Fix a Sway in your Golf Swing – Part I

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In this video, Adam shares valuable tips and techniques on correcting a sway in your golf swing. He provides clear, step-by-step instructions to help you maintain better balance and improve your overall swing mechanics. Implementing this strategies can lead to a more consistent and better swing.

βœ… 4-Time SW Florida PGA teacher of the year winner!
βœ… 27-year Class A PGA Member
βœ… Former director at David Leadbetter Golf Academy for 13 years
βœ… Hosted corporate outings worldwide
βœ… Regular Golf Channel appearances
βœ… Coached players on PGA, LPGA, PGA Champions Tour, and Canadian Tour






hello Adam Basel jet here founder of scratch Golf Academy today can you fix a sway in your golf swing can you even Define the sway let’s say well sways Could Happen back swing or downswing in this part one video we’re going to look at the back swing it’s not difficult stuff it really isn’t it’s just a pivot and a golf swing but clear understandings and some ideas as to how to get feedback will help you hope you’ll enjoy the video Justin Rose there on both views let’s look at his axis his spine or at least a reasonable estimation of it you can see pivots beautifully around that now what a sway really is or the most common sway I see is the lower body shifting laterally in the back swing we’ll tackle the overall and upper body sway later in the video but if we look at his Trail hip right hip for the right handed golfer it really goes behind him and if we look at him from this angle let’s highlight his spine and let’s really have a closeup look at that pocket as we go here that pocket is actually moving around his spine towards the target notwithstanding he’s staying centered so he’s not only not shifting this way his right hip’s actually going that way and as we’ll see in a little while there is still some weight transfer to this leg let’s flesh it out so simply stand there if you’re in front of this video stand straight up and pivot and you’ll see your Trail side goes behind you in the same way we saw the pro now it’s a little more tricky when you bend forward because now you’re pivoting on an angle so you’re going to get the effective feeling that your right side stretches and gets longer which it does but with a nice centered axis you’ll still see how that trail s goes behind you and how you can keep a good firm feel in your pivot now let me show you a quick drill that’s going to help you with this when you’re outside then we’ll get into how’s how you able to shift weight on your back swing if you’re not moving to the back foot one of the best drilles when practicing with or without a club in this case without a club get your Shadow directly in front of you not sort of in front of you and just make pivots and you’ll start to see the movement in here I’m staying in one location but you can see a good free pivot you can see the back hip go behind me and how centered my Axis is okay one more drill concerning hip Sway in the back swing we’ll look at overall body sway next in this video but I would put an alignment rod in the ground angle it slightly towards your body and as you rehearse there you should feel that space stays about the same or even slightly increases as you go back that’s what you’re looking for now certainly there are some pros that get a little tiny bump to their back foot to start out before doing that pivot and there’s been a couple over the years Montgomery and whatnot that shifted this way but that’s basically what you’re looking for is keep the space Maybe slightly increase it and there could be for some players I think Sergio Garcia is in this category I’ve never asked him about it certainly very tight ankles that ankle will roll a little bit and cause a bit of that we’re talking generally now here’s the next question for you if they’re not moving to the back leg are they getting weight on their back foot yes they are let me try one shot here which isn’t going to Define that for you but here we go yes they are Force plate data shows clearly that the majority of elite players have significantly more weight on their back foot than they do on their front foot at the top of the back swing how’s that happening two real factors here number one the weight of the club and arm swinging away from the target causes weight to build there as you go back and secondly even though I’m not shifting other than tiny bump at the beginning maybe to the back foot I’m still with the arm swing this way applying pressure into the ground you could think of a sprinter moving off the blocks there’s pressure in the feet even though their upper body isn’t located over their feet so pressure builds now before we move to the overall body sway quick look at a couple of PR we’ll look at this and an interesting fact that most people probably haven’t considered about when at which point in the go swing is most of the weight on that back foot Justin Rose again on the left Michelle we on the right so in all cases of force plate data timed with video that I looked at as these arms swing away they have weight as I say the club has weight and momentum there as you go back weight would begin we’re talking about elite players as an average weight would dial up to that back foot but here’s the interesting thing at the point of arms horizontal we’ll say there that’s the point where there was the most weight on this side and it did vary greatly on a shorter a mid iron could be 80 20 could be 6040 in a couple of cases close to 50/50 the end of the back swing but once the hands got to here if you’ll notice they actually start moving now towards the Target and as that happen happened you started to see weight begin to move back towards the center and certainly pre the absolute completion of the Ark the weight shift’s already begun in Earnest there now you would really see a movement back to that front foot so Michelle we weight let’s say as much as it’s going to get on the back foot is there now watch her body you can see as the arms complete and the hips begin to make their move that weight by the time we see what we might consider the top of the back swing the weight well on its way back to the front foot so let’s get back out there look at the overall body sway we’ll look more at this downswing stuff in part two of this video the downswing sway so let’s conclude here with discussing an overall body Sway and that’s the situation where you see an entire movement of the trunk in total away from the target usually away from the ground as well occasionally you’ll see just the head move but that’s much less typical so here’s the two things I want you to think of if you’re in that category and again filming yourself looking at your shadow would be super super helpful to diagnose that so what I want you to do get rid of the golf club for a minute allow yourself to do what you normally do move up and away from the Target and simply do two things extend tilt your upper spine back towards the target until it’s staying in the same spot it was going back and then something we’ll look at from here to to finish up with bend your upper body towards the target so that your keeping enough pressure down towards the ball with your trunk that you don’t experience that sweat way that loss of pressure as you go back so to speak you have to practice these things without a club a little bit they are certainly not difficult in that environment then you start to pick up the club and see if you can blend a back swing with that until you look nice and stable let’s have a quick look from here to finish so when you have a bend in the axis in this case the body there is a predisposition to move away from the target a little bit so if you’re in the category where you see your body moving away from the ground and away from the ball as you pivot you need side Bend if you do it the proper amount and you do it gradually The Observer won’t see it your head will just look nice and still your upper body will look over the target there so practice these a little bit get here add some side bend it usually adds some pitch in your hips deepens this angle and you’ll feel a sense of pressure that you probably haven’t felt before if you’re in this category don’t be the 98% of golfers that just takes a bit of information goes right to the range starts wailing balls at full speed riveted to the outcome you just probably won’t get it invest a few minutes at the house and when you do get out there do some back swings overdo the side bend that would be more than I’d want and get the feeling for that hit some balls let’s overdo it here a bit hit some balls nice and slowly I probably didn’t overdo it I tend not to do it enough but fiddle around with it film yourself see if your axis is nice and stable your hips aren’t swing you’ve got the right idea downswing is going to be video number two which we’ll be releasing very soon if if you’re watching this right when the number one comes out hope this helps [Applause] [Music] [Applause]

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