How To Grip A Golf Club Correctly | PXG Golf Tips With Keith Bennett

It’s amazing the difference minor shifts in grip can impact your golf game. PGA Professional and PXG Ambassador Keith Bennett demonstrates the proper way to grip a golf club for maximum consistency and power. Learn how to place your hands correctly to ensure a square club face at impact, improving your accuracy and performance on the course. Mastering the right grip is essential for any golfer looking to enhance their game. Give it a watch and let us know below what you think!

Key Points:

Proper hand placement on the golf club.
Techniques for achieving a consistent grip.
Ensuring a square club face at impact.

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my name is Keith Bennett and I’m here to talk to you about how to properly place your hands on the club for maximum consistency power and delivering that club to the ball in a nice Square fashion so the most important thing to consider when we place our hands on the handle is what the hand placement is going to do to the Leading Edge of the club we want that Leading Edge of the club to be delivered back to the ball essentially parallel to my spine angle so if you drew a line from my belt to my buttons and from the heel to the toe of that club those two lines should be parallel to one another just like I’m holding this club here we want to swing that club around our body at high speeds and deliver it back to the ball in that square fashion and how we hold the club is going to Aid Us in doing so so we’re going to start with this glove hand anytime that you grip the club we want to make sure that we look down the shaft of that club and again we see that the Leading Edge of that club is parallel to the spine then we’re going to take the non-love hand the trail hand and we’re going to place it just on the steel the club below the grip and you’re going to hold that club vertical just like I’m demonstrating here you’re going to place that glove hand out in front of you with your fingers nice and uh wide from each other and then we’re going to place that grip just in where the base of the Palm meets the base of the fingers we don’t want to be down here way in the fingers and we really want to avoid being up here in the palm of the hand so we want to be where the base of the Palm meets the base of the fingers then we are going to wrap the fingers around the bottom of the grip first then we’re going to take that padding on that thumb and we’re going to place it just just to the right side of the center of the grip you can see that there it’s just to the right side of the center of the grip and we’re going to do one of the most famous but the best checks to make sure that you’ve got your glove hand on the club properly and that’s the Hogan grip check so we’re going to take our pinky finger ring finger middle finger and our Thumb off the club we should be able to hold that club parallel to the ground like I’m demonstrating here with those four fingers off the club you can see that the padding on my glove hand is on top of the grip here and that index finger is hooked underneath the bottom of the grip creating this nice little leverage point so that club sits up there real nice if that grip is in the palm of my hand and I try to do that same check that grip I can feel the weight of that head it wants to slide out and that club’s going to lower towards the ground we don’t have control over that grip so once we’ve got that glove hand on there properly and we’ve done our check now we’re going to go ahead and place that non glove that trail hand on there and when we place that trail hand we just want to slide that hand right down the like I’m demonstrating here and there’s three different ways that we can hold this club we have What’s called the 10 finger grip where the index finger on that left hand and the pinky on that right hand are not over the top or crisscrossing one another they’re just sitting here just like this kind of often times refer to as a baseball grip I like to think of as a 10 finger grip then we have the overlapping grip where that pinky on that non glove hand is over the index on that glove hand then we have the inner locking grip which is kind of that famous Tiger Wood Woods grip where the index and the pinky are crisscrossed just like this here I would recommend this grip for most people it’s a sturdier connection to the club and it allows for a decrease in grip pressure so we don’t have to hold that club really strong we want some good firmness in those fingers cuz we want control but we don’t want a death squeeze and feel like our forearms are getting really tight that’s why I recommend that that interlocking grip for most people so again some checkpoints on that non-love hand that trail hand we want to make sure that this thumb is just to the left side of Center for right-handers as we look down we don’t want to have that thumb over here to the side that’s going to be too strong of a grip and that’s going to cause that club to want to close that impact we want it just to the left of center and once again we want to make sure that that grip is positioned in the fingers and then we clasp around there once again so very symmetrical to what we were doing with that glove hand after you’ve got that connection with that club we want to make sure that we’ve got some nice Supple wrists cuz we need to be able to hinge that club going back and hinge that Club going through but we want a nice firm hold there with the fingers cuz we do need control so for straight shots power and speed this is how I recommend that you put your hands on the club [Music]

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