Golf Tips

Need help to break 100

Played my first round in 14 years and shot 104 today. Struggled with consistency. Fat shots, misses to the right, pulled shots to the left, weak hits on the toe… 5 penalties and only 2 GIRs.

Anything you see that should be fixed? What I’ve self-diagnosed so far is that my backswing is a bit shallow, wrists are lazy and I’m blocking my downswing with my left hip, like stalling and not clearing the hips very well. Anything else?

Need help to break 100
byu/Southern_Map_4677 ingolftips

by Southern_Map_4677


  1. Rio__Grande

    After 14 years, I’d be immensely happy. This is my first year keeping score and I just scored 106 yesterday after about 7 rounds of 120-125.

    I’m not a good source of advice, but I wonder if keeping that front foot a bit more planted on the backswing would help or not.

  2. Clay_Dawg99

    Looks better than my swing and I get in the 70’s occasionally

  3. KoreanStrib

    Play more brother. Taking that long off, rust plays a factor

  4. KolyaVolk

    The swing isn’t the issue. This can achieve 80s. Work on your short game.

  5. reverse_pineapple

    Hit the range and find some short game drills. Your swing should easily break 100.

  6. K-stanaclause

    Great swing after 14 years! I’d slow everything down a little bit, swing looks a little fast at the moment.  Also don’t think you can really use this first round to gauge anything either. I’d bet you easily break 100 after a few rounds and taking some pressure off the internal need to score well. 

  7. cowboy-24

    Backswing is a little high without much depth behind.

    Cannot see the face of the club ir whether the hands are ahead of the face.

    If you hit 135 yards in the fairway and can chip and put you should be able to hit 90. 1 chip 2 putts.

    Say it’s a 300 par 4. That two x 135, 1 pitch,, 2 putts for a bogey. 72 + bogey each hole = 90.

    It’s the pitching, chipping, and putting you should focus on.

  8. Illustrious-Flow-441

    Wish I had that good a looking swing. I’ve learned to not have blow up holes, like 8’s, not three put and chip and put practice more then driving range.

  9. Vegetable-Tangelo1

    Looks good brother Maybe just slow it down a little bit

  10. baumqqq

    Not bad, most likely you have some weight transfer issues.

    Also a bit too much weight on your toes and a bit too far away from the ball.

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