How To Properly Repair Golf Ball and Pitch Marks On The Green

Golf ball marks and pitch marks can ruin a good putting surface. It your responsibility as a golfer to help maintain a nice smooth green. Properly fixing a ball mark is the best thing you can do to keep a nice putting surface.

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well I’ve got one question for you do you like to putt on rough bumpy greens or do you like to putt on really smooth greens well I think 100% of you are going to agree with me and I like to putt on really nice smooth greens well it’s our responsibility as the golfer to help maintain these greens as being Smooth by us fixing ball marks and today I’m going to show you how to properly fix a ball Mark and talk to you about what happens when you don’t fix a ball Mark and then leave you with the saying that was said to me as I was a kid or the way that we were taught and that’s fix your ball Mark plus one let’s jump into this video well good morning everybody and it is a beautiful morning here in Mobile Alabama for June um I am out on the 16th green it’s just after 7:00 no play has been out here yet they have just mode the green and it looks fantastic now Golf Course superintendent and the grounds crew they work very very hard to try and keep the golf course in good shape us as golfers we like to complain about them anytime we see the golf course in bad shape but us golfers also have to H understand that we have a responsibility in helping to maintain this golf course and fixing your B ballmark is a big one and it is one of my biggest pet peeves that that there is in golf getting out on the golf course and just seeing ball marks all it shows me is that golfers are lazy a lot of golfers say well you got to teach people how to do it 98% of the people that are playing golf understand that they’re supposed to fix a ballark you go out here on this golf course and get out there late morning and everybody that’s played in the morning has been playing golf for Years yet there’s ball marks everywhere what happens when we don’t fix a ball Mark well that spot stays in indention the next morning the greens mower rolls over it and it’s going to just now take time to repair let me find you a couple here on the green and show you all right so here is a great example of a pitchmark that was not repaired and again I’m on the 16th green this morning and there has been no play yet here again a pitch mark that was not repaired now notice I am not walking very far I’m not having to search all over this green to find these unfixed pitch marks here’s one right here that’s a definitely a couple of days old so you can see that over cumulative days if ball marks are not repaired properly this green is going to look terrible and who are the first people that complain the golfers and who do they complain about the superintendent well listen we can’t employ somebody to stand at every single green and fix every ballmark that you leave it’s your job to fix the ballark now let me show you a couple of different tools and different things that we can use to fix a ballark obviously the first one and the most simple one is just a tea every everybody’s got a tea in their pocket when they’re playing golf okay second one a dedicated divot repair tool okay this one is a little metal one that has two prongs on it okay these are nice to have in your pocket they don’t take up much room now my newest favorite one are these right here okay these are a little this one’s plastic it’s got a little spot right there that you just hold your thumb and then these you just kind of jab into the ground and this plastic part here kind of pushes that ball Mark into play I really really like these I’ve got our PGA section actually supplies these on the first tea of a tournament I’ve got a couple of them in each bag of mine now let me show you how to actually use one so the mistake that I see most people do when they’re fixing a ball Mark is they like to put whatever the Implement is around the ball Mark and lift and they go around the pitch mark and they lift then they smooth it out well that does a couple of things wrong one it’s taking the dirt from the center of the ballmark and bringing it up to the surface so you don’t really end up with a grass top to that repaired surface there’s a lot of dirt involved there but the other thing that happens when you lift you are creating a little bit of an air gap down there underneath the soil that over time that grass is going to drop into so lifting doesn’t really repair the mark very well what you want to do is you want to go into the ground and pull back towards the middle now at the very end there might be just a tiny bit of little lifting going on just to make it smooth but the best thing to do is pull towards the middle now I’ve created a couple ball marks up here and I’m going to fix one with the T one with the divot tool and then one with my divot tool my favorite let’s see so here are the three ball marks that I have created here here and here and you can see the ball was coming in from this direction now I threw these obviously I didn’t hit three shots out there and create these I’m not that good but it bulges out around the back of that cuz the ball’s coming in this way and it kind of explodes the grass out that’s what we need to take and we need to repair so I’m going to repair one with the te I put it in the ground outside the pitchmark and just pull back towards the middle now our greens were just aerified about a week or so ago so they are very soft right now and they are creating ball marks pretty easily and so you got to be a little careful when they’ve been air rated because that grass in that soil is a little loose but there you go now that takes no time at all to repair now let me repair this second one with the little divot tool again same thing in the ground very easy pull from the outside maybe a tiny little lift in the middle but then tap it down with your putter now when the golfer’s finally get to this hole this morning they’re never going to know that I created these pitch marks here’s an old one right there from a couple of days ago just looks absolutely terrible now last one with this little divot tool that I’m going to show you why I love this tool so much makes fixing the pitchmark easier but you just take it and you just jab around the outside and it kind of takes care of pushing that pitchmark back into place tap it down with your Putter and voila we have a smooth putting surface where three pitch marks used to be that now is are not going to affect my putt well it’s just that easy if you’re not fixing pitch marks you are a lazy golfer who has absolutely zero consideration for the other people that play golf at your golf course and you know to me I just don’t understand it this is the course that you play wherever you are that’s the golf course that you play why would you not want that Golf Course to be in the best shape it can possibly be well if it’s going to maintain the best shape it can possibly be you the golfer have to do your part and a big big part is fixing pitch marks now let me go back to the way I was taught to do it the saying was fix your pitchmark plus one more fix your pitch mark plus one now if everybody did that we would have the nicest smoothest surface to putt on and everybody would enjoy the golf course so much more so listen get out on the golf course do your job fix your ball marks even if you don’t hit the green and you’re walking up onto the green and you see a pitch mark oh the Nats are out today fix it don’t walk by it don’t complain that people aren’t fixing pitch marks fix the pitchmark well listen y’all have a great day and if you’re a golfer who wants everybody else to do their part and do their job on the golf course like this video subscribe to my channel hey share this video put it out there keep spreading this word to all the golfers out there that hey we need to do our part in keeping this golf course in great shape well y’all have a great day and I will see you in the next video


  1. This drives me crazy. Where I play most of my golf, I could spend 5 minutes on each green fixing marks and you wouldn't even notice anyone did it because there are still so many. It seems there is an attitude that most players believe they are above fixing their pitch marks.

  2. Great Video, thanks a lot for demonstrating all three types.
    I wish you could have demonstrated fixing the old pitch marks too, I presume it would have taken the same amount of time as this green was aerated.
    Thanks again

  3. This is such a boomer vid. Lecture, lecture, lecture. Nah dude, it's a new era now. We paid you a green fee so use some of that money to pay your workers to fix the greens.

  4. So true, I usually repair 2 to 6 pitchmarks on every green – even when I didn't cause one myself (because I love putting with my hybrid from outside whenever possible – and that makes no pichmarks). Many players are lazy, ignorant and disrespectful, unfortunately.

  5. Also, when you lift the grass you are tearing the roots of the grass , and it takes longer to recover. This is a good video.

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