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‘Name 3 things you shout during s*x!” Maroons are put to the test πŸ“ | Fletch & Hindy | Fox League

Brought to you by Red Rooster, Fletch and Hindy have infiltrated enemy lines to test whether the Maroons are ready for the State of Origin Arena.

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[Applause] yes welcome back to the show now oh look can you smell it Nathan can you smell it it’s just around the corner was a ass no no no origin origin is just around the corner oh jeez so we went up to Queensland during the week and gave the queenslanders a bit of a a bit of a psych test to see if they’re ready for the origin [Applause] Arena put on the piece oh you mother mother mother how are you brother going on how you doing are we rolling he got me too ring the spot Patty carrian Ruben Cotter Valentine holes and Harry Grant welcome boys thanks mate thank you now um you’re in Queens Ang jerse does it look good on me it does Blue’s more um like no no not really you’re more intelligent when you wear blue it’s been proven all right boys so we’re going to play this game and this is Billy’s asked us to do this this is more of a Ben mate you’re leader Nathan you explain again uh so it’s it’s for mental capacity game day scenarios all that you got to think quick and I know you two can think quick xavia no right or wrong answers just whatever comes to mind all right we’re documenting what you say as it comes through our mics goes up to Billy up there so just be ready all right uh we’re going we’re going first to you coach e name three turn-ons uh all Crossfield kick um brunette um uh ravioli so what about this was an Italian chef who looks like Angel and Jolie who can kick Cross Field that’s turn turn on giv me one reasons to get a divorce she’s cheated on you yep fell out of love She’s spend all your money and time time okay that was fine just test Qui got to think of the game and we just B go no don’t just go whatever comes to things you pay for by the hour go go massage yep haircut yes hour don’t know uh account yes service yes car service yeah okay time you can relax take a deep breath yeah that’s it name three places you find cellulite go Brisbane Sydney Melvin hasie that’s good still with you pal I’m locking this name three couples you’d swing with go you can’t say your brother-in-law cuz we got in trouble about that yeah I say like Harry CH bit in there see other boys behind me Ben far out name three female body parts finger toe ear smart smart see boys out there were saying like aoli Ari I saw ree Walsh’s DMS before yeah there was someone dipping uh Aras in aoli all right things you bang Hammer yes knee elbow El yeah yeah a golf ball yeah yeah my toe bang your toe are we together yeah the door the door not your sister-in-law not your sister-in-law back to you laughing already I am laughing name three ways to earn [Music] sex what this is what it says a question it is look yeah um be a gentleman yes boom uh nice fancy dinner boom um you know be an attractive looking bloke there you go name three things that feel good go massage massage you go you go queens and oan Jesse okay very enough outside the box people you’d like to see in an ay go Marg Robbie Mar Robbie Shaquille it’s good this would be awesome a Anthony alany Al and they’re all in the can you use any of this okay toy name three people you’d like to see in an ory what name three there’s no way that’s a question Billy s and Billy’s up there listening now yes all right yeah uh Jessica Alba boom you know Shakira yeah Shakir I never really knew that you could dance lot of your teammates said um Shaq sha Mitchell no not sha MIT oh might be sha Mitchell sha Mitchell well there an G so we could probably add two more you too is this I’m in I’m in all right Hunty can I say Hunty say whatever you like hty hunty’s a good name we’re going to call you Hunty uh Hunty three reasons why you get diarrhea what are these it’s a psychology question uh Indian food that’s racist no it’s not it is RAC RAC the food mate h she feeding him himself oh what what cut it all out name three couples you swing with it’s all incriminated there’s no good answer for us here okay H stop looking at me like you want me to say you’re what are you looking at me like that are people you never want to see naked Ruben your mom jamesa your dad cousin Thomas FL your cousin Val dust name three things you do in the car other than drive um put the music on your music put the seat belt on seat belt this is I’ll close the door it’s smart you should work for roads and traffic here we go name three things you share during sex go Reuben yes pick me [Music] Billy there name three things you shout during sex like me personally person no cuz I don’t but if someone like Harry I reckon Harry might say like who’s your daddy we don’t have to ENT these yeah I’m winning get C hey boys body language yeah you’re watching relax relax relax you’re giving off a yeah that’s it that’s let’s kick it up name me three crimes stealing breaking inner theft [Music] I’m struggling I’m panicking what about murder yeah oh yeah murder that’s a bad one though yeah crime pretty okay name three stores you like to steal from BCF say Anaconda okay start again ready name three stores You’ like to steal from anaconda anaconda anac anac we say Anaconda name three places you can lick yourself your hand your fingers py py you were the Ducks of the school and your fingers yeah yeah cuz he’s book smart you see he’s not he’s not off the street what we doing here this is just we’re getting a psych a psychology question pet names for your significant other kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty baby baby candy candy we’re get a real inside to you name three holes um three holes golf hole black hole that’s great there is it’s up there it is the black hole is up [Music] there right we can’t top that no there one golf hole black hole Bullet Hole Bullet Hole Nam three people you never want to see naked yeah never Kev Kev Kev oh you don’t want to see Gus naked you don’t want to see G that’s not goodone I’ve seen Wayne I don’t want to see him naked again what was that like was that that not well boys thank you very much thanks awesome being a pleasure he best of luck brother we going to go the black hole sh questionary questions oh you I got get you off ah boys great work boys big thank you to the Queensland origin side you know with the uh of course a lot of pressure with the game coming up but to be good sports you uh always very good to us I don’t know if you saw this during the week but Billy I mean not Billy Smith what was his name Billy SL Harry Grant maybe yeah Harry Grant went down with a bit of a went yeah yeah went Billy spit to Harry Grant went down with a bit of a bug didn’t he during the we yes this is we found out how and why have a look at this look at this dirt bag here [Laughter] oh that’s


  1. Name three people you never want to see naked;

    Your Grandma
    Your Grand dadπŸ˜…πŸ˜‚

    Name three people you have orgy with;

    PNG PM
    AUZ PM

    watching from Papua New Guinea πŸ‡΅πŸ‡¬ πŸ˜…

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