The Trick To Bowing The Left Wrist In The Golf Swing

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now if you’re trying to get that bowed left wrist coming into impact to hit those nice compressed shots with awesome rotation like you see with the best Pros just like Colin morawa here the best iron player on tour but no matter how hard you try to get that left wrist bod you’re here constantly with that CED and extended left wrist for those High weak flippy shots again we don’t want that and I’m going to show you here the trick that no one talks about to get that left wrist bow and it’s a three-step process starts in the setup then in the back swing and then in the down swing if you follow these you are going to have that left wrist Bode way way easier so okay let’s get straight into it so what we’re going to do we’re going to measure this as we go cuz there’s no use of us going and seeing what we’re doing is working if we can’t even measure it so that’s why camera is good we’re going to look at slowmo but we’re also going to look at hack motion here and what I’m going to do cuz hack motion will measure the angles of my wrist as we can see here you can really see what your wrist angle is doing whether it’s fed or extended we need that information so this won’t lie with what it tells us so I’m just going to set some benchmarks here which you can do in hack motion just to see and just to see so we’ve got a guide to run off and see whe in the different positions whether that’s setup back swing or round impacts for downswing if we’re hitting our goals so just a little bit of flexion here which we’re going to talk about for a dress we’re going to get into that and then where we want to be the top of the back swing just again little bit of a flexion again and a little bit of flexion again for impact so we’ll get right to it so as you can see there I’m setting up with a little bit of flexion or bowing of that left wrist so that’s number one you need to have your setup in a good spot with that left wrist I either want to see people with a flat left wrist that’s set up or even more so if you really struggle to get it bowed that slight amount of bow there so I see people so often here with this extended left wrist there so you can see there 20 22 24 25 an extension so having this cup here now you can see that is just from me being level with the golf ball or level with the club face that is going to make it really difficult if my hands are level with Club face or ball as I start to swing back to do anything other than cup that’s why I see pretty much all golfers who chronically cup left WR start in that setup position like this again looks right it’s textbook isn’t it having the hands on the golf ball or the hands on the club face not for if we want to get that left wrist nice and bowed what I want to see I want to see those hands that little bit ahead so you can see here that on the inside of my left leg look at there at setup already two to one flexed and all I’ve done is push those hands forward that’s it they’re on the inside of my left leg now even more on the middle now that’s where we see someone like Bryson the Shambo when he sets up he’s got those High hands and pushed a little bit forward now when those hands are higher that get gets you in technically what’s called owner deviation which is just hinging down the wrist it becomes far easier to Bow the left wrist when you’re in that position again that’s optional to have the hands higher that will immediately get you in that little bit of that Flex position as we can see there one Dee or minus one which would be bod minus is flexed Plus on this is extension so we need those hands as a rule of thumb here just on the inside of that lead leg that’s going to make it so much easier to keep that left wrist Flex cuz you’re going to start off in that position so number one set up and absolutely we can see here again really get you feeling it this is why the hack motion is so good because I can see have I actually got that left wrist flexed I can have it perfectly zero if I can even get myself there trying hard there we go on zero or just slightly flexed is ideal we only want a little bit because otherwise it’ll be bit too uncomfortable to be able to do even if you’re just even slightly extended it’s not bad so there we go that’s our number one so guys I have just created a brand new subscription for lessons on my online coaching on skillist and it’s called rotate like a pro so this is for everyone out there who wants to make good gains like this so just like you’re seeing with my students maybe you were early extender and you want to get more rotation stay posture or maybe you’re just fed up with just lousy rotation and you want to get yourself opening up like a pro that’s exactly what I’m going do for you on this subscription we’re going to tailor everything for rotation and anti- early extension in mind so everything we need to do in the golf swing for you specifically this is all one to one online lessons to get you to where you want to be but not only are you going to get that perfectly tailored information on this topic but you’re also going to get four lessons per month for under the price of two lessons so absolutely unbelievable value but not only that you’re going to get all my four courses so all the courses I have my rotation course my early Extension Course over-the-top course and of course shallowing course for free with it so it’s going to come included whenever I launch a new course you’re going to get that course as well for absolutely nothing but also I’m going to be uploading exclusive content to all my subscribers regardless of whether you’re on this rotate like a pro and you’re going to get exclusive content not seen on YouTube and also stay tuned there is going to be a Content only subscription coming very very soon so whether you want to rotate like a pro fix your early extension rotate a little bit better this is absolutely perfect for you we’ll get right to it or let’s say even if you want to work on anything else maybe your rotation fine maybe you don’t early extend I’ve got plenty of other options on my online coaching on skillist for that there’s a link in description looking forward to working with you looking forward to fixing your early extension getting you rotating like a pro and as we can see there I was perfect with nice and zero so that means I didn’t have any felt like I was a little bit flexed with the left wrist but I didn’t have any now let’s move on to the next bit now that is at the top of the back swing can see thereus 13 so minus been flexed I flexed it quite a bit there now this is something I do in my gol swing I bone my left wrist so even for me demonstrating here I am going to probably do it more than what I’ve done on my kind of Benchmark area so a little bit is great now if you’ve got a let’s say weaker or more standard grip if you got a weaker grip the more you can bow it if you got a standard grip the less so you would want to go a little bit of flexion with left wrist with a standard grip so neutral grip a lot more with a weak like I’ve got there if you’ve got a strong grip don’t watch this video it’s not for you so you don’t want to Bow the left wrist with a strong grip because that club face is going to get too closed you’re going to hit it miles left so again this is not the video for you we’ll make videos for you on that topic so again we want it now to be more bow at the top but how are we going to get there what’s the trick to keep keeping that left first bow this is where so many of you go for struggle so I like the feel here so imagine I’m wearing a glove or you could say with my hack motion here with a little bit goes around my hand as I’m coming back it’s going to be far easier to bow my left wrist for my swing is if I get it in my swing early again if this if you’re a golfer who really wants this in your golf swing so if I can feel like let’s say where the glove logo would be on my hands on the back of my hand there is pointing slightly towards the ground there just slightly towards the ground that’s going to get me in that flexed position and then if I swing up with that same feel almost that feeling of the glove logo pointing behind or slightly in front to the right there would not be a bad thing I mean if we look there at the top where am I minus 22 so that’s a great deal of bowing of the left wrist so again if I’m a weaker grip player that might be okay if I’m a standard grip player that probably be too much but you can still see how again this is the trick to getting this if I can get that glove logo or back of my lead hand pointing down towards the ground in that early back swing I immediately get a ton of Bo immediately and it’s not like I’m doing that by any stretch imagination you have to be quite flexible with your wrists to do that that as we can see just that slight bit that’s minus 11 that’s a lot of bowing so that’s where where we want to for most players there if you again if you got a strong grip no don’t do it so here we go I’m trying to get it curling down towards the ground I could even do a drill here where I just get to let’s say Shar parallel there slly down towards the ground with that glove logo or back of the hand and swing up and swing through where am IUS 10 now okay where was I at impact not good at all I was extended that was a little bit of a flippy one in from there so let’s get into that so of course what’s the trick for the back swing for the stage two getting it Square early or getting it bowed early in that takeaway it’s going to maintain itself from there point it behind you if you’re strugg struggling from that position but let’s get into down swing okay so down swing so down swing absolutely there are some feels that help really nicely here to get there I need that today obviously CU I am not returning this left wrist to impact very well but if I actually go back here and look at the Benchmark cuz we’re going to talk about something here when it comes to bowing the left wrist in a down swing so now we know what the minus and plus mean minus is more bod plus is more extended you can see when I’ve Got The Benchmark here for the top of my back swing I’ve got itus two to Minus 5 just a little bit of Boeing which would be good for most of you with a standard grip but I’ve got the exact same for impact because actually in reality even though you’ll see quite a lot of players like the top iron player on tour karawa he’s unbelievable you know he’s he hits a five iron closer than most tour players top tour players hit their eight irons so one to learn from now he has a good deal of Bowing in the left wrist I’d love to see him on a hack motion But ultimately most players if they are bowed at the top they might not even gain more in the down swing they will keep it if they go from let’s say flat to Bow then those players are going from Flat left wrist to Bow that’s a very normal pattern we see on tour but from the players who are bowed at the top even let’s say like a John Ram they wouldn’t necessarily increase it more CU it’s already there so that’s why we’ve got the same number -2 to- 5 that’s where sometimes you could see it less less of it appear especially if depending on their shot type so again if they wanted to hit it higher they would hit and their left wrist would get a little bit less bowed it would still be flexed it wouldn’t be extended so that’s why like with the swing I hit before plus 10 in extension that’s not very good so that’s where we need to feel like okay what’s the trick to get this Bo down there is two tricks really so the feel that my old coach has talked to me about which there’s a video about this from a few months ago and that’s kind of like the motorcycle feel like you’re revving a motorbike in a down swing with your left wrist that’s brilliant but again we’re going to have most of the work from what we’ve done in setup and what we’ve done back swing so revving the motorbike is good or even that Knuckles curling down towards the ground so Knuckles curling down even back of the hand glove loger it’s good external Focus pulling down the ground I love external focuses because there’s a lot of studies out there when you think of something that’s not you of course like a glove logo you actually have more control over that than thinking of let’s say your knuckles so let’s say glove logo down towards the ground again if I was wearing a glove imagination is key here so we’ve got our little setup keys getting a little bit flexed there brilliant and then what we going to see okay we want that nice little feel for the back swing for number two getting it curling down towards the ground glove logo to the ground external focuses and then glove logo down towards the ground in the down sink let’s see what our numbers we get that felt nice there we go so you can see impact ding ding ding green minus three is roughly where I’d want it to be but even from there good lesson to be learned there where was I at the top- 16 I was in the red cuz I I flexed it too much for that now for me I would always really hit a normal swing for my weak grip with my swing I should always be in the red always should be my Benchmark was for you guys there but we can see at impact minus three so again if I was a golfer out there really struggling with that wrist position I would be looking at that address that I’ve got there plus n that’s too extended so that’s where I would want those hands a little bit more forward if I was a player who really struggled to bow that left wrist so let’s get it again let’s get ourselves in a better spot so what am I doing here I’m looking at that hack motion there we go that’s a little bit better perfect there we go I’m in the minuses now let’s swing back got that same trick Fields where are we there I felt like I lost a little bit at impact no so again about where I would see myself normally minus two address perfect – 17 that’s a lot but for me that’s good – 8 definitely a little bit bod going into there that is what you need to do so ultimately that is the trick to getting more bow so ultimately if you want to do a drill I would say the best drill for you to do is to get yourself at setup get into those nice positions get yourself to sha parallel to the ground have the glove logo area Point down towards the ground and then really feel like that glove logo is still returning in there so a nice one to do is to get it into a practice swing get up to top and then glove logo still to the ground you’re going to F this stretch up your forearm that’s normal and have a little swing through there so you could almost do it as like a pump drill one two and you could go down on the third one absolutely let’s have a good go there what let’s see what numbers it throws out so again let’s get us ourselves into the positions we want good again there we go let’s do it so glove logo down glove logo down oh go I feel like calling there look at that wow now if you wanted to drill that would get you doing it extreme cuz of course we started it from the pump that’s why we’re saying minus 45 at a dress just cuz we were starting it from absolutely the takeaway type of position or sha parallel to the ground- 33 at the top again extreme-6 at impact so you can see how gemly effective that pump drill is so whether you’re just doing it from okay here doing it just as a takeaway drill glove logo to the ground keeping it there how’s that again for me being everyone’s individual I got it at the top I didn’t even remely get it going through the golf ball so if I want one that’s going to get me going through it everywhere again pump drill down getting to sha parallel good and then the third one let’s go through maintaining the angles again call me Colin – 36 on the top I cranked – 12 that’s such an important thing to really think there okay a pump drill got me significantly better at impact where it matters than it did without it so again try the other one even though I didn’t necessarily get me impact where I want to get it into the takeaway into that good spot with that bow I lost it a little bit from there and if you experienced the same thing absolutely go to that pump drill it’s the drill to do to get all these things in there so can see that is the trick to getting that left wrist more bowed and what you’re going to notice that body is going to start turning more it’s going to start rotating to facilitate that angle which is brilliant it’s great rotation drill in general so if you want one of these hack motion there is a link in the description again if you enjoy that video click that like button if you want more gol instruction just like this hit the Subscribe button hit a bell button too to be notified every time I put out a video


  1. Hey mate your negative impact to me means that the ball will hook or draw too much if the wrist is too bowed at impact. Is that the same as face angle? If I was a -4 at impact does that mean it's a -4 face angle? I just don't want to be hooking way left. Thanks!

  2. That's a game changer trick, at least is working with me, helps you to shallow better every club and keep the right helbow closer to ribs, which means better impact and more distance, (all this thanks to my coach).

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