Golf Players

YOTG – Warrior Core

45 minute Practice

Today’s practice we start with Bhastrika Pranayama, creating fire in the belly. We include lots of Vinyasa with Surya Namaskar A & B with Warrior sequences. Coming down on the mat for more core asanas.

We complete the practice with Shavasana and Aloma Veloma: Alternate Nostril Breathing – bringing balance to the Left and Right hemispheres of the brain, Ida and Pingala Nadis and calmness to the Nervous System. A perfect balance to prepare the body and mind for your day ahead.

Namaste & have a great day




today’s practice we’re going to be doing a warrior flow with some Warrior breath and a lot of core work so strong through the legs opening the heart and drawing everything into that core so just visualize all your abdominal muscles drawing into that belly bottom belly button strong core so lock that core on throughout the whole practice engage engage Woody under bu which is just below the belly button so engage that Woody under bu for the whole practice set your intention for today’s practice this morning we’ll be doing lots of sascar with some core poses included in the variations with each round of Sir scar then we’ll come down to the floor and we’ll do some more Core Yoga practices on the mat so take the hands to Heart Center namaskar MRA let’s open our f with three arms [Music] inhale inhale oh one more inhale oh [Music] [Music] as Thomas [Music] float the hands down to the knees draw the chin to the chest inhale big yogic breath here Tommy Rises chest expands exhale chest Falls towards Earth draw the tummy towards the spine inhale tummy Rises chest and shoulders expand in all directions exhale chest Falls towards the Earth draw the tummy towards the spine let’s warm up the fire in the tummy here with some Streaker breath inhale exhale fold the fingers over the thumbs and come down into the waist keep the back nice and straight inhale last 5 4 3 2 1 inhale up gently exhale allow the breath to escape hands float down to the knees Palms facing up inhale hold with air engage the lbon throat lock M thean root lock relax the shoulders and hold to your capacity exhale let’s do another round inhale up thumbs into the hands wrap the fingers around exhale down to the waist inhale last five 4 3 2 one inhale up gently float the hands down exhale chin to chest inhale one more sip of air key to the chest engage Jalan throat lock engage Mulan root lock relax the shoulders hold to your capacity whenever you’re ready let it go come into normal Yogi breath just coming off your block place the block handy in case you need it a little bit later let’s sit high on the sit Bones come into half Lotus or full Lotus if you can take the hands onto the knees inhale exhale fold forward inhale up open that heart bring the hands behind the keeps touching the Earth just connecting here with the Earth inhale fold forward one more time [Music] inhale and then exhale let that go coming into easy pose let’s warm up the spine here nice big circles back the other way sitting up tall let’s just go from side to side so you’re moving the spine the hips stay still let move the spine here and then back to Center inhale up exhale right hand to the left knee apply gentle pressure take the Gaze over the left shoulder inhale up to Center exhale to the right side inhale up to Center exhale take the right elbow to the Earth left hand over the head nice big stretch feel a nice big stretch right down that left side body inhale up over to the left side nice big stretch through the right side body inhale up to Center exhale down let’s come on to all fours to our cat cat Cow pose so what we’re going to do with marasin today is we’re going to do a couple of rounds of maras and cow and then we’re going to come into a spinal flossing so visualize the spine here the spinal cord flossing through each vertebrae as we move so bring the hands down onto the Earth spread the fingers happy fingers the wrists are underneath the shoulders so you’re stacking the joints here wrist elbow and shoulders always be aware of stacking joints throughout all your poses and throughout the whole practice and then the knees are stacking underneath the hips we’re going to inhale take the Gaze to the sky til the tailbone to the sky exhale round the shoulders gaze to the ne inhale gaze to the sky tilt the tailbone exhale round the shoulders gaze to the ne so coming into our spinal flossing inhaling tilt the tailbone to the sky take the Gaze to the sky as you do that bring the hip back to the heels keep the Gaze to the sky and then exhale round the shoulders take the Gaze to the naval bring the shoulders past the hips here past the wrist inhale okay so close down the eyes now move with breath visualizing the spinal cord flossing through each and every vertebrae right through the whole spine let’s do two more moving with breath then come back to Center let’s take the knees a little wider touch ing the big toes and then bring the hips back to the heels ad yoga mudra child’s pose walk the fingertips forward bring the heart down onto the mat leave the elbows off the mat so you’re really engaging through the arms stretching the shoulders giving them a beautiful stretch so although you’re in a restorative pose here with tall pose you’re actually engaged right through the arms and the shoulders really feel into that back from the um from the sacrum right through to the fingertips let’s inhale up walk the hands back lift the hips bring the knees to shoulder width apart tuck the toes exhale into Mountain here so walking the dog and then bring the heels down to the Earth tailbone to the sky take the Gaze forward inhale up on the tippy toes exhale down inhale tippy toes exhale in inhale up onto the tippy toes and then walk the hands into walk the feet into the hands let’s inhale take the Gaze forward exhale fold bring the hands onto the Earth bend the knees as much as you need here couple more breaths and we’re going to inhale take the Gaz forward for take the hands onto the waist and then slowly rolling up one vertebrae at a time bring the hands down beside the body Palms facing forward tilt the tailbone engage through the knees and the thighs shoulders are off and down on the back and coming into tadasana like you’re holding your golf ball here in the back of the shoulder blades couple more breads let’s inhale back bend between your P exhale fall forward hands to the other inhale half LIF exhale fold bend the knees step or hop back knees chest to hold here and then inhale up Tuck the toes exhale into Mountain hold here for five draw the hands to the front of the mat push the mat away tail bone to the sky heels to the Earth gaze to the nav three more breaths one more inhale bend the knees step or hop forward take the Gaze forward exhale chin to sh inhale up FL back in exhale hands to Heart let’s do one more round Su Namar eight inhale exhale inhale halfway lift exhale step or jump back chat up knees chest [Music] chin stay with Asa inhale take the feet to shoulder width apart good exhale ad hold here for five four more three two and one bend the knees step or H forward take the Gaze forward exhale chin to Shin inhale up slight back exhale hands the h two rounds now of namas inhale exhale openness inhale halfway LIF exhale jump back knees chest chin stay with Asa take the feet shoulder width apart straighten the arms all tuck the toes exhale add we’re going to raise the right leg bring the right foot through the hands zeras and one open up the heart one more breath and exhale hands to the Earth bring your right leg back knees chest CH inhale oop exhale OU inhale raise the left leg bring the left foot through the hands inhale beer of a dress and one open up the heart exhale hands to the Earth bring that left leg back knees chest chin inhale exhale a hold here for five four breathe gaze to the naval 3 2 and one bend the knees step or hop forward take the Gaze forward chin to shin and then bend the knils all cap sit down in your chair exhale one more round in exhale all inhale halfway LIF tuck the toes exhale knee stretching inhale o tuck the toes exhale ad inhale raise the left leg bring the left foot through to the hands inhale re a draw some water hold here relax the shoulders bring the hands back if you can nice back bend hands to the Earth left leg back knees chest ch inhale o exhale ad inhale raise the right leg right foot through to the hands zerr and one hold here hands to the Earth right leg back knees chest chin walk up exhale ID hold here for five 4 3 2 and one bend the knees step a h forward take the Gaze forward exhale chin toin bend the knees orass sit down in your chair inhale Su one more round s or exhale a bend the knees jump back knees chest chin inhale oop exhale AR let’s raise the right leg bring the right foot through to the hands ver One open up the heart strong through the legs warrior pose hands to the Earth right leg back knees chest chin inhale tuck the toes exhale melted inhale raise the left leg very bessing One open up the heart strong Warrior legs hold here breathe hands to the Earth let’s take the left leg back Come With Me Now chataranga dandas inhale walkg exhale a hold here for five 4 3 2 and one bend the knees step a hop forward take the Gaze forward chin to Shin bend the knees or exhale hands the Heart Center just one more time on the left side or exhale a inhale St hop back chatanga down DUS or knees chest CH exhale out raise the left leg bring the left foot through to the hands inhale ver open up the heart strong through those Warrior legs hands to the Earth left leg back changa down D or knees chest here up dog or CRA tuck the toes exhale into Mountain one more on the right side bring the right foot through to the hands verj open up the heart strong through the warrior and hands to the Earth sh knees [Music] CH exhale Ido hold here for five 4 3 two and one bend the knees step a h forward P the Gaz to Exhale chin bend the knees let’s give the legs a shake come to ground down through the left leg left foot spread the toes happy toes bring the right knee up to the chest and then take hold of big toe with the two piece fingers inhale elbow draws the knee up to the armpit inhale bring the AR hand foot out in front for five four chin to Chin three 2 and one inhale up exhale out to the side left handing gun of J mudra hold here for five four try to bring that leg closer to the Head three 2 and one come back to the front take hold of The Shins for one then hold here as much as you can for five 4 3 2 and one let that go give the legs a shake ground down through the right foot spread the toes happy toes bring the left knee into the chest take hold of the toe with the two piece fingers inhale exhale fold the leg forward inhale for five four chin to Chin three 2 and one inhale up take the left leg out to the side take the Gaze to the right ground down through that right leg for five 4 3 two and one come back to Center take hold of the cff for one lift then hold here for five 4 3 2 and one let that go give give the legs a shake okay let’s come back to our Vasa this time we’re going to combine Warrior 1 and Warrior 2 hands to Heart Center Namar let’s inhale up exhale inhale halfway LIF step a hop back chataranga down knees chest here in inhale abdor or Cobra tuck the toes exhale into Mountain inhale raise the right leg bring the right foot through to the hands ver dressing mod open up the heart strong through the legs inhale up exhale to the other zome one staying low now come out to ver too open up the hips to the long side of the N take the Gaze to the left KN the hips and staying low right toes in left toes out right toes out left toes in sorry take the Gaze to the right from the and hands to the right leg back chataranga down or knees chest and Chin inhale you can come to up dog or just to COBRA here then tuck the toes exhale into Mountain hold here for five four 3 2 and one bend the mo step or hop forward take the Gaze forward chin to she inhale Circle the arms up exhale summer one more time inhale up exhale forward bend the knees take the Gaze forward bend the knees step hop back chatanga dandas or knees chest in up dog or cra tuck the toes exhale into Mountain inhale raise the left leg this time left foot forward inhale vering one hold strong through the legs open the heart staying low here left toe left toes in right toes out bead on the other side back B you your practice then take the left heel to the Earth gaze to the right fingertips very but dress in too one more breath take the right toes in left toes out verr two to the other side Square the hips to the long side of the mat right hip back left hip forward and windmill the hands down to the Earth here bring your left leg back chatanga dandal knees chest CH up doal C tuck the toes exhale into Mountain hold here for five 4 3 2 and one in inhale left leg forward exhale right inhale exhale hands the Heart Center let’s come to the feet wide on the mat bend the knees here swaying from side to side inhale exhale take the right shoulder to the left knee take the Gaze over the left shoulder inhale up exhale to the other side inhale let’s bend a little lower bring the arms up okay so let’s open up the hands here bring the hands to the front I’m going to do some Warrior One breaths here inhale exhale through the mouth inhale nostrils two more allow the hands to come down straighten the legs Palms facing forward be receptive to Warrior breath feeling the whole body without Warrior courage and energy fearlessness hands the Heart Center knee tail give the legs a shake let’s come through one more basa here inhale up exhale F bend the knees take the Gaze forward bend the knees jump back Chang down or knees chest in inhale exhale out let’s take the left hand into the center of the mat come on to the outside of the left foot raise the right hand so really draw everything up and into the core here you’re pulling all those muscles into the belly button all your [Music] abdominals the transverse abdominals the obliques now bring the left hand into the center of the mat come on to the outside of that left foot and raise the right hand draw everything up and into the belly button here grounding down through the hands spreading the fingers if it’s in your practice you can take that right foot to the left thigh give it a helping hand draw up dra everything into the core all the abdominal muscles are drawing into the belly button for five 4 3 2 and one bring the hands to the Earth knees chest chin inhale exhale ad let’s go to the other side now so right hand into the center of the mat come on to the outside of the right foot raise the right hand bring that left foot into the right thigh lift up right side body hold here draw everything into the core two more breaths and left hand down to the Earth chataranga DUS or knees chest CH up dog exhale ad hold here for five 4 3 2 and one now we’re bending the knees here we’re going to step or hop through into nasana boat pose jump through come up into your boat pose elbows are at knee height eyes are at toe height draw everything into the core one more time hold here and then let that go let’s come down onto the mat so laying down on the mat going to come into a nice twist here bring your arms out to the side bring the knees into the chest give them a big hug and then straighten the legs take the right leg over the left and then back underneath into Twisted Roots inhale exhale allow both legs to fall to the left side take the Gaze to the right fingertips [Music] gra here then coming back to Center straighten up the legs take the left leg across the right and then underneath inhale exhale allow both legs to fall to the right side take the Gaze to the left fingertips you can bring that right hand onto the left knee gently guide it toward holds you couple more breaths and then come back to Center undo the legs bring the knees into the chest let’s take the knees in opposite directions nice big circles back the other way just straighten the legs out on the mat bring the left hand underneath the left buts and then roll on top of that hand bring the right hand underneath draw the elbows and shoulders together so we’re going to inhale lifting up through the elbows and then take the crown of the head back down onto the mat Matas and fish pose I’m going to do a little bit more core work here just to finish off going to raise that right leg point the toe draw everything into the core one more time so just suck all those abdominal muscles into the belly button draw the heart towards the sky exhale down inhale left leg exhale down if it’s in your practice both legs here straight legs hold here for five 4 3 2 and one Let It Go slowly coming onto the back of the head remove the hands let bring the hands down beside the body now coming into shasana so Gathering anything you need for a nice relaxing shasana if you need blankets Shaws eye pillow anything that you have for shasa please get that now then come to lay on the back close down the eyes and take the awareness to the breath let’s do a few rounds of orbit breath here so we’re going to visualize Prana moving through the body orbiting around the body then we’re going to let it go and come into our shasana so wherever you are in the breath [Music] exhale inhale visualize fresh Pana coming down the front side of the body past the heart the navl to the murara chakra deep in the peranan exhale around the tailbone up through the spine over the crown of the head to the Third Eye Center inhale front side of the body past the heart the navl to the molara chakra exhale around the tailbone up through the spine over the crown of the head to the third eye center inhale front side of the body past the heart the navl to the m harak deep in the Paran exhale round the tailbone up through the spine over the crown of the head to the third eye center so visualize your PR orbiting around the body and Gathering any loose energies along the way and bringing them back through each chakra and to the third eye center inhale side of the body P the heart the naval to the molara chakra deep in the Paran exhale around the tailbone up through the spine over the crown of the head to the third eye center continue on with your orbit breath couple more rounds Gathering all those loose energies bringing them back to the AA Shakra when you come back to the third eye center just allow that breath to melt away and coming into your normal resting breath a a for for for no gently introducing movement into the fingers and toes rolling the head from side to [Music] side raising the right hand above the head and rolling over onto the right side body staying here in the fetal position for a few moments and taking your thoughts back to today’s intention maybe carry that intention through the rest of your day with Helping Hands coming up to a seated position half Lotus or EAS and pose let’s take the two-piece fingers of the right hand to the third eye center exhale take the right thumb over the right nostril inhale left for five four 4 3 2 and one close the left exhale right for five 4 3 2 and one inhale right close the right exhale LIF inhale LIF close the lift exhale run inhale run close the right exhale LIF let’s do one more round inhale left close left exhale right inhale right close the right exhale LIF PL that right hand down to the right knee chin to chest full yogic bre here inhale tummy Rises chest expands exhale chest Falls towards the Earth draw the tummy towards the spine let’s take the hands to Heart Center and num clasp the hands behind inhale exhale fold forward surrender yourself to Mother room inhale up to a Seiler position rub the hands together take the Palms over the eyes feel the Warmness one breath draw the hands away from the face Open the Eyes to a soft gaze hands to Heart Center in namaskar mudra close our practice with one arm and three shanties inhale [Music] inhale for Shanti Shanti shant [Music] shant Namaste Namaste your neighbor Namaste Namaste have a wonderful day

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