Golf Players

Pardon My Take Attempts The John Daly Challenge

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okay in uh the world of paron my take dumb ideas this might be one of the dumbest we’re doing the John daily challenge today John Daly was at the PGA Championship we saw a tweet that said that John Daly played 18 holes smoked two packs of cigarettes had four Snickers and two Pepsis two Pepsis two Pepsis two sodas so and he shot a plus 11 so here’s what we’re doing the three of us are going to do a scramble we’re going to finish two packs of cigarettes between the three of us nine holes nine holes 12 Snickers six Pepsis the John daily challenge and we have to shoot a plus six or better otherwise we have to do it all again it’s light work I love smoking cigarettes I just don’t do it I can’t smoke them anymore but this is I think it’s going to be fun for me yeah this is also I think the final like Avengers what’s the thing the the stone the claw infinity stone infinity stone for uh videos that my kids are going to be able to watch someday and be like haha you can’t tell us what to do I will be the worst parent ever when my kids reach teenage years listen I wor about the Snickers we being honest it’s all going to be easy and it’s all going to be fun cigarettes are one of those things where kids don’t understand that they make you look so cool that’s the thing vaping no give me the analog cigarette all day it’s nice too cuz we’re fully a team here we go put on the board put on the board one second down when cigar’s down put on the board watch this kids look how cool you look smoking you like my cigarette okay respect your local golf course it t this tastes awesome okay so we got to hit a plus six or better what should we do for order otherwise we have to do it all over again uh flip a te for order ready yep up first is that me all right saw my tee off here I whiffed my first t- shot me Hank Big Cat Let’s Do It Let’s Have Some Fun three FES down that’s three two okay all right nice work wait wait wait wait so hypothetically if Hank can only finish one sodi cuz he’s got a tiny little tummy uhhuh can me and you make up his ground uh-huh I got the sodas the Snickers I’m going to need help with okay I’ll help you out with Snickers I’m also 100% going to puke where at two stickers where you go what one three three sckers come on PFD it’s going that way I’m gauging the wind right now big cat let’s go a little right four four right four for right you’re going to love that you’re going to love that [Applause] sorry oh nice Hank oh yeah Beauty Hank stay dry is that dry I think it’s dry I don’t know if that’s dry uh-oh you guys one down yeah pretty much one down we’re not going to have to play my ball right uh it’s definitely in play all right one down let’s let’s save these yeah cigarettes are awesome it went straight but I was going that way see it’s it’s over in that Fairway that’s playable is it sitting right there in the Fairway over there playable shot if we’re needing my shots we’re already in trouble all I can give is the Snickers I need a Snickers bar we can’t be using my shots we got to be using my Snickers so we need two cigarettes per hole pretty much yeah okay yeah I think we got to get ahead of it I think we got to try to get ahead of this yeah there we go three cigarettes three Snickers let’s let’s get lucky here I not I am not a sick guy and I I’ve had a long weekend I’m going to I’m going to definitely puke but I think I’m just going to chug like three views real quick and just try cuz every time I smoke SS I’m drunk yep is that high no it says big cat Hank it’s pretty good yeah we got to look there a problem if we’re already using my balls one one shot in F it’s fine we got to look we’re already using all my Snickers though no it’s okay I’m I’m going to catch up to those Snickers all right here we go Snickers bar number one for me all right it looks like oh oh f what I just burn myself oh [ __ ] all right two sixs down where’s the oh get ready for you have mhm we do the wrappers let turn it in the back where go [ __ ] oh Hank was that good nope right into the tree all right four Snickers down Nice Shot be the right Club okay is on the green that’s all right that’s all right we’ll play mine sorry guys we’ll play mine we on the green here yeah let make some cars move on that was a great shot PFT thank you thank you all right two sigs one Snickers about to be one Pepsi I’ve done I’ve done cigarette number two as well I’ve cleared myself of all Snickers duties so now I’m like they can bring me in cuz I think Hank’s such a [ __ ] lightweight he’s going to be like oh my tummy hurts so I strategically ate four Snickers before we even finish the first hole that way when we get the hole nine when he’s being a [ __ ] I can step in and be like you oh well it’s the Big Show come on Hank we need this right the part four birdie would be great here great get in the hole that wasn’t good Hank but guess what he tell you what just just Mark that just in case though that was all right you guys have seen the line yeah I want to give a chance that’s a cool bird tough tough for soul good effort yes my God that was a good come on great pot good putt get in oh good pot all right all right one par that’s good much better start than last time soce one hole in yeah six cigarettes did you have two I’ve had two six cigarettes and Snickers six Snickers four by me uh par and zero of Hank shots Ed all right s number two going down over here these are actually great yeah so we’re at six whole ones down where it’s six cigarettes uh six Snickers and working on three sodas and again zero of Hank shots used wait how many of Hank shots have been used zero of Hank shots used make sure you have that did you say zero wait how many your yours uh two two oh yeah and then how crazy zero none I got a Pepsi down though may your drive be true come on Hank that’s what you say on a te box oh okay come back yeah nice Hank yes all come I think that’s in the that’s in the rough on the left but that’s [Music] playable nice bomb that’s a bomb that’s a bomb all right saw it come down you saw it come down [ __ ] n that we got two good shots here I think I’m better on cigarettes [Music] oh it’s all right we just chunked it maybe your matter I hit that’s how powerful I was I didn’t even hit the ball I hit the ground before and it went so far you know what’s funny is like literally two days ago I said I’m going to get back in shape I’ve been out of shape for too long time to get back to like 2016 PFT mode so I hit the gym hard the last couple days been eating super healthy and then today I’m doing the John daily challenge this my fourth nothing like exercising with the fellas dude I mean pack is looking emptier and emptier HEK I’m going to need one when we get up to the balls yeah please I feel good I feel really good my body feels great I’m buzzing so we got 237 to the pin here should one of us play it safe how about I see what you guys do and then I’ll hit my shot based on that oh should I go DOD here yeah should I yeah all right tried to crush it really bad lie tough uphill angle there all right DOD didn’t hit the ball let’s go that’s not a stroke right no it is but you address the ball oh [ __ ] off go this [ __ ] guy golf golfer that didn’t hit the ball that’s a practice swing is that not a practice swing I’m just telling you what the actual rules are you can you decide whatever come back that’s safe I meant to go that way we need it we need we need something more than five yards here anyone else get the vibe Hanks not a team player here anyone else get that Vibe he’s kind of rooting against us P I feel like he’s rooting against us hey save this for after I just feel like he’s rued against us I’m just going to say I think everyone feels it he’s going rules official on me Mr rules he’s going rules official on me we’re on the same team bro in a scramble can I pick and and place okay I’m just telling what like we can’t you people people that are watching like the same team I was swing I didn’t [ __ ] hit the ball I’m not even extra Snickers if you do this all right here we go watch and learn boys oh great shot great shot I know what’s over there but it’s by that tree I saw it yep another Sig down Hank was so happy you did that oh rooting against us not me I’m I was I was dis when Hank hit his shot he’s rooting he’s legit rooting against us even though we’re a team I’m just saying what the people are going to say like you know official that’s just he asked what the ruling was I just gave him the answer were you were you were you wanting him to do well or poorly on that on that shot I wanted him to do well but once he had a shot that was somehow worse than my worst shot I’ve ever seen I felt a lot better about it I’d be lying if I said I didn’t I need another cigarette hey mes so put it down M Hank doesn’t realize that if he keeps that attitude I’m not [ __ ] eating any extra Snickers for him he already admitted that he was happy that you had a bad job yeah no he’s rooting against me it’s crazy I’m rooting for him I get it we come out here and you just start rooting like you can’t be a team player PFT and I are being team players this is gaslighting to the extreme I have not rooted against your shots once me neither that’s a lie we’ll we’ll check the footage on the tape you’re going to see that I laugh uncontrollably at your shot Hank and that’s was a genuine reaction give me another cigarette and shut the [ __ ] up how many cigarettes are we at this is about to be my fifth same I’m about to be on wait I think I’m only on four I’ve also had a soda and four S can I get a cigarette great shot Hank that’s a beautiful shot Hank great shot Hank oh [ __ ] I thought it was good I swear to God I thought that was a good shot I did too I thought it was a great shot look great great all right it’s for Eagle backspin [Music] check unfortunately most of my golfing lessons are given to me by Hank I saw what he did and I was like I’m going to try to do the same thing I did I had the wrong Club I had the wrong Club what’ you use 54 54 flopped should I was going to say we should have flopped oh yes PFT beautiful great shot great shot see oh oh I see what he doing you wanted that you wanted that to roll off the back I don’t like when they do this he was rooting against you there I’m trying to I’m trying to be a team player have a good time with my friends the the O he made run that back I want to hear that sound effect back again great shot see you wanted that going off so bad no it was just I was looking at it go up nice Pok get in get in nice po Hank go go go what a pot all right that’s a line we got one come back get in come come on oh great shot PFT we’re going to use yours going to knock that in yeah all right I’ll take I’ll take it bang another par another par me is smoking more cigarettes than us K can can I light your cigarette for you my lady my lady there people the comment section saying that you’re never going to hit a good shot ever and they’re say you know what they’re saying right now how can Hank be so bad at golf if he golf so much that’s what they’re saying in the comments right now and you know what and I need you to show them they’re right maybe you don’t gol enough that’s that’s a great point to be honest to be honest are probably also saying holy [ __ ] I can’t believe big cat ate four Snickers in the first hole but then also wow PFT got a a straight par in that second hole and then also damn Hank sucks oh yeah oh you’re going to love that come back you’re going to love that gone wait what happened to that one uh I think it’s gone could you just shettle down yeah I need to I need to relax Hank get out of your head I think Hank needs a golf more just settle down oh that’s gone did that go right way right all right we you wouldn’t play bad here I swung too hard at that wait is this going on me yeah oh [ __ ] well the other two are out of play you think mine’s out of play cuz I think it might open up down there there’s water very right though there’s water down there yeah oh [ __ ] a lot of pressure oh oh stay is that with me yours is more right I think okay okay all right we might be okay let’s take a look or he’s like kind of hit that one well too yeah that was piped I was kind of hoping that if we were going to use one of hang shots we use the one that went out of bounds good drop you’re in your head dud yeah you’re in your head all right Hank let’s go let’s get Let’s Get You On The Board yeah Hank you go first let’s go Hank shake the Jitters out have another cigarette I I have I have a great Buzz HK just [ __ ] I do I’m lightheaded right now it’s awesome okay Hank here’s Henry Lockwood he’s trying to get his first shot of the day he’s also not eating he’s eating one Snickers oh and we’re going to like that might that might be your first that might be your first shot we use for the next hole really H should I Club up here got I’m the wrong guy [Applause] this this is it’s the worst I’ve ever seen he mentally and physically he really really suffering right now he’s crinkling his Snickers in my back swing you want me to fail it’s crazy where’d that go oh that might be too far where to go I think it went over that mound [ __ ] that all the way over there yeah what’ you hit eight yeah you crushed it you probably should have hit like a like a sandwich straight that way I’m too strong I guess right here yeah Hank you good with that uh-huh okay did you see my shot Hank you hit it well I didn’t see where it came down damn oh oh no okay let’s go find my ball or we might use Hanks [ __ ] all right another cigarette time I think I’m on like seven or eight this is number six they’re going down pretty easy yeah they’re they taste great I actually might take a break let take a break here let me get let me get your later you got to catch up I think this is like uh you know when like your parent catches you smoking and they make you smoke a whole pack so you hate smoking this is that situation this what big cat’s trying to do with me in golf he’s just trying to make it so I never want to play golf again it was right over that mound so it’s right over that M yeah wait wait wait wait wait no yes yes we got it what a shot wow holy [ __ ] we’re right here yes we got it oh Hank’s mad Hank we got it it ended up being a good shot we can use mine that’s great all right Hank nice and easy show him that flop shot uhoh yes Hank good shot Hank oh great shot wow great shot great shot upper level that’s [ __ ] great shot we knew you were going to be back we need [Applause] you okay good shot you have a lighter yeah oh stop What Hank let’s go let’s go Hank [ __ ] yes hey hey hey team when is the team losing use my use my sand or lob wge next time take whatever you’re hitting and go two clubs lower too strong man strength yeah Hank actually messes with the simulator so it takes people’s yardages off so you don’t really know what you want to hit wait seriously no I wouldn’t put it past them wait is this for par yep yeah all right so we need this we kind of need this yeah cuz we’re going to have a blow up hole at some point yeah get in oh yeah hey let’s go boys let’s go boys back need that part all the way back hot all the way back for Hank back in it let’s go I’m I think I’m on seven again four Snickers already eaten 5 it two sodas were even that was huge by ink that was massive need that part there needed it K hole it’s a little left we’re actually going to be okay there’s rain for uh 20 minutes left my mouth is starting to taste like an astray I’m in the rough on the left not bad on the rough on the left not good prob like 10 10 yards away driver first time golfing come back oh my God oh my God oh my God oh why’d you suck my dick great why’ you suck my dick a good shot you driver on par 3es and you take a little off that’s a little tip for everyone out there I wish it had curled just a little bit I also might have been able to hit a a little bit better if I was not smoking while shooting had smoke all in my eyes yeah but it looks cool yeah what’s Max doing does Max always run like that did you get I got a little bit did you get how Max ran he runs he runs like a 2-year-old he does everything like a big baby he’s like a Sumo baby a that first bounce was tough stop it is that your shot Hank yeah okay I would I would maybe putt this you think so oh no is that do we got to go horn yeah let’s finish yeah see this is not good for us cuz we’re going to let we can’t take a break OH Close That was so close that was good that that was bad they wereing whatever all right so we can’t we got to try to avoid our first bogey we got to hit this that so close k your putter [ __ ] stay right of it give it a chance get stay right of it get in yep oh [ __ ] that great putt PFT so our first bogey of the day can we just sit in our carts or we have to go in I don’t know I got to go back to that hole and get my wedge a lightning delay just when we’re getting hot oh okay we’re one over through four that’s actually not bad no we’re in a great shape as long as we don’t have a total blow up how many do we need to eat we can have [Music] four there’s no way that was ever going to work all right little weather delay I don’t hear anything uh-oh uh we are four holes down we’re plus one we’ve done an entire pack of cigarettes my mouth tastes like an ashtray I’ve had both sodas and four Snickers how are you guys doing with Snickers and sodas I had two sodas and I had two Snickers I I got to drink another soda how many Snickers you need two two more yeah okay so we’re on good pace and we’re plus one so let’s keep shooting well yeah where’ it go oh stay stay stay where’d it go is that good it’s right near those bunkers I hit it like [ __ ] too nice nice right in the middle this is going off to the right a little bit Yeah am I in that bunker I think so or you’re right around there hopefully not spank that one piped that car pass bounce it’s a good shot I was just lined up straight that way crack another Pepsi how far out are we 190 what do I hit I’m hitting a four iron a what a four iron how far 190 all right I’ll go driver it’s [ __ ] terrible I don’t feel good about anything I need a Pepsi I need a Pepsi and a Snickers holy [ __ ] as a teammate I hate that shot for our team I’m sorry it’s okay I didn’t feel good about it at all so bad you’ll get the next one remember you saved this on that third hole hey you saved us on that third hole be that guy again [ __ ] be that guy again oh beautiful PFT might hit [Applause] Shane oh let’s go yep it’s right next to Shane let’s go wow what a shot what a shot what a shot Boom come back draw not bad that’s not a bad shot yeah that’s fine I mean you’re on the green so we were on the Green we’re on the the we’re on the green Hank I corrected myself we are I don’t really care what am I what am I building off of something what am I building just something yeah that’s true so we’re on and we could have used that shot if you been you hit a great shot but like basically every time we could use we’re option one and two I got a heartburn and I’m not even doing anything I got heartburn out the ass right now what a shot yeah hell of a think that feel bad you your suck hey do you have a cigarette for big cat oh [ __ ] mine was [ __ ] great are you proud of me I am proud of you that was a great shot thanks man proud you thanks Max I think this is number nine starting to taste it said he thinks he’s going to throw I hope he does for the video all right two putt for a par yep nice good putt Hank Hank good putt Hank Hank yes Hank oh what a pot that’s a great pot great pot put us in good position there good job I got you sweetie thanks dog let me light it for you madam you guys are sick off all right drill this one big cat all right hold on I’m lighting this look like a wrap video your a is pretty far left too even harder yeah up here PFT go the shop on oo come on come on come on it’s even further damn good shooting boys we’re just good at golf I think we’re just good at golf knock that in banga all right so what are we uh for so we’re at we’re plus one through five plus one through five uh we’re working on our second pack right now and I think what you boys got what two Snickers left I’m about to have another one I only have one Snickers left after this not to reiterate but I finished all four Snickers in the first hole I’m actually getting kind of hungry Hank’s you should Hank Str I don’t want to Big Boy him he no Hank I don’t want to Big Bo you you need to eat your own Snickers I only I only have one more after this yeah so you yeah memes can I get a s please I’ll take another soda uh I’ll take a cherry Pepsi too son asked me today what uh if I have a spaceship didn’t have a good answer to that one well it’s just a no he was just like why don’t why don’t you have a spaceship it’s expensive he’s like why you’re going to get hot you always do well on these videos I don’t think I am you you do you you you always show up at the end of the video I’ve had a couple shots yeah right whole three you always show up big time moments how about we just jar one right here right why don’t you just [ __ ] knock one in you know what fine come on let’s go Hank dude imagine if there hole in one three Hank come [Music] on oh yeah get in get in what a shot great shot let’s go great shot Hank let’s go yeah great shot thank you thank you can you hold this one sure what’s good the green H for birdie going to puke that’s all right ooh ooh o all right it’s right good poke oh it’s right right right right at him oh that would have been sick that was right at him he he just I just need a little bit lower he didn’t even you saw that [Laughter] coming oh one of these days Shane’s going to get [ __ ] gred how did he not see that he wasn’t e he never flinches Shane did you see see mine yeah that’s I hit every behind me it was like right at you give me another Sig for that shot how actually know you want let me let me take a break take a break I think I’ve had 10 getting out of yourself the six I think I’ve had 10 I need a Sig if you got one starting to feel it yeah just the throat just feels like an astroke all right three Snickers down for andry down for PFT great job boys we’re on good Pace you guys getting the cheapest liers pull a pen please sure no problem p get in get in tap it in oh wait no don’t don’t don’t Kirk Kirkman hand rules he’s right right to left he’s right a little bit he is right oh don’t leave the hole he just laughing at his a Whittle bit the Snickers in you the Snickers is Huff he said a wi bit got go go go go all right tap it in now Hank a little bit all right all right we’re five through no six through plus one six holes down uh I don’t know about you guys I think I’m like on my 10th cigarette yep same uh third um three sodas four Snickers these guys are three Snickers that you both have both your sodas right three sodas I’m going to have another soda though the challenge is going to be podcast daily I actually think it’s harder to podcast after smoking this many cig and it’s a golf golfing’s easy three holes 11 11 left three holes 11 left I’ll take I’ll take down three here oh that might that might be okay might have gone ahead of our and that’s water though isn’t it sound that might be okay that yeah that might be okay that’s not water over there that might be okay might be a good angle actually woo where’ It Go tail and left where it going to go all right we have a good one I it went straight when I saw it Max might be gaslighting your drive did you have uh Prince’s parents smoke yeah I used to one one of my my best friends it’s so funny thinking back to it one of my best friends his dad used to smoke like a pack and a half a day and when we would when he would drive us like to like practice and stuff he would just have the windows up yeah smoke in the car my Lally Co smoked in The Dugout that’s a total for like that’s so old school I remember he would just stay on the end of The Dugout and he would smoke like a six ining game he would have like eight cigar yeah that would not fly today no yeah that was very quintessential like ’90s the last era of that [ __ ] all right so we’re using mine yes sir okay can I get cigarette HK is a part five yep got put some work we got to make some hay here yeah I’m going to do drive again yeah I think you can off the deck I you a use not this Nice Shot Hank it wasn’t what it was not I thought it was a pretty good [ __ ] shot [ __ ] you what are you saying [ __ ] you to me no I’m saying [ __ ] you to myself that’s a [ __ ] hard shot it’s in the mud you got us over there okay what am I aiming at at the flag Shane yeah try to hit Shane Shane’s too far right yeah but still try to hit him I’m just going to smoke it just smoke it and try to hit [Music] Shane okay it’s very wet oh I didn’t I didn’t strap my glove it’s up to the big dog unstrapped oh tough lie tough lie all right I guess we’ll play Hanks you said it was a good shot I said it was a good shot and I got scoffed that you I said it was a good shot and you went I guess yeah I mean we’re using it I’m I’m happy with it wish it was better we’re all right me to hit a shot good shot here he’s hit a good shot he’s oh no hey what get this [ __ ] hey hey on hold on [ __ ] tree out of here that’s [ __ ] up that tree got in this [ __ ] back s oh you need me to hit you need me to go after the tree again oh Hank yes Hank Hank yes Hank Hank get off the bunker bonky I don’t know I mean it was a great shot it was a very good shot wasn’t bad nothing to hang your head you want to say thank you for beating up that tree thank you for beating up that tree that that made the whole you’re welcome that’s going a little bit to the left yeah went left but it was good shot good shot drive off the deck again got how far left was it it why did you get the tree for me I’m sorry I thought you were going to set up so you didn’t hit the tree that’s my bad that’s my my bad I’m selfless I see a tree and I fight it then I get up there I [ __ ] fight the tree by myself sh that was a great lesson on friendship right there everyone saw I’ll [ __ ] hop in someone’s hole I’ll beat up a tree and won’t do [ __ ] for you just sit back and watch as a tree just bodies me all right hey let’s forget about that tree okay okay that was crazy this is a that was crazy I just I I I showed him how to beat up a tree and then he just Henry who’s to say where mine would have gone if someone helped me with a tree honestly the cigarettes are the easiest part it’s a golf worst shot Hank dealing with Hank is the hardest here watch this beautiful H little bump and run there it is what I I told him bump and run what did you just do that was a great shot he can’t get Ratt I think he put He can’t get rattled good shot Hank great shot Hank I think one of you two should put it all right I’ll put it yeah I know that was [ __ ] up I was doing that on purpose I’m still mad about the tree who doesn’t [ __ ] I’ve got the tree for him and then he just let me just get bed by that tree guy I hit the ground first I hit the ground too nice golf shot I hit the ground Hank this has been Hank knock one in you knew I knew you were going to save us knock one in [Music] nice pot good putt get in even higher no you [ __ ] you’re such a [ __ ] that’s terrible I was hit that in hit this one there okay all right [ __ ] plus two plus two two holes left you see what Hank just did there thinkk just hit my ball in and then walked away just walked away you get it he’s not a team player wait Shane I got a secret how are we feeling let’s talk about how we’re feeling I feel sick I’m trying not to speak cuz I want to throw up okay for a video I think I’m just built different cuz I feel actually like good like I I have like a nice buzz you need another Snickers I am another Snickers all right let’s go boys let’s finish strong how about a birie make sure everyone their cigarettes yeah what do you mean Max I’m smoking a lot of cigarettes oh yeah me and wait are we worried that we’re not going to finish no how many do we have two four six seven please so seven okay yeah how many I’ll take another yeah Hank I need another cigarette including not including the ones that you’re smoking now okay I need another cigarette Hank I just filled that I just finished that one has everyone have four Snickers I need to have one more P I got my fourth one right here nice Hank that didn’t sound good I think I’ve had like 13 cigarettes already I’m starting to feel it Hank I need another cigarette thank you I’m starting to get the spins you’re going to love that it’s wet I don’t know what I nailed the timing on that you got to admit I gave you a beat I I gave you a beat give me give me a ligh dud say that hey hey M zoom in on X fly right now hang on I’m going to get down here oh yeah trailed Hank where’s yours um on the right by the car path hopefully have a decent look we’re not saying anything on video but Han fly is wide open oh like it’s so open it’s crazy I love it I love it all right let’s go find some balls how open is that F they do I’m going to eat this thing like a Gogurt I kind of love that you all right oh no oh no oh here we go what happened he’s about to go get this which way is the breeze going here what let’s do something you got to finish it I’m going to yeah come on Hank don’t leave us just hanging out there come on Hank zip it up dude oh [ __ ] J chist dude that was [ __ ] that came right here all right we got that’s a better look over there it almost hit me and mean Hank you were trying to really let that one fly my reaction time was very slow go get it get it Hank oh this is actually sets up perfect for a little driver off the deck we C that window opened up real nicely to just fly it it’s unzipped and ready to go boom right down the middle right down the middle imagine those two trees right there are legs and you got to go right in between the two legs right in that hole that open hole right in the open hole right between those leg that open hole okay Hank you like those you like those open holes between legs uhhuh I bet there’s a mean Breeze too that comes right through there yeah just just really fly it mhm how many sigs we got left I got to zip it up we got to got stop it oh we only got four Oh I thought we had seven now I’m disappointed ah sounded good though right five just a hockey shot and I didn’t even come close to getting through that hole it’s still wide open PFT it’s it didn’t close it is wide open no one even notices how wide open it is imagine not having the awareness to close that up it’s [ __ ] crazy and people are probably just walking around looking it being like damn dude they’re probably commenting on the YouTube right now yeah they’re like you should CL it I’m done with some stickers and Pepsis oh nice all right Hank what do you think five iron back in the stance here I would just let it hang [Laughter] out let it hang out PFD okay all right here we go oh nice really that’s really good shooting boys I think we going use all right where’s use mine yeah uh I think big cats I think we use big cats oh right we got to just [ __ ] all right let’s let’s okay let’s zip this [Laughter] up oh no oh no [ __ ] that was the last took me took me a little [Laughter] while what comment was it that just big cat laughing I was like this isn’t that funny oh was pretty funny did you we were talking about the two trees as I I was trying just not to puke so I wasn’t really listening all right here we go okay how far out are we let’s get back on there’s a GPS on the cart 100 thanks [ __ ] I mean all right falling apart here oh nice shot Hank no good shot it’s not so bad okay can pitch from there okay how we got left three let’s go saveing for the last last te it’s pretty good get up nice good shot all right we’re dancing boys great shot PF last Snickers here we go that was so funny so good it wasn’t even it also wasn’t even a thing that we said it was just we couldn’t stop laughing laying on pretty thick yeah good putt good putt very good putt very good these greens are slow and this whole pug drove up right here on the screen take away he didn’t know that you weren’t allowed to drive on greens pug and Trump you only two people mine didn’t break at all get in it’s right here this is for for bogey bogey did it break oh no boys if we miss this then we’re then we have to get oh beautiful plus three we’re good here plus we need uh anything less than triple bogey oh okay yeah we should do this all right I think we’re done with everything except cigarettes right yeah we got three cigarettes this is crazy okay boys daily would be in the clubhouse by now for sure oh yeah D be at Hooters three sodas yeah I had three Hank how many did you have two all right should we like the last cigarette ceremonial last cigarette lit hopefully it stays lit I don’t feel great I I actually feel like shockingly good like it’s not it’s not good how good I feel yeah I mean I don’t I don’t feel bad I just don’t feel great wait do you have yours I’m going to te off first okay okay all right so we [ __ ] us I guess yeah nice oh yeah oh Hank good shot Hank oh hell yes Hank it might be at the bunker though no it should be all right here you go light a Sal thank God my last cigarette ever psych we’re smoking some in the way home [Music] [Music] all [Music] right credit to me didn’t do what I wanted to do wanted to just Hawk a [ __ ] Pepsi cigarette and Snickers lugie right in the middle of the camera would have been a cool visual would it not have that went so gross this is grow this called growth memes Jesus my last like four drives have just all done that right Hanks got a good one Hanks got a great shot got a good all right we’ll play Hanks Han got a good one we’ll play Hanks good job Hank good drive Hank that would have been it right there [Music] okay okay okay is on the green what did you hit I had a sex he what’ you hit there I hit a [Music] six mine was not good triples in play nice PFT oh stay out of that bunker oh yes top of that hill and then rolled down might even be on the green what a shot what a [ __ ] shot that was beautiful that’s huge huge huge for the program that’ll save that’ll save the triple done with sigs oh yeah let’s go all right let’s go for us spon butting speed putting here we here we go oh oh no all right go slower bird bird straight straight at the hole get in yes let’s go boys good job boys all right John daily challenge completed plus two 40 cigarettes 12 snicker bars and uh I think we ended up with like eight sodas all right let’s go rain I feel great I feel great John D is a legend like And subscribe


  1. i had a little league coach in '04 to '06 who would rip cigs all game too, even worse at practice when noone else was there. dude had a lighting a cig as part of baserunning signs

  2. i thought the chal was 1 pack of smokes 4 bags of peanut m&M's and 12 diet coke… i guess hes got a few different versions. also big cat didnt fkn inhale one time lol

  3. He came on local radio and said that wasn’t even his complete order/challenge he said it would be more about knockin brews back more than anything if it was the real John Daly

  4. Respect your local golf course. Facts. Have fun but don’t fuck up the turf. That gives us days of bullshit recovery

  5. This is the best snickers & Pepsi (and cig) ad I’ve ever seen in my life. I’m now driving to the gas station to buy snickers Pepsi and cigs

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