These CHEAP Golf Clubs Will SHOCK The BIG BRANDS!?

These BUDGET Golf Clubs Will SHOCK The BIG BRANDS!?

at a time where golf has never been more expensive in this box I have some golf clubs that could potentially offer you high performance at low costs let’s see exactly what they are cuz I’m really excited by these they are of course Cali and they are a set of wedges which looking at them I honestly think I saw that going smoother in my head that these could rival some of the bigger name golf bands let’s get on the golf course Let’s test these and see just how good they are for the money and see if you could potentially see yourself with a set of these in the bag for less than 250 okay so just how good are these Budget Golf Clubs cuz C have made some fantastic irons in the past very similar to the kind of Tacomo model where you’re going to get a nice forged head you’re going to get premium components and you’re going to save yourself a ton of money so £249 for all three of these wedges is that a good price is that still a tiny bit expensive guys get in the comments below and let me know so for a vogi nowadays you’re going to pay around 180 180 Bobby works in the Pro so you kind of know what they’re going at1 180 for me is a lot of money 170 maybe if Rich is in and it can do his own deals and not Bobby but 170 quid I think is far too much for a wedge how often do we use our wedges probably quite a lot how good are we at using our wedges probably not that good I’m going to pick all this rubbish up by the way but first thing I’ll say about these is they look really good I think the one thing that a lot of of brands should take from this is Simplicity is key when it comes to something like this they’re actually in nice shape they’re a little bit rounded they’re very similar to the Tacomo Sky forger wedg is actually with that rounded bottom Edge I wasn’t a huge fan of that when I first tested those then we started using them more and more and actually it helps quite a lot with Turf interaction and with that slight forgiveness so we actually have I’m hoping we have about 90 yards here CU that’s exactly what I would do we’ve got 889 playing 91 Bobby that is a perfect yardage how close can we get we’re into the wind slightly we’re on The Fairway and here tour average would be around probably 30 ft 20 to 30 ft so realistically we don’t have to hit a world day to be within a very very good effort come on 90 that felt so soft and that is lasered on it spin back not too bad a little bit long really really nice Turf interaction a lovely long slug like divot see if we can just calm that down a little bit it went quite a long way actually to say how soft I hit it what about that one I’ve really M hit that one actually go on I’m really impressed with that to be honest I thought I’d done a Bobby a there I thought I’d shanked it I didn’t do I didn’t do you can see it’s uh just to the right hand side but it was uh not too bad and I’m getting away with those I think that’s that’s one thing which when you’re buying wedges you don’t often think about you don’t think about right how much forgiveness have I got you can see here we’ve only got four degrees is that four that can’t be 4 degrees of Bounce can it that is a mega low bounce if it is and that’s maybe why I’m digging so much so if you go on the website you will see the options available for these clubs you can buy them singularly or you can buy them in that’s not a word is it singularly can buy the single you can buy the single ones or you can buy them as a trio for the price it works out more cost effective if you do buy them with the three looking down at them I’m starting to get used to them already you can see how it’s a nice rounded shape they’re almost Muno looking actually more than the Tacomo I think that’s quite a nice aspirational thing to be doing and we have KBS grips KBS grips KBS shafts in there and Lampkin crossline grips so we start to see that premium component right we’ve got our eye in now can we just send a nice little clip in there we go there we go be it is that long again no it’s good it’s very good little bit of Back Spin as well there so really how much what would you expect to see from wedges like this would you expect a ton of Back Spin would you expect to see a difference in Back Spin the one thing that I start to see when you do start spending more money on wedges is a higher level of options you can get different bounces different grinds you can even get different CG placements to help you flight them down or flight them up depending what you want these are quite simplistic but for the price I don’t think that’s a bad thing let’s get up there and let’s test The Sand Wedge and lob wedge and see just how good they are for the price what would you do with your extra 200 if you bought these instead of vois macdaddy or mg4 so what we actually have here is a 50 a 54 and a 58 so we’re going to test the 54 here by the green and you can see we have 10 degrees of bounce on the 54 and 8° of bounce on the 58 I think they actually look quite nice I really like the look of the bounce on the 58 I’m looking forward to testing that out of the bunkers but that can go back in the bag for now because this is all about the 54° you can see they come nicely wrapped as well so nice to know that they are coming absolutely brand new and some people do like things brand new like I’m not a huge not really bothered if something’s brand new or not I don’t mind secondhand golf clubs I don’t mind secondhand cars or anything like that but if you are certainly someone who it needs to be brand new then going into this budget Market might well be for you so let’s see just how good this 54 is oh we’ve got full face scoring lines I didn’t know that all of a sudden that now like you start to think about the value of that CU any other full face wedges realistically you’re talking Callaway aren’t you or pxg make them I think ping make them as well you start to pay a lot more you start to pay that full price this looks absolutely delightful and for a 54 looking down at it come and show them this Bobby it actually looks more like like a premium wedge like I know wedges don’t always get the views and this video might not be as well viewed as potentially an IM am video or a drive video but I hope it is because everyone needs wedges in the bag and Everyone likes saving money so let’s put two and two together and let’s share this video with some of your friends some of the people who you play golf with does look Mega lofted for a 54 how does it react that felt so soft off the face and we’ve actually made good use of those full face scoring lines there cuz I dare say if that was a normally grooved wedge it would be half on half off the groove so you saw that sat down nicely and we saw a nice Turf interaction as well that’s 4 feet away that’s well within tour average really and just starting to learn how these wedges work that one released out a little bit more than I anticipated but it’s still not a bad shot it’s still a puted fancy for this is a par five your birdie if it’s a par four your par and I’m starting to caress the ground a little bit more with that bounce I’m realizing these are quite a low bounce wedge so you will dig in if you start to get that weight forward and introduce the Leading Edge a little bit too much so try and let it Glide a bit more and you can really start to get some fantastic shots with these wedges how’s that not going in now so far I must admit I am very very impressed with these and I’m as annoyed that I haven’t hav’t taking all the rappers off as you are so please throw a like on this video because why not Life’s too short but very very impressed with these I’m very impressed with the feel of them but also the performance of them because when people are buying wedges feels a vitally important thing but they have to perform if they don’t perform if they don’t check up like when you play a nice shot there then it’s almost a little bit redundant and pointless what golf balls would you use with these wedges would you be using Pro Prov ons if you were buying budget clubs or would you use seed golf balls Kirkland golf balls the golf ball that is a little bit like these wedges still probably performs as good as its biggest Rivals but saves you a ton of money in the background so full face again on this 58 marked up a little bit on the oh no it’s not that’s my thumb print Bobby so we’ll uh I’m trying to find something negative to say but I can’t I honestly can’t I like I always like to do obviously impartial reviews I always like to have a balanced review but for the price of these I’m struggling to find a maybe the the options on them the bounces I’ve got are a little bit low so obviously if you are a low handicapper buying these clubes because they’re a little bit cheaper a higher bounce might be available so I’ll put that on screen if it is and if it is then I’ve literally got nothing bad to say so not a lot of sand in here but I tell you what it really is just an enjoyable experience I could recommend these to my friends I could recommend these to my family and I really wouldn’t feel bad at all I know a lot of people who used the Cali wedges in the past and they were a tiny bit disappointed with them but I honestly think these are Next Level I think the fact we’ve now got the premium components the grip the shaft the feral and everything like that shows that if you can play golf look at that spin I’ve really tried to play one there just a little bit too much on it if you can play golf to any level these are going to be pretty good for you you’re going to save yourself some money would you have these in the bag and it’s not even out the face up too much either out of this uh hard sand guys thanks for watching smash that subscribe button would you use these for the price I probably would


  1. The depth of empathy displayed here is heartwarming. It's a reminder that behind every screen is a real person with real feelings.💞

  2. The respect with which everyone engages with one another is truly commendable. It's a rare sight in today's online landscape.💚

  3. I'm thoroughly enjoying the exchange of ideas and perspectives in this thread. It's intellectually stimulating.🍭

  4. James more experienced golfers may just go with vokey because they know what they're going to get when they play that wedge it's hard for some to just pick up a wedge because it's cheaper and play it but most people like to save money so they can spend it in the other parts of their bag

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