
[Music] [Music] [Applause] what’s up guys it’s the Luna guy um I wanted to talk to you guys a little bit about my experience with MVP I’m just going to come out and say it I’ve had some issues with uh the company and their social media stuff um I’ve posted so many comments and had them be deleted or hidden um because I I had multiple uh Instagram accounts at one point and I always saw my comments be hidden I I couldn’t see him from my other accounts um I also was blocked by the person that runs the Instagram um because my comments on uh do you guys remember the the six posts or the nine posts I don’t know uh for the pixel and how it was it was stupid I mean I’m I’m not trying to be mean this uh this video is happening because I was playing disc golf with um somebody knew I’ve never played with them we just kind of started talking started talking about different companies different discs MVP came up and um you know it’s it’s something that I feel should be talked about and said because you shouldn’t be allowed to censor um I’ve looked on other companies posts and they don’t do that um there’s not censorship there they somebody doesn’t like something or somebody says something it’s it is what it is um but the fact that you are hiding it I think they know um I think they know that it people were right there were so many people on like they probably couldn’t delete and hide all the comments that were getting post because it was dumb people were so frustrated it’s like what why is this on my feet this isn’t cool this doesn’t look cool I tried to find them I couldn’t find them um and they’ve deleted all of them except for one and that one’s nothing special anyway it it so um my frustration is is I’m a graphic designer I work hard to make my stuff original and different um I I don’t look at other people’s things but I pay attention to what’s current and what’s going on um so I don’t copy and I’m not pulling something off of somebody else’s stuff my designs look original they don’t look like anybody else’s art um so it’s frustrating to see a company that is so big um and and influential in the Disc Golf Community with their molds and what they’re doing the technology uh it’s just frustrating that a company like that is allowing somebody um that un yeah unprofessional um you know running it when they could have somebody else doing a lot a lot for them um I mean I don’t know what you’re paying the guy MVP but I’ll I’ll take half of what you’re paying him and I’ll do I’ll do your Instagram um you know the Luna guy under uh you know underscore official and it I’m I’m down let’s do something cuz you can take a look at my Instagram and my work speaks for itself um I’m not being cocky I’m just saying I could I could level up most people’s you know most companies Instagram profile um so if MBP gets a hold of this video and you guys want to talk I’m down let’s let’s do it I I would love to help make your company look better um you know or represent itself well the way that it should be I feel like the Instagram is lackluster the designs are lackluster it’s not impressive it’s not I I’m not I I I look at Discraft and I look at some of the other companies and it’s like their stuff’s cool it’s it’s creative and it’s MVP is boring um and there’s no there’s no diversity in the stuff it it’s all the same it it’s like pastel colors it that that’s how it feels um so I my I’m a concern fan I have I mean look at this you know I’ve got I got Putters that it it’s like this this one my first my first Ace um James Conrad Putters and you know we we’ve got some stream we got streamlined another streamline Echo we got an insanity we got where’s the other one the fision crave this is Time Lapse time lapse wave this is hex yeah that’s you know guys like I’m a fan man um I’m a fan and it’s really disappointing to not only have what I’ve already covered but um I went to Beaver State fling and James Conrad wasn’t having he didn’t he avoided everybody and it’s like I I understand I I get it being frustrated having a bad round I totally understand but bro you’re a professional disc golfer you get paid to not just play and have people watch but people look up to you and they go to those events excited to meet you get a photo with you get your autograph and the fact that you can take that and you can say that your bad round’s more important than a kid or a a guy that has looked up to you and try to replicate the way that you drive and throw your D like that that’s sucked um and MVP you that’s your that’s your athlete um and it’s not just James Conrad there are multiple MVP athletes that just have a bad rap for having an attitude and not being professional um and I feel like it needs to be it needs to come out and if disc golf’s going to be as big as these other sports then people need to start being held accountable um companies need to start upping their game and and getting out there because I promise you no one’s catching disc craft they’ve got it figured out they know what they’re doing and they’re doing it really well I mean all you got to do is replicate that in an original way uh it’s not hard they’ve already laid out the footsteps like you’ve just got to put your feet in them and it’s funny to me it it it is um so it it’s like so uncomparable you can’t compare how artistic and how much effort and work that gets put into what Discraft does like there’s not um as far as their their media their like their stuff is just cool um so I I’m I’m doing this basically to talk about that um MVP I I would love to to work with y’all um it’s not against you I’m just just trying to I don’t think you guys know I don’t think you realize and I don’t think anybody’s getting the word to you that hey like it could be way better um and it’s it’s it’d be really easy so I don’t know what you guys are doing I I don’t know if you guys just think that eagle and Simon and and James are going to just you know make you money but I do know that one of the owners or one of the you know one of the upper people um are are they are faith based they’re a Believer um or religious I don’t want it to come off you know um disrespectful at all um I think that’s awesome I I my father is a pastor and he has been most of my life I grew up in church so it’s like I would love to work with the company and and have those values be represented by the athletes by the Instagram the social media it’s not in my opinion um I felt disrespected and I felt unappreciated as a fan immensely um and I’ve still stuck with you and bought your stuff and went and gotten autographs and like I got eagles’s autograph and I I had to message him and let him know like it was really disappointing and we talked about it and it’s cool and I didn’t realize he had had some stuff going on um but uh you know it’s also part of getting paid it it really you’re not getting paid to just go play and have people watch you’re getting played to be a professional athlete which comes the territory is kids looking up to you people wanting pictures and autographs it’s just that’s how it is so if you don’t want to do that then you probably should get out of disc golf um and and go sit in a room somewhere alone forever um if you can’t handle the pressure and the fact that you are um you’re a big big part of people’s lives and not just a few people a lot of freaking people so get out of your feelings and get out of your emotions and grow up um I’m sorry but that’s the cold hard truth is that’s what’s going to make you the best professional is you getting over your booos and and understanding that those don’t matter as much as these kids and these people that buy and make your living possible you do you do realize that right the fans that you don’t go and sign and don’t go get photos with and that kind of stuff when you’re in a bad mood after round those are the people that make your living possible so just think about that next time you’re having a bad round and you just want to pass up and and go to your trailer go to your vehicle and not take pictures not sign autographs just think about about that that those people are putting money in your pocket so that’s a big deal um yeah and I feel like it should be talked about so we’re going to talk about it we’re also going to talk about camera that’s right we’re GNA talk about MVP’s latest Vision release because I’ve got a big issue with it guys um I’ve got a huge issue with I’m a graphic designer and I felt like this was 10 one graphic design no no no no no no no no no no no no no NADA NADA no don’t you’ll see why all right so we’re going to look at this the hborg Calvin the homie is is just automatic you know he’s he’s a cyber or I mean the only other athlete that’s been referenced in that way has been Paul MC Beth um not to say that there aren’t other athletes out there that are that good it’s just what’s been referenced in the past and what’s been solidified and talked about and kind of like they’re known for this right um anybody that knows disc golf knows that right I it’s a given it’s understood so um he’s he’s a cyborg right here okay cyborg okay that’s one of the that’s one of the discs that Inova Inova Inova uh got to be sure to hit both those because I don’t want anybody upset with me um because I know it’s going to be everybody’s going to tell me it’s different which is fine I don’t care I think the company’s cool um and their artwork is freaking amazing so that’s another thing MVP you could take a little bit of um yeah your stuff is boring like you you it’s like latitude 64 boring um so anyways um this this you know this is a one and then here you guys like you guys does anybody else see what what this is um like I didn’t flip anything I didn’t do anything these are this is this is like mirrored image of the design it’s it’s it it is this is in Design This is a no this is no no this is copyright infringement this is this is this is you shouldn’t be doing it and it’s disrespectful in my opinion it’s super disrespectful to the company to the to the art like the athlete Simon deserves a cool stamp that’s it’s not even half as good as as Calvin’s stamp like come on what is this an a 15-year-old in junior high or High School draw like what what what’s going on um and what the swirls are just it doesn’t make any sense he’s got swirls coming out of his eyeballs or something you know um I don’t see a disc I see swirls I I don’t see a disc at all I just see swirls so you see the circles on both sides right around around the the cyborg I’m going to I’m going to dumb it up to try and anybody that doesn’t see it you’re going to see it I promise okay circles on both do we see the top of the head cutting out part of the circle do we okay everybody sees that everybody understands okay easy Simon or special edition fion doesn’t even have his name okay so the time lapse is bigger than the special edition Vision the Calvin is bigger than the hind board it it is very relatable anybody can say what they want I am a graphic designer I went to college this is a no no this is it’s very similar look at the gap between the hand and look at the gap between the time lapse font on the circle mirrored ex all like come on guys am I I’m am I wrong no nobody’s going to even nobody’s even I don’t even think people are going to fight this I I think I think this will help MVP out I think they’re going to have cooler stamps and better stamps from this point on and I hope they see the video I hope they know I don’t mean any disrespect I just think this is garbage y’all y’all should be mad at this y’all should be very upset that that this is cool this is sweet Party Time original time lapse come on God it’s not that hard to to see that’s why I’m like frustrated it’s not how this is cool that’s terrible that’s that’s dumb and yeah you’re going to sell them if that’s all you care about that’s fine but you’re getting whatever you paid for that you’re getting screwed over that was that’s that’s a that’s an ugly stamp and it’s also copying the actual Cyborg the actual robot in disc golf so yeah you can’t fight it you can’t disagree with it all you can do is fire whoever did that fire your social media coordinator hit me up and we’ll start working some stuff out I promise um yeah take a look at my stuff I’m I I I’m very very confident I’m much much better than who you have running your stuff and designing your stuff it’s not not disrespect towards them I’m just saying professionally I I qualify um and I’ve yeah I I’ve come from a far different place in life I had a lot going on a family and kid step kids and I don’t I I’m kind of in a transition so it’s like the only reason I’m kind of saying this and putting it out there is it’s it’s my shot man it it and I’ll take it if I see some messing up and not doing what they could do or what the company deserves I’m I’m calling it out because dis golf is growing dis golf is is leveling up and I mean y’all see what the the pro tour does how garbage their their post production and all that stuff it’s sad JZ has kept everything alive like I love joez it is the best thing those guys guys have resurrected and kept alive the entertainment and the commentary of disc golf it it would not be what it is without that I promise you um and that’s the other thing is it’s this this isn’t golf quit making it boring quit trying to make it like golf please none of us want that we don’t we do not want you know butting up your shirt and we don’t want that yeah get it out of here go away pro tour with that nobody wants it nobody wants your cookie cutter stuff quit quit trying to clean everything up relax a bit and be fun be original um stop trying to be like somebody else hire jomez hire those guys let them run it fire the two the two monotone I don’t know what they got going on but they need to they need to get different personalities cuz it’s not entertaining it’s boring it is I’m sorry um yeah it’s boring it’s boring it’s frustrating big germ is funny man he’s great big germ is a cool guy he is a awesome dude he’s I saw him after having a terrible round and he was super super cool signed a disc for me signed my dad’s disc talk to us for a bit and it’s like that’s what that’s what I’m talking about is the professionalism he’s a veteran he knows what’s up and he knows those fans and people and US support him for what he does and how he holds himself and who he is so it’s like you know what dude y’all need to get this game together because it’s growing and it’s big and it’s awesome and more people need to play it but yeah some of these companies are going to fall out if they don’t if they don’t fix it maybe not fall out okay maybe not Fallout no I’m just they’re not reaching their potential MVP if you did some of the things I’m talking about if you changed the game on your Instagram and your social media and you changed the like you got to come up with some other stuff everything looks the same like I’ve gone so far back on your guys’s Instagram everything’s got the same Vibe let switch something up do something different it’s boring like give us something besides besides rims and and you know all like I that’s awesome but we we don’t deserve and you don’t deserve that ugly oh this one dang it was I pointing at this the whole oh I didn’t even realize this one this sucks this is awesome this this is cool and original yo what up pre shout out to Prez he’s cool too great guy thanks for signing my swarm dog sweet disc by the way disc craft that we’re gonna yeah this dudes is doing a review on that soon so um yeah man I don’t know I just felt like I needed to come on here and rant and it’s turned out to be way more than I thought it was going to be and I don’t even know if anybody will actually watch all this but hopefully they will and hopefully this gets out there because MVP needs to know what’s up and these players need to just uh I don’t know act like professionals uh you know you’re getting paid a lot of money quit moping around um you have B you have plenty of tournaments throughout the year like uh I don’t know man it’s just like do you do you do realize it’s toxic it’s it’s toxic to self to be in those attitudes you you real quick can change it if you work on it um and stop making excuses because I know I’ve heard them from I’ve I’ve heard it and it’s just not okay it’s just it’s not so that being said MVP no no corals no beef nothing I love the company um I think it’s awesome there’s uh somebody that is a Believer behind the company um that’s that’s really cool part of the reason I started supporting it and um I was I was I was on the verge of like trading my disc for disc craft uh after Beaver State fling and uh this stupid time lapse release I I told disc golf dork I told told him I was like I I want to get rid of everything MVP but I I calmed down I took a little while and thought about it and I I want to support the company and that’s why I’m doing this video is because I believe that you deserve better and I hope this video gets to the company so if you got access to them send them the link um you know and tell them this should be watched and uh I appreciate your guys’s uh support on this video and me and disc golf dork really really appreciate you guys and we’ve got a lot of content that we’re going to start pushing out um we’ve just had some things happen and we’ve we’ve just had to figure it out it’s it’s um it’s been a ride but that being said we’ve got it um we’ve still got things going and it’s going to it’s going to stay good so it’ll get better uh but for now peace out and uh love and positivity Good Vibes only y’all go play some disc golf


  1. Def copying the art and design, looks like the opposite view of Calvins stamp. Great video and insight

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