Golf Players

Sam Sulek Leaves Hosstile

Peptides And HRT:



#GregDoucette #samsulek #hosstilesupps

listen Sam if you sign with us we’re not going to make you go anywhere you tell us what you want to do we want to work closely together we want you to be happy we want you to be part of the company we want you to have a say in what we can and can’t [Music] do coach Greg in today’s video Sam suck leaves hostile as you know Sam suk’s been sponsored by hostile for approximately one year but as of now his contract is up and he’s no longer with them now many people have speculated saying oh it’s got to be fuat he’s just a horrible boss everyone hates him well why do you think this just because a number of athletes work with hostile and then stopped working with him doesn’t mean that somehow he’s a horrible boss now let’s look at Sam suich let’s look at how all began Sam suck began working with hostile just before he went absolutely viral became the most viral social media influencer of the Year remember that’s just be before he worked with hosle he was growing at a ridiculous rate but not as much as perhaps it could have been predicted and so in fuad hired Sam suck that’s right hired he’s paying him he gives him a one-year contract he got him when perhaps his stocks were a little bit lower in value not saying wasn’t valuable then but perhaps not as valuable as he is right now and so whatever contract he gave him would likely be a lot lower than the value he would demand that’s right demand right now imagine this you draft a football player and he he’s in the second round and you know he’s going to be good he’s a quarterback and you’re paying him let’s call it $1 million a year he then plays his first year wins every single game by a landslide never misses a pass the following year what do you think he’s going to want you think he’s still going to play for a million dollar or perhaps is he not going to want $1 million so whatever contract fuad offered Sam to get him to work for hostile I’m assuming he’s going to want a lot more and so maybe fuad was lucky Maybe got Sam for let’s call it $110,000 a month he signs the contract thinking well this is good money I’m going to work with hostile he’s a professional bodybuilder he’s going to help me out he’s going to take me to all these events the Olympia the Arnolds and so on I won’t have to worry about anything I can focus on perhaps working out recording videos and posting those on YouTube and so flad will take care of everything else and during that Year Sam blows up becomes incredibly popular fuat is thinking this is amazing the more popular Sam becomes the more I become and so it’s a mutually beneficial relationship but at the end of the year now that his contract is up how hard do you think it’s going to be for fuad to get Sam to resign with him do you really think he’s going to sign for the same contract Sam suck is making millions of dollars a year and so if fuat offers him $10,000 a month you think he’s going to Care why would he bother now I don’t know anything about the negotiations I don’t know if Sam wanted to work for him I don’t know if he asked for more money I don’t know if Fu could afford to pay him what he wanted I don’t know any of this but what I do know is that I would love to have samik do wouldn’t everyone and so obviously I’d be willing to pay more than fua did for last year because it’s obvious he’s a great influencer and so Sam I wrote you in the DMS I’m sure hdlt has written you and so if you’re interested you can write back but remember Sam is making millions of dollars he doesn’t need to do it for the money now Sam you can in fact work with jlt we could work out some kind of a deal you know how Chris bumpstead work a deal with raw he’s a part owner he works in the company well we could perhaps do something like that and so perhaps Sam wants to make his own company he could of course build his own brand he could call it Sam suck I love cardio and weights Sam suck cardio weights harder than last time and so if he made his own brand I’m sure many of his followers are going to buy the products that he’s selling but remember this if Sam actually did that a lot of people they’re going to clap back as soon as people try to start making money as soon as they say that they’re promoting a supplement people they get mad they get angry they don’t like when people are being very successful everyone cheers for you on the way up but once you’re at the top people they cheer and rot you to fall they actually enjoy seeing other people do bad I think everyone wants to raise people up to their own level whatever level you’re at if you see someone down there you’re going to carry them up towards you but once you see them go past you many people are going to root for you to fall and so if Sam starts his own company and starts to sell something let’s call it Turk Builder let’s say he called something testrone people say oh you sold out on a s or if he had something like a fat burner oh how are you selling a fat burner why would you do that of course people would be okay with him selling a hardcore pre-workout you know with a lot of stems no problem we’ll let teenagers take pre-workouts overdose on it perhaps go in the hospital no one bats an eye if you’re promoting a pre-workout but oh my goodness if you promote something that helps with endurance go2 Max for example oh you’re a bad guy I don’t know if I trust a now with Turk builder of course we had the lab’s third party testing proving exactly what it is beyond what the FDA wants we used the mass spectrometer test to prove it’s what it is and the products that we tested out there well the other ones well I’m not going to name the names I know the names not going to name them but they don’t actually have the testerone I looked online to buy 5,000 bottles of testerone from China and it was only $346 a bottle plus shipping and I’m like there’s no way that’s in it oh it’s 95% said testrone but theirs is 19 times better for only couple dollars a bottle do you really think that’s possible and so if Sam starts his own company the level of respect he’s going to have which is really up here right now through the roof go go down people don’t like the hustle they don’t like when people work harder than last time and try to make money and so what do they do they have to drive the same car as if he can’t afford Lamborghinis and McLarens like coach Greg Sam suck has all of this money and you know it but no he has to appear poor why to fit in because people don’t like it when other people are doing better than themselves once you reach a certain level of status people just ru for you to fall and so why do I think Sam suck doesn’t want to work with hostile I think it’s because people are not going to respect him just as much as if he’s on his own and do I think he’s willing to come to hdlt supplements even if I give him Equity I don’t think so why oh it’s because he doesn’t like coach Greg you really you really think that’s why we’ve met talked face to face in person he knows what I’m doing he watches my videos and I don’t believe he somehow just hates me hates me for what does he really know the person that I am if you watched every single one of my videos there’s no way you’re hating me there’s no way if you knew me as a person who I really am I don’t believe you would think that and so the problem is this it takes balls big freaking gooa balls to be able to be your authentic self to say and do things that you know that other people are going to be critical of you to admit your flaws to tell people your deep down secrets to do anything and so for example if I say The Turk Builder gained 5 pounds in a week I know people are going to say I’m a liar I know it I know they don’t believe me but you know what I still have the balls to say it I know that by just avoiding it or even by not selling Turk builder at all by not mentioning it in any videos less people are going to be critical less people call me a snake oil salesman but because deep down I know I’m being 100% honest that I’m not fabricating anything that I haven’t stretched anything even a little bit that I’m giving you the cold heart truth I don’t care what you say what I prefer if everyone believe me of course I would I would love if you all believe me I would love if you all bought testerone because I know how amazing this supplement actually is better than every other supplement that I have way stronger than creatine creatine and Turk Builder should not even belong in the same setence unless it’s one’s way better than the other Turk Builder is amazing you’re thinking oh he’s just a sake old salesman he’s doing it to buy a McLaren I’ve already got the McLaren and I don’t have payments on it to keep up and if I want 10 more McLarens I can buy 10 more McLaren do you really think I need to lie to sell supplements that I don’t have enough money already I can retire right now I don’t need to do anything I do this cuz I love it and so when I’m trying to sell it I’m doing so with honesty and integrity and if you don’t believe me you can go and follow Derek for more plates more dates if you think that his turkesterone is better than mine I ask you I double dog dare you to ask him to test it ask him to test it by a mass spectrometer from an independent lab and see what’s in it I dare you you all believe Derek right he’s amazing coach drag snake oil salesman we used to sell the exact same product from the same manufacturer we now sell two different testron from two different manufacturers who do you thinks turkesterone is better do you believe Derek’s is better or do you believe mine is better I will bet anything you want right now that mine beats Derek name the money I’m betting it and why do you think I’m so confident oh I just think this why do you think and so when you go to his website and you see all the label claims oh look at this it’s been proven by this it’s been proven by that what about his turer on tlex what about that one ask him say I want to see the results of the independent Mass spectrometer for this product right now ask for it I dare you and so the next time you say I’m a snake oil salesman that you don’t believe my product is valid ask yourself do you think anyone’s is better than mine do you think his is better than mine I double dog dare you to compare them get my product his product and let’s send it to an independent lab I’m doing it I’m down I’ll even pay for it and why do you think that is do you think I doubt the legitimacy of my own turkesterone I’ll do anything to prove that I’m right because I know that I’m right and so when you say oh you’re a Snak oil salesman and that I know for certain that what I have is 100% legitimate and I know that the majority of companies out there all the other ones that I test I’m not saying which ones I tested I know they’re not how do you think that makes me feel I feel good about what I’m selling but can they can all the other competitors can they and if they can well show the results it’s that easy and so let’s get back into Sam suck leaving hostile KU Aban otherwise known as the pimp [ __ ] of the fitness industry for touring around all his athletes making them do [ __ ] they don’t want to do I mean that’s a little strong I mean he signs a contract with him he’s an employer and so if I hire somebody to be my videographer and I say hey I’m going to pay you $50,000 year in my videographer we’re traveling the world we’re going to record videos and going to go with Jesse James will T this is your job are they going to then say Oh coach Greg the pimp [ __ ] he forced me to do all this this is your job you son on the dotted line to do this and so is it our fault as company owners that we actually have demands from the people that we hire that we pay money to oh you have to make this many posts a week because I’m paying you $10,000 a month oh I need you to sign autographs I need you to make a video saying that you use my supplements that’s the whole point why are we paying hundreds of thousands of dollars a year for top level influencers to influence people to buy our supplements now remember we’re not asking them to lie and so for example if Sam suck were in my company I’d say hey Sam when you go off your next cycle I want you to use Turk Builder and I want you to tell the people does it make you feel like you’re taking testosterone do you get that energy that wave of energy that makes you feel like you can go harder than last time in the gym because if you don’t don’t say it don’t lie but if you do tell the truth so imagine if Jeff nippard were part of my company which I would love to have I would say Jeff you’re 100% natural I’ve been saying this for years I’ve explained so in videos I want you to take Turk builder for for 60 days at the end of the 60 days I want you to make a video and I want you to be 100% honest about the results if you never gain any weight any muscle any strength any size say I never gain anything if you couldn’t sleep say that if you got erections 15 times a day or you couldn’t get an erection ever tell them that say everything oh I had insomnia I was anxious I got anxiety but my lift stick went up like crazy I increased 8% of my bench press and 6 and a half% on this and 133% on that make a video would love that that is what I would do if I were to sponsor have Jeff Nipper is part of my company and so any of these influencers Lane Norton Mike isrel any of these guys I would absolutely love for you to try Turk builder for 30 maybe 60 days make a video 100% honest if you say it did nothing NADA then say so I am willing to give all of you any of the turkesterone that you want and you can make a video and why is that why would I risk that think of it would allow Mike isrel Jeff Nipper Lan Norton to have my products and use them and they could make a video at the end be honest it would be all in their power they could literally lie it didn’t work coach Greg is a snake oil salesman I don’t care I would allow him to do it why cuz I’m so confident that it works and I’m so confident that they have moral Integrity that they wouldn’t lie that they would use the supplements and make the video and say I was wrong that’s how confident I am oh and send it away to any lab to get a test said I’ll pay for it I am not lying ask anyone else to do the same thing ask Derek say Derek Greg challenged me for you to test your products against his see which one’s better I want to do a video I’m going to use Derek’s and Coach Greg’s Turk Piller perhaps use them on Alternate days and tell me which days you feel better I Dare You challenge you what have you got to lose how many people are going to watch the video I think millions millions of people are going to want to see Jeff Nipper Mike all these guys using my supplements and say I tested coach Greg’s turkesterone and this is what happened everyone’s waiting for you to slam on Coach Greg yeah that’s right show that guy problem is if you use it you’re going to be amaz and you are going to be convinced and so if you’re interested in Turk Builder Cod Greg 15% off click the link in the description the biggest one Sam sulak the one that brought him the most people the most fans the most money is sick of dealing with his [ __ ] and so Johnny Bravo says he’s sick of dealing with his [ __ ] or does he feel like he’s being underpaid let’s say that Sam is only getting $10,000 a month he’s worth so much more than that it’s not even funny and so if he’s making anything less than $25,000 a month you’d be thinking why am I going to bother I’m making that in a week from making YouTube videos why should I do that I can make my own supplement company like coach Greg did harder than last time and I could buy Lamborghinis in McLaren’s and sell my own products and so why would he want to work for someone who’s not paying him as much money as he feels he deserves and so he says hey I’ve been traveling the world I’ve been going to Arnold’s UK I’ve been going here I’ve been going there and he says internally made a decision I want to do that perhaps he’s burnt out perhaps he says I can’t travel the world and do all these things while recording my videos he might be thinking I did the whole world tour thing it was an amazing experience it was such a good time with fuad I got to meet all kinds of people I even met coach Greg out at the Arnolds met everybody but you know what I’ve done the traveling I’ve met the people and now I just want to keep to myself I don’t really like going on the road eating my Papa John’s and hotel rooms it is ain’t it maybe he wants to actually do a competition this year do an entire prep get down to 5% body fat and compete on stage maybe he doesn’t want to travel and diet at the same time he has a number of reasons not Everyone likes to travel not Everyone likes being on the road for example been dating this girl named meag you might have seen her on Instagram might have seen her posting videos with Coach Greg pictures and so on traveling the world she’s an eye surgeon many of you said she’s an escort that I have to pay her because she’s 15 years younger than me well who’s paying who she’s the eye surgeon making muchas doas but what she has to do is she has to work at multiple locations Montreal Quebec Toronto Kingston Halifax everywhere and so being on the road is hard she goes to the gym she’s training she’s running biking doing cardio lifting weights and traveling at the same time imagine having to sleep at one hotel getting up early going to work being on call for emergency eye surgeries doing all this and traveling at the same time it’s hard and so although she’s being paid a lot a lot of money maybe after a while it’s not worth it and for some people that don’t want that they don’t want to always travel at the road mstr sleeps at her own apartment about six times a month imagine paying for an apartment only living there six days out of the month the rest being at hotels and so on and remember she was with me when we met Sam suck he would remember her she loves his voice it’s more soothing than last time she said he was one of the best guys that she had met out of everyone had great respect for Sams and remember meag was she met many of the guys the Mitchell Hooper she met the trend twin she met all kinds of people had a great time talking to everyone and so she is a very big fan of the sport but not everyone enjoys traveling the way she does she likes to travel but perhaps Sam does not and so when Donnie Bravo says that fu is forcing him to travel and pimping him out and so on I don’t feel that that is fair many people would like that I personally like traveling I like going to all the various locations meeting fans in autographs taking pictures and meeting everyone it’s fun for me but perhaps for others it’s not not everyone are people persons I personally like being around other people I don’t like sitting around home by myself when I do I read books practice Spanish and so on but I much rather hanging around with other people and my personal opinion remember me and fuad we don’t always get along but I do respect him for his hustle for his hard work for what he’s done for the sport the fact that he’s trying harder than last time and I don’t think he was exploiting Sam suck he offered him a contract he helped him and while with Sam suck he became one of the most famous influencers of all time so how did it actually work out for him does it look like he’s hurting did Sam suck somehow go downhill while working with fued or did he go up it’d be like criticizing the president of United States where they had their alltime employment everyone was happy doing amazing why would you criticize that now if it was the Canadian government during a time where you had to wear a Halloween mask and he basically ruined the freaking country then yeah criticize him I don’t think fled deserves any criticism whatsoever and many of you guys are shocked when I say nice things about anyone for example I watched Jeff Nipper’s video where he had over two million views and I’m saying what an Exquisite video great job Jeff you guys should go follow him and watch the video and you’re thinking why would Greg say that him and Jeff have beef I tell you the truth I tell you what you need to hear not what you want to hear you want me to fight with everyone you want me to just create drama and make videos talking bad about people I just tell you what I think I don’t care if it’s good I don’t care if it’s bad I tell you what I think because that is what I think you deserve and so if I think Fu did something wrong and going say he did something wrong if he did something right and say he did something right it’s what I do I explain things the way I see it many people think I do it on purpose that I’m bullying people on purpose to put people down I just tell you what I think I have the balls the massive kahunas big enough to be my true authentic self and so even if I’m going to lose friends over it going to tell you the truth I’m not going to stifle my opinions and avoid posting things things on Instagram not talk about the manosphere not be redpilled just because it might hurt someone’s feelings boohoo if your feelings are heard and you can’t talk to me then you don’t deserve to be my friend remember Nick Walker Justin Sher and many others they left and they don’t want to sign back because of the things that fuad Abad was doing he’s known as being controlling manipulating and it’s his way or no way you can’t do podcasts you got to listen to me and so is it true that they can’t do podcasts that he’s controlling and manipulating perhaps I don’t know or is it possible he’s not paying enough money perhaps I don’t know maybe these other athletes see more opportunities than others does that mean that fu is a bad person of course not if somebody wants to leave my company because they see better opportunities somewhere else I’m going to let them go if you don’t want to be with me for me I’m letting you go sounds like talking about a relationship and why well it could be if somebody doesn’t want to be with me for me for what I offer and they think that somebody else offers them more be my guest there’s the door if you think that that person is better than me that you’ll be happier with them rather than me then be my guest I want you to get out there and be happy and so if Sam feels he’ll be more happy with another supplement company whether it’s mine Chris Bumstead or even go out on his own then I wish him all the best and I’m certain that fuad feels 100% the same way do you really think that fuad wants Sam to stay with him if he doesn’t reciprocate that emotion that he doesn’t actually enjoy his supplements that he doesn’t want to promote hostile I would never want somebody to be on the HLT team who didn’t wholeheartedly believe in all of my supplements and believe that I’m being 100% honest and authentic in everything I say do you really think I’m going to want Eric janick to be on my supplement company saying that Turk belder is effective he doesn’t think it’s effective I wouldn’t get him would not want him I want people that know they know for certain I’m not lying they know for certain products are effective so the athletes that you see as part of HLT they believe in them we’re not paying them to Hush Hush to pretend that they like it if you don’t want to use my supplements don’t use it if you’re not a good fit you’re not going to be on my team but you can’t sign these guys and then leave them because it’s just happening over and over and you got to think about in the future people are going to see new athletes coming up they’re going to see fawad’s going to come up to them hostiles going to message them say Hey you know you want to sign up and people are going to be like no we see what’s going on we hear the rumors and so see here’s the thing the return on investment when an athlete is is on the rise is better than when their athlete is on the top and perhaps on the decline Sam suck was on the rise he said 300,000 followers obviously we knew he was going to get to a million but did we think multiple Millions I don’t think so remember when Chris Bumstead first got his contract after he had got second at the Olympia I believe he was getting $2,000 a month think of Imagine in your mindset getting a contract like that imagine if coach GRE back then had a company and I knew that Chris bumed was signing for $2,000 a month month or I added a zero and say hey Chris how about $20,000 a month let’s sign a 10year contract but $20,000 a month coach C 20,000 we’re friends but how are you going to pay me that much it’s a lot of money I’d say Chris I I can see a future I can time travel on HRT and I know you’re worth it maybe he signs it think of it that’s a lot of money 12 time 20,000 $240,000 us a year plus bonuses let’s call it plus bonuses 10 years I’m set for life I’m going to have a great job and I’m signing imagine how much that would have been worth right now and so who would have thought who could have ever predicted that Chris bumpstead would eventually have gotten over 20 million followers on Instagram that he would be the most famous bodybuilder of all time perhaps more famous in the end than even Arnold Schwarzenegger no one could predict this and so is Sam suck on the same trajectory is he going to keep going up regardless of that I know that Sam suck is amazing I would love to have him as part of the HLT supplements we would love to help him to work with him but if he doesn’t sign with Coach Greg he doesn’t sign with anyone I understand perhaps he doesn’t want to travel perhaps he want to stay at home listen Sam if you sign with us we’re not going to make you go anywhere you tell us what you want to do we want to work closely together we want you to be happy we want you to be part of the company we want you to have a say in what we can and can’t do if you don’t have any interest that’s fine of course we wish you the best remember it’s like any relationship you’re trying to assess the interest value of your partner if you’re a man and you’re meeting a girl at the gym or you have interest in courting her and dating her and so on the first thing you got to do well aside from going up and talking to them so Sam talked to me is you have to assess their interest level if they’re not interested in you and you have to convince them every day convince them hey no I’m awesome really I am prosy believe me it’s not going to work you need for them to have a genuine desire for you and so what I’m looking for in supplement promoters are people that have a genuine desire in using harder than last time supplements and why cuz you believe in me you know that work Builder works you know that go2 Max is amazing you know that we formulated the best supplements in the entire world and so you seek us out you are interested you say I would love to work with HT supplements I know that you and Eric Janek and others that you’re doing amazing things and so if you’re one of those people reach out to us love to hear from you you think I’m going to hold up all these fans cuz I don’t even know what you’re talking about I feel like you would but I don’t know that’s why I’m asking I would I would D get the [ __ ] out of here people see these stories they hear uh what’s going on in this industry so it’s not a good look on fuat Sam suluk doesn’t want to sign up with them again and so he’s talking about stories about fuad and saying that he held up the line for four hours that Sam didn’t sign I don’t know if these rumors are true I don’t know if they’re not true I know that people have made rumors about myself in meag that I’m her sugar daddy that I was paying for her and her hairdresser in Miami Florida to be my escorts that I was actually paying them really this is the best rumors that you can come up with I mean it does sell videos people can think these things the girls I promise you not paying them to be my escorts you can ask them yourselves or hey you don’t need to believe me because I know it’s true also I know for certain I wasn’t sniffing any creatine on any of these trips including Colombia even in Colombia never did a single line of Crea and so you believe what you want you hear a rumor you hear this oh I heard that coach Greg is actually on test and Trend well wait till you find out that I’m actually working with transcend that’s right and so I’m going to be getting my blood work done with them I’m going to be going over it an entirely in a video and I’ll let you decide who’s more Natty coach Greg or Michael Hearn so if you go to transcend you can click on you’ll see my profile on the site you learn more about them you can also follow transcend on Instagram if you go to my Instagram you’ll notice that you can click the link in description you’ll see a big thing on transcend where you can then go to them and so I’m very excited to be able to partner up with transcend the number one HRT and health optimization clinic in the United States and so let me know in the comment section would you like to see Sam suck is part of HTT supplements imagine coach Greg and Sam suck collaborating me promoting him harder than last time getting everyone to be doing cardio did you notice that Sam sulc is doing 60 minutes of cardio he’s doing it on a bike how could it be more similar all that’s left is we need Sam suik to enter a zift bike race and life will be had subscribe click the Bell button button comment to boost the algorithm don’t forget to like the video if you liked it please watch one of those two bloops and of course if you want to get harder than last time supplements all the various supplements you have the cookbooks training books coaching Plans by Team all this stuff hard than last time clothing line you can get over to the website enter code Greg for 15% off if you want to get the cran send of course click the link in the bio if you got no money it’s not just about making money remember I’m already Filthy Rich wealthy more wealthy than last time then get over to my website and get the free diet and training program it’s close to 50 pages could have sold it for a 100 bucks a pop these things are amazing you got to get to them it’s not just one plan it’s customized to several different styles of people so please get over there also if you want to join the 300,000 plus newsletter subscribers get to my website and until until next time I am out


  1. Greg is fuckin delusional lol. Whiney, gossipy goof selling fake supplements after being convicted for dealing drugs. What’s to hate? 🤣

  2. Greg I’ve been training for a year and a half, natural, I’ve gone from 130lbs to 183lbs so far. How long should I wait before trying turkesterone? Should I wait for my genetic limit in the future? Not sure

  3. hey coach greg i dont have social media and im not a big influencer but could i try your turk and give you an honest reply? being serious.

  4. sam could probably just start his own protein line and make it tan colored, link it to a minotaur or a bull. thats what im thinking. he has that Greg titus freaky dense look that reminds me of a bovine.

  5. Coach you went a tad bit off track ,, I was watching for Sam Sulek and next thing I know it’s 5 minutes of you yelling about Turk builder and more plates more dates and fancy cars Jeesh

  6. I don't doubt any of your supplements. That GO2 Max I took after I stopped taking them to try other stuff you sell, I noticed my recovery was heavily diminished when I had no GO2 Max.

  7. I think it was a beautiful relationship with hosstile sam had, and sad it ended but such is life, both will do great things

  8. 1.) Sam Sulek come work for me.
    2.) Look at my cool cars.
    3.) Buy my products.
    4.) I am NOT a snake oil salesman.
    5.) My hot younger girlfriend is NOT a paid escort.
    6.) More Plates More Dates I challenge you to a Turk product face off!!!
    7.) Buy my products.

  9. could you pay for the spectrometry on the 2 litres of tren ace I got from this dude who made it in the bathtub? I'm in Nova Scotia as well 😉

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