Grip the Golf Club FIRM for a Smooth Swing

GRF Golf Coach George shows Ryan how gripping the golf club firm can actually then allow the proximal joints (the wrists, forearms, elbows and shoulders) to move tension free and smooth out the golf swing. As always, a huge thanks to Ryan for letting us share his GRF Golf lesson experience with you guys!

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Marcus Bell is a registered exercise professional and sports bio-mechanist but any exercises recommended or suggested in this video are performed purely at the individual’s own risk.

if you were to hammer something you absolutely would have a nice firm grip here but you wouldn’t do this you wouldn’t swing it just from here no you’d let all of these levers contribute it do something like that and look how late you release it because actually at that point yeah that’s no it hasn’t released yet only then does it release and all extend out yeah so you can have a firm grip but that doesn’t mean you lock your wrists out doesn’t mean you lock the elbows out or the shoulders you can have a firm grip and still let the weight of the club passively tension your arms yeah I want you to take it in your right hand so your dominant hand and without rotating so you’re not going to use the ground first just yet yeah you’re just going to use the arm yeah I just want you to get the club swinging just up just sort of like this if you like yeah just a nice easy swing using the weight of the club so you’re letting your wrist and your elbow and your shoulder no body rotation or rather very little that’s it and hold it there does that club feel heavy or light quite heavy to be very yeah heavier and now heavier or lighter I just want you to go straight up and down so it’s light to light so you’re going to swing it light so it’s going to be up there and then light exactly so think of it more it’s more out in front of you yeah isn’t it it’s like it’s somewhat in front of you there and then swing through and it’s somewhat in front of you there and keep going as I’m talking CU what you’ve been doing is overcoming the need for your body to rotate by placing the club sort of more behind you yeah like on that flatter heavier yeah plane whereas what we’re going to do is just let this swing up and down as you are so it’s light to light and now whenever you’re ready you just bring in that use of the ground that rotation from the ground so a bit more speed here and now you can start to use the pelvis that’s it and throw the club away throw it in the back swing so now the club can travel further hold it there so now you can let it go into cool so also you’re not so used to letting this fold no so much just let it react that’s it so from here the pelvis goes the club reacts and it just swishes back that’s it and then it swishes through so the pelvis so with the ground’s always leading like you were with the board this is much much better Ryan this is so much better fantastic yes now we’ve got an arm reacting to the weight of the club rather than the weight of of a club being placed in space with with a tensioned arm now with the whole motion so once you’ve thrown it up and that you can swing it through and thud them M and go to a finish that was fantastic wow that one felt good yeah cuz the left side is responding to the work we’ve done on the right side I’m never us your that far open bit skinny y bit skinny so what’s that telling us about low point then it’s still not consistently where it should be maybe a bit too far back but certainly it’s too high off the ground we’re going to start to use the upper body a bit in conjunction with the lower body of course but if you want to put the club down and come and step on this board for me so we’re going to step on the board and we’re going to hold the pad like this just sort of down at the Sid that’s it yeah and then tip forward so that your arms are just naturally hanging with gravity so you haven’t got them under tension out here or anything and we’re going to start doing what we call the wrecking ball so the arms will stay straight and you’ll continue to show me the studs on this pad all the way through so it’s not going to do this or go around the body it’s just working up and down in this frontal plane and notice how I go with the board first yeah and then the pad follows that’s good but it’s a bit together at the moment so go again for me and just shorter sort of range of Swing that’s it but I want you to start developing the speed so faster Tempo faster faster faster that’s it now keep that Tempo there and same timing and Tempo see how you’re leading this action you’re way ahead of the swingy of that pad it’s almost like you’re opposing but not quite but this is a perfect demonstration of the wrecking bard now right and this is amazing remember what I said about the left shoulder yeah being the center of your golf swing look where that is now you’ve got a chance at a low point over there yeah so that was a frontal plane yeah which you’re good at anyway yeah what we’re going to go into now is more of a transverse plane so this plane so we’re going to hold the path the same but instead of showing me the studs you’re going to show me the the side like that yeah we’re going to be over here so I’m just mirroring you so we’ll be over here let me go first first yeah you have a look at what I do and then you just try and copy as best you can yeah right yeah and now in a free flowing relatively fast brilliant and just one swing at a tie so nice straight arms for this one yeah so start over here again just watch me and let me get back to here and completely finish and then you’re off yeah cool and again yes earlier earlier with the board later with that fantastic well done now we’re going to kind of combine the two exercises so remember when I said we start on the back foot and you go forward on one and then back on two and then the Tipping of the board more towards the target is the three yeah so the one and the two they’re going to be frontal so they’re going to be our reing B this one so that will be our one and our two and then as we drop into the three yeah it’s going to go transverse so you’ll show me the studs the studs and then as you drop into the three you’ll show me the side right yeah so let’s do this together again eye contact so we start on this side and we’re going one 2 three so there’s no down swing one two three yeah no down swing but it’s a great insight into your body’s tendency to want to open up towards the target we’re going left then as well exactly we’re going the other way we’re going to go that way as we shift the board that way rotationally that way yeah horizontally that way yeah one two three that’s it yeah again one two three fantastic notice now we’ve got a knee that is inside your foot yeah in fact you can explore rotate even more away there oh wow look at that flexibility knee way inside your foot yeah this hip you could even there you go load that hip remember this is the exercise from earlier isn’t it and then from there you pop it but I just want you to recognize that knee is inside that foot and that hip is outside it yeah yeah so now relax relax relax relax so what we want to hear is a one two three and then there’s loads of time between your three and your strike so it’ll be like a if you love the coaching and want to experience the effects of the training that you see with our pupils you can purchase the GFI system Yourself by following the link in the video description you’ll get all the equipment and a 2-hour download covering all the fundamentals exploring your movement and how you can use the ground and create those all important ground reaction en forces and transfer them through to Club head speed and experience the gains that you’re seeing in the videos one 2 3 and then you get your strike after yeah ran that’s so good yeah that felt nice brilliant [Music] oh well that was Del lofted yeah that came out like a 3rm yeah brilliant I’ll just take you off the board we’re going to do the same thing you’re going to have the ground to use now fantastic what a golf shot ran [Music] yeah I haven’t seen it come down cuz I kind of lost it I took my eye off it but that would have been massive I presume that was like 170 yeah 75 maybe brilliant free flowing swing timing looked awesome I mean it was like and you’ve got a wind off the right remember so that’s going to yeah it might have been straight FL well no I would say that’s a real soft draw that’s had an extra yard or two of draw because of the wind I would say that’s the straight flight that then the wind just pushes it off to the left a little bit yeah so what do you think contributed to the slightly clean off the bottom strike on that one not going as left or that way absolutely I I’d agree and of course it could have been other things as well but I’d say that’s the most likely thing so then if we can go into that space for longer maybe earlier for you it’s earlier yeah cuz so your area of that’s still massive by the way you got loads of speed you need to go earlier into the left side so this is an exercise for you to take away in practice you get your ball position first wherever that is and then you bring your feet together so you do just a tiny little half step back and the club will swing back and as it’s swinging back you take your half step forward and then you pop it for your release yeah so it’s a step swing step swing so see how early my left foot goes there Step swing step and then you pop nice well done this might be a really good exercise for you to really tune you into that three fantastic nice fantastic so now normal setup no stepping but can you feel that sensation of the club and you’re rotating away as you’re dropping in cuz that drop in there brilliant now play the shot just like that don’t think about it too much just in get in there and play it much better brilliant and go again brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant oh wow you’re starting to feel it now yeah definitely even just the quality of strike the quality of strike is Sensational and it don’t feel like it should be either way how much you’re actually moving it don’t feel like it’s going to be but then it just happens it just happens exactly all of these things the strike the distance they’re an output of really good movement and you are a fantastic mover I oh there you goes around that one yeah that was [Music]

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