Golf Players

Rory McIlroy ‘needed’ to meet with the media after 2024 U.S. Open | Dan Patrick Show | NBC Sports

Regardless of the emotions he was dealing with in the moments following his U.S. Open loss, Dan Patrick thinks Rory McIlroy should have met with the media, especially as the “face of the PGA Tour.” #NBCSports #DanPatrickShow #USOpen

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Rory McIlroy ‘needed’ to meet with the media after 2024 U.S. Open | Dan Patrick Show | NBC Sports

Rory mroy is one of my favorite interviews because I do think whenever you ask him a question he thinks and gives you an answer it’s not a kind of pre-written answer he actually gives thought to your questions and his answers he’s always accessible he should have been accessible yesterday yes it is tough but you’re the face of the PGA Tour you needed to you needed to meet with the media and he’s gone stay and congratulate Bryson to Shambo stay but you’re done you sign your scorecard after you realize you’re not going to win you’re in your courtesy card that he was driving to go to his private jet to fly back home now I know he’s been going through an awful lot he and his wife reportedly are getting back together some reconciliation I think he’s taken on far more than he thought he was going to or should of when it became the face of the uh PJ tour he was the name he was the one who was being interviewed he was the one ask about Liv tour you need to meet with the media and he failed with that responsibility you owe it to the fans you owe it to uh the TV Partners you you need to be there in front of the media you can say look I’m crushed I I don’t have anything really to add I I you know I have to go home and figure this out um you know I I put a lot of pressure on myself I had my chances you know that putt was tricky you know whatever it is but you have to feed the media there as tough as it is and I I’ve said this before when Bill Buckner had the ball go through his legs game six when the Red Sox and the Mets at sha Stadium they’re going to win the World Series and Bill Buckner was there at his uh locker and answered everybody’s questions when Mitch Williams gave up the home run in Skydome to Joe Carter Mitch Williams was there at his locker answering those questions it’s tough but you have to do it and Rory disappointed me not that he’s That Matters to him but as as a fan of his a fan of golf and a fan of that moment there talk to the media that’s what you’re supposed to do and and granted it it’s not pretty and it feels horrible and the questions are going to be can you ever win another I mean it’s 14 years or 10 years here you know the same questions are coming there but you but you owe it to the sport because it was almost heroic that you were down I think three starting the day and you battled back and you played great and then you didn’t play great got to meet with the media yeah Pauling I I really mix feelings on this one because Rory for 10 years has always met with the media after a loss always been access ible and you know he made $2.3 million he was getting paid by people so he should actually do an interview almost out of obligation for the check yeah but I wonder if he was really maybe losing a little bit there at the end because he was in his car six minutes after dambo sunk his putt I mean his people were scrambling but even give NBC give NBC just a little interview maybe a single walk-off interview three minutes I I agree I totally agree but I wonder if he was I wonder if he was having maybe a little bit of a I can’t do this one I I’m I’m about to lose it I’m going to guess you have a breakdown there yeah you know you’re you’re depressed you’re down it’s it’s Father’s Day it’s tough but you got to you know you should say hey I’ll do three minutes with you I you know I’ll try to keep it together for three minutes we we want we we needed to hear that uh dambo was wonderful he was throughout he stayed for hours he might still be there for all I know but he was great and somebody must have grabbed him and said hey you know what you can change your whole image here you can be the PE you can be the the next Michelson you can be the people’s champ walking there saying hello you know autographing giving dap there interacting he had a great weekend that is a great weekend for him


  1. Rory will eventually get questioned about the U.S. Open at the next tournament he plays in. He is just delaying facing the media.

  2. I don't like that Rory left without congratulating Bryson, but he owes the media nothing. It always cracks me up how thin the media's skin is. They can write whatever they want about anybody, but the moment anyone crosses the media, we get all the blathering about disappointment and responsibility and blah blah blah. An old Boomer yacking in his studio about it just makes it more insufferable. Not a good look for Rory though leaving without shaking Bryson's hand.

  3. When Bryson was battling for the lead at the PGA Championship and Shauffle won, Bryson shook his hand and congradulated him like a gentleman, when Rory was battling Bryson at the US Open and Bryson won, Rory ran away and sped off like a spoiled brat.

  4. Rory had a choice and he chose not to meet with the media after his round. That's his prerogative. And, because of that choice, he also must face the consequences, which includes Dan's comments.

  5. The REASON he hasn't won this next major is because he's too accessable. DP he owes you nothing. Until he tuffens up and does what's best for RoRY he will keep losing majors. Who cares what you think Patrick.

  6. "Dechambeau was wonderful" . Lol. he won the freaking USOpen what do you expect? Come on, Danicka. Wake up

  7. I was shocked by his behavior. So unlike him…I understand his utter meltdown on the course. But come on Rory…you are better than golf

  8. There's only one reason why he should have stayed and congratulated Bryon and chat with the media. PIP "is designed to reward members who – through objective measurement criteria – are shown to generate the most positive interest in the PGA Tour." In essence, the scheme is there to reward the biggest names in the game for being just that – the biggest names. He's been paid a boatload for that honor. Give something back to the fans Rory.

  9. congratulating Bryson is what a real man would of done, Rory has let himself down by not sucking it up and doing the man thing! liv up to being a Celtic man.

  10. Take a look at the heartbreaking interview of Pato O’Ward after his crushing second place at the Indy 500. He manned up. That was what Rory should have done.

  11. Dan All you do is sit on your *ss and talk. Grayson Murray cracked and couldn't deal with it. Give Rory a break. Divorce,LIV,Missed putts,etc etc Dan all you do flap your jaws.Give Rory a Break!😊

  12. Even Greg Norman after a soul crushing Masters loss in late 90's still went to the press room. But I have a soft spot for Rory, and wish him the best

  13. It doesn't matter how much McIlroy posts now, how he congratulates DeChambeau now online, it will never, never erase the poor sportsmanship he displayed after his loosing the U.S. Open. If he was a real man, a true golf sportsman, he would have been there to extend his hand at the end. I thought this game was suppose to be a "gentleman's" game, showing the due respect even in loosing. You saw what DeChambeau did after he won, yet there was still a shot needing to be taken to finish the game. He held his arms out, calling for silence for Pavon to have the respect he deserved to make the shot.
    I don't have much respect for McIlroy anymore. His wants have overtaken the sportsmanship and respect which is expected at the highest level of the game.

  14. This would have been extremely tough to swallow for anyone. Let’s be reasonable. Rory is a human like any of us. He’s not a comedian. He is allowed to be furious mad at himself. Not everyone is an extrovert who can comment on his own emotions in real time.

  15. No he doesn't. Because you all think he does… He didn't… I never saw tiger do it or do you have a different set of standards for Rory…. I guess so.
    Leave the guy alone.

  16. I can't begin to imagine the emotions that Rory was feeling seeing that win slip away after so long waiting and such a good opportunity. I am not as worried that he couldn't front the media, but he should have stayed to congratulate Bryson. However, he is also paid megabucks and is one of the faces of the PGA, for that alone he really should have fronted the media.

  17. It seems disrespectful for Rory to leave the event early without congratulating the winner or attending the press conference to address his loyal fans and journalists.

  18. Can't imagine what Rory was going thru missing his chance by blowing those short putts.

    He should have been smart enough to realize that if not for the sake of sportsmanship – it would have been incredible PR media – and great for his image – if he went out of his way to congratulate Bryson.

    Like it or not, Rory's a brand. He should have played it smarter.

  19. Dan Patrick. You are wrong. The guy has personal problems at the moment. Most Important, he hasn't won a major in a decade while being a top 10 golfers for that period. He lives and breathes golf. He is just emotionally drained. Give him a break. He will be back in 3 weeks to answer all your stupid questions which you already know the answer.

  20. YES……….Rory has done a lot and sometimes, you just "dont have it". Sometimes, you get to simply not meet the standard. That's okay. He's a human being, not a robot. I heard he did congratulate Bryson. America loves Rory McIlroy

  21. Rory is #2 golfer in the world! Have some respect for yourself & your position as a person & golfer! As many comments that have been posted Rory if Bryson had lost & you won Rory Bryson would have congratulated you Rory! Even though Bryson would have been devastated he lost because Bryson was playing for Payne Stewart! Do you understand Rory the difference here? Bryson would have stayed & manned up & Congratulate you Rory!

  22. I don’t agree that he “owes” anything to the fans. Why are they entitled to hear him speak right after what may have been his biggest career disappointment? Rory owes himself

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