Golf Players

Back in Alberta: Game 6 prep!

Jason Strudwick, Rob Brown, and Ryan Rishaug get us ready for Game 6.

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you can eat wings 25 bucks will there be one or will there be two more of those game nights as always this show is proudly presented by our title sponsor Sherwood Buick GMC I have the pleasure of cruising around town in a Sierra 1500 elevation Dynamite truck go see filling the fabulous staff at Sher Buick GMC just off Baseline Road on the way into Sherwood Park and they got a great deal on the 1500s best deal in town 450 a month 24 months and 4 9% financing tell them that got your back sent you and get yourself all hooked up all right let’s say hello to the gentlemen Rob Brown and Jason strudwick how we doing guys everybody who golfed on the off day today raise your hand raise your hand brownie Str I didn’t no I didn’t I can’t tell golf till the off season I was Mr intensity staying ready don’t be that loser it’s just not time it’s not time yet there’s there’s more games to be played we can’t talk golf how was your swing suer was it when how how many times you hear about your sore back between now and the end of this I wasn’t gonna bring it up but since you asked since you no actually I’m doing okay actually doing pretty good stry for a 16-hour travel day yesterday I was worried what it might be like today but uh not going to lie to you bud pretty solid off the tea today brownie how were you I was very good I just going back to 16 hour where did you come from did you stop in Mexico City on your way home from Florida 16 hour I’m telling you and I know that fans don’t give a crap about the media’s travel so I won’t go on and on about it but bottom line the way you get home from there Parker and I met in front of our hotel at 8:00 a.m. Edmonton time and I walked through the door at 12:15 in the morning that’s how long it took to get home that’s a long day yeah yeah buddy it’s the the travel in this in this series is it’s nuts I mean it’s nuts for the players but for the media flying commercial it’s bizarre too like I did read I did read an article I think it was bman put it out earlier that the reason they do have the extra day off in between games is for the media more so than for the players they just didn’t they didn’t want the media to cover the games being a little fatigued and tired so they extended the series for the media it was nice of them what happened I thought the media was gonna get a plane I thought theel was gonna get the media a plane yeah hot talk so they so they ended up getting a plane but only for certain people so like uh so there’s a few staff on it bunch of sportset staff I think some ESPN Crews on there bunch of the crew right the the people that have to do a lot of work late into the night in the buildings and that sort of thing so there is a charter bottom line Parker and I are so far down the totem pole that browny you know you have a better chance of hopping on that Charter back to Florida if there’s a game seven than I do well it’s funny I’ve got I got sent a a a um text group check text from I I don’t even know most of the numbers in it today these people that are starting to plan a charter to Florida on Sunday for game seven and are you serious yeah it’s it was weird just like here’s when we’re going here’s the times how much it’s going to cost how much is it gonna cost can I get in on it what day are they leaving they are going on Sunday oh no we gota leave Saturday if they you can get them to leave Saturday then I’m in okay I will I will talk to that group that I don’t know any run really in the group but I will say hey someone just sent it to me and that’s yeah so there there’s an excitement apparently in Edmonton right now both next days you if there’s a seven struts you gotta come you gotta book a flight and come hey buds come on down there I have a few commitments I can’t get away from right I just can’t I I can’t commit to something say I’m not I’m and then just not do it anymore people are looking forward to me being at these events oh but though just think about though you on TV game seven waving your lime green rally scarf they probably wouldn’t let me to the State of Florida that think so powerful they could like hand it hand it across all the fans like they do the big Canadian flag right just hand that rally scarf yeah an entire row will hold on same time uh as I said before we are Live on YouTube and on Twitter we got Wayne Watson our good friend chiming in from the gore banford golf tournament says that he missed both myself and brownie today yeah I was supposed to go this year but I’m working a little late into the season brownie you’ve been out there for that tournament before it’s a good her I hear oh it’s unbelievable it’s a long day it’s a long day but it is a fun day and the the the gentlemen and ladies that go to that know how to have a a fun time it’s and then they always put on Gordon his friends put on a concert and stuff it it is a really good time and they raise a ton of money so it is fun that’s awesome well maybe next year Wayne we’ll see if we’ll see we’ll see where the orders end up but uh yeah sounds like it was a good time uh okay just going to lay out the podcast here real quick guys so first segment here we’re going to break down everything that uh we saw practice today line combinations we’ll dig into previewing game six tomorrow night obviously it’s a monster everybody is so fired up this whole flipping town is just on edge on fire so excited right now it’s going to be amazing so we’ll dig into that the other conversation that we just can’t we can’t put it off any longer we’ve been trying to put it off but it’s July 1 is too close the draft is too close so in our second segment tonight we are going to indulge a little bit in the Leon dry cidal conversation whenever this series ends after six or after seven that is going to become priority number one in a big topic so we are going to indulge in that conversation a little bit in our second segment and what the future looks like for dry Sidle de oers uh as you know they’ve got a general manager job they got a fill as well so we’re going to dig into that a little bit then we’ve got of course brownie points and studies’s world and take a lap and ask us anything and we’ll get a full pod in tonight so looking forward to it but right now let’s get to previewing tomorrow night’s game and our breakdown brought to you by adrenaline diesel Edmonton’s heavy duty diesel truck repair shop they perform services from oil changes to engine swaps overhauls modified engine work as well the crew over there at adrenaline are there to get your truck or trailer in great shape like it’s right out of the factory drop in or check them out online at adrenaline doca okay guys um where shall we start so full skate down at Oilers today and what was notable to me gentlemen it was all handson deck everybody was out there everybody was taking part I’m talking Darnell nurse taking full part I’m talking of Vander Kane skating on the fifth extra line but taking all the line rushes taking full part in it he looks like he’s pushing um everybody was out there and uh I don’t know struds it’s it’s I know fans don’t like how late this series is gone but I can’t help but think that all these extra days between games and how this thing is stretched out like the orders to me look like they’ve been able to get healthier during this series there’s no doubt I mean having that time in between helps and and let’s be clear this travel is brutal it’s absolutely brutal like it and it’s the the length of the travel but it’s also that time change I mean I know people don’t want to hear it but two hours is hard you can’t fall asleep that easy all the time so um yeah it’s gone long there’s no doubt about it but here we are but you know getting healthy maybe a healthier playoff makes her more intense games because guys are or not more intense but more guys being able to do more because they’re more rested and being more physical so um I I I haven’t really had a major problem with it um and I think we’re getting treated to good hawky head you could argue the last game brownie is the best game in the whole series oh I agree and I I I mean I’m not a huge fan of it the length of it and how many G days there are between games but you are getting better quality of hockey uh because the players have more chance to rest what you also have an advantage of is for team like Edmonton that plays at Star players so much Connor and Leon I mean they’re not playing again for three days so let’s play them 24 25 26 whatever we need minutes as for the practice though shoger to me it’s two things one the stretch between the games the extra day they want to be on the ice they want to get things loose feel good about themselves but also there’s something special going on here right now with this team and if they were to come back and get force game seven and who knows win a Stanley Cup they don’t want it to end so every opportunity they can be as a team how be it be it in a practice they’re going to take every advantage to just be as a group because they they all want to be part of this and I think that’s part of why you saw everyone out there today is they understand what they’re doing is special and they just don’t want it to end so Evander Kane looks to me like he’s pushing so in in Florida he went out and skated with the extras I’ll take you through the sequence of events the last time we saw him on the ice he was out there by himself with a stack of pux trying to take snapshots wincing in pain hobbling around has a five minute on the ice meeting with Chris noblock skates off the ice and he gone did not see him again for a couple of days then in Florida he skates with the extras and he’s out there and he’s all smiles and he skating pretty hard and he’s working hard and it was kind of like oh we all took note now today on the ice he’s out with the main group for the first time taking line rushes with the Fifth Line Carrick and G as well and he looked good he was skating well he was shooting the puck well he was jovial he was having a good time my sense on what I’m seeing is this is a guy who’s trying to illustrate that he’s getting close if not ready so I guess my question to you brownie is and I asked Chris noblock today and he didn’t answer it he just said look we have conversations to have we have options if a Vander Kane is ready to go what percentage do you need him to be at to just say you got to drop me into the lineup because he’s a Vander Kane like at what point does he just go well he’s got to be at a percentage that when he plays to that percentage he’s better than the guy you’re taking out uh if it’s Cory Perry well is Evander Kane at 70% better than Cory Perry at 100 uh and if you believe so then you make the change but if you don’t think so I mean the the problem for Evander Kane is the team when he left the team that’s been put in there has won back-to-back games yeah and it like so Cory Perry actually had a a very good impact on the last game uh scored a big goal uh Derrick Ryan I think I think it would be Derek Ryan der Ryan but then you’d have to change who plays center on the your fourth line do you have as much Faith yes do you have as much faith in so all of a sudden the fourth Line’s there there’s an Icing by mistake you go back to your own Zone there Ryan McLoud is now your centerman the Florida panther send out barkov’s line do you have faith that McLoud is going to get it done and if you don’t well then you can’t make that move struds where you at on it yeah mccloud’s a Winger he’s he’s he’s they’re not they’re gonna I don’t think we’ll see him at Center again here um for this for this well there’s two more games potentially um yeah I I it’s really tricky because they’re happy with what D gr brings in center and I think their centers are comfortable with all four you take out DK gryan and put in Pat or Vander Kane you’ve got now question marks you know who who Who’s the center of that fourth line so I don’t think you can take out Cory Perry Conor Brown Mar AR coming out yeah it’s e listen either D no it’s Derek Ryan or it’s Ryan McLoud that’s it for me anything else to me would be nuts I don’t think you’re touching Cory Perry at this point no no you’re not so I mean I mean you know now McLoud has put some goals in recently too here but if a Vander Kane is like if he’s healthy or or clo closer to being healthy you know you’re not dropping him into your top six you’re dropping him on a fourth line left wing spot let’s say uh I mean you probably got to consider it don’t you because of who he is and what he can bring maybe maybe for game seven if there’s a game seven yeah but then you’re taking out someone that’s just been on a team that won three straight do you change a lineup that just won three straight and battle two of them are and battled back into this series but brownie by that logic you could lose game seven with a healthy Evander Kane ready to go because you chose to play Ryan McLoud instead Ryan McLoud who scored a couple goals here in the games that they needed to win yeah struds yeah if I Kane he has to show me he can skate um you know if I’m the coach he’s got to be able to skate and get up and down the ice can he have one good game for you you know maybe you save him for game seven say bud we’re going to hold you off and and if you packed on the fifth line I have a hard time envisioning he’s gonna be in the game tomorrow that’s just how usually you kind of practice with your line mates I know that there’s secr seing stuff but in the playoffs but I just have a hard time thinking he’s gonna jump up there so we’re probably at a game seven conversation I would normally agree with you struds but here’s what I’ll say about that his first skate with the entire group and there would probably be like go hard push it they’ll evaluate after see how it went talk to the doctors figure out where he’s at you wouldn’t want to muck up the lines trying a Vander Kane out in a full practice you would practice him on an extra line then you’d evaluate after the fact figure out what you’re dealing with percentage wise before you go ahead and make that decision so I think they would have gathered that information probably had the conversation I agree it feels unlikely that he’ll go tomorrow it does but if he doesn’t go tomorrow he’s now how long’s it been since his last game and what percentage is he at and it’s really interesting the decision they’re going to have to make here fellas like this Chris noblock had to make tough calls all playoffs long leaving a healthy Evander Kane on the bench for a game seven for a cop that would be I don’t know brownie I don’t know buddy no it I agree I understand what you’re saying um it just I don’t know he’d have to be 100% And I don’t think he won’t be 100% yeah he just can’t be he wasn’t you’re not playing in a game uh a week ago and then a week later you’re 100% this is a lingering injury uh he’s pushing to playing it obviously team has a chance to win a Stanley Cup you want to be on the ice when the final B buzzer goes you want to be one of those guys coming out of the dressing room so yeah he’s pushing and I a healthy Vander Kane makes any team better let’s get to the whis Johnson soundbox Dennis and the team at whis Johnson are going to give away a free 16 sear air conditioner when the orders win the cup enter now at wach hit the contact us button tell them who your favorite Oiler is and you’ll be entered into a draw to win a brand new air conditioner from whis Johnson that’s if the Oilers win it all it’ll be a great giveaway so check it out at wh- Johnson jingle so we’re talking about these options they have who should come in who should come out Evander Kane bottom line the oders have depth they have options they’ve got usable players in and out of the lineup Chris noblock with a bit of a nod to his boss today when talking about the options available to him and the depth of this team here’s Chris each series each game we’re looking for different um aspects where we’re trying to match lines or add a little more physicality more speed or Puck play or we need a peny killer whatever the situation is we’ve been able to maneuver our uh lines little bit our lineup and um you know that’s starts with Kent Holland putting our our roster together knowing exactly what our team needs you know the trade downline was going on you know weeks prior to it you know we had conversations on what do you need what do you like um where are you what do you think we’re missing you know you know I threw out some ideas that I had but um you know I think Ken obviously going through it for so many years knew exactly what we needed and you know he took my advice a little bit but he was the one who really knew what we needed and address those so yep they definitely have options they definitely do qua on the YouTube stream here says if Kane is in the bottom six I’d rather not have him in he’s not defensively sound and Perry it’s double trouble so he wants Cory Perry to stay in there um Kane hasn’t done as uh Jack this lineup has chemistry if I was knobber I’d leave them out but I’m not knobber says Chief Andy so a little bit of back and forth there on the the YouTube stream big picture here guys struds I heard the narrative a fair amount not from the Oilers not from anybody there but a lot of people felt like if the Oilers could win game five this is what we heard from a lot of people if they win five this thing’s going seven right everybody thought so many people were saying just win that hard game in Florida and there’s no way the ERS are gonna win on home I I’m here to tell you this sets up like the Trap game of all trap games if anybody lets themelves start thinking that way because the Florida Panthers are here for a reason struds and they are not going to go quietly tomorrow night I expect it to be the oil’s toughest test what do you think yeah I think two things one I I just don’t think that the home Isa does help but Florida knows how to play this is their second trip to the sand like Cup in two years so I I don’t get too excited about it the second thing is this is that you know we’re talking about all the things oders have learned this year you know the bad start second last firing the coach working through all that you know Florida’s up three nothing this series and they’ve now been twice they’ve lost twice they’ve been kicked in the junk so they’re learning as well they’ve also grown they’re learning what’s going on and how it how it is to to win and what it feels like to play in Emon this will be their third game in Emon in a pretty crazy environment so they they know these things but they’ve learned they’ve had a chance to come to come to grips with where they’re at and what is in front of them two chances to win the Stanley Cup so yeah this I I this is gonna be a really hard game who I I think whoever wins either let’s say the win this next game that last game is going to be an absolute battle the next two are going to be complete battles um so I I I just think it’s I would not just count out Florida because it’s in Emington brownie yeah and and I wouldn’t call it a trap game to me a trap game is when you play against the Vegas golden knights and then two games later you have a game against the Toronto Maple Leach and you’re looking forward to them and you overlook the San Jose Sharks yeah this is this is an Oiler team that’s playing against the Florida Florida Panthers in game six of the finals and if they win it they get to go to game seven so I don’t see it as a trap game I I think this the oers I think the Oilers understand the importance of this game it’s it allows them to continue their season the one thing that I’ve seen with this team over the number of years I’ve been here their leadership group it doesn’t let you have an off night it pushes you and right now Conor McDavid he has had incredible Seasons here incredible moments I don’t know if he’s played better than he has in the last two games he’s on a mission and if it means carrying an entire franchise on his back to win two more hockey games he will do it so uh I don’t know if the Oilers will win or lose a hockey game because you could be the better team and still not win and we’ve seen that happen a couple times in this series but I do believe the Edmonton are gonna have an incredible effort as I do believe the the Florida Panthers will too it’s going to be an awesome game to me we might have I mean two game sevens if you’re an Oiler fan because when you get to play again if you lose the season’s over bunch of people on the YouTube stream clunking me over the head like you did brownie saying I’m not using the idea of track trap game properly so uh I’ll take the was cl I wasn’t cling loving it was loving but but people on the stream definitely are probably the wrong metaphor to use I would say str’s okay with that I guess you know what I’m saying though just in terms of and I don’t think that the Oilers are thinking this but I mean I feel like Florida well let’s listen to the head coach because struds you made a great point about them learning as they’re going here Florida is here for a reason they are as good as they are for a reason and they’re evolving just like the Oilers are so here’s Paul Maurice kind of uh agreeing with a lot of what strudy said there in his answer we’re learning we’re learning how to do this and learn how to feel it so there is I don’t know that I I’m not trying to fight the word pressure um there’s certainly lots of energy to be had to be collected and to learn how to focus that energy and I thought we did in game five I thought we got a handle on it so we’ll look forward to it Yep they’re going to embrace it though they have to be grumpy having to get on that plane and come back right truly we dragged back to Alberta um but he also said earlier in that press conference they were as calm as they’ve been all series long um and they’ve earned a little bit of that through their experience being in the Stanley Cup Final last year as well style of playwise struds we’ve seen some adjustments that the orders have made stretching the ice out in certain ways do you expect Florida to you know significantly adjust what they’re doing will it be more of what we saw on the third period of the last game like is there a tactical step to be taken here by the Panthers I think at both ends they’ve got a four check harder they got to get up in there on that four check and I think it starts with their dumps now you know they can say some people are saying that Skinner is a poor handle of the puck but to me you don’t I never wanted the goalie to stop the puck and play it I I I wanted it to either die in one corner or cross cross dump cross side dump it into cross Corner into the other side so it dies in there make the dmen work I think it’s too easy when you stop it the second partner is Conor McDavid and I honestly think they have to have someone above him all the time don’t let him get that speed up he is he is destroying them right now two games in a row so um you know you gota you got to play Above him when he starts building up speed someone has to be right above him skating with him at least slow him down just so your D Man or or whoever the next layer has a chance brownie yeah it’s a good point about the dumpings uh I agree with you there there’s certain goalies that you throw in every once in a while because you know that they’re not as wrong Puck handling and they’re going to make a mistake but in all honesty look over the course of the year with steuart Skinner three mistakes four mistakes over the course of all his games that were major ones uh so the odds of him making a major mistake on a dump in in game six is probably minimal so why not get your for check going every team has strengths and weaknesses and if there’s something that you could take advantage of an Oiler team is is by keeping them down in their own Zone creating the for forcing the turnovers below goal line getting in on your for check that plays to the strength of the Florida Panthers so yeah I agree they need to for check harder and and with more consistent it all starts with a good dump in so to me yeah put it in a corner or Rim it hard as hard as you can forcing Skinner to stay in net and then as a defenseman you know what it’s like struts you’ve got you know that guy’s coming he’s coming with speed and they have a lot of players on Florida come with ill intent so they’re coming to hit you and hit you hard the one thing I find interesting though is now that Lombard and and cousins both coming in I I’ve watched them play and they bring energy and they’re noticeable I believe they didn’t start the series is because they also take penalties and I think there was a fear for Paul Paul Maurice having them in there yes they they can be agitators out there but they also might take one or two dumb penalties against a good power play so I do believe they’ll bring energy but there’s an always a danger cousins especially of taking a silly penalty they will certainly be a big advantage to the Edmonton Oilers yeah cousins coming in is a subtle tweak looks like ooso goes out the order penalty kill has been Dynamite I believe they are 15 for 16 in this series for S 8 10 16 yeah uh and so a tweak that we saw last game looks like they’ll continue with they’ve been practicing but Oliver emman Larson ends up up on the top power play in he’s got lots of experience over the years stry running a power play and such so a couple subtle Personnel tweaks there uh from Paul Maurice but there’s a lot that you know can swing for Florida here if their power play can get going a little bit Matthew kachuck woke up a little bit last game got himself going a little bit as well um so you know there’s room here for Florida to improve just like there was for the ERS when they were down Co I’m G give two reasons why the ERS F shouldn’t sleep tonight Carter Veri and Matthew kachuck those two guys Veri I don’t think he’s really he have noticed him at all uh you know for for what he can do he’s a score and brownie can chat on that if you want but and then the other part is kachuck he woke up and he was really going well so those two guys if they get going that that’s you know oers fans are talking about Leon dradle you know finding the back of the net and a Hyman I guess up to a point they’re that’s what they’re are like kachak and Veri are the Oilers dry saddle in Hyman like they need those guys going and if they wake up voters are going to have their hands full even more than they do already well they right about kachuk I hadn’t noticed him really in the series until last game and I thought he was the Florida Panthers best player and by a long shot yeah um and he he can change a hockey game with the way he plays with his physicality but also he is dynamite with the puck on his stick for hay seems to only score big goals Florida’s good it won’t be easy and I know that uh and I I I’m in text groups with all my buddies and yeah if we win game five that’s you’re right automatic we’re going to game seven but I don’t think you can over look a very good Florida panther team that’s capable of winning on the road they’ve already won an Edmonton in this series uh but what they need is two things they need a power play goal if they want to win a game and they need a bounce back from boski without him playing better than he did the last two games the Florida Panthers have no chance but Broski has to be better because and it’s weird after game two for us to be sitting here talking and saying right now The More The Confident of the goenda and that would have funny if one of us brought that up after game two brownie where are you at on Leon dry Sidle I don’t think he’s been as dominant as we normally see him um Leon there’s nights that Lon is the best player in the world there’s nights that he’s has games that he is better than Connor he not as often but there are nights that he is just absolutely dominant and he hasn’t been um I mean he’s got two assists in the series both in the same game that’s through five games he’s capable of more and we know that because we’ve seen so I don’t know if he’s completely healthy if there’s a something’s got him dinged up or something but that’s a thing if the Florida Panthers have to worry about if Leon dyle has a g because we know Conor is going to bring his best game if Leon dyle brings his best game oh that’s a two-headed monster that the Florida Panthers are going to struggle with struds yeah I mean Leon really if I think if Leon has one big game they probably win the cup and not to put it all on him but that’s the difference that he can have having a game right because you know as you mentioned either Leon or the power play the penalty kill or the death guys are going to get the other game done or or could get the other game done that’s oversimplifying a little bit but that’s the impact that Leon can have on a on a game or a series one monster game like if he has a if he gets let’s say three points tomorrow the ERS probably win you know and and then you’re going to game seven you don’t think Connor will be ready to go or Skinner or Heyman or buard like but same thing be said on the other side if for he and kachuck get going tomorrow night if both them scor that’s probably a tough night for the ERS I’m guessing guys yeah and and I think you know the question about Leon’s health I think needs to be brought up he’s not a guy that he’s one of those guys that’ll play through stuff might not even tell them about stuff he’s just built that way but struds couple of points here um he has not scored a goal in one two three four five six seven games without a goal he’s got one in his last 10 and his Faceoff percentage 41.2 58 44 45 47 50 45 57 40 he’s not winning draws at nearly the clip he normally does we all saw the brace on his finger like clearly he’s playing through some stuff here that has something to do with him being diminished here strs yeah you know what I honestly thought there’s maybe something going with his lower body because it doesn’t feel like he’s has that acceleration to pull away from people and and you know I don’t know maybe you’re trying to you’re trying to pick up these cues right maybe he’s tired I don’t know but you know when you’re talking about face off uh lack of success success like that you know it makes you wonder is there arm shoulder hand I don’t know you know just something that because he’s usually pretty you know beast mode in in the face offs and and sometimes it looks like he’s even getting out mused on those face offs which to me is not a leon drle trait brownie yeah no although I think that the the lack of goal scoring would indicate it more than the the lack of Faceoff success cuz he’s taking faceoffs against barov every night so right there so you’re you’re not going to have as much success as you normally do but one goal in 10 games that’s not Leon dry settle and we just he is not as noticeable and in there’s other parts of the game has been fine and I know that Chris noblock talked about it but when you think Leon you think offense you think goal scoring and it hasn’t been as good as we’ve seen But the great thing is he has two more opportunities to to put his stamp on this series and a stamp on this series by Leon D probably wins them a Stanley Cup as I agree with struds if Leon gets going here we already know Conor is it could be big trouble for the Panthers yeah are the Panthers taking him away on that power play that cross seene pass in the one time or are the orders just not trying to go to it because he doesn’t have the pop in the shot that’s required to score from that angle right I’m not sure which one it is I don’t think they would they would stop passing to Leon I don’t care how how if he’s got a broken arm I still think how many times has he tried that shot from down low in the last three games they still are going to go to him they if if if Conor can get that pass to him he’s going to go to him but am I wrong struds or is he not really even tried it from down there I I I think Florida’s doing a pretty good job taking it away I mean I I I think you gotta give Florida Credit man their penal kill is good it’s done really I know they were hit up twice last game but I think they’ve done a really good job of taking that away like I said they pressuring far enough up out of their uh above their top of their Zone but still getting back to take that pass away than keeping Conor the outside like it they’ve done a really good job man like the two really well coached teams on the Special Teams yeah okay let’s get to our dor golf shop and fitting Center YouTube poll aiming to help you play better golf with fitting instruction after sales support merchandise and clothing celebrating 25 years what a great Local Company check out their Pro Shop style atmosphere they’re at 5311 99 Street go see Scott and Al and TJ the whole fantastic crew down at deor 5311 99 Street here in Edmonton simply Steve uh we’ve had a significant objection from somebody on the stream who was it that coined just Steve it was Taves to Taves to Kane Dave to Kane so he can’t I can’t find the comment he came over the top but basically was furious at me that I’ve adjusted it to Simply Steve saying he said no right to change it yeah said as the author and founder of just Steve I find simply Steve highly disagreeable and offensive we got we got to vote on this here or what do maybe that’s a poll for another day I don’t know okay sounds good what do you got today speaking of polls okay so uh yeah tonight’s poll I just asked what the biggest X Factor is for game six and the options are mcdavid’s continued domination Skinner staying solid between the pipes the third line continuing to roll or that home crowd energy so those are your four options for the biggest X Factor heading into game six and we’ll get into those results coming up in our ask us anything segment Davin is in suggesting simple Steve come on Davin Davin that’s not nice it’s simple uh all right that was uh the breakdown brought to you by adrenaline diesel uh when we come back let’s go a little bigger picture let’s talk a little bit about Leon dry cidal and the upcoming potential contract extension the negotiations the talks uh we’ll dig into that for a segment and then we got strudy world and brownie points still ahead tons more on the show stay with us the fastest growing male grooming company on the planet just got even better the back scape 2.0 with a revolutionary friction fit handle makes the razor easy to pop in and out to shave not only your back but anywhere on your body and those hard-to-reach spots just got even easier with the new ergonomic design backs scap’s new titanium shave head makes for a smoother more comfortable shave that respects your skin backcap two .0 stay smooth [Music] gentlemen on paper my life looks exciting in reality not so much every day it’s same old same [Music] old clock in clock out then I discovered play Alberta I can play casino games any time bet on any game and buy lottery tickets anywhere in Alberta I think my spleen is ruptured welcome back to got your back time now for our takeaways brought to you by Martin Motorsports get ready for all your summer adventures with Martin Motorsports One-Stop shop for all the toys for your next Outdoor Adventure it’s a spectacular showroom filled with all the fun that you can handle quads side by sides boats seos motorbikes vuse ebikes and more their showroom packed full of machines and boats and accessories head on over to Martin Motorsports so you can be ready to make some memories this summer all right guys we’re not going to spend a ton of time on this but because the Stanley Cup Final and free agency or sandwich so close together we would normally absolutely be talking about this stuff by now and so while I know other fan wants to focus on the game tomorrow we do have to have some of these bigger picture discussions two of the biggest storylines heading to this offseason are going to be Leon dyle’s contract extension and and who the heck’s going to be the general manager of this Hockey Club next season uh so let’s start on Leon dry cidal um here is the situation as I believe it to sit right now so I don’t believe there’s been any substantive talks between dry Sidle and the old oers about an extension you know I think the the plan was to just sort of put it on hold and address it when the season ends whenever that point in time is when it h when the season ends those conversations will pick up very very quickly my sense on this is that there’s an openness to talk about a long-term deal to staying in Edmonton and I know Frank had his report uh last week lots of good stuff in there I’m reporting what I know you know reporting my information at this time so some of it will overlap with Franks but of course he was on this last week as well the one thing I want to say guys is that the other sense that I get is that if there is no deal to be had immediately with Leon dry cidal if it’s a wait and seee approach or maybe they aren’t there on the numbers my sense is there is not going to be a panic to move him right the idea that walking him into the final year of his contract would make a lot of people nervous because you potentially lose them for nothing right tarez New York Islanders that kind of thing my sense is that there isn’t this incredible sense of urgency that if a deal isn’t there to be had that we’re talking about a leon dry side will trade at the draft or after you know after July 1 I think there’s an openness to walking him into the final year of his deal as long as there’s some optimism that there will be a deal potentially to be had so nothing major at this point but discussions will pick up right away I think there is some openness there to getting a long-term deal done and I don’t know that a trade will be imminent if there is not one uh struds if I’m LeAndre IAD I can’t sign a contract so I know who the GM is like that’s that’s number one because who’s gonna be for sure isn’t it Jeff Jackson though like Jeff Jackson’s gonna run that negotiation yeah he might but is he making all the trades is he evaluating players like all that stuff like I I get that he has a hand in it but I need to know who the GM is I’m sorry I I I’ve got I there’s no way that I can do that then I also have to talk to my buddy Connor so those are the two things I I and and listen if they win they not be may not be sober for two weeks if they lose they might not be sober for four weeks you know so like I don’t expect any of this to happen like I I I would be blowing away if July 1st Leon ridle sends 8-year extension with the MERS I would I would be abolutely floored and man I hope for oders fans I’m wrong but those are two things I have to talk to Connor and I have to find out who the GM is brownie oh 100% and uh with with Leon and Connor is like hey are we both staying are we both going or what’s going on yeah absolutely 100 I mean Leon dry settle is not resigning here unless he is Connor gives him a Blood Oath or a pinky swear that he’s signing longterm here too hang on though brownie hang on about that like let’s dig into the mechanics of that though mhm so dry Sidle did his interview with spec at the beginning of the year and he said that the two will be independent of one another it% that y so right is that just lip service but but here’s a point I will make they’re at different points in their career they’re at different points they’re they’re hitting free agency at a different time they’re at different points in their their family lives and their family situ sitations Conor’s engaged and and you know he is there not is it not somewhat unfair for Conor McDavid to be put in a position to have to be willing to make some sort of commitment in any way to Leon dry cdle about what his intentions might be in two seasons that’s kind of a tough difficult position to put a guy in kind of unfair to ask so maybe maybe when the party clears and the fellas are sitting around of course they’re going to have a conversation but don’t these need to happen independently isn’t it unfair to expect McDavid to be able to give as you called it a Blood Oath to Leon when making this decision no no I mean if if I’m Leon dry and I’m signing it for eight years I’m signing here if Connor’s here if Connor’s blowing the city and leaving I’m not signing here and you think it’s fair to put that on Conor I need an answer ask well you can ask him yeah you have a conversation with him and if Connor can’t commit to it well that gives you kind of an idea does it not struds what’s your take on that Dynamic when I was 22 zido Chara told me that I was going bald and since that day I’ve denied the fact that it bothers me so I say a lot of things that don’t really bother me or I don’t I don’t want people to think about so you know I I would be floored floored again if LeAndre iidle said uh I’m just gonna I’m just going to do this in my own world I’m stay in my own lane guess who’s a Jammer whatever I’m just signning not looking at Connor you you because you know what else it’s not just his friend he’s a really he’s probably the best oh he’s the best player in the world right so don’t you think if you’re Leon you want to know who you’re gonna be playing with like I he likes snooge he likes Heyman he likes Bard but none of those guys are Conor McDavid so even if I was um I don’t know who who’s who’s a guy that’s may be coming up uh let’s say kolak kolak well that’s a bad example CCE no it’s a bad example too I don’t really know who the examples are there’s probably else maybe Henrik Henrik maybe you want to know what those two guys are going to do if you’re gonna sign a two or threeyear contract right because you want to know who you’re playing with you’re trying to win Leon wants to win he’s won a bunch of stuff he’s gonna get paid a ton of cash but Stanley Cups are what those guys are after so I’m sorry I I and they’re probably best if they’re not best friends they’re really close how the hell do you not say Bud where’s your head at you you got course you do I’m not saying that you don’t but if what you’re looking for from no no no no I’m not said that no what I said you put that pressure on Connor yes you can because if I do it you better do it no what I what I said was like when you know when the party clears and it’s the two of them sitting around the last one’s there and they have their conversation as good buddies and teammates you know how looking whatever right well whenever you understand face to face sober talk this isn’t a r about it a discussion about it but like to expect to expect 97 this far out to be able to be like yep I’m yep I’m I’m gonna be looking for the max deal and the max term and the yeah you can confidently sign your deal knowing that in a year and a half from now or a year when it’s my turn that yes be able to one year one year so you’re saying it’s there’s a lot different situations Connor’s a year away from the same decision and listen Connor is engaged it’s not like he has four kids and a mortgage he’s got to worry about leandel has a girlfriend who he’s been with for a while I’m I don’t know I’m guessing they’re maybe working towards the same thing as Connor like they’re not that different they’re both absolutely incredibly talented players that both have and will make a ton more money and they both want to win I don’t know what you’re talking about they’re not that different to me it’s pretty similar they’re to me they’re the same they’re the same points of their career they’re they’re what a year part and age like if if if Leon dry is about to say I’m going to commit to eight more years here in Edmonton I I he would have a conversation with Connor and if Connor can’t give him a guarantee that he’s going to be here for eight more years as well then now as Leon I may start to look elsewhere because if can’t say it then I’m gonna well then all right fine and I guess what I’m saying I’ll wait that’s what say I’ll wait I guess what I’m saying is is I’m not sure it’s entirely fair to put the pressure on Conor McDavid to come up with an answer what his intentions are in order for Leon Dr idle to be able to figure out what he’s going to do long term like that like I think they need to be of course they’re going to talk of course they’re going to understand where their heads are at but if the answer isn’t just flat out yes I it needs to be done a little bit separately it needs to be done to a degree Leon’s got to make the decision that’s best for him regardless of what down the road Conor McDavid the decision that’s best for him would be okay if Conor’s not committing okay well then maybe the best decision for me would be go elsewhere I’ll just I think it’s an awkward position like hey man what are you doing okay as a hockey player struds if I’m playing with struds and strs and are are good friends I’d have no problem going up to Str what if he doesn’t know yet I guess that give well that gives me at least a little more information then he said I’ll wait no problem man I’ll wait I’ll wait it out you know what guys I’ll sign a one-year contract and I I’ve actually thought about that I’ll sign a one year no problem so Conor and I finish at the same time yeah interesting Dynamic uh numbers uh let’s dive into that quick before we wrap this portion of it up uh I mean you know you look at Austin Matthews and where he’s at and yeah had you know a million dollars and that’s probably in and around your starting point like it’s 14 all day long it’s probably more probably 14 and a half let me inter range y I got the answer guys signed his contract his his first year was 50 15.7% of the cap so today 15.7 of the cap is 13.88 million so that’s pretty much that’s when when Matthews I think his well his starts next year so it’ll be a little bit higher but 13.88 million that’s the same Connor signed that was a percentage he signed if you to sign one today that’s the same percentage so that’s the money how it works out so what are you saying for a number why I usually go off percentage I go off percentage of the cap but he’s signing the deal a year up so but but if okay so then let’s say you go to 16 16 uh percent of the cap it’s what is that about 14 million so so so Connor when he signed his big deal he was the best he is the most best and most markable player in the world when he signed it was 15.7% of the cap that year or end being of the cap now it’s gone down now he’s like 14 what is he now he’s 14.2% so it’s gone down but when he signed it it was 15.7% yeah so that’s a pretty high number so is is Leon going to get 16 then Conor gets 18 like I I can I can’t the numbers I can’t do but I can do percentage percentage I can handle so it’s something to think about right so uh I think Matthews is 15.1% of the cap something to think about yeah I yeah brownie what’s your sense I I think it’s 14.5 in that range um what is what is starting point what’s Matthews make uh 13 13250 so I did my research guys I came prepared for this conversation not sorry I don’t want you guys to look bad but I I did it well strud you’re my Google so anytime I need something hey Google how much does Matthews make so okay I I yeah it’d be over 14 million the thing is the olders have had one of the best contracts in hockey for the last number of years with Leon dry setle and they’re going to pay now and Leon’s going to get he’ll he’ll make more than Matthews it’s that simple and then Conor will make more than Leon so it’ll be 14 15 16 I don’t know what it is so Leon 14.5 14.5 million is 16.4% of 88 million right so he’s he’d be he’d be uh what is that seven points above points I guess yeah above what Conor signed just again percentage because that’s how you kind of that’s how I always look at it right when they sign it what was the percentage of their cap yeah if I was those guys I’d sign two I would sign a four-year contract because I know the it’s gonna go up again and make more money in four years that’s what I would do but I’m very greedy as you guys know uh it’ll be interesting and I wonder like the gap between them right now is you know 4 million I I I don’t think we’ll see that gap between them in this next set of contracts like I think the gap between the two will be much closer you know couple million bucks million and a half something like that um that would be my guess is that they need to be closer together brownie yeah I honestly they’re both going to make a lot of money a lot of money it’ll be interesting though on July 1 when they start having the opportunity to negotiate whether it gets done but it’s funny though you say that if if he doesn’t sign and you got to trade him do you trade him would you not just keep him and use him for a playoff run if they got to the Stanley Cup finals this year maybe they win or maybe they don’t instead of trading for something at the the deadline well you already got what you’re trading for so if you don’t sign him you keep them and you make another run at the because he he’s the second best player in the world so it’s kind of nice to have him for a Stanley Cup run whether he walks at the end of the year or not if your ultimate goal is to win a Stanley Cup yeah I think the RIS Brown he’s losing him for nothing right if he’s well I mean not so what you can out you could add a top six you could add a top three or four forward and a top three defenseman probably yeah but but your chances to win the Stanley Cup go down right so trying to win a Stanley Cup why wouldn’t you keep Leon dry settle and if you well it’s the Long View versus the short view right what’s your well you’re also got Conor McDavid in last year of his contract what do you you don’t know where he’s going to go so to me I’m I’m not trading Leon at all I’m keeping him and if he walks he walks but I’m giving my team the best opportunity to win a Stanley Cup whether it’s their first one or whether it’s backtack so you go ahead strutz I’ll leave you with this if they win the Stanley Cup this year you keep them no matter what last next year because you’re trying to win a one and then if he walks you for sure had one cup you’re like thanks buddy see you later consider this you walk him into free agency and he decides that he’s not signing yep now your ability to resign Conor McDavid your window opens just as Leon dradle has left those two things happen within like a couple of days of each other right that that would be the risk as opposed to if he’s not going if it’s clear he’s not going to sign a deal you make the trade and you have a year of yes but look what have for you we have look at your fancy new top six Wing or look at your fancy if he walks yeah but if he walks you’ve got $4 million that you’re not spending on Leon drle and you gave and you gave Conor McDavid the best possible chance to win a Stanley Cup and as we all know that’s what Conor McDavid wants the most so don’t give me this fancy new Winger give me leyon for another playoff run so I can win another Stanley yeah and he could probably trade like in as last of his deal he could probably get something for Connor now we’re just stressing people out all right we had to do it free agency is too close the draft is too close we took one segment and did it we went a little bit long we’re going to speed up the process through through the rest of the Pod so when we come back uh brownie points and stry World stay with us okay heroes are you trying to tough it out through a sports or life injury right now trying to prove your metal by grinding through gritting your teeth well R find health is here to say it’s time to come on in at R find Health they’ll highfive you for your toughness and then get to work on helping you fix the problem helping athletes and heroes find better balance performance and injury prevention visit redefin Long Shots Golf is the destination for both golf enthusiasts and sports fans top-of-the-line track man simulators provide a highly entertaining and accurate golf experience while a full service sports bar loaded with big screens and scratch kitchen make it a truly unique destination they have locations in Sherwood Park in Edmonton experience the best indoor golf and sports bar in town visit long [Music] oh Steve you boxed yourself in you boxed yourself in with the theme music now you can’t run the H’s beef jerky special music oh sure I can you can smooth transition from one to the next let’s see those skills buddy time now for brownie points there it is brought to you by H’s premium jerky their world famous jerky located right here in Alberta using prime Alberta beef available in 14 fantastic flavors including that amazing sweet and spicy great fundraising packages for sports teams and schools and for the rest of June 99 bucks for three pounds of jerky with free shipping so great idea for a fundraiser if you need to and 99 bucks three pounds of jerky with free shipping anywhere in Alberta hop onto the website tell them got your back sent you and you will find yourself a deal brownie 14.5 million brownie points to Leon dry Sidle oh I tell you what I’m going to give him 16 million so that he stays for sure I got all the points in the world to give away away and three pounds of beef jerky well no he’ll get two pounds because I’m keeping a pound for myself I’m his agent uh we’re going to start with 64 brownie points to the LA Kings Rob Blake who got rid of a dead weight plld as we all love to call him DB his contract is now gone to the Washington Capitals so it was one of the worst trads that the LA Kings Rob Blake made last year getting Duo the contract was absolutely horrifying and one of the big reasons I believe that the LA Kings faltered so badly in the first round but they got rid of him they got a goal tender that they didn’t have so Rob Blake gets a thumbs up after getting two thumbs down I’ve got seven brownie points to the Edmonton Oilers they are 60 minutes away from game seven and who would have thought that after game three so seven big brownie points to the Edmonton oers I have 47 brownie points to Mr Connor McDavid he is five points away from tying Wayne Gretzky’s record of 47 points in the playoffs that is unbelievable seriously we are watching magic night after night after night and sometimes we take it for granted but boys and girls we are watching the greatest in the world and right now he is playing as good as he’s ever played and the last one it’s a quick one tonight because not a lot going on in the world but this one was added late I got 10 brownie points to my buddy Jason strudwick for somehow getting the words getting kicked in the junk onto the podcast tonight so that’s that made me giggle so 10 fory tonight take it a boy all right any objections to any of that stry anything to add what do you think no I thought he nailed it absolutely nailed it and that one thing I will say I’m surprised that the guy who traded for plb is also one that traded him away I would thought that might have been a change in in Hands on the Wheel there for Ser Berto Blake like when you look at the totality of that you know acquiring pldb and getting rid of P like it it’s not a good look it’s not good resource management but struds at a certain point you got to just cut bait on a bad mistake right like it’s almost a bigger sin to just keep trying to pile drive it in and making it work as opposed to just going yeah we got this one wrong and pull on the pin well I to be fair he did fix an issue on their team their goal tending right and he saved quite a bit of cap space but when you look at the Players he traded away to get Darcy ker who was a free agent and who was not a very good goalie last year for the Washington actually was the second String Goalie backup I think they call it in hockey um pretty crazy all right right it was three three good players that the Winnipeg Jets got for Darcy keer so that makes it look silly so Rob Blake gets a thumbs up but it’s because he completely messed up with the trade in the signing him pld uh struds did you want to add any brownie points for me rumor has it like we didn’t do a Relentless player tonight but yeah rumor has that you had some love for me so maybe you just give me some brownie points instead I won’t I w’t a lot a number but I will say this I I was impressed by you because I I heard today that you know you you talked about his 20-hour travel day from Florida someone told me they saw you golf today and you were so you know you just so intense and just wanted to get on golf you shot 113 but didn’t give up didn’t give up the whole 18 you stayed out there you were Relentless in your pursuit of triple digits I actually thought that you were gonna I was actually GNA be given a Relentless like a legit Relentless player I get brownie points taken away I get made fun of and Relentless player that Taylor Made that Taylor Made uh driver he put up on Twitter that thing got abused you like that one that qi1 baby thing was today off the tea fantastic yeah that’s not what I heard I have a source that tells me you it looked rough last night or really interesting all right I’d be interested to know who that is all right time out for strudy World brought to you by DLR Vinyl Products they’ve got locations in Calgary and in Edmonton if you’re a contracting business or a contractor yourself let DLR help you add vinyl fence to your product line reliable unmatched service highquality North americanmade products visit DLR V products doca stray yeah so there’s a small tweak to the uh Florida Panthers power play unit so they saw at the end of the game but Brandon martur is now off he’s a righty who’s a very offensive player then you have Al Marson now jumping in who’s a lefty and he ran to power play for a long time uh in Arizona then he ran it this year when Montour is was uh still trying to get back from an injury early in the year but I think it’s something worth noting because a righty to a lefty and when you oftentimes these seems to get the puck uh on I guess it would be the the right side or where a normal right guy is now he’s going to get as a lefty it’s way easier to jump to the middle of the ice I think it’ll be harder for doers to take away that pass as we saw from Conor Brown do the other night uh from Montour through that that juicy one right through the middle and he knocked off went and got it but I think it’ll be a little bit harder and it’ll be look different because again as he jumps off the wall now it sticks in the middle he can rifle it to the net and Larson’s got a pretty good little wrer to the net um but also he can get off the wall a lot quicker and cut him off so it’s worth noting I like this change by uh by the big guy Paul Maurice and Lefty to or righty to a lefty I think makes a difference on this PP brownie for for that reason yeah no you’re right uh also emman larsson’s a big man and a long stick yeah that helps when you’re shooting from the point he can change the angle and you think you’re in a shooting Lane and all the Long Reach oh he’s pass you so he does have a good wrist shot uh Montour that was an absolutely horrific play that he made to barov good play by by Conor Brown getting in the way but that was just dumb on Montour their power play has not been good I think emman L I thought it’s funny this is a guy that Vancouver was trying to run out of town I thought he’s played well in this series yeah and and looked good so when things aren’t working you got to try something different good on Maurice for doing it uh but the Oilers penalty kill just one thing we’ve seen them able to do is they adapt and they have been a difference in every single game here in the playoffs it’s so it they make it obvious they just want to funn everything down like the angles that the oiler forwards take when the defenseman get the puck right they they take that angle like to try and push it force him to push it back down the wall and and you know when they did that like Connor Brown did that they tried to go through the middle anyways and that’s when he got the stick on it and ended up with the Breakaway but they seem so set and so good in trying to actually Force the power play to do what they want them to do it’s not re they’re not reacting to what Florida does they’re extracting what they want from Florida it almost seems yeah and browny you can chime in on this because I I want your thoughts I think at times Florida be wise instead of trying to get to the middle as the older for goes way to the middle push them back fire the puck to the net because you have a lane because the the the oer forward isn’t in that lane now I know there’s other layers behind them I get it and I wasn’t a power play guy but get a puck to the net and maybe it makes some respect your shot a little bit more or or think about trying to get a little bit more in that passing or shooting Lane which would open maybe the pass thing a little bit easier 100% they don’t shoot enough not near enough and the the ERS are dictating what Florida does on their power play and eventually the Florida Panthers Bobble the puck and get attacked and they lose it so 100% when things aren’t going we talk about Emon and we have the best players in the world when things aren’t going right get the puck on neck as quickly as you can I do believe that if Florida wants to have any success they need to shoot a much much more and shoot before the oers get set yeah shoot and that’s the but we we’ll see if we go forward it’s weird that they haven’t tried that yet but uh they’re at the point now if their power play doesn’t score they don’t win the Stanley Cup before you get pushed down by that forward fire the puck to the net and then have that in everyone’s mindset like I’m we’re all going to the net right I think it would unstad a little bit to D and it seems too obvious but maybe I’m missing something in the next layer but I I don’t know I’d feel pretty good about that play If I Was Florida that was strudy World brought to you by DLR I’m getting a little love on the stream here as being so relentless gentlemen Relentless traveler shoger says leaky 37 Daniel Bryan says a 113 but didn’t give up now that is a sick good job shoger and James barrels coming over the top saying if only shogi’s hairline was relent as Relentless as his golf game appreciate that hard shot all three of you on all three of you very empathetic towards that there you guys you guys went quickly in shoger defense there all three that hit us all right uh simply Steve just Steve what was the uh comment that uh some when we were all arguing about what happened there yeah when when it got a little heated between the three of you uh three colors tril Trilogy said oh no Dad and Dad and Dad are fighting three dads here on got your back uh brownie nice job tonight my friend let’s chat after tomorrow night’s game pal sounds good all right they’re great Rob Brown do we got a break here uh Steve or rolling right I’ll get quick break and then we will take a lap and get to our askus anything segment the brintley family has made it their mission to create the best tasting flavored rums on the planet and they’ve knocked it out of the park with their shipwreck rums root off the small Caribbean island of St kits their spice Trum is aged four years in Bourbon barrels and infused with natural vanilla their shipwreck vanilla is blended with natural Madagascar vanilla given an incredible smoothness one Sip and you’ll agree it truly is a vacation in a bottle available at your 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moon tomorrow night for the game is that true that in from Chief Andy full moon for game six boilers and Panthers time now for taking a lap brought to you by backcap the fastest growing male grooming company on the planet and it’s even better now cuz they got this new 2.0 handle and it works like a Dandy the friction fit handle lets you effortlessly snap the shap in and out touches up the rest of your body as well go to backcap tocom use the promo code GB 10 10% off your first order on any of the kits on their website at all that is backcap stay smooth gentlemen stry we’re going to dig in on more game six preview talk but before we do that we often use take a lap to discuss some other things going on around the league and there’s one in particular uh that you think affects the Oilers a little bit well yeah I think that the trades with the Goldies yesterday right keer we talked a little bit about his trade from Washington to uh the Kings for plb and otherwise known as peruk DUIs and I think that’s a big issue for them like their goal tending um is has been I think it’s going to improve I think keer behind that group will be a better goal than he showed last year um I I don’t think he’s the world’s greatest goalie but I think he’s definitely better than he showed last year and then also you know peruk du wasn’t really doing much for him so they can now I think it’s like I want to say two two and a half three million somewhere in there they can put that money somewhere else and try to maybe get a player that can be as effective as as as plb was last year but I do think that this goal tender it’s it’s a bit of a risk but I think he’s a better goal than he’s shown buddy yeah and and I think moving on from dubis was probably required so good on them for doing it uh you know you could question the wisdom of Washington digging in on that level of risk this is a player now that’s been through multiple organizations asked out a few times uh has yet to meet that potential you know based on what we all watch when we watch him play we all see what he could potentially be but he just doesn’t seem to get there that often so a bit of a risk in terms of the number of years left on his deal and whether he’s going to reach that potential and if that sort of that feels risky from Washington’s side doesn’t it struds feels like a desperate move yeah Feels Like A desperate move and and uh that I feel like that that franchise it’s starting to settle a bit you know as far as their their incredible run um and the second part is I saw some comments people said well he’s gonna be motivated so he’s gonna be motivated on the fourth team on the fourth team is gonna be motivated he’s gotten his money already man like yeah I I just have I mean you know well they were saying that he’ll be pissed off that he got tradeable he’s been traded this is his four City you know if he wasn’t motivated when he was a young player in Columbus or Winnipeg when he’s trying to get the deal or got traded to Kings after he got the deal so I he is to me he is so talented could be and a really really good player like a a star in this league and we’ve seen him play that way but we don’t see it often enough and I this feels like a really really desperate move by a franchise other one there your point on keer any concern that he’s gone from 921 to 909 to 890 you know when he did win with the Colorado Avalanche he didn’t prep he you know he wasn’t the launch point for that Stanley Cup win right that was a hell of a team and he gave them good goal tending and won um he’s getting on an age 34 I think he is now like the save percentage has been on the decline here struds like is he the answer in net is he I I I’m I’m willing to take the chance because of the contract I got rid of he has three more years so let’s say it just it he doesn’t turn around this year you have two more years after that uh you can Bury Bury what is it like I want to say one and a half or whatever million I’m not sure whatever the numberers you can bury some of it than the rest you’re wearing but that’s way less than any kind of a bio you would have had with uh or you could buy them out I guess um with with P DUIs so you you I think you’ve minimized your exposure to risk by bringing him in uh and there’s a lot of upside like I do think he’s a better goalie than he’s he’s shown um in Washington okay let’s reset Focus here on the ERS and the Panthers tomorrow night uh interesting question asked to Matias eom in his time here in ed as we get back to the whis Johnson soundbox what areas he noticed the most Improvement sorry shocker I was doing something else who are we who are we going to here at home pal gotcha I think we’ve improved in a lot of areas but I got to go defensively if I want to point in just the one thing out I think we’re more um okay with having play in our dzone and spending time there not getting frustrated or um getting out of place just cuz we’re there for 30 40 seconds I think we can uh we understand now how important it is to against these top teams you’re going to play some defense but um at times there’s going to be minutes and and um I guess chunks and games where you just have to play and and not cheat the game and not trying to create something that’s not there CU that’s when they sting you so um I do think we’ve matured a lot in that uh department so if if I’ll say one thing I’ll I’ll go with that and well one more clip here struds uh from steuart Skinner I asked him about kind of his team’s ability to generate the offense that they’ve generated but also still be pretty sound defensively and quite frankly I was I was focused a little bit more on Conor McDavid struds who has been impressive man eight points in his last two games but the defensive play has been pretty Rock Solid from McDavid he hasn’t done a lot of cheating he’s broken up a lot of plays on backjacks and such let’s hear from steuart Skinner quick on his team’s defense in front of him been uh lovely to see um I think we got a lot of guys that are just fully committed to playing on both ends of the ice which is uh I mean to say the least it’s an absolute need especially this time of year so um really proud of the group and we got to continue to bring that um even Elevate struds what’s your take on eight points for McDavid but the defensive game as well well in in reality you know defending is a commitment it’s not a skill um you know it can be a desire but it’s a commitment to doing it and he and his teammates are doing a much better job at it and there’s going to be breakdowns there’s going to be mistakes it just it happens that’s why the game there’s they’re scored they’re scor uh goal scored in games but I think Connor’s done a really good job especially you know the backchecking uh you know trying to make sure there’s no outman rushes uh coming right through to the to middle of the ice on the back check like all those types of things trying to stand the right side of the pocket in his own Zone he’s done a lot of good things and then everyone you have to follow suit you cannot cheat the game when you’re Captain and the best play in the world is doing it so um this is it takes a while to get this mindset and you know just think back to two or three years ago the way ERS played we talked about it they talked about it but they didn’t perform it they performed it can they do it two more games that’s ultimately the question when you look at the way that McDavid is playing the game right now and quite frankly dry cdle because while the offense hasn’t been there I think he’s shown pretty good attention to detail in his own end here you compare that back to kind of their first few run throughs at it and and it was after the Chicago uh mess that one of the things I said after they lost to Chicago was that you know for this team to get to where they want to go there was going to be you know they needed to take a step in their overall two-way games that learning to play both ends of the ice at a Stanley Cup caliber level was something that these star players were going to have to develop spec said it to maybe a little more aggressively than I did and people went nuts people went ballistic and I recall the vitri all thrown at us for having the G to suggest that there was room in their overall game and that it was going to be difference making if they could find it and here we are in a Stanley Cup Final and it’s such a huge part of the way he’s playing the game every single night um it’s really impressive struds and and you talked about the things that he’s doing defensively but it’s also not flying The Zone not giving into those instincts to you know because to generate that kind of offense most guys got to cheat to be able to do that but to be resisting that those Temptations and and to stay on the right side of it yeah and you’re right and and it is it’s a process you know and what you know what makes you want to do it is when you’re humbled because you lose because your way isn’t working Point you’re you’re you’re it’s not working and not I’m not suggesting that Connor Leon are cocky or uncoachable but when you you think you can just do it one way and you hear the coach the you don’t think all the coaches were telling these guys to play This Way um but when you get humbled enough times uh by losses and not humbled in a way as like they’re too cocky but just you know you bend the knee because you’ve lost you’re like okay okay let’s do it the other way and now they see how it can work and they’ve gotten this far so um give them credit but but you know experience is a can be a cruel cruel teacher and uh think about you know you were in that dress room after the loss last year to Vegas the guys feel the post came like been brutal every year you funeral that was the worst one though that to me that was I mean I from a distance shocker that seemed like the worst one they were Shell Shocked oh so all a sudden then you start the year like you did you don’t think you have attention of the coach or the coach has your attention 100% so I think that makes a big big difference yeah great great points there struds uh last visit to the W Johnson soundbox and we’ll wrap this up Conor McDavid talked about a lot of things today but he’s always at his best when he’s you know giving love to his teammates so he was asked specifically about the line that strudy constructed through the engineering of the Henri trade uh David on the third line yeah they’ve been fantastic um five on five and on the all three of those guys are big pieces of the kill um you know but five on five as you said they’ve been doing a great job um going out there against whoever um you know whether that’s the the barov line or or any other line they’ve been fantastic and that’s a big part um you know even the fourth Line’s been great as well I mean this time of year to win you need every single person um you know we’ve had guys out of the lineup come in and and and do a great job and the guys who are out of the lineup are staying ready um you know when their when their time is called so um it’s really been a total team effort um you know to get us to this point all right that was taken a LP brought to you by our good friends over at backcap all right we’ve had a great crowd on the stream tonight lots of awesome comments coming in we’ll wrap up our deor poll as well uh steo hop in here buddy although I know we got a malfunction with your vide so don’t get in just only voice of Steve I know my apologies to everyone who’s looking forward to seeing my face in these podcasts I know people come just well does sha does we know that much yeah exactly yeah big fans they’re big fans he has by far the best voice on the Pod though hey struds like Steve’s got the pipes man yeah yeah but that’s why I think his video is not working yeah no kidding all right ask anything’s brought to you by the shark of the park reenie Bulan of Maxwell devire realy home is a feeling one of the biggest Investments you’ll ever make Reen’s take reie only takes on a select number of clients to give them that more personalized service rated the number one individual agent this past year with her skilled negotiation five-star client satisfaction I’ve used her really really good takes great care of you you really get the feeling like you’re in good hands someone that really does care about helping you with one of the biggest decisions you’ve got to make give her a call 780 99428 Steve okay so the results of the Doris poll um biggest X Factor coming into game six uh we said mcdavid’s continu continued domination Skinner staying solid the third line continuing to roll or that home crowd energy so uh ticking the top of the poll with 53% is Skinner staying solid next up is mcdavid’s continued domination um at at 31% and then at 9% we’ve got the third line continuing to roll and then 7% for that home crowd energy so really it comes down to Skinner and McDavid and there was some rins too A lot of people uh saying uh um dry settle getting on the board and getting and getting moving as well that’ be a big one for sure Steve I just saw a real good comment while you’re were reading that from Rod Z I’ve been lucky to see the last 43 seasons of the eont ERS did not think in my lifetime I would see Gretzky records drop McDavid gets three points and Three Points over the next two games struds I mean you think you think there I mean he just got eight and two what a record that would be to track down buddy it’s CRA I I anytime you’re being a wing gry record it it just blows my mind it absolutely blows my mind so congratulations him and you know every time I doubt that he can do something he just does it well we said it last podcast like that that performance those two games he’s most likely winning the con Smite here which you know win or lose I think McDavid probably gets the con Smite so it’ll be fascinating Steve go ahead pal okay a lot of good ones today so uh from Stephen says my concern with cousins drawing in for Florida is I honestly believe that’s a signal they plan to play dirty tomorrow night and uh James barrels says I’m not excited to have cousins draw in he’s a rap and could alter the game with a rat play so thoughts I know we’ve talked about it a little bit but just um you know with a more physical Maybe dirty play from the Panthers tomorrow with cousins string in strs well how many minutes are you talking we’re talking seven minutes here six seven eight minutes somewhere in there maybe what’s the over under on penalty minutes for him tomorrow and that’s and that’s the risk so he there’s always a risk that he’s going to take a bad penalty that he doesn’t see the ice again um so listen I I I I really like lamberg’s game I thought he came in and provided what he did but on the road um like when those guys go to the boards and if there’s an icing guess who’s going out right away McDavid will be lined up for that draw before they even know what the hell hit them so yeah um I I think I get he’s trying to get a lot energy but I don’t I can’t see it making I I I look at the change on the power play as a bigger um good move than putting cousins in on the fourth line yeah okay so I’m going to segue to the power play then uh Ryan Van spangen says um you know dry settle hasn’t won a face off in almost the entire series on the power play uh where we’ve started with the puck almost 80% um of the time before clearly it’s a hand issue to Ryan um and that’s Ryan Van spangen but uh the question is why are they why do they keep St starting him on the dot and will they come to a point where they will they stop on the power play put someone else there to start yeah I mean Leon will know uh when he doesn’t feel he’s effective in there he’ll someone else will take draws he’s not going to be stubborn the games are too big these are too big so I I don’t know if if the hand injury is is prohibitive right now to him winning draws or not strads but he’s not going to be stubborn to go in there if he doesn’t give him their best chance no they’re trying to win right and they they they’re GNA the ego doesn’t get in the way of that so no I’m I’m with to okay peners pancak says besides Yanmar and brown how do you fill out the bottom six next year what is Henrik realistically going to ask for you know what I I I I get it that’s a fun idea it’s a fun idea to go through that but there’s so many things have to be sorted out to get into that uh that that’s a huge conversation yeah yeah I’d love to see Henry yeah I I’m sorry I I I just honestly it’s that’s too much to bite off there there’s just a huge thing to deal with right yeah the interesting one for me will be Connor Brown and what that number is because we all know the money that he made this year and the bonuses next year what would his number look like heading into next season I think they would love to have him back depending on what that dollar figure is and if it’s bit of a a make good over a two season average annual salary I’m not sure but I’m interested to see Conor Brown and if he remains in the bottom six go ahead uh Shane mat asked if uh can Holland make moves after June 30th or once uh his contract ends or can he represent the Oilers at all at that point or he’s just done yeah no I mean he can yeah he can still when his contract is up it’s not like he’s disqualified by the league from you know making moves I mean really it’s it’s not Ken Holland on the phone executing a trade Bill Scott gets on the phone and he’s the one that ever executes it with central registry he’s the one that that runs through the paperwork and all that stuff so like if they say to Ken Holland hey you know you want to hang around till the the 10th through uh the draft and free agency I don’t know exactly what day is his contract ends but yeah I don’t think there would be anything prohibitive there we didn’t really get into a big discussion on the general manager position either maybe we’ll save that for a different night not 100% sure what’s going on there struds but they’re going to have to get something done reasonably quick because my sense is is it’s not going to be Ken Holland returning on a short-term deal there’ll be a new a new person in place okay Gabriella C says I think the Oilers have the edge in winning the series based on the fact that they’re winning the Special Teams battles so far in this series and that’s such a big part of winning a championship so um obviously we know that but yeah just thought on on continuing that special team success and the importance of that tomorrow night as Gabriella alludes to they did a good job on the specialty teams in the first couple games at least the penalty kill but bosi was better than the specialty teams so I think that that bosi you don’t think he can pitch one really good game these next two um you know that there’s a lot of things that could sting up though iters on the other side Veri kachu that that uh ver Broski you know their power play is no slouch like it’s you have one off n in the power play so you said they’re 15 for 16 on the peny kill shoger they could end up you know tomorrow to say there’s three and they end up uh you know what would that make it 16 for 19 but they give up two goals in the final game and Bowski plays well crazy kills plus one I I know but what I’m saying is that they can have one you know off night and you lose a Stanley Cup like that’s right yeah that’s how razor thin this is guys it’s so tight it’s so tight um two more Ste okay uh so oo pop opop says uh the Oilers need to find a way to get C back this offseason a sixth rounder can get a team to eat a million bucks of his contract for sure uh that would be fun to get Cen back on in the off SE fascination with with good old clean C and Oiler Nation hter he was a fan favorite I don’t blame fans for wanting him back where do you think he would where do you think he would where do you think he would factor in if he were on this team right now would he be in the lineup uh man I don’t ah probably not it maybe him and McLoud probably fighting it over right because Clen been something a lot different and he can score I have a hard time would he have gotten some games with dry sadle maybe everyone else did um but CLE I’m telling you guys I told you he made the mistake he went for you call that ahead of time you said here’s what I think he should do and then he did not do that and it has not worked I hate to be right but that was easy one okay let’s right Steve last one buddy okay so Abby Hoffman says the Oilers need to feed off that home crowd tomorrow night um and I think they will I just I wanted to know uh from you guys um especially struds is there a moment you remember struds where that home crowd just took you by surprise maybe maybe made you feel nervous excited filled you up with energy whatever it is yeah when I played the Rangers we had amazing crowds there not that I didn’t know there stops but I just remember the Rangers it was so loud and they they were funny they wanted work they loved work and I remember them cheering and standing ovations when you’d kill a penalty you know in a big moment and I love that feeling and that’s what I was part of so I remember that obviously more than anything else but that that moment I think for tomorrow that the fans will be fired up but the ERS have been through this so many times and and it’s going to be great to have the fans and we love that atmosphere but I think they’re gonna the ERS understand that it’s it’s GNA be a tough tomorrow is gonna be a tough tough game really tough yeah that building is going to be electric I’ve said it before my you know the building is at its best when the orders have come back from a road trip where they went on the road and accomplished something while they were away and fans get to welcome them back and show their appreciation for what the last game meant in their welcome back it’s going to be roof coming off it’s going to be amazing um yeah it’s going to be a really really cool environment tomorrow night and Order fans your last game of the Season that you can go and watch live in person so they will be bringing the noise that was ask as anything brought to you by reie buan time for our Jam of the day as we wrap things up brought to you by play Alberta boosting your odds enhancing your parlays on all playoff games every bet on any game enters you a draw and to win season seats for the 24-25 season or five pairs of seats to five separate Oiler games for next season use the promo code gb50 when you deposit at play to receive a $50 free sports bet bonus terms and conditions apply as always know your limits play responsibly and stay within them stry what do we got for our play of the day no context needed this at all and I quote this is a trap game for the Oilers Ryan rash yeah yeah yeah I’ll eat that no context at all yeah I used it I used it wrong I did I sounded like a dummy D but that’s you know that’s why I love this show stry cuz I can count on my big brothers to keep me honest if I get myself out of line buddy brownie text me to use that one did he really piss off go to bed brownie go to bed I love it fair enough man I deserve that one it’s a drop uh all right folks thank you so much uh fun stuff really looking forward to the post game pod tomorrow night don’t know what’s going to happen but man we’re going to be there to talk about it great numbers on the stream we really appreciate it and for those of you that download listen in podcast form we love you thanks for coming along for this ride here on got your back and a big thanks to our all of our sponsors and our title sponsors sure would view at GMC enjoy the moment tomorrow night Oiler fans it’s going to be something and we will be here we got your back we’ll be breaking it all down post game have a good night [Music]


  1. Biggggg Home Vrowd, 97 on Fireeeee, 9 yrs #97 to have a Cup Chance !! Crowd Will Be Insane …..Last change, Hopefully 29 will be better , 97 or bustttt OIL Baby !! Bob,s been Junkkkkkk McCUP

  2. Letting Leon walk into free agency is absurd. You have to trade him if he has no intention to re sign

  3. Cups aside Draisaitl and Mcdavid will never be treated as good anywhere else in the NHL as they are now with the Oilers, they will go down as legendary players in Edmonton if they both leave that will never be true for them IMO

  4. Leon definitely has a severe hand injury – he broke something blocking that shot late in the Vcr series (game 7). He probably shouldn't be playing but we all know what a warrior he is. I refuse to criticize this guy for any reason. If he goes off with the way Connor is playing, we blow out the Panthers in game 6

  5. On the Leon resigning topic – It is not "unfair" for him to put pressure on Connor for an answer. He doesn't need Connor to give a public answer, but these two have all kinds of conversations they keep between themselves. I expect they have already discussed the issue by now even if it isn't completely settled. How is it even pressure? It would be totally normal to plan these things out together considering their relationship. They will say differently to the outside world and that is expected because if they said "we're both staying here 100%" they will lose all negotiating power and I am sure they still want good deals. But let's be realistic, they have described each other as "my ride or die" which says it all. On a personal level, Leon met his girlfriend through Connor's fiancée and the four of them spend all season together and spend most of their vacations together. It would actually be incredibly bonkers if Connor refused to tell Leon what he plans for the future. It is much more likely that they are planning things out in tandem (even if the joint decision is not resigning for the same team) rather than for them to be planning two individual / separate paths that do not influence one another at all.

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