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Baseball Legend Willie Mays Has Died at the Age of 93 | MLB on TBS

Bob Costas and the MLB on TBS crew Pedro Martinez, Jimmy Rollins, Curtis Granderson, and Lauren Shehadi reflect on the life and legacy of Baseball Hall of Famer and legend Willie Mays, who passed away at the age of 93.

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our hearts are heavy tonight as we learn of the passing of the Say Hey Kid Willie May the oldest living Hall of Famer passed away at the age of 93 we remember that smile the Larger than Life personality and the talent my goodness the talent that transcended Generations he could run he could hit he could catch he was Magic on a baseball field meant so much to so many a World Series champion a 12-time Gold Glove winner 24 time 24 time Allstar think about that and a Hall of Famer and we mourn his passing Bob cus with us now to reflect on the life and the legacy of Willie Mays Bob good evening to you he took his all-around Brilliance from the Birmingham Barons to the historic Giants franchise he was on TV commercials and television shows fans couldn’t get enough what was it about this man well he is arguably the greatest all round player in the history of the game and he’s connected to so much of baseball history but there was something about him that statistics alone impressive as they are can’t possibly capture he was magnetic people who didn’t even understand baseball if you took them blindfolded to their first baseball game sat them down and said okay look at the Ballpark their eyes would immediately go to Willie Mays as they would to Michael Jordan in basketball and that reminds me of a story I’ve told once or twice before Wily’s 93rd birthday was only about a month or so ago and when I remember telling Greg aminger this story when I was with him in the studio I went to one giant game at the polo grounds and one Dodger game at efield when I was 5 years old my dad took me before both teams went out to the West Coast and all I remember about the game at the Polo Grounds was the atmosphere the swirl of cigar smoke and beer here get your scorecard and I’m sitting on my dad’s shoulders in the grand stand down the right field line and the old Polo Grounds was one of those ballparks pillars and there was an overhang and my dad pointed and he said Bobby look at that player right there no no not that one the one in the middle that’s Willie Mays as if he was saying to his son that’s the Washington Monument that’s the Grand Canyon I don’t know if my dad had a crystal wall but he wanted his son to take note that that was Willie Mays and that he would remember it always well it’s 67 years later and I do Vivid memories moments in time thanks for sharing Bob you said stats aside and that stuck with me because we just watched superstars of our sport on this screen on TBS on Tuesday night we watched stto and we watched judge how can you put his talent into perspective well I don’t mean to diminish anyone else he was better than judge better than Soto no disrespect judge is on a Hall of Fame track Soto may join him eventually certainly building that kind of resume but as I said to Jeff franor earlier if you limited the Hall of Fame to 10 players Willie Mays is easily among them as is his contemporary Hank Aaron you can fill out the rest of the list Babe Ruth is there as well but Willie was just an incredibly great player maybe for a more recent comp I mean Barry Bonds was Sensational even the pre- steroid Barry Bonds would have been an easy near unanimous first ballot Hall of Famer and he was a gold glove left fielder but left field is not as important a position obviously is Center Field and Barry did not have a great arm so maybe the closest comp in recent history would be the healthy young Ken griffy Jr in two respects he was a sensational center fielder he was a great and fast base runner like Willie he hit for power and for average and he exuded Joy he was called the kid wearing the mat backwards that’s what Willie Mays did Willie Mays exuded Joy like Magic Johnson on a basketball court you could feel how much he enjoyed the game and that transmitted to fans exuded Joy what more is there really right Bob 24 24 time Allstar and a personality that resonated with the masses Bob thank you so much for joining us and your time this evening as we welcome you back inside Pedro I mean he was the guy he walked into every room everyone says it the definition of presence what were your interactions like with him uh well I I I must say uh the first time I met him I I I couldn’t wait to get there just to see him in person because I I I heard so much I’ve read so much I’ve seen the documentaries I’ve seen every video out there and that name and just like Bob said right along with Han Karen and and some those big names are the essence of baseball I remember seeing the old Century team by me in 1999 and those names when they mentioned those names it was like senority just showed up everybody else just be quiet the the the two names that you can actually remember being mentioned Willie ma H Aaron and and it’s like it resonates in your ears and it it has never since I was a kid I I’m I’ve been hearing the same thing about these names the essence of baseball baseball he was a fixture in clubhouses Jimmy in uniform and we hold him in such regard and rightfully so he wasn’t afraid to talk a little Trash he definitely wasn’t um being able to spend some time with them uh when I went to spring training with the Giants uh you know they they would set up a table in the middle of the clubhouse and will would come there and need to sign a table but but it was Wily’s table and no one dare set in it they made sure your first day in this is Willy’s table leave it alone but when Willie came in Willie wasn’t Willie Mays the the The Legend he was Willie May in uniform he would sit there and call people out and one day it was it was my number was like where’s that Rollins at you know that high pitched voice and I turned around I’m like I’m like me what what do you want with me tell R’s going to sit at this table so I sit at the table and what does he want to do compare sta how many times you steal 30 bases how many Outfield C you have well I’m going Short Stop well how many sit you have I’m like well I’ve thrown more people out at first base but they don’t they’re not technically assist well how many go gloves you have how many stolen bases and he loved being a ball player it lived within him and when he stepped outside the clubhouse yes he was Willie the legend but when he was in that Clubhouse and hanging out with the guys I am one of the guys and that was something that really blew me back and going back before that when I first uh got a chance to come across them it was during the event we were honoring Hank and and Willie and you know I was asked if I if I wanted to meet them I was like I’m standing 2 feet you know in front of them I caught their eye said AOW and that was enough I was like no I’m I’m good that’s baseball royalty I will not cross that line but I’m glad I had a chance to sit down and talk some trash with Willie because it was a lot of fun and competitor to his core we’re all heading to rickwood field to pay homage to the Negro Leagues tomorrow we’re on our way Willie served in the Army he played in The Negro Leagues he played at rickwood field the timing is incredible it’s amazing how Sports kind of come together like that the oldest ballpark in America is going to have a game on it on Thursday the timing of this now the game becomes a tribute to Willie CC Sabathia is doing a celebrity softball game and the name of the two teams are the SE Hayes in honor of Willie versus the Hammers for Hank Aaron two players that both played in The Negro Leagues and you just talk about just the presence and the popularity had you go back to watch highlights of yes we see him on the field yes we see him doing amazing things but he would be in the streets in Harlem with the kids playing with the bottle caps playing with the broomsticks like imagine seeing your Idols in person and you get to play with them like I was so excited most re recently meeting David Justice and King griffy Jr and I did that as a pro as an adult here were kids that got a chance to do that with him on his way to the ballpark on the way home going to get something to eat going to get some snacks and candy that’s why they called him to say Hey kid because he was just so loved by everyone and was a big kid himself Bob said he exuded Joy you did that Curtis my favorite quote ever he said Willie said every time I was on the field and it was such a simple thing every time I was on the field I was having the time of my life I covered you for 10 years in the inside of your cap it said don’t think have fun that’s it that was you that’s the essence of this game we love so much it it’s got to be I mean we start playing this game as a kid if we’re fortunate enough to continue to play it as we get older that’s great but that’s why the fans are so excited because they remember seeing it as a kid they get a chance to bring their kids to the Ball Game and Jimmy and I are so blessed we get a chance to be connected with him statistically in history with the 20202020 and I remember when we did that you know I got a photo made for the four of us and I was hoping to get him to autograph it I never got him to autograph it but to Jimmy’s point I got a chance to meet Willie that’s all I I have one I have I have the one in my house and and you know what I’m going to add something else I I I I took a little note and I said it’s ironic how you saying rickwood the game the names and all that this is the year where the Negro League players are recognized by their stats and he got to see that thanks to God before he passed away and it seems like all the stars are aligned to receive another star willly M and and and I’m I’m glad that that Major League Baseball finally decided to honor those guys that that were colleagues with him and that probably went to war with him and uh I I’m extremely happy to see that all of this is happening and he’s probably resting in peace right now seeing all the things that are happening happening at the same time uh nobody wanted to see him leave but if he’s going to leave let’s recognize him even more now than than than we did previously I mean people using the word and we’ll show some Stars around the league weighing in on the passing of the late great Willie Maye when talking about him they’re using the word hero I mean this from Barry Bonds I’m beyond devastated and overcome with emotion I have no words to describe what you mean to me you help shape me to be who I am today thank you for being my godfather always being there give my dad man give my dad a hug for me rest in peace Willie this is from CC I’ll never forget this day when I walked in and heard that’s that boy who wears his hat like this RP Willie Ma you changed the game forever and D he did and inspired kids like me to chase our dreams thank you for everything that you did on and off the field always in our hearts um this from Frank Thomas RP to Willie Mays there’s great players and then there’s Legends and and people use that they use Legends they use Heroes Magic Johnson I’m devastated to hear about the passing of the legendary Hall of Famer Willie May one of the main reasons I fell in love with baseball cookie and I praying for his family friends and fans during this difficult time we will continue to honor and reflect on The Life and Legacy of the late great Willie ma the say kid after this gone at the age of 93 oh


  1. I was lucky to see him play when the giants came to play the Mets we didn't have cable only 9 channels

  2. Did Bob say if you told somebody to look at the ballpark their eyes would automatically go to Willie Mays but when his pops pointed him out little Bobby’s eyes went to the wrong dude?

  3. My childhood couldn't be any greater knowing that I had Willie and Hank and Roberto to watch and admire it was the greatest generation of baseball players

  4. What did he do besides hitting a baseball? Or Jackie Robinson? Jerry West? Great players but besides that what did the do that was extraordinary?

  5. 1969 Spring Training, the Memorial Stadium in Scottsdale, Giants would be in town for a three day stand with the Cubs. I would go to the Boys Club behind the stadium with my friends and sneek into the park from the right field fense, he would just smile. He was all business, and did not like to be around the cameras, or press. Mornings at the ball park was just kids, and ball players, and it would be hard to tell which he was during that time. Bobby Bonds, Willie McCovey, and Willie Mays in the same outfield was my favorite outfield, Orlando Cepeda at first.

  6. I wish other sports would hold in high regard the older players like baseball does. Basketball disrespects the older players. Football nobody brings up the fact that Bart Starr won 5 championships it’s all about today. Baseball doesn’t do any of that.

  7. my very first baseball game at the 'stick in the 60s had Mays, McCovey, Marichal and Bonds in the lineup that day. fast forward to the 90s when i take my gf to a game. after the game we are standing next to Willie's statue in front of the ball park when i see Willie standing inside a door inside the stadium. i grab my gf and turn her around to look. she starts screaming and crying. i'm sure it made Willie's night. R.I.P. Willie 😥

  8. He was a 24-time all-star, wore number 24, and passed away in 2024. Only Willie Mays could make 24 have so much meaning. RIP.

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