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Oh sweet merciful Christ, the Eagles are good again.

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Time Stamps
0:00 E-A-G-L-E-S
3:06 Reflecting on 2023
7:59 Scheme Breakdown
20:47 Thank you, LinkedIn!
22:04 Front Office and Staff Breakdown
26:26 So who should you actually draft?
38:00 Free Agency Losses and Gains
51:25 The Eagles Rookie Class
1:00:47 Summary and Season Predictions

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we’ve shot this intro four times now um we’re not going to show you the other ones suffice to say today is going to be a big old group therapy session because 2023 was a a little bit traumatic in Eagles land a lot went wrong and even more went even more wrong er uh things started out so promising and then just went to hell so we’re going to go over exactly why everything went to hell as well as the steps that the Eagles have uh taken to fix it this offseason lots of schematic changes lots of personnel changes lots of crazy money being thrown around that I didn’t even realize they had but apparently they do because howy Roseman doing how Roseman things so uh Big Show today if you’re an Eagles fan grab a drink you’re going to need it cuz uh we’re opening some Old Wounds Jay roll the intro [Music] [Applause] yeah welcome back once again to the boot Lake football podcast I’m Brett that’s EJ if you’re new here this is episode 7ish of our 32 episode long team by team summer preview season preview thing monstrosity series whatever the name of this thing is uh we go team by team and do a new episode every sing single day uh where we spend 60 to 90 minutes talking about every single team uh I know the Eagles get a lot of publicity but uh you know I I feel like they’ve earned an extra hour or so of us uh recounting everything that went wrong uh cuz clearly people have not heard enough about the Philadelphia Eagles uh from the national media so we’re going to chime in as well uh before we dive into it EJ how are you I’m good just a disclaimer we’re not going to spend the entire hour talking about things that went wrong or 2023 we’re going to spend as little time on that as possible sort of race through that talk about some of the reasons of course and that’ll lead into why they made some of the changes they made through this offseason heading into 2024 before we get into it want to thank Underdog for helping to make this show possible of course footing the bill for uh this great verbo that we got on the water up here in Washington State uh you know we’re going to be spending basically half this series here ripping through 16 out of these 32 episodes and then uh you know we’re kind of doing home at home EJ’s coming down to LA to finish it off but uh if you happen to be a fantasy player yourself uh you know maybe you want a draft right now or maybe you want to do pick thems for hockey or baseball or golf or anything else going on this summer uh you can find that at Underdog fantasy in the link in the description below or at the QR code on the screen so whether or not you want to draft or play pickham or do anything in between promo code bootleg gets you up to $250 in bonus cash as well as a pick them special in the lobby so uh if you’re going to be watching sports this summer might as well make it a little bit more interesting on the side and with that EJ speaking of interesting football and I’m being very generous about that um Philadelphia Eagles what the [ __ ] got to be careful the may we live in interesting times Mantra bit Philly in the ass I think Philly doesn’t want any more interesting times they were like yeah make it interesting and then the world made it interesting and Philadelphia fans said no more interesting thank you that’s enough 2023 Eagles overall record 11- six a little bit misleading we’ll talk about why rank in the division second also somewhat of a disappointment especially with the way they started home record very solid 6-2 road record five and four but it was really the last five games one and four the stumbl down the stretch where they just couldn’t overcome their deficiencies any longer it caught up with them and it really felt probably more deflating than it was an 11-6 football team in the National Football League is not a bad football team but it sure didn’t feel that way limping to the Finish cuz they didn’t feel like an 11 and six team they felt like the one and four team and even when they got the first 10 wins like I distinctly remember you know when we were doing like our weekly Recaps you know throughout the season we’re like they won but you know it just it didn’t feel right it’s like they barely survived the Patriots like M Jones was marching them down the field in two minute uh and and they were like in the red zone and then I think it was Jaylen Carter that came up with a sack or you know some one of their might have been Brandon Graham I don’t know but somebody came up with a sack late in the game that basically like saved the game for them against New England who were not good you didn’t even say sealed it you said saved and I think that’s the tener for the entire 2023 Philadelphia Eagles team is like saved was the was the thing not sealed or you know put our foot down and you know put our stamp on that game it was more like nope got out of there with a W phew okay let’s move on to the next one that was the feeling we had for the first half of the season and then it really sort of came to fruition in the second half of the Season that again those flaws stacked up and they couldn’t overcome it we’re going to give you two metrics and the Eagles might be the sort of poster child for why we have two of these so the first one is quarterback support and it’s metric that I came up with with Argin Menan from PFF over the last year if you’re interested in how it’s put together check the link in the description we did a whole Twitter threat about it plus an hourlong live stream talking about how that particular SHP gets made it’s really a measure of offensive defensive and special teams Effectiveness talking about how much support an organization gives a quarterback to succeed or not 0 to 100 scale worst team in the league is a zero best team in the league is 100 the Eagles were a 77 4 on that scale and that placed them eighth out of 32 teams so this is not a bad team you would look at that say hey they had a solid record what the hell why didn’t it work out brings us to our second metric power score that we introduced you to last year and this one’s pretty straightforward we take six important statistics rushing offense passing offense rushing defense passing defense points scored and points allowed we just assigned them their league rank where did they finish within their peers the 32 teams in the NFL rushing offense fourth that’s great passing offense ninth top 10 easily win with that in the NFL this is where it becomes a bit of a tail of two teams Rush defense 30th yep with that defensive line Talent 30th and pass defense there was a lot said about their quarterback or cornerback tandem last year pass defense 28th so again fourth and Ninth for the offense 30th and 28th for the defense that’s your story right there folks that’s why they couldn’t hang on down the stretch points scored seventh points allowed predictably 30th so you take all those and wrap them together and this is where the average gets a little bit misleading the power score is 18 you want the lowest power score possible because you’d like to be number one in everything of course that’s not possible power score of 18 made them 18th over all in the league right in the middle and again they started off strong they were winning it was ugly they ended up on a one and four slide to finish off the season all that kind of averages out and makes them look like a very average team but the ride throughout the 2023 season was not average it was high in the beginning and low in the end and yeah we draw a dotted line through the middle but QBs and power score do a nice job I think of sort of illustrating yeah this is what they did overall but this is how it broke down and that’s why it happened I just had a realization of why that Patriots game early in the season was so close because remember at that time judon was still healthy and gono was still healthy so that Patriots defense which finish you know top I think was like top 10 in pretty much every single category uh and I think top five in a couple that was when they were top three in everything right was at the beginning of the year in the first month of the season they were like arguably the best or maybe second best defense in football going up against a very effective Philly offense the problem is Philly’s defense was garbage and the Patriots offense was garbage so you had two one dimensional teams going at it which led to a very close and very exciting game like it was a great TV product uh little did we know at the time it wasn’t that oh man the Patriots are Plucky and they’re better than we think it’s oh God the Eagles are worse than we think they barely survive the Patriots and it’s kind of funny how you know in September we think one thing and then you get to December and then you realize like oh no that that actually meant the other thing it’s that but worse again they were able to cover some of those defensive flaws largely with offense by outscoring teams again they kept it close because they were scoring a lot but they were allowing more points than we all thought they quote unquote should have and then once they got figured out once they got a few injuries and once really age just kind of caught up with their cornerbacks the doors blew completely off and they weren’t able to out score people and the defense couldn’t stop anybody well let’s talk about the the schematics for that defense uh they were top 10 in cover one last year which is more man coverage than they had any right to be calling considering they couldn’t actually cover anybody you know they couldn’t play man with their Corners um and their linebackers got cooked a lot too like even when they called um you know Zone coverages really Zone match coverages like their linebackers were getting cooked constantly so they just couldn’t cover anywhere on the field uh it’s a big reason why there was changes made on the defensive staff because they kind of beat their head against a brick wall month after month and just never changed right like I think by week six when you had puka like toasting Bradberry for a touchdown on a go ball on Third and 10 at that point they should have been like yeah we can’t do this we got rookies shown up and absolutely pancing us on national TV uh and they just never stopped calling it so uh it’s kind of their own fault you know bringing in vic he doesn’t do as much uh as much man coverage it’s really more Zone match a lot of quarters a lot of quarter quarter half or half quarter quarter um you know uh a lot of cover nine which cover nine in fangio language is just like match cover three um not a whole lot of just pure man covered it’s more of a situational call for them so I think it just we we’ll kind of get into the draft a lot more but I think um The Pick of quinan Mitchell what that told me is like when they go into all of the Zone match stuff against 3×1 looks which is like the predominant look you see in the NFL is 3×1 of varying shapes and sizes uh you’re always going to have like the one guy backside who’s in man at least in this defense you’re going to have the one guy backside who and man while they flood everybody else to play like five over three they took quinon to be that guy and then everybody else is going to get help so that was the one thing they didn’t give people last year was help uh and even when they did the one guy backside who was in man uh was like James Bradberry who was getting absolutely torched so they didn’t really have answers either way but you know to kind of distill it down the fangio higher is obviously an up upgrade and the quinan pickup in particular is what’s going to make the fangio defense work because even though he is predominantly you know calling Zone match coverages there’s always going to be one guy on the field who’s one-on-one and they took quinan to be that guy so um long way to go for a short drink of water it’s probably going to be better vix had that everywhere he’s gone he’s always had that if if you’re thinking about it in offensive terms pin and Pole right and he’s always had that pin on the back side he’s said that one guy that can just all right that’s it you lock that guy down we’ll work with the rest of whatever they’re throwing at us but in order for this to work I have to have a highquality cover guy that I can count on to do that by himself and then I can work the rest of the scheme and without that it doesn’t work and when he’s had that and a very good one it’s worked very very well um so coming in he was like Hey if you need my [ __ ] to work you need to get this guy figure out which guy that is I just need him to work and the eagle said we got your guy you remember back in 2018 you know Kyle Fuller got all the Press but the reason why Kyle Fuller was able to kind of you know play off in space and get all those picks and everything like that is because Prince of mamaru was on the backside beating the [ __ ] out of people so like you need him you need that guy he’s always had him uh offensively there was another change in coordinator bringing in Kell Moore uh to hopefully fix this offense and when I say fix this offense I’m not talking about overhaul this offense I’m talking about just Baseline fix as in give Jaylen Herz literally any tools to handle blitzes I don’t want to rehash some old things too long because I know Eagles fans have heard a lot about it but for the people who don’t follow Eagles football this is the Ridiculousness of the Eagles offense so they were 99% in shotgun last year they were the most shotgun heavy team in the league as and they just were never under Center unless they were doing you know tush pushes which led to them being number one in inside Zone because when you’re in the shotgun there’s only certain kinds of runs you can really call because the path of the back is going to be it’s it’s not really advantageous to run outside Zone it’s a little bit more difficult to run power like if you’re go if like if you’re pulling the guard that’s to the side of the back it’s a little bit harder to run shotgun power uh just because of the path of the back cuz it’s I don’t know it if you’re just looking at all shotgun run schemes it’s usually like various versions of inside Zone you know you got some teams that really like shotgun Duo you got some teams that really like counter out of the gun but only certain kinds of counter but again we’re talking half the half the running Concepts out there you can’t really run well from the gun just because of the path of the back so when you’re in shotgun 99% of the time you eliminate a lot of different kinds of runs that defenses would otherwise have to prepare for uh that’s why you know if you look at a lot of Shany hry West Coast offenses they’re under Center a lot they’re in the pistol a lot because you can run anything out of those the Eagles didn’t so they were very predictable 43% of their runs were inside Zone like that is that’s just too much it’s too much of anything let alone too much inside Zone uh they also were really bad at handling blitzes they were the second most blitzed team in the n fell at 39% which is crazy high uh they were 21st in terms of passer rating against five plus rushers they were 30th in passer rating against six plus rushers there are some teams that are very good at handling blitzes like they’ll throw hot all day uh and you know they’ll take their their four or five yard gains at a time and they’ll just keep punishing You by throwing into open space until you stop doing it you know the Bengals are one of those teams like Joe burrow fiveman protections all day he’s cool with it Tom Brady back in the day you want to run empty all day he’s cool with it uh the Eagles did not have answers for five or even six plus rushers um they also had the lowest motion percentage at 31% so they were very static offense they didn’t use a lot of motion so defenses felt comfortable blitzing them because they weren’t going to get caught in something at the snap and so when you add all those things together it leads to a situation where they had the eighth fewest combined dropbacks with six or seven man protections so they were mostly a fiveman protection team and even though they had the eighth fewest combined protections of six or seven men uh they also had the most dropbacks against six plus rushers while only having five blockers as in no matter what defense is plus one so hopefully you guys are following me on this they led the league by a lot I’m talking like by 35% they led the league by a lot in terms of number of instances where they were blocking with five and they had six or even seven sometimes eight guys coming at Jaylen herdz didn’t happen a lot when they had seven or eight but generally it was six but they led the league in in those situations where we had an unblocked rusher that is what that stat means and in those instances he was 15 of 27 for a buck 50 one touchdown three picks two sacks 44 passer rating lowest in the NFL so they were in like Colts with Gardner menu territory they were in Giants with Tommy DeVito territory in terms of how they handled rushes of six plus guys I know there’s a lot of numbers hopefully you guys understood all that but what I’m trying to say is the Kell Moore Edition and you can say what you want about Kell Moore he’s not going to give Jaylen Herz no tools to handle pressure they are going to have actual hots for him to work with they are going to give him the ability to you know use his running backs in protection at least a little bit Yeah like saquan can do that obviously saquon’s a great great receiver but like they’ll use saquan as a protector sure under Kell Moore like Kell Moore actually runs a lot of six-man pass protections um and in general I just think the offense is also going to have more motion it’s going to feel less reliant on just like 50/50 balls to AJ Brown it’s going to feel modern oh like it has a plan yeah like it makes sense so what you’re telling me is Blitz math bad Jaylen Herz hurt yes okay basically that’s the best way to distill it down that’s the two long didn’t listen version and fast forward to 2024 not going to be that way again ideally IDE hopefully possibly mostly maybe we’ll run with that or they’ll run we’re trying to give Eagles fans hope here okay right so yeah I I guess this whole section um what what we’re trying to say is Talent wasn’t the issue as much as coordinators were the issue both the coordinators are gone both coordinator positions have been upgraded which hopefully means that the talent that already existed on this roster let alone the talent that got added this off season uh that Talent will be better put to use and so we’re not going to end up with a situation where they’re holding on for dear life for three months out of the season and then they completely collapse because everybody figured out their coordinators and they never adjusted sounds good to me I mean sounds better to me and probably to Eagles fans listening as well um Talent was never the problem with this team we’ve gushed year-over-year about how he’s ability to go find it bring it in uh use all the methods available to him I don’t care whether it’s the draft it’s trades it’s letting guys go when he needs to before they’re going to hit their payday paying them before their contemporaries get paid so they pay less every time we say Man how he keeps getting away with udfas always have a good udfa class so he really does use every tool at his disposal to restock this roster it’s one of the best rosters in the NFL and yeah if you’re looking at that they underperformed last year they decided the reason was coaching they changed the coaching we’ll see if it has a better effect we think it will uh right off the crack but uh the results on the field will speak to that more loudly than on paper we’ll get back to the show and talk more Eagles in just a second but first one quick word from our sponsor that helped make this show possible LinkedIn hiring is a really stressful process EJ and I know that well as small business owners ourselves that are looking to hire a short form editor and also short form producer to kind of get ready for this coming season we’re in the middle of that and we know what goes into expanding a team and it’s really really difficult to find the right people but LinkedIn is here to try to make it as easy as possible there are more than a billion professionals on the LinkedIn Network and 86% of the 2 and5 million small businesses that use LinkedIn report getting a qualified candidate to apply to their job postings within 24 hours so if you’re hiring that is the place to be there is a lot of competition out there to try to hire the best candidates possible for your business we know that firsthand once again so if you yourself are also a small business owner and you need to hire some extra help to achieve your 2024 goals LinkedIn jobs will help you find the candidates that you want to talk to faster than ever before so try posting your available job for free at bootleg and see what they can do for you again that is bootleg to post your available job for free terms and itions apply and thank you once again to LinkedIn for sponsoring Today’s Show with that let’s get back to it why don’t we talk about uh the coaching staff in general again we talked about Kellen we talked about Vic coming over uh from Miami uh let’s dive into the rest of the building uh because there’s some really good assistant talent in here I would venture to say some legendary assistant Talent yes in that building and no matter what we think about Nick serani or I’m not going to speak for you no matter what I think about Nick serani the power of the coordinator and assistant level on this team should still be enough to to make for a strong staff and Nick serani heading into year four I think the most important ability he’s shown so far is the ability to change right the ability to adapt not just run it back not just say no we had it we’ll do better with what we had next year but saying nope that really didn’t work we need to make substantive changes he’s not stuck in his ways and that’s an important adaptability is a very important quality to have as a head coach uh we talked about ho and his ability to build the roster coordinators Kellen and Vic the Special Teams coordinator Michael clay notable coaches that you were talking about on offense Jeff Stalin is an absolute Legend as the offensive line coach I would say one of the top two in the NFL him and Bill Callahan in terms of developers give me a a raw piece of offensive line and I will turn it into a functional piece that plays better than anybody expected it to um when we have those type of offensive linemen in the draft or as undrafted free agents and they end up in Philadelphia or now Tennessee where Bill Callahan is we go oh well yeah they have a really good chance to succeed now like I’m betting they will I’m going to give both of those guys the benefit of the doubt Stalin’s more than earned it Kevin pulo uh the associate head coach and pass game coordinator fourth season with the Eagles second with the title of associate head coach so that means they really want to keep him that’s a tag that teams put on position coaches that they can’t necessarily make coordinators or Elevate but also want to give more responsibility to so they don’t get poached and sort of keep them in the pipeline they’ve done that with Kevin pulo on defense and special teams the Big Hurt Clint hurt senior defensive assistant again one of those nice little special tags for coaches they really want to have defensive line uh is his other half of the title he’s been coaching in the NFL since 2014 with the Bears the Seahawks and now the eagles’s really excited to see what he can do with Philly stable of pass rushers he’s been very effective at every stop in maximizing pass rushers when he got to the Seahawks their sack rate jumped by about a third um I’m expecting I don’t I don’t expect a jump in sacks from the Eagles by a third because they’re a pretty good pass rushing team but they have I think more tools more talented players on the defensive line than any stop he’s been at so far so that’s exciting for me and then Jeremiah wasburn I want to highlight he is the defensive end and outside linebacker coach which you might think there’s a bunch of overlap there Philadelphia does as well they put both those player groups under Jeremiah Washburn he’s got a fascinating career he actually started on The Scouting side when he entered the league he was uh well he was a grad assistant in college then when he made the league he was a scouting assistant and then he was an area Scout he was a scout for like three or four years and then he made the jump onto the field in coaching which is not a traditional path usually it goes the other way yeah not a traditional path through the NFL so been in the league 22 years now um again uh three or four years on The Scouting side then transition to coaching and has had a bunch of different coaching roles um but has this fascinating overlap with the Eagles because a lot of people do this every year in the draft we do it in our player rankings oh is he an edge is he a defensive end is he an outside linebacker what we used to call a Sam they just kind of mash together and say def of ends and outside linebackers you all go talk to Jeremiah he’s your coach yeah if you play out on the edge that’s right whether your hands in the dirt or you’re standing up that’s your guy that’s that’s your coach go over there yeah uh all right so given all that information uh we have a a segment that we do every single episode called the underdog top three where we try to break down the top three values per team for those of you that are doing all your fantasy football research which most of you are this time of year at least most people that subscribe to our Channel probably play a lot of fantasy football uh I am in an irresponsible number of leagues myself and I do an irresponsible uh number of mock drafts every single year uh so if you’re mock drafting or if you’re actually drafting at this point in the summer which some people for whatever reason uh are drafting in their home leagues this early um but if you’re just doing your draft prep in general they like extra challenge oh dude I I some people were doing their Dynasty drafts like the night that day three of the draft ended yeah no I got text from people they were like so this is Monday after the draft right completely just out of a mind sleep deprived just flew home the night before like three or four text from people like hey man one the clock in my Dynasty draft like what should I do between this guy and this guy you know at that point it’s reflexive luckily you’ve been building that muscle for four and a half months you’re just like do this better landing spot was good good night good morning whatever whatever time it is yeah I know people are like like literally the night of day three it’s like so when are you putting out your dynasty rankings it’s like dude I haven’t even eaten yet and you guys are drafting the [ __ ] are we doing here it’s good times it’s like when we announce on Twitter that we’ve filmed one of these episodes and somebody’s like where is it like I don’t know check back in 3 weeks there’s a couple steps between here and there we we’re recording this on May 23rd so some of this might not even apply by the time it comes out we’re going to try to make it as Evergreen as we possibly can but you never really know nope uh hopefully these uh these values also hold for the next two to three weeks whenever this episode is coming out just a little while uh we’re going to use adps like as of the time of recording so our top three values for the Eagles if you’re trying to hunt for value on this team which is actually pretty hard to do because everybody gets drafted super high because it’s the Eagles uh Dallas gotd it’s going to as tight end 12 saquon’s going as rb5 and Devonte Smith going as wide receiver 22 like we said pretty hard to find like Traditional Values on this team it’s not it’s not really like sleepers like sleepers don’t exist uh on the Eagles like everybody goes High because they put up a lot of points and they get a lot of yards um but that being said there are many values like Dallas GD being t E2 behind Brock Bowers who is the te2 on his own team as of now like Bowers is the move tight end in Vegas behind Michael Mayer with either Gardner mchu or Aiden oconnell throwing to him the te2 in Vegas is going ahead of Dallas Goddard in Philly that to me little rich just take Godard uh and then you got devont Smith at wide receiver 22 going behind Malik Neighbors which again Little Rich for my blood considering what we know about dvon Smith which is shocker he’s really good and terribly consistent this is my one of my favorite stats I’ve found so far in putting these agendas together for the series Mr consistency in three years in the league he’s averaged 1,59 yards per year and he’s never been more than 143 yards off that average in any season in his rookie season season he was 143 yards below that and in his second year he was 137 yards above that so almost exactly the same amount of variance off that midline he is Mr consistent he is throw him out there he’s going to get just over a thousand yards every year and that’s while being the number two option on his own team doesn’t matter so that’s again that’s why people take Eagles players is because even their number two receiver gets a th000 yards a year and when weighing that against some of the receivers that are going ahead ahead of Devonte Smith like say a rookie with the Giants with not a great quarterback situation and unknown pass protection situations oh come on man DJ threw a really sharp ball to Malik in OTAs today oh yeah the air the air put up a fight on that one look I’m just saying sometimes it’s okay to be boring and play it safe if you have devont Smith at wide receiver 22 just take devont Smith at wide receiver 22 in fact I take him before that but if you’re giving him or if they are giving you him at wide receiver 22 like just don’t don’t complicate things just take him uh and then saquin as rb5 again this is not really a value but I do find it interesting that he’s at rb5 behind say jir Gibbs who is going to be sharing quite a bit of a load or of the load in the Detroit backfield and might not even get priority for goal line touches because Monty’s still there and they love Monty as their goal line back so Jamir Gibbs is going as rb4 despite squin being behind the best offensive line he’s ever been behind despite being a true three down back that I’m not saying he’s going to get B out work because very few guys get bout work but like he’s going to be given a heck of a lot of opportunities right he’s going to have every chance in this offense so rb5 like again I’m not saying it’s a crazy value but it’s a little baby mini value which is all you’re really going to get as you said out of the Eagles roster because um they do get a lot of attention the national media I know shocker spoiler alert sorry I should have said so but uh you do see them on pretty much every show you turn on um so there aren’t a lot of sleepers there aren’t a lot of hidden values and if you’re getting those you’re really playing um you know Dynasty long shots it’s not sort of best ball fantasy stuff it’s oh well there’s this wide receiver five that might be wide receiver three and two years and on the Eagles offense that’ll pay off so in Dynasty that’s a value but in baseball for this year that guy legitimately might get seven touches I know the argument against saquan is well yeah but when they get in the goal line like Jaylen Herz at the goal line back and that’s fair but if it’s not within two yards of the end zone saquon is getting the carries so unlike you know again say jir Gibbs as the example if they’re inside the 10 yard line like Monty’s getting all of it inside the 10 yard line like you can almost guarantee Gibbs is not going to be given priority at least there are situations in the Red Zone where saquin is still getting the touches like okay yeah once they get within two yards they’re going to tush push it but I would rather have a chance of him getting Red Zone work for 18 of those 20 yards then a at best 40% chance of getting it in all of those 20 yards which is I think is what you’re going to get from Gibbs so is Gibbs still like a top six running back for me probably but if we’re just trying to get that narrow slice of value amongst Elite running backs again there’s not a whole lot of values on Philly but if we’re just trying to figure out the exact order we think they should go I don’t know that’s my argument for Sean all right speaking of saquan uh I’m going to throw you an unscripted one okay it’s the last time in your opinion the Eagles had a running back as talented as saquan Brian Westbrook oh no actually Shady of course so early 2010 Shady yeah yeah so it’s been 10 years maybe maybe slightly more than 10 years yeah yeah 10 years plus uh so it is a different level we were talking about this this morning that it is a different slice there are good running backs and then there are like yeah but you can’t really get these there’s five of these and saquan when healthy is in that category God was shading Eagle 10 years ago already was it that far you and I have this discussion regularly you’re like oh it’s been almost 20 years and I was like yeah it was 2004 turns out that’s exactly 20 years I was going through um some some early 2010s Eagles offensive all all 22 when Vic was there uh and I can’t even remember why I was looking at it it was probably some random project I was working on um but it was the the Vic game against Washington on like a Monday night M when he went stupid when he went off for like a billion yards and a bunch of touchdowns and and just looked completely Untouchable and on a different plane yeah those Eagles teams were fun back then like I know I know that like their 2017 you 2017 team You could argue is like the best Eagles team in modern history because they won the Super Bowl but if we’re just talking about like fun Eagles teams man those Vick years yeah and I go further back than that the Vic years were fun I go back to Rand Cunningham way back yeah yeah when I was coming up as a football fan like Randle Cunningham was way ahead of his time like and Herold carmichel and like the Eagles have a great and storied history as a franchise um but like Randall Cunningham was like sort of Bolt from the blue like guys like Vic had never existed and Randle Cunningham was Vic before Vic yeah right he was a guy that was equally dangerous with his armor his legs um on any down and could produce a 70 yard play you know sort of it will and did and people were just like wait what quarterbacks can do that my quarterback can’t do that quarterbacks can move at all like what uh yeah also just one side note seeing like Prime Deshawn Jackson tape like all 22 which didn’t wasn’t really accessible back when you know deshun was in his prime but now kind of going back and and seeing what like truly great players looked like in their Prime on all 22 I don’t want to hear anybody ever compare somebody to deshun Jackson ever again like even Xavier worthy I’m sorry it’s not the same he was so scary he was ridiculous like he was like how are you not in cover to every play against him you’re he was like cornerback [ __ ] your pants scary yeah like as a pro as an all pro lining up against that guy going oh please don’t Bur burn me oh please don’t burn me that’s what they were all saying no matter how good they were and I know all the cornerbacks are going to hop in the comments and be like no we weren’t I’m like yeah yeah yeah yeah no yeah you were we saw the brown stain we know we know uh all right one quick note again if you are interested in drafting any of these guys at a value as small infantism small as that value may be uh again you can do that on Underdog fantasy right now link down in the description QR code on the screen all that good stuff uh that brings us to free agency and what a productive March it was uh a lot of money spent really a lot of money spent inhouse other than obviously saquan and uh a bunch of names that they wave goodbye to uh some franchise legends that they wave goodbye to yeah probably the most eventful March the Eagles have had in oh man maybe since the 2011 uh you know when they came out of the lockout and built uh the dream team won the offse right oh boy I could I could do a whole mini dock on that dream you should I would watch it but it’s probably the most productive or rather the most eventful March they had since then so it’s been a while yeah for sure and we have to talk about the players that left before we talk about the players that took their place uh Fletcher Cox you can’t start this whole off season without saying and wow Fletcher Cox his time with the Eagles incredibly productive um yeah franchise Cornerstone for what seems like forever um Zach Cunningham not as much so but did play 61% of the snaps um again we’re not going to go through every player we’ll put them all on the screen for you to see but uh talking about most impactful players Kevin byard wasn’t with the Eagles a long time uh currently now with the bears but did play 96% of the snaps at safety position uh he moves on DeAndre Swift joins him on the Bears uh again not going to miss him as much the one signing we keep forget or keep forgetting that it happened it kind of happened so quickly and with such priority that I was like wait what okay sure and then people come up to me now and are like you know do you like DeAndre Swift on the Bears I’m like DeAndre Swift’s on the right forgot about that and you’re a Bears fan Bears fan when did we do that it spun my head because of when it happened how quickly it happened and the obvious priority they’ placed on him but in terms of Philadelphia because that’s what this episode is about they’re not going to miss him because of the addition of saquan um Hassan reck heads to the Jets he was 75% snap guy for them Boston Scott just have to talk about him his giant killing Legend like that’s that’s the relevance of Boston Scott hung on that roster for a long time didn’t play a lot of snaps he moves on to the Rams I actually think he’s gonna be really good they don’t play the Giants this year so so he’s not going to get any touches or touchdowns um but yeah lot of change really Fletcher Cox is the Highlight for me in terms of like take a little and we like this carpet so we won’t but pour one out for Fletcher Cox as an eagle Legend uh at minimum he’s going to be in the Ring of Honor very possible he’s in the Hall of Fame and he’s the second Hall of Famer that they lost in in one offseason because of course elephant in the room Jason Kelce your T-shirt wearing a Jason Kelce t-shirt in honor of him by the way this is from our clothing partner amage uh so if you want Jason Kelsey T-shirt amage has new heights gear Jason Kel yeah they’re the clothing partner New Heights and strangely bootleg gear yes so buy all the things if we really want to stretch it we could say Jason Kelsey is our colleague I mean in the loosest of possible definitions correct that’s the one I’m after vague business partner can we even go that far probably not but please only if we can say that Ryan Reynolds is our boss hey theoretically technically yes he is in one of the multiverses Ryan Reynolds is our boss I don’t know if we’re ever going to get Ryan on interview on bootleg but we should at least try you shootter shot uh but yes I I am wearing a Jason Kelsey t-shirt you can find that at the link in the description below anything you get get on homage doesn’t have to be bootleg doesn’t have to be Eagles doesn’t have to be new heights it could be literally anything uh if you use our link below we we get a cut of that uh but talking about Jason specifically again walked away from the game still on top still in Elite center after all these years still you know one of if not the Lynch pin of the offense um the best center I’ve ever seen in my life and I know like there’s bunch of other centers that have come and gone in the in NFL history you’ve seen more than I have um but for me like you know for the millennial football fan generation like Jason Kelce is the standard that we will judge all centers by for the rest of our lives at least certainly for for me for the rest of my life uh I don’t know if I’m ever ever going to see one like him again no one of my favorite players in the NFL like just one of my favorite players to watch to listen to to talk about the game um I’ll miss him as a player but uh yeah he’s moving into our realm and I think he’s going to absolutely crush it not that he already isn’t New Heights is a tremendous podcast but he’s uh he’s going to new heights he’s going a little higher than that um and I think he’s going to absolutely rip it um I’m glad that we get to keep hearing his perspective because if he was one of those that just walked away completely and washed his hands and said nope I’ve done it for my whole life I’m not doing it anymore I would miss him desperately so I am very glad that we’re going to get to hear from here on a weekly basis yeah not just on his podcast but he’s also joined uh ESPN uh he’s going to be on Monday night countdown and by the way Eagles have a Monday night game week two I’d be willing to bet that’s probably Jason Kelce Jersey retirement day oh probably it it should be at least but uh Jason I know you’re not going to watch this even though we’re Brer line colleagues uh toast to you for a great career uh the goat of goats for me in terms of who they did Keep slash retain slash extend slash restructure SL sign from other teams wait a minute slash played for Pittsburgh you can’t do that on an eagles podcast it’s Pennsylvania it’s close enough my wife by the way and I know Eagles fans are going to get pissed by this my wife always confuses Pittsburgh Pittsburgh for uh for Philly like she just like we went to Pittsburg on vacation she’s like yeah remember that one time we went to Philly and was like no no no no wrong side of the state they don’t like each other West vers East like it’s it’s yeah two different worlds and she’ll get it one day he went to Pittsburgh so what you’re telling me is she’s a Kenny picket fan she doesn’t even know who Kenny picket is yeah but he went to college there and now he’s played for both of the pro teams people always ask me it’s like oh is your your wife like football too it’s like no my wife doesn’t give a [ __ ] about football she doesn’t know anything about it and I’m good with that because that means like you know work doesn’t follow me home like could talk to my wife about other stuff but like the first time she ever heard of Travis Kelce was when Taylor started dating him 100% and I’m okay with that not not bad not wrong we love you Nick yeah no she’s a great wife uh doesn’t give a [ __ ] about football it’s okay we all have our faults uh anyway where were we retentions we were talking about retentions looking at uh this entire long list of lots of money given out uh your first reaction is probably the same as as my first reaction which is where the hell did they get all this money right because AJ Brown extended 32 million a year Devonte Smith extended 25 million a year Josh wet rest restructured he’s at 10 million a year Milada 22 million Landon Dickerson 21 million [ __ ] it we’ll throw Reed blankin ship in there almost 4 million cuz why not you know sequan uh got 12.5 million Bryce Huff got 17 million Makai beckon they brought in to be a Backup backup tackle um like you know Kenny pickets their their new backup quarterback at three and a half million although that was a trade not a signing but still like a lot of money in there a lot of money in there and so your first instinct is how uh like they just signed jayen Herz to a a crazy expensive deal last year so how is this even possible so I dug into the Jaylen Herz contracts cuz I was like clearly there’s something that I’m missing and i’ never actually looked into the jayen Herz contract structure before this is the wildest quarterback deal that I’ve ever seen there’s seven void years on the back end technically like yes the last year of the deal was 2028 but it runs until 2035 because that’s where all the void years are and what that does is it allows them to do this crazy ass structure where he’s getting paid in basically only option bonuses his salary like as an average is 1.2 million and so pretty much all of his money like $228 million of that contract is just in option bonuses but how it works is they partially vest two years before and then they vest they fully vest one year before and so they basically just kind of pay it in these teered out option bonuses that kind of stack on top of each other over time and they become partially guaranteed two years before and fully guaranteed one year before so it’s not like you could just cut bait and then owe him nothing like you’re always going to owe him something but because they kind of teared out all these option bonuses over a long period of time and through seven void years on the back end of the deal for God knows what reason it lowers his cap hit a lot and makes it very manageable so his cap hit this year is 135 his cap hit next year is 21.7 million his cap in 2026 it’s 31.7 okay starting to get a little little crazy but like not not not bad uh 2027 is 41.8 million which again is like up there but theoretically like again these teams all project out that’s how many years from now it’s not going to be at that point well and they always project out the cap of like what do we think it’s going to be in in three years based on television deals because they literally hire people to do that sure like I know some people in the league that do that because we know math good we know math good but some people math real good and they pay them very well uh so it’s like 41.8 million in 2027 which shouldn’t be crazy by then and then it tops out at 47.1 in the last year of the real deal I feel like this is the Bobby Bonia School of contract making oh I haven’t got to the ridiculous part okay so when all the rest of the Void years come slamming home because when a contract runs out and there’s void years on the back every cent of remaining money slams forward to the front regardless of the year that it’s in and it’s all supposed to be paid or rather all counts against the cap right at one time and so in 2029 the cap hit is 37.9 in 2030 it’s 29 and 2031 it’s 19.8 2032 it’s 9.9 that slams home at once to be a 97.5 million cap hit after the contract Runs Out in 2029 yo all that to say this contract is designed to be extended it’s designed to keep the cap hit manageable so that they can dish out ridiculous money to everybody else to keep that QBs number fairly High yeah right better protection better weapons better ingredients better Pizza better everything yeah sure you know so Nicole Lynn who’s Jaylen herz’s agent uh did a number on this one it’s a crazy contract um but it’s also the only contract structure that would let them do all of all of this gestures and everything I was just gonna say can the Eagles sponsor this podcast and then I realized they don’t have any money they spend it all um one you didn’t mention Zack Bond uh who was a guy that we really lik well we have to talk about Zack Bond EJ not from a money perspective because as a money perspective like he hasn’t performed as we hoped he would when he was drafted but there’s opportunity certainly we talked about uh the inability that Philadelphia has had at the linebacker position really for the last couple of years and Zack Bond you know time’s running out for him to show that he can be what we thought he might be when he came out um certainly never happened with the Saints uh but he’s got opportunity he’s got a system that I think fits his physical traits it’s up to him to sort of manifest that but Eagles got a deal on him three and a half million that’s not a lot for a guy that’s his talented for a rotational Edge yeah you know like I’m good with it that’s fine yep it’ll be fun all right that brings us to the draft where hoe once again had a very nice draft as he tends to do yep um I would say how’s draft style after after years of watching Howe draft if I was going to describe his style as a GM in any particular way it’s oh we have a need kill it with fire yeah the shotgun approach he obviously he does wait for Value but he doesn’t waste time in the draft when they have a need he attacks it and he attacks it relentlessly like he doesn’t cry over spiled milk if he misses on a pick he will replace them like as soon as he possibly can and he will try again and he will attack attack attack until he fixes whatever position group uh is annoying him at any given time this year it was corner and I thought he did a fantastic job at fixing it yeah and maybe running back depending on how you think about an ni Smith but uh you know there’s three picks uh in the top three rounds a bunch more picks including three picks in the fifth alone uh interesting draft just from where they had their sort of concentrated Firepower can’t really not talk about quinan Mitchell we did at the top cornerback out of Toledo really like him he is key to how they want to run their defensive system they get him at 22nd overall I thought that was a tremendous value I thought he’d be off the board by then probably five to six picks earlier than that I think they were probably jumping up and down when he was available on the board of 22 because he fits their need perfectly uh again from the shotgun approach Cooper de the cornerback or possibly safety from Iowa in the second at pick 40 um they’re going to use him differently than Mitchell but they have use of him and decided they should prioritize him crazy athlete and might give them some value on the kick return team as well because he has those skills so just an added bit to their second round pick jayx hunt the edge out of Houston Christian in the third at the 94th overall pick this was early for me this is a guy that has tons of physical skills and is still figuring it out just like we talked about on the offensive line side on the defensive line side they’re like give me traits and he’s got traits it goes back to attack attack attack it’s like hey man we we got by at Edge but but we still need to build up those waves that we used to have in in the late 2010s so what are we going to do like okay Hassan’s getting up there let’s ship off Assan let’s bring in Bryce Huff we drafted Nolan Smith last year we’re not done jayx hunt just attack attack attack until we have an edge rotation that we’re okay with I think Philadelphia is just like itchy uncomfortable unless they have three deep edge rushers on both sides they don’t know how to function without it yeah they’re just like wait we have less than six total wait ring the bell will Shipley the running back out of Clemson uh in the fourth round at pick 127 uh again was a little bit early for me I know a lot of people were much higher on will Shipley than I was but couldn’t wait get a very similar player regardless of the position designation in an nias Smith they list him as a wide receiver out of Texas A&M you liked him better as a running back this is their first pick in the fifth round at 152 then they go and get Jeremiah trudder Jr great draft story obviously his dad played for the franchise linebacker out of Clemson at 155 three picks later and then Trevor Keegan the guard out of Michigan at 172 overall in the fifth round I really like that pick and again he goes into the stoutland camp and I automatically Elevate him a couple of rounds and like yep he’s going to start forever for them Johnny Wilson one of the most interesting players in this draft the massive wide receiver out of Florida state in the sixth round at 185 actually thought this was low for Johnny Wilson it wasn’t the biggest Johnny Wilson supporter but if you’re talking about middle to late in the sixth round thought he had more Talent than that I’m just really curious if he stays at receiver you know he’s a couple popey’s biscuits away from being a tight end like not like a lineup as a y and Diggy out and line of scrimmage tight end but you know in the you know sort of a tight end if you squint type Guy where he’s like 66250 something like he doesn’t have to put on that much weight and you can you can make that conversion um I’m really curious to see if they do that because for his size he moves really really well like he doesn’t move like somebody who is as big as he is um so I think I’m not saying they will but I wouldn’t be surprised if they tried it yeah and that was the predominant thought about him early in the draft process then he went to the combine ran really fast didn’t drop anything and everybody was like I don’t know maybe he’s just a really big wide receiver and we’ll work with that so we’ll see it’ll be a fascinating experiment but again how he’s going to pick up the dollars that other people drop and in the sixth round he looked and went Johnny Wilson still available okay sure mine why not and then only five picks later at 190 overall still in the sixth round uh player I really like that we saw up close to the Shrine Bowl Dylan McMahon the center from North Carolina State um undersized but doesn’t lose a lot goes back to that not the size of the dog in the fight size of the fight and dog um wins more than you think he should for his size Scrappy especially extremely you know uh somebody who you really don’t like playing against because he’s going to get under you he’s going to out leverage you he’s going to turn into tree stump mode and those are the types of interior defensive or offensive linemen that DTS really hate going against where it’s like I can’t get under him I can’t leverage him which means I have to run through him and it’s like running through a blocking sled and that’s just annoying like he’s just annoying to play against he’s in the Peta class yes yes P not P we’re not hurting any animals during this filming looking at uh udfas by the way you know you mentioned the the Jeff stoutland effect and how he elevates uh offensive line prospects our buddy Anem Dana the very very gifted tackle out of Howard gigantic human being we actually have a picture of of EJ standing in front of him and even with the forced perspective of EJ being closer to the lens uh he still gets absolutely dwarfed by a name uh very smart player uh you know obviously he’s still honing his craft he’s a young player uh but just looking at the tools I’m not really surprised that Jeff stalon was like oo gimme gimme gimme right like I I just just got Jordan milata into a position where he’s making $22 million a year give me another guy who’s really big and really long and really talented let me see what I can do with him it’s just a very eagley pickup yep of just take the talent and figure it out an’s very talented and I think he ended up in the best possible spot was thrilled to see this fit this of course occurs after the draft directly after the draft when if you weren’t picked you’re in this udfa scramble uh and you’re hoping that a lot of the that you thought were going to get picked or that you really like during the process are going to land in the best possible spots it is an advantage for the player at this point they get to pick their landing spot I’m sure he had a couple of offers and went wait just out one called like yeah told his agent like I’d like to go there because that’s the best thing for my prospects I remember when we were talking to him at Shrine I literally said like if if the Eagles call you pick up and he’s like oh yeah oh no trust me I’m aware very excited about that that’s the spot very cool to see it happen happen they also took Gabe Hall an interior defensive lineman out of Baylor that I know you’re a huge fan of um I I’m not saying I had a big rade on on Gabe but you know I had him higher than a priority free agent like I thought he could have been a late day three pick uh Mallen castles the tight end out of Tennessee did not get to him but I know you highlighted him uh Kendall Milton running back out of Georgia did get to him another guy who I thought very easily could have been drafted late day three ended up being a PFA uh to the Eagles cu of course it’s Georgia well how we don’t quit how GNA see that g on the helmet and be like yeah sure [ __ ] it why not wait a minute he didn’t get picked no Howie just doesn’t quit he uses every Avenue we just we just talked about all of them we talked about free agency we talked about the draft and he doesn’t stop with udfas he you know they have their list and he’s going to hit it they paid a bunch of these guys big bonuses and it was to get them in Camp because they believe and some of these guys are going to make the team maybe not even the ones we highlighted I love the Gabe pick because again get him in that defensive line rotation he doesn’t have to be any kind of guy right he can be a practice squad guy this year and that’s fine they have that depth and wave on the defensive line um but he’s got enough Talent he showed enough flashes even at the Senior Bowl he was whooping people so you know how he didn’t miss that and he’s like wait he didn’t get picked let’s take a chance so with everything we talked about today that brings us to the summary portion of the episode where uh you know we’re going to get to ceiling in Florida wins but first we we do a distillation of you know the question did this team get better or did they get worse or are they roughly the same through all of their additions and subtractions it’s interesting because Personnel wise they’re they’re pretty close to being the same right there’s not that much movement in terms of Key Personnel like all their money was given to their own guys that are already there sure but I’m still giving them thumbs up because the actual ual problem you know at the coordinator level was addressed so it’s same talent and we love that Talent you know slight upgrade of course with saquin being in town um you know bringing in Bryce Huff even though you’re losing Nan like again all all that’s like roughly roughly equivalent so same Talent better coordinators that to me is is why I’m doing thumbs up because all of that Talent is going to be weaponized a lot better than it was last year yeah if you’re talking about the first half of last year I would probably give them a thumbs even but recency bias as it is we’re talking about the last half the taste in your mouth out of last year I have to say thumbs up compared to that which is the most recent Eagles effort we’ve seen on the field and compared to the last say six to eight games of last year whereas this squad thumbs up if you were making me judge from the beginning of last year I would say thumbs even and that’s not bad because we were predicting them to win the division and if you’re predicting them to win the division again thumbs even is not any kind of slap in the face so for ceiling and floor you haven’t told me yours yet I’ve not I’m curious to see how close you are to me so I put their ceiling at 12 which is only one more than last year but theoretically they should have won more than 11 last year anyway but I put it at 12 simply because I think a lot of their opponents are are pretty tough they play against the Rams they play against the AFC North so you know they got Baltimore they got Cincinnati they got Pittsburgh they got to deal with you know Cleveland’s not exactly a cakewalk either they deal with the Packers and Jordan love they obviously have to deal with their own division uh you know an away game in the super doome even though the Eagles are more talented like super doome ain’t easy to play in so because of their schedule I feel comfortable putting their ceiling at 12 and that’s probably good enough to win the division you know maybe contend for a first seed uh you know unless some other team goes on an absolute tear which I think the top three divisions in the NFC are all close enough that it’s going to be tough for anybody get to to get to 13 wins so I’ll put their ceiling at 12 uh floor I’m going to put it nine because in a lot of ways they got close to their floor last year mhm you know like they again they won 11 games games but like I can’t imagine them being worse than they were in the last five right so I’m putting their floor at nine and that’s pretty much only going to happen if they have a lot of injuries um you know short of like Jaylen Herz like if Jaylen Herz gets injured like okay now we got to adjust expectations but you know let’s say they start taking on water on the offensive line on the defensive line like yeah okay that that’ll knock him down a peg I can see them winning nine games but if everybody stays healthy or at least relatively healthy by NFL standards it’s probably an 11 to 12 win team they’re probably in contention for the first seed they’re probably hosting a playoff game they’re probably going on a run and having a real chance at a Super Bowl which in the end is all Eagles fans really want just give them a chance and for the love of God stop being embarrassing I would say both my steings one game higher I think this is a 13- win team when you look at the roster and just stabilization on the defensive side cuz the offense was fine better than fine the offense was clicking last year even though we felt like they could have been better we knew that was like they’re really good but they could be elite well clicking in some ways until you blitzed them then they were not clicking at all indeed and if you can fix that neat but when you’re literally lining up Jaylen Herz with saquan Barkley behind him Gard at tight end AJ Brown at one Devonta Smith on the other side and oh yeah we have a bunch more weapons after that it’s not an easy out so the offense was fine and the defense dragged it way way down like the defense held on for the first six eight games and then collapsed like absolutely fell off the shelf Vic’s going to fix that the one thing about Vic is his defenses typically take like four to six weeks to get rolling to get everybody sort of on the same page and executing the way he wants them to execute and then they they’ll lock it down for the rest of the way so they might stumble a little bit out of the gate but if they don’t if they hit the ground running especially with the roster that how is’s assembled I’d say they’re stealing which is again their absolute Max everything goes right this is a 13- win team this is a you know possibly first seed in the conference type team you talked about everybody cutting wins off each other like they have that level of ability and really last year stumbles has sort of clouded that Vision a little bit of smoke and mirrors about ah the Eagles aren’t that good you’re like I don’t know look down the roster man like they’re really good in most areas and if they play like a finally tune instrument 13’s a thing floor I’m with you nine I can’t see him with as bad as they played last year and still won 11 games I can’t see them winning less than nine this year I wanted to put it at 10 again everything goes wrong sort of disaster scenario and you know the defense just punts and doesn’t pick up what Vic’s putting down still probably a nine- win team it’s that talented there are three or rather I guess four biggest games of the year obviously the two contests against Dallas if they split that fine count that as a win Dallas is talented in their own right um but they got to beat Green Bay and they got to beat the ramps those are the the two other teams that are looking at them you know saying like Hey we’re going to be in competition for playoff seating for sure so got to win those games not going to be easy but they got to do it all right that brings us to the end if you’re an Eagles fan hope you enjoyed this you know Outsiders perspective on your team I know you guys follow them on a day-to-day basis and a lot of you know more about your teams than we ever will and so you kind of check these episodes just to see how uh you know the national media at large is is paying attention I hope we got it right you know if you have differing opinions on some stuff again of course feel free to sound off in the comments below uh and if you’re a Cowboys fan that uh you know tuned in for morbid curiosity don’t worry your turn’s coming tomorrow uh we have some some Choice words for the the decision makers in Dallas for their lack of decisions made this offseason for their lack of Allin all in my ass actually isn’t that what skip said I think he literally said all in my ass but without the comma oh okay all right with skip now I understand why he said it that wasn’t even me trying to like be funny that was my natural reaction I was like oh that’s why he said that that’s actually the first thing that comes to mind it’s all in my ass uh anyway I’m G to get out of here before I say something that’ll get me demonetized oh um come back tomorrow talking about the Cowboys thank you once again to Underdog thank you to amage thank you to our patrons thank you to our executive producers on patreon um if you would like to join our patreon uh that’s also linked down in the description below uh you know helps fund the show and you know pay for our bourbon that we drink while we do this sure enough uh I don’t got anything else so with that tomorrow Cowboys see you then [Music] [Music]


  1. All year I kept saying they looked like the Vikings from the previous year just frauds, watching there offense was so frustrating it was junior high like. I’m shocked Brian Johnson got another job. Overall I’m hopeful for this season, losing reddick hurts alot more than most realize, really hope huff emerges to the guy they paid for

  2. Dont hate me, but did Kelce have a large blame in switching to/calling insufficient pass pro? It just doesn’t make sense how undermanned they were over and over, like was almost comical.

  3. You guys probably should have talked with local media a bit more before doing this pod. Quinyon Mitchell is probably 4th on the CB depth chart, they’re rotating Isaiah Rodgers and Kelee Ringo opposite Slay. And Vic Fangio has Zach Baun playing ILB not edge

  4. In 22 the Eagles won many of their games before halftime. Largely because of how the Eagles could sustain drives. Last year's defence had a lot of problems. But, what is often overlooked is how quickly they often had to return to the field late in games. From a strategic perspective, aside from scoring points, you win games by keeping your defense fresh and making your opponents tired.

  5. I'd watch a Dream Team doc. I'd watch it through my fingers, but I'd watch it.

    Especially the section on the Galaxy Brain coaching moves. The big difference between Chiefs Andy Reid and Eagles Andy Reid: Chiefs Andy Reid is smarter than 90% of the league; Eagles Andy Reid thought he was smarter than 90% of the league

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