This Incredible Swing Requires Almost No Practice! – Simple!

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Hi. I’m Craig and welcome to World Class Golf. The purpose of this channel is to provide effective and evidence based coaching content for all golfers.

Over my career I have played professionally for over 8 years won 14 tournaments and have given over 40,000+ lessons internationally. I have taught over 100 Tour Professionals.

On this channel you will find practical coaching content, drills you can work on your own that will help your golf game immediately. If you want to fix your slice or hook, have more consistent impact or drive the ball further, you have come to the right place.

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so people right let’s have a look at an easier way to play an easier way to swing and an easier way to create consistency what we’re looking at doing is get 60% of your weight on your lead leg your left hip over your left ankle the shaft and the lead arm in one line now people this is getting us really close to that little shift across through the wall we get that 4 to6 in of lateral shift so in your address position you can get really close to your impact position we need 12° that’s the two or average 12° of sharling when we have shling we get ball ground contact when we don’t have sharling we compromise our angle of attack we’re adding artificial Loft fat shots thin shots that’s why when we get into this position is going to help so many of you hit more clean and consistent shots so this position here is just so much easier just so much easier for the masses of the people out there the club just literally falls down into the perfect slot position now have a look at this club face at the top have a look where it’s pointing it’s pretty basy it’s pointing directly over the head right now we’re going to take a look at this position it’s like getting in a pre-impact it’s like pre-impact at the top of your goal swing and there’s a couple of basic clear moves I’m going to take you through so you can slot your down swing just making golf simple over 90% of golfers are losing angles in their downswing and flipping at impact over 80% of golfers are slicing the ball and it’s estimated that over 95% of golfers never reach their potential we need an easier way to swing so let’s get stuck into a video here this is part of the new swing style deep to Shadow swing style at worldclass which and the feedback has really just simply been overwhelming and we’re going to take you through some positions and drills and a system here to improve your ball striking immediately so guys just creating a great back swing it just makes your swing and your down swing so much easier and just so much more consistent so let’s go through a couple of basic clear things here so that we can understand what we need to practice and feel and understand the go swing a little bit right so if I take my addressed position here my shoulder plane at the top would be a 40° angle that would point one yard over the golf ball right so that’s your PGA average keeping your shoulder down under your chin and by just like there’s a simple way there you can just put the club on your shoulders and turn to the top and point at one yard over the important thing there the important message to get across is when you get your lead arm positioned either on that shoulder plane slightly above it if that’s what you like or slightly underneath it you’re in a corridor here people that makes the downswing just so much easier now people let’s have a look how we can create this perfect Club face position at the top of the Swing making ball striking so much easier and how we can all compress the ball much much more effectively now if we have a close face and obviously closed and strong grips and strong faces they’re better than weak ones right we hit the ball further but if the club face is close if I get some forward sharling the club faces straight so what we’re going to do right in conventional terms we’ve been looking at getting a two knuckle grip for a lot of people and getting you know the sole of the club lined up with the lead forearm unfortunately what happens from there is a lot of people will actually slightly open the face a little bit coming down and when they try and get forward charlan you know hit it way right and subconsciously really they don’t realize they they’re doing it they just sort of flip and come back to impact and really lose their angles now there’s ways to go about it but if you want to get a much easier way here’s an easier way you get your left hand or your lead hand one two 3 you turn your hand in so that you see three Knuckles so that your lead wrist is more into extension which is going to give you some play and movement anyway but you get to the top of your swing and you still manag to get a flat left wrist from this position and what it will do is it will get this so the club slightly higher than the lead forearm and this will have to make you hang on to your angles if you’re coming back to impact like this you’re going to hit it left you need forward sharling this is going to encourage that position we’re going to bring this club down and we’re going to be able to get this club level with the hands or slightly behind the hands this is the entry are you filming your Swings with your mobile phones you really really should be I me who’s not doing it right and this is what you’re showing a world class golf so guys right really good wrist alignments perfect structure at the top when you could physically feel something on your arm I mean how good is this thing here this has changed my back swing so much the hanger what I how I use it I set it up right and I put it a couple of finger widths away from my arm now when I’m swing back I get it to touch my arm what that does first off is it gets the club face in perfect position matching my spine angle I’ve got contact if I lose that contact I tow it up when we start to tow things up too much for so many of us out there we open up the face the left shoulder moves out and around normally the hips also move towards the target we lose the wrist alignments and it sets off what we would call a negative Chain Reaction unfortunately in golf you get something wrong at the start and you make about you’re given about seven or eight mistakes after that get something right we got a positive Chain Reaction right that sets off a positive chain of movements and all of a sudden we’ve got ourselves moving in the right direction the area that I like to look at the most is creating really good structure at the top meaning a lot of people don’t realize this if you break your wrist too much your lead wrist will move into extension just about every single time now for people at the top of the Swing once you’ve got this condition here the lead arm will tend to bend even if it doesn’t you’re going to have a cued wrist and this people from here it’s difficult to square that that face back up so by just feeling and keeping especially in the downswing keeping connection here so if I get to the top of my swing and I just keep the connection that is a shallowing flattening characteristic when it stays against my arm it comes in behind the hands when the ring leaves what happens is the left wrist cups and the right wrist will have no angle in it and a lot of people come from the outside with open faces it’s not the elbow it’s the hands see that move this my right wrist see the tra wrist right now through the golf ball here that’s just what you want to be able to feel so you make swings just feel it touching your arm on the way through this is where I use it differently I like to have or try and get through on a neutral sty release here so I’ll get the ring to touch the inside of the trail arm and this people is getting your wrist to move more effectively loosening up the swing creating power but at the same time at the same time you’re creating a a neutral style release with the face down it’s great to be able to hit balls with something on and you can feel it and then you don’t have to think because you know your repetitions you know your practice you’re moving closer to those PJ averages those movements where those great players are the hanger guys there’s a description or discount code I should say in the description box underneath check it out because it absolutely is a no-brainer so people let’s have a look at the best drill of all time now to set off a huge positive chain reaction on your entire gol swing all right guys this is a really interesting drill to get the correct wrist and hand alignments and get your body working effectively let’s have a look at this what we’re going to do is preset the club okay so you try to keep your hands in the same position presetting it but keeping the club here pointed at 1:00 now when you do that you left wrist is going to be really flat and you’ve got some Angle now if you notice when I get the club to 12 there’s no angle in the wrist no power slicing flipping the whole lot this is the key building up this angle the creases in the wrist so you preset I’ll show you from the front view and from here keep connection and turn and it’s going to get you in a bit of a stronger position at the top here this is something that’s really really important for you guys 1:00 preset up to the top keep the connection lead wrist f look at the angle in my right wrist the deeper you get the shoulders the more angle the more you’re up the more you look shut okay the more you’re up the club face is shut the more you’re down the bigger the angle and this is how you create really a lot of speed from this view it’s a great drill this one have look at this so keep the hands almost in the circle point it at 1:00 you’ve got your angle swing back get that right shoulder behind you and you’ve got a feeling where that elbow can come in into such a pure position voted best swing analysis and best online instruction instuction by several independent surveys worldclass golf instruction is transforming thousands of golfers at every skill level do not miss out this video platform has over 1,400 videos and 85 separate masterclass series the most structured and detailed video platform ever created improving golfers on average between 4 and 11 shots join the chat room and join the community of worldclass golf instruction this is golf instruction that you’ve never seen before the proven PGA corridors factual evidence-based material Unleash Your true potential with the cuttingedge swing analysis technology experience the thrill of progress with the state-of-the-art practice programs and specialized golf Fitness plans best information available now one of the great things about getting your wrists in a great place is you can plow through the golf ball and get into an awesome impact position you just got to know where that is unfortunately these days there’s just so much instruction out there all over the place and like there’s no commonality it’s just weird especially like looking at these positions you would probably say all right all these guys in the same spot right but no that’s not being taught unfortunately this is a blueprint really you know and this is what we show in worldclass Dr Rob HS analyzed 550 PJ professionals we’re getting there at impact and saying okay how much shling do we have well 12 degrees the PGA average there’s 13 you know understanding how to move through the golf ball if every single play is here where are you and this is the thing that we have to understand we have to actually follow evidence-based material because if every single play is in this position and you’re not what does that mean now once we’ve got great wrist alignments you can really learn to move through the ball freely once you understand impact and look at this position here for example go through a couple of players here the right leg watch the angle here as I draw the right leg down 79 degrees have a look at that number have a look at Adam Scott here what’s this 60° Now where’s 79 right look at this that’s that’s 79° there that’s how far away the Amer players are and when you look at like averages like the numbers of where amers are it it’s fascinating how close they are to one another we got 80° there this is absolutely mindblowing when we’re seeing the trial leg and and am is a little bit confused how the hips work here and just not moving through the golf ball effectively so we’re going to take you through now an amazing drill here to get you inside and closer to these averages of movement right where great players are there’s an average of this right leg every top player is under 70° and all the am players are much much higher than that 802 there’s another one exactly the same thing what are your numbers guys send me a swing through your online lesson just helping people from all around the world let’s have a look now at a basic drill a field to move through the golf ball to free up move through the golf ball more effectively and get much better consistent compression on the golf ball we know we need some lateral shift in the GOL swing we have around four to 6 in and we need to open up the hips so that we get clear way through the ball we’re not creating a collision course and these hips if that’s being 10° they can turn between 35 to 55 we’re getting that PGA zone or Corridor now the reason I mentioned this is we can be technical without being mechanical but we need to understand we need to get closer to some of these positions to consistently Propel a golf ball down the line what we’re looking at here is getting the right knee to cover or be on top or over the golf ball at impact and we want this right knee to get to this finish line or get to the golf ball before the hands do and what it does is it assures that the knees are moving slightly towards the Target and also it’s a bit of a two in one movement the less we think the better it is so we’re going to hit some golf balls and get the right knee it also helps of course when we get the right knee to the golf ball that we have the hips out of the way that creates some power it creates some Freedom through the golf ball unfortunately a lot of the time we’re seeing am golfers come down and a lot of the club players really freezing up here with the knees and creating a bit of a collision course and the elbows widening and really causing you know not such a a lot of different problems in and around impact so so by practicing this move here’s how we do it it’s pretty basic you get to the top of your swing you’re keeping yourself centered and when you’re moving down you’re just getting that knee to get to the golf ball just before your hands and just applying a few practice swings getting a feel for this movement and then you can move through the ball it’s just getting your your knees to lead slightly as we get up into a nice balanced finish position right knee to the golf ball it’s great swing thought it’s a great checkpoint and as you can get in and practice it rather than having your right knee over your right ankle at impact this is going to really help you create a much more Dynamic free impact position to hit clean consistent golf shots down the line


  1. My game was off a few weeks ago, after long winter lay off, hitting everything fairly weak and right, had a few minutes with my local Pro who i play with, he told me to do that pre set drill, it definitely worked, I've played with it this season with great results.

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