Getting My First Golf Lesson

In this video I got my first ever golf lesson to help out my golf swing. This is what I have been needing to take my swing to the next level. The golf grind is never ending and there will always be ways to improve your golf game. This is just the first stepping stone. One day when I am a scratch golfer all the hard work will be worth it. Follow along because just about everyone can find something in this video to help their swing. Thanks to Paul also for getting my swing in check.
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yo what’s going on guys welcome back to another swy golf video today I’m here with Paul DTE he’s a member of the PGA we’re going to get my swing fixed here and uh how long have you been teaching for I’ve been teaching for about 30 years um I started in the local area in Anaheim uh and then I’ve been moving into pal Freddy’s Golf Club I’ve been there for 20 years so I’ve been teaching there for about 20 years fixing a lot of Wheels there which is kind of nice and then I met Dylan there and he’s a colleague there working and it was nice I wish uh I kind of met him earlier and start helping him on his swing so he get him to shoot 75 and 70 instead of 78 yeah exactly so he saw our most recent video also if you guys don’t know Palace bir’s Golf Club hosted an LPGA tournament so it’s pretty prestigious over there so pretty big deal we got a good swing coach here and uh you guys are going to see my little lesson yeah let’s get into it nice carry is 162 what what’s your tendency on your ball what do you like to see little right to left left to right straight don’t pick straight cuz straight is super hard well lately I’ve been either going straight or uh like a little bit left to right with my eight okay do you start at left of the line do you think or I try to yeah but then sometimes when I go to my long irons yeah like a five um and my seven does it a lot too it’ll go right to left like it’ll be a draw so your your spin rate on your irons will it’s a little low and what you want to try to do is when it comes to an iron like a a seven you multiply times a th000 okay and it’ll give you 7,000 that’s 8 8,000 and your spin rate with that one is 62 6241 okay so it’s it’s a little low and a little low because of a little situation with the face at the top of your back swing so what we want to try to do is do you tend to hit the ball low do you flight the ball low or yeah he says I always hit it super low I’ve been getting a bit higher recently especially with my long iron but uh I mean my short irons and stuff have kind of been the same thing they’re like they’re still pretty low how about with your long arms do you flight that high at all or I do now now I flight him a lot higher but um I think he probably still hits him a bit higher so those still might be kind of low okay okay and those are I mean those are the perimeter so the LG see the lower center of gravity on the back of them as soon as your angle of attack gets a little different you’re going to see the ball go up a little better right so but when you look at your back swing we want to look at two things we want to make sure that the plane of your golf swing is set and then at the top of your back swing that you a if you have a longer Club I kind of like tell everybody five iron and to the driver you start to shallow more in the out path but with the shorter clubs you’re a little bit more on top of the ball you’re hovering more on top of it and your angle of attack is a lot more steeper into the ground therefore getting the ball to spin higher right so when you look at your back swing and we look at your golf swing I’m going to look I’ll videotape you and stuff and watch you see the top of that back swing the club face at the top so from your angle you see where that face is right now that’s Square you ready where your Club face is your Club face is shut okay okay so like if it’s shut and it’s coming Steep and it’s coming back to the ball your loft is low mhm and you take some Loft off of it but if we get the club to get a little better at the top where it’s more Square you don’t want to be open cuz then you’ll hit it really high and way right you’ll Moon the ball okay so we want to make sure a because how tall are you about 510 5’11 I always say 6 foot yeah you well compared to me you probably are but you’re you’re not that you know and well I got on right now so you got shoes on with so what you want to make sure is that your angle and and you’re feeling your tilt get a little bit more and not sitting back right okay the more you sit back the flatter the plane the more the face gets shut your angle is going to be really shut and you’re going to lose a lot of Loft from the club right and what’s uh what’s surprising it is like on your distance here your carry on that last one 162 and and uh your total is 168 so not that much you got a pretty good little spin rate and your spin rate there was 6241 okay yeah so it’s a and and then you can see that your your smash factor is 1.41 that’s pretty good I mean your your goal is to be in the 14 1.4 and above for smash factor and then smash Factor tells you Hey how well or am I using my speed to compress the ball am I compressing it enough and what you want to do is you want to make sure that a your base is moving faster than your upstairs cuz it looks like a little bit more upstairs than lower body okay and then once you get yourself to use your shoulders more then you all a sudden you’re okay with the irons that are shorter but when it comes to the longer ones you want to make sure you access lower body yeah and then you can feel the L of the club and the club face starts to swing up more so like with your driver you’re swinging so much more up and then with your wedges you’re -10 so like with that one let’s see what you are on on your angle of attack oh that’s pretty good your AA is minus 8.3 okay so that’s pretty good that’s what you want to be that’s actually like dialed in that’s little textbook stuff there for you so that’s with your Club face when you get to the top of your back string when your Club face gets shut and you get the lower body to start down first it’s hard you we call it stuck you get the club Behind you so much you can’t release it right yeah and the only way to release it is for you to lean back and then let your hands go through or you’re going to have to feel the hips get way ahead and hope that you get so far inside your hands have to snap and then release so let’s have you go to the top of your back swing and stop okay so if you if you look at your hands and you look at that club face up there you see how the toes is in front of the heel yeah that’s shut so when you get up to there you go keep going no keep going keep going your Club face has to be like that okay you see that yeah so now when you come in from the inside your head the toe of your club and the heel are both together and when you come in you’re coming in pronated so this is pronation right so you get the club to go like that you get you push it and you block it mhm you see so if you’re more like this then you’re going to come into it you notice your rotation how you don’t feel so much pronation in here yeah it feels a little bit less right so then it starts coming around and your forearms rotate okay and you want your goal is to get the toe to be up here M and not feel like if you’re playing a little flighted ball ball you know trying to control the flight of it then you can hold it mhm but you want to feel that club rotate a lot different and then try the goal is going to get the club face to look like that through here whenever you look at your gol sing and you try to fix your golf swing go ahead and set up you start with the p posture grip and aim right PGA you see that so you get yourself you go back there mhm okay where’s your release button for grip tightness oh here it’s right here somewhere cuz you’re way too tight on this hands you need be softer with you got a BCE grip on there man relax there you go so I want you to you could do little Waggles a little practice and then try to get the toe behind the shaft okay so like not like that right you’re like that okay so you want me to get yeah like yeah but not flat not too flat keep it in front of you still you see so you don’t want to go like this you don’t want to go way too deep cuz then the plane’s bad you want to go back this way and there okay okay so let’s try a couple where you swing back and you you’re just going to try to see that the toe of the club doesn’t feel like it gets in front of the heel you’re going to let it rotate a little bit more in your forms so do you want me to do a full swing yeah okay there you go there there you go okay is 1334 y guess what your spin rate was there what 7,000 so it’s higher1 yeah it’s up by a lot more you were 64 62 okay right so now it’s like just because what happens is that you you’re taking this club face and you’re delofting as you’re coming in right yeah and therefore the face is you know there’s no loft of the club true loft of club right so every Club you already made a little adjustment with every Club where you’re delofting mhm and these are what these are ts100 so this is strong Loft yeah right so these are already Del lofted and you’re helping it even more all right you should be hitting your Adar in 195 yards and you want to feel like you bring your Club back with your shoulders okay right I think my front shoulder need to turn more then right or no uh no you just need to get your wrist out of your back swing okay your wrist are with you get a little pronation on the back swing with your wrist your left hand it pronates like this so it goes like this and then the face shuts and you want to have it stay in its position right okay opposing thumbs have them forward there you go okay A little better still a little shut I think it was a bit thin but yeah it was your angle attack was minus six so that’s that’s the thin part of it right MH as soon as you start leaning back you start upswinging okay then you catch it up on the upswing more okay it’s a little better is.3 y smash Factor’s still a little bit uh off mhm and then your height of your ball your Apex is 86 your spin rate 66 and your smash Factor 1.37 and your carry 155 so that’s I mean for an Adar that’s pretty good cuz I mean do you know what your ball speed is and stuff uh with like with each iron no yeah what okay not really sure what I like to see here you can come over here real quick what I like to see on Club head speed with your irons is I like to see you getting the 85 mid 80s to 90 okay on Club head speed so you’re 83.1 and then your ball speed is 114 so what we would try to feel to get this number this smash factor to go up a little bit more is to get you could stay in club head speed but you need to have ball speed go up right and in order for you to get ball speed there has to be a little bit more what would you need just cast your arms harder or use your hips better what for are you talking to get the CL yeah to get the ball speed to get the ball speed to go up well I guess better contact right yeah better contact number one number two is to feel that the hips lead you a little better okay and not cast so hard with your shoulders and we want to get yourself to get the the feeling that hey that club at the top it’s a little bit more neutral it’s not as Del lofted right and then we don’t have to feel like we’re going to start with the shoulders coming down and we can feel a little bit more of a like what I like you said earlier it’s basically you ground yourself to the ground right you turn mhm you sit and then you let it come down right but when you up here as soon as you start first here boy you’re trying to find a way to square it down here and it’s going to be hard cuz you’re going to start leaning back away from the ball okay let’s hit let’s have you hit a five iron so this one you want to go angle attack would be five five okay yeah and so your angle attack with your rad iron is five or six right what is it like you had one that was eight something that was really good yeah and then the other ones were like 6’2 and so forth but let’s let’s see where you are with this one same program with that back swing right try to get the wrist to feel like it sets a little better good there you go mhm that’s it okay little little heavy y oh that’s better carry is 1654 y your ao8 your angle of attack is4 it’s pretty good okay it’s pretty good your spin rate on that one is 57 right so your spin rate is a little higher with we’re we’re trying to find you know to for you to get a little better consistency with your shots m is if your spin rate goes up then your ball stays online longer okay and it’s softer but yours is kind of low fiding and then you when it really gets real low you lose it and then all a sudden it’s a lot of it is within the wrist mhm so here here’s you at impact at a dress right right when you’re coming in watch the face and the loft of this club as I go open hips the face The Loft but the face doesn’t change angles yeah right so just dofs and it only dofs because we call it leaning the shaft you see how I’m leaning the shaft but the face does what what is it looking like if this is your impact it hasn’t closed or open or anything right yeah so when you go this way away from you you’re basically leaving the face open and then you have to find a way to shut it down hard and you’re going to have to wait cuz I call this the the your whole goal is to do this every time when you hit great shots to feel your hips lead your shoulders mhm and then your hands slightly in front and your shoulders stay back okay right and not you get in front of the center line and then that way you’ll feel it and at the top of your back string see that club at the top that face is right now the way it is this is you at the top mhm you see how shut it is yeah yeah I don’t even have to see it I just have to see what my wrists are doing you want to feel the shoulders everything is connected you see that you turn and the wrist don’t change the wrist soon as this handle goes away from my belly there it’s shutting the face delofting the face and then I have to get myself to get way ahead with my hips and we have to try to get the feeling that you go back a little straighter and get that feeling that the face doesn’t do no man no maneuvering with the hands and the wrist on the face and you’ll do it a little bit more with your short irons because you’re more on the top of it right mhm and with the long arms you feel you might feel a little better rotation cuz you know you’re going to be round and flat on the golf swing everything is controlled by length of club by plane so if you grab if you grab a driver that’s 60 ft 60 in Long you’re way over here you’re not going to be able to pick it up you’re going to have to go more round and flat lad mhm and then your plane is different right then you shallow out and then with the short iron you’re a lot steeper we want to get you to stay steeper with your club but every time you fix your Golf String you got to only fix it on your back string action time right M and then reaction you’re just you’re pressing that pedal to the metal and hopefully it’s it’s going straight all right yeah all right let’s see it okay just do that one more time time for me and then let’s look at the club face do it again and hold it on the back so I need to stop right there so let’s look at the club face not the wrist there you go you see what I’m saying there you go you see that yeah see so you don’t do this to this you’re just turning your shoulders right to get the club correctly set okay right that’s better okay3 your smash Factor right now on that last one was 1.44 and your spin 15 5,818 which is really nice and then your angle of attack 5.6 which is great and you you start the ball most of your shots they stay right MH they start right they don’t start left and fade right I’m waiting for one that goes left to right all right well maybe my driver but yeah maybe your driver we’ll get to your driver okay a little shut there that’s still shut go back so you feel that yeah you feel you start your wrist like that you see that so I think to you it’s going to feel like you’re doing this you ready yeah like that but it’s not going to be the where your Club head stays there and your hands are going to be over here the feel might be that but nice nice so okay 18 y smash 143 is there still flying yeah your your ball speed 126 you’re Club head speed is very consistent you got 88 to 82 your roll out is 8 yards your carry 180 80 188 and your spin rate is it’s where it should be that’s really good and your smash there your angle of attack is negative 4 point right your height is 83 and your flight time guess how long that ball was in the air for 6 seconds and you pushed it right right okay so let’s go to a longer Club okay y the AOA on that is 2.4 it’s on the positive okay that’s good right so you’re not digging this three-wood into the ground but I did chunk it a bit though yeah yeah I heard it I heard it your practice swings and your real swings are two different people really yeah your lower body when I watch you swing the golf club your back swing is a little better than your practice swing your practice swing is very flat and then the face looks see the face of that club it’s facing you okay you see how that is so we have to really start to focus when we want to stay with focusing on the back swing getting the back swing to feel like we’re taking it a lot more straighter back and shoulders rotating without the face moving so far behind the hands on the back swing and then it feels like you’re like that at the top and then you’re like well where do I start do I go shoulders do I start my hands and you want to have a consistent feel that you’re getting the hips to move CU I can’t get you to squat or sit down until I feel this club is better up here okay right I saw you hit some shots on the when you did your YouTube you guys played your round of golf there’s some good swings in there there’s some good swings in there and then there’s some like little right to left hard drawing yeah and that’s just I mean and then that’s just you that’s what tour players do is they make sure that this stays stable and disassociation shoulders and hips right there’s no like I asked a lot of students hey try to get your hips to move without your shoulders is that better no you’re moving everything together and you don’t move the shoulders first which is good but you’re moving hips and shoulders almost at the same time we got to get you your back swing dialed it in a little better at the top so I need to come like okay stop right there watch this you ready mhm so right there right there what did you feel different so almost like I put it right so you’re like this and then I bring it in front of you and then set the wrist okay right do it again and you just make your back swing whatever you feel like oh this is is this better and then we fix it almost okay the fix y there you go do it again oh that’s better the only thing I would do is put it in front of you okay right do it again better still in front of you more in front of there you go there you go your left arm if you look at it right now what what is it in align with uh your feet my yeah you see your left arm it’s in line with your target your intended target where is this in line with way way right right so you the the I tell everybody you have to use par these alignment sticks mhm you know the alignment sticks are the key for better golfers they you have to learn to understand how this train is going to work here on this track go ahead and make your setup so position so I need to come like parallel you see that right three lines parallel one 2 three out in front right and then when you make when you’re here at this point here’s where you are you see that mhm and then you go up yeah you feel that so you want to go I want to go here then from here it goes up okay there you go that’s why I was saying with your hands you feel how tight your hands are I don’t want to lose the club man do you know I tell everybody you know why you wear a glove what for more grip to remind you what’s the dominant hand cuz some people forget they always think it’s the right hand but you know whenever whenever you use your strong side your left side right this go ahead and put your just your left hand on the club put your right hand in your pocket we don’t need it for right now there you go put it away make your back swing see where the club is so it should be right here huh so you’re going to look you’re going to work real hard on getting to feel that this is in line with these mhm and then it’s hinged right here look at the face up there yeah what’s wrong with that face absolutely nothing that’s right how about here facing yeah your level of golf tells me like I can tell you where’s the face is closed or open let’s see if I can I’ll test you go ahead go to the top of your back swing and make the club face both hands with both hands okay go to the top of your back swing and then show me what you think is Open Face at the top okay just at the top don’t hit it so you want me to do an open face yeah but don’t hit it right just go to the top and then I want to see what you think is where the face would be open so open face would be like that right that’s shut so oh so open there you go that’s open that’s open face you see the loft there yeah go to the top so that’s open that’s Square that’s Square that’s perfectly Square hey you’re getting closer go go to the top one more time but you have to feel this that’s open okay you feel that yeah yeah open kind of like hard for me to do that absolutely because cuz you like to have this pronated all day long yeah it feels like my shoulder’s like dislocated so I would put the drill that I just gave you and I do that mhm where’s my left arm in relationship to the yellow sticks parallel deadline dead straight right yeah so then who’s this Dy at the top back swing pronated so that’s that’s closed then yeah that’s shot that that’s shot so you get and if you you feel like it’s too heavy you just flip it okay right cuz you can feel the weight of the head is it’s amazing once you look at look at your where where you’re hitting the club yeah this tells me everything about your club right so it’s going it’s coming into Turf with the heel way up in the air and the toe digging mhm so it’s shut you see that it needs to come in heel first and then tow okay nice very good that’s very good at the top mhm let’s see this should be you hear the noise of that one well you hit that you carried at 2117 243 okay I carried at 243 217 and you rolled out so you had a good roll out I could probably hit it harder then huh oh of course it all depends on how much you want your efficiency so your level with the AOA so you catch it up a little bit you want a little bit more upswing but that’s okay it’s a push draw and then 69 flight time with six that’s good and then your spin rate 28 okay 100 that’s good that’s 20 20 29 but and then your ball speed’s 140 and your Club head speed is 102 wow so I can’t wait to see your driver if you can get your 3 wood to go with a 100 plus your driver is probably going to be about your ball your Club head speed do you know what your Club head speed for my driver on the course is probably like 105 like 10 105 to like 110 but oh that’s good though 110 would be like hard for me to get to like especially on the cor but but I think what’s going to happen is the secret is going to once you get the club set correctly up at the top of the back swing then you can access base better right mhm but if you’re shut face you kind of introduce a little bit more upper body to the ball first then you try to fire mhm and it’s kind of the sequences off a little bit right so so like guys on the tour like OE batia he’s like 130 lb okay but he’s like super tall and skinny have you seen him hit the driver you can hit it like 3:30 and Sh yeah yeah but what what what what’s the reason for that well I’m just wondering like no I’m going to explain to you why he can do that oh cuz he’s using his legs right that’s right his lower body his base yeah you know I remember when we had Justin Thomas come out to the club and he was hitting balls and I was watching him he’s the same build almost right yeah a little bit bigger than o sh maybe a half inch but it’s like I don’t I don’t really know how tall he is but when I would watch you know Justin Thomas’s lower body it was like everything would just stay back and there was this disassociation of hips and shoulders and it was like when is he going to release the upper body mhm and it’s when he maximized here does the hips in the club go right when the hips go way out in the clear it’s almost like his hips are his belt buckle is already point at the Target he still hasn’t hit it yeah and then it comes through you’re using the belt buckle still pointing at the ball and the arms are coming down for a while for the next I’d say 10 years go ahead and set up too okay I’m joking when I say that for for a while I want you to make a waggle like that okay okay that’s what I like when I go up to hit the ball for at least my three-wood and my driver I always do a wag like a yeah like I I do two of those and then I do a small waggle on them so if you do the waggle go back go back on your back swing stop right here stop right here okay parallel first you see that yeah and then and not let the shaft be here okay at that point so you just go back so I need to come there you go there you go that’s okay good do I need to touch it then or no no no well this is you’re probably going to touch it cuz I didn’t pound down on it but it’s just what I’m looking is line go back don’t hit it good keep going so here so this is still kind of almost facing to the right a bit yeah that’s right that’s right it would be here right yeah there cuz this shaft what it does it crosssections into your right shoulder where’s this shaft cross-sectioning like behind you right yeah yeah okay that’s actually better back s it’s okay drop kicked it a little bit there but that’s where like you get that club back there then your timing becomes a little easier for you to use the base right and then you can move out of the way there you go you see how you then you have to fiddle with this like you like God why why can’t I just go back nice and square because you’re used to using what hand do you think you pull the club with on the back string maybe my right then you got it nice okay that was better so your goal your goal is going to be this we fix the back swing yeah right and and see look at look at your now look at your Club it’s getting more yeah it’s going lower right so it’s starting to come in more with the heel versus the toe mhm right so if you went in for a fitting and they saw that you’re hitting the ball with let’s say my hand is a ground and you’re coming in with this what do you think they’d want you to do with the club the bend the LIE is way off but that’s just the fault in the golf swing okay so on my back swing I see that face there yeah a little tow in goes back what’s that look like up there dead square right yeah yeah and what does my left arm look like on the line pretty much dead on right so why am I not on tour can’t [Laughter] putt 2.3 y okay let’s see let’s see some numbers here spin rate 28 right mhm ball speed 141 100 Mil hour there yeah negative so hitting down a little bit on the ball right mhm and then flly five something and then pulled a little bit and and then my smash Factor 141 right yeah so and then the launch is pretty good it’s a little low for launch you want to get it up a little bit more you know going up a little bit but 243 I hit I usually hit my three my 3 would I hit about two 255 260 carry or no total okay total when we look at the golf swing we look to see hey how’s my hands rotating here you don’t want to see how my shoulders are moving yeah you don’t want your wrist to ever Flip or Flop right you want them to stay with your shoulders as you go back let’s go to your driver okay from where I’m standing I need to see more left shoulder so the other way oh like this like that like that a lot more left shoulder still don’t see enough so like that now you can push it back a little straighter oh that’s very good car is 231 smash Factor 14 launch nine plus 2.3 spin rate 31 which is good that’s good this is not too high you want to have your ball spin on your driver with 25 2500 mhm that’s not that bad I mean some so it tells me your angle of attack is pretty good yeah well I also does it matter because I have a uh I have this plus one degre too that’s okay okay yeah that’s okay yeah so what’s what’s the actual loft of that thing 11 and a half yeah when I got fitted I was like hitting like low bullets pretty much the whole time yeah so he kind of had me go well just go up and Loft a little bit and it helped the launch angle and all that a bit yeah and that’s that’s a good going back to the point of fixing that back swing mhm you’re getting fitted for a bad situation at the bottom of the Ark when you look at your swing as it starts to dial in you want to be able to say you can control your misses almost You Know M you hear tour players they go hey so let’s hit it right and in that bunker on the right hand side and then they hit it to that line yeah you know and then you’re not like 60 yard left and go what happened I don’t know right you get a little bit more consistent good nice wow carry is 2325 yard that’s really good back swing that’s a lot better right so we can see path path is really nice right so you’re in to out on your path you just want to make sure that if you’re in to out and your face is shut so hard you can’t bring the ball back yeah and then when you do you call Double across the line right you go way across the line and then you see it going left where they’re usually an OB nice Lake you know houses and windows right so I mean you want to be able to control the ball by fading it or starting it right of Target mhm okay yeah so all I want you to do this is going to be your homework for a while okay so we feel we understand the path of this back swing it’s going to you’re going to go like that mhm you’re going to see your left arm in line with the yellow stick right or the stick on the ground or whatever you don’t want to see cuz look at the club face mhm right and the way you do it is you run a club along the visual like this and it’s never touching right so if it’s like that you’re going to jam up here with the stick right so yeah there and then into out okay mhm sweet sweet very nice good swinging need to get you to do some homework do the homework and then we talk about where you are and see where you’re improving and then also I would love to see you play a few holes you know to see how you do the shots and your routine and stuff yeah and then coko just came back just in time

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