Golf Players

Gotta love Bobby Mac’s connection with where he grew up.

you mentioned Bobby Mack what kind of guy is Bobby Mack you obviously have spent a bunch of time with him played on the Ridder cup with him what kind of guy is he and and kind of how cool is that watching him with his dad Bob’s cool and I think do you know one of the things about when you’re in a rider cut team with with people is you do become that that much closer to someone I don’t play as a team and you don’t have people as your teammates very often especially in that ridic up like format so you do become closer and you do see different sides of people I think Bob is very connected with where he’s from his home his family and I think you know he’s very very pure in that regard and um he’s he’s clearly you know a phenomenal golfer and I think his career has been on a very consistent like upward trajectory for a good few years now you can’t help but like enjoy who he is like and and his interviews and everything and I think that’s so important he works very hard and he he spends his time doing doing the right things really but yeah I I respect so much like that connection to home that he always keeps you can tell that that’ll never leave him

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