Grace Charis

What’s My Golf Handicap?

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what is up you guys my name is Grace Caris and today we’re going to be finding out what my handicap index is let’s go so first off I do want to welcome you to my beautiful room I’ve never posted my room on YouTube before if you follow me on Snapchat Grace car XO you would have seen me built like this entire thing from painting the walls to building those double doors hanging in the surf War hanging up the world map it’s been a long process there’s still a lot to do like painting the shutters over there yeah welcome wel to my room I am I love it here if you guys don’t know this is my cat Cheeto he is an orange British short hair he runs this house he takes care of me but yeah I’m a huge cat person cats over dogs all the way this is our newest addition to the family um Charlotte I call her Charlotte or Charlie she’s pure British short hair she doesn’t like to be held as you can see I want to say almost 10 months old so she’s still a baby look at her little face she’s so cute hi like maybe in a year or two I’ll get a third one so if you guys have been following me for a while you know that I’m like newer to golf I started June 2021 kind of been this like up and down Journey about getting better and getting more into the game I’m at a point in my life where I’m pretty into the game um I play like four or five times a week at this point and I’ve been traveling a ton for golf this is part of growing is getting a handicap and seeing where you’re actually at just getting better so I’m pretty excited to see this I don’t know why I’ve been pushing it off for so long but let’s do that I’m going to start by just going to USGA um I’m going to click sign up for a handicap Index right here your handicap ID this is this is what stopped me for so long is that I don’t know what all this means like what the heck’s a handicap ID I have no idea apparently you need that to make a handicap so I think I think what you have to do is be part of a Golf Association and then have that ridiculous I’m going to Ally Golf Association all right so for me it’s the Texas Golf Association for to play all over join virtual medalist Club quick needs I’m going to do that I’m going to do $44 a year all right guys it’s been about like 10 minutes I finally got an email thank you for dear Grace Caris thank you for joining the Medalist Club your receipt is below ooh here’s my my G number I finally have one so now I’m going to go back to put in my G number put in my last name and officially see if I can get to a point where I can put some scores in and then get the number boom I am now registered with USGA that’s awesome I’m so excited what I now I was like what do I do what am I supposed to do now I guess I just paid another $53 annually um and I’m not even sure what what I’m paying for right now this is a long process I’m not going to lie no wonder why I put this off for so long like no wonder why I finally got my email back from usj they sent me a link for the next step so we’re going to click that well that’s weird this link is no longer active I’m not going to lie like this is this is the reason why I haven’t made one I had to click the forgot login information button because it doesn’t work here we go I did it I did it so now now the fun part is we get to put in our scores and actually see which handicap I am so finally here is my profile there’s my name Grace car so now I’m going to click post score and input some scores I have a shoe box of all my score cards so I’m going to go grab that and we’re going to pick like the last two weeks of golf and like 18 holes and just put those in all right guys here’s my shoe box all these this is from the past like I guess year-ish we’re just going to pick like the most recent ones like Fields Ranch I played that last week played Westridge last week I played pineur number 10 last week I have two more scorecards I played Stone Bridge Ranch yesterday so I’ll use that one but I have a photo of it I also played Dogwood Country Club of North Carolina and that’s where I got my hole-in one so I’ll post my hole-in-one score as well all right guys I got my hole-in one thing I literally just frame this a ball that I actually made the hole in one with this is like all the stats and where it was taking place is the score card this a back n start it was literally like the fourth hole in we played so hole 13 I make the hole in one and I was like and then the rest of my around I was just like I just got to finish this round I have a scorecard this course was like it looks like a gusta it was gorgeous I’m going to start with this Fields Ranch this is probably like week and a half out yeah wasn’t my best day I shot a 93 um Pine her number 10 so we have two scores right now all right this is the hole in one I shot an 87 this is actually so hard to find like the course okay we have three scores right now I want to know what my number is guys so I downloaded the app and and uh it doesn’t say anything so I guess I have to postpone making the end of this until I guess tomorrow cuz it takes a day to load your handicap I don’t know why it should be just automatically where you calculate it I all right guys I will see you tomorrow then all right guys it is the morning um and let’s see if usj has an update for me I’m going to go check the app let’s see here come here I’m going to guess I’m like a 12 or 14 I don’t really know how this whole thing works so all right guys here we go let’s click the app it’s loading it’s loading y’all look y’all look first guys I’m an eight that’s pretty good for me I can’t believe I’m a single digit wow check it look at this guys check it out it’s pretty good we have the big snowman is here so all right guys I guess that concludes this video thank you guys so much for watching don’t forget to like And subscribe this video I will see you next time I love you guys bye


  1. Hi Grace! Thank you for sharing your handicap experience. I always thought you were a pro! You swing like a pro! Loved your honesty and sincerity. Your fan forever! ❤❤❤

  2. Let's not forget that Grace randomly had all her accounts disabled and quit for like a month and has yet to ever explain why that occurred.

  3. We Share Something in Common …. Cats I Love My Kitty's i have two Rescues They are So Cool.. Much Like You… xx

  4. How do you get into Golf tho? I have a country club near me, but you gotta be a member to play their course, and I ain't rich lol.

  5. 8 handicap is very impressive! The hard part now is working that down. Once you get into single digit it is hard to get it down.

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