Improve Your Putting Skills with This Mindset Technique

Learn a powerful putting strategy to enhance your game. This video reveals a simple visualization technique to help you sink more putts. Watch now for expert advice and start improving your putting game today! Don’t forget to like, subscribe, comment, and share. Cheers to making more putts! #PuttingSkills #ImproveYourGame #GolfTips #MindsetTechnique #VisualizationTechnique #PuttingStrategy #ExpertAdvice #GolfingTips #BetterPutting #GolfSkills

so if you do these things condition yourself by making really short putts over and over and over again to get used to seeing the ball go in the hole then visualize that off the course and then last thing when you’re thinking and reading the green and making your decision play a little two second version of that video then step up go through your routine think about nothing but your routine roll the ball into the hole and and then create an anchor that’s not dependent on the outcome did I hit my line did I hit my target yes great that was a good part if you’ll try that you’ll make a lot more parts

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