how are you doing so give you guys a minute here in case any of y’all want to do any uh trades or anything tonight then we’re going to go ahead and get into this so should be a lot of fun I think we’re going to start with a couple of Bowman megas and do some series one we’ll kind of mix it up a little bit but should be a lot of fun here a lot of fun products in this one so that’s always fun um hopefully we can hit some awesome stuff last week these platinum anniversary boxes were awesome so see if we can uh replicate that again this week but let’s go ahead and get into it here um and see what we can do Clarksville Tennessee oh awesome logical that’s that’s dope are you hyped for that it’s going to be fun think I’m doing a show at the end of the month not promoting one but just setting up it one I’m going to do the Lancing card show here in Michigan if you guys are from Michigan in here I know some of you are I see your addresses when I ship um that’s a really fun show to go check out so those are always cool Brooks Brandon and Jackson holiday again these base packs in Bowman megas not a ton that you can pull out of these um there’s some cool stuff but um no numbered or anything so you’re just looking for the Chrome first sweet that’s awesome how many tables did you end up selling out logical that’s sweet and where can people uh where can people find you all right we’ve got miles Naylor and tan Watson and the last one of these y aoto rookie and a SoDo Lumbard sespas and this y yulin sespas sells pretty well I’ve been selling some of his stuff on eBay we actually just hired here we just hired a uh fullish time he works like 30 hours a week eBay Lister that is awesome he lists like 300 cards in 8 hour shift he’s a baller and uh so we’ve been getting there’s t T of new stuff up on our eBay store daily so if you’re looking for stuff singles check that out um oh that’s awesome congrats on that uh but yeah we’ve been selling a bunch of the yolan SES but is PowerUp Matt Shaw Drew Jones and James Wood on those mojos see some numbered or an auto please we got maybe an insert magic the mixer gaming what’s up hey no worries hey there we go nice Dylan Cruz first for the Nationals we’ll take that hey that’s cool though it’s a fun mix Junior Comm and dang what a pack Walker Jenkins and no color but the two best guys both in that same pack there so that’s pretty cool we’ll take that for sure nice Walker Jenkins and a nice Dylan Cruz there on those first Bowman mojos those are always cool so congrats to the Twins and Nationals on those two right out the get-go those are always sweet all right let’s go ahead and get into another one of these Bowman megas and we do a series one box and then a platinum and then a Bowman Billy what’s going on how are you doing sweet yeah retro video games you know it’s funny we buy that stuff here too I always buy I get people that ask I actually had a guy I bought a couple of silver coins today this guy brought in U we get the most random manast is not a big big area where we’re at there’s not a lot of stuff so if you have stuff to sell you’re kind of limited between a pawn shop UPN North collectors or like maybe some antique store or your own garage sale or something that’s pretty much it um so we get all kinds of stuff especially it seems like with elderly people that are bringing stuff in and like I bought a Super Nintendo last week I bought and I I got into sometime I’ll have to give a full recap of my story on YouTube um but I started out selling stuff in business I started a lawn care company at home um I called everybody in the phone book I cold called everybody in manast in the phone book there’s like 4,000 phone calls during Co and got some responses and got some Lawns and then I did um with that I started watching Gary ve on YouTube when he was real big and started doing the whole garage sale thing and I went to garage sales every Saturday for two summers and sold stuff on eBay and went to Goodwill every day for a year straight and yeah did all that stuff so I have a ton of experience selling all kinds of very odd things I’ve sold pretty much anything you can imagine I have sold literally um so I always like buying some of that stuff in store when it when it gets brought in it’s always kind of fun for me uh to go back to some of those garage sale routes it’s pretty entertaining I bought a bunch of WWF action figures um those are kind of cool it’s always kind of fun picking up some of that stuff Walcott Jason Dominguez Douglas glad and Jose Rodriguez so that doesn’t on those no chromes or Parallels in either of those unfortunately those Bowman megas this year have been there are some it seems like the ones that are good are like loaded you get like a ton of stuff and there’s others that there’s just not much in but hopefully we can get at least a numbered card and maybe an auto out of one of those I saw the man cave shop that’s awesome are you getting Series 2 next week logical me moving some of that stuff it’s always fun all right we’ve got a 2024 series one silver pack see if we can get some juice out of here good luck I don’t think we have anything but you never know Brian woo Cal Ripken and Yoshida um how many were open so far not um we’ve done one two Bowman megas and um oh sweet that’s awesome uh we’ve done two Bowman megas and then just our series one hobby box here is what we’ve done so far um so yeah that’s been it so far Series 2 should be a lot of fun we’ve got tons of that coming in if any of you guys are interested we have pre-sales for that on our website we’ll have mountains of it in shop I think we have like 14 or 15 cases in total I sold a bunch of the jumbos on pre-sale those have been popular the Hobbies have also been popular we’ve sold way more jumbos from I’m going to be a little limited on jumo actually we’ve sold through a bunch of that stuff gotcha cool cool yeah that’s fun though um should be a good set there’s a lot of good stuff in there uh Mickey [Music] moniac see one hopefully we can get something cool out of series one you never know I’ve seen some huge stuff we had the Evan Carter one of one which you’ve told that story before in pulled in shop that is now in Evan Carter’s Personal Collection which is pretty cool so that got pulled from our store it wasn’t pulled in in shop but from our store um out of series 1 so yeah pretty pretty solid let’s see here next pack Royals Bobby wit Stone Garrett is a green to 499 for the Nationals and Matt Olen for the Braves Andy Diaz and bovc series two should be fun yeah I agree AR you guys watching the NBA finals tonight who do you guys think’s going to win that the Mavs are pretty big uh pretty big underdogs for finals so could be interesting uh yeah so the imaga the Cubs pitcher is in there that’s one of the bigger ones um young ho Le is in there Jackson holiday is going to be an autograph subject in there I believe Wyatt Langford is in that set he’s in there so so definitely some big names um in that set then Yamamoto has his first rookie which is cool hoping Paul SK is going to be an update they might save him for next year it’s hard to know that might be a next year thing they might try to you know squeeze out some Bowman Chrome and some other stuff or maybe they’ll put him in we’ll get lucky but yeah imaga is in there so that’ll be cool I think he’s going to sell very well bunch of the guys on that list there’s a bunch of pitchers on the rookie list that are all very good but they’re all pitchers but I think a lot of them are going to sell CU they’re all International um pitchers so and usually those guys especially Japanese or Korean do extremely well in the card world so there’s a Christopher Morel just gotten that one colored card so far no nothing else special really let’s see what we’ve got in this one we’ve got Frank Thomas for the white socks that’s kind of cool 89 tops had some cool vintage coming in recently too bought a couple of Hank Aarons this week nothing like super old but some cool uh just some random Walkin stuff should sign his base oh that’s pretty awesome that’s sweet I know he doesn’t have a lot of autograph stuff out I believe he’s an autograph subject in the set as well so they have some really sick dual Autos tops posted some of those today on their uh socials those are pretty crazy sweet that’s awesome Jim that’ll be fun from Series 2 action boxes are always a lot of fun we’ve got a relic of Jen Carlo Stanton going to the Yankees game used bat’s our hit for that one see if we get we should have at least one more numbered card or something though this box has been pretty dry so far home run challenge of Julio for the Mariners more base it’ll be we’ll be shipping ours out on Monday to everybody um that lives if you live in Michigan your box won’t ship till Tuesday we have to make sure it gets to you on release day and not before um can’t can’t get to be anything before release day but if you’re outside of the state of Michigan you’re a two-day ship then we’ll ship it on Monday Tia so hopefully it’ll be there by Wednesday all right two packs left to go on this one then we’re going to get into some tops Chrome Platinum platinum’s just been flying people are loving that stuff Brandon Marsh rainbow foil for the Phillies and get all and last pack of this one let’s see something here hunter green what is this also a rainbow foil so that was a pretty uh pretty dud box of series one there so not the hottest start but that doesn’t mean anything we’ve got plenty of time to turn around here plenty of time all right we’re going to just sleeve up this Relic real quick hang on one second here I uh don’t have my usual help tonight so just kind of winging it tonight on my lonesome which is fun it’s always fun to have help sometimes but it’s been good we’ve got some great summer help here which is awesome so that’s been a lot of fun all right here we go let’s do a platinum box next I’m feeling this left one see what we can do this a fresh case I just open the case up today so I have no idea if the C we shipped some boxes out to some people no idea if the case hit packs come out yet I have no idea so hopefully it’s in one of these boxes for our break um see what we can do fresh case good luck everybody Bellow shrider and Brandon Lao his stuff’s been really awesome there’s just so much color in here we’ve got a nice Green Wave nice Gunner rookie that’s cool and Charlie Blackman for the Rockies that’s going to be number to 99 for Colorado nice little Rockies hit take that those are always cool like the way the green waves look as well we’ve got a refractor in this pack this might be the auto actually for uh dang that’s pretty sick for the Rockies again Michael toglia refractor Auto 171 out of 199 on that one so there’s our autograph potentially there are some boxes of this with bonus autos and it seems like the boxes with bonus Autos are refractor Autos but you never know unconfirmed rumor but it could be yeah might be the only other there’s Ezekiel Duran refractor but really what we want to see is a super refractor we have yet to pull one of those in one of our breaks let’s see if we can do that tonight that’d be pretty sick there’s a Jeff Bagwell refractor Nick pra Zach Netto no more Vinnie pastinos either we don’t need any more of those uh hanging around pulled plenty of those out of out of this stuff so far all right next pack back we’ve got Logan Allen rookie Alex Rodriguez see some more color here here’s something gold all right good luck everybody on the gold going to what team do we have Mariners JP Crawford interesting he actually sells pretty well people like him’s I think he’s a fan favorite for uh the Mariners JP Crawford numbered out of 50 I was sending some of these out to PSA today doing our PSA sub weekly and uh those are called like by the checklist specifically are called like gold toil cream refractors in case you’re wondering what the full name of that refractor is it is a gold toil cream refractor which I thought was pretty interesting Adrien bele refractor for the Rangers next pack if we can get it open haer wasinski Josh hater next pack we’ve got a rose gold Cassis and Michael conforto for the Giants number to 75 nice rose gold there getting some lower numbered color should still have some more color to go in this one too it seems like usually you get about six per box and so far we’re at three so should have some more on this stack over here see what we can do Yoshida Nick Allen oh sick that’ll be fun tops Chrome black those are always fun to open speckle Phil rudo for the Yankees number to 150 t of course right I uh yeah that’s funny I’m actually going to Canada in a couple of weeks for fun I don’t know has anybody ever been to Toronto before any good card shop recommendations I always like checking out shops when I’m on the road there’s a elv resz refractor rookie for the Mets going up there just for fun with some friends for a weekend I think I’m going to try to catch a blue jays Guardians game on him up there and go to the Hockey Hall of Fame be kind of fun uh we’ve got a blue in this pack Logan that’s not bad Logan o hoppy for the Angels rookie and Nick senzel on the back that is number to 199 that is solid sing in a top loader if we can get in there we go all right next we got four packs left in this one see if we do get a bonus Auto be interested to see maybe maybe not you never know but I hope we do that would be awesome three packs left to go we’ve got another refractor Trevor story for the Red Sox two more packs we’ve got mlan Ward Michael Rucker yeah exactly right that’s I’ve heard a bun a bunch of people have told me that they’re like if you’re and I’m going right to we’re just going to Toronto like we’re staying that’s cool Allen tra will do 100 whoever is the Tigers if you don’t like the Tigers and want to sell that I have some customers I’m sure that would love that um but yeah I I’ve heard that it’s something I’ve been told by like three different people like if you’re going to Toronto you should just take two hours and just go check it out so I was like okay that’d be fun so probably will go and do that one day it’ be pretty interesting all right let’s do a Bowman hobby box feeling something huge out of on these Bowman Hobbies this is a case we’ve had open for a little bit and been doing in some breaks we haven’t really gotten anything big out of this case yet actually haven’t seen really anything good come out of this case so hopefully one of these boxes here tonight has something monstrous all right empty we’re still waiting on the Ellie back from PSA it’s in processing it’s been sitting there I send an email it’s been taking forever so waiting on the Ellie anime we pulled so that was pretty sweet we’ve had a superfractor there’s a wilin Prospect power up um but yeah stuff still is just flying people are always looking for Bowman stuff there’s a nice one right off the Jump Aiden Miller lunar refractor we’ll take that for sure one of the better prospects in this stuff so that’s very cool that definitely will take that not numbered but still a nice hit Brook s for the twins next pack Yoshida metto nice Walker Jenkins first yeah Aiden Miller stuff solid all right next pack we’ve got a speckle of Trey Morgan sorry this is actually a Mini Diamond not a speckle Mini Diamond of Trey Morgan those are not numbered but for the Rays nice one there and behind it Mr Paul skin his uh at bats with Otani where he just whiffed him on three pitches and then Otani hit a moon shot off of him that’s been going pretty viral had a lot of people coming in talking about that was pretty fun to watch I guess tops is doing a tops Now card with it which is kind of funny so that was pretty cool he’s fun to watch he’s just a baller pretty fun to watch him pitch yeah that’s what I was wondering is if they’d even have it up there with the finals like going on I mean maybe they will I think well there’s actually three Stanley Cups apparently I’ve been told this by like three different people that are huge hockey fans yeah that that manga out of five of the stolen base leader Mr ell De La Cruz was pretty awesome agreed all right let’s see some color we got another lunar first Ryan burrows for those white socks that’s cool lunar first of Ryan Burrows they’ve got a bunch of prospects they need to call some of those guys up soon because they are not having the best year yeah that was crazy yeah that La Red was nuts see if we can get another one that’d be pretty nuts or a super it’s not too much to ask I don’t think those animes are still pretty cool I bought a couple of them in shop since so those are pretty sweet this might be our autograph here Yankees Jesus Rodriguez first Bowman Auto for the Yankees it’s pretty sweet he’s got a cool Auto not numbered but just the base Auto there Jose Rodriguez um Marquez Adams Ry guanipa yeah it’s hard to go wrong all those all those reasons right it’s hard to go wrong with that one uh Drew Jones Prospect power up Homer Bush Jr Marco Luciano rookie Kemp Alderman and some base all right we need to get some numbered stuff now we’ve only gotten I don’t even think we’ve gotten a numbered card yet so the second half is going to have some huge numbered I have a feeling yeah that one was pretty I agreed that one was pretty crazy that was the biggest card I think ever pulled probably um I’ve hit some pretty big stuff before but never like that that was pretty pretty wild Michael Harris noi Marte rookie we had some great stuff pulled on bow and release we’re going to replicate that with Series 2 release I’m stoked for Series 2 the Dual Autos that the tops released on their Instagram are nuts those are awesome I honestly I haven’t looked I should look um but I haven’t looked yet so there’s Trey Morgan green numbered to 399 last and Cho so one numbered card so far there’s Robbie Snelling Aiden Miller and Roman Anthony we’ve got Ellie de the Cruz for the Reds it’s cool rookie Nala Travis [Music] Honeyman still no numbered we got to get something here soon Carlos Sanchez brandan boev and Spencer Jones he still has been moving pretty well too I haven’t really looked into what he’s been up to but he’s been selling well oh here we go orange Chrome this could be pretty pretty solid Oh I thought was going to be Lumbard Augustine Ramirez orange to 25 that’s solid I was waiting for something to come out like man we have not gotten much out of this thing but that’s nice true first orange refractor that’s definitely your buying back who’s got the Yankees that’s pretty sick um I’m going to Yankees Yankees Yankees Jason S nice hit Jason that’s solid we’ll take that for sure little orange yeah still good still a good name um you know not quite as good as Lombard but still solid Spencer Jones Colin Hal Jace Young three packs left to go in this one uh nice Wyatt Langford for the Rangers Rising infernos these still uh pretty well as well people love these inserts I think they’re pretty cool looking I like the I think my favorite insert besides the anime are those Gladiator cards those ones are are pretty sick um Hurley yeah those those Rising infernos are cool and then the Gladiator inserts like my two favorites those Gladiator cards are so cool Christian viero yeah if the orange of 25 is like 15 then man you’d think the red has to be like like at least like three to four grand you would think right I mean depending on if it comes back to PSA 10 that’s going to be just massive but I would think it’s probably around there all right so that does it for that one nice orange refractor out of there we’ll take that for sure couple of nice first as well move this base over here and we’ll get yeah me too I hope it I hope it tends too that’d be sweet we’ve got that one and that Yamamoto we pulled uh in the out of the Blaster are both at PSA we express both of them so hopefully both of them get 10 that’d be pretty nasty even if those nine you’re still going to do really well on them um it’s probably good just to have them graded so yeah pretty cool stuff yeah they do if it man if it TS is it five figures I don’t know it could be I it’s probably pretty close i’ guess it’s like eight and a 10 eight grand Seven Grand eight grand and a 10 nine grand it’s hard to know I mean with a color match and a p like I’m sure someone would pay big money for that card and it might sell like you know for more than it would for a different player’s red of like an equivalent uh name level I guess be a way to put it just because it’s that color match you know I have a feeling somebody would just want it because of that hard to say but yeah that that card is pretty nasty uh SCH and Forester all right time for the two let’s get something good out of one of these Mega boxes please there’s a Yamamoto rookie which is cool nice another Dylan Cruz first and we have a green in here sweet so take that Luke Adams does he break he might break 70 he’s pretty dang close and our green for the white socks it looks like nice Ryan Burrows green first numbered out of 99 for the white socks take it getting the white sock some stuff here and a nice Yamamoto and a Dylan Cruz we’ll take those as well those are pretty legit out of here I think those Dylan Cruz are still like about 20 bucks a piece so that is solid good grading candidates too open up some more top loaders here and get these two things put away St Cruz yeah I love the colored Mega Box refractor are pretty nuts love those all right last pack out of this Mega that was going to be another Yamamoto on the back it was not Evan Carter rookie though Jason Dominguez Everson pereria Jacob Burke and mookie bets so still some solid stuff there we take it Let’s do let’s do series one next and I’ll do another Mega let’s get an auto out of the series one box that’s something huge this is also a fresher case of series one I don’t think we’ve broken anything from this case yet so should be a lot of fun see what we can do out of here silver pack first pulled some bangers out of these silver packs this year I’ve had some pretty big stuff come out yeah the logo refactors are awesome Cole Will Clark and Nolan arado out of that one yeah those are pretty pretty awesome uh myy yeah log refractor will be fun I saw Bowman Sapphire came out I didn’t get any of that awesome yeah we’ll be doing a bunch of Series 2 next week we’re going to post those breaks on Monday we’ll be breaking Wednesday night we’re going to do a big release rip we’re going to be giving away blasters we’re going to be giving away hobby boxes we’re going to do like three or four cases so make sure to stay tuned for that that’ll be uh be pretty awesome so make sure you check that out should be a lot of fun I’ll be on Wednesday night that we’ll be doing that all right let’s see here Garrett Cole Dominguez and Tolson see if we can get a monster out of the series one though you never know I’ve seen some pretty massive stuff come out of series 1 over the summer so far hopefully you all are having a good summer starting to get a little bit warmer up here by us hasn’t been super warm but it’s been uh it’s gotten a little bit warmer more more tolerable to go and do uh some outside activities been playing a lot of golf been getting out on the lake a little bit so it’s been fun all right next pack Cal Ripken 89 we’re just flying through these Bas there’s just a lot of Base to get through so and not a ton of things super exciting we’ll point out anything super crazy I just spoke my plane ticket a couple of days ago me and my buddy are going to the Sunday Night Football game in I believe it’s November it’s beginning of November um of the Lions and Texans in Houston so we’re going to that game that’ll be pretty awesome I’m super stoked for that hoping to make it to a Patriots game too I think the Patriots play in Chicago this year so I’m going to go to that that’ll be pretty fun this could be nice give us like a image that’s so cool though Henry Davis take that solid uh solid name there on the rainbow foil for the Pirates cool card those are thick sleeves I need the regular sleeves yeah I agree I think that Thursday night game could or Sunday night game could be huge so yeah I’m pretty pretty pumped about that one um we’re flying down and going to that and it’s crazy cuz it’s actually cheaper to like fly down and go to that game than it is to go to a lion’s home game this year so that was seemed pretty pretty dumb to me so yeah we decided to do that instead of going to a game here so it’ll be pretty fun I turn uh 21 in January and I think if the Patriots are still playing or whoever might be playing at that time of year I’m going to end up flying to some kind of game for my birthday so that’ll be kind of fun some kind of playoff game skin will not be in series 2 unfortunately he did not make the cup for that product um I he probably will be an update all right Ryan we’ll do I can do that for you yeah I do like gold mirror better than the SPSS SP format personally I do I think that that the gold mirrors just do better Royce Lewis and they seem to sell a lot better than the SPs and ssps ever did um seems like the gold mirrors go for way more than like especially like an uncommon like like just a common name if you know what I mean like a I mean I don’t know whoever like a Ryan Presley gold mirror will sell for decent money sweet that’ll be awesome Thanksgiving game be fun I not made it out to one of those yet that’d be it’s on the bucket list at some point to go I’d like to get to Lambo this year too go watch a Packers game there’s no T those are always cool three packs left still no hit here let’s get something cool here I think this is going to be it in this pack we got a gold that’s pretty cool take that we’ got dran Romano but a gold Cal Ripken J Relic numbered eight of 50 game used bat that’s probably pretty solid nice hit Orioles we’ll take that for sure and this Romano that’s going to be numbered to 499 126 of 499 on that one couple more base all right next pack yeah solid gold we’ll take that Will Clark couple more base and last pack of series 1 this is definitely a little bit better of a series 1 box take that for sure we’ve got home run Challenge and some flipped over Mojo that’s a Lindor Trent Grisham on the rainbow foil and some more base so that does it for this one this stuff put away all right there we go cool cool get these this thing into a top loader real quick and then we’ll continue let’s do this next Bowman Mega see if we can pull an auto let’s get look at Dylan Cruz 101 not like the fake out Blue from last week you guys saw that there’s a the navy blue in here looks just like a black one of one I mean it looks it it’s very dark the complexion is extremely dark on that card so I was convinced we had a one of one was getting all excited and it was numbered to like 199 was pretty disappointing nice Dylan Cruz first Crome actually yeah there is Ryan there’s you can uh like it’s not you don’t go to Green Bay but you go to Milwaukee which is I mean relatively close um I don’t know it’s within Milwaukee is probably an hour from Green Bayer or so so yeah you can do that you can fly you can drive it’s I mean honestly it all takes about the same amount of time the ferry still takes like 3 hours so yeah it’s it can take a while all right let’s go ahead and get into the packs here the Mega Box packs I think we’ve got a purple we’ll take it Riley green Jordan Westerberg purple Prospect power up of Samuel Zavala that’s pretty cool numbered out of 250 for the Padres take that nice one there Jacob Burke and mookie bets again I think it’s like the second or third mookie bets we’ve gotten of these chromes all right next pack here we’ve got Austin Wells Zach gelof hon Kad rafala and Pereira so that was an all rookie pack on the second one that does it for the Bowman Mega yeah same kind of a nightmare yeah I believe that downtown Detroit can be uh difficult to navigate but yeah that’d be pretty fun might try to go to the Thursday I think the Packers and Lions playing a Thursday night I might try to go to that game the tickets are just so expensive it’s like I don’t even know it’s hard for me to justify going over there for how expensive it is to go to a game got some customers that are season ticket holders though that sometimes like just need to get rid of their tickets kind of at last minute notice and so like last year I went to one of those two of those games like that so yeah it’s pretty fun just always like going I want to take my dad to one too pool holes refractor next pack David Hensley and Jeff mcneel see some huge color out here we got a logo fractor I think we already got a conforto so you already know that the rest of that case is going to have a whole bunch of Michael conforto in it that’s number to 499 on the logo fractor sorry if you can hear some background noise too hopefully it’s not too choppy but there’s like a Harley-Davidson Club parked right in front of my store and there’s Revan right now guys like rev liing as Harley so it’s awesome yeah that that Thanksgiving game day was was was rough to watch Roy Campanella refractor Tim Anderson we got the one numbered card so far Randy Johnson xfractor with Diamondbacks and glas now gold here we go good luck everybody on the gold going to the Mets Jose buto maybe out of 50 for the Mets rookie is this the guy that was like throwing his glove is that this guy do you guys see that the guy that like just whipped his glove into the crowd after he got ejected I wonder if that was that guy it kind of looks like him I can’t tell though I don’t think it that’s right but maybe it is it’s pretty funny if you guys uh didn’t see that check it out look it up like the Mets guy that threw his glove and he said he was like on the worst team in the league a press conference after it’s pretty funny uh probably not the best teammate to have but pretty funny all right let’s get something huge here Jason delay Ryan MC man next pack Walsh Perez Patrick Bailey Jorge Lopez okay gotcha Jorge Lopez Tomy McCarthy cellario some more color out of here right now we got one in here maybe NOP Massie bendalo you darish uhoh my base stack spewing over here all right there we go fixed problem solved yeah that was pretty funny though guy kind of looks like him a little bit uh Henderson we got a green toil Jim Edmonds wrong Diamond Back Nick AED green out of [Music] 99 I really like these toil cream cards though those are pretty cool I’m definitely a big fan there’s not really anybody that I want to PC out of this necessarily but that would be if there’s a rookie I was after or something I’d probably buy up some of those toils those are pretty cool true gold good luck K Carpenter Yankees Garrett Cole one of 50 now if you whoever has the Yankees wants to sell this Garett Cole gold one of my bigger customers just loves Garrett Cole so if uh if you get a chance and want to move that one let me know shoot me an email I’ll give that to him as a gift um let me know I’ll buy that from you so yeah shoot me an email would love to buy it this might be our Auto here rookie Michael stefanic for the Angels is going to be our autograph out of this one nice hit for the Angels Michael Stan was hoping that was going to be Logan o hop but hey we’ll take it Michael stefanic Auto they’re going to make us see what else we can get we got a couple of Golds now need see like a orange or a red please and thank you Tanner BB got Cole Reagan five packs left to go Jason delay and Harrison Bader logo fractor of Kyle Gibson for the or wrong orial too against some of the right teams the good rookies but just not the uh not the right players there’s like three rookies that you want for the Orioles and that is neither of the three not even rookie actually all right next pack refractor of Steven Quan for the Guardians two packs left to go another base pack Bryce Harper it’s had a good season so far and last one here color oh we got a Mini Diamond Rose Gold of Derek Hall rookie that’s going to be numbered to 75 for the Phillies so nice one there for the Phils numbered out of 75 all right so we need this Bowman box to save us here we got some cool stuff but nothing no massive Autos nothing super crazy so got some decent names some okay stuff but need to hit a banger out of this Bowman box to really make this one a a big winner here so let’s do it see what we can do good luck everybody see what we can do we’ll have tier one in a couple of weeks that’s like July 1st that comes out it’s more than a couple of weeks away but that’ll be a lot of fun but some higher end baseball to do Tommy Troy forelo yeah I’m ready I want to pull something very spicy here I’ve got a feeling this is going to be the one right here this box is going to be the one cold Emerson Brock Porter Heredia Morales all right next pack we’ve got blue Auto just a blue it’s not bad Celestine blue out of 150 at Hot Hands face melting hot that’s what we’re looking for it’s like molten molten cardboard get something huge I’m ready ready to see like a Dylan Cruz like red Auto pop out at me that would be just ridiculous holiday Blanco Pete Drew Jones rising infernos of Eden Miller That’s solid for the Phillies Phil’s getting a couple of nice Eden Millers Rising infernos do pretty well we sold an Ellie for like $22 or something those are pretty pretty solid out of the Set uh Asal and rock [Music] Rio next pack we’ve got Alderman Castro Dylan Cruz paper first uh Walker Jenkins on The Bowman AI insert Austin Wells Rookie of the Year favorites baseball has been pretty interesting too been watching a lot of baseball Tigers kind of suck the Red Sox I don’t think they really going to they’re okay but I don’t think they’re really going to win anything this year they could be all right but but I I don’t see them like winning their division or anything crazy I see them being like a middle of the pack to bottom of the pack finisher but they’ve got some talents they’ve been okay to watch it’s been pretty fun watching the Dodgers play and dominate there’s a Jose tenna rookie out of 299 like the magenta I think those are called for the Guardians nice hit Guardians on the Jose tenna yeah Tork and Javi right yeah just throwing away spots lineup Tor and Triple A now which is crazy crazy to think that he’s playing in Triple A Double Trouble on the top 100 inserts we got two of them that’s awesome John Cruz Jackson holiday next pack we have more double inserts this is weird Max Clark and nice Ellie day La Cruz even the base cards I mean true the base cards are cool I don’t disagree with you building base sets and stuff definitely has fallen off over the last few years but um you know there’s a lot of people that are still out there doing that building up base sets we sell a lot of sets people are still collecting uh sets of stuff for sure Bowman’s not real popular to set build it’s one of the more popular is sets to build but series 1 Series 2 is still by far the most popular it seems like Douglas glad Jes Walton next pack we’ve got another lunar Mason wi Colin h wonder if he’s related to Tanner haal the Red Sox pitcher yeah exactly I’ve got a couple of those kids as well that are building sets they do it with like series one Series 2 update every year it’s always fun to see try to help them out I always save Commons and stuff for them give them to them to help them get closer to their sets all right six packs left to go still looking for that elusive autograph could be in this one and there’s like a black uhoh anime uhoh here we go man this is is what we were waiting for this pack has like three things in it all right let’s start here anime good luck everybody Red Sox Yoshida there we go Boston nice hit on the anime he’s got the Red Sox that’s solid Robert H nice hit Robert anime Yoshida that’s not one of the numbered versions behind it we got a numbered card nice Drew Jones for the Diamond Backs what a pack imagine you bought that as a single pack Drew Jones out of 999 lunar grass in a Yoshida anime that anime is sweet those are always awesome definitely gets your buying back that’s cool Yoshida on the anime take that for sure nice hit Red Sox Robert H nice one there still looking for our autograph as well so quite the pack but we’re not done yet got a Mini Diamond of jet Williams for the Mets again yeah congrats to the Red Sox on that one that one was sweet Mike B I hope they continue that anime answer I hope that becomes Like a downtown like Chase that’d be awesome those things are always cool when they uh can kind of incorporate one of those pcow Armstrong see if we get a good Auto sometimes these boxes are pretty loaded um from top so let’s see if we can do that see if we can get a good Auto in here some nice color maybe that’d be appreciated we’ve got Bowman AI of Camero Montes this might your auto I think we just have a base unfortunately but let’s get a good name here Jordan Adams Felix marobo for the Angels Angels getting another Auto nice hit for the Angels there now he’s halfway decent we’ll take that for sure First Auto going to the angels felixs marobo on that one so no color on the Autos but hey we’ll take it solid hit got Bryce or uh yeah Bryce Eldridge and last pack of the break good luck everybody Ali De La Cruz Marco Luciano lasasco Guzman and Montgomery so that does it for that one solid way to end it there with that anime we’ll take that for sure as a recap of all of the top loaded stuff see what we’ve got we got Dylan Cruz maroel jet Williams mayor Jones H yeah fun little one there fun little cheap break tonight thanks again guys for jumping in really do appreciate it stefanic purple nice Ripken Relic Henry Davis Yamoto couple of Cruz first nice white socks there Austin Ramirez orange Rodriguez Trey Morgan Miller traml ohop uh Crawford toglia Blackman Stanton Garrett and Walker Jenkins so hey we’ll take it solid little break appreciate all you guys watching we’ll get this sword and shipped out to you tomorrow really do appreciate it and we’ll be back with another break soon

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