Golf Players

Control distance and how far you hit putts easily!!!! Upgrade your practice

Learn the way to practice speed control efficiently. A step by step guide to getting awesome at the key skill involved with putting great

hi I’m Jamie Donaldson and I would like to talk to you today about speed control I see it that speed is one of the most important parts of being proficient on the greens and if you’ve got a a decent green read and your start Line’s pretty good then great speeds always going to help you out you’re never going to finish far away from the hole so speed in my opinion is one of the key ingredients for every good putter so the question is how do you practice your speed control what drills are you doing to actually train your speed how do you know how to change what you’re doing to create different distances and what do you do to perfect it so what I want to show you is one of my favorite drills which requires us to hit putts 10 to 20 and 30 foot and what I’m going to do is go through the key factors that help you understand how you create distance but also how you train it so the first job here is to start off with our Target at 10 20 and 30t and what I’m going to do is I’m going to hit three or four 10t putts just to get an idea of how long my back swing is so I’m going to hit a 10 footer okay pretty happy with that I’m going to hit another one there we go now I’m going to put a teg roughly where my back swing got to and we talking about the face of the putter so I’m now going to hit another 10 footer there we go so that’s a good back swing length for my 10t PT and if I put my foot down for me it’s exactly where it wants to be which is a 12-in back swing so I’m going to double that like that so now I’ve got two te pegs I’ve got one at 12 in and one at 24 and then I’m just going to split the difference so I’ve now got a TEEG in the middle of those I’ve got three stroke lengths that going to help me play putts to the 10 20 and 30t Target but the key here is we keep the forward time the same so I’m going to try and keep that same tempo of moving forward so I’m measuring the time from start of down swing to impact and what we’re looking to do is to create a feel you could be quick you could be medium you could be slow for that stroke length and for my preference slow is good so the first thing is find out how long your 10-ft back swing is that’ll give you an idea of what your forward Tempo like but now we’re going to get into cycling through those three different distance putts so if I move these and go through those three teg lengths we’re going to hit the 10 the 20 the 30 it’s important that with my practice swing I’m just having a look at where that face gets to that gives me a feel for stroke length and then I’ve just got to keep that same forward tempo every time so I’m going to hit this using the same forward Tempo every time okay wonderful so there’s my 10 footer now I’m going to rehearse the 20 footer and as always that feels a little bit longer than I’m comfortable with which is a tendency of mine is to get a little bit short on the next two so those te pegs are there to help remind me so let’s hit a 20 footer bang on and now we’re going to go into the 30 footer definitely feels like I’m swinging it a lot longer than I want to I’ve just got to remember to control that forward time and let’s play our 30-footer there we go perfect so there’s three puts using the same forward time but adjusting my back swing length to suit and what I did was I added 50% to the the 10t stroke length and then another 50% to get me my 30 ft that’s how we’re going to train 10 20 and 30t parts this is actually a fantastic warm-up before you play if you go to any green where there’s quicker greens than you’re used to then you might have a shorter back swing or you might have changed your forward Tempo the idea is to find out what you do and then then work your ratios out accordingly and if you’ve got one drill before you play golf this is going to be the one this is how we get our speed tuned in remember if you misread or you mis aim good speed’s always going to save you


  1. Loving the vids Jamie! 28 putts with a total of 131ft sunk today for a tidy 69 🏌️‍♂️💪👍

  2. Happy to see you are posting more frequently. I landed on your page via your speed control video from 11/2022. Thanks to you my lag putting has improved significantly and I do not 3-putt every few holes like I did previously!

  3. 3 balls to the same place ? Bowling not golf – I take one ball to the green – go from edge to edge ( of the green ) from maybe 2 or 3 distances see it – feel it – and leave – that sharpness cannot be trained with multiple balls to the same place – but your right about the speed –

  4. The problems I've always had with this drill is that the practice greens are rarely flat enough to get a consistent read, and then it's nearly impossible to end up with the same level of slope on my putts during the round. Any tips for adjusting to slope after having this consistency from a single spot in practice would be greatly appreciated! 🙂

  5. Great video Jamie. Keep the great content coming. I’ll see you for a lesson at woburn soon 👍🏻

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