Golf Players

Michael Voss & Justin Longmuir on AFL360 (17-06-2024)

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is free metal coach Justin Long book with us for tonight Justin appreciate your time welcome back to 360 thanks for having me lad and Michael Voss is with us at the desk vossy good to see you rob vosy did he haunt a few of your dreams since Saturday night Marcus Bond and py Justin oh yeah absolutely but yeah he was in a few of them but also just the way we played was really frustrating didn’t execute the way he wanted to execute and I think uh you him getting off the leash was a sign of not valuing the right things in the game so um yeah it was a pretty honest review today what what was the plan for bondon Pell who has uh he’s had a cluster of brown low votes against you previously yeah we had a similar plan to the one we had round seven we probably anticipated that he’ play forward a little bit more on the weekend um which he did and we had set um Heath Chapman to help with a Midfield hand over in that sense so that was pulled apart a little bit um Post Yeah pregame when he was El withdraw but I can I can cut some slack for for certain areas of it and not getting that Ford bit right is one of those but yeah we just didn’t have the diligence to to rooll and application of of that role in particular but like I said it was a it was one of a number of things that we didn’t value on the day which hasn’t beat a trademark of our game this year so these decisions at the moment Vos so you’re doing it with chinot is we it’s almost a bit old school with some of the tagging how delicate are these decisions and then what you plan and then what gets executed on the day yeah you’re always monitoring it um I think you always have it try to take in a preference of more a bias towards the way you want to play the game but there’s obviously some key threats and the good players are those key threats but you you’re weighing up that decision of if I spent so much attention on one person how much does that disrupt your own your own style and the way that you defend and the mechanics you want to put in behind that the way you want to be able to move the ball um so you’re always weighing that up and if it disrupts too much then you probably got to go away from it um and then just get your own game going and um as a coach you’re always sort of weighing up the pros and cons of that throughout the entire game you also going to have to play with that mindset which is they’re a bit crazy the the run with players they are they they’re they’re prepared to do a lot for the team and you and you’ve had J cutter up your sleeve for a little bit but just seems like in the last month and a half he’s you’ve sort of Unleashed him a little bit well we’re forced in some ways um and through the challeng of um probably not having some personnel there we had to uh we had to look at doing things differently and uh we’d been interesting and been having that discussion for probably about two or three weeks before we actually ended up doing it as a match committee and um and we sort of thought well this is the this this is the week to do it and uh we went with it and it worked it doesn’t guarantee that it works next week because let’s face it they’re playing against the very best players in the competition and I think we say it a lot but um we feel like sometimes it doesn’t get people don’t believe is like well you can minimize but they are great players and the reason why they are great players is because they’ve got a few weapons take one off they go to something different um and uh they can also have Maximum Impact going in a different part of the ground you’re all in this together Justin how did you coach the Bonton P situation and how did the players respond to that coaching of the of the Bonton P situation well clearly didn’t respond well enough um and you reflect firstly on the way I coached that and you clearly need to look at the way we educated that during the week the way we weren’t able to get the message across on that specific role and Voss is right like it’s a balance between um trying to stop someone’s influence um and and playing your own way seven in round seven we had a really strong performance um as a Midfield group against the same Midfield on the weekend um we knew that that would change some things but we didn’t really want to go away too much um from what we did round seven we wanted to back our Midfield in so um I’m not sure what’s been shown of the bondon P um game and some of the clips where he’s he’s on his own that we reviewed today are unacceptable whether we’re tagging him or not and I think uh we’ve been we’ve had a really strong defensive brand across the season and for whatever reason that slipped on the weekend and um yeah some rolls around handling bont and Pell slip but our team defense was deplorable all across the ground in All Phases and um in all lines so we’ve got some work to get that that back on track started the contest a lot because the week before we saw you dismantle Melbourne and the ball movement was was just magical there’s perod on the weekend especially early the ball movement and again in the third quarter the ball movement was fantastic but that that that that zest for the contest that that hunger and being all over them how does that dissipate from one week to the next I know it can go up and down but to Jo be so drastic in the drop off well uh I would say you don’t have to drop off too far Robo um especially against a side that was desperate to keep this season alive um desperate to respond from you know a poor week the week before um and and a really good contested side so you don’t have to be far off um and you know Bulldogs have done a lot this year where they win the inside and get you on the outside and they’re really hard to stop so um I’m not sure the percentage of what we’re off and and what caused us to be off but um you know we spoke a lot today about valuing the right things and our game is built on contest in Team D and you know our ball movement looked great at times on the weekend um but we only turned the ball over 50 times and when we only B turned the ball over 11 times in our front half which has been a real strength the last five or six weeks so we weren’t able to get the game played the way we want and that’s yeah that’s on all of us as a team and a coaching group so yeah we’ll look to get back on track this week V you just talking about the evolving Blues with the use of cot and and you coaches say all the time I can tell you right now our team at Round One won’t be the team at Round 15 and we won’t be playing the same football at Round 15 that we’re playing at round one you’ve seen enough of your team now are you at a stage where you’re going to stick fat with some of your players and I’m bringing up Nathan 5 and he’s a champion he’s a legend everyone loves him but is there decisions that have to be made on some of your players or you’ve gone so far with them this year that you’re going to stick fat with them all the way through well i’ would say that the team will evolve from now to the end of the year I think I think f is an easy one to talk about when we lose last last time we played he was our highest rated player on the ground whether that says he was the best player on the ground probably not but he’s still had a reasonable really good performance I think his form has been solid this year he’s had some you know really big highs and and his lows haven’t been that low so um yeah he’s one that hold his spot on the side but I’m not going to say everyone’s going to hold this spot on the side it needs to be changed after our game like we played and plus we’ve still got some players in our team who are evolving and we need to get games into and you know look mainly at the front half of that and see the the evolving nature of our our key forwards and you know how they’ve been able to develop their game but we still need to get some games into guys like that to be able to compete weekend week out you’re going to get games clearly into some small forwards Michael Walters did a hamstring on the weekend it looked a bad one is it three four 3 four weeks he’s out what a loss and who does that open the door for yeah we’ll look at that later in the week it looks like you’ll miss three to four weeks which is disappointing um yeah so whether it creates another opportunity for uh small forward I’m in the waffle who had a good win on the weekend or um you know we we put some other players forward who we think can have an impact uh yeah we’ll work out that later in the week The Bu seems an eternal mystery um Michael does it cause you unease as you come up so everyone needs the Breather some teams do some teams don’t off the back of it no we have to look at it and we treat it with rest and Recovery in mind because there’s the immediate and which is um obviously the here and now but then you’re playing the long game as well cuz we understand that this still what 10 rounds to play um there’s still plenty of work to be um had and and so we balanced the break based off the the workload that’s been done you know we treat each individual um slightly differently um but when you come in on Monday though you want the players you want to know the players are ready to go and um there’s a really fine balance from a mindset um to click them back into gear and also being really cautious about probably what you train over that period of time as well because you can actually overtrained because you got more time so you feel like you can get more work into them and you might be just in a shade off when you come up against the opposition the following week and then there’s his final not actually being prepared enough for the battle and um so every every team will have their own way about going about that we feel like we’ve got a good model but we don’t know until model until we roll up well we we tried to maximize the break as most as best we possibly can how many days off for example four days for most um but we drip fed you know few that had five days some had seven um so you know depending on the game load that they had actually played so um we went with it last year it was quite successful in the long run so um you know we were engaged back with the same model has the buy presented vagaries For You Justin well it does yeah now and there’s different ways to enter the buy and there’s I mean just to say that one team wins after the buy and and one doesn’t is a little bit too simplistic it’s got a lot to do with who you play where you play them um yeah we played at dog hungry team on the weekend that were desperate and we were off with our contest and that’s probably been the theme with our post by is just where we struggle to get into the game with our contest I can’t fault the players week last week I thought we trained really well we actually trained the contest to um an area where I was a little bit worried that we were going over the top um with how physical the players were in the contest and hitting each other so I couldn’t fault the players physical application there’s something in our mental application that we need to look at our scramble here is for Drummond golf um this is very relevant to you Michael with a couple of fatherson prospects on the horizon we watched the camp reality Twins play for South Australia in the under 18s yesterday are the clubs as it were on notice that the points system could change in the next two to three months for this year’s draft well I think the unnotice part versus the specifics of the change um I think we’re all in theory behind the change that needs to happen the timing of it though is somewhat confusing uh um because you know the expediency of it um to be able to get it in this year when the planning is already been done over 12 months and even two years in many instances is somewhat confusing um I think the anticipation was that while the notice was there um we’d get further Clarity on what it actually looked like and that it might actually transpire in the coming years um which I think everyone in the industry was waiting for and anticipating and somehow that is actually changed and it’s become more relevant to now um so to me it’s it’s confusing um but it’s quite simple for us is that you know really we should be looking down the road on this we shouldn’t be making this decision four months out from decisions that were made 12 months ago or even two years and there’s many a club involved in this more than just us um but obviously we’ve got some prominent names there for us that we’d like to be able to respect and we’re given some you know at least some guidance around some assurances around and involved in our football club how significant would it be to have the points price ratcheted up right on the cusp of the draft oh would significant because you know if we look at decisions that were made 12 months ago um there’s some decisions we’d make differently we’d position ourselves very differently in this draft to how we have um so right now we’re really comfortable with the point system and um and where we’re at and do we have enough points to be able to fulfill that and execute that strategy um but if the proposed changes are made um then we fall somewhat well short um and so we have to put I guess the thinking caps on to sort of reposition ourselves about what looks like they shouldn’t they shouldn’t be able to do that Michael absolutely shouldn’t be allowed to there’s no way known and there should be a vote of no confidence from the clubs directed to the AFL commission saying when not you just play things because you want to fix it we’re all in this together yeah clubs and the AFL are in this together don’t throw this into our system it’s June when are you going to announce it July no way I think we’re all as passionate as you Robo um and we’re all somewhat surprised as well that it’s it’s come right now and so I guess there’ll be some conversations over the over the coming weeks um we get some more clarity around that but our position will be emphatic is there an urgency Justin to these things that so um Ken hinley gave voice to this a few weeks ago the urgency at Club level is not always shared at headquarters to know and to be able to strategize around these yeah I think every Club um has their wishes in competitive balance this is one aspect um uh I understand the frustration around which Colton would have in this situation with you know planning and being maybe having to come up with draft picks that they don’t have and not having the time to to get them um I haven’t really um given it a heap of thought um to be honest we’re not in that situation I think it holistically it’s a really good idea I think clubs should have to pay uh the right price for highend talent um when it comes in and the trickling of the it coming in I haven’t really given a lot of thoughts but I can understand stand V’s concerns How deep did you go as a stock take at the buy Michael to work out what has been and to set yourself for what comes next with the blues it’s important to reflect um we’ve spent some time on what The Season’s look like for us so far um what we’ve been fortunate to have um is that we’ve got some really good visibility on the competition because you know we’ve effectively played in the last 11 weeks the top 10 teams um since basically freem manal in round four so um so we’ve got really good visibility we’ve been Benchmark ourselves around our style we found some things that we’re really pleased with and some things we got to continue to to work on um so like any any game or any period of time we get the feedback and we go to work on it and we keep um adapting um but as you mentioned before it’s about trying to keep your your identity at your centerpiece though so as you’re sort of adapting and evolving and and emphasizing things um there’s still this Center piece of R identity that you got to get right and um every week we expect the same effort from our players and and contest and pressure is obviously clearly one of those that’s been coming evidently quite consistent now from car you would you agree with that yeah it would well one of our goals coming into the season was to be that consistent home and away team um you know we’re we’re quite okay to look at our competition and acknowledge that the last year’s Grand finalist Collingwood and Brisbane lived in the top four space for a long period of time they were gone five or six years just to get one opportunity um so it just gives you the percentage chance we haven’t lived in that space for long enough yet as a football Club we’re trying to close that gap on what that looks like on a week toe basis but also trying to close that gap on what that looks like across Seasons um so we know we got still got a lot of work to do and there’s still a lot of refinement we need to be able to make to find the best version of ourselves but we’ve certainly bridged a lot of that Gap this year um you know barring the Sydney game that’s the game that we really um got beaten well um and we’re sort of seeing Sydney and what they’re doing at the moment they’re doing it to a lot of teams but um we’re being pretty consistent elsewhere there’s the hope of 80,000 I reckon on Friday night for this rematch with J long it’s cartton respects which has got the tinge of orange everywhere including the the gear which will show this has met a lot to the blues for a while yeah it has since 2016 and um we talk about raising awareness and obviously as an industry we took a moment um to be able to a moment of silence to be able to acknowledge um the domestic violence or the prevention of it and the awareness is one part um the education is critical for us and that’s where we spent a lot of time within schools the generational change is important but also to highlight how the role we need to be able to play and what we need to model as leaders in our in our industry and in our community and um so it’s one thing to educate it but we have to live it and uh there’s certainly change that needs to happen from a behavioral um point of view the QR code on the screen there Michael it’s great to have you here thanks a lot Justin terrific thanks for being part of it tonight and good luck with the rebound thanks guys

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