Top 5 Most Overrated Golf Balls Reviewed

It’s time for another top 5. I have been waiting on this one for a while. I give my list of five golf balls (or brands) that I think are just a little overrated.


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hey what is up my fellow golf ball addicts welcome back to the channel and I have a video today that is bound to ruffle a few feathers here and there uh after 120 reviews I think it’s a good time to talk about some of the most overrated golf balls I’ve tested on the channel let’s dive in so I love doing top fives um I’ve done a few of them so far but one of them I’ve always wanted to do but just felt like I didn’t have the size pool or the sample size enough uh was overrated golf balls I’ve talked about it on the channel a lot during certain reviews about which golf balls I do think are overrated but that’s been over the course of four years so now it’s I feel it’s time to put them all in one video for your viewing pleasure so let’s dive in so before I get to the actual list I just want to cover two things about the list one is keep in mind that this is from the average swing perspective if you’re new here you don’t know the channel I swing about 95 at this point to 9 7 98 with the driver in that range uh so this is from the average view perspective so if I say a golf ball is overrated and you’re like well the pro player uses it okay well they’re swinging 120 mph and they’re very good and they strike the iron nine out of 10 times pure totally different ball game this is for an average my handicap’s like eight nine single digits but it’s my channel is really centered around the average golfer weekend warrior so just keep that in mind and also the second thing is overrated does not mean bad it just means overrated so for example if you see a golf ball on this list it doesn’t mean that I think it’s a bad golf ball it just means that it might just be good or it might just be okay and people just die on a hill for it and so that’s where the issue comes in so just keep that in mind as well so without further Ado let’s start off with number five which is going to be tailor made as a brand I know that’s a little weird so at first I wanted to just do the tailor made tp5x and tp5 mainly because um now we have to also exclude the brand new 2024 models cuz I haven’t gotten to testing them yet I’m testing them soon but I haven’t but in years past the tp5 and the tp5x I have a lot of respect for because I think they are designed brilliantly I think the five layer design I think the amount of spin you can get especially green side you know just on chips is incredible I think there are tour players that play them and really enjoy them and really play with them well uh but again it comes into that average player perspective I meet a lot of people that play them and I’m like man that’s a firm golf ball I’m like are you sure you should be playing that and people are like oh well yeah I mean it’s supposed to be the best but they’re swinging 90 M an hour and you are not going to compress the tp5 you’re not going to compress a tp5x for sure uh without having an extremely fast swing speed the other issue I run into is forgiveness 100% whether it’s a tp5 or God forbid the tp5x being as firm as they are you Mish hit it with an iron there have been times I have lost 304 40 yards with a seven iron because of of a slight Mish hit just because those golf balls are so unforgiving so that’s really what makes them overrated I see tons of people play them I see tons of people use them and again you know I I work at a location where Taylor Made is our sponsor and so we give them out like candy to people who rent uh golf clubs or come through or whatever and even some of the pros I’ve previously worked with are just like oh no make sure make sure this is an important guest make sure she has the tp5 X and I’m like she and I’m like what’s her swing speed I don’t know 75 and I’m like no that that’s not going to work um so that’s the reason there now the reason I included Taylor M as a whole brand is because the more I thought about it the more I was like I’m not sure Taylor Maid has has done the potential of what they could do with their golf balls now take away the speed soft that just came out this year in the speed soft Inc that’s the best golf ball I’ve reviewed from them ever I mean it it in my top one 00 I think I gave it like 30th or 31st it actually tested very very well the feedback has been phenomenal from people on the channel about it that review is doing really well but the more I thought about it if you take before 2024 the tour response and the tour response stripe is a good golf ball I love the stripe model I love what they’ve done with that I think it’s Innovative but a lot of people do not like the feel I’ve tried recommending that golf ball to people and seven out of 10 times they come back and they’re like I just don’t like it I don’t like the feel I don’t like how it comes off the club yada yada yada I mean there’s always reasons but also the numbers really weren’t that great um so even though it is priced at $43 a dozen and I might have gone up to 45 this year it just doesn’t do as well as a lot of these other golf balls on the channel then you go to the tailor made distance one of the worst two-piece golf balls I’ve tested on the channel it’s it’s a little too firm it just doesn’t spring off the club uh Tailor Made In general has this feel that just it isn’t springy it isn’t bouncy ball so um the soft response wasn’t bad but now they’ve replaced it with the speed soft and the speed SP soft is phenomenal but other than that what do you really have so hopefully this year is different for tailor made like I said I still haven’t done the tp5 or tp5x the brand new ones I heard they softened them up so I’m really excited about that so hopefully those do better but for the meantime I just see a lot of people really loving the tailor made and if you just go look at the numbers I have a lot of them aren’t that great all right and number four we actually have Bridgestone golf balls now and again is a whole Collective brand this one um I I I mean this was an easy one for me Bridgestone is a brand that I really like I do respect there’s a reason that Tiger Woods has stuck with them there are certain professionals that have stuck with them in the past Bryson the Shambo used them for a long time um they do certain things really well actually to be honest with you if I had to specify it I would say I think they make golf balls for professionals really well for the average crowd though not so much um all of the Bridgestone lines whether it be and their names I can’t stand their names but the the Tor BX and the torb Xs and the the the two that are for under 105 those golf balls in general I had I really didn’t have any luck with any of them all the numbers tested really poorly um average it best um and then if you go a step beneath that and you say okay well what about the uh the the E12 I can’t stand the E12 terrible feel terrible results not very good firm and I’ve actually had a couple people recently that have told me well it’s more for a a u a better player a faster swinger and I’m like okay well so’s their Tor balls and I’m like that doesn’t make sense then I tested the E9 which was their long drive ball again had really bad numbers and then people told me oh that’s for a faster swing speed it’s for you know a better striker of the driver and the iron okay well now we have six golf balls that are for really fast awesome swingers what balls for average people oh that’s the E6 well wouldn’t you know it that the E6 actually is the only Bridgestone ball I have tested that’s pretty positive I really liked it it comes off the club really well it has bouncy ball effect uh really great numbers just from looking right here I mean I across the board gains I mean not big gains but gains in every single Club decent amount of spin for a two-piece like it’s actually a pretty good Ball but that’s it and so I really wish bridgstone would take a step back and try to try to make a ball in the middle that covers a variety of Swing speeds you know maybe like a 85 to 100 range and just focuses on being explosive off the club offering a good price point discount and being accessible and affordable for the average golfer that it’s going to help them grow their game right now it feels like bridgestone’s really just pounding the table with the low singled digit handicap swing really fast market and right now that’s just not the market there are a ton of golfers since Co especially that are just Average Joe’s they swing average speeds and they just want a good golf ball that’s going to help them at number three we have the Callaway super soft now this one might offend a lot of people and I know that but again is the Callaway super soft bad no I mean actually I tested it and the numbers they’re okay I mean they’re okay um now keep in mind I tested the 2022 model I know they’ve redone the 23 model I didn’t have a chance to review it and I have a brand new 24 model in here that I’m getting ready to review as well so I hope that one is better but when I tested the 22 Model um it really was for slow slow swingers I mean it was for people under 85 M an hour like I just overcompressed the heck out of it I got really really slow numbers and I see a ton of people it’s actually out of all the two-piece golf balls I’ve reviewed I see more people with super softs than anything else when I go to work and people bring carts in and they find lost golf balls I I have probably 50 to 60 super softs sitting in my drawer right here just because I bring them home that’s what people play a lot of people for some reason really love the super soft now again it’s not a bad golf ball if you’re a senior swinger you swing under 90 85 mph it could work out really well for you but if you’re average swinger if you’re in that 90 mph range I I was looking through my list earlier just to see what golf balls tested better than it I got about halfway through the list keep in mind this is just two-piece models that’s it two-piece forgiving models once I got to 15 I quit counting I had 15 golf balls halfway through my list that tested better than the super soft and I only made it half through the list so there’s probably 30 40 golf balls that tested better than the super soft so again I don’t hate the super soft I think it is a good golf ball especially for the right crowd but again this is why I always encourage people to don’t be afraid to try different golf balls and really pay attention to what your golf Ball’s doing go to a course you know on a t-shot you know okay yep I normally hit my super soft here with a seven iron if you hit Ball Z instead and it goes over the green well now you know you’re getting more distance really pay attention to what your golf Ball’s doing pay attention to the spin you get around the green pay attention to the feel pay attention to all the stuff and don’t be afraid to try out different golf balls I’m not saying you have to go out and buy $300 worth of two-piece golf balls but buy a dozen super softs play with them till they’re gone buy a dozen Snell gums play with them till they’re gone buy a dozen encor aant 55s play them till they’re gone and if you are interested in that two-piece Market I do have um one I would encourage you to check out out my top 100 golf ball list because in the top 20 there’s like boy off the top of my head seven or eight two-piece models in there that are all just fantastic that are actually cheaper than the super soft so so be be sure to check that out and then I do also have a 2022 value addition two piece as well which is a top five so you can check that out as well number two this one isn’t going to surprise a lot of people who have watched my channel for a long time but it is the Titus prov1 SL pro1x now these golf balls are basically the reason I started this channel because when I was looking for a golf ball four and a half years ago I was kind of going around trying to get some feedback from everybody and people were just so boy how do I say this conservatively for YouTube uh they really really liked the prov1 and prov1x like would almost die for it and I don’t understand it because you know the prov1 and the prov1x are amazing golf balls if you’re a professional I mean if you’re if you’re a low low single digit handicap you strike the iron in the middle nine out of 10 times you swing at least probably 100 mph for the prov1 and 105 to 110 for the prov1 X all those things are are great but the reality is again I just talked about with the Supersoft at work everybody who comes to work plays the prov1 or prov1x everybody does now you might be saying well Nick that tells you hey the market you know the market tells you what’s no these people I have talked to them I’ve gotten feedback hey you know what other golf balls have you tried uh none oh okay well interesting I I met a couple guys a few weeks ago that had all pxg everything I mean pxg bag pxg towels pxg everything they’re playing the prov1 and I said well have you tried the pxg golf ball it’s actually pretty good and their exact response was yeah we really liked it but gosh I’m just so afraid to play anything else in the prov1 that was his exact quote to me like that’s why this golf Ball’s overrated because what’s happened is tidalist has done some of the best marketing job I’ve ever seen period they have essentially paid every single Tour player anywhere between $10 to $100,000 to play the prov1 and then had the notion of it’s the number one golf ball played in golf and everybody bought it hook line and sinker everybody bought it um now everybody just has that notion it’s just it’s just embroided in people you talk to people who play golf and they’re like well the prob one’s the best why I don’t know it just is it is because of the marketing that’s what Titleist has done over the last 25 years and don’t get me wrong the prov1 for a very very very long time was the standard it was from 2000 to 2015 it was the standard there was nothing even close everyone was trying to catch up I respect that but now technology is Advanced we have all these direct to Consumer companies Everything’s changed so much and now at the point we have data lots of data that proves that yeah it’s a good golf ball but if you’re an average golfer there’s 40 50 golf balls that are better and I wish people would again like I just said before try different golf balls um the prov1 I even recently when I got down to there was a moment where I got down to like a six handicap I thought well maybe I’ll try the Prov one again I got to maybe whole six and I slightly M hit one off the face and I lost 20 yards and now I was chipping and pitching into the green and my immediate thought was I I need that forgiveness I hate having to slightly Mish hit one and now instead of being pin High I’m pitching into the green that’s how a lot and that’s not just prov1 that’s a lot of Tour golf balls period any of those firmer tour like golf balls are just that way you Mish hit them and they really punish you so that’s the reason I think it’s overrated again everybody I mean I just again in my drawer I have like 150 Prov v1s because at work that’s all anybody plays prov1 prov1x um and the you know I didn’t really mention the pro1x but again another golf ball that is firm even more punishing on M hits and I’ll see guys who are a 20 handicap like yeah I play that I love it it’s just because of the marketing notion because everyone sees it everywhere everyone sees everyone talking about it everywhere the marketing it’s really respectable what Titus has done with that marketing job but I would encourage everyone the people who have watched my channel for years know but if you’re new here do not be afraid to try different golf balls so keep in mind you know by switching from a prov1 if you’re an average golfer one you’re going to save a ton of money period cuz $60 a dozen at this point is crazy but there are a lot of golf balls on this channel I’ve tested that you’ll see more spin more distance uh more forgiveness all that stuff and you might be like well wait a minute more spin even more spin even because if you don’t properly compress a golf ball won’t spin as well I mean I I get with the Vice Pro air I just tested get like 1,500 2,000 RPM more than I get with a prov1 not because it legit is that much better but because I compress it better as an average golfer as a 95 mph swinger I just don’t compress it that well so again I encourage everyone if you’re watching this and you are that guy oh I play pro1 because that’s what all my friends play and that’s just what I’ve always played and I I I encourage you to go try other stuff um unless you’re just tearing the course up if you’re a single-digit handicap and you’re tearing it up but if you’re shooting in the 80s look try something else and if you want help on to try check out the top 10 the top 20 we did a whole top 100 golf ball List look through a couple of those videos I encourage you see something that maybe you’ll see something in that top 20 that you’re like you know I have always wondered about that ball and go give it a try now I’m sure a lot of people are surprised that prov1 and prov1x were not my number one overrated golf ball but there is a golf ball that people have recently started dying on the hill for and it’s gotten pretty extreme but that is actually the Kirkland Signature golf ball so you know in this Kirkland I I reviewed two different Kirkland balls I reviewed the version two and i r reviewed the version three these golf balls are actually way different the version two was a lot softer a lot squishier and then with the version three they tried to firm it up and make it basically a prov1 clone is what they tried to do um and in the reviews I talk about how everybody wants this golf ball to be successful everybody wants it to to be good I want it to be good because it’s an amazing price point urethane coating it’s accessible for a lot of people it’s a grocery store golf ball and really it would prove that that golf ball making if if it was the best it would prove that golf ball making isn’t as complicated as everybody makes it out to be like I talked earlier in the video about how like you know prov1 was the standard but now because of Technology everybody else has caught up and gotten better well if a grocery store golf ball could catch up and be in the top 10 that would kind of open the door for a lot of different people to come into the golf ball Market but here’s the reality they both did not test well now the V2 was better I lost tons of distance with the driver I lost some distance with the seven iron nineiron and five hybrid were okay I mean they were pretty good um but overall I think it ended up in in the bottom 30% um on my top 100 list it just didn’t test that well and then the V3 was even worse because they firmed it up and made it like a prov1 I lost distance with every single cough Club I thought the feel was horrendous I I think it was in the bottom 10 for for the top 100 I mean it was really bad and I hate that but the numbers are the numbers I don’t I don’t most of my reviews are not opinion based they’re just numbers factual based um so with that being said they didn’t test well well there are people who comment I have never gotten so many nasty rude vulgar comments in my life than with this Kirkland Signature I mean people are talking about my mother and and explic Dives and telling me I should burn in hell and all this stuff over the Kirkland Signature because they just love it so much I see them play it on my course all the time again it’s just that’s why I did this channel that’s why I love doing this channel I love bringing these types of reviews to people because trust me if you’re playing a Kirkland Signature you’re not playing your best golf period you know with the Prov one I can at least say there is a market for it if you’re a great golfer and you’re really good yes the provie one’s awesome Bridgestone if same thing if you’re great golf there there’s all the other golf I’ve mentioned so far have a market they’re just not for the average swinger Market the Kirkland Signature is not good for any Market period if you are playing that golf ball you are losing distance you are losing forgiveness you are losing you are losing losing losing check out our top 20 check out our top 10 check out our top golf ball list find something in there that’s a little bit better because the Kirkland Signature is not good guys it’s just not I I have numbers to prove it it’s just not um and a lot of people have on the other side agreed a lot of people have been like no you’re right I played it for a couple couple years and then all of a sudden I I tried a different golf ball in the course one time and I gained 15 yards a club and I was like holy cow it happens it just is but there’s so many people that will just go to war and fight till death and lay it all on the line for the Kirkland Signature and it really blows my mind so that was able to overtake and be the number one overrated golf ball so guys as always I appreciate you being here for this list as always keep watching keep saving keep learning if you’re new please sub subscribe here we’d love to have you this is a great Channel where we’re a great Community we try to do golf ball recommendations I try to get to every single comment um if you have any questions anything I’m always here you can email me message me whatever um but our goal here on golf ball addict is to break this notion of hey this is what I should play and from an average swinger perspective hey this is what the numbers say you should play not me but this is what the numberers say you should play so guys I really appreciate it I’ll see you for the next video


  1. Very brave to put this video out, but you are so right. There are golf balls out there which are so forgiving for us average swing speed golfers. I still use the Inesis 900 but also trying the Jayllah ball. Your top 20 list gave many 2 piece balls that are forgiving for the average golfer and cost competitive. People just need to open their eyes and try something that Rory or Tiger would never use.

  2. Good explanation of your research and how you apply it to the average golfer. Appreciate the information, it’s really helped my game trying different golf balls you recommend. Legato’s in the mail!!

  3. Because of your reviews on golf balls I’ve been using the Precept Laddie and with my mid 80s swing speed I’ve seen some pretty good results, normally I’ll play the Cut Red, Wilson Smartcore or the Srixon Softfeel balls.

  4. Surprised but…not surprised. I am an older golfer 57 but swing the club 106-110 and range between 3-5 hdcp. I REALLY like the Pro V1 but I am disgusted by the price. I have told you previously I am a Vice Pro Plus guy…they are better in EVERY respect to the Pro V1s for me. The price is better, I get to customize them and my consistency is much better with all shots. I am sorry for all of the jerks who say nasty things about any of your testing, but am not surprised with the love of Kirkland, tried them…will never buy them again.

  5. Absolutely correct. Completely agree. I still play the OnCore vero x1. I love your videos. This list is definitely truth.

  6. I've always thought the prov1 was overrated myself. It's a nice ball but I don't get the hype. I just tried the TP5 this year and have had the best results from it. Feels the best off the face of the club and it's given me my best spin results by miles. Really like that ball.

    Also just tried the Kirkland balls for the first time this spring. I did enjoy them but noticed they scuff up very easy and the distance wasn't the best.

    Callaway Warbird are my favorite if I'm just looking for distance and good ball roll.

  7. Hi i have been loving the wilson zip lately and checked Wilson's website to see if they are still making them when i went to the website i cant find it on there. They have seemed to have revamped all of the vaule balls this year to a ultra straight and ultra distance and something else. Maybe Worth a look

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