Golf Players

Warming Up with Bryson DeChambeau

Bryson DeChambeau plays golf differently. He thinks about golf differently. And he preps for golf differently. In this episode of Warming Up Bryson explains why he “almost never” plays golf at home, how he calibrates his irons pre-round, why it’s useful to practice with your eyes closed, why he always hits a draw and more. He hits a whiff, a top, a clank and a lot of very high, straight far golf shots — basically he shows off the entire arsenal. We had a blast filming this one, so we hope you like it too!

We filmed this earlier in the season, well before Bryson’s U.S. Open victory, which is why there’s no reference to his win.

You can find Bryson’s channel here:
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so you try to avoid any situational anything yeah so here’s the funny thing like for example most people like oh I’m looking at the golfball and I’m focused on hitting the golf ball mhm I don’t even see the golf ball when I hit the shot I’m literally feeling what my body is doing and just repeating that that feeling every time so peripherally I still see it but I don’t but you’re not really I’m not intent on focusing on it you know I grew up hitting golf balls with my eyes closed for quite a while just trying to INR motion keep repeating motion and motion and motion that’s all I focused on and it paid huge dividends because I was able to go inside whenever I got nervous and focus on executing the motion and not worrying about the situation you [Music] know I have no idea how to use this thing there’s some kind of arm lock thing that he does kind of leans It Forward I don’t know we’re not even this is the all you’re probably going to see of Bryson’s putter today and uh I don’t know that’s enough of me the good news we’ve got Bryson the Shambo warming up right now [Music] next up on the tea Mr Bryon D Shambo thanks for being here glad to be here my man always good to see you good seeing you what uh you got a bunch of clubs in here only some of them have numbers on them but I’m hoping that you’re going to walk us through um you know it’s Sunday of a major championship and you’re warming up before your round just take us through a little bit of your mindset and your process and uh let’s see where we get so first off what have you done until now in in your day what do you mean like all right it’s major championship Sunday you made it to the driving range I woke up yeah I really don’t do much before around I don’t I don’t do any like working out or anything like that I work out after I play okay so every time I finish off a round I’ll go work out later like 6 7 o’ if two times later than that then I’ll go work out whenever I have to but it’s never I just do active motion so essentially I’m warming up my body as I go on so like I’ll start out with little chip shots and then gradually increase yeah hit us a couple of those so uh the divot Warlords are going to go after me if I just put one right next to it yeah yeah no no judgment here thanks and are you thinking about anything at this point or just kind of warming up I’m well okay I am thinking about controlling my radius controlling like the low point so I’m really focused on ball divot making sure it’s a good strike so I’m really F I’m just focused on how do I say it on my hands okay feeling the ground meaning like I’m barely tapping the ground and so I kind of sense where the bottom of the club is to start off and that’s just to get myself a good sense of uh how to strike the golf ball for the day cuz sometimes is different like if I’m hitting a flop shot it’s got to be different if I’m h a low shot it’s going to be different but I just want to get a stock standard nine to 3:00 shot and nine means like o 9:00 is essentially my hand and arm yeah being almost parallel to the ground okay sometimes it goes a little farther than that but but that’s the feeling correct okay and do you are you thinking about like ball first Contact or anything like that or yeah you know where the bottom is I know where the bottom is but I usually place it in the back of my stand so I have a better angle of attack down on it okay and I really feel I just trying to be loose I don’t try and be tense I don’t try and do anything like that probably four five balls like that and then I’ll start going a little bit farther back take it back to 10:00 10:00 is hands at shoulder height okay so I’ll warm up the clock system for me and 10:00 is that going to be like a 75% shot you could say loely speaking you could say that yeah it’s pretty close to that and then I’ll go to 1030 and then I’ll go full but I rarely hit a full shot with a 60 Dee because I don’t have that very often and how about like emotionally where are you at are you nervous are you intense are you like locked in at this point or oh it’s not if I’m hitting it bad I’ll be nervous if I’m hitting it good it’s just super focused yeah that’s all it is um this is really tight lies right here I like it it’s tight lies you want me to move your bag a little bit no we’re good that was pure though yeah clean clean clean and when you are like when you’re not hitting it well what’s going on I go back to the basics super simple ball divot and then make sure that my placement where I’m where I’m standing is is good mhm um so like if I’m hitting it thin or chunking it well if I’m hitting it thin I’ll usually move it up in my stance a little bit if I’m chunking it I’ll move it back in my stance just a little bit very simple nothing crazy I don’t try to over complicate things which is pretty unique for me I was going to say you said it not me so you get to that point then I’ll go to a 45 Dee okay right there which normally flies about 160 yards and a 45 Dee like it’s a pitching wedge like it’s most people that as a pitching wedge or no so I think it is a 45 degree whatever that is it flies 160 with uh 10,000 spin okay so my pitching wedge has 9,000 spin for most people that’s a 9 iron but because of the speed that I produce yeah I usually spin it more so I want to have less spin because of how high and how much spin I’m going to have is what degrees your pitching wedge it’s 40 it’s super Del lofted right so and you know people like oh he’s just Loft jacking okay if I had a 45 degree pitching wch I’d be spinning it and it’d be going 160 feet in the air I can’t control that you get the commenters all mad with your Lofts I know they they go what the heck so this should go about 160 how much do you vary your uh your ball flights I try not to yeah I want to be a master of one you know there’s so much you know field I guess you could say or turf or grass out there that I can pretty much hit the same shot over and over and over again and just be consistent with that yeah and as long as I’ve got one shot shape that I can always rely on it’s like tiger uh Back in the Day always talked about having his C shot right his ABC shot and if his things are really hit in the fan he’s got that singer you could always rely on just about having a shot that you’re really comfortable with and it’s super true and so for you that’s hitting a little draw yeah how how how much does it draw do you know how how big the curve is how significant it is depending on it’s probably around 10 to 12 yards okay and and it goes up on driver wedge is like probably four to five yards eight iron seven iron is like 10 to 12 yards and driver is like 20 yards have you messed with that over the years no I’ve tried to keep it the same yeah um and it’s really a just a sense of how much it’s curving in the air based on the height and the speed that it’s going at so like this will be you know 5 to seven yards checks out visual about that I mean yeah it’s it’s like visual launch monitor passes the test right I’m not worried about it too much um I’ll go nine iron Beauty S how far does this fly nine iron uh it flies how far do you think it flies jeez a nine iron for you is going to go like 184 close 190 okay this right condition yeah it’s it’s pretty stupid again it’s a it’s a you know eight iron seven iron you would call it an eight iron seven iron but you know for me it is a 9 iron that’s called the chunk I got a little bit of that one did you feel that you get it in the mouth uh what’s your most common miss a chunk a chunk yeah let me give you a little more space to work you’re good thin we get warmed up that’s the whole point here yeah um all right so like what gets you stressing if it like does that sort of thing if you hit a couple thick if you you hit a couple thin no what gets me stress is the improper curvature if I’m thinning or chunking it I’m okay with it if it starts curving too much one way that’s when I get really stressed y that’s where you’ll see me hit golf balls for quite a while and then you go back to basics yeah then you have to go back to yeah exactly but that’s normal and then if I want to this is usually when I’ll start being a little more aggressive that’s why I’ll chunker thin it cuz I’m applying more vertical Force yeah I mean now you I can tell you’re really starting to move through it a little bit harder probably hitting a little closer to well and so all right so with 99 how much during the course of a round are you going to hit it 95% versus like 100% versus a little extra vers it’s usually around 90% the whole time and there’s every once in a while where I got to really step on it but ideal just going to hit that 90% shot yeah well I’ll hit 10:00 shot 10:30 shot 9:00 I won’t ever go 9:00 it’ll be 10:00 10:30 and 11:00 or full okay that’s what I really focus on so 11:00 feels like full to you yeah exactly how often do you hit balls on a grass range um all the time every day pretty much I don’t like hitting off astr tur it’s not good for angle of attack and stuff like that M all right you get kind of a false sense of what’s Happening yeah I actually I would love to practice on this every single day cuz it’s the most difficult test of radius control you can possibly have I bet they would let you you might have to provide your own turf at a certain point but I know and how often do you play golf never never ever very rare I’ll go out play three holes every once in a while to make sure that nothing’s gone crazy but I focus on being able to repeat motion more consistently than anything else just if I can do it again and again and again have the same shot shape that’s literally all that matters to me yeah and have you found that do you think that would be the case that you’d still be able to perform if you hadn’t played so much golf like in the past like do you think that it is important to play rounds of golf to be good at playing rounds of golf you need to play enough rounds of golf where you can go to the Reds go to the blues go any T position and shoot a damn good well under par Blues should be able to shoot on par consistently every time Reds you should be shooting close to 60 every time if you can do that you know how to strategize around the golf course with any situation that occurs the reason why I say multiple T boxes is because you’re going be driver on some super tight holes yeah you’re going to be having wedges into par 3s you’re going to be playing those par fives like a par four and then you back to the blues you’re going have long par 3es you’re going to have difficult par fours and Par fives you can still reach so they’re they’re the easier holes you really want to mix and match at first and then over the course of time when you get good enough and you play enough tournament golf you’re comfortable Under Pressure man practice and you just repeating motion more than someone else is really the key answer to getting better from my experience could be completely wrong everybody’s different everybody’s different obviously but that’s my formula for success and I like it it’s fun compared to wasting four hours of my day and shooting at 65 and go oh what does it mean nothing yeah you know that’s why most people gamble I’m not a gambler I don’t like gambling yeah I mean it’s I totally see your point but it’s just it is pretty drastically different from the way a lot of your peers go about it I know I know it’s wild cuz I think they like trying to shoot the lowest score and my thought process is like the lowest score is going to come about by the most consistent and repeatable shots and you making the right decision obviously mhm but if I can do that shot again and again and again and again more often than other players yeah I feel like I’m going to do better than other players how have you found that that changes based on situation like in major championship Sunday or In Contention vers not or if you’re so feeling a little funky that day adaline adrenaline and knowing your shot dispersion that’s why I practice so much is to actually know the shot dispersion how much I’m missing at right and much how much I’m missing at left so I can go out there and go okay I’m comfortable I know if I aim here I’m going to still be on the green yeah or I’m going to still be in this area you know that’s kind of my thought process behind it I mean that looks pretty good is that are you getting out of this what you’re trying to get out of it you’re making the contact that you want to be making here the contact’s great I’m not worried about the contact anymore it’s now just curvature so I’m not going to try swing this super far inside out hit it off the toe just like that so I start then messing around with different parts of the face for me so that’s turning a little bit more yeah exactly so I start trying to like hit it on different parts of the face to calibrate my brain of where the whole club is which is crazy people like what are you talking about right I’m like dude I just want to know [Music] um but you’re not really trying to like I mean how often do you screw around when you’re practicing like oh hit a bigger hook hit a smaller hook hit a um I’ll do it every single day cuz you will cuz even though you’re trying to shot it’s a couple shots and then I go back to what I’m doing good got it because I want to know the parameters yeah if I know what the toe is a little bit of heel Center my brain gets calibrated to what it needs to do for example like if I super toe this mhm that’s what a super toe will do so I yeah it’s terrible so so that’s like the way it sounded well I think the golf ball still flew okay I think the golf ball was a little CRA yeah yeah yeah let me see if another to one I’m and I’m talking like here dude yeah yeah I’m not talking here I’m talking here I’m stepping back yeah that’s a super toe yeah yeah so I know that even if I miss the golf ball that ball is still going straight cuz all I care about is where that Ball’s going I don’t necessarily care about the strike so then I’ll go a little heel still make the same motion an inside out draw that’s a heel ball right and then I’ll just hit a normal and that just kind of floats out to the right that’s what happens if you heal it yeah so I just kind of know what’s going on so now you know that that’s basically your dispersion of like okay if I hit it way on the heel then it’s going to float out to the right for you yeah not for me well but everybody’s got to experience their own everybody’s got to experiened it on their own so now we go to the fivewood and that’s about the time I’ll do that I’ll run the for now I’ll go to the fivewood might have to aim left so you don’t bring hell on these people but yeah I’m going to aim left here we’ll go the goal post okay I’ll start it out to the right and I’ll come back woo that’s pulled you’re just inside the left up right there yeah it’s all good there we go oh yeah there it is and I’ll just start getting some more speed off of this so couple more deep breaths that’s important start applying some speed little thin little thin but still right on your line that’s fine and that’s all I care about is if it I’m more scared of the one that went left than am of thinning it or doing anything else even chunking it how far does this fly uh 285 five wood 285 yep three wood 210 or no 310 excuse me how much does that number change based on conditions temperature a lot yeah I could change up to 5% different either way so I’m talking like 10 12 yards you know and that’s even without wind [Music] mhm God that is smoked that’s better what’s the favorite shot you’ve ever hit in your life single golf shot uh what’s funny is it was well there’s there’s two things I could talk about the 16th hole at the US Open final round where I piped driver over the corner and Matthew laid up over to the right in the rough and made double or something like that and I made par already have a six shot lead I think or something like that yeah probably one of my favorite moments and then making the 40 foot on the last hole at green briers 58 I mean greatest golf round moment my entire career probably but for the situation it was definitely the US Open US Open yeah I’ll hit driver I’ll hit over the left I’ll hit a couple okay I don’t even hit three-wood because I’m not going to get into it okay it’s uh have you not been hitting many 3-woods I’ve been playing with 13 clubs since a green Brer why because that 3-wood over curves for me okay so you just are like let’s just take it out you don’t even you don’t gain anything from it’s very a situation where it actually helps okay interesting uh what’s everything you’re thinking as you step up to hit a driver full thought process start I feel the pressure in my hands and how I’m aligning the face and then I swing hard what’s the what’s that that you’re doing that’s just you feeling it’s how I’m moving the club in space and what I’m feeling feeling in my wrist conditions how I’m setting up my wrists that allow it to be repeatable how hard are you gripping the club uh scale of 1 to 10 probably around a 7 and a half to eight okay I’m not death gripping it I wouldn’t be able to move and then I don’t want to swing I don’t want to have a pressure level of about five if it’s pressure level of five I mean I’ll just the club will go right down the Fairway yeah um and then where are you speed Wise from your Peak like are you still at your Peak right now or no no no I I’ve gone down a little bit I haven’t speed trained too much I’m going to speed train a little bit going into the season but I hope to have around 195 ball speed uh starting the season that’s kind of my goal yeah all right I’ve iced you enough here you’re good oh yeah y there we go so what do you think what what’s your uh visual launch monitor how fast was that oh oh well if I’m swinging it’s probably like 85 right there yep with a good golf ball I mean that ball is probably like 170 30 but normally that’s a swing that feels like it would go 185 and then I’ll give you like a 190 maybe I can do it on the second swing yeah oh yeah that would be like a 90 how’s your health how’s your body uh the best it’s been in my whole professional career so yeah my my hscrp is down to 1.2 which is really good what’s that it’s a measure of cardiac well health so just your heart health and I had at my uh peak of my bulking career I was three times risk of a heart attack so I had a level of like 6.7 on HSP nah and I experienced it and you know I learned that extremes don’t always always pan out the way they should do you have regrets about that or you feel like it was a learning experience here’s the thing everybody talks about regrets and I struggle with people having regrets in life because those regrets are the the things you think you’re going to regret are the things that made you the person you are today and if you regret them you’re focused emotionally on that rather than what you’ve learned from it I think that’s the thing I struggle with when people say I regret this I regret that it’s like wait a second did you learn from it and if you didn’t learn from it then yeah sure you can regret it but if you’ve learned from the regretful moment that is so valuable to your life I can’t emphasize that enough yeah you know if if people struggle to look at it that way I would encourage someone to try to learn from those regretful moments and I think you’ll be a better person because of it so I don’t regret much what I do know is that I’ve learned from a lot of my mistakes so and that was a mistake you know you’re like a really bad tattoo I think you could regret that no rag rats ragrat what made me think nice I love that starts out to the right comes back you like when it has a little extra swoop to it is that particularly satisfying to you but it started out farther right so it’s still going in the Fairway it’s coming back to the same exact that’s because I hit it farther on the toe it makes me did you ever go bowling that’s what it makes me think of like the really good Bowlers seem to like start it down the right side and then it hooks in towards the middle yeah that’s one way to think about it and yes for me I tried to to draw so if it does start up farther right I would like it to come back if it starts farther right and goes right that’s not a good sign for golf um so yeah I’ll just keep hitting some golf balls and then I’ll go back to a wedge shot or something like that and I’ll be ready to go all right so yeah we yeah when you’re done with driver let’s have you hit one more so you finish on a good note on a make here little pole um and then we’ll see where you go next I’ll hit one hard for yall hell yeah I will hit one hard just to warm up just for fun yeah that’s nice woo that’s a good ball when you’re at home how often do you practice by yourself vers with other people oh it’s all the time by myself it is yeah I don’t really practice much with others cuz unless it’s like a buddy of mine and he’s a long driver and yeah we’re in driver for fun um but other than that no not really I’ll go to a nine iron that was actually pretty sick can try that a lot all right so then what are you feeling now are you going to like visualize a shot you’re going to hit on the course yep are you going to I’ll try to I’ll look at my foresight and I’ll go okay I’m going to try and hit this a certain amount of or certain distance in this case I’m going to just to a 1030 shot which should go 175 yeah that would be about a 175 sh nice so then I’m hitting different shots getting ready for course play and after that’s done it’s game time how are you managing your nerves your adrenaline anything your your blood sugar like where are your levels at right now at this point before around um usually I’m so focused at the task at hand I don’t even worry about the golf course like my heart rate’s elevated from hitting golf shots and I’m just focused on executing I don’t even worry about the course and I go out and I literally as cliche as this is take it one shot at a time and I execute every shot to the best of my ability that’s it I don’t even think I’m playing a golf course so it doesn’t really matter where I am it’s just about executing the next best shot so you try to avoid any situational anything yeah so here’s the funny thing like for example most people are like oh I’m looking at the golf ball and I’m focused on hitting the golf ball mhm I don’t even see the golf ball when I hit the shot I’m literally feeling what my body is doing and just repeating that that feeling every time so peripherally I still see it but I don’t but you’re not really I’m not intent on focusing on it you know I grew up hitting golf balls with my eyes closed for quite a while just trying to ingrain motion keep repeating motion and motion and motion that’s all I focused on and it paid huge dividends because I was able to go inside whenever I got nervous and focus on executing the motion and not worrying about the situation you know I was playing a match against a buddy in college and right before I hit he said all right what what part of the golf ball do you look at when you’re hitting really how do you breathe when you’re hitting a shot you breathe in or out right before you hit exactly what’s your answer by the way um it is actually more of I’m neutral so you know me I got to go figure stuff out right some thought about this I’m sure I’ve been like I tried to go to both sides of the coin and what I found it’s in the middle of my down breath so you’re swinging as you’re going out no so so it’s I hold the breath I actually hold my breath okay yeah yeah so it’s more of a and it’s halfway down but you still have a little in there it’s yes it’s not all the way down interesting yeah yeah I don’t think about it it just naturally happens and even when I do think about it it doesn’t affect me because that’s the right position to be in the right breath point to be in but no it’s it’s screwed me up a couple times i’ been like how do I actually do that all right let’s see another one here is that good hang on a minute just messed with you here I I’ll top it perfectly want all yeah yeah go how often you break that one out oh all the time sorry I got to stop throwing balls at you here oh you’re good uh what what’s your what’s your dream season this year uh a Dream Season we win every major I obviously right but weak question yeah yeah give me a better scenario what would be a what would be a satisfactory season for you winning a major and winning multiple times uh on live that would be A+ yeah scenario um B scenario would probably be either winning a major and no Live Events or winning three or four Live Events and no major and C would be like winning once uh on live what’s your favorite part of golf my favorite part of golf I would say waking up every day and it’s a New Journey for me it’s a new opportunity it’s a new day to try and get better there’s never any point where unless you’re tiger 2000 where you’re like I got it it’s always a what can I do to be better that’s why I love golf it’s the pursuit of perfection well knowing we can’t achieve Perfection we’ll achieve Excellence along the way Vince Lombardi quote by the way it’s a big quote is that is it is that always like a positive mindset of like all right I’m excited to go get this day versus like oh god I’ve got to for the for the past three years it’s been the opposite I got to go work at this cuz I have no idea what’s going on but then ever since I put in that driver it’s been like all right I want to go work on it I’m excited you know and it’s crazy how much equipment can can really make a difference um in your game but it’s going to come down to you at the end of the day of digging it out of the dirt Ben Hogan listen you slipping in these quotes all right let’s let’s finish this thing off what’s the what are the final couple clubs you’ll hit you’ve got nine iron there yeah it’ll be nine iron and then whatever shot I’m hitting off of the the t- box and at live we’re shotgun so we hit off of par three sometimes D so I’ll go with whatever that is that I’m starting on thatle that I’m starting got it you’ll TR visualize that all right and I’ll execute it and I’ll execute that all right we’re playing a shotgun start and we’re teeing off on the uh the 16th hole at Augusta the Masters is really instituted a change this year let’s hit that shot it’s uh what is that like one one backl flag yeah okay it’s like 174 or something yeah it’s probably like 17475 something like that so depends on the Wind if it’s into the wind I’ll play a uh just under 10:30 eight iron so I’d go with an eight iron yep and I’d go let me go through it so the white or the yellow flag yep is is a flag the water is the palm tree and I got to land this where the red bushes are okay and let it feed over going to feed over yep now the pressure’s on oh there we go oh it’s a little left little left that’s too straight you might be the tiger chip maybe yeah maybe the tiger chip maybe in the bunker but I hit that good shot shape if you don’t hit it exactly how you want will you like make sure you hit it perfect before you the range I’ll go do it again and then go all right there we go that’s that’s exactly what I want now I’m walking to the tour to the tour why did I just say the tour I’m walking Bryson thanks for warming up with us appreciate it brother [Music]


  1. He’s breathing hard probably because he swings fast. But could maybe stand to lose a few lbs too or convert more of it to muscle

  2. Funny how he opens with focusing on the motion and not so much the ball. Last night I was practicing with my 56. Flops, chipping, 50yds and full shots. Anyway when I got to my full shots I really wanted to focus on my form and getting the most out of the club. In doing so I was making the best contact probably ever and effortlessly hitting 100yds with a beautiful flight. Can’t wait to get to the range and try it with my irons. Got into a weird slump where nothing I did felt natural or comfortable and focusing on just my body last night, got me in the right place. Love this game, but it can mess with your brain in an instant, but that’s what always drives me to practice

  3. 📲 Impressed he can do this comfortably with the cell phone in his pocket and how they all play with he yardage books in their back pocket. Great content!!!!

  4. Nice one. Side on view would be helpful to check ball position, width of stance and lateral motion.

  5. I liked this guy when so many hated on him years ago. People are sheep. Now everyone is on his jock. Same dude, just different media coverage tbh.

  6. Bryson, please help golf club manufacturers move away from numbered irons (PW, 9 iron, 8 iron, etc.) and move towards degrees (45, 40, 35, etc.). It's commonly done for wedges so why not irons? It would help the industry move past the "loft jacking" conversation and just label clubs for what they really are.

  7. Him talking about his greatest career shots and not knowing what he will do in the 2024 us open.

  8. It’s sad that people hate on Bryson just because he does things differently. I feel that so much…what a G 👊🏻

  9. This was filmed before the masters, he has his old irons. I wonder why they held on to it for so long before releasing it.

  10. I think the attention this guy gets for how “scientific” his approach is could be overated. It comes from the media asking questions about it. But it seems like Bryson is remarkably simple with his approach in a lot of ways.

  11. Where is your blood sugar at? C’mon bruh — I’m sure you can think of better questions than that.

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