Golf Babe

Golf Girls Take On BRITISH LINKS…

I played a match against my older sister (Mimi Rhodes, D1 NCAA Team Championship Winner in 2023), at Burnham and Berrow Golf Club (in Somerset, SW England). This is an insane LINKS golf course, TOP-30 in the UK. Burnham and Berrow is hosting The Open qualifier this year for the men!


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[Music] welcome back everyone so today I’m at Burnham and be golf club which is top 30 in gbni for golf courses it’s a gorgeous day and let’s go play some holes together we’re on the 12th hole we’re going to do a thre hole 1 V1 against my sister who’s here with me this is a lyx course so I’m going to te it down quite the balls more like a bullet trajectory oh right it’s up there let’s go find out what sort of lyy shot we have yeah woohoo hey right on the dot 100 m wind is into off the right pin is at the front don’t want to miss it short I’m thinking a half n started a bit right at the PIN when bring it in be the [Music] club that was a really good shot but hit that green it’s like concrete and it’s gone right into that Heather at the back so we’ve got some fun to do now time for my shop I got 95 M which is 104 Ys and we hit [Music] 450 oh oh gosh she went High although yeah hers has worked out cuz it went really high but the wind took it so she’s on the left side but it is pin High insane what a beautiful day there it is thank God it’s not in the long Stu I’m thinking almost to just hit it up on this hill here and it bounc down roll over you don’t want to go long cuz that’s just going to roll all the way down that Hill off the back okay got a pretty decent lie here let’s just bounce it straight into that Hill there then it just roll up from there it’s not bad this is where we ended up honestly not the worst could have been a lot worse down that Hill my turn this is for the win little bit up then down definitely definitely no what a great part Mimi is one up yeah a Lov it’s getting a bit tense will the older sister beat the younger one just going to follow in her footsteps really that’s the way to do it 200 M 220 y we play it it’s a power five then it doesn’t really matter it’s much oh yeah that’s a roller it’s long is it on the green yeah it’s long going to hit it closer than her mark my words what are you talking about it’s pin High wow pin High that’s why I love link gos 180 m oh lovely basically play for the same amount of time in our life yeah but still better but she’s older you’re not better but if I can hold it then I think to get it back to all square it’s a pretty long part but that’s L score for you ready yes to make it all square oh right so M’s not too happy about that we’re back everyone okay I just hold a 60-footer for Eagle we’re back to all square she’s not too happy about it though what you saying about me we’ve come to the conclusion that Hall 16 is going to be the playoff hole p perfect that’s a beauty I’m in the buard currently on an up slope I’m going to just have to thin this out Mimi’s drive but she has got a really hard chip or put here I’m not really sure what she’s going to do here 37 M but there’s like a massive massive Hill then it kind of go dips down and then it kind of goes again up hit a 54 low so it can run up the last bit of the Hill oh she’s looking like she’s going to win the playoffs so actually I’m not going to say that let’s stay positive I still I can still chip in or Putt in Too Close little guy literally going to yank it to the right oh sit down okay I have to hold this part otherwise Mimi gets bragging rights for 2 weeks vamos win good match good match okay we’ll do another match next week [Music]


  1. What a great video. The course looks so amazing. I would have hit iron, iron, iron, wedge, wedge, putter, putter, putter for a strong snowman 8. Lol

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