MEEP MEEP Disc Golf Trackers REVIEW (Follow Up)

Meep Meep has one of the easiest disc locators to use. How does it work? How long does the battery last? Let’s find out.

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hey guys welcome back to the channel do you hate losing discs well I might have a product that’s going to help you find it it’s called The meep meep let’s check it [Music] out thanks for tuning in guys I’m going to look at a new product that’s called the meep meep now I’ve actually reviewed this product about 8 months ago but here’s the thing this battery’s been sitting on this product for 8 months does it still work we’re going to test it out all right if you guys haven’t seen my other review you guys can check it out over here but the meep meep is this cool product that you can attach to your phone and if you’re within about 40 or 50 ft it’s going to chirp for you kind of like an air tag does but the neat thing about this is it only weighs 7 G so it’s not going to affect the flight of a disc all that much all you have to do is when you purchase this you go to the app which is called meep meep and then once it’s connected then all you do is press play and it’ll chirp I’ll hold up to the mic there hear that now the cool thing about this which I did in the review before is you can change the chirps there’s about four different chirps pick whichever one you want and if you have multiple of these you can even have a different chirp for each disc all right now the one thing I will tell you about is there’s this little circle dut uh double-sided tape thing does recommend to let it sit for 48 hours and make sure you definitely follow those directions cuz last time I put this on the disc I went out and threw it about an hour later and it came right off but make sure you let that sit for about 48 hours that lets all the stickiness and all the good stuff work so last time I tested this out I came out to these Woods here I chucked it as hard as I could deep into these woods and we’re going to go see if we can find it we’re going to do the same thing today same disc same meep meep does it still work let’s find out bye-bye buddy hopefully we’ll see you soon [Music] bye-bye straight deep into the woods all right let’s go find it now this product has lots of uses not only will it help you find your disc if you throw it in the woods I love it for glow dis golf I used it quite a bit this past winter during the glow season and I’ve heard meep meep is even looking at using it with people with disabilities so maybe somebody who’s got a visual impairment you can use this to help them find the disc or maybe even put it on a basket I’m liking where they’re heading all right so here we are we got to about the edge of the woods I’m not even looking for the disc cuz I’m going to let the app do the work now right now it says it’s disconnected but all you have to do is hit play and it’s going to search searching searching and if I’m too far away then I’ll just move deeper into the woods all right we’ve moved a little deeper in the woods now it says it’s connected I still don’t don’t see it let’s hit play okay it says it’s playing I don’t hear it quite yet oh I do hear it all right somewhere over here all right somewhere over here I’m going to put you guys down right here see if I can go find it I hear it chirping chirping chirping oh all right I don’t know how it ended up over here but you hear all right it’s still chirping so now I’m going to hit stop I found it all right guys it is pretty accurate I had to get about 40 50 ft from it but like I said if you keep hitting the play button and walk it around eventually it’ll start playing and this thing is pretty loud that you should be able to find it what a cool product guys 8 months since I put this on the disc it is still chirping now it does say the battery life is not 100% less than 50% but that’s still pretty good so before we get to Glow season I’ll probably put a fresh battery in here put another double-side tape and then we’ll be good to go for the winter season all right guys if you’re looking to get one of these I think they run about $2 you can get a five pack for 90 bucks which saves you even more money or if you guys want to save some money head on over to and use my code disc Rider that’ll save you some money hey if you guys are looking for some discs you also o know where to go dis golf deals USA use my code over there too all right I hope this review helped you I know some of you guys were wondering if this thing still works after 8 months certainly does till I’ll see you guys next time peace out [Music] he [Music]


  1. I bought two of these to use in the sage brush deserts of the western US. I was excited because finding discs in these dense little bushes is super hard. Unfortunately, they barely worked, if they worked at all. They also drastically altered the flight characteristics of the two drivers I attached them to, making them both considerably more understable. I would be fine with this if the stupid things would chirp, but I would often have my phone searching for the tracker even standing on top of it.

  2. Ooof it only has 30 feet for range? Great idea for a product but BLE ain't gonna cut the mustard. If you have to get that close to your disc to have it even get picked up by your phone, then you already know where it is! I'd love an app that would give me an overlay like augmented reality. I don't need help located the area I shanked my disc into, I need help finding out which bush it's living in! =D

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