This Is Why You Shouldn’t BUY CHEAP GOLF BALLS

I’m currently trying out the Cavell golf balls off amazon for £23.99 a dozen. This video has a little test against the Kirkland V3’s to see what the quality in ball striking and distance is like from 125 yards….into the wind.
This is a test to show how a particularly cheap ball like the Kirkland isn’t always a good idea to buy just for the price. The results show for themselves.

right so I’ve got a n time 125 yard what I’ll do I’ve only got kirkin and uh obviously these Cel I’m going to do two shots with each a time into the wind just to sort of show the uh control I guess we all know the uh Kong like to balloon so we’ll see I’ll do Kirkland caval and so on [Music] what I think that um third one the second Kirkland it was bang online but I think that’s sure [Music] this will be interesting let’s get up there and I’ll uh see what we uh find first the last two bang on the flag just right the first two right edge of the green it’s uh rather nice today I can already see one it’s uh just right at the flag absolutely pin High um the second and Kone was just slightly left of the flag so I want to see where that one went cuz they were both well struck uh oh yeah I can see them all that that that’s uh quite nice today weatherwise and Views so the green keepers are out again like everywhere hats off to them let’s get to the green there and just show where they are right so I’m just here now and this is actually interesting granted I think the Kirk what the Kirklands are they 3535 per 24 so you pay for what you get I guess cuz look at this one Kirkland and I haven’t even I haven’t looked for the second one yet but I think it’s down in the the water down there and there’s the two uh cel’s pin High absolutely middle of the green can’t complain about them two struck all through all four I hit I struck I’m going to be honest I struck them well uh rare occasion that it happens I think actually you can see on this one there’s a pitch mark just there for that one but this one as well stop dead into wind granted but that you know take that let’s have a look where the uh this other Kirkland is if it’s anywhere oh yeah short so in line with that one yeah so that’s at least half a club maybe a full Club short yeah so uh I’d re I reckon uh pick and choose your golf balls carefully cuz you don’t need uh yes you can buy cheap golf balls but there’s a limit on both ends expensive and cheap yeah like I said definitely choose pick and choose your golf balls you know cautiously and correctly obviously cuz uh you can definitely go both ends of the Spectrum in terms of cheapness and then expensive if you lose golf balls too often there’s no point really buying expensive you know provy ons Etc but on the other hand don’t buy too cheap cuz your game will be affected I guess like there I was a half a club short with both Kirkland and uh pen high with both Cel so it’s definitely uh something you should take into consideration I’d recommend personally a golf ball that both you’re happy with the price with and you’re comfortable that it’ll suit your game give it a try and uh don’t like give up after a few shots or something give it like a few rounds see where you know how you feel about it I know uh I’ve given the X version of this Cavell I think six rounds and I’ve shot three of my best rounds this year so far I think I’ve had about 15 rounds already so uh yeah definitely pick and choose correctly

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