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ChampU BBQ Review (feat. 4-star commit Marcus Wimberly) + Updates on Top Targets | Under The Visor

In this episode, Parker and Brandon interview 4-star Marcus Wimberly after this weekend’s ChampU BBQ festivities, and dish on the latest intel in the Sooners’ top recruitments.

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welcome welcome welcome to another OU Insider under the vi or soonish podcast my name is Brandon drum I’m here with Parker th and obviously uh special guests with the coolest background is none other than 2025 fourstar safety Marcus Wimberly out of boxy Arkansas um Marcus welcome to the show again how you been man man living the dream just came off of a fantastic OV and just living the dream like I said okay so tell us a little bit about it man uh obviously I think most everyone is aware of who was there with you both commits and U targets but as far as the experience itself was concerned what did they treat you guys to over the course of the 48 hours or so that you had in Norman man it was fantastic um we uh we first got to the hotel we signed in and everything we got this big like bag and I was like what is in this bag and it was just like full of all snacks we no no we uh it was just full of all these snacks that we asked for and whatnot and it was really cool and then we went to um trying to think where we went to dinner the first night where wherever we went it was really good uh we went to Toby Keith’s hanger and it was like his um plane hanger and whatnot they still had the planes and in there the cars in there dude it was sick and it was like a steak lobster dinner it was awesome and uh second night we woke up ate some breakfast went through a couple meetings and uh Man soul Mission gets better like every time I hear about it you know uh just the stuff they’re doing and the projects they’re working on for next year you know obviously they went to uh where was that Africa South Africa yeah South Africa Maui right yes and spring break yes yep yeah yeah and those projects were awesome and uh just to you know know that they really value something past football is so huge and they stand on that whether you’re committed or not you know and then we um we went and ate lunch at the Museum there in Oklahoma and that was really cool then Sam Noble uh I’m not 100% % sure I I didn’t is it the one with the Dinosaurs yes sir yeah okay cool yeah and then we uh we had the champ you barbecue now this part might have been my favorite part of the whole trip now the champion barbecue the food was good and whatnot but they brought back the player alumni and they had a ton of just absolute dogs up there and I got to listen to some of them talking and uh man listening to Roy Williams talk it like it lit a fire under me man we were we were eating on the 50 yard line and I get to looking around the stadium while he’s talking man looking at the commits and whatnot and I like I football like that’s what I take so serious so I kind of started getting emotional about it because he started talking about like his brothers and whatnot and him pushing his brothers to be great and that team pushing each other the whole time and all of them that’s all they could talk about and uh it was just so awesome to kind of see like obviously you hear from the coaches and the current players but like guys that played there 20110 years ago and you know it’s it’s the same way it’s the gold standard through and through and you know it’s just it’s really cool to be able to see that firsthand and hear what they have to say about it because it uh it definitely fired me up a lot more you know what I’m saying and I enjoyed it a lot so you you said there was a my players can you outside of Roy Williams we call Superman around here what did who else was there that stood out to you that that was like a notable name that fans like oh that’s pretty cool uh Teddy Layman um Tommy I’m trying to think it was last Harris yeah Tommy Harris his story was really good too he he was a dog came in as a came in as a freshman believe he was a Sports Illustrated freshman year yeah and it was man that that’s all I really can remembered and there there was another guy there he had like big dreadlocks and GK McCoy Joe McCoy yep he’s an NFL Hall of Famer soon to be yeah yeah dude he was so passionate about dude started standing up and pacing the stage he was like y’all wonder why I’m getting up because I love my school man and every time somebody mentions Oklahoma I just I gotta stand up and talk about it because I love my school and uh it it was awesome dude they take so much pride in that there there were several other player alumni there but those were the few guys that really stuck out to me when they talked and whatnot yeah man yeah so going into the visit Marcus there were obviously 14 of Oklahoma’s at the time 16 verbal commits that were on the OV of which you were one there were also eight uncommitted guys uh one has since committed uh we’re fully expecting that before long a second is going to commit uh so we’ll see where that goes but with with those eight guys that at the beginning of the visit weren’t committed uh and the six that as of right now still aren’t uh throughout the visit throughout the experience you’ve obviously been to Oklahoma before you’ve seen all that it has to offer maybe not everything that you’ve seen on the uh that you saw on the official visit obviously but you’re familiar with your surroundings you know what they’re about uh you know what these coaches can do for you from a football standpoint what’s the message that you’re trying to impress upon the uncommitted guys throughout the course of the visit yeah for sure one thing man is like all these dudes want to go to the NFL and if they don’t want to go to the NFL I don’t want them to come to Oklahoma you know I’m just I’m just being real but all these dudes they want to go to the NFL and that’s that’s the number one thing I throw at them because not everybody necessarily thinks same way I do with faith and everything but that’s the first thing I tell them like if if you want to play for a chance to go to the NFL come to Oklahoma you know in the modern era of football we’re the winningest team so I mean it’s going to happen College Scouts are going to see you you’re going to come and get developed by the best of the best and Smitty is going to turn you into something you never thought you could be you know and I I haven’t experienced Smitty’s workouts but I hear about him all the time and uh sometimes I kind of get nervous about it just still being here in box house but no that’s the first thing I throw at him and second at second thing I throw at them I try to get them around their parents at this point is not only are they going to develop you like as a fantastic football player and an NFL caliber player but as a fantastic young man like that’s coach V’s number one thing is uh he’s going to come in there and he wants to develop young men obviously he wants to develop football players but essentially it’s like I said last time man football doesn’t last forever you’ve got to be a father a husband a mentor a coworker there’s a life outside of this football thing and um that’s their number one goal is to develop you as a young man on top of taking you to the next level and whatnot and that that’s the two big things I throw at them I know a couple I know a couple guys may uh may look at nil money but I don’t I don’t pitch that to guys because if you want to if you want the nil money come in and work and go to the NFL and make money you know what I’m saying and so those are my two main things that I I pitched to guys and you spent a lot of time with some of the T committed guys um what was your overall take of just the event uh from if you if you took a step back and like took your you know your committed hat off what was your overall take of how they viewed the event uh through a I guess unrecruited commits perspective um and did you get to spend a lot of time with a lot of the uncommitted guys I did I spent a lot of time with Marion Robinson uh Smith rogo that I think that’s how you say it yeah um shoot man I think I think if I was being recruited and not just a commit I think any questions that I might have had about the university were answered you know they they talked about everything that needed to be talked about and they allowed opportunities to if you were unsure about something just sit down and go thoroughly through it you know what I’m saying and um you know I think there’s no question as to like I know some guys wonder what position they’re going to play when they’re being recruited or um am I going to be recruited as the as as hard as the other guy you know if I if I was not a commit I’m going there and I’m knowing what position I’m play playing you know what I’m saying like cuz they’re going to make sure you know another thing they’re going to make sure you know what they play for you is and they made it clear um the ad even made it clear today he he made all their plans for us very very clear and I think that if if everybody went in there with the right mindset to really find out what OU is about they came out with no questions asked OU is going to be their home you know what I’m saying now last we had you on this podcast Marcus it was a couple months back you would just become commit number 11 for Oklahoma well as of today they’re now up to 17 what do you think about the way that this class is coming together as a whole especially with some of the recent editions Splash ones at that like a Trent Wilson on the defensive line or a Malik Hawkins in the secondary at quarterback or uh the newest one of all Manny choice at the wide receiver position man it’s fantastic you know a lot of times it starts with recruiting you know I’m nowadays you can obviously pull through the portal but you’re not going to pull a whole class through the portal you know what I’m saying and it it really does start with recruiting Because one that’s where you get your guys that you’re going to plan on playing them in the future but at the same time that’s how those guys the commits you know they start to build that bond that thing feel and like us commits we’re constantly texting the group chat I got guys checking up on me camor more Elijah Thomas Malik Hawkins Ryan FJ you know I got those guys checking up on me and I’m checking up on them as well so we’re already building that Brotherhood so that when we get there we’re already tight you know what I’m saying and uh that throughout the OV it didn’t really feel like we were just football commits it kind of felt like we were family and I think that’s huge you know cuz a lot of a lot of last year you saw 24s committing in November and December and whatnot but when you look at it man that’s not a lot of time to build a Brotherhood these guys we’re since we’re building the class early and we’re building it with top tier talent I mean we’re all putting a Brotherhood together that’s ready to go win a National Championship and that Brotherhood that you talk about is there anybody in specifically that you’ve actually grown close to like super super close to that like you feel like you’re going to be a roommate with whenever you arrive to campus man that that’s a that’s a tough one I’m really close with Elijah Thomas we uh shoot me and him are on Call of Duty every day he’s he’s calling me checking up on me he’s telling me about seven on sevens I’m telling him about workouts and whatnot but uh if we if we ever happen to land om Marion Robinson sh we’ve been uh we’ve been talking for a while now and kind of building a relationship together and it’d be it’d be awesome to land him but if not i’ I’d probably have to rock with Elijah Thomas you know what I’m saying you like that is is it is it the the I guess the he’s not from Arkansas but he’s as close to Arkansas as you can get outside of being from salol or something in the state of Oklahoma is that is that kind of the relationship that you guys built because of that well no it just it just kind of happened kind of uh I guess just through talking to each other I guess yeah we shoot we’re on Call of Duty all the time and Call of Duty can get he heated a little bit sometimes so oh you’ve had a long weekend Marcus we don’t want to take too much of your time but I got I got one more question to fire at you and I think it’s something in which the fan base will take a lot of interest uh the OV is done it’s behind you uh you got the summer to kind of Kick Back Gear Up for your senior year at box site but looking ahead to the 2024 season how often can sooner fans expect to see Marcus Wimberly and Norman on a game day oh I’m I’m 100% going to try to make every home game uh obviously there will be a couple big games that my little brother will have Peewee and so I’ll try to make them but uh y’all can probably expect to see me at every home game and I’ll even try to make the Texas game this year as well oh hello so so I expect to be in Norman a lot be around the coaches be around the player just be at home you know what I’m saying so I I guess uh what’s what’s the one home game I guess my last question what’s the one home game you’re looking most forward to I guess I’ll have a two-part um could there be more good news coming for OU fans that you can kind of hint about just a yeah no maybe that type of deal I can definitely say there is some more good news coming there you go I can definitely say that um shoot I don’t know ah we play do we play Auburn at home this year no not Auburn dang well I’m I’m gonna be 100% honest I don’t know the schedule on a detailed level Tennessee at home they have uh they go 20 Miss they got so they got Tennessee Alabama and South Carolina are the three sec home games right Parker that is correct yep along with that doesn’t really count so yeah I want to see us take on B there you go there you go freaking W B’s tail he wants all the smoke baby he wants all the smoke he’s not on the team yet but he wants all the smoke four four you guys on the team he just called you all out you better win that’s right all right well we appreciate you Marcus obviously this is a 2025 fourstar safety commit out of boxy Arkansas Marcus Wimberly uh just was at the champion barbecue this weekend with all the commits and eight uncommitted targets that Oklahoma is strongly after thank you so much for joining us man I appreciate you guys this episode of the OU Insider under the visor podcast is brought to you by our friends at manscape l ladies and gentlemen it’s my pleasure to announce that smooth sack summer is officially upon us when you’re playing in the Summer sun make sure you’re properly groomed with manscaped the manscaped performance package 5.0 Ultra has everything you need to prepare that summer bod every man knows how scary it can get when going for a close shave below the belt that’s why we trust manscaped for all our sensitive areas inside this package you’re going to find the star of the show The Lawnmower 5.0 Ultra which is equipped with dual LED spotlights to provide contrast on multiple skin tones as well as three length setting Combs and oh did I mention this trimmer is waterproof too 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of uncommitted talk we got to do here it be probably a little vague because if you’re not on OU Insider VIP right now it’s time because right now if you sign up it ends all on the 24th at I believe 11:30 p.m. okay so if you’re listening to this on Monday it’s the last day you get a chance to sign up you get OU Insider for free F re free through the first week of fall Camp Fall Camp starts I think it’s was it August 4th 5th something like that this year um it maybe a little earlier since um they play on August 31st so but you’ll get probably the first seven 10 days of fall Camp um all the way to August 10th so now to August 10th essentially a month and a half almost two months you will get for free OU Insider VIP uh get all the party in the palace you’ll get this Sooners on the Stars SEC media Day July is going to be commit month always commit month for Oklahoma they like to all these kids like to have a lot of their stuff locked in and locked down Oklahoma has about seven or eight spots left um actually about six spots left now um that to have committed you six seven spots uh and the month of July could be a very very fun month we will keep you a breast and on top of all that if you’re on OU Insider VIP plus a lot of summer workout talk and information who’s standing out who’s making moves all that type of stuff as far as youngsters so right now champu BBQ 24 is a promo code to use to get OU Insider for free all the way through August 10th let’s let’s talk about what’s public then let’s start with what we have no qualms about discussing on an open Forum uh I remember back the beginning of May uh I got a text message from a source who’s word is as good as gold that said Emanuel choice is all but done to the University of Oklahoma and I said okay we’re going to plug this future cast been toying with it for a while went ahead put the prediction in and there had just kind of been a steady confidence around the Switzer Center that choice was going to take all his visits he was going to go through the process and then he was going to commit to Oklahoma the champion barbecue and lo and behold Brandon that is exactly what happened absolutely love this addition for Oklahoma another huge pickup for EMT Jones wide receiver number four in the class for him he joins Elijah Thomas Grayson Harris and of course Marcus Harris who committed the previous weekend Y and this is one kid Brandon and you know even even before the OV weekend uh Once Quincy Porter was off the board I was asked flat out by a few members hey who do you like the best out of the remaining wide receivers uh that OU could realistically land uh in Choice Cortez Mills and Andrew Marsh and I said look I think Mills and Marsh are fantastic players they’ve obviously been highly productive my favorite of the three though his Manny choice just because with how tall he is how long is he’s not you you don’t see many guys at that size that move the way that Manny Choice does I think he’s criminally underrated right now as a three star Prospect I think his stock is going to soar and I think he’s going to have a very successful collegiate career at the University of Oklahoma this was an absolute Nails eval by EMT Jones too because he was the first to offer this kid and I remember talking I remember going down to Lancaster to talk to Manny not two days after he got the offer from Oklahoma and shoot Brandon there weren’t even really any other Co college coaches that were talking to him at that point when EMT Jones pulled the trigger he saw something man and what he saw he emt’s eyes did not deceive him because went to well I guess we’re recording this on the day that Manny Choice committed Sunday June 23rd at that time Brandon he had 34 FBS scholarship offers yeah 34 and EMT even tweeted out remember who offered you first and saw you and believed in you first and I think that rang true with Manny choice right um he’s a guy that I think both you and I feel is a fourstar and we felt that way long before this became OU’s to lose um he’s just a very he’s got strong hands uh run solid routes fast for a guy of his stature um very fluid and space for a guy of his stature and I just he knows how to High Point the ball he’s not he’s not going to be out physical for the ball and I think he’s he’s even physical when it comes to run blocking so there’s a lot to like about Manny choice and the and obviously the pickup that EMT Jones got and like you said just added to the assortment of talent that Emma Jones has already accumulated not just in 202 25 but in 24 uh the last two cycles EMT Jones has done a fantastic job building up that wide receiver room uh I I there’s not much more you can say about him there’s not more there’s not a lot of superlatives that you can throw him Jones’s way that are G to you know that you you haven’t already said uh but yeah he and again he still got one more piece on the board that he could go out and land and we’re going to obviously see yeah Cortez Mills this week at Rivals fivestar Camp really excited about that if they pull that off or emit pulls that off that might be the best wide receiver hul in the nation like cumulatively like as far as Talent goes um then you then you have uh Texas commit defensive tackle commit Brandon Brown that showed up don’t want to dive in too deep into those woods uh we got some information over there on OU Insider VIP but um it’s interesting it is it’s an interesting it’s an interesting Dynamic that is going on with that one goad and a and a couple other defensive linemen with whom the Sooners made waves this weekend in the champion barbecue obviously we kind of went in with the expectation that hey CJ Nixon’s going to be a sooner right like that’s that was uh that was the smart money lay as to who the next public commit for Oklahoma would be Manny Choice beat him to the punch but there’s a lot of confidence that CJ Nixon will be uh coming down the shoot here before long the other one at that edge position is Max Granville and man what a job Miguel Chavis has done yeah playing the long game in that recruitment because there was a time last fall where there’s there was some confidence that Oklahoma was well positioned for Max Granville and at the time they were but the looming threat was always A&M and spring rolled around and boom Here Comes A&M making a big surge taking the lead putting themselves in Prime position for Max Granville they got him to campus for the spring game when he was supposed to be in Norman yep official visit season roll around USC makes a charge and then Penn State makes a charge but the feeling is it’s still A&M it’s A&M until it’s not well he gets to Oklahoma for his final official visit Brandon and all of a sudden it’s not A&M anymore no now U’s not out of the woods here no because Penn State is still a heavy consideration but the future casts have begun to flip from A&M to Oklahoma including mine and there is a confidence right now in Norman that the Sooners will end up adding one of the most gifted and dextrous Edge rushers in the entire country to the fold um did we not talk about this last week and came on this exact podcast and the live and said and I believe I said things have gotten really interesting with Oklahoma and Max Granville before he showed up uh where you and I had discussions on the on the podcast where talked to a source what was it last Tuesday or no yeah it was last Tuesday and I said look I I I think he’s going to go to A&M and that person looked me Square in the eye and said it’s Pinn state or Oklahoma and I said okay like I I didn’t I don’t I I I I just didn’t I couldn’t grasp that because of everything we’ve heard he goes look The Source goes look you got to get past the friendship right everything that everybody has glued him to A&M for and we’re talking about four star defensive Max Granville what what what if you if you Pinn State texting them Oklahoma and or USC right and those are the four that have been just named the programs have been over and over and over and over linked to Max Granville which two makes sense out of those if you know Max Granville Parker well on paper I think the answer would be Oklahoma and Ben State correct just culturally right like and there not a knock on USC and Tech same culture it’s just Pinn State and Oklahoma’s culture with Franklin and venables have similar I guess ways of doing things right like so if you if you were to equate and then you have USC who has their own way of doing things and A&M who has their own way it didn’t really make sense right like it made sense location right logistically it makes sense with A&M friendships relationships and it makes a lot of sense but does a long-term fit make sense and that was the big question with Granville right so this whole time I was having an interesting conversation prior to the OV weekend uh with a a similarly good source I think that that raised an interesting point uh which I think Bear’s repeating here is A&M a good cultural fit for anyone like that A&M’s whole thing is that their culture is weird right and they kind of own it they’re okay with it they embrace it but you gotta be a little weird to go yeah you you got to look past the culture if you’re going to commit to Texas A&M so y I mean hey it’s just interesting how things have completely turned on their head because three months ago maybe four four months ago You’ have said yeah Jonah Williams is coming to Oklahoma Max granville’s going to Texas A&M and flipflop now it’s that four months ago with Granville because there’s a lot of people thought it was A&M four or five months ago one or Oklahoma I mean Oklahoma did they not I listen I I’ll be honest BR I’ve said this before I did not buy Oklahoma for Granville until 24 hours ago yeah because you and I had debates on I can vouge he and I debated on it whenever I brought it up to him I made the call to him directly after my conversation he goes dude I’m not really buying that yeah because that just felt like there are certain recruitments where you feel like okay but it’s GNA be A&M in the end and that’s what that one kind of felt like to me but lo and behold Miguel Chavis has has worked a little magic and uh you land Nixon you land Kade petack you land Max Granville you add those three to Alex Shield Knight and know maybe attack on a fifth we’ll see with Smith rogo on jvis is Javis is giving em and a run for his money at that point yep it’s pretty good Hall a defensive end and then because uh I mean you could lose three right you you woard you will lose three you will lose minimum woard downs and then obviously Trace forward so um yeah I mean you probably had to take three to five right if you’re him just because you’re probably gonna lose somebody out of the portal and you’re and realistically probably gonna lose four at minimum right and here’s what’s interesting about both Nixon and shield Knight is they don’t have to play defense yes that’s where they’re committed to play right now at Oklahoma yeah Shield Knight had power four offers as a tight end Nixon he’s a basketball guy man how many six foot five basketball guys have had success at the Collegiate and even the professional level at the tight end position so you take five defensive ends doesn’t mean you’re rostering those five at defensive end a year or two down the line and shill Knight not only did he work out at defensive end at U Camp he stayed and worked out at tight end as well so U is well aware of what he could potentially be down the line um the the other petack I want to talk about him for a second just because he isn’t necessarily you know pinned in maybe penciled in at defensive end but he’s not pinned in there’s no no permanent ink there’s no Sharpie that’s going to say he’s a defensive end because of his frame being 6’5 250 PBS already so he’s got the frame to be a massively big flexible defensive tackle SL defensive end more in the line of he has a similar body structure and frame of Jaylen Redmond out of high school and so he was bigger than Jaylen red Jaylen Redmond was only like 235 240 when he came out but framewise you kind of knew that Redmond was eventually going to grow and slide inside and that’s what he did and he became very very good at that but he was also still quick enough that when you needed to have a passing down you could slide him inside and bring a faster Edge but run you could bring him out and play the five the fouri even seven a little bit and have a bigger body guy in there for run support So pet Jack’s an interesting Target for Oklahoma once he he does announce where he’s going and we have the expectation that that’s going to be oklah y he just he just got done with his official visit at Kansas State that’ll be the last of the four for him but there there is every belief that U is going to be the landing spot for pet Jack so yeah five defensive ends is on the table right now for Oklahoma and here’s what’s wild about that Brandon like to take this conversation a little broader uh we had anticipated and we had reported at the time you know at the at the beginning of the calendar year hey this is probably going to be a smaller class for Oklahoma 22 to 24 or I think at one point it was even 20 to 22 was what we were hearing here here’s what I legitimately think Brandon I don’t think the staff anticipated that they would recruit this well not to say that like they aren’t ambitious or they don’t believe that they can’t sell Oklahoma to anybody but things get in the way right and nil gets in the way proximity gets in the way for some of these kids and so to have the success that they have had even before official visit season rolled around to have 15 guys on board as verbal commits I don’t know whether they went into the year with the expectation that they were going to be in line to sign as many legit Blue Chip like that’s a dude type football players as they have across the board at all positions and so so I mean and it you kind of see it in the defensive end situation right now where if you have PA petack on board and you have CJ Nixon on board and you add Max Granville okay that’s four defensive ends are you really gonna say no to Smith or rugo like I I think there are some of these guys that Oklahoma just wasn’t anticipa anticipating having to say no to right or having to think about saying no to because they figured okay attrition will take care of some of this for us you know there’ll be other schools that drop enormous sums of money or that win a kids hard on the OV like surely we’re not going to have this high of a batting average with our top targets and yet with the guys that they have had in for official visits Brandon they have either landed the kids in a few cases so far or put themselves in extremely good position to land him down the line I mean can you think of any absolute NOS that guys that Oklahoma has hosted on ovs that aren’t coming to Oklahoma desan bra okay there’s one Elijah Melendez reaffirmed that he’s sticking it out with Miami but I I talked to some folks down Flor they’re like yeah we’ll see so um even that one might not be over over but the point is in years past we’re used to seeing some guys come to Norman and not really give Oklahoma a second thought after their OV we’re used to Oklahoma OV and some kids that you kind of you kind of even know going into the visit okay they’re like that’s not a kid that’s going to wind up in their class but Oklahoma has done a remarkable job in the 2025 cycle of putting themselves in ideal position with some of the best football recruits in the country at a multiplicity of positions and I’ll say this I talked to a source today and they were like look we can’t not take some guys like U is not in the position of just taking to take at this juncture so if Oklahoma’s taking them they’re taking their dudes uh because of nil because of the transfer portal they are going to take more than normal or more than expected nine times out of 10 they said because you never know what’s going to happen in the middle of the Season or right after the season as far as attrition goes and people hitting the portal so if you have a chance to Lo to land a guy that you consider to be that guy or a dude and they call him dudes um you got to you got to do it um and that’s where U’s at there you got to chance bring them in and then from that point on you just sit there and you go okay we’ll see where the chips fall as far as numbers go and if you got to process you got to Pro them’s the them’s the way the chips fall nowadays and them’s the rules because you’re getting paid like an adult and once you start getting paid you get treated like an adult you’re Expendable so if you don’t produce buy and no that’s not really how BB wants to operate with this C but it’s hands are kind of forced because his job’s on the line right like their jobs are on the line they’ve got to win well roster’s got to look good if you want some further context for the fact that oak or I I suppose The Narrative and maybe it’s not a fact indisputably but the narrative and I think it’s a strong one that Oklahoma has leveled up in terms of recruiting obviously recruiting rankings are not the end all Beall acquisition of five stars is not the end all be all you make your own evaluations you pick the guys that make sense for you but even for the folks that want to that have wanted to scream three star you about Oklahoma for the last two cycles how many three stars have they oved have they even oved this month Brandon because they have 14 of their 17 I’m sorry 13 of their 17 commits that are four stars the only ones that aren’t the only ones that are three star s right now are Kamari Moore Marcus James Owen Hollenbeck and Manny Choice Manny Choice ain’t no three star no and Marcus James Kamari Moore and Owen Hollenbeck they’re all gonna have a case for Blue Chip status as well but think about the uncommitted three stars that they are actively pursuing Brandon Brown Brandon Brown’s a four- star but is he I thought he was a three star no it’s it’s like it’s literally mark eichor and Kade petack and again Kade petack is one of those guys where you look at the film and it’s very very clear that ain’t no three star yeah so right now it is all it is pretty much all blue chippers y Oklahoma’s actively recruiting and not only actively recruiting not only pursuing but a good very strong position with yeah this is this has been interesting I I it’s been that way the last this would be the third cycle inter venables where you look at and you go the roster they are building is formidable and we just you know we just talked to somebody earlier recorded a podcast earlier that would be released later on down the line I don’t want to give it away just yet um and they’ve talked about the talent right they talked about what venables is doing [Music] and people across SEC Nation across college football are they’re paying attention when you’re almost guaranteed to have another top seven class at this juncture unless things just completely fall apart for Oklahoma H what what can you do uh you’re you’re going to be in the top half of the SEC top quarter of the SEC and recruiting and you probably would have been the last two cycles as well prior to this you you start to you start to catch people looking over to Oklahoma and going know the coaching staff does what they’re supposed to do there should be a lot of wins going on here in Norman and so um the evaluations by the the staff the evaluations by the support staff the eval the the recruiting by everybody as a whole in Norman uh everybody needs to give them a hand for it and even the collective right which is a whole other conversation uh something that if you’re wondering where nil is headed with Oklahoma you need to go over to OU Insider VIP again it’s free right now if you sign up all the way through the first week of fall Camp uh it ends on the 24th of June at 11:30 p.m. so champu barbecue 24 c h m p u barbecue BBQ 24 c h m p u BBQ 24 that’s the promo code you go over there right now you get all that information free because there is some interesting nil stuff that’s going on with Oklahoma as well uh as far as announcements and all that type of stuff so um just a little tease there this it it is all encompassing right now it’s all encompassing and uh things are trending quite nicely and and not just for football but for soft softball is doing a really good job and the transfer world we all expected that to take place uh so again that’s all covered over there on OU Insider VIP um before we get off here obviously Monday we’re releasing this on Monday if you’re listening this in the morning or prior to 300 PM there’s an announcement that’s going to be made and that is 2026 Rivals 100 potential future 5 Star Quarterback Jay O’Neil is going to announce um I believe between Oklahoma Miami what was the other two you remember the other two he had four he Ohio State Florida State and Washington foret Washington the five that’s right um we still like I got a prediction in for Oklahoma I still everybody’s got a prediction in for Oklahoma I don’t think it’s a sec everybody picking Oklahoma everybody’s picking Oklahoma here um but man what a get what a get if that’s really what goes down if he chooses Jan O’Neal chooses Oklahoma Parker I don’t think it’s going to be too far or or outlandish to say that by the Sooners under the stars or post the Sooners under the stars or by September 1st Oklahoma might have three or four other guys that pop in right behind him just because they want to go play with one of the top players in the country you think that’s how last year during the season they had what five or six kids already committed in 25 that I think that that’s not outlandish to think I just and this this doesn’t really answer your question but this is just this is kind of what aw me about the whole Jaden O’Neal situation as we sit here on on the verge of his commitment which we fully expect will be a commitment to Oklahoma is Seth Latrell man he’s a first year offensive coordinator at the University of Oklahoma and he had a very good very talented very capable quarterback in his lap in Darion Coleman and he said okay but you know what I’mma see if I can let’s see see if I can really shoot the moon here he had Darion Coleman if he wanted him and Seth Latrell said said no we’re going to aimim a little higher yep and did so successfully yeah I mean he’s he’s doing what he if it again if it goes how we expect it to go we expect Chan O’Neal to be a sooner we’ll see we’ll know at this time if you’re watching this you’ll know at 4M on a Monday if he chose Oklahoma or not now I will say this um J O’Neal not being in the top 50 I think is a travesty number one anybody that’s watched him throw it anybody that looks at that body his body type anybody that’s watched his film can see that he may be I don’t know that he’s the number one quarterback in the country but he’s up there top two or three Parker i i i and that’s not I would have said that if it wasn’t Oklahoma all I had to do was lay eyes on him one time and I was like oh holy crap Parker that’s a different breed right there and that’s what I mean he and he has that personality right he’s got the personality where you look at and these other kids are going to follow I think that’s really interesting um I was talking to him why I was in Norman and he said look wherever I go I got a short list of guys and I’m going to go after them I want them playing with me wherever I go and so that you it kind of again who’s it reminds you of It kind of reminds me of Caleb Williams he has a plan they always had a plan it seems like everything that O’Neal does is very thought out very strategic and very planned and so if you’re an Oklahoma fan and it ends up working in your favor Monday afternoon when he announces I’d be doing back flips because there is a decent chance that with u’s Anil structure you’re able to pull in not just one of the best quarterbacks in the country but you may be able to pull in another huge class I think the player for me to watch if if I was going to pick one guy in 26 to watch who do you think it would be like real quick to follow suit Aiden Jones who oh yes that is one of his top that he had on his list yep and they became very very tight while they were in nor because they both visit at the same time um but no there’s another one come surpris me Mason James talking to people while he was in Norman the other day it almost feels like a uh what’s the word I’m looking for here it almost feels like a formality at this point and things are just look it’s it’s felt that way I mean I I put it’s felt that way for a long time but it really F the day he got offer man that’s another that’s another kid where you look at it now and it’s just and I know he’s in EMT Jones backyard yeah but the fact that EMT Jones is out actively eving and correctly identifying highlevel Talent before anybody else has offered him it’s a testament to what a superb coach and recruiter and evaluator that em and Jones is because Mason James is so freaking good man Mason J that that is another guy he’s a three star right now for us at Rivals if that kid ends up a top 100 if that kid end ends up a top 100 player in the nation I will not be surprised at all he is wondrously talented I mean the complete package he’s got good size he’s six feet tall uh runs amazing route so quick in and out of breaks strong hands he’s fast he’s everything you look for man he is to me he is the best wide receiver that I’ve seen in the state of Oklahoma since Talon cetron and he’s got two years of high school ball left he may there’s one in 25 that has may take very much offense to that no I understand that I understand R seen much of Elijah Thomas I haven’t seen as much of Elijah Thomas as I have of Mason James fair enough and that maybe why I’m partial to Mason but even so like I I think he has an astronomically high ceiling and if Oklahoma locks him down you pair him up with Jaden O’Neal that is scary man yeah that that and then you throw Jonathan Hatton into the picture if those are the three OG commits for Oklahoma in the 26 cycle boy you can’t draw it up much better than that and who did you say was your oh well I think the OG I think the other one will probably be kayen right yeah man I he calls Oklahoma we every time I talk to him well he grew up like yeah he’s a legacy he’s he he is said time and again he’s going to go through the process he’s going to evaluate his options it’s just really hard to imagine that that kid doesn’t wind up a sooner isn’t it yeah very much so and then you on the emit Jon evaluation I I I want to put this in perspective for people so there is a 2028 wide receiver in the state of Oklahoma and I know that sounds crazy they talking about right 2028 right K just gonna be a freshman his dad is on staff at Oklahoma State he goes to U’s camp and his name is David Thomas he plays he will be a freshman at Still Water this year he ran in no he ran a 10 n excuse me a 109 100 meter as a 14-year-old and for those that don’t understand how fast that is an 18-year-old that is really really fast usually runs between a 105 and a 104 so in four years if he’s not running the 10 tws I’ll be shocked like he’s that fast and just a baby right just a baby 2028 um he goes to Oklahoma and Oklahoma invited him down ohu was so scared with his dad being on staff that U was going to be the first to offer him that they went ahead and offered him and so did Arkansas just Bam Bam real quick because they did not want U to be the first to throw it out there because of of the the Optics of his dad being on staff but what U did and Jones didn’t offer him bed him back for a second time his dad comes down they watch and his dad give credit to him said his job is over here David’s recruitment is over here like they’re two separate things David’s gonna get to do what David wants to do and I talked to David and he said I want to play in the SEC like that’s why I keep coming down to Oklahoma now Oklahoma hasn’t offered him yet but I did talk to a source that told me after the first two or three games of the season if he is what everybody thinks he’s going to be that offer’s coming and it’s coming quickly yeah I I he will be a top 100 player in 2028 nationally like you saw him Parker He is unbelievable between him and Mason James it was it was a treat to watch that wide receiver core go at it that final High School uh Camp so like there is a lot of talent in the state for em and Jones to little poach from to poach from and we’re just scratching the surface I mean look at with Todd Bates he’s got a lot of talent obviously he’s got Overton right and uh he’s got Taj Overton in the uh 20206 class and then 2027 you got Joseph graves right out of Booker T I I want to ask you this because I think before we close this out something I’ve been talking think about when BM Venable showed up prior to BV showing up outside of the 2028 class as far as defensive lineman goes in the state of Oklahoma it had been bar bone dry outside of like one here two here every you know two years or so right you had Ethan DS that came through um who are some other names prior to 2022 in the state of Oklahoma but that that shows you how bare it was right I guess um well he part of 208 class there wasn’t a lot though but it wasn’t like an everye deal that you had a big time DN or D tackle right BB prior to BB leaving OU from 99 to 2011 the state of Oklahoma produced a lot of top tier defensive lineman if you go back and you look at all those teams there’s always a couple of Oklahomans on those defensive fronts BB shows up at the end end of the 22 cycle look what’s happened every year two or three it’s crazy how that changed right particularly in 2024 way different right David Stones the Daven Sims Daman Coe Colton y are bro I went I there was like a bunch of I went through and I named like 10 on the board the other day in three years you couldn’t name 10 outside of that 2018 class for like a decade in the state of Oklahoma that was producing dline wise in that wild but when BB was there originally they did it’s almost like divine intervention as far as when Brit vinales is there coaching the defense when he’s not the state of Oklahoma produces I just thought that was interesting that you know the state of Oklahoma is starting to produce every year there’s a top tier top 150 kid and Joseph Graves Parker would you be shocked if he’s in the top 50 talk in the 2027 class I wouldn’t go that far yet you don’t think so no he’s good don’t get me wrong he’s good top 100 uh I’ll say top 150 top 150 for now okay want to see bit more still Elite yeah yeah he’s a great basketball player for people yes for nobody that has never seen but he quit basketball but he is an amazing he was an amazing basketball player really good feet now he’s one of the top wrestlers and he plays golf on the side just as a side thing so so just a name to file away 2027 offer defensive tackle in the state of Oklahoma they’re starting to do that um Joseph Graves out of Booker T Washington another school that produces is a little dry right now outside of graves but produces oh uh I believe they got another defensive line transfer in the 26 class if I’m not mistaken maybe 27 um I want to say it was uh my gosh the kid his brother played for Kansas State Wayne um you know what I’m talking about safety for Kansas State Wayne Jones Wayne Jones yep so I think it’s D Wayne Jones is the kid’s name right no maybe I’m wrong here I don’t know but he was at aaso started as a freshman at was now he’s at Booker T so he went to Collinsville and all of a sudden he’s at botin now so another name to follow away as far as defensive tackles go in the state of Oklahom anyways all right Parker if uh you’re not on OU Insider what should they do well folks especially if the calendar has not yet made the turn from June 24th to the 25th uh on the uh East on the East Coast at least uh what you’re going to want to do is use promo code at champu barbq 24 to sign up at you sign up with that promo code before the end of the day for 11:59 p.m. eastern time on Monday June 24th you’re going to get free access all the way until fall Camp so if you’re too late guess what still not a huge chunk out of your wallet it’s 9995 a month if you want to grab a monthly subscription or you can pay a hundred bucks and get the whole year but uh if you are fortunate enough to be listening to this podcast on June 24th before 11:59 p.m. eastern time you can still take advantage of our promo and use promo code champu bbq2 four to get free access until fall Camp there you go also if you’re not subscribed to this YouTube channel this is the time to do it we’ve got a lot of really cool content for you guys coming up uh make sure you subscribe right here just hit the Subscribe hit the notification Bell uh we’re going to have podcasts every day we’re going to have OU content every day whether it’s baseball basketball softball football recruiting it is all OU all the time right here in college sports right here on OU Insider YouTube we’d love to have you guys subscribe to it it’s free and you get content your beloved OU Sooners content college football college sports content right here subscribe to OU Insider YouTube channel all right that’s going to do it for this version of the OU Insider under the advisor Sooners podcast for Parker my name is Brandon drum you guys have a blessed night


  1. Parker Thune its down right disrespectful to constantly look down on your phone when a guess is talking. Come on man!

  2. Parker Thune its down right disrespectful to constantly look down on your phone when a guess is talking. Come on man!

  3. Tenn, Ole Miss. and Bama for me. Those are circled.I live in N.E.Miss. and I am stoked about those games. FINALLY We are in the SEC! Boomer!

  4. I cannot wait to see how Marcus excels as a Sooner! He has an amazing attitude and I can picture him motivating and leading his brothers to a championship.

  5. Wow wow just wow what a great kid that has a great attitude who is going to turn into a great defensive leader. 🫰 Boomer

  6. Champu barbecue? 🤣 The only champions at Oklahoma is the women's softball team maybe that's who they're talking about

  7. I don’t care what Parker or Drum says… looking down on your phone during an interview is extremely unprofessional!!

  8. 6:09 – Okay, he won me over. He's definitely got OUDNA.

    This is my first time seeing him in an interview, and I'm a harsh critic. But he shares my sentiment.

  9. This channel is better as an audio only, you don't see the the complete disrespect with the host staring at their phones.

  10. Marcus had OUDNA injecting into his veins. Already talking like a legacy, looking forward to seeing you get on campus.

  11. I live on north fl. All the shit talk I hear all the time about how ou ain’t any good there going be middle of pack. I can’t wait for this season. Either going be long season or the beast season for me to crap talk ever lol

  12. Wow there are a lot of trolls dropping comments. You don't know what they have going on. He could be taking notes or getting important news.

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