First Impressions with the HackMotion Golf Swing Analyzer. Count me IN!

My initial experience with the HackMotion wrist sensor, using the basic practice function, was mind blowing. I’m convinced and look forward to making more videos that will dive into more advanced features!

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hey folks and welcome to Greg’s golf Shack today I’m going to share with you my first impressions of the hack motion golf wrist sensor we’re going to look at the very general outof the-box experience what you can expect when you open it up put on the sensor and make a couple of swings now there’s so much involved in this system that a lot of those elements deserve videos of their own so we’re going to keep this short with the general Club face control practice session now another re really easy thing you can do to improve your golf game is subscribe to my YouTube channel I’m a certified golf instructor I have all kinds of tips to help you improve your golf swing and your golf game and I’d appreciate your support now when we open up this box we get this lovely little wrist sensor here now it’s presented a lot nicer I’ve had this previously opened but I store it in the Box it’s like a watch device that you wear on your wrist and there’s a little clip that goes on your golf glove now now if you don’t wear a golf glove there’s a wristband included that you can wear to clip that onto also inside the box we have that wristband I was mentioning we have a charging cable and you have some instructions and a QR code of how to get the app now once you download the app on your device you’re ready to go I’ve actually installed it on both my phone and my iPad I like to look down at the iPad the bigger screen to see the results of the Swing analysis and when you open the app for the first time you get a lot of good information a nice little orientation and instructions of how it works a bit of an overview and then you’re ready to get started now I’ve got the iPad running down in front of me here and I’m ready to turn my device on you need to enable your Bluetooth because it connects to your device with bluetooth so I’m going to turn on my device and we’ll see that the app will find it and connect it there we go and once we’re connected we can start practicing and I have the pro model here so there’s a few more ele ments that I can practice here uh there’s Club face control full swing analysis putting and short game there’s drills there’s all kinds of different things that we can work on with the lower tier core version the club face control it’s really the the standard practice that we can work with so we’re going to explore that today so I’m going to click on Club face control and I have my profile set up I’m right-handed it’s good for left-handed or right-handed players I’m just going to start and the first thing we need to do is calibrate this device so you need to get in a neutral position here just where you feel you don’t want to be too flexed or extended just find that sort of standard neutral position I’m going to say continue and it’s in position there we go and then it asks you to just go on a bit of an angle like that in position and it’s telling me where I am so you can see I can move my wrist around you can re-calibrate if you need to I think think we’re okay and you can see the wrist moving around and then you can start practicing and you’re ready to start swinging so before I even pick up a club you can see how it’s measuring my wrist movement there in that little 3D model now more of the advanced features can calculate wrist rotation and superation and pronation and all these kind of things what we focus on more in this club face control is extension which is kind of a CED wrist or flexion a flexed wrist is bow some would call it this is really important because the angle of our wrist controls the angle of our club face and ultimately the direction the ball will travel when it’s struck and these are the main things we’re going to focus on so let’s make a swing and see what kind of information this gives us I’ve got the iPad set up in front of me here so I can look at the screen while I’m working on the swing and what I’m going to try to do is perform one of my older swings where I really had excessive wrist hinge and just see what kind of information the unit gives us so a pretty poor swing there kind of a cup wrist at setup which is okay to have it extended a little bit there but I might want to try a little bit more forward shaft Lane at the top I was 47° CED that’s quite the Ang angle and you can see that’s + 16 beyond the recommended range and then as I got down to impact it was still a little bit cup at impact there uh 14° of a an extension angle there or plus three beyond the recommended range so what does this data mean first of all the colors I mean if it’s in the red you’re Way Beyond the recommended range if you’re in the yellow it’s kind of cautious you’re you’re not quite in the range you’re just outside it and if you get a nice green color that means you’re within that range and you’ve got good wrist positions now how do they determine this acceptable range of wrist angle so the range is approximated by golf swings from Pros that either have a bode wrist or a CED wrist that can still deliver good impact and good ball striking so there’s some room there to be able to find what might work best for us so previously when I experimented with changing my swing and reducing my wrist angle I would just keep trying to feel like I’m reducing it and what I feel and what is real were completely opposite it felt like I was bowing my wrist but I was not not even close when I see it on camera or something it just was not what I was feeling but this gives me something I can look at I can get to positions and actually see well that feels like I’m bowed but you can see I’m 14° extended there’s a bode feeling I can start to feel what it the sensation is of actually being in a good flexed wrist position and I found the best way to practice for me to start ingraining that feeling was small little shots just little rotations to try and get in better wrist positions and then slowly build up so I would try position and see what the feeling is compared to the actual data I see so there we go at the top of that swing it was pretty good but I was still extended at impact so I would try it again I’m casting the club a little bit still a little bit open I want to try and get this little bit more of a forward shaft a little more bowed wrist at the impact position there we go I got a good one there now I’m not worried so much right now as I’m trying to ingrain these feelings where the ball is going as I build up my swing I’ll start pairing these feelings with my ball flight but I already know my club face is in a great position at impact that I’m going to be able to work that ball a lot better than I previously did and this is something I’m still working on so this is really a treat to be able to work with this and get this feedback my full swings can still be a little I from time to time but I have a tool that can help me work on it I’m happy with that plus two extended a good impact position this is Improvement for me now I’m not swinging out of my shoes but I’m going to continue working with this practice session and dial in my swing now another cool feature while you’re working on this is the audio feat feedback I can turn that on we’ll turn it on for the top of the swing and with that audio feedback on I can start testing what the feeling is at the top of the swing and I’ll hear the sound when I’m within range oh two flexed within range now getting this real time information is really important because even if you’re working with a golf instructor we can see generally where your wrist might be at the top of the Swing if it’s cued if it’s a little bit bowed we can see that when we watch professional golfers on TV but with the naked eye it is almost impossible to tell what the wrist position is at impact it’s so fast there’s such a small window there we can’t tell it’s even hard to see on camera this gives us that information otherwise we’re only relying on what the ball does to try and tell us what position we were at impact not anymore now a cool thing is you get more than just the feedback of your wrist movements when you wrap up your practice session you actually get feedback the app tells you what kind of things you are struggling with in your swing and also suggests what might have been causing it not only that it’ll also start providing you drills to be able to help correct those issues so this is a really powerful training aid not only to identify what’s happening in your swing but also help you improve those elements there are three different tiers of purchase and the hack motion website explains what is involved and what’s included in each version I highly recommend you take a look and if you want to save a little bit of money you’ll get a 5% discount if you use the discount code g GS5 I’ll include a link in the description of how you can save money and where you can buy the hack motion if you’re interested I hope hope this was informative to you I hope it helps you improve your golf swing thanks for watching like And subscribe we’ll see you next time on Greg’s golf Shack [Music]

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