Golf Players

2024 Italian Open Picks | DP World Tour Bets | Fantasy Golf Picks

Skylar Hoke and Tom Jacobs preview the course and run through the odds while making their 2024 Italian Open picks and bets.

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[Music] hello and welcome back to another week of the DP World Tour picks and Bets Skyler Hulk here joined with Tom Jacobs Tom one thing to do in this situation and it is some fist pumps up in the club Guido migotti back in the winner circle so good to see our guy get it over the line looked a little Bleak on the back nine for a couple of moments but I never lost the faith because Guido Sundays are one to always remember we’ve had some painful ones even two starts ago yeah it’s good to see him get that Victory short number 33s you know we we bagged weido had some big ones in its day um but he’s ripe in form likely the gold medalist here just a month away from that too so summer Guido Tom yeah my turn to congratulate you Sky it’s always it’s a double sit it’s a double celebration right because you’ve won a and it’s also on your your man so um all good there and that makes us takes us up to five outrights now on the DP World Tour this season um 33 to one the shortest guy which is which is wild like i’ like to to have five winners and all of them to be 33 to one up hashino was 45 me and guitar and then it’s been you know just hitters 90 to1 vril 71 s And1 Al Vera so um yeah I think we’re sort of a one in three clip break now which is um I think that’s what we were before and we sort of keep up so that’s good um yeah let’s try not to go too much longer about a winner again uh try and cut it down to one and two but um this tournament Sky um I feel like when you get excited about the Italian Open for obvious reasons it must rip your heart out when we go away from anywhere that we know it it’s tough Marco Simone leading up into the Ridder cup had that extra you know added hype to it overall and to now go way off into Italy Go off into a spot where research is incredibly difficult to find the fields now have taken quite a bit of hit compared to what we saw of guys wanting to kind of either bolster their resume or get comfortable in advance um so it’s definitely a a different Italian Open I would say this year um but I still I think there’s just something with a home open that gets me a little bit excited makes me look for the Italian Guys in the field there are some phenomenal names as always in this event um but yeah I mean overall like what you said this this year has been remarkable for us it’s a run that it’s going to be hard to keep up and ever replicate again but it has been um an absolute riot being able to get guys over the line overall um scheduling I’m going to hit this off of the top here because there is going to be some schedule ch changes um I guess not changes it’s it’s a little bit of Summer here we’re going to have um some vacation time or as you guys might call it in Europe I’ve learned the holidays so I’ve got I’ve got a holiday coming up here in the states a pretty substantial one um for me so I am going to be off for the month of July program wise um and that’s some big time events that that do happen and Tom’s going to work to get a couple of guests on uh while also taking a a little bit of a breather himself a much deserved break so there’s not an expectation to have any show I wouldn’t um expect any show next week for the BMW International um and then we have the Scottish open and Olympics coming up just just pay attention to us on Twitter Skyhook DFS at Tom Jacobs 93 there it some content we be right here with the videos Tom also is writing um above and beyond um kind of all over some places but mainly with odds Checker previewing some things um you can find them lost for words podcasts on my end I’ll slow some DFS content uh for the PGA Tour events but these are going to be com combined events you know so DP World Tour guys will be getting written up on establish the run but just a little bit of a breather for us where we’ll be back in full continuation um likely for the the British Masters and then beyond that into some of the Irish Wentworth type of events is that right Tom that’s right yeah and look it might just be a way a gameing the system right to keep our run right up we could we could just knock out some some events but no it’s um look anyone that’s been following the show for for a decent period of time knows how how often we do these shows right and as long as there’s an event we generally TI to to do them every single week and um you know people want to take a break and and Sky’s got a great break lined up with uh with the family there and looking forward to that for him and um yeah it’s it’s great I’m looking forward to you know potentially having some of the guests on that we’ve had in the past people that watch a show know uh who they are and and who to expect so looking forward that as well um yeah I think that’s it I think we’ll go into the golf course Sky what we know of it which is uh not much I’ll be completely honest I know that we normally throw it to me to try and make some course comps and uh try and talk up the golf course a little bit um but yes I I’ll be completely honest if I said that I knew anything about the golf course I’d be lying I think anyone that sort of says they do rather than speaking to the uh the golf course intendent themselves probably doesn’t know an awful lot about it there’s not a lot of information out there uh the guy that designed it is a former Italian golfer from a million years ago um and not very famous go AR architect he’s done it with either so I looked for any courses they played they haven’t um it is meant to be a little bit lynxy in places Sky there is you know there’s basically Tree on on one half and and lyy on the other half um that much I can tell it is relatively close to the Sea it’s you’re not going to see SE on the holes but it is there um whole course laid with Bermuda Ry grass on the greens which is a bit of a strange one but we don’t see a lot of Bermuda grass in the on the DP World Tour when I looked like you’ve got the the buy events there’s there’s Bermuda grass over there um and then when you look at kind of shorter Bermuda courses it’s the divvi Invitational earlier this year um and then you’ve got like the tenie and and gr canara open the back toback at that Golf Course back in 2021 that’s about it um whether there’s any sort of correlation to those I don’t know because they’re not Bermuda greens I don’t think um I didn’t get two in the Weeds about that in the end um but yeah composite goal of course so we’re going to get kind of there’s three sets of nine holes there going to get a bit of a mix I think it’s going to be Sky relatively easy um looking at that looking at the distance um I wouldn’t be at all surprised I mean we had in 2020 we went to uh chero um when Ross mcgau beat Lorie canra Nicholas klart and it feels a little bit like we’ll get something like that sky where it’s 20 under par maybe not quite as deep as that but also just that caliber of player like a Ross mcgan can beat an upand cominging Lorie caner and a vetan Nicholas klart so wouldn’t surprise me if that’s kind of how it plays out if you look at that leaderboard yeah I I pretty much took it on the surface level you know it it is a shorter course less than 7,000 yards par 72 two power fivs could get a little windy um over there with the c nearby like you said it’s not like a factor right into um the course but um yeah the the composite connection I guess three three NES red blue yellow um one of them being more Scottish he um overall again we we gave a plug last week to to Mike Miller’s new site smart go golf info can look into there as he does his course research for just about every course that gets played on a professional tour so he had some some inputs there but again no no owgr events ever played at this course so Flying Blind which I think in times can be an advantage of just we’re not going to get into the weeds we’re playing guys in good form or recent pops or a combination of that um with some some good odds and we aligned at a few of those guys um if you looked at the top of the market you know we now have Patrick Reed coming over from Liv as the favorite burned who again played well 18 to one um McKibbon um under their 20s played pretty pretty good last week and then Guido now at 22 I’d be lying if I said didn’t consider Guido just out of respect just a pure respect I think 33s last week was probably as borderline as it gets when you’re betting Guido but he’s in great form have it now Tom I’ll be anxious open pricing DFS for Guido he has found some of this um form that led him to I mean he’s had couple really good major championships right so top 20 is a fourth place finish at the US Open so I will be all eyes and ears for Guido at the open but I’m okay passing here and starting our card in the 30s yeah interestingly with uh Guido you’d expect him to have played well in an Open championship and he hasn’t yet has he right like 64 last year was his best but um yeah definitely keep an eye on him I think he’s playing incredibly well a word on kind of those couple of players from the top right from so last week burn vburg was on my card alongside Matt Wallace I don’t know what’s going on with with Matt Wallace in that situation like I felt so calm about him being within three shots of the lead um you know thought we were in a great position uh and just didn’t do it and it was vburger that actually played better on the Sunday I mean fortunately obviously greo come through for you but from a personal perspective like I just I just sat there wondering what was going on then you had the double disappointment of Tom Kim later on in the in the evening over at The Travelers it was kind of a bit of a tough Sunday in uh betting terms but I I wanted to go back to vburg you talked about going back to migotti I wanted to go back to vburger but I just don’t think he’s returning any I mean there was slight eway places for me yesterday but like it’s just not enough and like 18 to one now I think the value is going a little bit um Tom McKibben is pretty much immovable from that part of the odds board now right like that is his spot for the foreseeable future and Patrick Reed probably rightly deserves to be at the top based on sort of talent level and experience alone so nothing too surprising at the top um I was interested a little bit in caner as well like just talking about that 2020 where he should have won that over Ross McGowan and obviously has been pretty solid since he won but uh yeah we we started at the next next wave yep 100% and where we align is on Matthew Jordan a shorter price 33s but it is available with six Place each ways and again this is a simple concept overall for me I mean Jordan has now played his last three events 12th 13th fth that 12th is probably actually you know when you look at just the men’s side more like a T6 that was in the Scandinavian mix great irons has been playing exceptional off the T in leadup as well two other top three other top 20s in his recent five starts before that it’s just a lot of alignment there for somebody in really good form somebody I expected should I mean maybe it’s just due to his lack of you know getting getting over the line hasn’t had a win since 2019 right on the challenge tour it was in Italy his victory there so um just good to have that kind of connection Vibe but he just seems mispriced to me yeah look I think the the one thing you’ve mentioned there fifth 13th and 12th coming into the event the 12th like you say really sixth if you just think about him competing against his own field the the 2019 Italian challenge win is encouraging as are the 30th and 15th Place finishes in the Italian Open as well in in his first two starts they did miss a cut last year but not too worried but I think also what I really like about it sky is is where he’s performed so well this season and generally throughout his career uh sh of go of course he fifth at the sadal 12th at the scandy mix fourth at Kenya earlier in the year um when that links Factor does come in on those nine holes he’s been fifth at the dunh Hill links he was 10th obviously at the Open Championship last year at his home course as well right not to not to forget there’s a bit of a breakthrough there as well this is a player that there is so much more expected from and I think potentially overhyped in the first place um but also definitely worthy of a win or two on the DP World Tour in the coming years I think and I do think this is a really good chance for him to do so I think it’s uh he’s not coming to a British Masters or you know Wentworth where potentially if he’s in good form people want to see the the English player win right like it’s um you know it’s an Italian Open and and the the pressure will be on the the home contingents the the guidos the maneros the the people at the top of the odds Bard right and and he’s in that little bracket below where yes he’s in good form but no one’s sort of running to the K to anoint him the the next winner yep I absolutely agree um in the the next in the mid-range so you you mentioned minaro played at awesome last week does have kind of that shorter course Excellence overall um I was just in similar fashion of of just looking at form and looking at you know price more than anything Callum Hill just kind of fit that bill right now Callum had Hill had been out for a pretty substantial amount of time I believe it was like L dis yeah was that what it was right Lyme disease or it was some type of that’s what Jimmy Walker had I know he had some some type of weird that would make sense was an illness yeah like and and he wasn’t completely hurt and like we’ve said in the past right like when it’s something like that where you are just waiting for them to recover it’s great to then see them get show back on form I’m not 100% sure what it was now let me look it up while we’re we’re talking here um yeah he was out for a substantial was it it was almost a whole year right yeah I mean he played see 2022 he played three events yeah and then 2023 popped a little bit he played a lot but didn’t get back into form he has now made Seven Cuts in a row three of them being top 20s what was tied for first first um in the Scandinavian mix on the men’s side been putting it awesome you know irons are are clicking a little bit more I just don’t understand if we’re getting Callum Hill of old why why he’s 50 to one in in this field that that’s my biggest great yeah it was an insect by Sky and then he had nerve hypers sensitivity after that um so he’s been through the ringer right and you talk about sort of we we always talk about trending form here and this this is where I think overall like you said it can be an advantage when you’re not getting two in the Weeds about course designers and golf courses right because there is not a more pleasing on the eye form line than than Callum Hill right now he’s gone 56th 35th 18th 13th and second um that’s encouraging you know and by any means and yeah like 50 to one and this is a player that has one right we’re talking about how good Matthew Jordan is in forem and I’m I’m fine with the 33 to one on on his behalf but 50 to1 for a player that is playing you know really well as well and has got that win under his belt in 2021 uh feel really good and actually like the the iron players improve sky but not to a point where it’s not he can’t better it do you know what I mean like there’s room for improvement still in the iron play and off the te definitely so uh scope for improvement there to actually go on and do more and I think this is a chance where Hill could you know really find himself in contention throughout the whole week yeah that that was a standout to me as as we look through it um intrigued at Ean Ferguson who seemingly is coming back a little bit as well after a recent withdrawal um had had I think the next course that I feel confident is going to be a little bit of a separator or difficult or need the irons as much I’m going to be intrigued at Ean Ferguson um but you’re on another golfer kind of in this range too who who has good form lines yeah so for me like Julian Gary is he’s 70 to one right and he’s just playing a little bit better I think than being credit for he he’s fourth and 20th in his past two starts he was sixth and seventh in Strokes g t green and no starts 12th and 17th in Strokes G approach um I talked about that kind of shorter Golf Course narrative and and the Bermuda thing and he’s been 15th from the Dubai Invitational earlier that was a Bermuda course um you know much shorter than anything he’s been playing in recent years or recent weeks he was third in this event last year uh one of his best finishes on the DP World Tour in terms of a rankings and he was also um Sixth and eighth in the Rocco Forte cilian open so he’s played really good golf um in and around Italy right so um the way he’s playing the last couple of starts the way he’s played in Italy the way he’s played on shorter golf courses I I I sort of think of Gary as his kind of good off the tea Talent um but the the the approach plays certainly coming together for him and I think these shorts of golf courses are his bread and butter so looking forward to him putting himself in the mix here at 70 to1 yeah yep I I I was close just from that that same same concept and ultimately I landed with another golfer who we we’ve chatted all year long I’ve been hard on a little bit sometimes in the lack of true contention maybe um you’ve you’ve stuck with it um and it’s Sam Baro I I believe we chatted with him him or chatted about him last week he withdrew from the event I’m assuming travel he was just playing in the US Open and why we we talked about him was the way he performed at Pinehurst right he opened with an 84 and then shot a 67 on day two 17 you know stroke difference for him and again it just shows the year that he has had I mean you look at it right he has had two top 10 six top 25s in addition to that just for Miss Cuts he open qualified into the US Open I just thought it showed a lot man him coming back and having that round two where he was nowhere near the cut line um didn’t probably physically impossible to be able to to make it and and to still play that type of round showed me you know kind of what he’s made of potentially and gave me a lot of respect for his game and now we’re getting him a little bit I don’t know I don’t want to say this is weaker feel because you take out a Rasmus you take out a Wallace and you plug in Reed I don’t know this this feels a little bit lighter than last week uh in strength his price has gone out a little bit um for probably just because lack of seeing him so at 60s or I guess he’s 55 at this moment uh you have to bet that top five separately but Baro would be my favorite in the mid-range yeah he he’s being given that um that kind of bump of think because of the withdrawal last week right you’ve mentioned it he he pulled out I have probably just got a little bit of San BTO fatigue I think that’s probably just all I’ve got I don’t really have any negatives towards him I I was like you really impressed with the bounce back in round two at the US Open for San BTO so yeah um completely see where you’re going with that one and I think in that kind of group of Callum Hill Julian garer S besto we’ve got a a group of you know really good mid-range options to couple with Matthew Jordan who we really like near at the top yep 100% I didn’t really even give too many double takes I know hosino I’ve seen him tipped um a little bit kinol played well last week pavon home open playing well um anybody else on this deeper range for you I will say I thought hashino was a little bit overpriced which I I can see why people are picking him um but just on the basis of the you know the P we picked him earlier in the year that was probably the first glance at him um I’m intrigued to see how Danny willick gets on this week I don’t think he’s ready to go TWY under whatever it is I think you might need to get to this week um I think there’s still some work to be done in that respect uh I I think yanic Paul’s being given up on now at 45 to one um yeah other than that I I think I was pretty happy to move on to the Rangers that were in yep 100% so I will give us uh a shout out to the audio listeners and you can find us at Daily fantasy Sports picks and Bets the mix we appreciate all the love it was great to see Twitter light up with the guido W yesterday um if you can like review subscribe comment um means a ton for us at Mayo media Network to get the support especially we hit you know some big events this fall September coming up for us if we we recharge a little bit over the next month um so appreciate again any love that you can give us as it’s been an awesome awesome year on our show here triple digits Tom we’ve got a bunch I’ve got four You’ got two right so well I guess your odds you you’re first up then for the first one yeah um this won’t surprise anyone the next two picks won’t surprise anyone that’s been following this for the last few years right uh Shan Crocker is 100 to one whenever I see sha Crocker get into contention I immediately look at betting him the following week I don’t know if that’s a good idea I don’t know because he’s just very volatile but I did go back can just kind of look and see if if I should have that feeling and when you look back in 2019 he was 12 second and 10th in three straight events in 2020 he posted three straight top 2 two finishes on two separate occasions 2021 he went second fourth 18th and Ninth in a four week span so he can do it right he can he can piece these kind of events together if there is anything in this kind of shorter Bermuda type golf courses over the years he was sixth at the Dubai Invitational earlier this year 18th at the tenie open where he was seventh after rounds two and three hit the ball nicely last week we we are aware there’s a slight discrepancy at the moment there’s only three rounds of Strokes game d trying to DP World Tour as it stands but he was still fine um and yeah he he was in the mix wasn’t he last week and this has been the problem for Shan Crocker over the years you know despite the fact he has got the the win to lean on but he was sixth out round one second off round two and fifth going into the final round and and somehow finished 23rd which is pretty disappointing and it was similar at the European Open Sky where was fourth after round one 10th after round two and finished 34th but I want to focus on the positives I do think there’s a player in there I do think you know someone that’s finished 18th for the Italian open in his debut three years ago should be given you know a second look especially and yeah I just think there’s a better player than than we not that we think because we we’re very high on him but I think overall the market rates him as I think he’s better than 100 to one uh when he’s showing the form and getting into the mix Lu he has it that that’s the one that killed me was leaving Crocker off this week yeah I think it I’ve been I’ve been burned I think a little too many times of just thinking he’s back and yeah it’s just so volatile so volatile is and and also I don’t know and I would never question someone’s like will or or professionalism you know had a couple of exchanges with his dad he’s very focused on his game he just seems happy when he you know when he plays well and and kind of doesn’t get too in the you know in the depths of Doom If he if he doesn’t play well I think that’s a great asset to have but maybe isn’t you know is the reason he can be a bit up and down he sort of takes the highs when they come and doesn’t get too low about anything and that’s probably what makes him brilliant and probably what you know is what lacks the killer edge of him at the moment that can still come I think that comes if he get yourself into concention a couple of weeks in a row that’s what I’m hoping is going to happen this week is he gets himself in the mix and finds himself really not wanting to waste the opportunity he’s got in front of him right um it’s not one of those ball striking weeks where you think you have to just jump on I think it was solid but there’s still again like Callum Hill room for improvement I I just thought 100 to one playing nicely couple of times now in the last three events where he’s got himself in the mix it’s it’s it’s unquestionable sky for us you know to say that he isn’t closing four rounds you know really ever apart from the win right um I think he played pretty well at the Check Masters when he was runner up there but um he does need to need to find that extra gear he actually played well in that Dubai Invitational he was sixth um earlier this year where he put the four rounds together but just just doesn’t quite seem to get a full week together um and we’re running into I mean he was probably one of our first players that we kind of got you know quite hooked on right and that’s been what three or four years now that we’ve been doing this so it’s almost we’re almost running out of time running out of rope of given this kind of oh he’s still a little bit new to this kind of Arena he’s not anymore um but I still think he makes kind of like limited starts and I I think that once he can get a full you know Season under his belt full fitness in form I do think there’s a a better player yeah yep I mean I think this the ceiling is Sky High uh for him and I think he could I think he could be a really good PGA Tour player truthfully think really really could I think things that hurts him Scot sorry to cut you off I think I think he knows that and I think he kind of wants to get there and just stay there and and for good reason right like that’s where Americans want to get back to it’s you know I think he’s humble enough to to play over here but doesn’t want to stay over here and rather than just really getting right down to business and getting it done he’s kind of just like well want to make it happen with relatively minimal um effort and yeah like I think he game will just suit those kind of like I would be really happy to play the rocket mortgage Classic this week like he’s that type of player right um so yeah I think once he gets out there he’ll do well um he’s just got to get there and it’s it’s got to be consecutive weeks yep yep 100% um another golfer who had a really good week I was very intrigued at uh last week bet him going right back to the well with anhel aora who finished I believe tied for 21st um so one discrepancy to notice last week as of now the DP world tour had not loaded in round four strokes gained data bet 365 has that available in their shot track if you go over to the stats tab it’s different than the DP World Tour even on a weekly basis it might be the most accurate I don’t know like we don’t really know um but it seems like laser data last week you know you get and I’m pretty confident it’s the laser when you get the approximate you know it’s a good sign like approximate green this that and lets it pull I I think um that is encouraging for the DP World Tour to get more and more shot tracker little weird we don’t have those numbers yet but aora popped uh multiple times with the approach last week um and he just seems like a player I mean he is what 19 years old hasn’t even turned 20 years old yet racked up multiple top 10 top 12 um I think it’s now six yeah six top 15s on the challenge tour so far this year two other top 21 finishes on the DP World Tour so far this year are made cut of the Puerto Rico open all at the age of 19 um pretty spectacular so I’m going to keep betting into somebody with unknown upside here uh for him as at this age and this talent and playing so well I’m very intrigued yeah and just a very sort of I guess I don’t know there’s not there’s just a gut feeling more than anything else sort of Spaniards and Italians and and and the kind of this part of the Europe tend to just go and play well in each other’s events right like I think you know gerer would go and play well in Spain and a Spanish player would go and play well in France and Italy being in this kind of I guess Continental Europe area suits these types of players and especially a 19y old that probably doesn’t want to travel too far away uh from home right and as you say like the the upside just seems to be there I wish we had a bit more data on him um a little bit again he’s he’s 19 years of age all you got to look at is the fact that he’s he’s piecing together those top 15 finishes at a high clip r and yeah special I think we I think challenge tour form is slightly underrated still um because people don’t really know how to quantify it um and I think people are aware there’s so many cases for like the the leaders of of the road of New York or whatever it is they call it um that don’t really then go off and and make a step up on on the DP tour that people don’t look at it so much and I think there’s such a different there’s like a be sto and there’s a a y right there that are young and and up and coming haven’t played an awful lot of events that make a big splash straight on yes senson not young but you know fairly untested and then you’ve got these kind of like 37y old DP World Tour veterans that are kind of bouncing back to the tour so excuse it a little bit in terms of how people rate that form I think and yeah all he can do is keep showing up in these kind of um opportunities he gets and 23rd Australian Open thir thir and mishas 21st of the km they’re not groundbreaking finishes but they’re certainly strong um and if they were done by a 35y old that we all know a lot about I think people would be quite Keen of them so um A’s name has been thrown about it’s not like he’s not you know he’s not been overlooked but yeah I like him yeah I’m I’m excited about him a ton all right I believe yours if you go on opposite spectrums from 19 years old to your next golfer who we chatted about a lot too but you’re you’re sticking the Faith with your boy yeah Ross Fisher um I think I’ve said this before on the podcast but first ever player that I saw win uh a golf event live uh over here in England um but yeah second and seventh in this event in the past he’s had three straight top 25 finishes now he was second after 54 holes at the sty open he finished 13th he improved all week long at the European open and then he was 23rd last week despite being second at halfway um as well at the km open so yes the the problem is he hasn’t converted the second to sadow we uh after 54 holes the second or halfway last week but he is that type of player guy I think once he sees that he knows like whereas a younger player wouldn’t know necessarily how to react to not closing out Ross fer knows how he needs to get through four rounds he’s a very solid player he knows how to close out events right and he’s been what 16th 10th and fourth and approach the last three 14th ninth and you know inside the top 15 or so in t green depending on on what the data says in round four um just ball striking it really well and yeah I I just think slightly overlooked in the market 150 to1 based on the fact he’s not a flashy name he’s not a player that people are rushing to the window to bet Ross Fisher these days I don’t think they ever were really but this is a player that we know who’s got huge upside is you know contending wgc’s and things like that as well and won multiple times on the DP World Tour and yeah runner up finish this event in the past with a closing 63 um Fisher knows how to play well this that that was behind Terell Hatton in 2017 who would have been you know on the rise right so um yeah really like what you know fish’s done he’s a five time winner he hasn’t won since 2014 it would be I guess a little bit similar to a Marcel seam or someone like that sky that we saw you know have a big you know comeback last year but the types of just the names of the players that he beat Yos Lon Sergio Garcia Anthony Kim in the match play Podrick Haron and his most recent Michael H and Daniel Vana is slightly less impressive than those but still great um and he’s you know lost out in play to Phil Nicholson and things like that um Martin kimer so yeah I um I’m going to go with Ross Fischer and hope that the veteran can kind of roll back the years we as I said referenced earlier the 2020 renewal sky where Ross mcgau won um just kind of gives me hope like he can hold off someone like that in a in a an event in a field where there are question marks yeah 100 100% always gives me a little scare but it also always feels like somebody you could make money off of when his odds get long just from the ball striking prowess he has he’s just do like it’s like L last week where I was so questionable about it like they do just end up letting you down it’ll be the same with cocer they’ll finish 32nd and 47th or something but 100 1501 both of those players I just can’t look past them they were 66 to one it’s a lot easier to do right um but yeah I just think when you like what is the difference between I don’t know Dan Bradbury and and Ross fer right this apart from 60 points in the market I know we’re we’re hoping for Dan Brey to come good again or Andy Sullivan and a Scott Jamerson probably way more like Ross Fischer in terms of stature right and and experience I know they’re playing a little bit better long term than he is but in recent weeks he’s he’s playing as well as most of them yeah totally all right I’m goingon to go a little rapid um with mine here as we have three left to rip first off filipo shell um hard not to back an Italian in the Italian Open Shelly popped for his best finish of 2024 at the km open T10 really really good irons bunch of shots inside of 20 feet saw pop on the scene making the Open Championship cut um in 2022 after he won the European amateur Championship hasn’t kicked on what we maybe thought but 23 years old still I think 200s with him um and a top 10 10 is is a really strong way to get into Chelly another one um this one’s frustrating to back but frustrating to not be on in some situations where I feel like the sky is again the limit for James Nicholas he pulled once again man a bear Stow in the sense he opened with 81 and then he shot a 66 one of the best rounds of the day on Thursday still finishes 120th for the week the challenge toward the event before went 6480 6771 before that 78 67 7372 week before that 6770 6772 a little bit more normal but Nicholas is I guess he’s got he’s got from 65 to 85 in the bag and I really think he could if he could string together four good rounds like there’s going to be a time and there was not even this recent stretch where 354 holes he’s right in it and then could blow up and one of these times it’s going to flip 220 to with him on the odds plus you know top 10 I like making that bet and then lastly I get a tweet every time this happens man every time there’s three guys I like to bet Nicholas Sam Jones glti right I can’t bet them all every week I can’t and I’m playing this game musical chairs that I keep getting the chair pulled out on me every single time Tom I’m late every single time glti he’s in the top 10 after 36 holes last week after I didn’t think he would have a chance to kind of fight back like that I think at a shorter course like this and this is the irons’s discrepancy on bet 365 he wasn’t as bad of an iron player there as it was in the DP World Tour really good on Friday Sunday was middling just wasn’t good over the weekend shot a bunch he’d won in California over the breaks you know he has that Talent made the Waste Management Phoenix Open I think a shorter course fits him better a tighter type of track so Nicolo is 500 to1 with a six Place each way there top 10 top 20 you might be better doing these guys in like a first round leader Market Sam Jones was the first round leader not that long ago but if I’m playing my game I I can’t miss out some pops on those two they’re gonna pay off eventually like and I think I said this last week when you did you bet necklace last week yeah yeah so um I just said the same thing like I just think he’s a player that is used to mini tour events he’s used to playing all over America in different events spot starts Monday qualifying he knows how to go really low in isolation he doesn’t know how to complete four rounds and that I think is an exciting factor for him coming over here and learning that I think he’ll be better for it regardless of what happens by the end of the season right but it’s a difference between him contending and not uh and a little bit like the same with ketti I think kti’s actually probably found it a bit quicker but by the same token um you know just a little bit hard to predict so that’s why you got the 500s one and it will pay off eventually um on those and chel makes perfect sense not not too much to say against chel who um looked you know really good when 10th last week he was never outside the top 15 in those four rounds and he was making Cuts before that right like 42nd 50th 48th like they again not groundbreaking but I think you sort of noticed this sky like a lot of DP World Tour players if you go on sort of like three or four week you know runs of just making Cuts eventually you seem to explode and I think that’s what happened with Soderberg and we know what happened when he finally had his time but um he he was just I think he made something ridiculous like 20 old Cuts in a row and they were fairly innocuous for most of the time and then all of a sudden bang we get some big events and that’s what’s happening in burn eastberg this year he’s suddenly second and seventh his last two starts um these players are not quite the eastberg quality yet but no reason they can’t go on and be that y 100% one last shout out for a guy for me if I I have to just name value alone Flavio machete 20 years old off of the Alps tour second place there last week couple other top 15 finishes name of the week Flavio macheri that is good I like the pronunciation as well you’re really nailing these you’re you’re almost like our resident European you’re probably more European than I am in terms of culture like I don’t I don’t step far outside of England uh other than comes to America where again they speak a different type of English so um yeah you’re probably more culture than I am I like it it’s great um yeah I don’t know like I was thinking trying to look for like a really big long shot this week and and whether there would be one for me I don’t think there is like I’m I’m pretty happy with with what we’ve got uh in there I was really annoyed I think it was last week where we wanted Christian Crow Johansson to play had a little Co designer links and and he didn’t play or his week I can’t remember week it was he’s now like 700s one or something that’d be interesting um yeah I I can just see this type of event where it’s like a Garcia Heredia is you know leading after round one it all kind of goes a little bit weird Sebastian Garcia Etc but uh Matthew balon’s been hitting the ball well he’s 250 to one I just can’t I can’t pin my flag on any of these I’m quite happy with the the list we’ve got yep 100% agree with you um all right let’s roll we roll back through it and we’ll put a close on it yeah so if I summarize my picks here so Matthew Jordan he’s available at 33 to one bet rivers with the eway Callum Hill 50 to1 same bet Rivers there with the utay as well Julian gerer is 70 to1 win only or you can get the 60 to1 with the eway at bet Rivers as well I like both of those routs you can you can go with either I I would take the 100 to one on Shan Crocker win only rather than anything with the E way I think he’s that volatile it doesn’t really matter he’s going to finish first or 47th so um we’ll take the big prices on that and then Ross Fischer he’s 150 to one win only but 90 to one with the each I think he is a player that that could fill up the paces so I would advise sort of splitting Stakes on that yep 100% okay I’m in on with you Matthew Jordan 33s with a sixth place each way Callum Hill 50 to1 with you Sam Barto 55 anhel aora 150 filipo Chelli 200 James Nicholas 220 Nicolo galleti 500 to one Tom always love chatting with you appreciate you our longest Gap in a while um but deserved holiday that we get to have um some time off no you’ll still be grinding but again thank you for all you do listeners we appreciate you guys and us two will be back on a show late August is our game plan and then Tom will like I said fill in a few cracks here in there and and get some well-deserved time off too Tom so thank you again for everything and and best of luck to everyone um over the next few months yeah enjoy your time off Sky it should be absolutely great you should hopefully get I don’t know what the weather be like in the different places you’re traveling but hopefully it’s great um enjoy your vacation time I’m going to I’m going to throw back to you you’re saying um yeah and we will we will have we will have shows here and there um say familiar faces we know the play people that have come on in the past looking forward to that I think we probably try and do something for the Open Championship potentially with Pat Uh Scottish open as well so looking forward to that um but yeah looking forward to Scot end on a winner before this little Hiatus here yes 100% And Guido for goal that’s that’s our message so we’ll see you coming back with with a gold medal for Guido so thank you again Tom and we’ll catch you guys soon take care thanks go [Music]


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