3 Reason To Try The RBWolf @rugbybricks Kicking Tee?

Here are the top 3 features for the RBWolf and RBWolf Plus kicking tees:


1. Personalised Ball Set Up: The tees feature front teeth for adjusting the ball angle and a canyon through the middle, allowing players to personalise their ball setup for optimal performance. Whether you prefer a forward lean, tilt, or elevation, these tees offer flexibility to suit your kicking style.

2. Visual Appeal: The design of the tees is visually striking, with features like the floating ball illusion from the back and the Rugby Bricks logo for added inspiration. The wider back walls provide balance, and the overall aesthetic of the tees is inviting and encourages players to take their best shot.

3. Performance Enhancement: The RB Wolf and RB Wolf Plus kicking tees are designed to help players improve their kicking technique and accuracy. Whether you prefer a punchy strike through the ball or a bit of elevation, these tees are crafted to assist you in finding the right setup for your best strike. Additionally, the included Rugby Bricks wristband serves as a reminder to outwork and outlearn, further motivating players to push themselves to excel.

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RB Founder Peter Breen OUTWORK OUTLEARN.

hey team welcome to Team Wolf I’m about to have two Cooks one off the RB wolf and one off the RB wolf plus and talk to you about some of the features of the wolf cooking teas starting at the front of the tea is these two front teeth now these teeth allow you to really lean the ball forward but also tilt the ball out if you like to have a personalized ball setup one of the things I love is this Canyon through the middle so it looks like the ball’s just floating there from the back of the mark visually that looks amazing we had to make the back walls of the tea slightly wider just to give the ball nice balance then the back of the tea just drops off so again when you’re standing at the back of the mark you can see so much of that sweet spot really inviting you up there to go and kick it on both the RB wolf and RB wolf plus kicking te we have got the crown rugby bricks logo there reminding you to outwork and out learn people so our lowest te the RB wolf is going to allow you to really get through the ball and punch the air through the ball with that nice flow if you’re that style of kicker the RB wolf is really going to suit you or if you do want a little bit of elevation on your kicking te the RB wolf is going to allow you to play around with ball situps but also really lean that ball forward tilt the ball out and find out exactly how you want to set the ball up for your best strike with every kicking te you get a rugby bricks wristband with the message of outwork and out learn click the link below to learn more about the RB wolf kicking teas

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