Golf Players

Mike Tyson’s GREATEST inspiration is Alexander the GREAT


why would one person think that he could [ __ ] own the whole world one person why would he have that mind who would think like that why would a m person why would that’s not a [ __ ] person that’s just something when your EOS just got so out of whack where you just you just can’t think rational how do you think like that and you’re a nice person it was a guy before him a couple hundred years before him named Cyrus the Great he was just like he was a conqueror but he was a conqueror for Liberty he wanted to conquer all the slaves and let them go conquer all the slave masters let them go he got killed for that too but who the May that sounds that sounds cool too right that’s good that’s a good thing but listen think about it who the [ __ ] is here to take somebody else’s property take somebody else and stuff cuz he believe is wrong which it probably is wrong I think it’s wrong but who the [ __ ] is he right who is this guy to take other just to conquer you you done bother nobody but this is what they did back then now you’re killing everybody


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