Golf Players

The BEST 5 USA Golf Courses

Here are 5 incredible golf courses to play in the USA!

⛳ Pinehurst No. 2 – Nestled in the heart of North Carolina, this legendary course, designed by Donald Ross, is renowned for its crowned, undulating greens. Pinehurst No. 2 has hosted more single golf championships than any course in America, making it a must-visit for golfers seeking to walk in the footsteps of champions.

⛳ Kiawah Island (Ocean Course) – Located on the beautiful coast of South Carolina, the Ocean Course offers breathtaking views of the Atlantic Ocean. Designed by Pete Dye, this course is famous for its unpredictable winds and formidable layout, providing a true test of skill and endurance.

⛳ Pebble Beach – Set against the stunning backdrop of California’s rugged coastline, Pebble Beach Golf Links is often considered one of the most beautiful courses in the world. This masterpiece offers dramatic cliffs, sweeping ocean views, and a challenging design that has hosted numerous major championships, including the U.S. Open.

⛳ Bandon Dunes – Situated along the southern coast of Oregon, Bandon Dunes features a collection of four world-class courses that embrace the natural landscape. Each course, designed by renowned architects, offers a true links experience with firm fairways, rolling dunes, and spectacular ocean vistas.

⛳ Whistling Straits – Perched on the bluffs of Lake Michigan in Wisconsin, this Pete Dye-designed course is reminiscent of the classic seaside links courses of Ireland. With its rugged terrain, deep bunkers, and unpredictable winds, Whistling Straits presents a formidable challenge and has been the site of multiple PGA Championships and the Ryder Cup.

00:00 – Welcome to the Your Golf Travel Podcast
00:45 – 5th Place Golf Course
03:06 – 4th Place Golf Course
04:16 – 3rd Place Golf Course
07:05 – 2nd Place Golf Course
09:44 – 1st Place Golf Course
10:23 – Summary

Host: David Hewitson – Senior Golf Travel Specialist –

Guest: Adam Savage – Golf Travel Specialist –
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Hello and welcome to another episode of the Your Golf travel podcast this is very much a born in the USA episode i’ve got my colleague Adam here fresh from the US that is right I’m literally just back off the plane from a week over in Phoenix Arizona we’re going to be talking to you today about the well about our top five courses in the US it’s a list of five that I think covers all types of golf would you agree I think so yeah we’ve got a good mixture of coastal and links courses good mixture of a little bit of Inland as well so it should sort of work out quite nicely this yeah I agree so without further ado let’s get into it so number five now the we’re not going to agree on these we’ve been we’ve been given a list and we’ve been give told to put them in our own order now I would put this is controversial I would put Pebble Beach at number five out of what we’ve got very much depends on what you’re factoring that into and what sort of is the determining factor of that is it I think pebble is an amazing place it’s got so much history Woods winning by a million when he won the US Open obviously hosted the ladies Us open as well I think it’s it’s not as strong as some of the others that we’ve got listed it’s very much a case of there’s a few holes there that really make it stand out so you’ve got seven down the hill that tiny little part three which causes so many problems but then obviously the 17 finish exactly the iconic finish but with that as well you’ve got the lodge but also you’ve got the other golf course on site I’m putting it together as as a whole package of Pebble Beach Spy Glass, Spanish Bay staying in the lodge I’m putting that as my number five based on just the those things you know you can count the history into it a bit as well but that’s my number five what was yours I would put Pebble at four okay Pebble would go to four mine number five would have to be the Straits Course at Whistling Straits okay um I mean stunning venue really dramatic on the west coast and coastline but bar the 20 I mean okay so it had the Ryder cup a couple years ago Europe which tried to forget about we we tried to forget about and we moved swiftly past that um but by the 2015 with Jason day winning I don’t remember too much about the golf course okay um it’s brutal I mean everybody says that as soon as the wind gets up it gets sort of almost unplayable and for that reason I think it would have to go at five okay so there’s more to Whistling Straits than the Straits Course so you got Black Wolf Run just on the resort as well and Aaron Hills not too far away sentry world with all the flowers you know when that’s In bloom that’s pretty mega so interesting you put it there it’s interesting you put it there so that fifth and then Pebble fourth yeah my fourth place goes to uh the Ocean Course at Kiawah Island so two coastal courses at bottom my bottom two you know there’s nothing against to sea you know but you I’ve been to I’ve been to Kiawah and it’s it is an incredible place um it offers a fantastic Palladian style Hotel some fantastic Villas um you know these Beach front houses that you can rent out for you know your duration of your stay and then the other four golf courses on the resort but for me Kiawah were hosting the uspga was it two years ago it must have been yeah 21 was it yeah three years three years ago wow so when uh when Jason became the oldest oldest major winner but you’ve also got the war on the shore the Ryder cup so you know we’ve got two Ryder Cup courses um in fourth and fifth between us but if for me Kiawah it is amazing it’s a great great venue but the three that are coming are better trust me they are better uh so we’ve so between us then we’ve got whistling and Pebble at number five yeah Pebble and Kiawah Island at number four now for the middle spot of the five now this this is where it starts getting tough for me because they’re all so good and it’s it’s splitting hairs but I am going to go with Whistling Straits they’re number three for for all kind of the same reasons that you mentioned you know it’s got history it’s got the uh it’s got like Michigan views all that kind of thing very very seasonal it’s a very seasonal golf course you wouldn’t want to be there in the winter because it’ll be under snow but yeah I think I think Whistling Straits at number three the Straits Course for sure out out of the five that we’ve got I think that’s I think that’s a really good spot for it yeah no I mean I can see your arguments there um my three I’m going to go Pacific Dunes up at Bandon Dunes Resort I it’s the first one we’ve mentioned that’s maybe not got The Prestige of the majors Prestige of the competitions the tour Ryder Cup so potentially often forgotten in the top five list I I wouldn’t I think saying it it’s forgotten might be a bit of a stretch I think the fact that it doesn’t have a tour stop maybe gets it out of your immediate your average joe golfers mind you know cuz they’re going to be pulled towards your Pebbles your Sawgrass your exactly yeah exactly Bandon Dunes is for me the best golf resort in the world like without doubt I would say it’s it’s not got as many courses as Pinehurst obviously Pine has got 10 plus the Cradle yeah but I think as a standard of golf it’s the best golf in the world they’ve got the little short course as well we talking about the other week ridiculous like just just put me on there for a day probably about 100 golf balls just Rolling Hills with 10 foot wide greens every now and again third place for you Bandon Dunes you’ve got some some high standards really high standards like I say it I think just just on the pure part where it doesn’t have that distinction of having yeah yeah I get it I get it the television having the tournaments having the great walk it and there being people having memories of it I think one thing that I really love about Bandon as a as a resort is it kind of feels like you are completely removed from the world you’re on this incredible Cliff top the golf course is just stretch down the coastline got a couple of different options of accommodation you can even stay in the town if you wanted to but it does feel like you’re completely removed from the world and the only thing that matters is Golf and that is what I just just love about it that is yeah that’s why I haven’t mentioned it yet strong so I’m going to prompt you there number two number two is Pinehurst we all saw it last week at the US Open uh it’s changed a lot you know this this Donald Ross design has changed a lot from from when Payne one you know even in more recent history it’s changed a great deal in in terms of the the the natural areas the the runoffs and the Wasteland and stuff it’s changed changed loads and you look at how Bryson won it’s a lot closer than how Kimer won the time before walked yeah he blew away he won by what seven or eight is it second yeah made it comfortable but again it’s it’s another place that it’s now the St Andrews of of America isn’t it it’s the anchorite the US Open so it’ll be there every five years it’s got the the you know the uspga stamp of approval as such as we mentioned before you know 10 golf courses yeah it’s now recently 10 as well it just opened up yeah number 10 is is very recently opened only April was it was it April it was April yeah yeah start of April they opened it incredible yeah it looked incredible it looked in just immaculate condition this past two weeks ago I would have preferred it to have been playing a bit harder but I think because I had basically no wind for the week harder there’s only about 10 people shot on the power the US Open needs to be over power look at Maran what a great US Open that was yeah now we’ve not agreed yet we’ve not and so you’ve got two choices left I’ve only got one I know and I’m saving one for the top spot so your number two is its got to be curable for me okay um I just think everything about the resort in the area is spectacular The Sanctuary Hotel is immaculate the fact you’ve got the Villas there as well is a different style I love that idea a it offers more for your golfing groups rather than being separated into rooms Beach Club as well and I just love my memories of the ocean course I love the fact when Phil won it three years ago now that shot out the rough on 18 on the final day yeah it’s good to finalise it the the fist pump the celebration from that what it meant to prove at the time when golf was starting to go into a little bit of turmoil with the rumours that were happening at the time yeah it was on the it was on the it was all about to kick off and to see him do it at his age I mean 51 in Old by any stretched imagination but the way golf’s gone the the young dogs have got it at the minute yeah but to still see somebody do it um is always something that will be ingrained in my mind when it comes to Kiawah interesting you’re number one Bandon Bandon best golf resort in the world yeah like it’s just not not even a contest I P’s got 10 courses not even a contest no incredibly it is the town itself is quite is quite but nice down the road very qu that’s the best way to put it but yeah it’s it’s the best place in the world yeah three three courses in the top 100 in the world yeah all just on your doorstep I just can’t see how if you were to do a golf trip to to Bandon Dunes you wouldn’t just go yeah me for next year just do it again just just book that for the next five years yeah just keep going yeah best best place in the world that’s a good so there we go that’s the five now it’s quite interesting that we didn’t agree on any of them I I I generally think that as we haven’t even we well we saw the list yeah we haven’t discussed it and it all different yeah it’s good it just generational difference thanks uh yeah perhaps yeah slightly different memories yeah I think there’s a lot of places that we would give honourable mentions to yeah so it it was a tough top five yeah especially because if you think about the places that we’re able to access for you know are your golf Travelers yeah um somewhere like stream song three of the best courses in Florida three in the top six is it all on the same there thereabouts inbrook Brook yeah you know the honoury mentions my favourite golf course in the US that like favourite not best I I’ve categorised them differently is Harbour Town I would give that an honourable mention the pin Resort yeah is really great fun um it’s a really great Vibe out on the Calabogie sound Lots going on on the island it’s it’s pretty epic get a with it being just after the Masters every year as well yeah gets you get one week of the master then one week at at Harbour Town on the TV is to equally golf courses and it’s a signature event as well isn’t it so all the big boys out now I know a lot of them used to miss it after the Masters and I I think another another place for as a golf trip not talking about you know the best golf courses you can play but martle beach again carrying up that Coastline you think you’ve got Harbour Town sorry Sea Pines K and then Myrtle Beach all within well from one from one top to bottom it’s probably three and a half hours maybe add an hours after to that you’ve got Jacksonville and Sass couple hours after that you get into Orlando it give me give me three weeks off and let me go and do the just work your way up the east coast of the US yeah would be one way to do it I’m really pleased that we didn’t agree on that list of where we were going to place him like those five are our five best places that we can get you on yeah that’s that’s born in the USA edition of the your golf travel podcast Adam thank you so much uh great to get your Insight great to have you on and we look forward to seeing you again soon

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