Golf Players

2024 Preserve Championship | MPO R2F9 | Callaway, Redalen, Klein, Robinson | Jomez Disc Golf

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Thank you for watching JomezPro Disc Golf tournament coverage of the MPO feature cards first round at the 2024 Preserve Championship.

Card: Bradley Williams, Ricky Wysocki, Gannon Buhr, Calvin Lonnquist
Course: The Preserve – Black Bear | Clearwater, MN
BigBarri Commentary: Jeremy “Big Jerm” Koling & Paul “Uli” Ulibarri

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Front 9 Chapters
00:00 Start
02:59 HOLE 1
09:01 HOLE 2
11:59 HOLE 3
15:56 HOLE 4
22:02 HOLE 5
25:45 HOLE 6
30:53 HOLE 7
34:43 HOLE 8
39:12 HOLE 9

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[Music] when you’re flowing like that the shots just come I capitalize so it felt really really good [Music] shoot I made up my mind that if it was going to rain I was going to do my best and thankfully the rain held off so I was able to shoot a pretty hot round to [Music] start this year I’ve really bled Strokes on the short game you know 200 250 and in that was kind of clicking today this year just you got to start out hot and with the winds down today they’re pretty down today so it was up to you to execute the shot and make your putt my throw is felt better than it ever has my putting is it’s been better but it’s still it’s hanging in there my circle two putting’s been was what was good today I think I made three two or three today and uh that kind of kept me in it [Music] things were clicking today throwing the disc very well putting was on point I don’t know if I missed any that were inside the circle today uh I know I had uh maybe two outside the circles just stay in the race um you got to get a lot of birdies out here so just keep Pace with the rest of the guys up there and hopefully make a move on Sunday [Music] [Music] [Applause] hello everyone and welcome to round two front n coverage of the 2024 preserve Championship connected by Microsoft teams I’m Jeremy coing joined by the ulber man over here Paul ulry big berry commentary bringing you the action here on moving day on a wetter than usual course yes morning the rain came and it didn’t St afternoon yeah yeah it didn’t stop for a while stop before these guys teed off fortunately I think so I think right around that when they teed off the rain stopped which was lucky for them Ben Callaway does that say 100 it does 100% made all the fairways all of them first time I’ve seen that graphic on JZ yeah col dollan made all the putts one of those two is going to get you up here making all the fairways making all the putts if you do both of those you’re going to win statistically impossible not to oh look at this oh boy 100% 100% if these guys were playing triples bu 100% Fairways 100% C2 and C1 oh buddy that’s a that’s a 19 under from C2 yeah Isaac Robinson 13 under the other three at 14 under the the scores were hot in round one and with the wet conditions I think the scoring may slow down but we’ll see because the winds are down and when the winds are down people tend to go low these teads however they can be a little slick they are the carpet tees and so if the footing is an issue then the player’s timing might be a little bit off but all things considered this is a very scorable course and hole one that we’re flying over here is a great hole to get an opening birdie just keep one straight pitch one across the water make your butt first up on the team Benjamin [Applause] Callaway and Callaway the only player on the card without an Elite Series win how nice would it be to take one down here in Clear Water this week fantastic start one of the most effortless pure throwers for distance in the world Yep trly this guy as well but I don’t know something about Ben’s form is just pure poetry lot of core strength this guy no stranger to the big distance mhm looks pretty good don’t need a ton here to get in position but obviously it’s helpful to get in that 500t territory but most players are probably looking for 430 to 450 a little slip off that push off foot y he’s turned this over and that is a fortunate break back into the Short Grass you do not want to be throwing your second shot from that High Grass area forson so although he didn’t get a ton of distance I still think that Kyle will be in play to get a birdie look from what I’ve seen cuz I got to play with is the first round his little Annie release right now is just on point he’s doing that with speed look out yeah because there is no Gap that is small enough for this guy he’s going to hit it down the middle put this one probably in the 360 territory that’s a mid-range uh so Bullseye yeah what a good shot from Kyle showing that you don’t need a lot of distance on this hole just keep it out of the tall grass on the right and the out of bounds on the left weaken left could get a good break off of this tree oh just that is a great result for how early that looked out of his hand that’s why you throw the putter there though can dive right below those branches Isaac looks like he’s lining up the high wide Heiser and this hole is being decimated thus far got one more person Ben Callaway with a little overstable putter now this is early yeah and this one is moving left circle’s Edge I don’t know that’s that’s circle’s Edge I keep you honest tight putt coming up for Ben Callaway and off right side cage and didn’t really slow down after hitting oh and him again this ain’t no gimme headwind this time oh no come on ouch yeah ones don’t like Center yeah not not all the time A lot of times I don’t know man if you hit it on the dead center there’s just certain areas if you get into one of those squares from dead center you’re done then you can be in trouble but if you get it off to the side then they catch great they don’t allow cut throughs but they also really like that pace right there that Cole showed with the soft touch brutal start for Ben though Center pop after a Miss that’s when they happen too when you when you when it’s a yso you’re still out situation everyone else has got the short birdie putts and you’re coming back for par and you’re got a little bit of anxiety seems to be when they happen the most I’m glad that we’re showing this guy here Luke Taylor has been on a tear this season playing some great disc golf look how wide he’s keeping his t-shot here on three perfect playing the skip great trust I feel like that’s the correct way to play this hole I feel like a lot of people leak it left they ped a lot of times but their misses left I haven’t had a chance to play with Luke have you played with a much yeah oh yeah seems to have a lot of game ton another Chase car check in here with Ricky Waki see how he’s going with that turnover that’s just a dumb time though man that is so well controlled just absolutely nestled mid-range I think that’s too softly thrown to be a mid-range that’s a fairway is it it had to be had to be I don’t even want even if it is a mid-range I need our comments to back me up and say that was a fairway driver yes Fairway cuz he just barely turned on it just looks so Dy three for three start and look at that little fire Emoji Emerson Keith up 68 spots with an 11 under and I’ll just say this right now Emerson Keith played through the thick of the rain and congratulations to Brett Duffin the winner of this week’s patreon giveaway you’re going to win the md3 that was thrown by none other than syas Schultz signed by the three of us little Sparkle action too that thing was a sweet yeah nice win nice Win For You Mr Brent Duffin or Brett all right double Mando here hole that’ll keep you honest with your stroke and that shots no lies right there and a nice little break check there also inside Bullseye Cole Rodan looking to go two down through two Kyle look at that just late breaking off that Center Tree beautiful throw I don’t feel like this type of shot shape was just Child’s Play for Isaac in 2023 right and he’s been leaking him a little bit here and there this season but you see that one right the Gap was down the center just a little bit of pace control but the Gap had never looked wider thrown by anyone before got to watch out there’s OB left might have got saved by that log yeah well in the end he’s got an outside look yep what a bounce back this would be if Ben can make this deep putt awkward stance that’s not too bad of a run especially with a low ceiling onto the elevated basket oh pure but stroke look it’s good that’s what’s been missing I think that’s the one part of Isaac’s game that’s been coming up just a bit short in the 2024 season what the glue that hold your game together Poor Man’s currency right or is that C2 putting C2 putting yeah well three players are two under on the card and Ben Callaway is going the opposite direction with a one over start still plenty of golf left to be played of course but hot starts for the other three [Music] gentlemen still blows my mind that we had two brothers that were 1040 rated in the sported disc golf simultaneously pretty cool man pretty cool stuff what a time to be alive let’s look at hole three par three 48 ft just saw what Ricky did with that mid-range SL Fairway driver putter same all and then well then we’re never wrong but we saw the shape we also saw Luke Taylor throw it out wide with a overstable to semi overstable Fairway driver so I think this one is a mid-range here from that makes sense give it the height and this loves going right yeah that’s fine inside the circle is it I think it is yeah inside the circle of life yes for sure it is save that one that was good yeah nice uhoh there is the Mississippi there yeah there really is oh it found it what wow that is how high the river is right now that is that is pretty incredible I haven’t seen anyone out of bounds yet on the right side look at this angle this is going to have a little juice but I mean that’s the angle is good yeah yeah and you can build off that even if it’s a little bit off if if if you know what the Miss is and it’s a small correction that seems like heavy on the high wow look at that thing stand up man Ben knows his discs I didn’t like that too much on the hand Nei I thought it was going left with Isaac man that is oh that’s a bad break really tough yeah good approach out of the thick looks so much harder than it should have been barely looked like it snuck in there and he was all the way at the bottom that’s crazy this would just be dream scenario stepping into it let’s go what a start Isaac Robinson that’s the part right there remember last year do every time yep now I feel a little nervous sometimes watching them yeah we making me feel better yes yeah you’re making me feel a lot more comfortable it’s weird how we feel like what they what we think they might be feeling yeah it’s because we feel that and that’s weird Cole another soft lay into the middle of the basket love how he has this old school style of putting even though he’s only 19 years old this modern era of Zippy zappy putts well do you remember a few years ago when he did have the Zippy zappy putt it would be in or way past that’s always been the downfall with the uh the big spin putt you just you make a lot of putts from range but on your off days you got a lot of comeback putts good to see Ben get one to fall there for birdie tough bogey see how he responds in the next couple holes cuz that can be a devastating blow to your round you’re like oh yeah that’s fine get over there see it in the Mississippi down the cliff wasn’t off by much either what is the simplest way to improve your disc all game the answer learn from the very best Paul iberry Simon Lazar Ezra aderhold and Holland Handley they’re not just players they are your Elite coaches guiding you every step of the way the power dis Golf Academy is the Premier online Disc Golf Academy with over 150 on demand lessons that are specifically designed to improve your skills right now so what are you waiting for join today at whole four par 4 746 ft very specific t-shot got to get it high got to get it turning want to land your drive somewhere around these trees or even past them if you throw it really really well and then you’re left with a tunnel shot that you can’t really access if you’re not in the right place so t-shot is very important on this tricky par 4 [Music] perfect start for col ralin can he keep it going here and that looks really nice Paul needs to go forward there he’s in between the [Applause] trees pretty low out of the hand for Isaac it’s probably going to cut roll back a little bit not too bad still a tough approach shot left Al oh intentional roller I like this play a lot we haven’t seen one of these yet that is the problem with the roller it tends to go a bit far unless you go with something really understable I think I like it over there remember it has that little Hiser in forces in the Heiser yeah is this going to hold the anheiser for a second yeah it’s starting to fade back but not the worst spot there’s coup shot back [Applause] there little ceiling issue for Isaac on his approach perhaps a slip in the ground play very common oh this is fantastic very KY Klein like shape oh man that is gorgeous sit down oh Little Help from the tree what a shot lovely Kyle out of position a couple times on one and on four coming up with Incredible approaches he doesn’t have the heer I don’t know does he he does he just has to get over this little you have Force Flex oh good good job yeah oh he might have that tree in his way yeah it’s not going to be a clean look I I fear miss this second one he doesn’t oh so close such a good shot I mean there’s nothing you can do right there that’s the the exact shot he’s trying to throw all right Isaac with a forehand approach just a bit deep go Cole good run skimming right side almost connecting on chains Ben connects chains but can’t find the middle Kyle looks like he’ll be the only Birdie on the card will be a nice little bounceback birdie for him wonder if Isaac has any PTSD dude I I don’t want to no don’t say that Paul no PA Why did you do it how was that Paul what did you do what whoa that was perfect I I I dare say that was what is wrong with you hold on a second not my fault goodness it went through the squares no I feel bad well if he didn’t before he certainly will now that is not unbelievable bro are you kidding me honestly that’s on you man I know this happened earlier today but that is on you you should feel responsible for what you just did I’m kind of do now Paul mol you do better look you’re in the Hall of Fame I get it dude you caught a lot of balls in the field we need you to catch some putts all right yeah yeah exactly Ben can’t figure it out I can’t figure it out oh my gosh not cool Luke Taylor from a little bit off the Fairway what a a shot that one was man gets all the way up to Circle Edge yeah he knew that was heading for the center right out of his hand I was talking to Jake kenimer about Luke Taylor after the round just man this guy’s playing some great disc golf and Luke just said he just genuinely loves disc golf I know it’s easy to say but there’s a lot of us out here doing it because it’s our job and some some of us do it because we’re really talented and some of us do it because we absolutely have to because we love it and that’s what Luke was saying about or Jake was saying about Luke I like that well five’s a short par three very technical though 275 ft it’s a putter thrown at these trees right here that just breaks off to the left side or a forehand mini Flex those are the two options you’re going to see thrown the most I’ll still never forgive you for that and and neither should Isaac that was wild all right going with the sidearm turn over here and he throws a dime yeah that is gorgeous great angle control such a fun hole you never know what anybody’s going to do I’ve really like this I I I’ve just I hope that the fans don’t miss that I hope the fans miss this type of shot and want and that the disc golf protor hears it and I want more shots like this in the future I I hope that we get to play more technical shots like this slow down Bubba I mean it really eats a lot of people up that slow turn to the left or Heiser to the left they want to put the power on it and this guy grew up in Georgia yeah you can’t you can’t fool him you’re not fooling this guy no slow putter shot gets the right height perfect angle I mean I’ll tell you he was right there first round as well yeah no surprise call falling forward oh my goodness just buckets man he loves these he just Falls right there on the feet this man is connected on the putting green right now fantastic stuff nearly made the last partt too from 5060 oh gosh shush why did you even say it I’m scared why I’m scared for him I don’t know what he did to these baskets why did you even say that well it’s not these baskets it’s whole four whatever he did the whole really yeah it wasn’t like the rest of the course sometimes a hole just doesn’t like you I get it must not have been a fan of the Blue Jays or the twins in the 90s baseball era I don’t know that’s maybe my that’s my best guess you’ve had a hole that just doesn’t like you before oh for sure I got PTSD all over the world dude what are you talking about here’s somebody that the course is afraid of and I wouldn’t be the person to do I wouldn’t be the tree to do that to Ricky is he going to finagle a birdie or a bogey out of this I I just can’t imagine that we’re checking in with a par I it’s a got to be a par okay if it’s a par it’ be a great par from out of position got to be a par yeah is a bar he didn’t throw it in okay I’m just guessing we’re just showing the the save Master doing what he does yeah that’s just gorgeous okay we are checking with the par that maybe the first ever par checkin but a worthy one because that was supremely out of position not nobody’s getting up out not really many people but that’s what Ricky does man he just [Music] saves coer Doan holding on to first place it’s four under through five that orm seven under through nine now but he was seven under through eight so keep an eye on that that’s a hot start out there all right we got a tough one here par 4 609 95 ft straight if you can get to this tead not many people do and then you just got this straight Corridor all the way to the pin straight as a string typically to play this whole perfect I think you go like a 275 shot right in the middle only 275 I really think that that gives you a really good angle like not far like how far is this going 275 yeah maybe a touch more maybe the help right there but anywhere in that area you’re thinking your lucky stars I think I think 275 to 3115 is that that that’s in the Red Zone yep cuz if you go farther you’re actually getting into those trees over there you know this is heading down the Fairway and then finds the last tree that you don’t even really see off the teapad that’s a tough break for Cole I just think that that 275 Mark is somewhere where you can just kind of throw it every time you know what I mean yeah sure to make the hole easiest that’s got to be like about 275 and that was even a little bit past um Kyle’s I think which maybe K was 275 maybe this is 27 maybe every shot is 275 we don’t know I don’t know if Ben throws that short but he is out of position now see this is far cuz so he was actually short okay yeah so I thought must have saw a leaf or something in the ground whoa but it opens up a pretty decent Gap I mean probably not going to birdy it a lot but you’re not going to Bogey it a ton there the name of the game on six is just avoid the bogey or the double which Cole will definitely not be taking the score he’d like on this hole but I don’t think he’s going to be able to save par see even this is such a line and you’re just like I’m in awe with how good they are at hitting their line and they look so good and they’re just not good enough that’s crazy this hole is so treacherous oh this is the upside down flipper rusi as I like to call it oh that’s going that’s going right and it is not easy over there that wall of trees that creates this Corridor you have to get past that same wall getting back into the Fairway on your next shot and it’s not going to be easy for Ben oh I kind of like this WOW Cole what a shot he’s pumped he will be saving par so good great save uhoh now Ben’s the one that’s in Big Time danger and he’s just pitching back out to the wow and he’s not out of danger yet upside down again or is that just a Hiser oh man and this is the danger that comes with whole six this is what you see on Seventh card and down just on Pace right there online anyways not pace I don’t know why I said that you haven’t been the same since you jinxed them back on four put it better dude I was just pocketed oh my God it even did the Weeble wobble on the rim so terrible so bad Ben what a save for the five oh my goodness what a put yeah he can’t believe it either what a strike though low ceiling zipper Doodle Dandy it’s funny that goes in no problems yep yeah I know I know nice to see Ben able to smile off the the troubles he just experienced Cole just save of the day right there with that out of position this turnover shot right here absolutely gorgeous I’m sorry but when you flip your disc upside down on ho six you’re done you’re done very often [Music] true he still can’t believe what happened back there the whole seven Par 3 390 straight as a string you got a little bit of space left and right to work with but if you had to choose a side to work with the ceiling the right side is better so you will often see forced Hiser flips on that right side edge that just try to break off those right side trees at the end but a good Ace run with the mound provided behind the basket how much flip does this have enough I mean this kid has just got all the shots man he’s got the Hiser flip he’s got the late turn he’s got the Annie poweriser w i mean obviously it’s not like a bold move to sing the Praises of the US champion but like at the beginning of the season I thought this was going to be Kyle Klein’s year he had some injuries early Coan beautiful throw uh and and you know he’s just kind of recovering from those injuries and it takes a player a while to do that but k has shown multiple times that he’s for years that he’s got all the he’s got everything he’s got a great forand too yep I I don’t know if there’s a weakness oh boy these guys are in danger of a starf frame can Ben follow suit oh that was snapped up nice a little low but skipping up to the edge of circle and maybe inside C1 that’s the Ben putt right there that is gorgeous he’s fighting sure is gets back to even bar with plenty of holes left this is the type of course you could be even one over two over even and then all of a sudden you can go on that long birdie run and get yourself back in the mix he’s already five back of the pace set right here by Cole but if he birdies out what does that do for you oh it does a lot of for you but certainly seeing the success that the other guys on his cter having is it doesn’t seem to be bothering him but at the same time he knows that he’s got to get things going and nice birdie putt here is going to help him in his cause but a star frame for our group you see what I mean oh let’s let’s check in with Canon before I make my point here Canon on whole eight probably about four 00 out oh boy big put alert real big put alert coming up and a scary one oh big Rick alert that is a huge Drive oh my goodness what 330 left to the pin maybe 350 get the skip no that is something you do not want from that scary coming up you’re just ridiculous G you’re absolutely ridiculous back edge of C2 watered 23 ft behind the basket yeah green light go for it dude send it in there put on a show for the kids and the families [Music] that was pretty good stuff with the putter you never see how much uh Kyle’s follow through how far his right hand extends behind his body after he throws never Happ oh my gosh he just gets his extension is pretty incredible so we saw where they got to but tell us how to get to there well you want to try to whatever you can do to stay away from this left side of because the drop zone is brutal you see it on the right side your screen there in that red mark You’re basically ring so you’re going to be taking a bogey or worse so you’re trying to go distance driver get as much distance as you can to set up a manageable 410 to 350 if you get Ricky or Ganon distance [Music] in we got to start it out towards those trees and let it Heiser back into the Fairway perfectly played center yep and that will leave Kyle probably around 400 feet perfectly played yep Center way down there yep let’s call that one 375 but the point I wanted to make is this guy hasn’t missed a shot you know like it the angles evolve good this is the first shot he’s missed he’s missed this one out right and I think it should fight its way back to the Short Grass yeah but that’s not yeah what he was thinking he’s he’s leaving himself a lot it’s a big shot coming up for Isaac he’s got it for sure you think yeah I think he’s got the distance for it Ben certainly has the distance can go all Heiser off the te and really just doesn’t really matter where Ben goes as long as he’s in the Short Grass he’s got a good play for the pin yeah he’s got this distance but I wouldn’t be surprised if he takes it a bit oh he don’t like it wide this is going to be pushing that left side o dig and it’s going to find it I think is it is yeah inches least he gets his dis back that water there is well known for being straight up trench if you go in there you’re probably not finding your baby back baby back ribs sorry I had to not the best shot ever I don’t think the disc flew the way he wanted either yeah I think it was uh user error and disc error there when they combine bad stuff can happen Kyle going over the tree line big towering Heiser spiking into the green pin High great shot yeah I’m telling you if you can get the height to that tree line line that’s the that’s the money height I thought about that today when I played the hole mhm I I heed your advice from yesterday and it worked out great I must say thank you very much I owe you I owe you a dollar oh wow didn’t work out for coal but he’s probably going to make that since he’s kind of Boss probably wasn’t watching the coverage though look at this no but he did throw it at the height of the L yeah that’s true good bid provided by Ben scary putt here for so close to another nice putt yeah you got to get that one on the pole especially with the left to right it’ll keep you out there see yeah that left to right is uh it’ll shake the nerves for sure cuz you you don’t know if it’s going to drop it or if it’s going to push it until so you it’s really hard for the best players in the world to aim left expecting the push and the drop you know you have one spot that you’re always aiming and that’s probably just off the right side of the pole correct and so to move that aiming spot with the left to right wind down the hill is one of the I think one of the hardest putts most predictable oh boy watch out for that pole son on these baskets seeing Kyle Klein tap in with his left hand reminded me of playing mixed doubles with Elaine King back in charlot 2012 I tapped out with my left hand and she looked at me like I was like what are you doing you silly goose she said I was like what do you mean it was a taping she’s like you’re not left-handed I was like it was a tapen she was like don’t ever do that again so I I haven’t Kings in my head every time I want to tap out with my left hand I don’t do it oh man speaking of silly geese or silly gooses hold nine let’s get an ace huh just begging for it every single you got that big backdrop behind the pin who cares throw it long yeah who cares Kyle that is not a play for the ace man I tell you nope need to dig that’s fine though yep it’s not great well not after missing a short one for birdie but I think he is going to be fine you really want a lower shot for the ace you want about mid Tree Line like this this is a if it was left obviously it’s not going to make its way all the way over there it’s going to just be in the bullseye unfortunately right but no it doesn’t have like the skip potential for the yeah right away you saw no no Ace but none of these guys are thinking Ace think everybody’s thinking Ace actually sure except for I don’t well you think the players are well the the the right shot is that one everybody’s trying to throw is right in the bullseye so yes I think we’re not thinking oh I’m going to throw this in but if you throw the correct shot it has a chance you give yourself a chance uhuh that’s a nice angle that’s like the the height to watch his little hop oh oh no why are they doing that Benny oh Ben’s got a tough putt here this would be such a nice way to get underp in the front and not to be Kyle after taking a little time you can see that flag blowing Hello send it in there yep six birdies on the front nine for Kyle with a short Miss oh lefts side catch six birdies on the front nine for Isaac two yeah and Cole a billion Cole six birdies on the front nine but no Bogies and that is something that Kyle and Isaac cannot say and he will be your leader going into the second half of the tournament at 20 under par followed by Kyle Klein Ricky Waki and Chase Card tied up with Isaac Robinson for that third place spot right now Jake M jumping up some spots with a solid Play Seven down through 11 but the course is given birdies it’s yielding birdies even with the slick conditions it’s not slowing down our league card it doesn’t seem except for maybe Ben right now yeah Ben slowing down Cole though had that miraculous save on six that was huge that was a big time momentum carrier for him going into the back nine speaking of the back nine we got nine more holes coming your way for the moving day here Saturday in Clear Water Minnesota for the 2024 disc golf preserve later [Music] [Music]


  1. Thanks for the coverage Jomez! Salute to the camera crew, editors, & of course Big barri commentary. 👍

  2. had play an A tier with these prodigy baskets. Not a fan I must say. You gotta putt with so much spin and speed.

  3. “Low stripe zipper doodle dandy!” Omg Jerm had me laughing hard at that one. That shot was 100% a Nate sexton with his red R pro dart impression. Amazing and ballsy shot.

  4. Paul Ulibarri has his microphone set to mumble here (too low). I don't know half of what he says. That happens often. Though sometimes his microphone is set higher than the others. I don't like setting my volume high to understand everybody.

  5. 1. It was Paul's fault.
    2. I love the short technical holes where you have to have perfect touch. Even the best pros struggle with it, and it is a hard skill to master.

  6. Prodigy baskets like low left. Ever since they made them that’s the number one area I’ve found that they will catch.

  7. Might I suggest a wet dry vacuum cleaner to suck up the water and debris on the tee pads? If I thought about it it's probably already been done. LOL LOL

  8. Did Kyle Klein ever apologize for the tournament before last when he got a double bogey on whole 10 by throwing his disc in the water, retrieving it, finding another player's disc and then throwing it right back into the water? I haven't forgotten

  9. #5 is the kind of hole that made me HAVE to disc golf. There should always be plenty of those kinds of holes on tour !

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