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#itiswhatitistalk #season4 #tankdavis #floydmayweather

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so so let me ask you this m being that we’re back on the fight for a minute um we already see what happened with the fight we already know what you was going to say about the fight we talked a lot about also outside of the fight tank moving on possibly without Floyd well already without Floyd Lenard Elby not being with Team Mayweather anymore Lenard Elby and tank possibly being cool with each other Floyd Mayweather teaming up with Richard schaer uh it was a lot going on and tank saying things about Floyd on uh Twitter Floyd putting on his Instagram story that the night of the fight that the fight was cancelled what do you think is going on between tank Al Haymon lonard Elby and Floyd Mayweather I don’t like it I don’t like it I’m serious I I don’t like it for Floyd I don’t like it for javante it it’s just I don’t like it at all because when you when you really think about it it makes Floyd look like he’s hating but it also makes tank look like he’s moving funny so I don’t like none of it because I mean you understand this killer you help people out they get on their feet and then they act like um like you ain’t do what you did like I don’t I don’t like that I don’t like that I don’t like that for javante because um I don’t know his situation with him and Floyd but I don’t like the way it looks you know what I’m saying even it it never looks good when you turning against people you were with it it just never does it don’t matter if I do it if you do it if somebody else do it from the Optics it just look horrible because it no matter how much money javante is going to get right like CU that I heard y’all I was watching the show I was like oh killer is killer is sounding like me today you did a good job thank you man you did a good job I was proud of you thank you brother I was looking like look at this thing this he really gets it he’s coming around man right there my guy no but I was like yo no matter how much money he’s getting he will get more with you get more collectively pause because whatever money they give us for all you guys out there no matter what money we get individually that’s so they don’t have to pay us the real amount when you stay together you get the real amount look at Rock Nation look at Rich Paul whenever we break up [ __ ] could pay one [ __ ] but they it’s never the amount we were really going to get and that’s what I’m talking about so even though people feel like oh I’m about to get this amount but with what Floyd knows he’s supposed to get it probably will be more money but if Floyd is acting like a sucker I got a plan listen fight each other I’m putting that on the table javante versus Floyd we can cut all a smack out you think you’re the face of of boxing he believes he’s the face of boxing five rounds six rounds what you think about that kill he’ll be the bide this will be the first time tanker have to be the I don’t care what y’all saying I don’t care what you believe he’ll be the B side if he fighting Floyd but idea listen it ain’t like y’all y’all rappers y’all boxers so settle it that way we can find out if the era is over listen that’s what I suggest that’s not a bad idea because listen make a lot of money both of them I’m just about to say both of them like money we know Floyd likes money this may be bigger than Conor McGregor yeah or just as big as Conor McGregor and cuz people want to know if that if that power would translate it’s two things I sitting there thinking about that as you said it and I said listen it’s two things with that and I’m just talking about pure fighting javante we have to go up two weight classes and we we know that javante has knockout power which is you know he has 30 fights 28 knockouts but this is possibly the best defensive fighter of all time that’s what makes it perfect right and that’s what makes but and then another thing like we seen with benov viidz when he went up two weight classes those punches ain’t don’t hit as hard when you move up in weight so I’m not saying that Javonte can’t hurt nobody at 147 but at 135 he’s a monster can he hurt people at 147 because you know what a good thing good thing that he did and we will never know he made Ryan sign that rehydration Clause so Ryan couldn’t even balloon up in weight so we wouldn’t have known what happened to him if you came in at 160 or 170 or whatever it was he’s weighing so yeah that’ll be that’ll that’s that’s very interesting and it’ll Skyrocket y promotion if you really want to get GTD off off the running like you want to turn it from where it is to where pass Floyd what better way to go past Floyd than to go through Floyd I mean you already disrespecting him so it can’t be that much more to get in the ring and and do it that way I don’t know if Floyd would do it would you what do you think so what do you what do you think Floyd when we ask him about disrespect has gotten to all time high when you see things happening like what’s happening rumors you know I don’t know for sure but certain things happening with the family then you got people kind of making threats on the online like I was watching One video I saw um one of his trainers talking about this trainers one of javante trainers saying that this ain’t just boxing we might run into you and this and that and then he was like but that’s not what I’m saying but that’s what you were saying so you saying it’s getting outside of boxing he said this ain’t just boxing I mean we from the hood we know what this ain’t just boxing you stopping a lot of people money and you know might catch you by yourself and things like that that’s what you took from what he said that’s what I took from I wear a cowboy hat look I don’t think what you’re saying is a bad idea do I think Floyd would do it I think one thing for sure about Floyd if the bag is right the bag is right if the bag is he can find a way to do it Floy you you call Floyd and tell him it’s a guaranteed half a billion I’m exaggerating I don’t know what number he’ll come out the house for but you got to think about it look he’ll make 75 up front yeah well I think he’ll go for 150 million you got to think about I know Floyd this a walk in the park for Floyd but Floyd’s going overseas fight exhibition fights for 10 15 million yeah you know 150 million up front 200 up front I think Floyd we’ll see Floyd joging find the motivation yeah I think we’ll see him Jo I think it’s the fight it’s the only fight other than it’s only two other fights I would personally pay to see tank fight because of his explosive behavior and the way he the way he’s been fighting these last couple of times I don’t I only see two people that could really even probably compete with him and I don’t know to what extent that would be Shakur and um tiimo I think people leaving tiimo out and and um pitbull would be the best out of all of them but if I was if I was going to spend my money if you want me to spend my money watching a pay-per-view or to come see a fight you talking about the whole world coming out tank versus Floyd for everything since lyard El is over here and now Richard shaver is involved there’s a lot of animosity on the table that that we can settle this and everybody can make a kazillion dollars


  1. Mase WTF are you talking about in life real men always should want there own kingdom regardless how much you help a man once they see you attention is to keep them under foot and thumb of course there will be contention Tank has the right to be his own man just like Floyd did he broke away from the yoke men tried to put around his neck when men play the game of life specially in this world and money is involved they play chess not checkers and friends is a word that consists of if you are the person I want you to be them we can be friends but the minute you become something I don’t like you are the opposite of a friend that’s why friendship in this world is a bullshit concept there’s no friends just associate and allies and that shit is subject to change at any minute Tank will be find he has his Baltimore guys behind him and his city fuck may weather he better keep his dumb ass in Vegas

  2. Tank never fought nobody! Look up his opponents. Not saying he’s a myth but when has he been tested?
    And if he was tested by any of his opponents then smoke with real fighters won’t end well.
    Money, healthy and still got legs, can beat tank with experience alone.
    At 47!
    That’s how good that nga is!

  3. Why would Floyd fight Tank there's too much of an age gap. Floyd is TBE of his era, Tank is thriving in his era and should aspire to exceed Floyd with respect.

  4. Knowing Floyd family on a personal level Floyd is in top shape and can honestly beat gervonta at a 140/147 but definitely no 135 lol

  5. Floyd is too old and has nothing to prove. Floyd just needs to not say anything about Tank. If Tank feels some type of way against Floyd then Floyd needs to just leave him alone. Just like he did with broner


  7. Listen here, Floyd's knows enough to defend himself for them rounds. However more valuable. He can't afford to get k ock out by tank period

  8. I don’t like it either.. both of my favorite fighters in the world.. hate to see successful black men of greatness divided over shit that don’t really matter in the end.. can’t take anything with you.. but don’t y’all forget what Floyd Mayweather do in that ring.. don’t wanna hear run either… Win!!! #TMT #tbe

  9. Floyd will wash Tank respectfully. If Floyd locks in for a real training camp, it's over.

  10. I feel like it don’t make sense because of how old Floyd is if Floyd was an active fighter and promoter at this time great idea but he’s not nor is tank fighting at 147 so is he jumping up to fight Floyd or is it a catch weight ? This fight don’t even make sense lol not close to a good idea

  11. Floyd the type would try and make it at a catch weight and get Tank as heavy as possible lol

  12. Haters gone hate lovers gone love & the confused folks straddle the fence and go where they’re tolerated instead of going where they’re appreciated,loved unconditional,respected & chastised when they get out of pocket or go to damn far with the foolishness and evil s#!+!!!!!!


  14. Floyed vs tank in saudi Türki alashiek make it happen guarantee 150 million each teacher vs student mayweather promotions vs Elerbie promotions make it happen at 140

  15. Tank fighting Floyd would be a big mistake. I think it would be stupid.
    Floyd owns Mayweather Promotions. Leonard Ellerbe worked for MP. All of this talk all over the place about Floyd as if Tank is his equal is funny to me. Floyd is retired. He is having fun with exhibition fights. Nothing Tank says against Floyd can ruin his career cause he's retired.
    Tank should have had a publicist guiding him before all of this back and forth.
    Never pick a fight with a king. Floyd has resources that put him in that type of category. Tank should focus his energy on building instead of tearing down bridges. Just sayin'

  16. Floyd is jealous of the attention not the money cuz he's paid. He's jealous of Tank shine and it's ridiculous.

  17. tank has fought most pf 135 but yall instist him fighting queen shakur who hasnt fougt 1 A class fighters fighting losers and look good at it

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