Golf Players

Sunstein Open at 501 – Simon Lizotte, Kyle Moriarty, Harry Chace, Josh DiBattista [RD 1 Back 9] GMT

Sunstein LLP and Greatest Media Team are extremely thrilled to bring you back 9 coverage from round 1 of the 2024 Sunstein Open at 501 tourney. This is our 4th year running this event and 3rd year here at the beautiful 501 disc golf course.

We got another special treat for everyone, as we are once again featuring one of the worlds most famous disc golfer’s Simon Lizotte (​⁠ @SimonLizotte8332 ), who shares the lead with Harry Chace going into the final stretch of the first round. Along with New England legends Kyle Moriarty, 978’s and Josh DiBattista, this is one your surely won’t want to miss!

Huge thank you to Disc Golf 978, Thought Space Athletics, for supporting the tourney, and 501 Disc Golf course for hosting the tournament.

Did you know winner of this event automatically qualify for the Massachusetts Grand Prix, and the points for the sunstein series are worth 2x as much? Follow along at to see who makes it to maple hill. Make sure to also checkout for more details on how Sunstein LLP could support some of your best ideas and winning intellectual property.

This is the back 9 from the Round 1 feature card. Round 2 coverage from chase card + lead card will be up in a few weeks only on GMT channel. Become a member and watch the insane coverage we have lined before anyone else does!

For Round 1 Front 9 Coverage Click the link below!

Filmed May 25th 2024
501 Disc Golf Course
Layout: Blues, par 59, 7,200’


1) Kyle Moriarty – sponsored by Disc Golf Brah, Disc Golf 978, Thought Space Athletics. Rated 1009
2) Simon Lizotte – sponsored by MVP Sports and Grip. Rated 1043
3) Josh DiBattista – Sponsored by Ackers Acres, Rated 997.
4) Harry Chace – Sponsored by Discmania, Disc Golf 978, Sedgly Woods. Rated 1015

Drone Footage by

Commentary by
Steve Abreu ( Sunstein LLP) and Kyle Moriarty

Corey Carlson (Catch) and Raivis Markons-Craig

Edited by
Raivis Markons-Craig (@PDGA75027)

Music by
Keith Lincoln

Cover Photo
Gregory Babibneau

we are back the back nine here at 501 a Memorial Day tradition in Massachusetts the sunstein open at 501 we’re on the sunstein series presented by intellectual property Law Firm sunstein easy for me to say sponsored by dis golf 978 and our friends at thought space Athletics shout out to Aaron and the crew up in Maine and this is the greatest media team production like always we are out here at 501 our third year in a row on Memorial Day weekend at the sunstein open Simon lazat Harry Chase Kyle morti and Josh the Batista on the feature card my name is Steve ABW I’m the tournament host I’m a partner at sunstein and joining me on commentary is Kyle Mori we’re back folks we are ready to go we are grilled to get into this back nine there’s a lot of action on the front the back is going to be even more exciting I will tell you that right now so the winner of the sunstein open automatically qualifies for the Massachusetts Grand Prix that’s the championship event of the sunstein series Harry Chase is the defending Grand Prix Champion so you saw the Grand Prix patch on his bag and everyone if you don’t win the sun scene open you get double the points at this tournament so it’s an important tournament to try to qualif for Maple Hill at the end of the year and this is one of my favorite holes in Massachusetts whole 10 blue at 501 yeah this hole is demanding you have a lot of branches to get through you have a lot of angle to go and you got a lot of downhill to get through and you stay straight on this is a hard part three so we’re back to the really difficult part 3es here and Simon is throwing what looks like a beautiful shot no yeah that’s too bad get full uh it’s full skip there that is absolute highway robbery and it’s worst like that’s a shot where you sit there like why why would that happen what he’s a new dad he doesn’t deserve that you know if there wasn’t random in this sport we wouldn’t play it like there has to be some element of Randomness otherwise it would be like Formula 1 racing the same person would win every week nobody would want to play well it’s not true I mean Carlos signs one so Debo hit something early left and it floated off to the right and we’ll see where they end up after the drive this was the second hardest hole on the day playing 63 above car yeah that definitely makes sense like this hole off of te like 51t downhill isn’t a big ass but the angle you have to hit the branches you have to miss like when this hole was first put in those branches did not exist and you could see the basket but now those branches are in full bloom they’ve reached out more they’ve got iron leaves everywhere and this hole has become I think think it’s become something that is a completely different Beast than when it was designed and first put in um the nice St shot by Josh though under the basket and two yep that’s you know getting your part here like you said being one of the hardest holes that’s a great thing you love bar Kyle we are stretching your hamstrings today yeah you know it’s good to be flexible it’s you know you you do it all the time to you know live a healthier life and then when you can put it to good use do it oh oh now was that his fourth shot or his third shot that was his third I believe there’s Simon for par oh no that was for birdie for birdie you’re right that was his Drive y wow so you know that rock didn’t hurt him too much but he could have even skipped much closer yeah he it would have been much closer but Harry took a double bogey so we might have missed a shot Harry double Bogi you bogied Simon hard and Josh hard so Simon now has a two-stroke lead over you and Harry on the hole 11 downhill you have to hit the right Gap and then have the disc just Glide towards the basket a lot like this yeah that’s oh you went a little deep so it’s like you hit the right Gap with the right angle on the correct power with the correct speed there’s so much that goes into this hole because you know it’s simple to throw a Hiser but it’s hard to throw that controlled glidey Hiser that goes but stops at the basket and doesn’t just keep coasting past this is an awesome hole especially because you have this rock wall that prevents anything low you got a lot of trees in the way you can find gas gaps through trees if you’re lucky let’s see if Harry can write the ship here that’s that looks great yes it does he’s on the dance floor yeah oh Kyle that wasn’t bad that’s a nice bid just a little what over it to the right yeah a little high it was it was an aggressive bid from that far away but we’ll take it oh Deo connects good to from Josh nice birdie he had been on the part train there so that’s got to feel good yeah that’s a solid like 37 right there hitch nice strong connection sucked right in by those pry baskets Simon from the deep wood pile make sure his footing is good yeah there’s that just being uncomfortable in your stance didn’t quite push nicey good bounce back so these baskets are somewhat controversial they don’t catch wide putts I’ll just say that they push wide putts out and I think that’s what happened with Simon there yep yeah that that inner webbing creates just like a wall where if it’s not going into the center it’s not being accepted yeah you know so if you hit the center every time it’s it’s a great basket if you go a little to the side you get real frustrated all right tell us about hole 12 of FL one this is I think this might be the most iconic hole here when you think about 12 or when you think about 501 this is the most daunting hole this OB rock wall to the left side the entire Fairway so you can throw what you think is an amazing shot and then gets hit and goes directly OB you go OB to last place in Bound so if it’s early off the te you have a whole lot of disc golf to play it is an incredible incredible Hull that truly rewards excellent shots if you’re just a little bit off you can either be okay or punished oh now snuck back in yeah but you know what the good thing about this hole is even though Simon threw it a little left he threw it committed so I think that shot was going to work even without that hit it just would have turned a lot later in flight but you got a little lucky what are you throwing this is just a t- bird so all for players inbounds on whole 12 off the T now what percentage of your bag is thought Space versus mix so my contract only says 50% but I my bag will hover around anywhere from 85 to 90% thought space depending on layouts what I’m playing whether that throw a couple destroyers in backup destroyers or but it’s it’s well above the minimum requirement oh no oh didn’t get so lucky there off a tree on the forehead and straight right left out of bounds for Simon and I think his uh Power streak just came to an end yeah and that was was that his I think that might have been his first forehand he threw for the round as well I can’t remember another one yeah oh I get a little replay here of my second little forand shot just squeaking through that’s a really nice shape and a great result oh yeah that is that is the three you want here for sure this is where Simon went out a nice soft little almost throw in one of the things he’s known for let’s see if Josh can get it in from this jump Hut nice bit yep and 12 green was almost in the way Harry never really had that one online until he’ll settle for par y yep and Par is not a bad score no not at all Simon took a b that’s very rare for him 11 birdies his whole average 4.2 was right in the middle of the pack you might think it’d be harder with that OB line but everyone seemed to manage it in this field yeah you know it’s it’s a hole that rewards really good shots and the pro field now is very good that takes whole 13 which is uh interesting it’s another part three where you play for placement off the T you can’t get too far left you can’t be too far right you got to go up the hill you got to kind of miss those trees in the back and hopefully have some nice reaction off some rocks hole six and 13 are the two controversial holes in the course I think you and yeah they both there’s no real line to the basket off the tea and that cuses the players to do what they’re doing now I think the t-shot is interesting I just wonder whether the baskets shouldn’t be moved on this hole do yeah yeah this hole is not does not yeah I I think if you move it move the baskets in from their locations just enough You’ have some interesting and get that scoring discrepancy and kind of bait those a little bit more aggressive shots um but yeah as it is right now it’s just one of my more frustrating styles of golf for me personally of just pitching up and playing for power of part three which you know if we’re playing ball golf it’s a great thing yeah that’s not this game and that’s the difference you know when you look at don’t compare this to golf it’s not the same golf where we score here and you give players holes you don’t score on it’s frustrating it’s true but you know as a course overall I think 501 has a nice mix I mean everyone’s scorecard is rainbow and oh absolutely it’s a mental battle and so you know you step up on the 13 or six and you’re like okay well it’s Target Golf and we’re going to take our fre you to move on but the course as a whole has such an interesting variety um that I think it does lend itself well to this championship event oh it’s great I’m by no means am I hating on the course I think those two holes just six and 13 and I say things with as much love as possible but you have to critique things and you have to I don’t like just you know pretending everything’s roses and sunshine and you know I’d love to see change I’d love to see this the those two holes make some sort of edits and this course would easily become one of the top five in Massachusetts let’s see what Wyatt Mahoney does with this huge Lefty an high there what wait what did he just do and he has this for his to no way what a birdie by Wyatt Mahoney chase that in nice job that I’m so happy that was on film that is incredible ho 14 this is sort of like the mirror image of hole five except that the blue basket is on the right and it is a dog leg right difficult hole par three 381 ft throw in a forehand you’ve got the box yeah wow that looks good yeah I was definitely blocking the catch cam there and that is going to be an interesting lie basket is on a cliff B going for it Deo great shot I think he’s in that perfect position where he’s a little bit too far and he’ll just lay it up so what are you thinking here you’re two down Harry’s two down Simon’s two down you just piped the drive yeah you know me I’m all gas no break yes I I I go up to a lot of puts I go I’ll put a soft bit on this I’ll throw it up there all right we’ll see what Simon does off the tea this is his bread and butter with that just gentle turn he he threw it too baby he went too straight he needed a come through on that and he he just went a little too uh put a little lotion on on the diaper and so he’s in that little wedge part of the Y he’s actually on the green Fairway but that’s a nice shot yeah that was an incredible out from where he was you can see so here’s Josh he’s at 55 ft from the basket and it is just pure drop off right behind it oh is it it looked like it did set yeah yeah yeah he had he did not put a lot of uh spin on that a lot of force so we just popped it up har same thing a little scared it hides up just short of the basket okay you have a clean look at this from Circle two yeah sitting there look at that I mean all you can see is just basket oh my goodness a the band and on edge and we’ll see you later that is just so brutal I really appreciate rivus asking me to relive this for par just a little short yeah that was so those are some of the hardest PS you sit there like man this is as far as away as I just was but now I’m in the woods and I have to go through stuff it’s lousy I mean a Bogi what’s what’s worse than that I mean there’s no I you didn’t deserve to be punished like that you had it right on frame it just hit metal and picked up but that’s golf I mean that’s part of the challenge of all yeah the game is it’s all about what your mind can do in between the shots and after shot how you recover and whether you let things ruin you and ruin your round or you can just be a goldfish forget about it and move on whole 15 an absolute amazing po handful or just a pure slow turning shot kind of a ly dream going straight and just fading off to the right har great shot I think this hole is begging for some burds it’s a nice hole this is at the very top of the course you get some sunshine you’re at the top of the hill you’re about to turn right and head back to the clubhouse and uh I always like this part of the round you sort of feel like okay we’ve climbed all all the climbing we’re gonna do let’s see if we can get this birdie before we turn into home it’s all downhill from here that’s nice little flare skip yeah you know I was definitely getting a little frustration out just kind of throwing it and I remember last year playing with B he Ace BS so I was like yeah all gr e this I think I can this too and you almost did you’re just a little deep and you have this come back here from the pine yep in a pine in a wood pile not a problem Lads straight in for two nice birdie good bounce thank you yeah it’s nice when they go in the first time Simon trying to get his too yep oh yeah of course we know Simon’s gonna make that but all right go for two he’s pretty pinched up against that tree ah didn’t have the full stroke as you said yeah Harry absolutely so we had three birdies in a par on 15 now how are you feeling this time of day so okay sunen open two rounds in one day at 501 this is a physical test this is not an easy course you’re up and down how are the legs feeling what’s your mindset right now through 15 holes for me personally my focus was on my finger I was this is my first two round tournament coming off of a sprained middle finger so I hadn’t played this much Disc Golf in one day yet so my mind is focused on my finger and overthinking everything like okay is this going to hurt going to do this I had played a tournament before so I have been getting that but really pushing what I think my limits were here and trying to stay under control this first round that’s where my mind was at was your finger in pain no I took a lot of AD bill yeah but slowly trusting like that’s I think the hardest thing is slowly learning to trust that you’re recovered and to and to change your mindset and be like you can trust this there won’t be pain this isn’t going to reinder this isn’t going to hurt something and that’s that was it for more the just changing my mind and not letting myself hesitate getting into shots that’s a nice drive there though you got to be pretty happy that hit the Gap straight down the middle and Shake ing the whole way towards the bask I love this hole this hole is just you just draw this hole up in your mind so oh throw a putter hard committed little Heiser let it flip up and slow turn yeah I’m in it is a fun shot I mean that’s a beautiful shape too watching someone perfectly executed is a joy yeah and it’s so easy to hug this hole a little bit right as well cuz you’re trying to get that disc to float right and oh Deo sneaks up that black disc was so hard to find but he got straight snuck through and went down look Harry yeah he hit early he has a lot of work to do over the Ravine where’s he oh my goodness W how did that get there came out of nowhere hit a Guardian Tree 10 feet away what is Simon even looking at I don’t know Simon’s a magician yeah I mean there’s we just saw green and he’s found an open space in a wall of green so that was awesome from Circle two deep in circle two hey nice C good too you know Debo was hanging back a couple Strokes back the whole time and here he is right back in the thick of the card like he always is scoring well Deo is a player he is always in the mix he’s ready to go he will throw down with the best of and he loves this course he plays this course so well all right Harry to save par this would be massive this would be huge yes yep than two in a row for Kyle morti heyo watch out people Simon in for par yep and now we’re on to hole 17 one of the signature holes 17 blue at 501 369 foot downhill through a gap garbage on the right trouble left over the stone wall into the clearing a beautiful demanding downhill shot yeah this it this is just pure discol just throw something that’s going to hold straight okay it’s up there didn’t flip but you got the tree love you wanted and you’re you Josh a lot of spin on it he does throw a lot of Spin and then that is that’s the shot you walk yeah that’s gorgeous straight through the opening into Circle one let’s see what Harry can do come on glow P2 oh yes that’s very nice such a hairy cheeke bro season glow P2 come [Music] on look at that just bounce one dribble around and stop great control Harry yeah that’s not what you want so he’s in the mud with the ferns going around and trying to fight through yeah this is not an easy shot shot he’s up there should found a way he is a fighter pokes he does scramble well I mean he’s not he’s not of and off the Fairway but when he is he does scramble well let’s see if you can capitalize here no no y not committed not committed on that Josh was second in a row yeah he’s he’s fighting back he’s definitely not letting himself go out quietly he’s a fighter G birdies gets him to four under par wow whoa yeah Simon thear there it is and now we’re on to the true signature hole Yeah at 501 hole 18 is a 598 ft par 4 downhill through the clearing heading towards the parking lot you see the short basket there the blue basket on the left an outof bounds rock wall behind the basket which comes in play on the second shot and let’s see Harry’s Drive I mean you said second shot [Music] Steve but I mean but we have a Harry Chase now I have never seen this happen I I’ve we’ve run this tournament for years yeah and I’ve sat there I have never seen anybody drive it long OB yeah that I think it blew all of our minds of what he just did I think it even surprised Simon I don’t think Simon even thinks I said I’m so for like we we were walking up and it was where are you Harry where is this this and then you know obviously our our Chase Camp was in it went over the wall just we were flored so nobody knew on the T you couldn’t tell it went out of bounds no we thought Harry threw a great shot we’re like hey he’s going to be he’s going to be putting for two from like 40 ft short maybe well he is putting for two it’s just you taking it out of Mound stroke yeah s with a nice drive just drifting left and nice yep and I guess the job done deo’s a little bit further back but this is a a relatively simple Par Four for the pro field that’s a nice up to get it to to check up there under the basket for Debo for his third bir in a row there is that little momentary pause when the disc strikes the ground is it going to roll out of bounds that everyone sort of like you want to get it to land soft yeah yeah see here Simon he’s checking he’s like oh so that walls OB yep so he’s thinking about running this putt and it is OB is it not yeah my that was pretty much what I said too did it land I would say this would be your your point of exit just the players in disbelief that har is trying be long I’m really glad that that conversation went into went in there you know looking back at the camera it it looks like it hit further up the wall and did hit a tree in Ricochet that way but I will give Harry that spot all day I think lay take a birdie incredible birdie three going OB for har unbelievable three with an OB stroke unbelievable Simon finished par par par Debo birdie birdie birdie to end it so like some some Strokes thrown away by Simon at the end and uh here are the scores after the first round it looks like a Matt Armstrong Wyatt Mahoney Harry Chase Kyle morti Sam Henderson Josh dbatista Owen Hamilton all first through four and uh I think Kyle that meant you made the lead card right on it is number yeah yeah cuz Simon went OB yeah and I bird you that’s how I got onto the lead guard stick around for the second round when that comes out we have an interesting presentation of both the lead card and then spliced with some footage of Simon second round you will not want to miss it it is an incredible incredible round of disc golf and an incredible finish to this tournament we hope you enjoyed the first round of the sun scene open in 2024 hope you enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed putting it on this is such a joy I have to give a shout out to Bill and JJ at 501 they keep the course looking spectacular we know that they love this event they love hosting this event as much as we love running it so thank you very much thank you Kyle hey pleasure to be here love doing it thank you all right [Music] [Music]


  1. Ball golf would be closer if the holes were 2 or 3 foot in diameter. I was a golfer first and turned disc golfer. Thank you for the coverage. Great job

  2. This course is sweet, but I think 15 a round is a little steep. That's up there with maple hill. Which is worth the 18. 501 should be a 10 max in my opinion. But the course is nice for sure .

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